To Give Back

By KatDMWrites

312 12 1

It has been a year since you lost your friend and upon his wishes, you kept his armor in order to find his pe... More

Chapter 1: The Spruce Blue Plush
Chapter 2: Safe Place
Chapter 3: Comfort Under Rain
Chapter 4: Nice To Finally Meet You

Chapter 5

59 2 0
By KatDMWrites

Warning: Angst, slight trauma, mentions of misogyny, mentions of assault, character death mentioned, lil bit of some fluff... Okay probably a good amount of it towards the end. hopefully i didn't miss anything ;w;

Words: 3,280


Din couldn't help feel his chest start to bubble with anger. Zenn had mentioned that he has some kind of problem back then but he didn't really give much detail. If only he knew...

"Who?" His voice stern and calm. Din didn't even realize he was rubbing circles on the back of your hand which seemed to help soothe both of your nerves.

Your face darkened, but as you look down to see your hands intertwine, it helped you a bit, squeezing your grip lightly around Din's hand and he would do the same back.

You sighed, "He was a Magistrate back at my home planet, Ateller and he's a terrible one at that. His name was Brenmar Vowldike. He used to look after my people, making sure things were going smoothly his way but it was already clear to Zenn and I that he was up to something." You glanced at Din and he continues to listen.

"He was obsessed with the idea of taking the beskar from the Mandalorians. Told the others that it should be shared amongst the citizens when he actually wanted it for himself. He was a coward though. So he sent his people, my people after Zenn's tribe." You feel Din's hand began to tighten at that, and as you were about to continue...

Your mind began to trail off and closed your eyes out of fear from a certain memory. You suddenly remembered when Vowldike had went after you personally. Ever since before you were rescued by Zenn, you remembered Vowldike's intentions of wanting you to be his. Be his woman so that you would tend to his needs like a good wife. You rejected him of course, which resulted in you having that nasty bruise in your face that day.

Luckily, Zenn was able to save the day before things got worse and you were grateful. You were glad to have continued on your training to become stronger and to continue to help those in need for so many years.

Din had noticed your uneasiness, rubbing circles on your hand again which brought you back to him. You looked at him, knowing his worry through his body actions. You smiled, reassuring him. "I'm okay."

He wasn't convinced but decided to let it go, "You don't have to continue if you don't want to."

You shook your head, "I'm okay. I just remembered the day I got rescued by Zenn." You smiled, "He helped me get away from Vowldike before things got worse." You shrugged.

"Like... what?"

"Well..." You gave a short summary of what happened that day when you got rescued. In which, Din would remember when he first saw you two a week after that happened. The memory of seeing you broken and shattered with that bruise on your cheek crossed his mind.

Oh, how he would of loved to see the life in that coward's eyes fade away and have Din be the last thing Vowldike would see before-

Din snapped out of his thoughts when you continued, "Anyway, we were able to convince the people that it was all a trick and that Vowldike was just using them. Sadly, we've lost a lot of people that day..."

He'd noticed the tone of your voice change towards the end of your sentence. "Zenn had to stay behind to kill Vowldike because we knew that that coward wouldn't stop going what he's after. Sending his hooligans after us."

You remembered when Zenn, with his helmet still on, placed his forehead on yours before you parted. You knew the significance of it, making your heart ache.

"I knew he was gone when the building collapsed due to the fire. There was no way anyone could have survived that."

There was just a moment of silence before he started, "He was a hero. Died a warrior's death." You lifted your head from Din's shoulder, looking at the black visor where his eyes should be. You could've sworn that you saw his eyes but you told yourself otherwise.

Din looked into your eyes and he could see the tears threatening to fall while you managed to give him a small smile.

"His last words to me... Find Din Djarin." You grinned, lightly nudging his shoulder with yours. "He must of trust you a lot to lead me to you. He hardly trusts anyone but me."

Din finds himself chuckling at that since he knew that he's the same with who to trust with the kid. His eyes landing in yours again. He remembered the last time he saw Zenn. He remembered the few things he had asked of him.

'Hey Din... Can I ask you a favor?'

'Whatever happens to me. I want you to look after her.'

'Find her a place where she can stay and live a peaceful life.'

'You're the only person I can trust with her.'

You tilt your head, wondering what he is thinking before staring back at the woods. You smiled when you remembered what Zenn had told you about Din. How quiet and the lack of words he would use to communicate with him. Despite that, Din is a great ally to cooperate with and to have by your side once you've earn his trust. It sends comfort throughout your body as you felt that you might have gotten Din's trust already but you didn't want to give much thought about it just yet.

Your mind began to wander back to the armor. You sighed deeply, making Din snap out of his thoughts.

You nodded, making your final decision. "There's something I need to give to you. To give back to you and your people. I'm assuming since the rain is starting to calm that you would leave soon."

