"Family? I have a family?"

By Ant357627

43K 672 362

What if Summer & Tai adopted another kid in their lives. Or more? More

Chapter 1
What they look like
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
What the siblings look like now
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
What happened during their childhood
Chapter 15
Fun Facts!
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 5

2.6K 41 44
By Ant357627

It has been two years since the Rose/Xiao-Long family adopted the kids.

Right now the oldest siblings Y/n is near Mantle with his sister Winter, Aunt Raven and Uncle Qrow traveling.

Why are they traveling near Mantle? To check out a mining site that lost communication for about a week now.

Raven: You sure it was a good idea taking them, Qrow?

Qrow: Technically it was yours. Plus we're only investigating. If it gets to dangerous we'll tell them to stay put until we come back.

Winter: You two realize we can hear you.

Qrow: And I hope you do Ice Queen.

Winter:*pouting* Why do keep calling me that. Plus my hair isn't fully white anymore.

That's right. Both Winter, Weiss and Whitley's hair now has a raven black spot in the middle of their hair. As Weiss told the others that the black hair was from their father and the white hair from their mother, as she mentioned that his hair was dyed white.

Summer wanted to buy more hair dye for them, but they refused saying that this proves their not a Schnee anymore but a Rose/Xiao-Long. This made Summer cry as she hugged her three kids in joy.

Y/n: Also, I can protect Winter and myself, too.

Raven: True. But your still not ready yet.

Y/n: Yet. Plus I know you, Uncle Qrow, Mom and Dad have been training and teaching Yang, Cinder, Emerald, Mercury, Roman and Winter here for Signal Academy.

Raven: Right. But why aren't you interested?

Qrow and Winter looked at Y/n for answers too.

Y/n: Someone has to watch and protect the house.

Winter: But with your semblance and high aura, you can be the greatest huntsman in the world.

Y/n: I thought you said I was the greatest older brother in the world.

Winter: And you still are.

Raven: You can become someone like me.

Y/n: Aunt Raven, no offense. But I rather not. Also how did you set oven on fire making cookies?

Raven: Uhhh....

Raven: So Summer left me in charge of you guys today.

Weiss: Actually, Mother left Big bro in charge.

Raven: Don't worry, he, Roman and Winter need a break. Also who wants cookies?

Ruby, Weiss, Emerald, Whitley & Cinder:*raising their hand* Me!

Neo raises her hand too.

Yang: Do know how to bake cookies?

Raven: It's cookies. What could possibly go wrong-

Next scene shows the oven in flames.

Weiss, Emerald, Ruby & Yang:*running around in circles* Run away!! Run away from the fire!!

Cinder is seen protecting Neo from going close to fire. And Mercury tries blowing at it.

Y/n calmly puts out the fire with a Fire Extinguisher.

Winter & Roman:*to Raven shocked & confused* HOW!?!?!?!

Raven:.......The risk I took was calculated, but maaaan am I bad at math.

Whitley: Mommy will be mad.

Summer:*coming back* And she is.


Summer with her weapon in hand runs and jumps at Raven.

Summer:*sliver eyes active* SUMMMMEEERRR ROOOSSEE!!!!

Raven: AAAAHHHH!!!!

Raven: Till this day I still don't know.

Winter: At least we made sandwiches later after that mess.

Y/n:*looks ahead* Is that the mine?

Qrow & Raven: Huh?*looks* Yeah.

Ahead of them was the mining site that was now on the defensive against a Grimm attack.

Qrow:*worried* Oh no...

Winter:*extremely worried & covers her mouth* The people....

Raven: Well that explains the communications lost.

Y/n: Say, I'm only seeing mostly the guards and very few of the workers. And don't most if not all of the workers seem to be faunus?

When Y/n said that, Winter looked at him in shock, then at the mine. Her shock turned to anger.

Winter:*angry* I knew it!!

Raven & Qrow: Huh?

Winter:*angry & sobbing* I knew Jacques was using faunus for the hard and dangerous labor! But I didn't believe it! I didn't believe. And seeing it now.....*sobs*

Y/n rubs Winter's back to comfort her.

Meanwhile, Qrow and Raven have a look that says "I'm going to murder that thing".

Qrow: We should try and save as many of the miners as possible.

Raven: And the guards?

Qrow: Not our problem.

Raven: Great plan.

Raven then turns to Y/n and Winter.

Raven: Stay here, we'll be back. Y/n, protect Winter.

Y/n nods his head as the two went to try and save the miners.

Winter:*still sobbing* ......We......We should help them.....

Y/n: But they told us to stay for safety. And I was told to protect you.

Winter: But!

Y/n:*princess carries Winter* That doesn't mean I will assist you while I protect you.

Winter: Wait Y/n, I can run on my own feet!

Y/n:*crouches* I know.

Winter:*confused* What are you-

Y/n uses his semblance and jumps high in the air this also clears the snow around him. And while in the air he flies to the Dust Mine.

Y/n taking off:

Meanwhile with the unprepared Winter:*screams in panic, confusion, shock & fear* AAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!

With Qrow and Raven flying there in bird form.

Qrow:(in birb) We're almost there, get ready.

Raven:*hears something*(in bird) Say, you hear some-

Y/n speed blitz past them, while Winter scream fades in and out.

