The Caseys, 2023: Family Life...

By OneChicagobyA

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Sequel to the Short-Story "The Caseys: Parenthood Begins" Matt and Gabby are now home with their sons. This i... More

Welcome Home
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Pregnancy + Butter + Sun = A Disaster in the Making
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Preparing for a Weekend of Romance
One Last Half-Hour of Girl Time
Romantic Getaway: Day One, Part One
Romantic Getaway: Day One, Part Two
Romantic Getaway - Day One, Part Three
A Halstead Family Get Together, Part One
FLASHBACK: Jay & Alex's Romantic Night, Part One
FLASHBACK: Jay & Alex's Romantic Night, Part Two
Are You Okay Alex?
The Casey-Halstead Clinic for Mental Health
Romantic Getaway: Day One, Part Four
Romantic Getaway - Day One, Part Five: A Sunset Meal and Cuddle
Romantic Getaway: Day One, Part Six: Romantic Bath
Romantic Getaway: Day One, Part Seven
Chapter Twenty-Three
Romantic Getaway: Day Two, Part One
Romantic Getaway: Day Two, Part Two
A Deep Dive into Matt's PTSD - Part One: Pre-Medication
A Deep Dive into Matt's PTSD - Part One: Post-Medication
A Deep Dive into Matt's PTSD, Part Two
Romantic Getaway: Day Two, Part Five Interrupted - Part One
Romantic Getaway: Day Two, Part Five Interrupted - Part Two
Romantic Getaway: Day Two, Part Five: Interrupted
Romantic Getaway - Day Two, Part Six: The Cuddling Continues
GABBY DREAM: Father's Day 2019
Romantic Getaway - Day 2, Pt. 7: Lunch Date
Romantic Getaway: Day 2, Pt. 7: Post-Lunch Cuddles
Romantic Getaway, Day 2 - Part 8: Revisiting RV Conversations
Romantic Getaway - Day 2, Pt. 9: Ocean Fun Time
Romantic Getaway - Day Two, Part Ten
Romantic Getaway - Day 2, Pt. 11: Pillow Talk and a Shower
Chapter Thirty-Six: Noah, Part One
Noah, Part Two
Welcome Home Noah
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
All's Good
Chapter Forty-Two, Part One
Chapter Forty-Two, Part Two
You, and The Boys are My Dream
Chapter Forty-Four, Part One
Chapter Forty-Four, Part Two
Strategy Sessions: Our Legal Strategy
Chapter Forty-Six
Post-Press Conference
MATT DREAM: Matt's Birthday 2020 with Emilia
Chapter Forty-Nine: Emilia and Andy
I Don't Want to Be Apart...I Want to Be in Your Arms
Do You Blame Me?
Relaxing and Conversing in the Living Room
A Secured Washroom Break-turned-Impromptu Press Conference
Welcome to California
Chapter Fifty-Five
Chapter Fifty-Six, Part One
Chapter Fifty-Six, Part Two
Chapter Fifty-Seven
How Long are We Staying in California?
Leaving for the Beach
Beach Day, Part One
Beach Day, Part Two
Beach Day, Part Three
What Does This Mean for Us?
Celebrating the Deal, Part One
Celebrating the Deal, Part Two
Happy Birthday Gabby, Part One
Sharing the News, Part One
Sharing the News, Part Two
How to Balance
Our Living Situation: Jay & Alex
Our Living Situation: Will, Natalie, and PJ (1)
Our Living Situation: Will, Natalie, and PJ (2)
No E-mails Today, Part One
No E-mails Today, Part Two
All Together Now, Part One
All Together Now, Part Two
The Caseys Get Ready for a Swim
Jay & Alex Get Ready for a Swim
Birthday R&R: Cleaning Up
Birthday R&R: A Conversation with Ramon