Din tilt his head, looking back at the woods to see that you're right. Somehow, he felt like he shouldn't leave you. He's having that gut feeling that tells him that he should stay until you're safe. That uneasy feeling he's getting telling him that you're still in danger.

Just remembering the favor Zenn had asked him to do, but now his mind wandered back to what you said.

"What is it?" He let out.

You chew the dry skin of your lips. "A month after Zenn's passing, I've been in this ship, the Reaver, since it's all I have of him. Everything he owns, all the memories I've made with him in the past few years. All of it until I stumbled upon what seems to be what's left of Vowldike's hideout. That's where I found Zenn's armor..." You let go of Din's hand as your anger is shown through your clenched fists. Din would noticed, not saying anything else.

"It seems even through Vowldike's death, his little followers seemed to want to honor their leader's death by taking the armor off of Zenn's body and use it for whatever the hell it is that they wanted."

You closed your eyes with anger and huffed at the thought for your fallen friend. How you also thought of his fallen comrades whose armor must of also been taken.

"I've spent months searching for more, in case others were taken as well but Zenn's was the only one I could find." You placed your hands on your knees, lifting yourself up to stand. You nudge your head to the side at Din, and he would follow.

You turned to walk to your closet and opened it. Your breath shuddered as your eyes trailed down on the wooden chest. Din recognized it from earlier and he tilt his head out of curiosity and with disbelief.

He watched as your shoulders dropped, opening the chest and lifting the top up. Your fingertips trailed down the markings on the helmet as you felt your body shook. You heard heavy footsteps slowly walking up behind you but you didn't turn.

"I was so relieved to have his armor with me." The small crack in your voice nearly fail to disguise the fact that you're still grieving. However, Din understood. He looked at the helmet and few memories of him and Zenn flashed. From acquaintances to new-found friends.

"I'm sorry for your loss... He was a good man." Din placed a hand on your shoulder, squeezing gently and the warmth through his glove was comforting and familiar. "I'm glad to have met him."

Your left hand went up to touch his hand on your shoulder. "Thank you. Um... Din. If it's okay to call you that." You whispered, knowing how secretive he can be with his identity and since he's a Mandalorian himself, his creed is just as important as Zenn's.

Din has his eyes closed at the sound of your voice as you say his name which sends chills down his spine. It just sounded... so right. Before you feel the panic rising,

"Only if it's just me and you..." He whispered back. His eyes opened to look at you and watched the way your eyes lit up and your cheeks turning pink. Maybe with a hint of hope in your eyes. Maybe it's a hope for something more, Din felt.

However, there was just a moment of silent awkwardness lingering in the air, even with his hand on your shoulder and yours on top. Neither one of you let go though so both of your hands just sits on your shoulder. Din thought quickly of something to help change the mood. His eyes trailed to the top of your head which the memory of yesterday's event crossed his mind, and he couldn't help but asked, "Is... Your head okay?"

"Hm?" You looked at him confused.

He felt his cheeks warm and cleared his throat, "Um, from yesterday, when you hit your head."

It took a moment to process what he meant and you chuckled, feeling a little embarrassed, "Oh. Maker, I completely forgot about that. I can't believe you remembered that."

"Well... I just wanted to ask, it looked like it hurts a lot." He continued, letting things go with the flow.

"Of course it did! Hurt like hell, but that was yesterday! So, I'm okay. Just a little bump." You laughed, touching your head. Din chuckled at that.

"Well that's good then."

"Yea..." You smiled, placing your hand back on his that was on your shoulder. "Thank you though. For thinking of me."

He let the smile form on his face. The kind that hurts the cheeks and he replied, "Of course."

He'd felt your shoulders relaxed as if the burden has lifted from your shoulders. There was this comfortable silence now between the two of you as you both stare at each other. You may not be able to see his face or know what he's thinking but you're already in some trance with one another. Then he makes the first move. You held your breath as he reached his hand from your shoulder up slowly to place it on your cheek when-

There was shouting at a distance. Your heads turned to the direction as Din felt tensed, turning and have himself placed in front of you, protectively. The sounds of little one making cooing noises made Din glanced over to him, but once he made sure it's safe to move, he walked long strides to the child. Small hands reached up as he picked him up, looking out in the direction while closing up next to you again.

You walked to the open entrance of your ship, with the two following behind, and listened carefully. There's definitely shouting, but maybe something you didn't need to worry about. You thought maybe it's just the townsfolk having some sort of disagreement. You turned your head to look back at Din and the little one. You smiled, "We're okay. They're just pretty loud today."

The child looked into yours with his big, bright eyes and made an 'eh' sound as he reached out to you. Your smile widen, "Hello little one." You reached your hands out to take him off of Din's arms but the bean refused.

Tilting your head, confused, "You don't want to get picked up?" You retracted your hands, only for the kid to fuss and snatch your hand to pull you closer. "Oh?"

