Freedom [Complete, 18+]

By NovelByJayne

528 34 0

Ripped away from the one person who ever truly cared about her, Katherine soon discovers how cruel the world... More

Chapter 2: The dangers of temptation (Matt's POV)
Chapter 3: Is this real! (Kitty's Point of view)


12 1 0
By NovelByJayne

"You shouldn't have done that, Sean." I groaned out as my newly released wrist caused me to plummet to the ground. 

"What? Ri, I had to get you down?" He said beside me on the floor following his attempt to hold me upright whilst injured. 

"No, Stuart's a cop you'll go to jail or not even make it there." I said wincing as a particularly sharp twig dug into one of the many open wounds on my back.

"How can you think like that, he was...attacking you? And hang on how do you know him."

Thinking about him made me turn my head to search him out not wanting for him to creep up on us whilst we were talking. Discovering him still out cold lying in an awkward position brought a small smile to my face. Eyes closing in exhaustion I decided that a nap sounded like a good idea when I was abruptly shaken by the shoulders. I wished my eyes to open but they seemed too heavy. 

"Ri, open your eyes. You need to open your eyes."

"Why?" I muttered softly forcing my eyes open. 

"You've lost a lot of blood I don't want you falling asleep on me, okay so just try and keep them open." After I nodded he continued, "I saw a small house a little way away hopefully they have some first aid or at least wipes." 

Getting up slowly using the hand proffered in support my head rushed as I grew steadily vertical. Steadying myself I then started walking towards the gap in the hedge giving the unconscious body a wide birth afraid that he would reach out and grab my ankles so that I couldn't escape. My hands started to shake and as I looked down I realised I was still very much naked though covered in leaves, blood and mud. 

"It's this way," Sean said gesturing.

"Wait! Sean do you have my cardigan or any spare clothing to cover me up it's really cold," trailing off as his eyes drifted from my own. "Sean!"

"Yes hold on one sec," as he began to take off his own bloodied t-shirt.

"No, Sean stop you'll get cold." I said motioning for him to keep it on but I was met with deaf ears and he just gave me it keeping his head turned away. Reaching for the sodden clothing I splipped my arms into it and pulled it over my head pulling it down. It covered the important parts but I might as well have not worn it as it stuck to me like a second skin. "Thanks." I said as I couldn't help but let my eyes drift below his eyes to his sculptured but not overly so chest.

"No problem Ri. Shall we go now?"

After a brief glance backwards, I followed but the further we got the more blurred my vision became and the more I stumbled. With every step I took my back ached as the movement pulled at the torn edges, so I tried to keep my back as still as possible but no matter what I did it still was agony. He frequently looked back, slowing his pace to meet my own, and each time I tried to smile to show him I was fine when I really wasn't.  As we changed direction though it became too much and I fell to my knees. I had even dragged my hand down a tree injuring myself further, not that I released at the time, in an attempt to keep myself upright. 

"Ri! Are you alright?" Sean said as he rushed back to my side, crouching down beside me. 

"I don't think I can make it there, you go I'll be fine." I said as I closed my eyes once more.

"No, Ri come on I'll carry you," he said whilst slipping his hands under my raw back.

Screaming at the rough sensation I recoiled from his touch rolling only managing to get the wounds even dirtier and more twigs prodding sharply into them making them even more painful.

"Why did you even come, I would have been happy to just died and you could have lived but now you're going to die as well."

"Ri, I came because I heard you were in pain and why would I die? Never mind you don't need to worry about me I can take care of myself."

Prodding his stomach lightly, "Oh you can, can you? What is this then, my imagination?"

"I told you before it's nothing, it will heal and you didn't answer my question before how do you know him?"

"You don't want to know." I whispered turning my head away from his searching eyes. 

"I think I do. Tell me." He ordered his voice harder than usual.

Enraged I responded in kind, "Oh you do, do you? For over two and a half years I was repeatedly used as a piece of meat to beat or to satisfy man after man who couldn't get it elsewhere. Stuart was one of the many cops on the payroll that got complementary whores as part of their service. But Stuart was the worst and took a shine to me or so he would say. He took extra pleasure in making sure that I remembered him by nearly always leaving me half dead. Are you satisfied or do you want more details about what he would make me do?"