Winter: aaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAHHHHHHhhhhhhh..........

Both Raven and Qrow fall to the ground back in human form with both of their heads in the snow covered ground.

Raven & Qrow:*in pain*...........owie....

<Meanwhile at the Dust Mines>

Faunus Worker:*running away* Come on! We got to get out of here before they blow the entrance!!

Many workers ran, some limped, others tried to crawl.

Two kids were running with the adults and other kids.

Kid: Come on Ilia!! Were gonna make it!

Ilia:*crying & tried* But Adam.......My Mommy and Daddy are still....

Adam: I know! But I also know they'll make it.*quietly* Mom....You better make it, too.

A/N: Ignore Weiss.

The two were able to make it with the others, but then....

Faunus Worker: Sweet Mother of a Mantle!! Centinels and Megoliaths coming in!!!

As he said that about 10 Centinels, 5 Megoliaths and 50 Beowolves came rushing in.

Adam:*looks around in a panic* W-Where are the guards?!

Faunus Worker 2: I think they just-

Before she could finish her sentence. A noise that sound like a missile was coming. And got closer. And closer..

<Before the 10 Centinels, 5 Megoliaths and 50 Beowolves arrived>

Y/n: I see the mines.

Winter:*sighs in relief* Thank goodness. Also.*shocked* YOU CAN FLY?!?!?!

Y/n: Yes. It's my semblance. Also don't get mad for I'm about to do.

Winter: What do you mean?

Y/n: I will catch you at that spot where I'll land.

Winter: Wait what?

Y/n throws Winter a little high in the air.

Winter: WHHHHYYYY?!?!?!

Y/n then launches himself like missile and hits the ground away from the people and VERY close to the Grimm.

The second he hit the ground it exploded.


(start at 2:16-2:23)

The workers thought it was a actual missile until they realize it was just Y/n in a superhero landing pose, surrounded by dead Grimm and a completely burned area. Wearing now a white cape and purple scarf that blew in the wind.

Y/n: Is anyone hurt?


Y/n:*looks up* Knew it.*catches Winter* Told you I'll catch you.

Winter:*dizzy* Papa? Ruby is stuck in the cookie jar again.*shakes head then looks around* Where are the guards?

Faunus Worker: They left us......

Winter: And is this everyone that made it?

All the workers and kids looked back at the mine that's now caved in.

Adam:*sighs* Sadly yea.

Y/n:*looks down* I wish we made it here earlier.

Faunus Worker 2: We all say the same thing. But,*smiles* thank you for saving us tho.

Faunus Worker 3: Yeah, thanks kid.

One by one, everyone began to thank Y/n. It was then Qrow and Raven came to see the burned area, the caved in mine, about 153 people now safe and Y/n and Winter.


Qrow & Raven:*shocked* Y/N?! WINTER?!?!

Qrow:*looks back and forth* What and how?!?!?

Winter & Y/n: Semblance.

Qrow & Raven:......

<Timeskip to the next 9 days>

At Rose Xiao-Long Household Nighttime

We see Ruby, Neo, Weiss and Whitley by the front door waiting for both their uncle, sister and brother to arrive back from their trip. Roman, Yang and Cinder kept watch just in case the four run out if they hear the smallest noise thinking it's them. But they too were also waiting for them.

Summer meanwhile was trying to make a large cookie with the help from Emerald and Mercury.

Mercury: I feel like we need a bigger oven.

Summer: Remember, the last one got burned by "You know who" so we are going to work with this oven.

Roman: Or make the world's biggest cookie by having it bake outside with a large baking pan.

Everyone looks at Roman wide eye.

Roman: What?

Ruby, Weiss & Whitley: That's....

Summer & Emerald: GENIUS!!!!!!!

Yang: On no...

Cinder: You doomed us all!

Roman:*mumbles* Me and my big mouth...

Just then the front door opens.

Neo: "Big Brother! Big Sister! welcome back-Papa?"

Out the door first came first was a defeated Taiyang, a VERY sober Qrow, a VERY drunk Raven who tripped and fell on the floor face first and just inchworms to couch where the rest of the other two adults.

Summer: What in the name of strawberry?

Then last but not least, Winter who's holding a Redhead Bull faunus' hand and Y/n giving a piggyback to a sleeping Chameleon faunus.

Winter: Everyone. Meet Adam and Ilia.

Adam: H-Hey....

Ilia is still asleep.

Y/n: They are also our new brother and sister. Adam is the same age as Roman, Winter and I. And Ilia is the same age as Ruby, Weiss and Neo.

Summer then now notices the bandage wrapping around Adam's left eye.

Summer:*to Adam* What to your eye, Adam?

Adam looks down and says with a little venom.

Adam: The SDC.

Summer: Oh okay. Excuse me.

Summer walks to a coat closet and starts rummaging through it.

Cinder: Uh...Mom? What are you looking-

Summer:*cheerful* Found it!

Ilia now wakes up.

Ilia: Found what?

Summer:*smile* My Emergency RPG of course!


The adults: SUMMER NO!!!

Summer: SUMMER YES!!!!!!*kicks front door open* I'M COMING FOR YOU JACQUES!!!!!

Adam: You know what? I like this new family.

Ilia:*chuckles* Same.

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