Alana's Scent

By spokensins

206K 11K 8K

"What we have needs no title and never did." Yet, as the days ran into weeks which quickly ran into months... More

Volume II: 56
P1: 119
P2: 119
-Bonus: 121-


837 73 114
By spokensins

Double for the trouble for the final chapter? Say less.



Here I was... and it felt unreal. To be in this stadium that seemed way more packed than the Trials. To be wearing the USA uniform instead of my high schools or my colleges. To be known by so many others and to have everyone looking my way ready for me to beat a world record.

I had trained my ass off. With the coaches from the US team. With my college track coach. Hell, I even got in more than a few sessions with Mackenzie whenever I could. I knew that I was ready. Truly ready. My times were down and I knew that I had to make this happen three times back to back today in order to really be ready to celebrate.

However, I had not expected to be getting in position next to the one person I hadn't seen since my back hit the pavement at the dreadful track meet back in highschool. There she stood in all of her glory. She had noticed me at the same moment that I noticed her and I had expected a smirk or a sarcastic remark but instead she merely nodded her head before speaking. "I know it's been a while and I should have been said this, but I'm sorry for how I behaved and what I did at that meet back then. You're really fucking talented Alana. Really really talented and back then I was so jealous and I wanted to win so bad that I took that chance away from you. I have nothing but respect for you and I mean it when I say that I genuinely apologize. I know it won't rewind time and get you that win that you should have gotten but I mean it, honestly."

My words fell a bit short, saying I was so used to bickering and feuding with her. I had known she made the team when I arrived at the first practice but she was an alternate for this event I was running so I hadn't at all been prepared for her to be next to me. Finally, I looked back at Crystal and mumbled. "It's all good, I shook back and realized that it wasn't my fault. Good luck today."

I tuned her out quickly afterwards, searching the stadium hoping to see where my family was seated but still came up empty. I had been looking for them since a few before they called us to line up and I hadn't been able to place my eyes on them yet. Knowing them well, I knew that they were somewhere around here and screaming loudly at that... however, so was the other thousands of people sitting in this stadium.

It was ironic wasn't it? How this moment came full circle for me... how I was a freshman running against what felt like people whom had worked harder than me for this. This was a blessing. A true blessing that came right back for me. I had missed out my senior year just to be standing here a year later in a better position than I was before.

Staying calm, I put my head down and began saying my prayer. I would usually lock eyes with the love of my life but I had to settle for the moment. So instead, after my prayer, my long winded prayer... I imagined my girlfriend in front of me. Smiling that smile that told me all the words she didn't have to say and saying that she loved me and to give this 110 percent.

My heart was beating rapidly but when that gunshot went off and my head shot up, the entire stadium went silent... I began moving quickly. Making sure I picked my back leg up correctly each time, my form needed to be perfect or else I knew I would land wrong footing wise. Crystal was on side of me, which did not shock me. She was just as talented as I was and we both knew that, which is why the petty beef from high school was so thick and tense back then.

The power of coexisting was useless to us back then and we were not teammates. We were not from the same school or coached by the same person. We felt nothing but indifference back then. Hadn't not held a genuine conversation ever in our lives up until a few moments ago.


Hearing her scream, I side eyed Crystal just in the split second that she'd stumbled over something and it sent her tumbling down. My adrenaline wasn't stopping at all and I continued, seeing the finish line a few meters ahead. Oh shit, I was about to win this... I was about to win first place at the freaking Olympics... I crossed the finish line but my legs did not stop moving.

It wasn't your fault.

Instead of celebrating, I ran back on the track and straight towards Crystal. She was sitting on the ground shaking her head as she tried to stretch out her leg. When I approached she looked up at me with tears in her eyes but smiled a genuine smile for once. "You won, go celebrate Hops!"

"Uh uh, not until you finish."

"What? No, my ankles killing me. I think I landed on something wrong." She scoffed as she waved me off. "Don't worry about me, if anything this is natural karma coming right back at me."

I glanced and saw that the medics were coming from the other side of the field and soon told her. "Come on, I know we didn't come this far to not cross the finish line. I'll help you. It's the Olympics girl, you are crossing that finish line. Let's go." Holding my hand out, she took it and I pulled her up and helped her stand steady. Her arm slunk around my shoulders as I began helping her towards the finish line. The crowd seemed to get louder as she hopped on one foot until we both crossed it together.