"Ri I...I'm sorry that I...sorry. Can I ask why you didn't report him when you were found?" His voice softened and I was glad that he didn't ask for anything more on the subject. 

Sighing I muttered out "Who would believe me against cops. They were loads of corrupt cops in the companies back pocket ready to assist them with avoiding arrests and bending the law. They all backed each other up and I didn't know all of them or how far up the company had reached." 

"I've had some experience with corrupt cops myself and I can't stand them. I find them even more disgusting then the criminals themselves because at least they don't make a vow to protect people as their role in life. I promise you that I will do my utmost best to put them away for good but first we need to get going and get them cleaned otherwise they might become infected. I'll be as gentle as I can and the less you move the less it will hurt."

Taking a deep breath I nodded and waited as he took the confirmation and began to slip his hands under my back and legs.  

"Ready? Three, two, one!" he counted as he lifted me up into his arms as he stood up on one.

 Biting my lip not wanting to let him know how painful that was I tasted blood though that was nothing new. As he started to walk though his uneven step jolted me in his arms and I couldn't help but let out a groan of pain. 

"Sorry Ri, I'm trying as best as I can, just hold on for me alright? We're nearly there I can see it."

 Turning my head I glimpsed between some trees a small stone building covered in flowers. It had a chimney but there was no smoke and I hoped that meant that no-one was home. Not having enough energy to support my head I let it drop backwards. I watched the tree lined night sky lit up by stars before tilting my head to Sean and watched as a grim expression was fixed on his face. Sweat poured down from his forehead and his hair was mattered and stuck all over the place but the determined look in his eyes made me smile. The next thing I knew I was shaken roughly as Sean kicked something which after the resulting thud I assumed to be a door. After a few moments I heard the unlocking sound before the door was opened. 

"Please we need your help?"

"Oh dear! Of course, of course. Come in, please." An elderly lady said as she quickly waved us inside as she moved aside. "Put her on the sofa here. What happened?" 

I was slowly lowered gently onto the well used sofa until I was completely lying down and I breathed a sigh of relief at the steady softness underneath me. Sean dropped to the floor beside me and I shouted his name in alarm. 

"I'm calling an ambulance." The lady said as she rushed to the landline on a little wooden side table, dialling in the number as she spoke. 

"No! No please don't." We both shouted which made her stop dialing mid-step.

"Why ever not, you need help? Are you criminals or something?" her voice quavering and more timid as she backed away keeping a hold of the phone. 

"No, please listen to us before you decide. We are not criminals." I begged and after taking her nod as acceptance that she would wait I continued hurriedly "I was attacked by a corrupt cop but Sean here tried to save me so um..." I trailed off unsure of what to say but at least she looked like she believed me.

"Ma'am calling an ambulance will do more harm than good so please don't. If it is not too much hassle it would be greatly appreciated it if we could have any bandages and alcohol, or even just a wash to stop them getting infected." Sean asked as he struggled to stand. "We won't harm you I can promise you that. Please at least help Ri, I can go if you feel uncomfortable."

"No, no don't be silly sit down. I'll just fetch my first aid kit it's in the bathroom." The lady said with a smile though still clutching the phone. 

"Ma'am if you do use that phone and call the authorities then they will probably kill me and take her back to be prostituted again." I flinched at the term he used, despite his attempt to lower his voice, and couldn't meet the old lady's eyes as her gaze snapped to mine. 

"Is that true?" Her hands had dropped to her sides and the grip on the phone loosened when I nodded not wanting to say it out loud. She gasped and rushed over, arms outstretched, to hug me but I couldn't help myself from recoiling and shifting behind Sean. 

"She doesn't really like contact, don't take it personally." Sean said, "So are you going to call them or not? If not can you please put down the phone or give it to me." 

"No I won't call the authorities, I promise. If you want to follow me to the bathroom we can get you cleaned to see what's needed better alright. This way," she said with a smile as she put the phone back on its stand and excited the room.

"Sean can we trust her? Maybe we should just go." Wary as I didn't want them to find us.

"No, we should stay to at least get the cuts clean. I think we can trust her she seems genuine. Shall we go, he said giving me a hand when he himself had struggled to stand. 

Limping forwards towards the sound of running water I noticed Sean following closely a hand pressed against his stomach as blood began to drip down leaving a trail of blood on the carpet. 

"Sean, you're-" I started but he cut me off saying "I know, I'll sort it soon, don't worry."

