A Collection of Short Stories

By foresthoney1

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Short erotic stories with some fluff. Each chapter is a different story :). #1 (07/22/2021) - #boyxgirlrelati... More

Note From Author
The Revelry
New York
Stepbrother 2
Stepbrother 3
Apocalypse 2
Bestie's Brother
Revelry 3
Revelry 4
Mafia Leader (Part 1)
Mafia Leader (Part 2)
The Revelry 5
The Mafia Leader 2 (Part 1)
The Mafia Leader 2 (Part 2)

The Revelry 2

14K 83 29
By foresthoney1

I watch from my daises as my subjects dance, celebrating my brother. Today's his coronation. I should be happy for him.

But I'm absolutely miserable.

I was born first. I have every right to the throne. But since I'm a woman, that right was taken from me. My brother, however much of an imbecile he may be, is now the ruler.

King Edmund of Maylon.


My eyes drift across the room, locking onto a pair of grey ones that I've seen so many times before. Fear runs down my spine as I watch the new King of Virac, Ryle, make his way through the crowd. I make myself keep still as he approaches.

Virac is a violent and greedy empire. They've been trying to take Maylon and it's surrounding countries for as long as I can remember. Because of this, my mother and father had the fiercest warriors train me to fight. Which is why I'm holding my ground as Ryle gets closer and closer. When he gets too close my guards stop him.

"Let His Majesty through," I say as I stand up.

"Your Highness, I'm not sure-"

"Let him through," I interrupt, my irritation entering my voice.

They step to the side and Ryle walks up.

"I'm sorry for your loss, King Ryle."

He clasps his hands behind his back, "Thank you, Princess Wren, but my father got what was coming to him."

"Mmm," I hum. I can't outright agree with him but lying to him doesn't seem right either.

He stares at me with those grey eyes that I should've recognized the second he walked into that revelry.

"I have a question," He says, a mischievous gleam in his eyes.

I fight to keep my anger down. What game is he playing?

"I can't promise an answer."

He lets out a chuckle before stepping closer, "How badly do you want to kill you brother?"

I step back, appalled, "Excuse me?"

"Well, I've been watching you, Your Highness," He says, making his voice quieter, "You're very good at putting on a polite smile but every now and then... It slips."

I take a deep breath, "You are making a very serious accusation, Your Majesty, and I don't appreciate it. I love my brother, he's been working towards this his whole life."

He tilts his head a little, "So you're overjoyed on this occasion?"

"Of course I am," I snip, lying through my teeth.

He grins, looking like he accomplished something.


"You know," He starts, stepping closer so that his face is incredibly close to mine, my guards turning to face us. He lowers his voice so only I can hear him, "You never lied to me that night."

My heart begins to race, "What're you talking about? What night?"

"You just evaded my questions," He continues, ignoring me, "So I didn't know what it looked like when you lied, until now."

I let out a breath to keep the anger out of my voice, "Your Majesty," He tilts head more, acting like he truly cares about what I'm going to say, "I don't have any clue what you're referring to."

"Mhm," He says, mocking me at this point.

"And I'm going to ask you to leave. You have insulted me and my family and I don't take kindly to that."

He smiles before bending down putting his lips by my ear.

Gods, he smells so good.

"I don't believe you, Wren, and would prefer it if you would drop this prim and proper facade," He turns his head so that his breath tickles my ear when he speaks, "I know how dirty you can get, my love."

I suck in a sharp breath, taking some steps back. He watches me, amused.

"Get away from me," I demand.

"Your Highness," He starts, a smug smile on his face.

"No," I blurt out. I walk around him before quickly making my way out of the room. I plaster on a polite smile and say my goodbyes. From the look on people's faces when they look at the front of the room, Ryle is still standing there, watching me leave.


I practically throw all my jewelry onto my vanity.

I am done with this day. I want it to be over.

I go to the bathroom and remove my makeup. I then start on taking my hair down from it's painfully tight ponytail. I pull out pin after pin after pin. Then I take the hair tie out, my long hair finally falling from the updo. I close my eyes as I run my fingers through my hair, my scalp tender from being in that ponytail all day. I sigh as I sit down on the edge of my tub. My nails feel like heaven as I drag them through my hair.