Our teammates met us after we did, cheering us on as the medics grabbed Crystal and laid her on a stretcher. She looked up at me and nodded softly. "Thank you."

"Anytime. I hope your legs ok." I told her honestly, having been in this exact same position.

"It just looks like a sprain." The medic soon told us all as they began moving her towards the Athlete Medic room. When they'd escorted her off completely, my teammates began jumping around me excitedly. My grin broke out as they patted my back, all of us walking back to our tent. I sat down on the ground in the shade and grabbed my water from next to me, chugging it down like it was no tomorrow.

I looked up and around again, trying to see if I could spot my family but came up short. Sighing, I dug into my duffel bag and pulled out my phone to text my sisters or my best friend to see where they were. However, before I could someone walked up on me. A lady with a suit on stood towering over me, her brown hair was short and in a short cut that fitted her. She looked me over for a moment with a serious expression. My teammates noticed her and everyone began looking my way.

Soon, her hand had extended. "Nicole Hoevertsz, nice to meet you."

Shaking her hand, I soon introduced myself as well. "Alana Hopkins, it's nice to meet you as well."

"Miss Alana, do you know who I am?"

"No ma'am." I decided to tell the truth just incase she was getting ready to throw me for a loop in the follow up question.

"I am the Vice President of the IOC."

My mouth hung a bit agape. "The International Olympic Committee, that IOC?"

She chuckled. "That seems to be the one, yes."

Finally getting my head out of my ass, I stood to my feet. "I'm sorry, I was just sitting down while you were talking to me."

"Oh no, have a seat, you just ran a hell of a race and did a very noble thing. You deserve to be sitting. You're running the 800 and hurdles next right?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Okay, after you finish Thomas Bach, the President, he would like to see you." My words fell short from the shock I felt and soon she had nodded, shaking my hand firmly once again and telling me. "Congratulations Miss Hopkins, we will see you up top in the glass room soon. Either myself or one of my colleagues will come down for you after the award ceremony." She had walked off after telling all of my teammates hello and good luck.

I stood even after she had walked away, I was in pure shock. The President of the IOC was requesting to see me? My mind tossed and turned in a frenzy almost, trying to think of the reasons of why. However, before I could truly process it all, someone had handed me flowers.

My eyes softened and my mind took a pause when I realized it was roses and sunflowers. Looking up at the man whom had just delivered them into my hands, he merely smiled and told me. "Someone special said congratulations."

He began walking away before I could question it and I simply rose an eyebrow as he did. I sat down with my flowers, waiting for them to call the next event and in the time that I had to rest, once again searched the stands. Looking for anyone familiar, be it my mother, my sisters, my besties, or prayerfully my favorite person... my girlfriend.

It seemed this track didn't seem as big until I realized I couldn't place my eyes on the people who mattered the most to me.

I laid back, throwing a towel over my face to block the sun and closed my eyes. Every minute I could get without having this sun beaming down on every inch of me was a win win at this point. So I decided a nap would work best. At least until these next three events were ran and it was time for hurdles. Then it would be another four events after hurdles and we would come up on my last event of the night. The relays.


My phone ringing woke me up from the nap I had began to take and as I picked it up, I pulled the towel off my head. Squinting from the sun still beaming down harshly, I looked at my phone screen and saw it was my girlfriend. Picking up quickly, I asked a question before she could. "Where are you?"

She chuckled. "I am in the stands my love."

"I know that JJ but where? I feel like I looked everywhere and I didn't see you or the family. We didn't get to do our thing that we do before every race. It's like my good luck thing..." I began pouting slightly.

"Don't pout my love." Her words made me begin to look around again and soon she confirmed that she was in fact somewhere nearby. "And don't hurt your neck looking around that hard. I know we do our thing before every race but please know that I am still doing it, even though you can't see us. We see you honey. Plus, I see you won the last race without our tradition."

I shook my head. "That's just because I did it in my head."

"I did too. So see? It still works and I am so so so proud of you. My baby is about to be a three time Olympian."

Grinning, I soon looked down and mumbled. "You think I got it?"

"Think? Oh no my love, I know that you've got this. Like it was never a question."

"Thank you baby. Oh, the vice president from the IOC came over and told me that the President wanted to see me after I'm done with my races."