I entered into the bathroom and the bath appeared to be half way full, and on the counter was a wide range of dressings and alcoholic wipes.

Answering my no doubt confused expression she said, "My late husband did a lot of hunting but most of the time he just managed to injure himself not anything else. Oh I did love that man." She seemed caught up in past times until I moved towards the bath testing the temperature. 

"Are you sure I can't help any further," she said coming closer to me but pressed myself further against the bath nearly falling in. "Alright dear call me if you need me and I'll be right in. Use as much as you want, I don't really need it anymore but I couldn't find it within myself to get rid of it, do you know what I mean." She said as she closed the door behind her.  

I stared at the bath as it steadily filled and how I longed to sink into the warm depths. 

"You can get in if you want, I'll turn around." He said as he turned around and headed for the sink picking up a flannel and wetting it with water. 

Seeing as he was occupied, I peeled off the shirt and winced as it ripped from the wounds as it had started clotting. They began to bleed again as I lowered myself into the bath, the heat stinging but at least there was no bubbles.  Lying back I scrubbed at the places I could reach trying to get clean.  I tried to only use my unharmed hand as the other was severely cut which throbbed when I put any pressure on it. Even limiting myself to one hand: washing still proved painful as my wrists were aching having been cut into by the metal cuffs where nearly my whole body weight was resting. At least the handcuffs didn't go in too deep so no vessels were cut. 

No matter how hard I tried though I couldn't do my back. Glancing over at a freshly bandaged Sean I argued with myself before reluctantly asking for some help. I leaned over slightly and covered my breasts with my hands as he turned around and headed over. 

"Are you all right? What do you need?" He asked as he crouched by the bath.

"Um can you clean my back I can't do it properly as I can't see my back."

"Sure. This might hurt slightly though, just to warn you."  

Taking a deep breath I winced slightly as a warm wet cloth was wiped across a particularly deep gash. 

"Sorry, sorry but they need to be clean though so it doesn't get infected," he said as he kept on going. 

Clenching my fists tightly I waited for him to finish knowing how much worse it would feel if they became infected. I stared forward at the rose tiles in front of me, counting each petal over and over and then the individual spots making up the petals trying to waste the time and focus on something else. It must have been successful as the next thing I knew Sean said he was done and handed me a towel before turning around. Making sure he wasn't peeking I quickly grabbed the towel and stood up wrapping the towel around me. Stepping out of the tub I nearly slipped before his hands reached out and steadied me.  

"Thanks, Sean."

"Don't mention it. If you lie down somewhere then I can put some antiseptic cream on before wrapping them up if you want."

Holding the towel tighter around myself I immediately loosened it again as it pressed against my back. Lying down on the bath mat so I wouldn't get cold I left my towel loose so that it could be pulled down to expose my back injuries. I heard movement so I turned my head to see Sean gathering medical supplies from the countertop. His arms were full when he returned to my side, placing the stuff around him. As he started applying something to my back it appeared that he had done this many times before.  The pain subsided slightly as he finished with the last of the dressings and gave me a painkiller with a glass of water after I had sat up. Tucking the towel in, I gulped down the pill proffered and drank the rest of the water as well not realising how thirsty I was until I started drinking. 

I looked towards Sean not knowing how to thank him to see him finishing up clearing all the wrappers and equipment up into a neat pile to be thrown away or washed. 

"Sean I want to um...thank you for all you did tonight. I'll make sure you get a big bonus and overtime for staying to help and fix me up. If there is anything you ever need it's yours." I said knowing that money was one of the things men valued above all else. A sudden shaking of his head confused me and he replied "No Ri you misunderstand this has nothing to do with my job, I came and helped because I didn't want you to get hurt, a lot of good I was though. I was too late yet again." 

He looked so downcast and I wondered what the 'again' meant but before I could stop myself I was leaning over and kissing his now slightly rough cheek. Pulling back straight away, I blushed and turned my head away trying to hide it as his head snapped up to face  me. 

A knock on the door, before it was quickly opened broke us out of the little staring match as we both looked towards the door, though I did notice how Sean angled his body in front of mine. Her head popped around the door but she stopped and was about to close the door saying, "sorry I don't mean to interrupt I'll come back later."

"No, no don't worry you weren't interrupting what do you need?" I quickly asked just as the door was about to shut. The door opened wider and she asked if we were sure before entering into the small now crowded room. 

