On My Door Step

By cattyblinks

43 1 0

As a teenager, finding a baby on the steps of my house came as a shock. But the more shocking of all is not b... More

Post Party
Baby Tears
Baby Shopping
Jay Zee
Someone Somewhere
Baby Fever
A Day At Work
Vega Thompson

Day Care

5 1 0
By cattyblinks

It's been 2 months since baby gave me that scare. Ever since, she's been fine and her teeth have started showing. They're so cute. She's grown even more beautiful. Her hair has gotten so long and now we can hold it up intk a pony tail.

She has also gained some weight and has grown taller. I've had her for about 7 months now and I'm proud of myself. Vanessa moved out cause she went to college in another state. She does come back on the weekends every two weeks.

Dad also found out about baby and he was livid. Surprisingly he has warmed up to her. He comes around once in a while to check on us. He also opened an account for her and keeps money in it. I don't touch it though but at this rate, my baby will be a millionaire by the time she's 12.

I got a job at this home in the neighborhood. I'm a health care worker there. One among many of course. I turned eighteen last two weeks and I started working a week ago.

It was difficult taking Zee along with me when there are so many ill people there. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against them. It's just that Zee's immune system is still so little and weak. I don't want her catching anything.

I therfore decided to take her to day care. It's close to granny's house so she can pick her up anytime. Dad also made himself quite available for baby and I can see they have a really strong bond. He and granny decided to run shifts on who has her after daycare till I pick her up at around 7pm.

Today is the first day of day care and I'm having mixed feelings . It didn't help that I was also on my period and all my emotions were heightened.

I was feeling sad about leaving baby but also excited about her starting to socialize with other toddlers. I was scared some kids would be mean to her and also nervous if she would like it or not.

I kept stressing as I tied her hair. Or at least tried. As she grew, I realized she is an easily distracted baby. She was curious as well. She always wanted to touch stuff and move around. This made it really difficult to get her to sit at one place to eat or do her hair and other stuff like that.

She did like screens though so I handed her her kid iPad and continued to put her hair into little cute braids with colorful ribbons. She squealed and tried to sing along to the ABC song playing on the pad. I sang along with her as she kept tapping me to look at certain things on the pad. I just love how easy it is to please my baby.

I soon finished her hair which was looking super cute. I tied the top half of her curls in a bun and I left the lower half free. I lifted her and held her to face me to get a better look and I couldn't help awwing at my baby. She'll definitely be a boy magnet with these looks.

I took the kid iPad from her surprisingly strong grip which had her groaning in protest. I shushed her and got up with her in my arms, walking towards her closet. I shifted her over my hip and rummaged through her clothes for a perfect outfit for her first day

I found this new dress my dad got her. It's top half is green with two buttons in the middle and it's lower half is white with super cute floral prints. I quickly dressed her in it and put her in her play pen as I rushed around my room trying to get everything finished.

When I was done, I picked her up while trying to put on her shoes for her. I grabbed my bag, went to the kitchen and grabbed her bag as well and made it out of the house.

I put everything in the car, strapped her in and started the car. I turned in my seat to check on her and I couldn't resist taking a picture. She looked so adorable.

She kept babbling and putting her fists in her mouth the whole ride to daycare. Her daycare starts at 8 and I had to be at work by 6. I spoke to my boss and he agreed to have my time pushed back that's why I close at 6:30pm.

I played some cool nursery rhymes as Zee clapped along. Ever since I had her, it's like my whole Playlist is nursery rhymes. I don't mind though, besides, it's like they've upgraded them in a way. Some of them are really good and have some kind of hip pop twist

I drove at a semi slow rate and soon I got to the daycare.

Just between us, I was trying to prolong my time with baby.

I parked the car and sighed as I turned  to face a squealing baby in the back.

" okay princess, it's time for school" I reached out a hand to her which she grabbed and tried to put in their mouth. I smiled as I felt the tears welling up.

" I'll come and get you later okay. I promise"

" aahh"

I laughed and got out of the car. I picked her bag and carried her from her car seat.

I walked towards the building and was greeted by a lovely brunette lady. " Hello mom. I'm Olivia" she said reaching out for a handshake. I shook her hand with a smile " Hi I'm Vega. I uhm enrolled my daughter here last weekend"

" Yes ma'am please follow me"

I followed her inside and was amazed by what I saw. The place looked so lively with so many toys. Jay Jay started gurgling and clapping. I laughed " do you like it baby"

She squealed in delight.

I followed Olivia to a small but cosy office. There were little trinkets on the desk as well as posters of sunny gardens and cute babies on the walls. I looked around and honestly, I wasn't regretting enrolling baby here.

Olivia turned to face me " Well, this is my little office. Let me just get some forms for you to fill and you can be on your way"

I smiled as I was suddenly hit with a wave of anxiety. I was scared to leave baby but I really have no choice.

She gestured to the seat in front of the desk and I sat down with baby in my lap. I took the forms and filled them.

I soon got to the father's section of the forms and I looked at Olivia nervously who had taken baby from me a while back and was playing with her

" uuuhhm....... Sorry but I'm a single mom"

She looked at me and smiled apologetically " oh I'm sorry. Just skip that part"

I smiled and quickly finished the rest of the paperwork. Olivia took them from me while handing baby over. I took her and started bouncing her in my arms.

" Follow me ma'am"

I followed Olivia out of the office. We walked into a wide spacious room. It had soft colored wallpapers all around. Imprints of baby hands covered the walls. Cots and toys layed every where the was a minimal amount of sunlight shining through the window

There were babies crawling around and playing with each other. There was a big shelf filled with bags. There was a TV and some speakers playing cool nursery rhymes.  Some teachers were also around helping certain kids.

Baby started squirming in my arms and I put her on the carpeted floor. She started crawling to group of babies playing with some blocks. I watched with a smile as she sat next  to them and they surprisingly opened up the circle to accommodate her. A little blonde girl handed her a block which baby took happily

The girl smiled and started clapping. The started babbling to each other and I realized my baby would be just fine.

" So what do you think" I turned to face Olivia when I heard her voice.

" Honestly, I don't want to leave"

Olivia and I shared a laugh. " Okay, I guess I'll say bye to Jada and leave"


I went next to my baby and crouched down. "Hey baby, I have to go now but I'll pick you up at granny's place okay. Be a good girl for mommy okay" I rubbed my hand through her thick curls and placed a kiss on her head.

I nearly burst out sobbing when my child grabbed my face and kissed me.
She then turned back to her new friends and crawled towards another set of babies.

I got up and walked out behind Olivia. " So could I like have your number incase I want to check up on her"

" sure"

After we exchanged numbers, I got in my car and headed for work.

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