The Name Game - Round Two: Brainstorming
The Name Game - Round Two: Grace Elizabeth Casey
Nap Time, Business Time
Birthday Family Cuddle Time, Part One
Birthday Family Cuddle Time, Part Two
Post-Morning Sickness Shower
Post-Morning Sickness Snack
Fast Asleep
Taking it Easy for the Night
A Morning Walk on Playa San Juan Leighton
Getting Comfortable, Part One
Getting Comfortable, Part Two
How We'll Make It Work, Part One
How We'll Make It Work, Part Two
Taking it Easy, Part One: In the Shower
Taking it Easy, Part One: Getting Cozy in Bed
Pregnancy Diary #2: Grace Elizabeth Casey
Painting a Nursery?
Taking it Easy - Part Two: Lunch
Taking it Easy - Part Two: You Did What Now?
Taking it Easy: Not Rushing It
ELLA Apparel
One Baby Girl, Two Lovers, Three Nights, Four Seasons
Grace and Done?
Worrying News
Get Out of Here
Cedars-Sinai, Part One
Cedars-Sinai, Part Two
Change of Plans, after a Drama-Filled Day
No Sex, Please
A Night of Rest and Relaxation
Long Night
Congratulations Future Mom, Part One
Congratulations Future Mom, Part Two
Chapter One Hundred: Making Breakfast, Part One
Chapter One Hundred: Making Breakfast, Part Two
Breakfast in Bed, as Requested
Let the Cuddling Begin: Stripping Down
Let's Cuddle (and be Honest with Each Other)
Checking in with the New Parents (All of Them), Part One
Checking in with the New Parents (All of Them), Part Two
Daddy's Back, and Ready to Relax - Part One
Daddy's Back, and Ready to Relax - Part Two
You Okay?
FLASHBACK: Last Morning in Chicago
Lingerie Lunch in Bed with Matteo, Part One
Cuddling (and Eating) in Bed with Matteo, Part Two
Expertise and Regrets: The Expertise
Expertise and Regrets: The Regrets
Heart Stopping, Plan Changing News
Is This Really a Good Idea?
Comforting and Talking: Not Going
Comforting and Talking: Remind me Who I'm Married To?
Grace Casey
Kyle and Stephen Severide
A Toast to Fatherhood
Family Time, Bedtime - Part One
Family Time, Bed Time - Part Two
Pre-Business Meeting Shower
Pre-Business Meetings Cuddles
Reversal: Talking Business in Bed
Hi Beautiful, Hi Handsome
Postpartum Time
Office Conversations
Post-Breakfast Cuddles and Conversations
The Conversations Continue
A Walk on the Beach with the Boys
Home Sweet Home
Lunch Time Cuddles and Podcasts, Part One
Lunch Time Cuddles and Podcasts, Part Two
Time to Strip Down, and Relax in Bed - Part One
Time to Strip Down, and Relax in Bed - Part Two
Day Five
Hey, You're Okay - Part One
Hey, You're Okay - Part Two
Aloha Sexy Thing
Welcome Back to Hawaii: 21st Floor, CEO's Office
Welcome Back to Hawaii: 25th Floor Penthouse
We Have Time
A Weekend Alone is Exactly What we Need - Part One
A Weekend Alone is Exactly What we Need - Part Two
Where is Our Forever Home
Matt Daydream - Part One
Matt Daydream - Part Two
Hawaii is Our Forever Home, Part One
Hawaii is Our Forever Home, Part Two
How are Jay, Alex, and the Twins? - Part One
How are Jay, Alex, and the Twins? - Part Two
A Night of Rest and Relaxation Only, Part One
A Night of Rest and Relaxation Only, Part Two
Time, Part One
Time, Part Two
Tripler Army Medical Center, Part One
Tripler Army Medical Center, Part Two
You Fell Asleep in My Arms
They Had to Restart your Heart
The Start of Part Two