My door opens and then closes.

"I wish to be alone," I call out, assuming it's a maid.

Footsteps come towards the bathroom, I open my eyes in time to see Ryle lean against the doorway, arms crossed over his chest, that stupid, smug smile still on his face. I stand up, pure shock making my body go rigid.

"Get out. You have no right-"

"I have every right, Wren, to be in your bedroom," He interrupts, "Seeing as we've already laid together."

I storm towards him, not bothering to keep the fury off my face, "I've already told you, I have no Earthly clue what you're talking about."

"You're lying," He says through a humorless smile, "You and I both know it. So drop the act."

I cross my arms over my chest, "What makes you so sure that it was me??"

He grins, "I'm so glad you asked that, Wren."

I hate that he uses my name so casually.

He puts his hand inside of his suit jacket and I take a tiny step back, not entirely trusting it's not a dagger.

He pulls out a black lace, masquerade mask. My heart drops to my goddamn stomach.

"Do you recognize this?" He asks.

That's a silly question. Of course I do, it's my mask from that night. I took it off as I was walking to my room. I meant to stuff it into my dress to hide it but it must've fallen out. I haven't been able to find it since.

I keep my face in it's irritated state as I internally begin to freak out.

I motion to it, "What is this?"

"Mm," He mumbles nodding, his frustration rising, "I'm not explaining what this is, Wren, you already know what this is."

I sigh, walking into my room and to my closet, "It's a random black mask, even if I was that girl, that could belong to anyone."

He doesn't say anything when I shut my closet door.

I can't breath in this goddamn dress.

I untie the knot at the end, keeping my corset as tight as it is. Or at least try to. My maids always act like I need the corset this tight to keep my organs together. I sigh, again, as I continue to struggle with the knot. I look up at the ceiling in irritation.

"This is impossible," I mumble to myself.

I pull on the knot out of pure frustration and end up making it tighter. I let out a grunt and put my hand on my stomach.

Now I can hardly breathe. I pinch my eyes shut as an idea passes through my mind. I shake my head before walking back into my room. If he see's anything, it's not like he hasn't already seen it.

He seems to be in deep thought as he leans against my vanity, hands gripping the edge of the desk.

"King Ryle."

He looks at me.

"Can you-" I sigh, looking away. This is humiliating, "Can you untie my corset?"

I look back at him and he has a lopsided smile on his face, "You can't?"

"Well if I could I wouldn't be asking you."

He stares at me for a second before pushing off the vanity and walking towards me. No, not walking, he looks like he's prowling towards prey. It's intimidating.

When he reaches me, he grabs my arm, turning my back to him. He brushes my hair over my shoulder, his fingers grazing my upper back, making goosebumps break out across my shoulders as he lights small fire in me. I feel him start to work on the knot.

"Why won't you just admit it?"

I don't say anything.

"That's all I want from you."

He sighs as I feel my dress loosen a little.

"I should've known it was you with all that fate talk," He mumbles.

I wrap my arms around my stomach, keeping my dress still while he works to get it off. I feel him loosening the ties, making me close my eyes in relief.

He yanks, pulling me back a little and I look over my shoulder at him. He's smiling but he keeps his attention on what he's doing. I go back to staring at a spot on the ground before feeling my dress go completely slack.

I suck in a greedy breath of air as he takes a step back.

"Put on the mask."

"What?" I ask as I turn around.

"Put it on. Prove to me you're not who I think you are and I'll leave."

I stare at him for a moment. Then I go to my closet and shut the door. I change into a fairly short, white, silk nightgown. I then grab my matching robe and put it on, tying it around my waist. When I come back out, he's standing in the way. The mask in his hands. I snatch it from him and push past him.

It doesn't matter how drunk we were or how much of my face the mask covered. He's clearly not going to stop until he proves that it was me that he slept with. He figured it out, there's no convincing him otherwise. I sit down at my vanity and open the drawer, looking for my blue contact.

I have two different colored eyes. One blue and one green. It's a feature that is easily recognizable so when I go out and don't want anyone to know, I hide my green eye behind a realistic blue contact.