"Really? I am so so proud of you honey."

Glancing down at the flowers, I smiled, now knowing who the someone special was. "Thank you baby and thank you for getting my flowers for me. I love them." My eyes went back to the stands as I seemed to almost search every single section that I could.

"Flowers?" Her voice seemed puzzled before she continued. "I didn't send down any flowers yet. You got flowers? What kind?"

"Sunflowers and roses."

"I would have gotten you Daisies or Tulips."

"Oh my God, I love Daisies and Tulips."

"Exactly, that's why I would get those instead of anything else. Flowers didn't have a card?"

Picking them up once again, I soon looked all through the flowers, finding a card stuck near the side of them. Slowly, I read the card in my head.

Congrats niece, we are proud of you and so excited to see you right where we knew you could be all along. We always knew that you would make it right to where you are now. See and talk to you soon!

- Coach/Uncle Rich & Auntie Amy

My head began spinning for a moment for those names were the last I had expected to see in a card. This time when I looked around it was not for my family but instead for the dreadful man whom had been the origin of my track nightmares. Feeling my heartbeat pick up, I glanced back at the card just to make sure the name was still there... and it was in fact still there. Laying in black ink and staring right back at me.

"We are ready for the 400 meter hurdles." The voice called out from the loudspeaker and I took my first inhale, a sharp one. One that I think my girlfriend must have mistaken for nerves.


At the sound of my lovers voice, I blinked blankly and asked. "Yes?"

"You got this Alana Danielle. I am proud of you. I love you and I believe in you 110%. There is nothing that you are not capable of, nothing that you cannot go out there and get if you set your mind to it. You are the only person on this entire green and blue earth that I would ever bet my money on and honey, I would bet my entire bank account on you anyday. Go out there and show them what you can do. No holding back, promise?"

My grin grew only slightly at her words as I soon told her. "I love you too and I promise."

"Go be great honey."

Soon, our call had ended and I had sat my things back down in our sitting area. Going back to the track, I began warming up with everyone else making it seem as though everything wasn't on my mind right now. Staying quiet, I merely went into my own head. My prayer went up to God as I took my time and worded it correctly and precisely. I had not been practicing hurdles for years and after taking that break and returning back to it, I felt so relieved to be back at it without all of the pressures from before. I knew good and well that if someone out ran me in a few moments than that would just be that. My family would not ridicule me and make insensitive jokes and my girlfriend would not talk down on me about coming up short. It would not happen and that gave me a huge amount of pure peace.

Enough peace to make me want to fight harder for a win.

Enough peace to let me know that I did not need to let anyone else in this world get to me right now. Not right now.. not in this moment.

The group of girls and I all lined up at the refs words. My head went down as I focused in solely on the task at hand, this was going to be my all or nothing moment. Proving to everyone that I could in fact win it all-- it did not matter what my Coach said. Or my dad on his rants of making me feel less than. This was me going all or nothing for no one but myself and that? Well that was enough to tell me that this would in fact be my win.

When the gunshot went off, my head flew up as I charged from the starting line. One foot in front of the other, I focused on my posture and began counting as I jumped.


The wind was blowing slightly but not enough to catch me off guard and after a moment, the stadium went silent. I continued jumping one after the other, counting each one and doing my correct breathing. This was going to be a stretch and I could see a girl three lanes down from me keeping up with every single one of my movements.

Damn, she was fast.

In the small amount of time left before the end, we had both approached the finish line and it felt like we were neck and neck. So closely that when we crossed it we both had no clue who had come out on top. Hitting the foam wall to stop ourselves, my eyes attached to the screen quickly. The girl who represented Jamaica and had kept up with me now stood next to me doing the same.

We watched as they replayed the footage in slow motion-- everyone seeming to hold their breath until we saw it for ourselves. My hands began tapping the sides of my thighs as I began praying that it was me. To me, the last run before this didn't count, nor did the relay. I had been running those for years and I knew that I was good at it but this? This event that I had just gotten the guts to step back into... this meant more than anything to me. So I merely asked God..


The video came towards the part we needed to see and I felt my heart skip a beat when I saw that I had crossed first, at least a few half of seconds before her but clear enough for them to not have to debate about it. At the revelation, the stadium erupted into cheering and the girl shook my hand with a smile.