Casey Police Work: Designing a Car

36 0 0
By OneChicagobyA

Hi Readers: I hope that you guys enjoyed today's updates. But unfortunately, this chapter will be the last update for today. But that doesn't mean that it's not going to be a nice chapter. More specifically, a Halstead chapter. Hopefully, you guys like it. Thanks again for reading. Here's Chapter Seventy-Eight with Jay & Alex.

There are a lot of things that Jay and Alex don't have for a project: approval, a budget, and an idea as to what they're doing. But there are a few things that Jay and Alex have for this project: dedication, and creativity. Somehow, they're going to find a way to design a car; and they're also going to find a way to make it work, especially this model. But what model are we talking about? Well, the first model that Jay and Alex have decided to create, is a K-9 special police vehicle; but not one for those who are part of the K-9 unit. Rather, it's going to be a vehicle for those with PTSD, which many more features that may in fact help veterans; the soldiers whom are done serving their country overseas, but don't feel like they're done serving their country at home. And if they learned one thing that really caused the couple problems while they were in the car together, it was how you can hear the sirens inside the car; sometimes, they are so loud that you can barely hear what you're saying to your partner. And Alex knew that most definitely did not help Jay.

It affected Jay somehow, and she could tell that it was something that always bothered him; but now, they have a chance to change that. A chance to make a huge difference in the ways that cars are designed, and that they can make sure that they are done properly; and luckily for them, they have this time right now. Time where they can just cuddle up to one another, and use their iPad to work on in. However, she still doesn't exactly understand one thing. While Jay did have the idea, and he did want to create this; why exactly does he have to be the one to design it on this software, when they already have another team who have the ability (and professional training to do so). That's when Alex decided to ask her husband why THEY'RE the ones doing this, as opposed to some of their design team (whom they pay a lot of money to work on this). Turning her head, Alex smiled as she looked up at the man she loves more than anything in the entire world. "Jay?" Turning his head to look down at Alex, Jay smiled as he wrapped his arm around her. "Yes?"

Alex smiled as she heard Jay say that, loving the way he said yes to her; so much so, that she wants to get him to give her a kiss. Pointing to her lips, Alex smiled as she waited for Jay to act; which is did pretty much right away, the husband wanting to kiss his wife too. Just taking things slow with her after he kissed her, Jay smiled due to the fact that he's extremely happy right now. The way that he and Alex are holding each other in bed is absolutely perfect, and it's really comfortable; then again, they're always comfortable when they cuddle up to each other in bed. But that's not why Alex is going to talk to her husband right now. Rather, she's talking to her husband as she has questions for him; questions that she'd really appreciate if he answered for her. "Baby, I just have a question for you about why we're the ones who are designing this car?" Jay sighed as he heard Alex ask him that, the husband knowing that he's going to have to tell her the truth when it comes to the funding; or more precisely, the lack of funding for this project they're starting.

"Yeah, about that. Uhm, there's a reason that we need to do this in secret right now." Alex got concerned when she heard Jay tell her that, starting to thing that this may not be something that's a very good idea anymore; especially after what Jay told her next. "You remember how I said that this project has already been greenlight by Matt?" Alex was shocked. "Jay! Seriously? I mean, we can't really do this yet if we don't have his approval. Oh god, please tell me that we're the only people who are working on this; and that you didn't get some staff to work on this, when the project hasn't even been approved by Matt." Biting his lip, Jay took a breath as he had this bad feeling that Alex was going to be really mad at him once she learned all of this; but in his defence, he really wants to get this project started. And if he waited for Matt to approve of funding to start the project, then it might be a while; and that's due to the fact that they do not have a financial meeting set in stone yet. "Jay, you can't do this if you don't have Matt's approval; it's not our money."

Jay sighed das he heard Alex tell him that, well aware that's the case. "I know." Alex sighed as she laid her head down on his chest and cuddled up to him; after which, Jay ran his hand up and down her back. Turning his head, he proceeded to kiss her forehead softly and just held the woman he loves more than anything close to him. After all, this was exactly what he wanted to do with his wife right now. He wanted to hold her close to him, and he wanted to make sure that she was comfortable in his arms; which she most certainly is at the moment. I mean, what's better than the feeling of the man you love holding you in his arms; after all, that's exactly what Alex is getting at the moment. She's currently in the midst of getting the feeling of her dreamy husband holding her in his arms, as they cuddle up to each other in their bed; yet, that didn't mean that she wasn't exactly the happiest about this. "Jay, what if Matt shoots this project down? Then this may be a bunch of wasted time, when we can do a bunch more things right now." Jay agreed, sighing.