"What're you doing?" He asks as he walks towards me.

I shake my head, "You'll see."

I find the case and pull it out, closing the drawer. I lean in closer to the mirror as I put the contact over my green eye. I look up and blink it into place. I check it in the mirror before grabbing the mask and putting it on. When I've finished tying it around my head, I look at Ryle in the mirror. He comes closer before leaning down so that his head is right next to mine. He puts his arms on either side of me, caging me in. He stares at me before a small smile grows on his lips.

"I knew it."

I sigh in irritation before practically ripping the mask off my face and tossing it on the desk.

"Congratulations, Ryle. You figured it out," I grumble as I lean forward to take my contact out, "Want a gold star?"

He chuckles, "I know what I want."

I meet his eyes and I already know he's thinking about that night a month ago.

"Well, you're not getting it."

I put my contact away before watching him move my hair away from my neck. He leans down and starts placing soft kisses on my neck. My breath hitches as I feel goosebumps rise across my arms. I fight the urge to close my eyes.


"You've had a hard day, my love," He says with a smile, "Let me help you relax."

He moves a hand to my jaw and leans back slightly. He makes me look at him and I attempt to pull my head away but he tightens his grip. He runs his thumb over my bottom lip, his eyes following the movement.

I really shouldn't. I really, really shouldn't. But I haven't been able to stop thinking about that night, much less find someone better. Would it be so bad to let it happen again? Just this once?

But it wouldn't be just this once, it would be just this second time. I can't. I can't. I can't. His father and him have been trying to take my country since I was 15. That's a decade of him trying to overthrow us. A decade of my people being forced to live paycheck to paycheck because he wants to be greedy. And Gods forbid anyone finds out. I could be accused of treason and forced out. Then where will I go? What will I do?

He brushes his lips against mine, pulling me out of my head. I let out a breath and he smiles.

"Do you want me to kiss you, Wren?" He says lowly, making my heart skip a beat.

I tear my eyes from his lips to meet his own.


My voice sounds so weak and I hate it.

"You don't sound too sure of yourself," He teases.

"We can't," I whisper, "Not again."

"Oh, but we can," He whispers back.

I shake my head but he stops the movement.

"No one will know," He says before placing a kiss on my jaw, "It'll be our secret."

I glance at my door before looking back at him, "No one will know?"

He smiles a little, "No one will know."

Can't be charged with treason if no one knows I committed it.

"And I'll take it slow," He whispers, his eyes glued to my lips.

I lean up and kiss him. The taste of him invades my mouth and a small moan crawls out of my throat. I stand up, putting my hands on his chest. He grips my waist and pulls me against him. I slide my hands up and around his neck. He takes several steps backwards, heading towards my bed. He sits down and I waste no time crawling into his lap. I feel his hand slide to where my robe is tied. He unties the bow with ease before slowly sliding it down my arms. Once it's off, he pulls away, his eyes raking over my body. He slides his hands down to my bare thighs and squeezes.

"You're so perfect," He whispers before his lips are back on mine. His hands slip under my nightgown. His touch is feverish, like he's been waiting a lifetime to feel my skin against his. I move my hands to the opening of his suit jacket and start pushing it down his arms. He takes his hands off my body to get his jacket off. His hands are back on me and pulling me impossibly closer. I pull at his white button down, untucking it. He smiles against my lips when I start unbuttoning it. He moves his hands to my hips and pushes me down as he pushes his hips up. I grip his shirt as a surprised moan leaves my throat. His smile grows before doing it again. My hands fly to his wrists and I pull away to look at him.

"I can't get your shirt off if you keep doing that," I say, breathless.

"Then don't worry about it," He says before wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me against him. His other hand stays on my hip as he continuously rolls his hips. I close my eyes as I grip his shoulders, the friction feeling incredible. He starts kissing my neck as I feel him harden between my legs.