My eyes blinked in disbelief, reading the words on the screen in awe as they began updating the charts.

Alana D. Hopkins Team USA 10.10

"Damn girl, you just beat a world record."

I pointed up at the screen, seeing her time of 10.13. "Girl, so did you."

"A 10.10 though? I have to give it to you, you a cold runner for sure." Another girl told me soon after and I smiled at them as I continued to steady my breathes.

"Thank you guys."

Everyone began walking back to their parts of the stadium and my teammates met me once again at the halfway point cheering. This time, I could feel every inch of my last race in my legs and I knew that I had pushed and gave it my entire all. So when I leaned over to catch my breath, my team merely began patting me on the back and soon I was handed a water bottle that I was oh so grateful for. Slowly making it back to my spot in the shade, I sat down and continued drinking my water. Finding my phone, I went to call my girlfriend... just to hear her voice again but I paused when I noticed that she'd texted me first.

JJ. ❤️
Two down.. one more to go my love! I am so proud of you. Super super proud of you. Also, look back.

I looked back and right into the stands behind me but saw nothing at first. That was until I saw a cut out of my face pop up into the air... not just one cut out, but instead five. Right before I went to text her again, my family began yelling and soon stood up. I saw that the new shirts they'd gotten were in fact more grand this time. Way more grand. However, right in the middle of it all stood my girlfriend. I could see her smile bright as day and it instantly made me smile right back at her. She knew that my eyes were on her and she pointed and turned her back to me.

Dani's Girlfriend laid stamped on the back of her shirt with a picture we'd taken a few days ago. I felt my heart swell and soon I had glanced down just to hide my blush from the big screen that my face was now plastered on. Looking up at the camera man, he was smiling at me and motioning for me to interact with the camera. Soon, I had made a heart with my hands and sent a smile his way just so he would move on to the next athlete. Right now was not the time, I was standing here with rosy red cheeks and now the entire stadium and people all over the world were seeing my blush on a big screen.

He moved on to the next person and I glanced back up at my family again. They were still cheering and yelling, causing me to giggle at them slightly. Sitting down but facing them this time, I moved all my things closer to me before grabbing my phone and texting my girlfriend.

To: JJ. ❤️
Blue and Gold shirts were a nice touch.

My head shot up to see when she was going to text me back and when I saw that her head looked down, I knew she was.

JJ. ❤️
Right? I was in between blue and gold or red and gold. Gil was all 'do white and gold!' and I had to tell him that we were going to be sweaty and looking a mess. At least the blue conceals it a bit lol.

I laughed at her response, yawning from what felt like pure exhaustion before texting back.

To: JJ. ❤️
I think any one of the options would have been beautiful. Tonight, can I get a massage?

JJ. ❤️
Of course love, whatever you want, whenever you want it. Always.


Four races later and here I was, lining up for the relay with my teammates. They were okay people but not humble enough to ever catch my attention and make me want to call them friends outside of this stadium. They were older than me by two or three years and it was made known at the beginning with the looks and the quiet comments that they thought I was too big for my britches.

It did not intimidate or frighten me away, but instead made me merely put my head further into my game and my game only. I had learned early on that the only way to shut those kind of people down was to show them better than I could tell them.. so that is exactly what I planned on doing. Coach had given me first leg which meant if I didn't start this right.. if I didn't give them enough time between or pass my baton off smoothly, this could go bad.

We had lined up, I had said my last and final prayer of this Olympic night and soon I was getting into position. At the words of the ref and the sound of the gunshot, I took off. Running neck and neck with a lady from Jamaica as I ran my straight into my curve once, twice, and finally came upon the girl I had to pass my baton to. Her left hand reached out as she took off and soon I caught up and we made the pass without a hitch. I slowed as she took over, us having a bit of a leeway on our runners up, Jamaica.

Moving out of the way, third legs began lining up and I noticed that Jamaica had gotten ahead of us. I knew our third leg was fast but these girls from Jamaica did not come to play. When it was time to pass from the second leg to our third, my eyes watched as the biggest mistake began being made.

Our third leg began running but her left hand began alternating with her right which meant that our second leg had to figure out which hand she could place the baton securely in. My heart dropped when I watched the pass not connect and our baton hit the ground.

Oh shit.

We had just gotten disqualified.

