Mortal to a Goddess [Complete...

Por eyeconic1

32.6K 1.3K 572

She lived a life where she was the most hated which melted his heart. She was one of the biggest devotee of... Mais

1. Birth
2. Growing up
3. Education
5. Separation
6. War after war after war
7. Ashwamedh yagya
8. Daughter off?
9. The shock of Drona
10. The svayamvar of the fire born
11. Draupadi's choice
12. Subhadra's Svayamvar
13. Jealousy of Kunti
14. Count down to war!
15. The final showdown
16. Mortal to a goddess

4. Kala pradarshan

1.9K 96 115
Por eyeconic1

In Hastinapur,
The previous day was a back and fore for the spies. Finally after a day they reached their kingdoms and were on the way to the royal palace.

It was a interesting day for the for the spy of Hastinapur to reach as today Rajguru Drona and Gandhar raj Shakuni were also present in the royal court.

Spy- Pranam maharaj , pranam royal personals.
Bhis- You better have some good information as you have interrupted the royal guru while he was telling something.
Spy- There are a lot of stories and news that I have to say mahamahim but I can come after Rajguru is done.
Dro- Now that you have interrupted me you can go on with your information. I am also interested in hearing the stories you have got.
Spy- Okay Rajguru , Maharaj firstly Ayodhya and Avanti have new rulers. The ruler of Avanti is the one who's thumb was taken by Rajguru Drona. He later went and got his education under Maharishi Vashisth in Ayodhya.

Drona was stumped that Eklavya was a king now. More so he was the king of Avanti the third most powerful kingdom after Magadha and Ayodhya. Even Dwarka's Narayani Sena was weak in front of them. Even the Pandavas supports like Bhishma , Vidur and some mantri's were also scared as they wanted Arjun to be the most powerful but they were cut by the voice of Dhritarashtra.

Dhri- Okay spy but who is the ruler of Ayodhya?
Spy- That is complicated maharaj , the person who won Ayodhya is also a student of Maharishi Vashisth but he also has a elder brother. So his elder brother had different gurus and he was asked to save the princess of Magadha.
Bhis- Wait! Princess of Magadha is free?
Vid- Why are you shocked tatshree?
Sh- Mahamantri , the longer you keep a lion in a jail the more destructive will it be when it's out. The princess of Magadha is that lion that is the only one to never die in the jail of death. If she is out she will be the most destructive , more the Jaraasandh and Kansa combined.
Dro- She can't be that powerful Gandhar raj.
Bhis- No guru Drona I hate to agree with Gandhar raj but he is right. She has been trained by some of the best and has a boon from Mahadev himself.
Dhri- Who is the people who trained her and what is the boon she has?
Sh- Maharaj she was trained by Jarasandh , Kansa , The two confidantes of Kansa Banasur and Narkasur and the king of the asurs Mahabali himself. As for the boon she is known as the youngest pious women of Aryavart and through her devotion she earned a boon from Mahadev that she can will have the knowledge of all divine weapons and will have the knowledge of making Astras on her own.
Bhis- She has defeated me with ordinary weapons.

Hearing the words Bhishma and Shakuni said the people could feel sweat drip down their foreheads. The person who defeated the backbone of Hastinapur with ordinary weapons could easily win against the princes and the soldiers of Hastinapur in minutes.

Kunti was planning about how to make the princess of Magadha her first daughter-in-law to secure the throne of Magadha and the throne of Hastinapur for her. But a shock was on it's was to ruin her plans.

Spy- That's not it as per the traditions of the brihandala dynasty she had to marry the elder brother of the king of Ayodhya. So now the elder brother of king of Ayodhya became the Samrat of Magadha and Princess of Magadha after marriage became the Samragini of Magadha. Later the king of Ayodhya gave Ayodhya to his brother meaning that Magadha , Mathura which was taken by Jarasandh after the death of Kansa and Ayodhya are now joint make Magadha the biggest Kingdom size wise , strength wise and military wise.
Bhis- Who is the king of such a kingdom and the samrat of Aryavart?
Spy- He is non other then the person who Drona rejected and the son of your charioteer Adhirath Karna. Also not to mention that Rishi Durvasa has adopted the daughter of Jarasandh as his own.
Dhri- Is there any more information spy?
Spy- They are going to have a Ashwamedh yagya and then name their kingdom under Samrat Karna , Samragini Hitanshi and Yuvraj Shon along with kulguru Vashisth. Also most of the revered sages like the Saptrishi's , Rishi Durvasa , Rishi vedvyas etc. have all moved to Magadha.

