Voice actor transformation sy...

By Spinfoxie

5K 108 19

Alternative Title: 声优变身系统 Author: Insensitive to pain Summary: Ninety-Nine Lin, a special graduate of the Voi... More

55: Extra
56: Extra


98 3 0
By Spinfoxie

Chapter 9

    What is the human soul like?

    It is pure white and transparent at birth, but as it grows up, negative emotions gradually cling to it.

    Like a crack on a beautiful jade, it cannot be restored. The more you want to repair it, the more it will extend, and finally it will be broken.

    And you, what your soul looks like, let me see!

    The real man could hardly restrain the corners of his mouth from rising.

    "I said—"

    "What are you doing?" Jiujiulin thought he had been hit by the real person's big move, but after four seconds, there was no abnormality on his body.

    Could it be a delayed move? As expected of a boss, there are so many tricks.

    Jiujiulin didn't wait any longer, swung his backhand, and attacked the real person in the face.

    The real person was caught off guard, and he almost changed his shape to avoid the blade that went straight to the neck.

    How is it possible, there is no sign of deformation on the target!

    His face was hideous and he couldn't believe it.

    Could it be that Jiujiulin had noticed from the very beginning that his spells targeted the soul, and had been covering the soul with mantra?

    That being the case, can you maintain full coverage all the time? Can you guess when I will activate the spell?

    The real person's eyes were faintly red, and he no longer backed away, manipulating multiple souls with one mind and two purposes, launching a two-sided attack.

    Jiujiulin fell into a hard fight for a while, and the similarity of 60 could not further develop Shinsuke Takasugi's sword skills.

    After two or three waves of attacks, he gradually showed signs of decline, with wounds of varying degrees on his cheeks, waist, and limbs.

    The five-minute countdown was about to end, Jiujiulin glanced at the hourglass on the panel, and there was not much fine sand left on the upper layer.

    If the fight continues, the second judgment is likely to fail.

    Ninety-nine Lin Xin made a decision. In the last twenty seconds, he gave up part of his defense and chose to give Duohun the final blow. He let the sharp blade transformed from the real person's left hand penetrate into his lower abdomen, and after completely expelling the multiple souls, he turned to fighting against the real person.

    Jiujiulin swung his knife to cut off the real man's hand, double jumped backwards to create a gap to allow time for reaction.

    Here comes the second round of ten-minute judgments.

    "I am the only executioner on this execution ground. This is the guillotine for all of you!"

    Jiujiulin pulled the corners of his mouth and looked at the real person indifferently with scrutiny. arrogant.

    The similarity is 80, successfully extended by ten minutes. The system silently scrolled through the judgment results in the corner.

    Daoist was extremely irritable, even the shape of his soul became unstable, and his body kept changing and floating.

    Why, why is his soul always covered with a thick protective film, and there has been no flaws!

    Every attack he touched Jiujiu Lin launched "Wuwei Transformation", but none of them worked.

    "Hehe, the execution ground? This is the execution ground I prepared for you! I admit that you are different from them, but how long do you think you can persist with ineffective attacks?" The real person spat out the last few reformers and forcibly fused them into

    one Multiple souls.

    He launched the technique "Pull Body" to increase his strength by using the refusal reaction among the reformers.

    The newly born multiple souls suddenly exploded with several times the power, and attacked Jiujiulin who had been resting for a while.

    "Hahaha, so what about protecting your soul at all times, you are just using your body as a human being." "

    How long can you last, let's guess, ten minutes? Twenty minutes? How about chopping off the other arm too Break it."

    The real man followed behind the multiple souls, waiting for the opportunity with a sharp knife in his hand.

    Ninety-Nine Lin had no expression on his face, he didn't listen to the real person's ridicule.

    As the judgment entered the second round, Shinsuke Takasugi's character affected himself.

    attack! No matter what it is, the knife in his hand can cut one in two.

    "He" used a mortal body and a mortal iron blade to fight against the immortal Altana[1].

    It's just a modified thing, just one knife -

    the real person witnessed Jiujiulin abandon all defenses and swing a common knife at the multiple souls.

