Finding You Was Fate

By outlawqueen4ever

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This is an AU of Outlaw Queen! Very fluffy and romantic! Regina is a teacher and Robin owns a poetry slam bar... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 19

204 4 0
By outlawqueen4ever

Sooooo it's been two years since I posted. Time flies when you're adulting. I have quite a bit of this story written from two years ago so I'm going to post a bunch within the next couple of days. Enjoy! Also recommend rereading cause I forgot what I wrote too🤣 but finally here is the next chapter!!!

I woke up this morning to a very strange sensation. I thought I was dreaming until Robin pinched my nipple. My eyes shot open and he was buried underneath the covers between my legs. I moved the sheet and looked down. He was staring up at me.

"What in the hell are you doing?" I say a lot more breathily than I would have liked. He just smirked and sucked on my clit so hard that I screamed. I was breathing so heavy now. I never imagined being woken up like this. I took a quick peek at the clock on my nightstand and it was 5:15 in the morning. I have no earthly idea why he would wake me up this early and do this. Especially after last night, because we had sex twice before going to bed. We have been like horny teenagers since he moved in here.

"I thought what I was doing was very clear, my sweet." He says smirking. I covered my eyes and started laughing. It didn't take him long to have me screaming. He licked me clean and kissed his way up my body. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he hovered over me. "Good morning, gorgeous." He says placing his lips on mine.

"Morning." I say against his lips.

"Let's go take a shower." He says kissing my cheek.

We go into the shower and he had me screaming for the second time this morning. We need to learn how to control ourselves. I mean of course I'm enjoying it and we are having fun, but we have had sex at least once a day for the past 2 weeks. We just need to chill.

After we got out of the shower, I started getting ready to go to work while Robin laid in bed playing on his phone. I got dressed and I was putting my shirt on and Robin came up behind me and started kissing my neck.

"Stay home today." He says softly.

"Robin, I can't." I say turning around. "You will see me when I get home."

"That's too long from now." He whines.

"You'll be fine." I say chuckling. I had just finished buttoning my shirt and he starts unbuttoning it. "Robin!" I yell slapping his hand.

"Ow!" He yells. "What was that for?"

"Robin, I love you and you are amazing, but I need to go to work." I say kissing his hand.

"I know." He says sighing. "I just haven't been able to get enough of you lately."

He was leaning against the door frame and I walked up to him and kissed his cheek. "And I love that I drive you absolutely crazy, but I have to go work." I walk over to grab my shoes and my blazer. "Plus, you live with me now. You get to see me all the time."

"I know." He says smiling. "I love it."

"Good." I say smiling. "Now, I promised I would meet Mary-Margaret for breakfast today so I will see you this afternoon after work." I say kissing his lips. "I love you, babe."

"I love you, too." He says as I head out of our room.

I got to work and Mary Margaret and Emma were waiting for me. "Sorry, I'm late." I say opening my classroom.

"It's okay, you're only late by 5 minutes." Emma says laughing. "Now, what do we need to talk about?"

I sigh and sit down at my desk while they pull up chairs. "Okay, this is really personal, but I need to know. More from you Mary-Margaret." I say leaning my head on my hands.

"Is everything okay?" Mary-Margaret asks.

"Did you and David go through this stage where you couldn't keep your hands off of each other?" I ask quietly.

"Yeah, well, kind of." She says shrugging. "One thing he always said was that he loved kissing me. It was a couple months into us dating when he started saying it."

"Are you and Robin at that stage?" Emma asked leaning in towards me with this smirk on her face.

I had to laugh. "No, we are way passed that stage."

"Like sex?" Emma asked like it was the most obvious thing.

"Yeah." I say softly.

"Killian and I are messing around, but I wouldn't call it a stage." She says shrugging.

"How often do y'all have sex?" I ask curiously.

"At most?" She shrugs. "I think last week it was 3 times, but before I wouldn't say more than twice a week."

