
By nunnelove

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Aldress Wedding

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By nunnelove

I've been to many weddings of friends who hide behind the shadows of who they really are. I've seen brides who carry a look of misery on their face, as they walk down the isle. These women sacrifice themselves for the protection of men. These women stay quiet even when done wrong. They remain hush and let their husband overshadow them. I refuse to walk in misery like the rest of these fools, but Aldress...she's the biggest fool of them all.

I watched as Aldress and her demanding husband shared their first dance. This whole wedding is full of shit. I didn't plan on attending, but my parents wouldn't allow it. Speaking of my parents, here comes my mother.

Mom: I can sense the distaste you have for this wedding. Anahi you will marry too one day.

Anahi: My name and marriage in the same sentence is disgusting.

Mom: Figured you'd say something like that. I just want you to be happy and safe. Look at how happy your sister looks.

Anahi: Happy? Mom I'm far from stupid, this wedding is an opportunity to finally be amongst the Xynos. This was never about happiness.

Mom clenched her jaw and grabbed me by my arm.

Mom: Today is about Aldress and Aldress only. I refuse to be disrespected by my own daughter. You mess this up there will be consequences.

She let me go and walked away. I never had a close relationship with my mother or my  . I won't be their puppet to gain power like Aldress. She's sucking a fucking fool. I straightened my dress out and went to sit and the family table.

The King stood up and everyone got quiet waiting for him to begin his speech. He's a terrible king. He's afraid just like everybody else. Always hiding.

King: I am a proud father. I am a proud king. I am thankful to witness such a beautiful day. Vynir, my son and his beautiful wife Aldress. I wish you two the best marriage and hopefully get to meet my grandchildren someday. Bless you both. And to everyone else....Xynodan will thrive!

Everyone shouted Xynodan and bowed. The noise of everyone speaking started back up.

Aldress: Good to see you sister.

She pulled me into a tight hug and kissed me on the cheek. The smile on her face was bright, but fake. This isn't real happiness.

Anahi: Same to you.

Aldress: I've never tasted such amazing food. The Xynos are great people. Vynir is an amazing husband.

Anahi: How long are you going to pretend?

Aldress smiled slightly faded, but quickly reappeared.

Aldress: Sister, we are protected and we are the Xynos. This is our happy ending. I love Vynir and this new family. Why can't you be happy with the rest of us?

I chuckled and stepped closer towards her.

Anahi: The Xynos are a bunch of scared rich people. We've been hiding in a seal for decades. Xynos allowed Dakarth to take our land and they ran. The Tarrens aren't made to protect people like us. Amoris thinks the king has his back because he's the General. He's just a stupid as the rest of you. Pretend to be happy all you want, you're only here because of Amoris.

Aldress stepped away from me and ran off. My siblings are so blinded by stupidity. I looked around and was about to walk away until I was approached by the king.

King: You must be Agethas youngest daughter?

Anahi: That's me.

King: Your sister speaks highly of you. She tells me how much you adore your brother. He is a very skilled young man.

Anahi: Haven't spoken to him in months due to preparations for who knows what.

King: The Xynos must be protected at all times.

Anahi: When you say Xynos do you mean the whole village or.....just the rich?

The king smirked and sat his cup on the table. No need to sugarcoat the truth.

King: Xynodan! must be protected at all cost.

I laughed and sighed deeply. This man says the same things everyday. Nothing new.

Anahi: I would take that into consideration if Xynodan was actually in danger. Our entire village is undiscoverable. It's been decades since our last unsuccessful war. Maybe it's okay to break the seal.

King: No seal shall be broken! As a woman you should stay in your place.

Before I could reply my father came and interrupted us. He gripped my arm tightly causing me to hiss.

Dad: King. Excuse my daughter if she's bothering you. She's complicated.

King: So I see. I really respect you and your family Atticus. I've shown nothing but respect including my family. It'd be a shame if it all ended due to an uncontrollable lady. I hope to see you around.

The king walked away leaving me and my dad alone. His grip got tighter to the point where it hurt like shit. As if things couldn't get any worse, mom came over.

Mom: Atticus? What's the matter?

Dad: We're leaving. Now.

Mom: What about Aldress?

Dad: I just explained to her we're leaving after she told me why she was crying.

Dad nodded towards me and mom gave me and angry glare. She started breathing hard while staring at me.

Mom: I told you no to mess this up.

The ride home was extremely quiet and filled with tension. We all walked into our cottage but saying a word. I took off my cloak and hung it up.


I could feel blood coming from my nose. Not this again.

Dad: How dare you disrespect me?!!


Dad: How dare you disrespect the king?!


I fell into the wall and grabbed my face.

Dad: Everything we do is to provide for this family!! Why can't you listen fir once in your damn life?!! Now I have to make up for it!!!


He started to beat me and knocked me to the floor; slapping me over and over and over. My vision started to blur.


He got up and walked to his room. Mom stood there looking at me with tears in her eyes.

Mom: I told you there would be consequences.

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