"I was just bringing you some spare clothes. They should fit my daughter and son-in-law left them here by mistake last time they were here." She said holding out the clothes and coming towards us, but stopped when I flinched. Her smile shortened and she just lay the clothes down on the floor before backing out the door giving us 'privacy'. 

Sean moved towards the clothes pile and handed me the smaller set, though on looking through it I couldn't find a bra or underwear. Sighing I turned away and slipped the top over my head frowning at how tight and girly the magenta shaped top was, something I had avoided since I was forced to wear them. Not having anything else I kept it on and was thankful when I found that at least the trousers were nice and loose and long.

Turning around I gasped at the view of muscles clearly portrayed through the tight t-shirt Sean was now wearing and the jeans which even I had to admit made his ass look almost edible. 'No, no, no.' I shouted mentally at myself not wanting to get caught up again when my future was short to say the least and involving him would just make his shorter. Who am I kidding why would he want used trash like me when he could have anyone he wants? The thought made me frown and I headed towards the door only for his hand to reach out and stop me. 

"Are you alright?"

Putting on a fake smile I said, "of course nothing a good night's sleep won't fix." Yeah like that would happen I thought as I couldn't remember the last time I had a good night's sleep. Nowadays more than three hours is amazing; the constant worry that the people who had managed to get away scot free, when evidence was 'accidently' lost, would come for me was enough to keep me up even without all the flashback nightmares. 

"Sleep might have to wait a little longer I'm afraid. We need to get going again; we're too close to where we were and the cop will no doubt be awakening soon and searching the area."

"If we have too I guess." I mumbled not looking him in the eye. "Where are we going to go?"

"There's a place I used to go, it's remote and not registered in my name so no-one will find us. It's quite a way though so we need to get transport."

As we headed towards the front door I glanced back wondering if we should say goodbye and thanks to the women feeling guilty about just leaving. Especially since she was the first person I had come across who had helped not expecting anything in return. As the door opened she came into view with a frown on her wrinkled face and oven mittens covering her hands. 

"Leaving so soon, I made some food and I thought you could rest for a while it looks like you need it."

"I'm sorry ma'am that was very kind of you but-"

"We would love that, thanks so much and for all you've done for us already." I cut across him as I couldn't bare the disappointment that was plain on her face. She smiled and headed back into the kitchen gesturing us to follow. I was about to do so when a grip on my upper arm halted me and I looked up from the hand to his worried face. 

"Ri, we do really need to get going."

Shaking my head I asked "will ten minutes really make that much difference? Come on the least we can do is be nice to her after all she has done and the food will give us strength for the journey. You can go if you want to, I'm not stopping you." I added on as he shook his head but with a sigh he let go and followed shutting the door behind him sealing in the heat. 

Moving forwards into the kitchen area I asked if I could help with anything but I was told to just sit down and it would be ready in a second. As I waited I looked around and noticed just how homely the small kitchen was with quaint little ornaments and smiling photos. I couldn't help but wish this was how I was raised as there definitely was no shortage of love in this house and I would take love over rolling in money any day. Moment later she sat down a large container of soup and dumplings which smelled delicious. Mouth watering, I happily accepted the full to the brim bowl and carefully set it down in front of me not wanting to spill it over the wooden table top. Waiting for the others to start I followed soon after and grinned at the flavour explosion going on in my mouth. The next thing I knew I was gathering up the last spoonful only to raise my head to look at the staring people opposite me. Looking down I saw that they both had plenty left and I blushed as I had probably looked disgustingly greedy. I started apologising but I was stopped "don't worry dear. It's a compliment that you liked it so much. Would you like some more?"

Having stopped I realised just how full my stomach was so I declined the offer before complimenting the grandmother like figure. As they continued eating an easy conversation was struck up but I couldn't seem to focus though I did notice how he would look my way every once in a while. 

In a world of my own I didn't realise that they were speaking to me until a touch on the arm brought me back. Flinching away from the contact I nearly fell of the stool backwards but managed to steady myself just in time by grabbing the sturdy table. 

"Sorry dear, I didn't mean to startle you. I was just asking your name, in all the rush I forgot to ask."

She just kept staring at me until I mumbled "Katherine" lowly. 

"Such lovely names: Katherine and Sean. Now is there anything else I can do?"

