Protect me

By AnnieWelshh

134K 2.2K 333

Taylor is a 14-year-old high schooler who's had a very traumatic childhood. All of her trauma has caused her... More

Oh no
Let me go!!
Why do you care?
Why won't you eat?
The escape
The rescue
The secret
The babysitter
Your dead mf
Im Stuck
The calm before the storm
Whats going on?
Who's in control?
Hold me
The Nightmare
The meeting
Portect me
The first steps
The Hospital
The Diagnosis
The Fall

The last straw

4.4K 80 7
By AnnieWelshh

Asher stood in complete shock. He honestly didn't even know how to react. He's been a therapist to people with many sorts of mental illnesses, but never an eating disorder.

After Taylor finished she collapsed on the floor, too weak to even lift her head. After a long battle of not eating for days, her body was at its last straw.

   Asher ran to Taylor's side and dropped to the floor beside her. He quickly lifted her but Taylor jumped in fear and pushed Asher's hands off her.

   The room went silent, but the quiet spoke levels above any noise. Taylor, now sitting up, maintained detect eye contact with the teary-eyed Asher.

   Then, out of nowhere, Taylor broke. It was like a lifetime supply of tears escaped her eyes all at once. She put her head in her hands and didn't hold back.

   The sincerity of Taylor's tears was too much for Asher. Before he knew it silent tears ran down the man's face. Without hesitation, he scooped Taylor into his arms and hugged her like there was no tomorrow.

"It's okay angel, your okay" Asher hushed, voice cracking between tears.

Taylor maintained a strong grasp on Asher's shirt. She was experiencing something she's never felt before. Something that was taken away from her. Something she never imagines being able to feel. Taylor felt safe.

Asher's tight grip on the girl's declining body gave her a feeling of comfort. Gave her reassurance. Reassurance that everything will be okay, she's safe.

"Promise you won't leave me," Taylor spoke softy.

"I promise. I promise I never leave you. I promise that when you are with me you'll always be safe. No matter what you say or do I'll never leave your side. I will listen and understand your every word. I promise. I promise no matter what I will never stop loving you."

There was a moment of silence and tears before Taylor spoke again. "What do you mean to love me? That's weird if you have a crush on me, I'm only 14."

"No, not like that sweetie" He laughed wiping his tears with his hoodie sleeve. "I love you differently. I love you like a father loves his children. Do you understand?"

"I don't think my parents ever loved me..."

"My parents never loved me either. I never was able the experience the feeling of being loved, but thanks to you, I know what it feels like to love someone."

Asher held Taylor in his arms until she fell into a deep sleep. Once he heard her soft snoring, he brought her upstairs. This time, not taking her into the guest room, but taking her into the nursery.

He was taking a slow approach to the age regression, acting on habits when they came up but had realized it was time to take a more sudden approach. When he opened the door to the roomy nursery, he took a pacifier from a cabinet and slipped it between her lips. Then carefully laid Taylor on the changing table.

He strapped her down and took a few steps away, questioning if he wanted to go through with this.

Seeing what Taylor does when she's unsupervised has inspired Asher to go ahead and force Taylor into regressing. Knowing that it will help her physically and emotionally is also a plus. Doing what Asher was already doing (slowly acting on regressive habits) is taking too long, and Taylor needs help now.

There were also cons. Taylor would hate what Asher doing to her. She already hates being treated like a preschooler, but as an infant, she's going to freak out. Also, what will the school be like for her? Would Asher keep having to ease her out of her headspace before going to school? But Taylor truly does need this.

Asher went back to the sleeping Taylor and continued his plan. He carefully addresses the girl until she only remained in a pull-up. Tears welled in his eyes seeing the state her body was in. The bruises, cuts, and bones. Asher didn't know certain types of bones could show, but they were on Taylor's body.

He tore off her pullup and reached underneath the changing table for a diaper. The pull-ups were good for pre-regression, but to get her fully into an infant headspace, she's going to need proper diapers. He lifted her legs and slid the diaper underneath.
Diaper and outfit Taylor is put in ↓

He powdered and taped the diaper snugly on her hips. Forcing Taylor's legs to spread just a bit from the bulkiness. Then he proceeded to dress her in a simple pink onesie.

Once she was all dressed he carefully picked her up and Laid her in the nursery's crib.
The crib (in a more modern room of course) ↓

He kissed the little girl goodnight and closed the door, leaving a small sliver open.

Asher went to the kitchen and began cooking dinner. It was around 6 pm, and since Taylor most likely wasn't going to wake up till tomorrow, he decided to cook some dinner just for himself.

While he cooks he usually listens to music, but not this time. He was too deep in his thoughts...

He wondered if he picked the right regression age for Taylor. She hasn't been into imaginary play and toys, which makes him suspect she has a younger headspace. She also has infant habits such as thumb-sucking, bed-wetting, speaking in short sentences, and things that.

While thinking, he was interrupted by a vibration in the back pocket of his jeans. He removed his phone to see that Anjali was calling him.

Asher: Hey Anajali.

Anjali: sup Asher, you okay, you seem stressed.

Asher: (Asher sighs) Today's been rough.

Anjali: oh no, what happened?

Asher: I figured out why Taylor won't eat.

There was a few seconds of silence on Anjali's part

Anjali: why?

Asher: she has anorex-

Anjali: I'm coming over

Asher: wait what!?

Anjali: see you soon

                        Anjali hangs up

  Asher sets his phone down in confusion. Not exactly knowing what to do, he continues to cook his dinner.

  About 15 minutes later, there was a knock on the door. Asher opened it and was met with an out-of-breath Anjali.

   "Hey, you okay?" Asked Asher, letting Anjali inside.

  "Is she okay!?!"

"Anajali don't worry. She's sleeping right now. She'll be okay."

  They sit on the couch together while Asher explains today's events.

  "Okay, Taylor and I got home from the store and ate some lunch. After she was done eating, she did her normal routine of asking to use the bathroom. I accepted her request and watched as she sprinted away, but this time I got a bad feeling. So, I followed her to the bathroom. That's when I saw she left the door slightly open, and inside I could see her gagging herself until she threw up. She then collapsed on the floor so I ran over to help her. She eventually ended up falling asleep in my arms, and ya that's about it."

   "She was conscious though, right?"

  "Yes, when she collapsed she was still awake, just too weak to hold herself up."

  "Then what did you do!?"

  "Well, after seeing what she did while unsupervised, I realized that waiting for her to fully regress wasn't going to work. So I sorta forced her into it."

  "How did you do that?"

  "Once she fell asleep I took her to the nursery, put her in a diaper and onesie, then laid her in the crib."

  "So she doesn't know yet?"

  "No, but I'm scared man. I don't want her to panic or not trust me. I just know that age regression is the best for her."

  "You're doing the right thing Asher. She probably will panic at first, but in the long run, this will help her."

"Thank you, bro, I appreciate you driving all the way here the moment you found out that she could be in trouble."

  "It's no problem. After babysitting Taylor I kinda grew a connection with her. I'm glad to help out!"

  After talking, Anjali helped Asher finish dinner. They ate and talked together until Anjali went home.

  Asher then went about his night routine before checking up on Taylor one last time. He peeked through the nursery door to see Taylor in a deep sleep, with a pink Nuk pacifier bobbing up in down in her mouth.

   Asher then went to bed. Sleeping comfortably knowing Taylor is safe in his care.

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