    He sneered, and the multi-soul fusion of five remodeled people was incomparable with the crude and poorly made one... The

    swollen body rushed towards the tiny human being, and the scene of blood splattered in the real person's imagination was staged.

    It's just that - the object of the incident was not Jiujiulin as he thought, but the multiple souls that fused five remodeled people.

    It split inch by inch with the point of the knife between the eyebrows, and with the ninety-nine forest as the midpoint, the body divided into two slammed into the open space with an indomitable momentum, kicking up a cloud of dust.

    That human, unscathed.

    "It's your turn." Ninety-Nine Lin raised his knife, pointing the tip at the real person.

    The real person's pupils constricted in an instant, and he saw a roaring black beast from Jiujiulin's light golden pupils.

    In a trance, he had the illusion that he was being watched by a wild beast.

    The sixth sense frantically sounded the alarm, escape! get away! You will be torn to pieces by him.

    How could escape.

    The real man chuckled a few times, he was a curse born from fear and hatred.

    He stood up straight, stopped all movements, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, "The field expands, and the self-closing circle

    suddenly wraps up. " will be inevitable.

    The strong uneasiness forced him to interrupt the forward offensive ahead of time, and he tapped his toes to use force, and he changed direction and rolled backwards in the air.

    Jiujiu Lin broke away from the influence of Takasugi Shinsuke, the domain came from behind the real person, and at the critical moment, he activated Dio's skills.

    "Smash Varudo!"

    The judgment was successful!


    just three seconds, what can he do?

    The judging criteria of the system are not only the voice, but also the analysis and understanding of the character and motivation of the characters -

    without the complete expansion, he can only reach a maximum of 30 similarities for the five lines of the teacher, which is far from reaching the limitless space. Stop when asked to...

    use it again? The cd time of three breaths is enough for "Inaction Transformation" to hit him...

    Cold sweat dripped from his forehead drop by drop, Jiujiu Lin stood on the tip of the knife, took a step forward to smash his body into pieces, and stepped back without leaving any bones.

    Wait, he suddenly grabbed a thread in his chaotic thoughts.

    What is the magic formula of a real person?

    The real person mentioned that he "protects the soul at all times", which shows that "inaction transformation" acts on the soul.

    During the battle, he hadn't realized that how can spells protect the soul?

    The scene of launching the spell for the first time but nothing happened came back in my mind...

    Ninety-Nine Forests had a flash of inspiration! The trigger condition is physical contact!

    His soul was systematically injected into his body, and while his body was composed of spirit particles and became the source of mana, it was like a protective cover that firmly enclosed his soul.

    That's why the real person is annoyed at not being able to access his soul.

    Unlike real people, whose soul shape affects the body, Jiujiulin's soul only resides in the body, and the two exist independently in essence.

    If he can also touch the real person's soul, can he cause substantial harm to him...

    Jiujiu Lin sorted out his complicated thoughts, and the three-second time stop just ended.

    The black field unfolded, and countless hands closed together, trapping the Ninety-Nine Forest not far away in the palm of their hands.

    The realm of the dead.

    "How long do you think your spell can last?" The real person stretched out his hand in his direction, and slowly held Jiujiu Lin's figure in his sight, as if controlling his soul.

    System, how long can the body you give last?

    Ninety-Nine Lin left the question intact to the system.

    In the field, Daoist will activate "Inaction Transformation" all the time. Once there is a slight flaw, Ninety-Nine Forest will immediately declare the end of the game.

    The negotiators were surrounded by the spell power of the task target, and the channel for absorbing the spiritual seeds had been cut off. According to the consumption, the duration ranged from thirty minutes to one hour.

    Ninety-Nine Lin heaved a sigh of relief, at least there was still a buffer zone before falling into desperation.

    "At least ten minutes." Jiujiulin replied to the real person.

    For every loss, there must be gains. For a long time, because every move has its own magic power, the magic power exists like air in Jiujiulin, and I have never noticed it.

    In order to resist Wuwei Transformation's first large and continuous loss of mana power, he finally felt the flow of mana power clearly.

    Since they were all invalid attacks...

    he tried to control the magic power attached to the knife.

    Very well, it's all back.