Everyone was so shocked that they couldn't even speak. Kunti' dreams of being the one with power faded and she was wanting to see Magadha as the spy was all praising it's beauty.

That's when Shakuni manipulated Dhritarashtra to invite all the kings and queens or aryavart to see the power of the up and coming princes of Hastinapur.

That's when vidhur got an idea and then he said.

Vid- Maharaj what if the winner of kala pradarshan will be the new Yuvraj?
Dhri- That's a nice idea Vidur , the will of the kala pradarshan will be the next Yuvraj. If the Kauravas win Duryodhan will be the Yuvraj and if the Pandavas win Yudhishthir will be the Yuvraj of Hastinapur.

The day of kala pradarshan,
All the royals from all over the aryavart had come to see the great kala pradarshan of the 105 kuru princes. The praja of Hastinapur was present there before the sun could rise.

That's when the announcement of the arrival of the king along with the queen was made. Then entered Drona along with Ashwatthama. The arrival was seen by two people who were standing on the top most section of the ground.

The Drona explained the pradarshan process and then did a shanknaad. The 98 Kauravas went first then came Dushasan who was second to Duryodhan.

He fought against the soldiers of Hastinapur and when Duryodhan's name was hit on the spinning board by Ashwatthama Dushasan accepted his defeat as he didn't want to fight against his brother.

Then came Sahdev , he was the most sensible Pandava. He and Duryodhan had a great match but Sahdev was then defeated by Duryodhan.

Then came the fight between Nakul and Duryodhan. Nakul made a dramatic entrance that for Krishna who was sitting with the royals would say that Nakul was overacting. The most funny thing was that the entrance of Nakul took more time then it to him to be defeated by the hands of Duryodhan.

Then came Yudhishthir the weakest on the side of Pandavas. The fight was interesting for the praja as it was happening between the two potential Yuvraj of Hastinapur. When Duryodhan taunted Yudhishthir , Yudhishthir dropped his weapon and whined like child saying that Duryodhan was taunting him. That's when the change of mind happened for the praja. As on who couldn't take a simple taunt could never rule a kingdom.

Then came the mad bull of the Pandavas , Bheem. It was the most anticipated match for the people of Hastinapur as it was well known that Duryodhan and Bheem had immense hatred towards each other. The fight was going one sided as the experienced warriors could see that Duryodhan was using strength and techniques but Bheem just relied on the bare strength. Bheem getting frustrated then hit Duryodhan below the bell getting disqualified.

Lastly came the favourite of Drona , the arrogant and the self proclaimed best archer in the whole world. Arjun made a more dramatic enter like the attention seeking person he is. Then he started to showcase his talent.

Seeing him do that Duryodhan challenged Arjun in a battle. The battle was shockingly good and it ended with Duryodhan throwing his mace to the bow of Arjun and breaking the bow.

That's when Drona stood up and said.

Dro- The winner of this contest is Rajkumar Duryodhan. But I Drona am happy to announce that my student Rajkumar Arjun is the best archer in this entire universe.
???- Is he?

The people looked in the place when the noise came from and saw a man standing over there. He looked like a formidable warrior.

Dro- Who are you and how dare you interrupt in the contest of kuru Kumar's.
Karna- It was you who gave all the archers in this world as you proclaimed an upstart prince as the best archer. Also a suta is enough to defeat you.
Dro- Who do you think you are calling my best student a upstart. I don't even know who is your useless guru.
Karna- Hahaha
Dro- What! You don't have anything to say so you are laughing like a mad person?
Karna- I am laughing because your father Rishi Bharadwaj is one of my gurus.

Everyone was shocked as Drona insulted his father. That's when Drona said.

Dro- Impossible my father would never teach a suta like you.
Karna- So you need proof?
Dro- You bloody suta have nothing to prove.

That's when Karna raised his hand and thunder struck in the hands of Karna and a majestic sword came in the hands of Karna. Drona and Ashwatthama couldn't believe that the majestic sword of brahma that was given to Rishi Bharadwaj.

Karna- Now you believe me Drona?
Kripa- But still Arjun is a Rajkumar and you are a Suta.
Karna- I am Karna , the Son of Radha and adhirath , The student of the Saptrishi's , Rishi Durvasa and Bhagwan Parshuram. The samrat of Magadha , Mathura and Ayodhya.

The people who were present over there were going to faint. It was as if thunder struck them.

Bhishma knew that if Karna is here then Hitanshi is also watching the fight from somewhere. He so badly wanted to stop the war but he couldn't as he was not in that place.

Drona who heard about Karna yesterday was sweating as he didn't want his words to be proven wrong. But he was also scared of Hitanshi the wife of Karna after what he heard yesterday.

