Letting Him In | BWWM

By _Leahh

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Audrey had to face the harsh reality of life at the age of sixteen, when her mom left her to take care of her... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
The Shift
Chapter 32
Chapter 33

Chapter 6

766 34 7
By _Leahh

Jonah's POV

This place was an absolute gem. The fried chicken is amazing and the butter milk biscuits is everything I needed in a small warm delight. But the waffles with the homemade maple syrup and chicken? That takes the cake.

"Twenty-three." I guessed her age.

Audrey looked displeased. "Nobody has ever guess that close but no, I'm twenty-four." I grinned in triumph.

"Maybe I'm just that good." I tease turning my plate some so I can try the next dish.

"I say pure luck." She shook her head. "What about you? Thirty?" She blurted.

"Ouch. I'm twenty-seven." She laughs deviously which led me to say, "but you knew that already." I pointed out narrowing my eyes at her.

She nods. "Guilty. I may or may not have heard Tula and some of the other girls mentioned it before."

I mentally roll my eyes because of course. Tula probably gave all hotel staff a presentation on me and Tim.

"Are you born and raised here?" I ask taking a fork full of mac and cheese into my mouth. I had to swallow the groan that was in my throat for being so good.

"Pretty much." She shrugs, "born in Fort Lauderdale actually but that's basically up the street."

I nod watching as she takes a sip of her water. I watch as the straw rest right between her lips, lips that I find so damn attractive that I can't help staring at. They're like the perfect shape that they remind me of the dolls that my sister used to play with–too good to be true.

It's something about Audrey that immediately when I laid eyes on her, I practically itched to know her. I wanna know what makes her happy, what makes her sad and quite frankly what turns her on. It frustrates me when I do try to talk to her and she shuts my questions down by asking why do I care. It frustrates me because I don't know why, I just know that I want to know.

That I want her.

But I have eyes, and anyone with eyes can clearly see that Audrey has her guard up. By guard I mean four steel walls up around her that even the military can't break down. Which is fine, I'll respect her boundaries and won't force her to do anything she doesn't want to do. I'm just really glad she reached out to me.

"Do you ever wish you can be from somewhere else?"

"No." She answers rather quickly. "I like Miami and I wouldn't change anything about the roots that tie me here."

I thought back to when she told me she wishes to see snow just for a change in scenery. She had a certain desolation in her eyes when she talked about it and I figured now wouldn't be the best time to touch on it.

So I decided to go for a lighter subject that usually gets women going.

"Who's your favorite music artist?" I grin leaning back in my seat.

She raised her eyebrow and gave me a look that clearly said really? But I only smile in response as she shrugs.


I chuckled. "Really? You know they made a whole series about her crazy fanbase." I teased as she laughs.

"Just because I say I like her doesn't make me a crazed fan. I love her music and would love to see her live but that's it."

"So you won't murder me behind her?" I joke.

She drops her fork. "Why, you don't like her?" Her face drops but there was still a glint of humor dancing in her eyes.

"Check please!"

She snorts before she burst out laughing. I mean she actually snorts before she laughs and I find it to be the cutest thing. I couldn't even hide my big goofy grin as she laughs and tries to get me to take my hand down from grabbing the waiter's attention. She reached across the booth and grabbed my wrist.

"I'm just joking, Jonah! Relax." She giggles sitting back in her seat as I shake my head at the waiter who was starting to approach. "No, I would never kill for a celebrity." She clarifies.

"Whew." I pretend to wipe away fake sweat as she rolls her eyes. "So you never seen her in concert?"

"Nope." She pops the p. "Too expensive but still love her though."

"What's your favorite song?"

She furrowed her eyebrows. "That is a loaded question but I guess I would say Me, Myself and I. I used to play it on repeat at one point."

"You know they do say your favorite song is based off how you're feeling at the moment." I point out as she shrugs.

"That could be true." Her eyes fell down to the table and I notice her shoulders were tensed.

"Can you sing it for me?"

As hoped, her shoulders dropped and the tension in her face was gone as she shot me another bemused look.

"See, now you're playing." She chuckles dryly while shaking her head. I smiled. "What about you?"


She stared straight at me. "Where are you from?"

"Toronto." I inhale sharply. Audrey eyes nearly popped out as she glared at me.

"You're from Canada?"

"Yeah, lived there until I was about eighteen. Went to college in Michigan and haven't really been back since." I explained swiftly. I've been back home for holidays of course but I don't ever plan on moving back. I gulped my whiskey and noticed Audrey was still looking at me as if I grew a second head. It made me nervous honestly. "What? Why are you surprised?"

She blinks and all her emotions were now gone. "I don't know, it's just why are you here? If I was from Canada I would be in Canada."

I shrug. "I don't know, I guess I don't feel a need to go back."

Home isn't all what it's cracked up to be is what I wanted to say but I didn't want to tarnish the night with a sob life story when it's not necessary. I do go home to visit my parents and my sister or times when Tim wants to go back to see his family. But it's something about when I'm home I'm always known as my father's son and not my own person. I hated it.

I clenched my jaw and finished off the rest of my whiskey. Through my glass I notice Audrey was still staring at me, most likely watching the mix emotions across my face. The way she was looking at me, like she could read me but it wasn't in a judgmental matter. Instead a small smile crept up her lips.

"What?" I gave a bemused look.

"Do you know Drake?"

She could barely finish the question before she crackles making me smile.

"Oh get the hell out of here." I tease as she snorts while throwing her head back. I chuckled, relief washing over me. She didn't push me on the subject and I was grateful for it.