"Something is wrong with us." I say putting my head in my hands.

"Wait, how often do y'all do it?" Mary-Margaret asks clearly intrigued.

"The past two weeks, we have had sex almost every day." I say sighing. "I swear we are like horny teenagers. He is just so damn sexy and I think he knows what gets to me so he does it on purpose just to sleep with me."

"Well, I mean is he any good?" Emma asks.

"He is amazing." I say dropping my head onto my desk.

"Then I don't see a problem with it." Emma says.

"I do." I whine.

"Regina." Mary-Margaret says grabbing my hand. "If you have a problem with it just talk to him. He loves you and I'm sure he won't mind."

"It's just ever since his accident and I asked him to move in, he stopped taking me places." They both looked at me with a confused expression. "We stopped going on dates. I want him to knock on my door and tell me how beautiful I look then take me to a really romantic restaurant. I'm still his girlfriend."

"You are so you should tell him how you feel." Mary Margaret says. "I'm sure he would love to take you out for a special dinner."

"I'm going too. Tonight." I say nodding. "He even woke me up this morning and we had shower sex. Then he kept distracting me while I was trying to get dressed and I was late so I forgot my breakfast and my lunch and my coffee!" 

"Awe sweetie." Mary-Margaret says sadly. "I wish you would have called. I would have brought you some coffee."

"Oh well." I say sadly. "Just don't bother me after lunch. I may be in a bad mood."  I got them all to laugh and there was a knock on the door. I look up and I immediately smile.

"Oh my god, I love him." Mary Margaret says smiling.

I stand up and wave him in. I meet him halfway between my desk and the door. He is literally my hero.

"Hey, babe." He says walking up to me. "I normally would call you before I just show up at your work, but you left your lunch on the counter."

"Yeah, I was rushing." I say shrugging.

"I know, but I saw the note you wrote to yourself reminding you to pack it. So, I grabbed all your stuff and put in there. Then, I figured if you didn't pack your lunch you probably didn't grab your breakfast. So, I toasted a bagel for you with butter already on it and also your favorite coffee just the way you like it." He says smiling.

"You are my literal hero." I say grabbing the stuff from him. I place it on my desk and walk back to him to tell him bye.

"Can I stay and talk to you for a minute?" He asks smiling.

"Yeah." I say grabbing his hand and go to walk outside.

"Wait, you two stay here." Mary Margaret says getting up. "We will catch up with you later. Bye Robin."

"Bye Ladies." He says smiling.

They leave as Robin tells me to sit on top of the desk. I grab his hands and wrap them around me.

"What's up?" I ask smiling.

"I wanted to apologize for this morning." He says grabbing my hands again.

"You don't need to apologize. I didn't need to be so mean to you." I say looking up at him through my lashes.

"You weren't mean." He says chuckling. "I was the mean one. I practically jumped on you this morning. I didn't mean to make you late or make you forget all of your food for today. So, I am sorry. It won't happen again."

"Robin, that is really sweet and I appreciate you feeling the need to apologize, but no worries. You came to my rescue anyway. I promise if you are bothering me, I will tell you." I say smiling.

"I don't bother you do I?" He asks cocking his head to the side.

"No, you don't bother me. Not even a little." I say pulling him in for a hug. "But I do want to talk to you about something."

"What?" He asks curiously.

"We can't keep doing what we're doing." I say quietly.

"I know." He says softly. "You have to get ugly then."

"What?" I ask laughing.

"You're really hot." He says chuckling. "Sometimes I just can't keep my hands off of you." I raise an eyebrow at him. "Okay, okay. I can't keep my hands off of you ever especially recently, but your so sexy and beautiful that I just have to show you."

"Everyday?" I ask smirking.

"Yes." He says laughing. "Don't lie. You love it."

"Never said I didn't like it. We just have to cool it. We are not horny teenagers." I say poking his chest.

"I know." He says sighing. "Just out of curiosity. How did you like me waking you up this morning?" He asks with the biggest smirk.

