Spirit Guardian

By Megan-41

35.5K 2.2K 312

What if when Charlie lost Bella, he gained another daughter? What if he knew about the Shifters and the Cold... More

A broken father and Orphaned Daughter
Cold Ones
Unrequited love
Little Moments
Lions & Wolfs & Bears, Oh My!
Broken Pieces
Tear-Stained Soul
Be careful what you hunt
I wish things could be different
Den Of Lionesses
Blood & Broken Dreams
Beware The Moons Merciless Sway
Lost Flames Reaching Through Sorrowed Shadows

Changing Tides

1.6K 122 21
By Megan-41

                    The moonlight reflects off Edith's car as it flies down the street. Bella stares at Edith, seeing that she's still seething with anger, hands gripping the steering wheel, jaw clenched. "How did you find..," Bella asked, but Edith interrupted her.

                    "I should go back and rip those men apart," she spat coldly.

                    Bella's eyes widened in surprise, "No...No. Bad idea," she said.

                    "She's right, Edith....no matter how much I would enjoy it," Koda said from the backseat. Edith took solace in the fact that she wasn't the only one enraged by the men's disgusting actions.

                    "If you had heard the vile, repulsive things they were thinking," Edith gritted out.

                    "And you did?" Bella asked in annoyance.

                    ".... It's not hard to guess," Edith said, trying to cover her mistake.

                    A few minutes later, Edith parks in front of a restaurant. All three of them step out of the vehicle and walk up the steps toward the restaurant as Jessica and Angela exit the building. "Where were you both!? We left you a message," Angela explained in a worried tone.

                    "We waited, but we were starving," Jessica said in an exaggerated tone, then saw Edith behind Bella.

                   They freeze, agog at the sight of her, "Sorry, I kept Bella and Koda from dinner. We ran into each other and got talking," Edith explained with a dazzling smile.

                    "We...understand. We were just... leaving, so...," Jessica said, then she and Angela walked past them to leave.

                    "Okay, well. Thank you," Bella said, then turned to leave with Koda. Edith is torn between if she should follow her feelings or let Bella go.

                    "Maybe I should make sure Bella and Koda get something to eat," Edith said abruptly, causing the girls to stop.

                    Bella looks at Edith in surprise, "... If you'd like. Then I could drive you both back myself," Edith offered.

                    Angela smirked knowingly, "That's so... thoughtful," she said.

                    "Really thoughtful," Jessica said.

                    "I think I'll head back with the girls," Koda said, surprising her sister.

                    "Are you sure?" Bella asked.

                    "Yeah, I'm not really hungry," Koda said, then nudged Bella toward Edith.

                    Bella blushed a little from her sister's actions, "I could eat," she said, looking at Edith, who smiled.

                    Hours later, Koda walks towards the Swan household after being dropped off by Angela and Jessica. She noticed her father's police cruiser wasn't there. As Koda grows closer to the porch, she notices a familiar scent. She looks up at the porch seeing a tall shadowy figure. Koda's eyes flash a bright green while the figure's eyes flash bright yellow. "Who's there?" she called out. The figure steps out of the shadows revealing the man that's been stalking her and Bella. He smirks at how uneasy his presence makes her.

                    "I'm Ku. You're superior, and it's disgusting that you surround yourself with leeches and filthy humans when your entire job is to secure the existence of our people and a future for a superior race of were-children," he proclaimed, causing Koda to step back.

                    "Those humans you talk ill of are my family," she spat.

                    "No! I am your family! You are mine! You were promised to me before you were even conceived, but you're traitorous parents fled after your birth! They stole you from me, and I have come to claim what is mine," he spat and grabbed Koda's right arm tightly, making her gasp out in pain.

                    "Let go!" She growled out as her eyes glowed, but the man only growled back and tightened his grip, causing her to fall to her knees in pain. She could feel the bone in her arm was about to break when all of a sudden, the man disappeared as a pair of car lights hit her. Koda holds her arm against her as she looks back, seeing it was her father's car. Charlie jumps out of his vehicle and rushes to his daughter's side, seeing the purple bruise shaped like a hand on her arm. It starts to heal as Bella rushes over.

                    "Koda, what happened? Are you ok?" she asked worriedly.

                    Koda did her best to hold back her tears, "I'm ok. I just slipped and landed on my arm...your clumsiness is rubbing off on me," she joked, but Bella didn't completely believe her.

                    Later Bella sat in her bedroom when she reached for the book she had bought earlier. She thumbs through the pages seeing pictures of ancient, carved masks. Some are comical, menacing, haunting. Then she stops on a photo of a white mask with black eyes and a row of sharp teeth. The Inscription reads 'The Cold One.' Bella quickly goes to her computer and Googles' Cold One,' and several beer ads appear. Frustrated, she closes the pop-ups, revealing a link to: 'The Cold One: Apotamkin.' Bella clicks on the link, and several pictures begin loading: the seductive Apotamkin with his ice-blue skin, devouring his victims in tapestries, engravings, and paintings of creatures that are beautiful and horrific. Craven, skeletal demons attacking villages; perfectly sculpted predators, luring innocent maidens... it's all murder, blood, and sexuality. Then several words stick out. Speed, Strength, Cold skinned, Immortal...Then finally: Blood drinker. She then finds a picture of a handsome man biting a woman's neck, and for a split second, she sees Edith's face over the vampires. She reels back from the computer in utter disbelief. "...It's not possible...," Bella whispered.

                    After losing one of his best friends and Koda being attacked. Charlie decided to send Koda to stay with the Cullens for a short time. He lied to Bella, making her think Koda had severely injured her arm and needed to stay with Carlisle for physical therapy. Bella didn't entirely believe her father but chose not to question his choices for now. Most of the Cullens welcomed Koda into their home joyfully, other than Rosalie, who was somewhat distant, but Koda understood that the blonde was just protective of her family. Koda was sitting in the room Esme had given to her when her cell phone rang. She looked down at her phone, seeing it was another call from Leah. Koda wanted to answer, but she knew being near Leah would only put her in danger if Ku discovered her feelings for the beautiful native. She sighs and turns her cell off. Weeks had passed, and more bodies had started piling up between Ku and the nomads, causing the Cullens to worry about exposure. It also didn't help that Bella had figured out what Edith was, and they were now pursuing a romantic relationship in the open.

                    One stormy night as the Cullens were out hunting, Koda sat in her room reading when movement past her window caught her eye. She stood and walked to the window and looked out it but saw nothing out of the normal, but her instincts told her something wasn't right. Suddenly the sound of glass breaking echoed throughout the house as the power went out. The entire place was pitch black and silent as the storm raged outside. Koda's eyes glow bright green, allowing her to see through the pitch black as she moves to her bedroom door. As she reached for the door handle, her ears picked up the sound of claws on wood, sending pure dread throughout her body. "Ko..da..," an animalistic voice growled out. Without hesitation, Koda runs and dives out her window, shifting in midair. The moment her paws hit the ground, she took off into the forest as a bone-chilling howl filled the air. She runs as fast as she can, hoping to run into at least one of the Cullens, but the storm makes it difficult to find any of their scents. Out of nowhere, a massive black werewolf slams into her sending her falling off a cliff side. Koda's body crashes through trees and rock. By the time her body reached the cliff's bottom, it had turned back to a human covered in dirt and wounds. The black wolf lands beside her unconscious body and yanks her off the ground.

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