Try Me (18+)

By noena11

1.3K 45 0

A Dark Romance Witnessing something she shouldn't have, Ezra is thrust into a dangerous of sex, drugs and mu... More

Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six


35 1 0
By noena11


Yong's steps were large and powerful, the sound of his footsteps echoed through the silent corridor causing the other men in the building, with heads buried in their work, or standing upright with guns strapped to their bodies, to pause briefly and acknowledge his presence with a nod or a slight bow.

His gaze was fixed straight ahead, paying them no heed, expression unreadable as he made his way towards his boss's door. His movements were smooth and power exuded from his body, however he was going to meet his match. The only person who could make the almighty Mason Yong crumble.

The air around him was filled with the weight of his reputation and curiosity as to why he was here at the headquarters, the tension almost palpable. He was a man no one liked to engage with unless necessary, one wrong move was enough for him to ensure you wouldn't see tomorrow.

As he reached the door to Julian's office, Yong paused for a moment, taking a deep breath and prepared himself for what was to come. He knew that he was about to enter a dangerous game of power and manipulation, but he couldn't afford to waver or back down.

With a silent sense of resolve, he pushed open the door and stepped inside, he bowed, head hung low and facing the floor. He heard the sound of high heels echoing through the room as she walked towards him, a powerful click with each confident step.It's sharp sounds were like those machines used to keep time in music, each click matching her purposeful stride.

"Yong," Julian purred, her voice low and sultry. "You're finally here."

He lifted his head, standing up straight again, his face betraying no emotion as he stared back at her. She was beautiful, astonishingly so,with long dark hair that hung perfectly past her shoulders, looks that seemingly defied every beauty standard and a body that had men bending over backwards. But that wasn't what gave her her power. It came from the inner workings of her complex mind; she was cunning, evil, diabolical and she was also territorial. She viewed the world as her plaything, there's nothing she couldn't have, especially not Yong.

She smiled at him. He laughed to himself quietly; her eyes, they revealed too much. The malice that lived within her, eager to destroy everything that wasn't hers. She had a sinister quality, one that should make you instinctively want to avoid her, however the danger and wickedness that was her shadow was covered by her bewitching and consuming exterior.

Julian, one of the most feared crime lords in the city and was known for her guile and glamour, but Yong refused to let her intimidate him.

He raised an eyebrow. "What do you want?" he asked, his tone flat and apathetic.

Julian leaned forward, a sly smile playing at the corners of her lips. "I just wanted to know if you've taken care of our little problem," She said, her eyes locked onto his. Her bottom lip between her teeth as she walked closer to him, staring his body up and down.

Yong paused for a moment, carefully considering his words. "It's done," he finally said, his voice calm and measured.

Her eyes widened with surprise. "Really?" she asked, her voice filled with excitement.

He nodded, his expression still unreadable. "Yes. I took care of it. Just like you wanted."

"Ugh Yong!" She exclaimed wrapping her arms around his body. He carefully pushed her back slightly. She crossed arms and nodded towards the chair, telling him to sit, a small smile playing at the corners of her lips. "Good," she said. "I knew I could count on you. My most loyal soldier. "

Yong sat and she walked over to him, her eyes sparkling with a mix of amusement and desire. "You know," she said, her voice low and sultry. "You're a very interesting man, Mason Yong." He didn't respond, but he could feel his heart rate quicken as Julian moved closer to him. She sat on his lap, straddling him as her lips moved towards his neck. He knew that he was playing a perilous game, but he couldn't deny the physical attraction he felt for her. She was a gorgeous women albeit dangerous and he was only a man after all.

She pressed her lips on to his skin and his breath hitched, instinctively gripping on to the chair, "I need you to do something for me." She said, her breath hot against his skin.

Yong couldn't help but feel a surge of desire as he looked into her eyes. "What kind of thing?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

Julian smiled, a mischievous glint in her eye. Leaning back as she unbuttoned her shirt, throwing the expensive cloth aside and revealing her bare chest. "Let's just say that there are so many other ways you can be of service to me," She said, her hand trailing down his arm, grabbing on to his hand as she guided it to her breast, allowing him to cup it.

Yong didn't respond, but he knew that he was fucked. He had always known that Julian was dangerous, and yet he thought of himself being above others and able to resist her appeal and charm. He had never allowed himself to admit just how much he physically wanted her.