"Very interesting." I say chuckling. "I enjoyed it."

"Good." He says smiling. "I was a little worried you would want to kill me."

"No, I didn't." I say chuckling. "But another thing I wanted to ask you."

"What's that?" He asks smiling.

"Why haven't you taken me on a date recently?" I ask sadly.

"What do you mean?" He asks grabbing my cheeks. "We go on dates all the time."

"Yeah, but I want to go on an official date." I say sighing. "I want you to come pick me up and tell me how beautiful I look and take me to a romantic restaurant. When we sit down at our booth, we sit on the same side and you put your hand on my thigh and whisper in my ear and I giggle when you say something funny. Then when the food gets to the table, you feed me bites of your food because I purposely order something small just so you feed me yours. I want to feel like I have a boyfriend again."

"Well, I will tell you that you have more than a boyfriend." He says kissing my forehead. "You have someone who put this promise ring on your finger because he wants to spend the rest of his life with you. I love coming home to you and when you cook dinner and I walk up behind you and wrap my arms around you from behind. I love doing that. Then we sit at the table and we talk about you. That's my favorite part of the day. I date you every night. You may not be in a pretty dress, but you are in one of my t-shirts and a pair of Nike shorts. You are just as sexy in my Florida State shirt as you are in that red dress that shows all your curves. I don't need you in a pretty dress to say we are going on a date. But if you want a date, you'll get one. I will be picking you up at 6:30 sharp from our bedroom and wear my favorite black dress."

"Seriously?" I ask raising my eyebrows.

"Um yeah." He says matter a factly. "My woman wants a date, she will get one."

"I really love you." I say grabbing his face and kissing him.

"I really love you too." He says smiling. "Well, you have to start work and I have to go plan for our date tonight."

I chuckle. "Are you really going to take me on a date?" I ask just to be sure.

"Yes." He says smiling. "We're going to have fun and you're going to love me even more."

"I don't know how that will be possible." I say smiling.

"Wait till tonight." He says kissing my nose. "You have a great day today and I will see you tonight. I love you, babe."

"I love you too." I say smiling. He kisses me one last time and he was out the door.


I'm taking Regina on a date tonight. She wanted a date and I'm going to give her the perfect date. So, I am at her door at 6:30 sharp. I ring the doorbell and I hear her yell. It took her a couple minutes until I heard her heels clicking down the stairs. She opens the door and her hand goes to her mouth.

"I thought you were in the house." She says teary-eyed.

"No, I am picking you up for our date. May I come in?" I ask politely.

"Of course." She says smiling. She says moving away from the door. I walk in and she closes the door.

"These are for you." I say handing her a bouquet of beautiful red roses. "You look breathtaking."

"Thank you." She says smiling. "Let me get my coat and purse and we can head out."

She runs upstairs and comes back down with her coat and red lipstick on her already enticing lips. She puts her phone down and she goes to put her coat on.

"Here, let me." I say grabbing her coat. I help her slip it on her arms and she flips her hair out and adjusts it. "Ready?"

"Yeah." She says grabbing her purse. We walk outside and she locks the door.

"Come see." I say pulling her into my chest and kissing her. She smiles into the kiss and she pulls away chuckling.

"You have lipstick all over your lips." She says wiping my lips with her thumb.

"I don't mind." I say kissing the pad of her thumb. "But I did smudge your lipstick."

"I don't mind." She says chuckling. "I'll fix it in the truck." She says as we walk to truck. I open her door and help her step up and close her door for her. I walked around to the driver's side and hopped into the truck. As I pulled away she started fixing her lipstick that I smudged on her face. When she was finished she did something that I honestly thought was really cute. She placed her arm on the console and left her hand dangling off the edge. She started moving her fingers like she was waiting for something. I knew what she was waiting for. She wanted me to hold her hand because that is something I have always done. She turns her head towards me and I see her out the corner of my eye.