He cusses under his breath as I bite my lip, trapping a moan. He stops moving his hips so I mindlessly rock mine. His hand slips under my nightgown and hooks his finger under the string of my thong. He slides his hand to the front of my underwear before letting his fingertips dip past the hem. He slowly moves his hand down, inching to where I need him. He picks his head up and I look at him. He watches my face as his finger slides between my slick folds. I open my mouth and pinch my eyebrows together when he circles my clit. A moan escapes and I press my hips further against his hand. He circles with more pressure and I lean my forehead against his.

"Do I make you feel good, my love?"

Oh, how I hate that he's capable of doing this to me. I close my eyes as I grip his hair in my hand, not answering his stupid question. His finger leaves my clit to slip inside me and I moan in relief.

"Hm?" He probes as he starts moving. A mixture of a moan and a whine leaves my lips. I move my face to the crook of his neck before hearing a breathless chuckle.

"I think I do," He says lowly, teasingly, "You're so wet for me already."

"Don't let it go to your head," I snip. He adds a second finger in response, making a surprised moan crawl out of my throat.

"Too late," I can hear the smug smile in his voice before he stops the movement of his fingers, "Ride them."

I hesitate and he sinks his fingers deeper.

"Now, Wren."

I begin to grind my hips in his lap, riding them. His grip on my waist turns bruising as I pick my head up, letting it fall back. I grip his shoulders, his long fingers hitting a spot I can never quite reach myself.

"Good girl," He grumbles.

My breathing is heavy as he holds me against him. I ball his shirt in my hands. I moan when his palm brushes my clit, sending a shock up my spine. He suddenly removes his fingers and frustration bubbles up in me. But then he puts his lips by my ear, "Take your panties off."

I look at him as I get out of his lap, my legs feeling like noodles. I slowly slip my underwear down my legs as he finishes unbuttoning his shirt. He stands up in front of me, letting his shirt drop to the floor, revealing a tan and toned torso, some scars peppering his skin. He leans down and kisses me, not letting me stare at them for too long. His hands grip the end of my nightgown before starting to pull it up, slowly. He lets his fingers brush my skin as he lifts it up my body, making my skin light on fire. He pulls away to get the fabric over my head. When it drops to the floor, his eyes rake over my body, his fingers skim over a few of my own scars. When they meet mine, they're full of hunger and need. I take the time to look him over again, I run my hands over his chest. His breathing turns shallow when I slide my hands over his stomach and then around his back, tracing a few of his scars on the way. I meet his eyes again and he seems to be barely holding himself together.

"You're not going to ask me about them?" He questions.

"You didn't ask about mine."

A small smile pulls at his lips, "You know, Wren... I'm only just realizing how bad of an idea this is."

"Well I could have told you that," I say, "'Cause this is truly a horrendous idea."

He pulls his bottom lip between his teeth, "But what a great, horrendous idea."

He then crashes his lips onto mine, his hands wrapping around the backs of my thighs before picking me up. I wrap my limbs around him as I feel him turn around and then I'm being laid down on my bed. He pulls away to kiss my neck and then my chest and then his mouth is enclosed around my nipple. I grip his hair when his warm tongue swipes over my nipple. I arch my back, pushing my chest towards his mouth as he sucks and swirls his tongue around my nipple, bring it to a hard point. I pinch my eyes shut, crying out when his teeth lightly scrape it, sending a shock straight between my legs.

"Ouch, Ryle," I breathe and I feel him pull away, placing more kisses on my chest.

"You liked it, Wren," He hums before licking over my other nipple. He then sucks it and then his teeth close around it, a little harder than before. A pained moan leaves my mouth, another shock being sent between my legs. I squirm against him as he continues to harden my nipple. He pulls away, blows cool air onto it, making the raw skin feel much better before kissing down my stomach. He pushes my legs further apart as he licks between my folds. I let out a sharp breath before gripping my pillow in one hand and my duvet in the other.

"So fucking wet," He whispers as he slowly licks me. His tongue finds my clit and I'm sent to another world.

He sucks it into his mouth and desperate moans crawl their way out of my throat. My breathing is flooded and useless when he begins to flick his tongue. My back arches when he groans, the vibrations sending chills crashing over my body.

This isn't going to take very long, not at all.

