Tensura x MHA: The Vacation.

By ThatManWhoScaresYou

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Its been a long time since Rimuru became the Supreme Deity. And as usual for all powerful beings with nothing... More

Chapter 0: Planning the Vacation
Chapter 1: The Vacation begins!
Chapter 2: Middle School
Chapter 3: A Hero's Journey
Chapter 3.5: Who saves the heroes?
Chapter 4: A day to remember.
Chapter 5: One Big Family
Chapter 6: First day in UA
Chapter 6.5: The reason we fight
Checking in/Theories/Retcons
Chapter 7: Combat Trials
Side Story 1: The date
Chapter 9: USJ
Chapter 10: Rescue
Chapter 11: An Explanation
Chapter 11.5: A second chance
Chapter 12: The Festival begins.
Chapter 13: What it means to be a hero
Chapter 14: What drives a hero
Chapter 15: An unexpected twist.
Chapter 16: I am here
Chapter 17: Awakenings and Internships
Chapter 18: Internships and a job listing?
Chapter 18.5: A quirkless secretary
Chapter 19: Life as a hero
Chapter 20: A Dangerous Request
Chapter 21: Waking in the dark
Chapter 22: A Troubling Encounter

Chapter 8: Combat Trials Part 2

1.2K 47 58
By ThatManWhoScaresYou

Todoroki and Iida stood outside the building used for the combat trials.

Todoroki: "Are you able to run on ice?"

Iida: "Uh. Yes I suppose I could with some difficulty. But my shoes have a lot of weight and grip so I should be fine."

Todoroki: "Okay then."

The match began and Todoroki walked in freezing the entire building. Telling Iida to wait outside until it was all frozen. Eventually they both started heading up.

With Milim and Ojiro. Milim saw the ice coming and due to not having enough time to prepare was caught in it. Alongside Ojiro. But simply got annoyed. Getting herself angry as usual. Powering up into her "Wrathful state" breaking out of the ice easily. Freeing Ojiro as well.

Milim: "Do you think you can fight one of them if I head off to fight?"

Ojiro: "I don't think I can keep the bomb away from Iida. He's too fast. And if I fight that ice guy I'm doomed."

Milim: "Okay then. I'll be right out in the hall then so they can't sneak past me. Just keep the door guarded. Don't let Iida slip past that doorway."

Ojiro: "Got it"

After a few more seconds Todoroki and Iida came up the stairs. Iida using his legs to move quickly while Todoroki glided along the ice to travel.

Todoroki: "I'll hold her. You go for the bomb."

Iida: "Got it."

Iida went to try and get past Milim by running at top speed. Having built up speed on the way up. But he wasn't aware Milim's quirk also multiplied her reaction time. She was immediately able to react and floored him with a single punch. Unconscious. Milim quickly tossing him to Ojiro who tied him up. Happy to just support Milim currently as she was his only hope at winning.

Todoroki: "I see... So not just your physical abilities but your reaction speed increases as well... That's troublesome."

Milim: "Right. You won't get past me."

Todoroki: "No. I won't. I see that. I can't fight at full force in this area. You win. I forfeit."

Milim: "Eh?"

All the viewers: "EH?!"

Everyone was now back in the viewing area. Milim still in her form pissed at Todoroki for just quitting like that when she was so excited to fight him.

All Might: "Well. Obviously the MVP of that round is Milim Tempest. But can anyone tell me why Todoroki made the right choice to forfeit?"

Momo: "I can sir. In a real scenario if a villain is too strong for a hero to handle it is best to prioritize evacuation or call a hero who can handle them if there is enough time. While it is favourable that they escape with both heroes. One is better then none. He saved himself from an unwinnable fight with no chance at making any difference."

All Might: "Nothing gets past this girl huh?"

All Might: "Correct again Young Yaoyorozu! Now. Lets get prepared for the next match!"

Fumikage Tokoyami & Tsuyu Asui VS Eijiro Kirishima & Mezo Shoji

(Nothing interesting happens. Tokoyami takes out Eijiro in a dark area and then they tag team Mezo)

Ultima Tempest & Mina Ashido VS Momo Yaoyorozu and Hanta Sero

Ultima and Mina are waiting outside for the starting signal.

Ultima: "Hey. Ashido right?"

Mina: "Call me Mina!"

Ultima: "Oookay? Mina. You were a fan of my dad right? Is that why you seem so excited to have me on your team?"

Mina: "Yes and no. I'm super stoked to be teamed up with you since your one of the tempest trio! You three are basically unstoppable! And since your dad is Uriel unlike Carrera you must be even more amazing!"

Ultima: "Look. One thing you need to understand is we aren't different. Yes. Our parents are pro heroes and we have trained with them. But outside combat experience. We are just the same as you. Were not invincible. You have already seen that with Carrera. She has lost twice now. We may be tough but we aren't unbeatable."

Mina: "R-Right. Sorry."

All Might: "You may begin!"

Ultima calms her thoughts. Closing her eyes and taking deep breathes.