"Yes, my sweet?" I ask putting my eyes to the road again.

"Don't "my sweet" me." She says sassily. "You know exactly what you're not doing."

I chuckle and grab her hand intertwining our fingers. I bring her hand to my lips and kiss the back of her hand. She smiled and relaxed against her seat. We pulled up to one of my favorite restaurants and we headed inside. I requested a booth and asked that it be in a corner. They happily granted and lead us to a booth in a corner. Regina slid in first and I sat next to her.

"Good evening and welcome. My name is Kyle and I am going to be your server tonight. "Can I start you both with something to drink?"

"Can I get a water and do you have a drink menu?" Regina asks.

"Yes, we do." He says nodding. "Would you like a water as well?"

"Yes, that's fine thank you." I say smiling. "What would you like to eat?" I ask turning to Regina and putting my hand on her thigh.

"I really want a Caesar salad." She says gripping my arm lightly with her hands.

"Okay. How about we get a large Caesar salad and split it. Then I order the 9-oz. fillet mignon with a loaded baked potato and we split that?" I ask looking at her.

"Sounds yummy." She says smiling.

Our waiter comes back with a drink menu and our waters. "Are y'all ready to order or would you like a minute?"

"No, we are ready." I say telling the waiter our order. "Babe, do you know what you want to drink?"

"Yeah, can I get an appletini." She says.

"Sure. Anything for you sir?"

"Bud light."

"Bud light is only in the bottle, is that okay?"

"That would be fine, thank you." I say handing him the menus. He walks away and I look at Regina. "I know the evening just started but are you enjoying it?"

"Yeah." She says with a smile. "I can't believe you went outside and rang the doorbell. I honestly thought you were in the house."

"Well, I had to get you flowers." I say chuckling. "What kind of date would I be if I didn't get my beautiful girlfriend flowers."

"It made me smile." She says leaning her head on my shoulder. "You make me smile."

"I like your smile." I say rubbing her leg.

"Yeah?" She asks looking up at me.

"Yeah." I say kissing her nose. "I like that face too." I say tapping her nose. She pulls her face away giggling. "You're quiet tonight."

She nods. "I'm a little sleepy, but I'm just relaxing and enjoying the night."

"Good. I want you to enjoy it." I say kissing her head. "I love how you did your hair tonight. You haven't curled it in a while."

She looked at me with the brightest smile. "Really?"

"Yes really." I say smiling.

"Here you both go." The waiter says placing our drinks on the table.

"Thank you." Regina says happily.

"You're both welcome." He says. "I have a question. Would you like your salad now or as a meal?"

"Now." Regina says nodding.

"Okay, I will be right back." He says going back to the kitchen.

"Okay, now back to talking about how beautiful you are." I say smiling. "I notice things like your hair and your shoes, because I know how much you love shoes. I pay attention.

"I know." She says smiling. "Makes me feel special. Most guys won't pay attention to those things, but you aren't most guys."

"Nope, I'm your guy." I say wrapping my arm around her.

"My favorite guy." She says laying her head on my shoulder.

"You're my favorite too." I say kissing her forehead.

"Here is your salad." The waiter says placing it in front of Regina. "Can I get you anything else?"

"If you don't mind, some extra dressing." Regina says sweetly.

"Absolutely, I'll be right back."  He says heading to the kitchen.

He comes back with her extra dressing and she thanks him and immediately stirs it in. She takes a bite and moans.

"Eat some." She says chuckling. "It's yummy."

"Give me a bite." I say opening my mouth. She smiles and grabs some on her fork and puts it to my mouth. "Very good."

I finally grabbed my own fork and we both started eating it. We ate till a little more than half and she stopped.

"I'm full." She says putting her fork down.

"You feeling okay?" I ask looking at her. Something just seemed a little off with her tonight.

"Yeah." She says nodding. "Saving room for that steak."

"Oh okay." I say rubbing her back. "I thought you weren't feeling well."