Shakuni was happy to see the Pandavas already against Karna not because he wanted to make Karna come in the side of Kauravas but it was for another reason.

Karna- Now can I fight kripacharya?
Kripa- Yes Samrat Karna.

That's when Karna called upon his dhanush that was the Sarang dhanush. Seeing this Bhishma and Drona were dumbstruck but the realisation hit them that Rishi Jamdagni has made Karna his successor.

The fight between Karna Arjun started at tho it Arjun was being offensive the eyes of the royals men and warrior queens and princess could see that karna's arrow was faster them Arjun's. Meaning the attack that Arjun was doing the arrows didn't even reach halfway when Karna neutralised the attack.

As the sunset was minutes away Karna disarmed Arjun and tied him to the Nagpas.

Karna- Drona what happened to you self proclaimed best archer?
Dro- It is just because you had the divine bow of Rishi Jamdagni.
Karna- Wrong I earned all the knowledge that I got by doing Tapasya and learn from my gurus because they are actually really gurus.
Bhee- You arrogant suta.

Bheem charged towards but it looked like he was running on the same spot. That's when he was lifted in the Air but a person and was thrown. All the people were shocked as Drona had claimed that Bheem was the most powerful person on Earth.

Hi- What happened the most powerful person on Earth you got thrown by a mere women.
Bhee- You evil women I will kill you.

That's when Bheem changed towards the women who insulted him. As he was going to hit her she stepped aside making Bheem fall in the water tub that was kept behind her.

Hi- Gayi bahas pani mai.

The crowd erupted in laughter along with the royals. But it was Bhishma and some of the old mantri , kings or royals who were there when she was know it was non other then the daughter of Jarasandh Hitanshi.

Hi- Gangaputra Devrat long time no see.
Bhis- Pranam Devi.
Hi- Really nice line up of people you have over here. Well most of them the Dhritarashtra kids are good but the Pandavas are just like you.

The Kauravas felt happy that day as it was the first time that someone was standing up for them while the Pandavas felt angry but kept their calm.

Vid- What do you mean Devi Duryodhan was born on a stormy night while the water of Ganga was not at rest.
Hi- Yes you are right DASIPUTRA Vidur. Just like how Krishna was born on a stormy night when the water of Yamuna was not at rest. By the way who is older Vidur Bheem or Rajkumar Duryodhan?

Vidur was offend being called a Dasiputra but he blinded by anger said.

Vid- Both Duryodhan and Bheem are born on the same day.
Hi- Oh so that means that Pandu putra Bheem is also a bad omen.

The royals were dumbstruck as it was the first time someone said that.

Bhis- They are Devi putra's Devi they are good.
Hi- Shut up Devrat Kauravas are the boon of Mahadev just like Ashwatthama is. Also during their childhood the Kauravas were nice to the Pandavas but it was the arrogance of Bheem in his strength that he had beaten all the Kauravas including dushala. It was your biased nature that only love the Pandavas.
Karna- You even called a selfish excuse of a guru so that he can only pay attention to make you favourite grandchildren better.

It was slap after slap for the Hastinapur royals. But the Kauravas were happy that someone understood them and said what they couldn't.

Kunti- How dare you say that about my five children. Do you know what they had to go through durning their childhood.
Hi- Don't get me started on you Kunti. I have no time to waste.
Yudh- Who are you and you should calm down or you will be punished.
Hi- Who are you are you the Yuvraj of Hastinapur? No so you keep your mouth shut and as for who I am why don't you tell them who I and Devrat.

Everyone was looking at Bhishma with hopes to get to know the arrogant women.

Bhis- She is the Nightmare of aryavart , She is the youngest pious women of aryavart , she is the one who is considered as a Ati maharathi , she is the one of the strongest warriors in Aryavart , She is the only Kshatriya that had the knowledge of all divine weapons along with their female forms , asur Astras and How to make a new weapons. She is the daughter of the great king Jarasandh , the student of Mahabali , Banasur , Kansa , Narkasur and Jarasandh. She the former princess of Magadha and the new Samragini of Aryavart Hitanshi.

Most of the people almost fainted hearing the description of Hitanshi that was given by Bhishma.

After that with stock the people returned to their homes as fast as they could and started praying.

Hitanshi and Karna then went to the Most royal chamber that was given to them to rest till the celebration in the night.


What did you think about Hitanshi embarrassing Bhishma and Bheem?

What did you think about her and Karna calling out the Hastinapur royals?

How was her description given by Bhishma?

What do you think will happen next?

If you haven't already read I have a new story out so do read it.

Continuar a ler

Também vai Gostar

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