Mina: "Uuuh what ar-"

Ultima: "Shhh. I'm concentrating."

Mina stood there confused while Ultima did breathing exercises. Once she was fully calmed she let out some energy. Which shot off in all directions in the building until one of the balls of energy located two targets through a metal wall with tape over it. Blasting into it. Creating a loud noise. Breaking the wall and showing where they were.

Emotional Energy - Mode Calm: Energy fired while fully calmed will search an area until a target is within 20 meters and take the most effective route to that target.

Ultima: "Come on."

Mina followed after Ultima. After about a minute they reached the room which Momo was still trying to repair. Ultima ran towards the Door. Momo backing inside with the door just now fully repaired. Sero taping it from behind to force it in place and add more layers. Ultima forced herself to think of things that angered her as she blew down the door with destructive force.

Emotional Energy - Mode Anger: Energy fired while angry will be more destructive. Causing more damage almost to the point of being uncontrollable.

The moment Ultima enters the room she eats a small pill. Shivering as she does so. Placing her hands on the ground. Freezing Momo and Sero. Them now being completely stuck unable to move. Only their faces remaining unfrozen.

Momo: "She froze only the area between us and both our team members while avoiding freezing the face. Its also not too much to avoid harming us. The level of control needed for that... That's insane..."

Ultima walked up to the bomb placing her hand on it. Mina just looking on in awe.

Mina: "She claims she isn't unbeatable yet she certainly seems like it."

All Might: "Heroes win!"

Flashback to the day after the entrance exam. Rimuru. Milim and Ultima were all in a room inside the Tempest household.

Rimuru: "Firstly. Congratulations both of you for making it into UA. I knew you could do it."

Ultima: "Why are we doing this again dad... We already celebrated yesterday."

Rimuru: "But I have yet to give you your celebratory gift."

Milim: "Oh please tell me its honey pancakes!"

Rimuru: "Hahaha. No I'm afraid not. But you may like it even more."

Ultima: "What is it."

Rimuru: "Well. I'm going to give you both another quirk."

Ultima & Milim: "You can do that?!"

Rimuru: "Yes. They are both quirks I don't use but will work wonderfully alongside your current quirks. They may even merge in a way similar to my quirks. Creating additional effects combining both quirks."

Rimuru Tempest:

Quirks - Slime/Analysis and Modification

Slime - The user's true form is a small blue slime.
This quirk also allows the user to absorb just about anything it can submerge inside itself. They have the ability to alter their size and shape and even mimic certain things it has absorbed. It has a high regenerative ability which can be used on others by using ones own slime body to create a liquid that works like a potion (A full potion) however this must be regenerated and regeneration takes a large amount of energy. Once exhausted. The user will no longer regenerate.

Analysis and Modification - The user is able to analyse just about anything they see. Taking time based on how complex it is. This would normally just allow them to mimic fighting styles and quirk attacks but when paired with the slime quirk. It is able to fully mimic almost anything analysed. And either when fully absorbing a person or with enough time analysing one person's quirk can fully replicate a quirk for the user to use rather then just individual attacks. Modification allows the user to modify certain features and such of an attack form or anything analysed. Allowing for combination and such (Basically Degenerate)

At the cost of losing the quirk. Rimuru can separate a quirk into a small piece of himself and merge it with another person. Giving them the quirk.

Rimuru: "You first Milim."

Milim walks forward quickly letting her dad place a hand on her head. Fusing the quirk into her.

Rimuru: "Milim. To you I give your mothers quirk Energy Manipulation. Which I finally finished copying back when you two were in Middle school."

Milim: "You mean. I have my mothers quirk now?!"

Rimuru: "Yep. She said you might like it. So I decided I would give it to you a while ago."

The two share a hug before Rimuru separates speaking up.

Rimuru: "Your turn now Ultima."

Rimuru fuses another quirk into Ultima.

Rimuru: "Ultima. To you I give the quirk Temperature manipulation. I worked hard to create that quirk with aspects from all kinds of abilities I had gotten over time."

Ultima: "So cool..."

Temperature manipulation: This quirk allows the user to manipulate temperature. They can take the heat from a flame and place it onto ice. Causing the flame to die out and the ice to melt. She can also withstand incredible temperatures both hot and cold and use her own bodies temperature to freeze or heat up objects. So long as she can touch it. She can manipulate its temperature. When combined with Energy manipulation. She can give them an aspect of that temperature. Resulting in bursts of flame or ice.

Back to the present.

Ultima: "This quirk really is incredible..."

Everyone yet again returned to the viewing area. Ultima being named MVP for obvious reasons.

The next battle began.

Denki Kaminari & Kyoka Jiro VS Yuga Aoyama & Minoru Mineta

(Nothing interesting happened. Kyoka tracked them down and Denki shocked them while Kyoka got the weapon.)

All Might: "And now we head on to the final round!"