"No, I feel fine." She says smiling.

I finished the salad and he brought the steak out 10 minutes later. Regina's eyes got so big. I got my knife and cut a piece and held it up to her mouth. She takes it and smiles.

"Oh my god that's heaven." She says smiling. "So good." I chuckle and I start to cut a piece for myself. "Babe?"

"Yeah?" I ask looking at her.

"Can you excuse me, I have to go to the lady's room." She says.

"Of course." I say scooting out of the booth. I hold out my hand and help her stand.

"I'll be right back." She says patting my chest. I nod and sit down waiting for her to get back. She came back a few minutes later. I stand up and she slides back in. She grabs my arm and immediately intertwines our fingers. She took maybe two more bites of steak and four bites of the potato. She put her fork down and leans her head against my arm. She only lifted her head to sip what's left of her drink.

"Are you okay?" I ask rubbing her arm.

"Yeah." She says smiling. "Just a little tired is all."

"Okay, well I'll just get this boxed up and we can head home." I say smiling.

"No, you can finish." She says sweetly. "I don't mind waiting."

"It's okay. I'm pretty full from that salad anyway." I say kissing her head. I get the waiter and he brings a box and the check. I pay and pack the food up. I grab our coats and we walk to the front.

"Hey, I'm going to go wash my hands really quick. That glass my drink was in was sticky." She says rubbing her hands together. I nod and she kisses my cheek walking to the bathroom. She comes back a little longer than I thought it would just to wash her hands but I really didn't pay any mind to it. "Okay I'm ready." She says smiling. I smile and help her put her coat on. I put my coat on and grab her hand as we walk to the car. We get in the truck and she immediately lifts the console and sits in the middle seat. She buckles herself in and she grabs my hand immediately leaning her head on my shoulder. We drive home in silence and I honestly thought she was asleep but she was rubbing my arm with her other hand. We get home and she lets us both inside. I help her out of her coat and we put them on the rack by the door. I grab her cheeks and kiss her forehead.

"Go upstairs and get ready for bed. I'll meet you up there after I pick up the food." I say smiling.

"Can you bring a bottle of water upstairs for me please." She asks.

"Sure." I say smiling.

She smiles and heads upstairs. I go into the kitchen picking up our food. I take a sip of water and grab a new bottle for her. I head upstairs and place her water on her nightstand. She was in the bathroom so I went into the closet and changed into a pair of plaid pajama pants. I start to walk towards the bed when I heard her sniffle. I walk up to the bathroom door and it sounded like she was crying. I open the door and she is kneeling on the floor by the toilet.

"Regina." I say softly. She buries her face in her hands and starts crying harder. I walk through the bathroom and kneel down beside her and rub her back. "Come see." I say pulling her against my chest. "Are you okay?" She shakes her head no. My instincts were apparently right. She wasn't herself tonight. "Did you get sick?"

She nods. "I ruined our night." She says sadly.

"No, you didn't." I say quickly reassuring her. "I wish you would have told me you weren't feeling well. I would have taken you home sooner. I don't want you miserable."

"We were having fun." She says sitting up and wiping her eyes.

"We can have fun anytime." I say kissing her head. "I am more worried about your health. Let's go get you into something more comfortable."

"I'm still a little nauseas. I'm going to sit here for a few more minutes." She says pulling her knees to her chest.

"Okay. I'll go get you some clothes." I say kissing her cheek. I pull away and put the back of my hand to her forehead. "I think you have a fever."

"Oh great." She says sighing.

"I'll be right back." I say heading into our room. I grab her my Florida State shirt and a pair of pajama shorts and socks. I walk into the bathroom and she still sitting on the floor. There are tears slowly streaming down her face. "Regina." She looks up at me with the most pathetic look on her face. "Babe, it's okay."

"I'm sorry." She says softly.

"It's fine. I just want you to stop crying so you don't make yourself sick again." She nods. "Plus, you know I don't like to see you cry." I say winking.