As they tore at each others clothes, grunts and moans filling the room with each rough but pleasure-inducing thrust, Yong couldn't help but wonder what he had gotten himself into. He knew that he was playing with fire, but he also knew that he couldn't resist the lure of Julian's seduction. He smiled sardonically as he looked at her face caving in to desire, this was at least one way to hide that he was liar and in fact, not her most loyal soldier.


Ezra wandered around the gardens, a sense of melancholy washed over her as she thought about her family and friends, wondering how worried they must be about her sudden disappearance or her supposed decision to check herself into rehab.She missed them terribly and wished she could talk to them, but she knew it was impossible.

Yong's garden was a haven of calmness amidst the chaos of his estate. It was a peaceful refuge, a green sanctuary, with tall trees, vibrant flowers, and the large pool in the middle, almost resembling a stream. Her migraine had faded into a headache, less severe but painful nonetheless. She had refused to take anymore painkillers out of fear of relapse and so her given 'outside privileges' were something she could appreciate, even though she shouldn't have to. The garden gave her some sense of sanity, a place where she could forget her situation, tranquility amidst the turmoil of the criminal underworld she had been dragged into. Well, all of this up until she looked around at the large walls that surrounded the estate and the armed men at every corner, reminding her that this was not in fact a safe haven but her very own prison.

She suddenly heard the sound of a dog barking. She frowned, surely Yong couldn't own a dog? He didn't have the heart to. Unless it was something like a Pitbull or a Rotweiller, then that would make sense. She followed the sound, turning the corner to more secluded area between the back of the house and a fence, finding a dog with clean black fur running towards her with, taill wagging behind him. She found herself unexpectedly smiling as she bent down to pet him, feeling a little warmth spread through her chest. She had missed that feeling.

"Hey there, what's your name?" She cooed scratching behind his ears. "Bam," she murmered, looking at its collar. She glanced up to see the other man who had been in the room with Yong when she woke yesterday approaching, his hands shoved deep into his pockets. What was his name again? Jude? "Hey," he said simply, his tone unreadable.

Ezra straightened up, feeling a little awkward. As if she had been caught doing something she shouldn't have. "I was just, uh, wandering around," she said, gesturing around them.

Jude shrugged. "It's a big place. You're allowed to wander," he said, his voice lacking any real inflection. Like he truly couldn't give a shit.

Ezra nodded, feeling like there was something more that he wasn't saying. "Do you come out here often?" she asked, hoping to make some small talk. Don't get her wrong, she was very aware that they were all despicable and cruel men, however, she had realised that escape wasn't going to be easy and based on the way Noah acted towards her, some of them had a heart. She could use that to her advantage.

Jude shook his head. "Not really. Just when Bam needs to do his business," he said, nodding towards the dog. Ah, it was his dog, makes sense. Yong would have shot the dog simply for pissing on his carpet.

Ezra smiled a little at Bam, scratching his belly. "He's cute," she said.

Jungkook snorted. "Yeah, I guess," he said, but there was a hint of fondness in his voice that she couldn't quite place.

They lapsed into silence for a moment, Ezra feeling a little self-conscious. She had never been good at small talk, and she didn't know what else to say. And it was worse now that she was with one of seven men who could kill her at any moment and at any give word. But before she could awkwardly excuse herself, Jude spoke up again.

"I can't believe you got caught again after all that effort. I thought you were smarter than that."

"I wasn't trying to escape." 

"I'm not talking about yesterday."

"What?" She frowned, what was he talking about? Why was he speaking like they had met before. He shook his head and Ezra gathered he wasn't going to elaborate. He turned around to walk away before sighing and turning back to her;

"Look, I know you probably hate us all right now," he said, his eyes flicking up to meet hers. "And I don't blame you.Nor do I care to be honest. But just know that not all of us are bad people," he said.

"Not bad people?"

"Just don't do anything stupid and stay put."

Ezra rolled her eyes. "As if I have any choice in the matter."

Jungkook shrugged, still looking at her with an unreadable expression. "Just be careful. It's dangerous."

Before Ezra could respond, Jungkook turned and walked away, Bam following obediently at his heels. Ezra watched him go, wondering what he meant by "dangerous." Yeah, no shit. She shook her head, realizing that she still had so much to learn about the people around her.

She looked in his direction again, watching him go, feeling a little unsettled by the encounter. It was as if he was trying to tell her something, but she didn't know what. Why was he so vague and unspecific? She didn't understand him. She shook her head, trying to clear her thoughts. The last thing she needed was to start reading into things that weren't there.

A/N: Another chapter!! A little bet of smut but not too much, what do you think? 

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