I moan his name in a tone so needy, I hardly recognize my voice. He grips me tighter. I bite back a scream when he lightly bites the overly sensitive bud, a groan leaving my mouth instead. I feel him smile before swirling his tongue around my clit.

"You keep biting me," I point out, breathlessly.

"You just taste so good, Wren," He teases before flicking his tongue quickly. I move my hand to his hair as the heat in my stomach begins to build. I open my eyes to stare up at the ceiling as waves of pleasure flow through my veins. My body tenses as I get closer and closer.

"Please," I moan, "Just like that."

I glance down at him and he looks like he has no intention of stopping, thank the gods. He moves his hands to my hips, keeping them still. I look over at my door and don't see any shadows in the line of light under the door. He picks up speed and I whip my head back, moaning out and pulling at my sheets.

Gods, I'm so close.

His name falls from my lips before I snap, my back arching off the bed. I grip his hair so tightly, I'm almost surprised I don't pull it out. A burning heat floods my body as I moan out, squirming so much I must look insane. He stays down there, licking up everything I give him. When I start to come down he slows his flicking to a stop and then licks up from my entrance to my clit, over and over, seemingly savoring me. I keep my eyes closed as I try to catch my breath. I put my hand on my damp forehead and bite my lip when he sucks on my clit and then pulls away. I open my eyes to see him standing up at the foot of my bed, watching me as he unbuckles his belt. I sit back on my elbows and he unbuttons his pants. They drop to the floor and my eyes fixate on his hard dick. He crawls onto the bed, between my legs, looming over me. I lay back down before moving my hands to his back. My hands brush over a much bigger scar on his back.

A whip.

Then it reaches another. They take up his entire back.

I lean up and kiss him, moving my hands to wrap around his neck. He seems to sigh with relief when I don't say anything about them.

"Do they hurt?" I mumble.

He shakes his head.

That's all I need to know. I'm not his girlfriend, I don't care how he got them, I honestly don't really care. I just need to know if I can dig my nails into his back.

I feel his tip press against my entrance and move my hips, trying to tell him to start without actually telling him. He smiles, "Say please."

I bite back my retort.

"Please," I whisper against his lips.

He immediately sinks into me and I moan, digging my nails into his back. He groans once all of him is in and I pull away. Both of us are breathing hard and heavy. The ache between my legs is instantly taken away, his cock making me feel unbelievably full. He pulls back to the tip and then sinks back in, my breath catches as I pinch my eyes shut.

"Look at me while I'm inside you," He demands.

I open my eyes, as much as they will go, and meet his intense stare. He reaches back and grips my thigh pushing it up towards my chest. He then pulls out to the tip and sinks back in, a little harder than last time. I moan as I grip onto him, making him grow a smug smile.

"I'm barely doing anything, my love," He goads.

"Shut up," I breathe, making him chuckle.

He starts moving, no longer pausing between thrusts. He sets a good pace and I fight to keep my eyes open. He lets go of my leg to grip my ass,
keeping my hips still and firmly against his. He leans down and kisses me and I moan into his mouth. I pull his body against mine, needing to feel every inch of his skin against me.

I hear muffled talking and look at my door. The light streaming underneath it is blocked by the shadows of two sets of feet. Ryle begins thrusting harder and I bite down on my lip as he kisses my neck.

"Ryle," I try to whisper but it ends up coming out more as a moan. I feel him smiling but he doesn't reply. He just grabs my wrists and pins them above my head.

A knock at my door.

Ryle goes faster.

I pull at my wrists as I bite down so hard on my lip, I can taste a bit of blood. I pinch my eyes shut, tilting my head back, my body filling with tension from trying to stay quiet.

"Your Highness?"

My maids.

"Oh gods," I moan quietly.

"Answer them, Wren," He demands in my ear.

I shake my head.

"Answer or they're coming in."

"Can you- oh please Ryle, just pause what you're doing," I whisper.

"Answer them."

Another knock.

"Your Highness?" They sound concerned.

I let out a breath and look at the door before answering, "Yes?"

"Oh! May we come in?"

"No!" I blurt out, making Ryle chuckle, "No, I'm getting ready for bed."