She chuckles and wipes her eyes. "You grabbed the shirt."

"Of course, I did." I say helping her stand. "I told you that I think you are just as sexy in this shirt as you are in this dress. So, why not make you feel sexy while you're sick?" I say shrugging. She smiles as I place her clothes on the sink. "Turn please. Let's get you into something sexier."

"If you're trying to make me's working."

"Success." I say as her dress slips to the floor.

"Thank you." She says grabbing the shirt and pulling it over her head. She puts her pants and socks on then brushes her teeth. I was in the room putting the bathroom garbage can by her bed just in case she got sick again. She walks up to me smiling.

"I love you." She says gripping me in a hug.

"I love you too." I say smiling. 

"It's cold in here." She says crawling in the bed and scooting under the blanket.

"I will turn the fan off for you." I say feeling her forehead. "You definitely have a fever." I say going shut the fan off. I walk back to her and sit on the side of the bed. "Get some rest and if you need anything at all don't hesitate to wake me up. And if you do get sick again please wake me up."

"Okay." She says nodding. "Lay with me."

"Yeah babe." I say kissing her head. "Let me go use the bathroom and brush my teeth and I will come snuggle with you."

"Oh good." She says smiling and closing her eyes.

When I come back from the bathroom I thought she was asleep, but as soon as I laid down next to her, she immediately snuggled into my chest. Moments like these are moments where I feel like we are already married. I love just snuggling with her. I wish it were under better circumstances, but I still love it. She was laying on her side and I was brushing my fingers through her hair.

"I'm so nauseas." She says softly.

"I'm sorry, sweetheart." I say sadly. "The only thing I can really get you for nausea is ginger ale."

"Do we have any?" She asks looking up at me.

"No babe." I say kissing her head. "But I'll go get you some. You stay here and rest and I'll run to Walgreens."

"Can you get the cans? I hate the ones in the bottle." She asks snuggling into the pillows.

"Of course." I say putting some clothes on. "Okay, anything else I can get for you?" I ask sitting next to her on the bed.

"Maybe see if they have some Pedialyte." She says sleepily.

"Okay, I will be right back." I say kissing her cheek. "Get some sleep." She nods and I left to go to Walgreens.

When I got back I put everything on the counter. I grab one of her cups she uses when she works out and filled it with ice. I walk upstairs and she is laying on bed facing the door. She has tears streaming down her face and is holding the blanket up to her neck.

"You threw up again?" I ask kneeling by her. She nods her head and she closes her eyes as tears fall down her face. "Babe, it's okay. No need to cry." I say wiping her cheeks. "Did you clean the garbage can?"

"No. I went to the bathroom." She says softly. "I'm sorry."

"Why are you apologizing?" I ask chuckling.

"Because I cry when I throw up." She says wiping her cheek.

"I think that's cute." I say smiling. "Well not the throwing up part, but the crying part."

She chuckles and points to the cup. "What's that?"

"Oh right." I say grabbing the cup from her nightstand. "This is ginger ale that will hopefully settle your stomach."

"Thank you." She says taking it.

"You're welcome." I say kissing her forehead. "I'm going to go change again and I'll come lay down with you." She nods and I go change back into pajamas. I crawl back in bed and wrap my arm around her waist.

"Why are you always so warm?" She asks turning on her back.

"Because I have to keep you warm." I say rubbing her cheek.

"I feel like shit and you still manage to bring a smile to my face." She says smiling.

"What I'm here for." I say smiling. "Let me under this blanket and it'll be even warmer."