"I know, I get that. But..." Jay sighed as he turned his head once again, before kissing her forehead; this giving him some time to think of how to explain how he feels to Alex right now. And the way he feels right now, is like this is what he's supposed to be doing. He's supposed to be working on this, and that it's going to get approved regardless; plus, they're already doing it for, he can only assume that they're going to do the same for police cars in the future. "Alex, Casey Fire is already doing the same thing for the firetrucks. I can only assume that we're doing the same for police vehicles." Alex took a breath when she heard Jay say that, as she can only assume that's going to be the truth. Yet, she's still worried; worried that it's not going to happen. Taking a breath, Alex turned her head and then bent down to kiss his chest softly. After which, Jay kissed the top of her head. "Do you want to stop?" Alex sighed as she tugged the covers up, thinking about it. "I am so comfortable though, and I'm enjoying it." Jay agreed with his wife.

After which, he watched as Alex turned her head and looked up at him. Wrapping his arm around her back, Jay smiled as he proceeded to rub her arm. "What can I do to make you feel better doing this?" Alex sighed as she thought about it, before laying her head down on his chest again; after which, she thought about something that would make her feel better (and okay) when it comes to working on this project. "I think that, if Antonio approves of us doing this, then I think I would be okay with doing this." Jay agreed with Alex as she told him that, before smiling as he turned his head and kissed her forehead softly. "Okay, then I think that we can get that done. Do you want me to call him?" Alex smiled as she heard Jay ask her if she wanted Jay to call Antonio, before nodding. "At the same time, can you bring up that e-mail from Matt? I want to read it again." Jay agreed with his wife as she asked him to bring up the e-mail.

The e-mail that gave them an update on the operations of the company. After all, it's something that they need to read again.


FROM: Casey, Matthew
TO: Corporate Executives, Executive Assistants
CC: Staff-Hawaii Office, Staff-Virtual Locations
SUBJECT: Update re: Operations

Hello Casey Employees:
I am writing you all today so that I can give you an update with regards to something that I hope you can all share with your staff, if they have not read the e-mail that I am also sending to them. And this e-mail is just to give you an update on the future of the company, and it's operations. But first, I would like to let you all know that there's going to be a change coming, but in no way does it mean that jobs are at risk. And that's something that I want to make clear; and that I want you to make it clear to all of your staff at our office in Honolulu. And that would be that all jobs currently at the offices in Honolulu, are safe; and there will be no layoffs. However, that doesn't mean that some jobs in Hawaii will not be subject to relocation in the future. More specifically, to Los Angeles.

And that's why I'm giving this update to you all with regards to the company's operations, about the fact that we're moving them to Los Angeles; and that's due to the fact that me and my wife have recently learned that we're pregnant with our third child, and that means that we're going to be staying here in California for the foreseeable future. And since we're already going to be staying here for a while, it's got us thinking about where we'd like to be in general; and we believe that we'd like to be in California. At the same time, our corporate operations will become split between Hawaii and California. While the details are not yet all ironed out, you will be the first ones to know when they're finalized. Yet, at doesn't mean that you can't contact me. I am available for any questions.

Thank you for your time.

Matthew Casey
Chairman and CEO, Casey
1 (800) 837-2938 x. 101


She decided that she was going to send Matt a reply to the e-mail that they just got from him. After all, she wants to let him know that she got the e-mail, and that everything is going to be working fine. Yet, at the same time, she also wants to send an e-mail to Gabby about something else. More specifically, where the main ELLA Creations operations are going to be; or, whether they're going to have two manufacturing lines. Then again, she's a bit unsure as to whether she really wants to send her an e-mail; especially when she knows that Gabby's not feeling the best right now. "Uhm, Jay. I have a question for you, one that can give me some advice." Turning to look at his wife as she said that, Jay agreed with her. "What's the question babe?" Taking a breath as Jay asked her that, she turned to face him. "I was just thinking of e-mailing Gabby, and asking her what this means for ELLA Creations; maybe getting her to think about it?" Jay took a breath when he heard Alex ask him that question, as he did think that it was a good idea. Yet, maybe not too.

I mean, it may cause stress on Gabby; and with Alex also being pregnant, he knows what stress can do to a pregnancy. And that's why he's not sure whether it's a good idea for Alex to send that e-mail. "Alex, I'm not sure about that. I mean, that might cause stress on her pregnancy; and we both know that them getting pregnant back-to-back is not going to be that easy on them." Alex agreed with her husband when he said that, as she knows that full well. "Then again, I'm sure that Matt could easily make sure that she breathes as she reads the e-mail. Or maybe you could even e-mail him, and he can Gabby can talk about it; I'm not sure." Alex smiled as she heard Jay say that, before moving to kiss his cheek. "I have such a smart husband." Jay smiled as he heard Alex say that. "Can you tell your dad that? He still calls me an idiot sometimes." Alex agreed with Jay when he said that, well aware that her father still calls him an idiot at times. "Believe me, I tell him to cut it out all the time Jay; and he refuses to listen to me, so I doubt that anything will change."