Himiko Yokina & Koji Koda VS Rikido Sato & Toru Hagakure

Himiko Yokina wore a skin tight black outfit with vials and needles strapped to different parts of her body. She tried to stay quiet. Same with Koda. Resulting in absolutely no plan as neither wanted to talk. Himiko due to personal issues Koda cus he was nervous. Eventually it started. Himiko found Sato and dodged a punch. Injecting him with a needle draining a bit of blood.

Sato: "Aaah! Just what the heck are you doing?!"

Himiko: "Koda. Hold him off for me. I'll win this for us!"

Koda just kept running away from Sato. Keeping him distracted at least. Himiko stopped and drank the blood. Transforming into Sato. Everyone in the viewing area responding with shock. Having not known what her quirk was before. Some thing it was scary. Others thought it was cool.

Himiko disguised as Sato walked into the bomb room. Slowly walking towards the bomb.

Toru: "Your back? What happened?"

Himiko (As Sato): "Couldn't find em. Figured it best to come back here."

Himiko walked over to the bomb and touched it. Before revealing her real identity. Her skin tight suit made of her own hair so she didn't end up naked. (Similar to Lemillion in principle.)

Toru: "What the?!" 

All Might : "Heroes win!"

Koda was relieved as Sato suddenly got confused.

All the combat trials were over and everyone headed to the entrance. Being congratulated by All Might before he headed off. Everyone headed back to class to go over everything. Eventually Izuku and Bakugo woke up. Bakugo first then Izuku. They started talking.

Izuku: "Hey Kacchan. Somethings been bothering me."

Bakugo: "What is it Deku?"

Izuku: "Yesterday after you hit Carrera with that blast. When I was walking away I looked back and... You almost looked sad... Plus you've been acting so different lately. Heck you haven't screamed at me once since that yesterday."

Bakugo: "I screwed up. I felt like I had gone too far. Which I had. That much was certain. After my talk with Sensei Rimuru... I decided its time to stop fucking around. And be serious. Stop letting my emotions dictate everything. Until Middle school I lived like a king. Nothing could bring me down. Then those three showed up. And showed me that while I'm strong. I'm not invincible. I trained tirelessly to get that feeling of power back but... When I finally thought I would get it... All I felt was dread..."

Izuku: "Woah. Kacchan. I had no idea you felt that way. I'm sorry."

Bakugo: "Don't be. Things are better this way anyway."

Izuku: "Okay then. I'm glad we can finally talk like this again Kacchan."

Bakugo: "Yeah... Sorry for all the crap I've given ya all these years Deku..."

Izuku: "How is he using that nickname in that sentence."

Bakugo looks up at the sky. Before a small blush forms on his face.

Bakugo: "H-Hey. Deku. I-Is Carrera single?"

Izuku: "Eh?"

Izuku was shocked still by that.

Izuku: "Wait Kacchan do you like Carrera?!"

Bakugo: "Another word and I'll kill you Deku!!!"

Izuku: "Well good to see he isn't completely different."

Izuku: "Y-Yeah she's single."

Bakugo: "Hmph. Good."

Izuku just blinks.

Izuku: "A-Anyway. We should head to class. Put our things away and get ready to head home."

Bakugo: "Right."

a few minutes later. Bakugo and Izuku open the door to 1A seeing everyone there. Everyone ran up to greet them. But before anyone could do much. Carrera came up and Bakugo went up to her.

Bakugo: "Yo. Carrera. Wanna go to dinner tonight?"

Carrera: "Oh? Asking me out are ya? Okay then. I'm down. Where ya takin me?"

The two continued making plans while the rest of the class just watched on in awe.

Milim: "What. Is. Happening!"

Mina: "Yes yes yes! My ship is sailing! And I get to hear where they are going?! Sounds like a spy mission to me!"
(Side story coming soon)

Izuku: "That fast?! He only just found out she was single!!"

Everyone else just continued to look on in shock until the very end of the conversation. Everyone talked for a bit before leaving. Bakugo and Carrera heading off on their date. Mina in hot pursuit. Milim and Ultima noticed this.

Ultima: "I'll see you later Izuku. Someone's got the right idea."

Milim: "Don't count me out. See ya Izuku!"

Izuku just waved them off as Milim and Ultima joined Mina in the bushes. Izuku returned home. Only to be questioned by Veldora and Shuna (Rimuru being out doing hero work) on where the girls were. To which he answered with one simple response.

Izuku: "I can assure you they are all safe and will be home later but could not even begin to explain if I tried."

Izuku then went and passed out on a bed. Veldora extremely confused. Would start trying to call Carrera.  As the day came to a close.

Thank you for reading. The first ship has sailed. But this story isn't here for ships. Instead. Side stories will be made that actually detail what happens for those interested. The only main plot point being that the relationship exists. So don't worry the story won't devolve into being purely based on the relationships of certain characters. This is how most relationships will go. This probably being the most intrusive one since it was so surprising to everyone else. I hope that's okay with everyone. Since I believe this is the best of both worlds. See you in the next chapter!

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