"No it's alright. Thanks so much for all you have done I don't know how to thank you. I promise that I will send money for the clothes as soon as possible. But I think it is time for us to go now thanks again." I said as I got up from the chair.

"Wait where are you heading and how by how you arrived I assume you don't have transportation? Never mind why don't I take you in my husband's truck and you can rest in the back."

"Oh no you've already done enough and it's at least a couple of hours drive." I quickly replied not wanting to burden her further.

"Don't worry I could do with a spot of shopping anyway and I don't have anything else to do. I would love to take you and how else would you get there I assume not by taxi and you sure aren't going to walk out of my house in that state: my husband would rise out of his grave. It's final then I'll give you a ride no arguments."


"No buts. Now I'll just gather a couple of things together whilst you tell me where we are heading."

As she turned around I whispered hurriedly to Sean "but we can't, what if she gets hurt because of us."

"Ri, if we hide in the back or boot then they won't stop her so they would have no reason to hurt her but if we left now on foot, or even when I said we should have, there is a greater risk of us getting caught. I don't like it but it is the best option. We won't get far injured and we don't have any money so we would have to steal a car or take a lift from a stranger which makes it more likely for the journey to go wrong."

"Are you sure? Isn't there any other way like borrowing the car if she lets us?"

"No I don't think so as we could be spotted and stopped by police. We could also be identified by cameras with face recognition and therefore our destination could be recorded."

"Shall we get going then dears? Sean can you be a sweetheart and help with the bags into the car, they are by the door." The lady, Betty, turned to me and took me by the arm. "He's a good man, you must be really happy."

"Oh no you misunderstand we are not together." I hurriedly corrected her.

"Why ever not dear, he seems really sweet?"

"He is my-" I halted mid sentence unsure whether I should tell her that he was my bodyguard.

Just at that moment Sean came back into the room saying "what did you pack Betty? That's a lot of stuff."

Smiling at Sean she replied, "Oh hush it's not much just the essentials: clothes, food and extra bandages. Shall we go as we will just miss the morning rush hour if we leave now?" Betty said as she gently tugged on my arm leading me out into the pre-dawn light. The luggage filled the backseat and as the large but not exactly spacious boot was opened I just stared at the black hole. 

"I...I don't think I can do this...the boot I mean." I stuttered attempting to back away as the blackness looked like it was getting smaller and smaller. 

"What's the matter dear?" Betty questioned a worried expression stretched over her creased face. 

"Ri, I know it's small but it's the best option. I'll be right there as well. You don't to worry it's completely safe, if a little bumpy."

"I...I...okay," I said giving up as I looked between them and the boot. Taking a deep intake of breath I tried lifting my injured leg up but I gasped so I decided to sit down on the edge before more easily swinging my legs inside. Sliding in, Sean soon followed and Betty handed us some water bottles for the journey. Sean lay down but I couldn't because as soon as I did she would close the boot lid and the darkness would take me back. 

"Ri, are you alright?" Sean murmured as he touched my back.

Flinching away from the contact I shuffled away from him as far as I could in the confined space. He put his hands up in the air in surrender, "I'm sorry Ri, I didn't mean to scare you. Come on just breathe. When you're ready lie down and we'll go."

Staring at him my heart rate gradually slowed and then sped up once again. Mentally preparing myself I lay down keeping as far apart from him still. 

"Ready?" Betty asked smiling but with a creased brow.

Nodding I attempted to smile and by how her smile widened I was successful. 

"Just knock if you need anything. Otherwise it should be a couple of hours without any traffic. Do you need anything else?"

Shaking my head, Sean added "no we'll be fine thanks. Are you sure you remember the way?"

"I'm sure. It's near a little place we used to go on family holidays. See you in a bit. Get comfortable and try and get some rest." With that she closed the boot lid but as the light was gradually blocked out I panicked reaching out for the light;  likening the closing to the closing of the basement door as it left me in the dark. The lid was rapidly shut the rest of the way and I could feel a scream building up when hands covered my mouth. Struggling against it on instinct, I bit down hard on the inside of his palm but his grip did not loosen instead a harsh whisper in my ear made me stiffen: "Ri! Quiet people are here."

 I stopped struggling and listened eyes wide despite the darkness and eventually as my eyesight adjusted I started hearing voices talking. 

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