CRUSH (Craig x reader) [END]

By cringeyinfp

21K 408 1K

(Y/N) is just a highschooler girl in south Park Highschool who's being too friendly with the boys. She's neve... More

4-Amusement Park
NOT A CHAPTER! A story about my day


1.2K 27 56
By cringeyinfp

"Makes yourself at home."

"Quite nice house you have." Craig stated as he entered my house.

"Thanks." I replied shortly. "The psp is in the living room, I'll go to the kitchen and grab some snacks for us."

After I got some snacks and take 10 dollars from my room, I go back to the living room when I found Craig already playing the psp.

"Seems like you rarely play this game. Your current score is really low." Craig spoke.

"I stopped playing that game since I can't defeat the boss."

"Well, here. I'll show you how to defeat the 'first stage boss'." Craig patted the seat next to him. I nodded in enthusiasm.

Craig seems enjoyed teaching me how to play psp. We talk (and sarcasm) a lot. Like the last time we talk, Craig shows a lot of expression, unlike his usual stoic face. And that's made me think Craig and me can finally getting really closer than before.

After that, he invite me to a duel. Well, he is obviously better at playing games than me. So I lose every single game.

"Stupid game." I cursed.

"Not stupid as you though." Craig laughed mockingly.

"Give it a rest, will you?"

"Well, thank you for letting me play." Craig said as he put down the joystick and stop playing. He took off his chullo. Before I can comment about his fluffy messy hair, he rested his head on my shoulder abruptly.

I have no idea why he did that. And obviously, I'm flustered right now. We never been this close physically before.

"W-what are you doing?"

"I'm tired." Craig replied shortly. "I'm wondered, why would you have psp when you don't often play it?"

"When the first time I'm moved here, my mom afraid I wouldn't have any friends since the neighbors kids are boys. My mom buy it so I can play it myself when she have to leave me for work. But it turns out that I can befriend with the boys." I explained, try to kick the nervous feelings because we never this close before.

Gosh, his hair smells good.

"It is Stan and the other?"


"Seems like everything messed up for you, isn't it?" Craig asked again.


"I already heard all the rumours. They paid Kenny to kiss you. And you seems upset to them."

"Huh, yeah, I am."

"Is that the reason you want to play with me?"

Craig seems suspicious of me. Well, the timing is not good because I want to befriend with him when me and my old friend have some kind of problem. But if me and Stan still a friend, I would like to befriend with Craig too.

"No, I want to play with you because I want to befriend with you." I admitted. "As I said when we were at the amusement park, you're a nice guy, Craig!"

"Obviously. People should stop judge a book by its cover."

"Yeah, people shouldn't judge a people by his flipping off habits."

We both laughs. Then, I remember something.

"Here, the 10 dollars." I give him my 10 dollars.

"Thanks, there's no need to pay for the 5 dollars though. You only paid Kenny for 15 dollars." Craig denied.

"As a replacement, be my friend instead." I said as my heart go pounding even faster, waiting for his response.

"Why are you asking though? That's sounds weird."

"Since we always met because of money problem. Like the first time I want to pay for your jacket. And now this."

"Well, right. We can befriend now."

I smiled. "And no more talk about debts?"


We both laughs once again.


"(Y/N) to tell you the truth ... The reason I accept your invitation is because...."

Craig lift up his head from my shoulder. Then he look me in the eye.

Those amber eyes hypnotized me once again. And I don't remember when it's got closer to me. And more closer until I shut my eyes.

"(Y/N)! You're going to late for school!"

I startled as I jump out of my bed. "Ah! Shiiit!"

"Language!" My mon yelled from the downstair.

"Can I sleep again? I have a very nice dream—"


Oh man! But I have to continue my dream with Craig!

After I rushed up to school, I can finally made it in time, a few minutes before the class start.


"Ah, hello, Craig." I greeted him casually.

"You still have a bed hair." He spoke as he point his finger to his own head, indicating where my bed hair is.