It takes everything in me to keep my voice even.

"Oh, alright, well we just wanted to check on you since you left early. Make sure you're feeling okay."

"I'm fine. Just tired. Go enjoy the festivities."

I try to move my hips away but he puts both of my wrists in one hand and goes back to gripping my ass with the other, keeping me against him.

"Ryle, please," I whisper.

"You're doing great, my love."

"Are you sure?" My maid asks.

"Yes! Go!"

I watch their shadows walk away and Ryle lets go of my wrists.

"Good girl," He praises and I feel myself pulse around him.

I wrap my arms around him, "You could've paused."

He groans, "Oh, you feel too good to pause, Wren."

He picks his head up and pecks me before sitting up. He grips my hips as he thrusts hard and fast, going deeper than before. My mouth opens and I claw at my sheets. His eyes rake over my body. His hand slips between my legs and starts circling. I throw my head back, a loud moan ripping out of my throat as I clench my eyes shut. I mindlessly reach down, trying to push his hand away, the feelings coursing through me are too much. He stops circling my clit only to bring my hand to where our bodies connect.

"Touch yourself since you don't think I do it right."

I look at him in disbelief, "No- that's not-"

"Hm?" He probes.

"It was too much."

"Was it?"

I nod. He nods back before his hands wrap around my wrists as he leans back over me. He pins my hands by my head before fucking me harder.

"And you thought it was a good idea to show me how to fuck you? Like I haven't done this before?"

My mouth opens in shock at what he's saying.

"I'm a quick learner, Wren," He says as he puts my wrists in one hand, his other starts traveling down my body, "I know your body well enough. I know when something is too much for you."

He starts circling and I choke on a breath.

"Please," I whisper as a warmth builds between my legs. He only smiles before applying more pressure and circling faster. I squirm beneath him and try to breathe as he thrusts into me over and over. I attempt to pull my wrists back but he only tightens his grip. I pinch my eyes shut as shallow breaths leave my mouth. I feel his lips brush my ear, sending a shiver down my spine.

"Come on me, pretty girl," He whispers, making me moan, "Let me feel that again, my love, I know you're close."

I throw my head back and he quickly lets go of my hands to cover my mouth. I scream as I come, clawing at his back. Fire explodes through my veins and I have to dig my nails into him just to ground myself. He thrusts faster and I cry out as this orgasm reaches new heights. He chuckles when a tear slips out of my eye.

"Easy, Wren," He says softly before kissing my forehead and then slowing his thrusts. He takes his hand away and I suck in greedy lungfuls of air. He moves his lips to my neck. I feel my legs shaking and he moves a hand to one of my thighs and squeezes. I feel a smile against my skin and if I could push his arrogant ass off me, I would. But, at the moment, I'm exhausted.

He pulls out and then flips me onto my stomach. He yanks my ass up into the air by my hips, making me gasp. He slaps it, earning yelp from me. I look over my should at him like he's insane. He must be if he thinks he can touch me like that.

He smiles at me, "Had to."

"Do that again, Ryle. I fucking dare you."

He chuckles before sliding back into me and I face forward, gripping the sheets.

"Gods," I groan.

He squeezes my asscheek as he thrusts in and out.

"You take me so well," He praises.

I pinch my eyes shut when he sets a good rhythm. He moves his hands to my hips and I moan as he hits me deeper in this position.

"You're so deep," I gasp out when he feels like he's in my gods-damned stomach. He leans over me, pushing himself in to the hilt, making me moan and grip the sheets with all my strength.

"Yeah?" He teases as his hand goes to my chest, "The deeper I go the wetter you get, my love."

I scowl. Cocky asshole.

He moves my hair before kissing my neck. I open my eyes and see his hand gripping the sheets next to my hand. He fucks me harder and my eyes shut. His hand on my chest moves to wrap his arm around my waist, pressing our bodies together. My breathing is winded and useless. I moan his name and he mumbles a "fuck" before moving faster.

"Just like that," I moan out, "Oh, gods, yes, Ryle."

"Fucking hell," He grumbles before his hand travels between my legs. I let out a sharp breath when he begins to circle. "Come on me, Wren. Right now."

