My Angel ( Arranged Marriage)

By ShruthiHampi

722 26 0

Love in arranged marriage . More

chapter one
chapter Two
chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two

chapter Five

36 2 0
By ShruthiHampi

Ansh will be shocked that Geeta made her decision so soon . Still to confirm he says " you decided to call me so fast? Or is it something else?" Geeta realised she was worried about him and called him when he thinks she wants to build this relationship further which she really wants. So she just says " come back soon your dinner is waiting for you." Ansh smiles and says" And you? Are you waiting for me?" She just hmm and cut the call. She starts heating food for him and he walks into the house. Geetanjali' s parents greet him and rush him to dinning room saying he didn't eat since morning and it's not good for his health. He sits for dinner and Geeta brings food served for him. Seeing her smile suddenly he starts to feel more hungry. He eats more as srinivas and his wife treat him royally. When he finishes dinner Geeta brings dessert for him. He denies saying I am full . Srinivas says Geeta makes best dessert. Immediately Ansh takes the cup from her hand. How can he miss this chance he wonders. Even though he is full he eats till last grain in bowl. Srinivas tells him they will talk in morning now it's very late and Ansh had a long busy day not to forget the journey too. Ansh nods and goes to room shown by srinivas. Geeta too goes to room which she shares with anshuman's mother today. Geeta quietly changed and slept off spreading mattress on floor.
Next morning Geeta family was busy pampering anshuman and his family with their hospitality. After a royal breakfast srinivas asks Ansh to meet him alone in farm. Srinivas spoke about Geeta and her nature . Ansh promised srinivas that he would keep Geeta happiness before his happiness and take care of her like a princess of her father and queen of his heart. Srinivas gets satisfied his selection for his daughter was right. Ansh and srinivas returns and all have lunch happily. Gowtham would have reached sometime after breakfast and got all updates from his wife. Gowtham and srinivas will be happy to see kids happy . Srinivas' s mother asks " so what to do next? I know new generation would not accept but delaying in these kind of matter is not good. Get them engaged and prepare for marriage soon. May be i will be able to see only Geeta wedding before  life leaves this body. " Geeta hugs her granny crying. Anshuman smiles and sits on knees infront of granny and says " engagement and wedding can happen anytime, i want to know your princess and give her the best engagement and wedding experience because she is very special not only to granny but whole village. " Granny laughs and pats his head and tells " you are right, beta. God bless you." It's time and Gowtham had arranged for return journey. Anshuman and his family leave after tea and snacks.
By the time he reach his house it will be late night, he puts his phone for charging and goes to freshen up. When he comes back he sees alot of notifications on his mobile screen. He will be very tired so thinks he will check it in morning but his eyes land on one name which brings a bright smile on his face. He immediately opens message from that name.
Message 1. Hope you liked our treatment, we are not as rich as you to give your family the best facilities. Hope your family didn't face much discomfort.
Message 2. Hope lunch was good and according to your taste.
Message 3. I wanted to pack snacks for your journey but you people left suddenly i could not arrange.
Message 4. Have you reached yet?
Message 5. Call or message me once you reach home.
Message 6. Why no response? Still traveling that you didn't charge your phone?
Ansh smiles read over messages again and again. He sees time it will be passed mid night and feels she might be sleeping. But he noticed her last message was around half an hour ago. He takes chance and replies.
Hello, since i didn't plan for over night trip didn't carry charger. Reached around 12. Charging phone now. Saw your message. Thank you for wonderful treatment and loved everything there. Take care. Good night will message in the morning.
As soon as he sends it he sees it getting blue ticked. He gets immediately reply dinner? He replies had on the way. Why are you not sleeping still angel? You didn't sleep last night too properly. Sleep we will catch up in morning. Geeta relied I was waiting for your message now shall sleep. Good night. Ansh lies on bed and remember they clicked a selfie last night. He opens his gallery and smile when he sees they picture where it looked like they were both kissing each other on cheeks. He laughs and gets naughty thought and immediately message her , how can I sleep now? She replies what happened? He sends that picture tagging it with message you stole my heart with this. The moment Geeta sees picture she blushes and sends emoji of shying . Ansh smiles and message i am missing you already. Geeta replies good night take care.
Both sleep immediately with smiles on their faces. 
The next morning both started with a bright smile on their faces remembering the conversation last night. Anshuman had a busy day waiting for him for two days being away from the office. He gets ready and leaves soon as he has a meeting very early in the morning. His whole day would be packed with meetings, field visits and a business party in the evening. Only when he leaves for home late at night he gets his mobile from his secretary. He scrolled down the message sees three messages from Geeta good morning, had lunch, looks like you are very busy, please take care and have food on time. He smiles at her concern and checks time . It will be over 11 pm and he will be wondering if he can call her this late, his phone rings immediately it's his mother. He received the call and will inform he will be home in ten minutes. He was about to call Geeta when he received his mother's call so as soon as that call got cut the call to Geeta connected immediately.

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