Jay agreed with his wife when she said that, clearly able to see that this really bothers her. "Does it bother you a lot of the time Alex?" Alex took a breath when Jay asked her whether it really bothers her, because it does; it bothers her more than she'd really like to admit, both to him and herself. But it's not something that she can ignore, for the simple fact that she needs to take it easy and relax. "It does at times, but I promise that I'm handling it." Jay agreed with his wife as she told him that, never having doubted the fact that she's handling it. "Hey, never doubted the fact that you're handling it. I know that Alex, and I promise that I won't ever question that. You really are great at working under pressure, and I am always so amazed as you do it." Alex laughed as she heard Jay tell her that, before leaning in so that she can kiss him softly. "I'm so happy I decided to ask you to wear jogging pants." Jay agreed with his wife. "Believe me, I think that I needed to wear them too; anyways, they're actually really comfortable." Alex agreed with Jay, smiling.

After which, she went to open her e-mail so that she can write to Matt, Gabby, and Stella.


FROM: Halstead, Alex
TO: Casey, Gabby; Severide, Stella
CC: Casey, Matthew; Severide, Kelly
SUBJECT: ELLA Apparel Operations

Hi Gabby and Stella:
I want to advise you both that I have also CC'd your husbands onto this e-mail so that they can get the e-mail too. They may even get a chance to read the e-mail before you do, and therefore may even be able to give me some answers as to the questions that I have. But first, I am going to tell you what said questions are. Now, as you can tell by the title...I am writing to you about the ELLA Apparel Operations, and what our move to California means for the future of the clothing line. I know that right now, we create all of our clothes in Hawaii; and I am just wondering if that's going to be the case, as that may change how I design clothes. Are we going to be bringing the design team here so that we can collaborate when we have an office? Or are we going to be doing it through software like we do between the three of us already? I hope that you guys can definitely give me some answers to those questions. Thanks.

Alex Halstead
Designer, ELLA Creations
1 (800) 837-2938 x. 108


Turning her iPad to show the e-mail to Jay, Alex smiled as she wanted to give him a chance to read it before she sends it to her bosses. "Do you think that this is okay?" Grabbing her iPad, Jay then proceeded to skim over the e-mail so that he can make sure that the e-mail is good. "Sorry for taking the iPad out of your hands right away." Alex shook her head as Jay said that, before smiling at her. "It's okay, I promise. Listen, I have to go to the washroom. I'll be back. How about you read the e-mail? We can talk about it when I come back." Jay agreed with Alex when she said that, smiling as he loves that idea; after which, she proceeded to lean over Jay and gave him a kiss. Smirking as she did that, Jay grabbed her butt as he took things nice and slow with the woman he loves more than anything in the entire world. "Love you." Alex agreed with her husband as he told her that, smirking as she loves him too. "I love you too." Jay smiled as she told him that, before watching as she got up. "I want to see any changes before you send it." Jay agreed with Alex.

Walking away from Jay this afternoon, Alex smiled as she knew that he was currently staring at her; after all, she is just wearing her underwear for him right now. "You still love the sight of my underwear, don't you Jay?" Jay laughed as he heard Alex ask him that, as he most certainly does. "Can you blame a guy? My wife is gorgeous." Alex laughed as she heard Jay tell her that, before walking away so that she can go to the washroom this afternoon. At the same time, Jay proceeded to read the e-mail for her. "Want me to send it if I think it's good?" Alex agreed with Jay when he asked her if she wants him to send it if he thinks it's good, as she does. "Please." Jay smiled as he heard Alex say that, before continuing to read the e-mail; that way, he can make sure that the e-mail is of good quality (with the hopes of sending it this afternoon). But the truth was, he already knew that it was going to be fine; and that's due to the fact that Alex is really good at writing. There's just something about her writing that's really good, and quite impressive.