    Before the ten minutes of the second judgment had passed, Jiujiulin took a deep breath to adjust his state, and killed the real person.

    As long as he can observe his soul, he still has a chance of winning!

    "Overestimate one's strength." Daoist easily dodged Ninety-Nine Forest's slash and looked at his empty right hand, where the layer of spell power was extremely thin.

    "I discovered the weak spot on the protective cover—"

    Inside the autistic circle, the real person can initiate an inaction transformation without touching it. He concentrated his firepower on the fragile barrier on his right shoulder.

    Jiujiulin suddenly felt his soul being pulled out by a big hand.

    In an instant, all the blood on his face disappeared, and the severe pain in his soul and body was in stark contrast to the indifferent eyes that couldn't feel the pain.

    "Impossible!" The real person said in surprise.

    He was sure that he had hit Jiujiu Lin, why wouldn't the opponent's body change because of the shape of the soul?

    Jiujiulin ignored him, and didn't even have an empty stomach to criticize the system's unreliability. How about at least 30 minutes?

    He severely cut off the real man's neck, and his head flew into the sky, but the real man caught his head with his long hands and held it in his arms.

    Jiujiulin blinked in surprise, just now he seemed to observe that the real person fixed a cloud of misty things with spells.

    Could it be his soul?

    "Wuwei Transformation!"

    Zhenren found a breakthrough and tried to control his soul again.

    "Hmm..." The world was spinning, and he felt that his soul was about to be ripped out of his body in a second.

    Before the body collapses, the soul of the negotiator cannot escape. The system comforted.

    "...All right." Jiujiulin tried his best to get rid of the unreality of the soul pulling, and raised his knife again.

    After a few more attempts, he was about to touch the soul of a real person.

    Time passed bit by bit.

    The two fell into a tug of war again.

    The real person can control his soul only after exhausting the mantra on his body.

    And Jiujiulin once again supported himself and stood up, his eyes were as bright as stars.

    He observed it!

    Although it was only for a short moment, and there was no time to touch it, he clearly observed the outline of the real person's soul!

    At this time, he ushered in the third line judgment that lasted 20 minutes.

    He let out a foul breath.

    "Oh, a monster that can't be killed no matter how hard you try; indeed, no matter whether it is used or used, the rare fangs that have been staying in this kind of place will only rot and fall off!" The similarity was 90, and the extension was successfully extended by 20 minutes


    Jiujiu Lin shook off the blood stained on the blade, and raised his head again. He had unconsciously closed Takasugi Shinsuke's blind left eye.

    The two, who also held the idea of ​​ending the battle with a lore blow, attacked each other at the same time.

    The blade full of mantra pierced into the real man's soul, he turned his eyes stiffly, and the wound in his throat was burning his soul, hot and painful.

    Under the unbelievable eyes of the real person, the madness and arrogance on the faces of the two are exactly the same.

    Jiujiulin grinned grinningly, his right eye was red, he pulled out the blade and plunged it into the real person's body again, once, twice, three times——

    "Jiji, as expected, the brighter the red, the better! [2]"

    The author has something to say [1 ] What Lin flashed back here was Takasugi's memory.

    [2] Not a judgment line, Lin spontaneously.

    Takasugi Shinsuke's lines


    I dare not call you Lin Jiang, Lin finally a is almost broken orz

    real person, from now on you have one more natural enemy!

    Wuwei Transformation... A real person's magic can make it touch the soul and change its shape, so as to achieve the effect of transformation... Protecting the body with magic power cannot resist Wuwei Transformation. Only by covering the soul with magic power can it be successfully resisted...

    — ——Lin Jiang comes with a soul protection cover, and the soul is fixed in the body composed of spirit particles, and the shape cannot be changed until the spell power is

    exhausted Then you can cast Wuwei Transformation on others...

    ——(My understanding) Although it must be hit in the field, the essence is still the use of the spell Wuwei Transformation

    ——The source of the above information is Baidu Encyclopedia——

    thanks to the little angel who voted for the overlord or the irrigation nutrient solution for me during the period of 20210410 16:57:39~20210411

    17:13:30 ;

    Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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