She smiles and lifts the sheets as I scoot under it immediately wrapping my arms around her. She dozed off about 10 minutes later. I kept an eye on her fever to make sure it didn't spike for about an hour.  She stayed asleep through the hour and didn't move at all so I buried my face in her neck falling asleep soon after. Sleep didn't last long for either of us. She woke up at 1:30 and couldn't get up fast enough to make it to the bathroom. So, I cleaned out the bucket and put it back by the bed. Her fever also went up again. She was now at 102.4. After brushing her teeth, she went back to bed. I wanted to try to get her fever down, so I wet a rag for her forehead. It wasn't cold, but cool. I walk back to the bed and sit next to her. I place the rag on her forehead and she relaxes into the pillow. "I'm trying to get your fever down."

"Thank you." She says softly.

"No problem." I say smiling. "I'm going to go fill your cup. I'll be back." She nodded and tried to relax. When I came back upstairs she was sitting up. "You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm hot right now and I feel a little better sitting up." She says leaning her head back.

"Okay, as long as you're comfortable. Here is some more ginger ale." I say placing it on the nightstand. "Tomorrow morning, I'll run back to Walgreens to get you some Tylenol."

"Okay, do you mind getting me another rag?"

"Not at all. Do you want me to wet that one again?" I ask.

"Yeah." She says handing it to me. I come back and sit next to her. She takes one and puts it on her forehead then puts the other one on the back of her neck.

"Feels good?" I ask smiling.

"Yeah." She says reaching for my hand.

"Can I do anything else for you?" I ask kissing the back of her hand.

"No." She says smiling. "Thank you for taking care of me."

"Of course." I say smiling. "You wanna stay in bed or would you rather sit in your chair?"

"I guess it would be more comfortable in the chair." She says sitting up. She places the rags on the nightstand and stands up walking to the chair.

I grab a blanket, the garbage can, her cup, and her rags. I put the garbage can on the armrest leaning against the wall. "Here is a blanket, your cup of Ginger ale, and the rags." I say smiling.

"Thank you." She says smiling.

"You're welcome." I say smiling. "Just call me if you need anything." She nods. "Please drink this." I say holding up her cup. "With all this vomiting, you can dehydrate very easily." She takes the cup with a smile.

I walk over kissing her cheek. She smiles and closes her eyes. As she closed her eyes, I headed downstairs. I grab a bottle of water and head back to the bed. I couldn't really sleep so I was just relaxing when I felt her crawl back into the bed.

"Are you asleep?" She whispers.

I turn my head and smile. "Nope, what's up?"

"Can you do something for me?" She asks sweetly.

"What's that?" I ask smiling.

"Can you sing for me?" She asks smiling.

"I guess." I say chuckling. She smiles and snuggles against my chest closing her eyes.

"Every time our eyes meet
This feeling inside me
Is almost more than I can take
Baby when you touch me
I can feel how much you love me
And it just blows me away
I've never been this close to anyone or anything
I can hear your thoughts
I can see your dreams

I don't know how you do what you do
I'm so in love with you
It just keeps getting better
I wanna spend the rest of my life
With you by my side
Forever and ever
Every little thing that you do
Baby I'm amazed by you

The smell of your skin
The taste of your kiss
The way you whisper in the dark
Your hair all around me
Baby you surround me
You touch every place in my heart
Oh it feels like the first time every time
I wanna spend the whole night in your arms

I don't know how you do what you do
I'm so in love with you
It just keeps getting better
I wanna spend the rest of my life
With you by my side
Forever and ever
Every little thing that you do
Baby I'm amazed by you

Every little thing that you do
I'm so in love with you
It just keeps getting better
I wanna spend the rest of my life
With you by my side
Forever and ever
Every little thing that you do
Oh, yeah every little thing that you do
Baby I'm amazed by you"

By the time I finished she was asleep with a small smile on her face. She was like a baby when she was sick; needs someone comforting her, holding her, and singing to her. I pulled a blanket over us then went to sleep with her. Unfortunately, I was woken up by her hitting me in the nuts. Let's just say that is not a pleasant way to wake up. She was running to the bathroom, so nausea must have woken her up. I got up when I could feel my legs again. I walk towards the bathroom and she meets me halfway.