I choke on a breath as my orgasm hits me. I cry out into the sheets as he fucks me through it. He pulls out and flips me over. He continues to circle my clit, riding out my orgasm as he pumps his dick, chasing his own as he watches me writhe below him. He comes on my stomach, using plenty of curse words. I look down at my stomach before he applies more pressure on my clit, making me clench my eyes shut.

I reach down, swatting his hand away, "Stop, stop."

He sinks two fingers into me and I let out a throaty moan before looking at him.

"What're you doing??" I ask, breathlessly.

He shakes his head, "I'm not done with you quite yet."

He starts pumping his fingers and my head tilts back as I moan out.

"Those fucking noises," He whispers before adding a third finger, "You're going to come; one more time."

I shake my head as I grip the sheets, "Can't- I can't, Ryle, please."

"Yes you can, you're already close."

I reach down and try to push his hand away but he grabs my wrist and holds it to the side. He moves his fingers faster and I pant, squirming under his touch. I try to pull my wrist away but he doesn't let me. I feel my orgasm quickly building to the point that all he has to do is lightly touch my clit and I snap.

When his thumb presses on my clit, my back arches off my bed as I come. Ryle lets go of my wrist and I claw at the sheets, moaning out.

"Fuck!" I shout as he circles his thumb. My breathing is heavy as I come back down and he slows his fingers.

"Listen to that wet pussy," He goads, "All this cum just for me."

"Please," I beg, exhausted, "Please, no more."

He pulls his fingers out and I push my body up the bed so that I can close my shaking legs. I look at him and he's sucking my orgasm off his fingers.

"Open your legs."

I groan, "I can't, anymore, Ryle please."

"Shhh I just want to look, my love," He says as he grips the backs of my thighs, "Let me see what I do to you."

I let him open my legs and his stare heats up when he looks down. I do, too and see that it's slick with my cum and swollen and red from being used. I lay my head back, slightly embarrassed as I try to catch my breath.

He leans over me and places his lips on mine. He cups my cheek in his hand.

"Ryle," I hum.

"Hm?" He mumbles, absentmindedly.

"Clean off my stomach."

He nips at my bottom lip, "You'd think you'd be more inclined to be nice to me after four orgasms."

He gets off of me and walks to my bathroom.

"This is me being nice," I say as I sit up on my elbows.

He walks back out holding a towel. He glances up at my face before wiping my stomach. Once he's done I get up and grab my robe as he gets dressed. I tie it around my waist before going to the bathroom. I go pee and then I wash my hands. When I look in the mirror, I become filled with disappointment and anger.

I've disgraced my country. I've dishonored my parents. I knowingly had sex with the enemy of Maylon. Do I seriously lack that much self-respect? I could have anyone. Hell, I've probably slept with at least a third of the city by now. Only one man is off limits and I've spread my legs for him twice now.

I open the door and lean against the door frame, arms crossed. I stare at Ryle, who's fixing his sleeve cuffs. He meets my stare before looking back down, "We don't have to hate each other, you know."

"When you leave," I start, ignoring his ridiculous statement, "Be discreet."

I watch his jaw clench, "Wren."


He finishes what he's doing and then grabs his suit jacket, putting it on. He walks over to me, getting entirely too close. I put my hand on his stomach, "Don't."

He grabs my hand and puts it behind my back. He grabs the other and does the same, pulling me flush against him. I try to get my wrists back but he tightens his grip.

"We aren't done when I walk through that door," He informs me, "I don't care what self-control you think you have, we aren't done." I struggle in his hold, trying to put some space between us. He puts both of my wrists in one hand before gripping my jaw in the other, making me look up at him, "So if I find out you have fucked another man in my absence, I will kill him, Wren. Very slowly and very painfully."

Anger bubbles up in me, "You're insane-"

"Yes," He interrupts, "I am. Think about that the next time you see a man you think can do what I just did to you."

He releases me and takes a step back.

"Have a good night. I'll see you tomorrow."

He then walks to my door and slips out. When he leaves, I lean my back against the door frame of my bathroom.

What have I gotten myself into?

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