And this e-mail was perfect, which is why he's more than okay with her sending the e-mail; or more precisely, with him sending the e-mail for her. So, he did just that for her as he waited for her to come out of the washroom; after which, maybe he can get some more help when it comes to working on the Casey Police project that he's working on. Speaking of which, maybe he should send Antonio an e-mail about that; and Alex can read it before he sends it this time. I mean, that can be his way to thank her. Setting her iPad to the side, Jay smiled due to the fact that he doesn't need her iPad anymore; rather, he needs his iPad so that he can write the e-mail he wants to send. Going to grab it from his side table, Jay smiled as he went ahead and unlocked it before opening his e-mail.

After which, he went ahead and hit the "New Message" button so that he can start writing an e-mail to Matt and Antonio.


FROM: Halstead, Jay
TO: Dawson, Antonio; Casey, Matthew
CC: Moore, Jacob
SUBJECT: Casey Police

Hi Antonio and Matt:
I know that this may not be the most appropriate time to send this, but I hope that you guys are okay with it; me and Alex were just a bit bored, and we wanted to work. And, as you can tell, Alex is more than okay with this as we already sent an e-mail to you from her e-mail Matt. But that's not what I need to send you guys an e-mail about. My e-mail is about a Casey Police Project that I want to work on, and I believe that you may like. I know that we've been talking about us redesigning some police cars, and the way they are. But I was just thinking, what do you guys think of me trying to figure out the K-9 Unit Police cars? Are you interested in selling those types of units as well? Or are we going to jut start with the normal police cars, because I was thinking we can at least do it for service dogs. I'm not sure what you guys are thinking about that; but if you could get back to me, I'd really appreciate it.

Thanks ahead of time.

Jay Halstead
Senior EVP and COO, Casey Police
1 (800) 837-2938 x. 107


After writing the e-mail this afternoon, Jay took a breath as he read it over one last time ahead of him sending it; after all, he does want it to be a quality e-mail, and doesn't want Matt or Antonio to think that he slacked off. Then again, he's sure that they're fine with it, based solely on the fact that they know that they're really doing it on the fly. With none of their friends having had a real business school experience, the e-mails that they are going to be sending each other aren't going to be as high of quality as they'd expect them to be but from what he can read already, they're getting the hang of it. And the truth is, he's glad that's the case. There's just something about this new life that really excites him, and he truly enjoys the idea that they're going to be doing this for the rest of their life; I mean, what's better than being able to work from home. Oh, and their home is now in California; where it's pretty much always warm. There's nothing like it, and Jay can't wait to really get his life started; and by that, he means meet the twins.

And speaking of the twins, they are actually in the midst of upsetting Alex's stomach right now. "Jay..." Hearing Alex call out for him, Jay proceeded to set his iPad on his side table; after which, he got up and proceeded to make his way over to the washroom so that he can help Alex this afternoon. After all, that's what a husband does for his (pregnant) wife when she needs him; he drops everything and comes running. So, that's exactly what Jay did right now. He put his iPad to the side, and made his way directly to the washroom so that he can help Alex with whatever she needs at the moment; and right now, what she needs is him to make her feel better. Seeing her sitting on the ground, Jay sighed as he looked at her. "You okay?" Alex just looked up at her husband, before shaking her head. "No, I'm not; because this should've stopped by now!" Jay took a breath as he heard Alex tell him that, well aware of that fact. After which, he proceeded to crouch down in front of her and put his hands on her legs. "Hey, take a breath and relax Alex." Alex sighed.

"I know, sorry." Jay shook his head when he heard Alex apologize. "Hey, don't apologize to me Alex; you have no need to apologize. But listen, how about me and you go back to bed? I'll hold you, unless you need something?" Alex shook her head as she looked at Jay. "I just need this to stop." Jay agreed with his wife when she said that, well aware that was the case. "And it will soon baby, I promise." Alex agreed with Jay as he helped her back up, before taking a breath as she got close to him. Wrapping her arms around Jay's neck, Alex took a breath; at the same time, Jay ran his hand up and down her back. "C'mon, let's get you back in bed." Alex agreed with Jay as he said that, ready to just get in bed (where she can take it easy once again).

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