The both of you watched as the kid pulled your hand to place his cheek on it and he closed his eyes with a sigh. You softly giggled, "D'aw..." You rubbed your thumb across his cheek. The little one's other hand grabbed Din's gloved thumb, while still having his other hand grabbed your two fingers as best as his little three fingers can. Your heart melted at the sight.

You couldn't help stop the warmth rising from your cheeks though. The way the kid has the both you and Din's finger in his grasp. You glanced up at Din, who already has his eyes on you.

You bit your lip, nervously but you also couldn't help stop the smile from forming. You noticed Din's shoulders are relaxed which gave you the impression that he seems to be enjoying this. You didn't think he would be like this at all.

"We barely met and the kid already likes you this much." Din said, amused and you grinned.

"He's a good kid."

Din chortled, looking down at the kid, "When he wants to be..."

"I bet." You giggled as the kid looked up at Din with those innocent eyes which made the mando rolled his eyes playfully.


It was only a matter of time when you knew that you have to leave, your heart already feeling heavy even before you thought of it. It has only been a few days and once you knew that Din is better, you've talked to him about it, in which he understood.

You had already moved your ship to where Din's ship is since you really didn't want him and the little one to walk all the way to the other side of town, in case if there are other hunters after him.

You've learned a lot of other things as to why they're being chased and you were glad you were able to help in time when they needed the help badly. You also learned that Din is on a mission to find a Jedi for the little one which surprised you since you knew a little bit about them but sadly, you couldn't help him with that.

Din was working with some things in his ship since he also plans on leaving soon, only to find himself watching you and the little one play together outside where he could see you. For once, these past few days, Din was able to relax after months of stress and running. Making sure he and the kid would stay alive. Finding bounties and making enough credits for them to live off of. With you around, it's been easier for him.

He trusts you with the kid ever since he first saw how you are with him. How caring and sweet you were towards the little womp-rat.

And now you're leaving. Which was understandable. He didn't want to drag you into his own problems. He didn't want the Imps to go after you as well. He would want you to be able to live a more peaceful life. Just as Zenn would want him to do for you, and so he did. He knew a place where you could stay.

A place in Nevarro where his old friend, Greef Karga is currently trying to make the place more suitable for the citizens. It's now free from the Imperials and it may not seem like much yet, but Karga is determined.

You had thanked Din for the offer, but you felt like there's still some things you need to do first before even thinking of a place to settle in. That was fine, too.

Din wished you luck and you knew you're going to miss the kid and possibly not see him for a long, long time so you spend a lot of time with him before you go.

Now you're standing, facing each other outside of your ship, having to have the final goodbye before you leave the planet. Deep down, you already knew you didn't want to leave but you have things you needed to do.

"Maybe when I get to go to Nevarro, you'll see me there when you get the chance?" You asked.

Din could feel the stray excitement rise but he pushed it down immediately. He gave a firm nod, "Of course."

You smiled, before a light bulb popped over your head. "Oh. Don't forget this." You turned around to grab the chest that is just sitting behind you and pulled it over to Din's side. You pat your hands together to get rid of the dirt that was left and noticed that he's just watching you.

"Wouldn't want to see it just sit there and go to waste when I can just return it to where it belongs." You made a small smile.

He felt hesitant, but appreciates that you're only doing what is right. "Thank you. I'll be sure to take care of it."

You smiled, feeling a tug of your pants and you looked down. The sight almost made you want to never leave.

The look the child gave you was just pure innocence. His large ears flatten down and his eyes big and wide. You could see big fat tears forming which seemed to make his eyes shine more like puppy eyes. How he has his hand still grasping on to your leg pant. His other arm holding on to his plushy that you had given up for him.

Your lips parted at the sight and you tilt your head to the side before bending down to pick him up. "Hey... Don't cry." You curl your pointer finger, catching the tears away from his eyes. "We'll see each other again, alright?"

You noticed his ears perking up a bit and he cooed, grabbing your chin to pull your head down and you lift your arm where you hold him so that he's at eye level with you. Then, he did the one thing you really didn't expect he would do.

He placed his forehead on yours.

You held your breath as your eyes widen at the gesture. You weren't sure if the little one knows what this means but you assumed that he might know since he's been with the Mandalorian who is still standing in front of you and watching every single interaction between the two of you, eyes widening. Although, you never really noticed.

With only just a few days of being together, the little one already shown his love for you. You beamed at the thought.

He pulled back first, smiling back before turning his head and reaching out to Din. You handed him over and Din is just really glad to have his helmet on or else you would of seen the shock still plastered on his face. He felt a tap on his barrier, making his snap out of it and gently grabbing the little one's hand from his helmet.

You huffed, "Well... I'll be on my way then. I wish you luck on your mission, Din." You nodded to him and he would do the same.

"May our paths crossed again."




And well, you never really expect to cross each other's paths so soon.

For when you came across the one enemy who you thought died.

And what's worse...

You found out that that bastard has gotten himself to become a part of the child's kidnapping.


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