The restaurant unfortunately closes at eleven and around eight we moved from the table to the bar to continue our casual conversation. Now it was approaching ten and it hardly felt like I just spent four hours with her. Four hours to forty hours just doesn't feel like enough.

"You used to be a cheerleader?" I clarified, my grin expanding.

"Yeah, up until my sophomore year." She shrugs swirling the straw in her third cocktail.

For the past four hours we barely scratched the surface of talking about her and who she truly is. Conversation has been flowing but about things such as her favorite color is red, her birthday is July 12th and she likes to watch low budget movies in her free time.

When I try to ask her about her family or something from growing up she simply tells me that's off limits for discussion. It was clear she didn't feel comfortable opening up to me completely, which I can understand. I did know one thing though.

She invited me out here.

Although when I told her to give me an answer to my questions when asked, I didn't exactly have any expectations. I just know that with her inviting me here and talking to me still–its a win, win situation.

I'm a patient man and if it takes a little time then that just means I get to spend more time around her until she does trust me.

"I would love to see pictures." I tease resting my arm up against the bar, my body turned to face Audrey.

She cut her eyes at me. "I bet you would. I wouldn't want to get a reaction out of you." She retort teasingly.

I raised my eyebrow but bit back what I really wanted to say. It wouldn't take much for anything of hers to get a rise out of me. I chuckled.

"I'm sure I'll see it eventually."

I was so engulfed in Audrey's presence that I didn't even notice the restaurant cleaning up around us. They started to take chairs and flip them up on the tables, mere indication that they close soon. I sigh when I notice Audrey looking too as she sits up.

"I can't believe it's almost eleven." She gasp checking her phone that had a few messages on her screen. "I guess we should go."

I frowned. I feared she would say that.

"Okay," I say dropping a hundred dollar bill on the counter. "Let me walk you to your car."

She nods as I placed my hand on the small of her back and followed her out the restaurant. The second we walked outside humidity just about smacked me in the face and left me gasping for air. I glanced over at Audrey and she hardly seemed phased by it. God I couldn't imagine dealing with this heat all the time.

Like before, we approached her car slowly and I find myself stuffing my hands in my pockets.

"Next week, Tim and I leave for Vegas. We'll be there for about two weeks. If it's okay with you, I'm hoping we can go on a date before then?" I suggest feeling my palms growing sweaty in anticipation.

Audrey knits her eyebrows together as she leans against her car. Her eyes were looking anywhere but me but I could see the hesitation in her face.

"I'm really hoping here." I add, basically begging.

She laughs softly. "It's not that I don't want to, Jonah. It's just I have to work, and if I'm not working then I'm at a basketball or softball game. I barely have time."

"I can figure out something." I step forward with a smirk on my face as she raise an eyebrow.

"How are you gonna do that?" She crosses her arms over her chest, looking up at me.

"You have to agree to the date first."

Once I was directly in front of her, I reach up and my thumb caresses her cheek. I half expected her to push me away or shift uncomfortably. My eyes searched hers for any indication of uncertainty or if I was making her uncomfortable but I couldn't read them. Her eyes were soft, big and brown as she stared up at me. The only thing I did know was that she didn't pull away from my touch so that had to be a good sign.

"I want to spend more time with you." I mumble staring down at her lips. So inviting without even trying.

"I don't get you." She whispers.

I drop my hand, placing it on her arms that she had up and tightly crossed like she was afraid to give in.

"What is there to get?"

She sighs and looks down and I have to stop myself from reaching for her and lifting her head up.

"You're so vocal with what you want. Most guys can't even tell you what they like let alone what they want, it's like tryna crack Morse Code." She rolls her eyes. "With you...it's refreshing."

I grin and lean back on my heels. "I've always been raised to go after what I want." She snickers and meets my gaze.

"I'm not ready for anything serious yet." She says while clearing her throat. "But I won't lie and say I don't want to see where this goes."

"Okay." I say, her neck snap up in my direction.


I nod. "Rome wasn't built in a day. So whatever pace you want to go in, I'm okay with it."

She smiles. Her lips spread wide into the most breathtaking smile I've ever seen and for a second she looks relieved. So relieved that she uncrosses her arms, steps forward and wraps her arm around my neck. I chuckle wrapping my arms around her waist, surprised by her sudden embrace.

She smelt good, like flowers and coconut all in one. She felt good in my arms. Her warm body pressed against mine, chest to breast, I bit down on my lip and closed my eyes–taking in the moment. I squeeze her waist softly, noticing that the top she wore was backless and revealed her rose tattoo that ran from her shoulder to her mid back.

She laughs and pulls away, running her hands through the back of my hair in the process and I swear I got chills.

"I guess its a date then." She says with a small smirk.

She takes a step back and it took me a second to gather my thoughts. All I knew was she was in my arms and now she's not and I want to touch her again.

I lick my lips. "You bet." I lean forward and grab her car door, holding it open for her. "Get home safe, gorgeous."

"Are you okay to drive?" She questions considering I had four glasses of whiskey but I was fine. I don't get intoxicated easily.

"Yes, I'm fine. I'll even text you when I get to the hotel."

"Smart man." She snickers stepping into her car. "I'll give you thirty minutes too, or I'll come banging at your door."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "I'm confused. Is that supposed to threaten me into texting you? Because it's doing the opposite, honestly sounds like a good time to me."

She laughs and shoots me a playful glare before starting her engine which was my cue to close the driver door.

"I'll see you tomorrow?" I called after her as she begins to reverse.

She rolls down her window. "I'm off tomorrow. I'll see you Tuesday."

"Tuesday." I mumbled to myself.

I guess that gives me all day tomorrow to think of something.


My plan is to update every Monday or Tuesdays for this book. :)

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