"Thanks." I take a look at him. His hair was covered by his chullo, but I can see that his bangs was neatly combed.

"Your hair always neat as usual, let me messed it up for you." I said as playfully ruffle his bangs.

"Hey, I spent nearly one hour to style my hair." He protests.

"But you look cuter!"

"If you say so."

The bell rung and I sighed. I got no class with Craig today.

"Well, see you at lunch." Craig said as he walk away.

The first class is not my strongest subjects. I don't really have the spirt for school but Craig said he will meet me at lunch. So I have to through this rough class!

Just then, I felt my hand being grabbed by someone. I got pulled to a room and find that Kenny is the one who did that.

"What's your problem? Is 20 dollars not enough for you?" I asked sarcastically.

"Calm down, Stan is the one who asked me to do that." Kenny said, defending himself. Then I found Stan, Cartman and Kyle.

"What you guys want?"

"You got closer with Craig lately." Stan spoke.

"Didn't you know that he and his gang are our biggest rival?" Kyle added.

"So?" I asked, not getting his point.

"You betrayed us, (Y/N)!" Kenny yelled hysterically.

"Yeah, I told you guys that (Y/N) is bad for our friendship." Cartman grunted.

"Now, now. Me and Craig is just friends. I don't betrayed you guys. Besides, you guys are the one who ignored me first, especially you, Stan." I pointed at Stan.

"Me?" Stan pointed himself innocently.

"Stan?!" Cartman protested.

"You are the same, Cartman!" I said angrily. After I recalled, Kyle and Kenny are the innocent one, unlike Stan and Cartman who's avoid me in purpose.

"This is your fault, fatass! If you don't made me ignored her that time. She wouldn't befriend with Craig!" Kyle yelled.

"Don't call me fatass you stupid jew!"

And here's come the usual fight. I sighed, just then I got an idea.

"Why don't you guys befriend with Craig? He's a nice guy."

"Ew, No!" Cartman shake his head.

"I can ask him to befriend with you!"

"Give me another dollars and I'll do it."

"Oh, c'mon Kenny!"

"What a girl doing here?" Someone walk in to the room, and I just notice that I'm in the boy's toilet!

"Gah! How dare you pulled me to the boy's toilet! I'm leaving!" I yelled angrily as I running out. But, I still thinking about the idea that I got earlier.


At lunch, the cafeteria is more crowded than usual, but it's a perfect chance for me.

"Searching for empty table?" Kyle showed up ad patted my shoulder. I notice he go only with Stan at his side.

"Yeah, where's Kenny and Cartman?" I asked.

"Discussing about something I don't want to know. Yeah, kinda like that."

I nodded. Just then, my eyes spotted Craig, Token, Clyde and Jimmy sit together. There's a seat for three of us on their table. Luckily, Craig notice me and waved at me.

"I find a seat for us, let's go." I go to Craig's table, followed by Kyle and silent Stan.

"I brought a friend," I said to Craig as I turn my head to see disgusted Kyle.

"What? I don't want to sit with them!"

"So? Go ahead and eat your food while standing." Craig replied sarcastically.

"Come on, Kyle! I'll give you my pudding."

"Fine. I'm here because (Y/N) forced me to." Kyle sat next to me.

"I'm here because no available table left." Stan said.

"I don't welcomed them, can you give me some fries so I can let them, (Y/N)?" Token asked.

"Of course, anything for the gang peace."

"What did you say?" Token asked.


Then, I let them arguing about something. But then, turns out that they talked a lot of fun things. Looks like Kyle and Stan can finally admit that Craig is not a bad guy after all.

"Hey, (Y/N), can you talk to me for a sec." Stan asked. I nodded and then we both go to somewhere.

"I can tell that your crush is one among them." Sta stated. I gasped, then giggles nervously.

"You can tell? Yeah, it is."

"It's Craig?"

"Well, you'll see." I said mysteriously.


I go really lazy at the end

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