Looking at the final runner from our team, it was the first time I had seen any emotion come from her. She and I were the fastest sprinters here, yet she was the cockiest of the duo. Her legs buckled and her knees hit the turf, this was her final year here and she was not even going to get the chance to win it anymore. Our third leg picked up the baton and continued but at this point it was no use. It would not count and we were not in the running anymore, so it did not shock me when Polly didn't move. When she seemed to be utterly disgusted with the actions of her 'clique.'

In fact, it seemed as though they had spent so much time doubting my abilities and my talents that they had forgotten to practice and stay on top of their owns.

The irony of it all caused a slight chuckle to come from me but I quickly swallowed it down as I glanced back at Polly. The transition from their third leg to their fourth was made seamlessly by Jamaica's team and the race continued on without Team USA. Especially saying Polly's ass was still on the ground next to me. The other girls came over and soon they began discussing every which of way that they had fucked up the biggest races of their careers.

I did not find my way into participating in the conversation because I had done every single thing that I had came here to do. Every race was given my all, every step was made without doubt or wonder about whether or not I was worth enough or good enough to be in the position I was now in. I had proven everything to myself and this relay race changed nothing about the facts that I knew.

Truthfully, that was everything that mattered.

I was good enough. Worthy of every good thing in this world. I was loved enough. Loved so much that even in what felt like the darkest of hours, I was still able to see the light. I was a damn good runner and it did not matter who agreed or disagreed because I agreed. Everything that was for me was always going to be for me and no one on this green and blue Earth could ever change that.

So when I glanced up at the screen, seeing the women from Jamaica crying and joyful about their wins, I smiled. Seeing the happiness that I felt begin radiating off of them. It was amazing to see, honestly.

My teammates smacked their lips, scoffing at the women as they began walking back towards our tent. I knew Coach was going to have words for all of us, no matter who had messed it up and who hadn't. We were all for one and I knew that very well. So as I walked a few feet behind them, I couldn't help but try to prepare my best stone face for the monologue we'd soon be receiving.

A girl stepped in front of me, blocking me from walking anymore. Glancing up at her, I merely mumbled thinking that maybe she hadn't seen me walking. "I'm sorry, excuse me."

The lady smiled and soon told me. "Hi Ms. Hopkins, I was told to tell you to turn around and look up."

She pointed behind me making me turn and look directly at the big screen that soon went from the statistics of the race to my name in a pretty italic font.

Confused was an understatement as a video began playing and my girlfriends voice began coming out of the loud speakers. "There are many things you could say in reference to Alana 'Hops' Hopkins. You could say that she was one of the best runners to ever hit a track. Or that she was the most talented individual that has ever been born. You could say that she is one of the most persevering humans on this Earth and yeah... every single one of those things may be true but that is not all there is to the beautiful soul that I have fallen head over heels for. She is so much more than that. So much deeper than that. She is more than a track lane or a hurdle and she has given me so much privilege of just knowing her as Dani. I have watched her become every single thing she's ever dreamed of and most times I wish that she could see what I saw just to know that she is not anywhere near the ends of her dreams. I could honestly go on day in and day out about the woman that I am so blessed to call the love of my life, but that would take us centuries to get to the end of. So instead, I will merely say, I promise. I promise to be the first woman to love you in your love language and every other language that you need at the time. I'll be the first to listen and understand that your feelings are just as important as my own. To support every single one of your dreams, aspirations, and goals. To never give up on you when you are not yourself but to instead love you harder on those days. To be your everyday blessing, just like you are mines, and to love you unconditionally with no limits for the rest of our lives."

My heart beat sped up as the pictures of us stopped flashing on the big screen and instead went to the live feed of my girlfriend on one knee. The tears that I was holding began falling and it suddenly began to all click in. The reason everyone had gotten so secretive around me here lately and the reason Malaysia had come to town and didn't tell me until the day after she'd come. Why Kayani and Mackenzie all of a sudden didn't want to double date every Wednesday like we had been for the past two weeks. Why my mom had become so selective with her words during our conversations. It all clicked in and snapped into place right as the question left her lips.

"So Alana Danielle Hopkins, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?"

I stopped looking at the screen and turned on my heels, running over to where my family was and where Janet was kneeling in the stands. Soon, I nodded my head, yelling as every tear seemed to flow faster than before. "Yes! Yes I will marry you!"

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