"Are you okay?" I ask as she hugs me.

"Yeah. More importantly are you okay?" She asks looking up at me. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do that."

"Did you make it to the bathroom?"

"Yeah." She says grabbing my cheeks.

"Then that's all that matters. I'll be alright." I say kissing her head.

"I'm sorry about that though. I really am." She says covering her mouth.

"Regina, I'm fine." I say kissing her head. "Did it hurt? Yes, but I'll be fine."

"Okay." She says nodding. "Do you mind staying up with me and watching a movie with me?"

"Sure. If that's what you want to do." I say smiling.

"Okay, I'm going to go brush my teeth and grab a movie then I'll be back." She says smiling.

"Okay." I say smiling. She comes with her phone, ginger ale, the movie, and the garbage can. "All set?"

"Yeah." She says dropping her stuff on the bed. I put her trash can on the ground and filled her cup up with more ginger ale. She came and sat next to me. "Can you take my temperature?"

"Yes, I can take your temperature." I say whiny just like her. She chuckles and hands me the thermometer. I put it in her ear and I wait for the beep. "It went down, 101.2." I say turning it off.

"Oh good." She says snuggling into my side. "I put in Princess Diaries."

"That's fine." I say chuckling. "You feeling okay?"

"Yeah, but I'm hungry." She says sighing.

"I guess you are. You've been throwing up since last night." She chuckles and I wrap my arm around her and I begin rubbing her back. "Do you want to try and eat something? Maybe crackers?" I ask.

"You think that will stay down?" She asks sitting up and looking at me.

"It might." I say shrugging. "If you are hungry it might help and it isn't anything to heavy. I'll go get some."

"Check the second shelf in the pantry." She says pressing play on the remote.

I came back with the crackers and she started eating. I think she ate about 6 crackers before placing them on her nightstand. About 15 minutes later, she was running to the bathroom again.

"I'm over this." She says sadly.

"I know, babe." She comes back and straddles my lap gripping me in a hug. When she mentioned early that she cries when she is sick, I didn't believe, but now she is hugging me while in tears again. "Babe, I really wish you would stop crying. You're making me sad."

"I'm sorry." She says wiping her eyes. "I was just thinking about how hungry I was. Then I thought about our date and how much fun we had until I just didn't feel good."

"Don't be sorry." I say brushing her hair away from her face. "Did you throw up at the restaurant?"

"Yeah." She says nodding. "Twice."

"I really wish you would have told me you weren't feeling well. I would have taken you home." I say rubbing her cheek.

"I didn't want to ruin our night, but I did anyway." She says sighing.

"You did not." I say smiling. "I had fun. I got to spend the night with my beautiful girlfriend. Now I'm spending more time with you. It's not under the best circumstances because we are both really tired and you're sick, but still."

"You're really sweet, you know that." She says grabbing my hand.

"Only for you." I say smiling. "Come on. Let's get you to bed and maybe to sleep a little longer than an hour." She nods and I help her unmake her bed. She immediately lays down and wiggles around a little bit finding a comfortable position.

"Come cuddle with me." She whines.

"I'm coming." I say chuckling. I lay on my side with my head propped up on my elbow. "Are you sleepy?" I ask rubbing her belly.

"A little." She says nodding. "I feel slightly better. Still get hot then cold though."

"That's because you still have a fever." I say tapping her on the nose.

"I know." She says sighing. "I hate being sick."

"Yeah especially this because vomiting is not fun." I say chuckling.

"No, it's not." She says laughing. "And then you constantly feel the need to brush your teeth and your boyfriend doesn't kiss you anymore. I just can't win."

"Hey, I kiss you all the time." I say defending myself.

"You haven't kissed me on the lips." She says crossing her arms and poking her lip out.

"As much as I love this pout and want to kiss away, you have been throwing up for the past couple hours and you may be contagious so that would be the reason I am not kissing you on the mouth." I say sweetly.

"Doesn't mean I can't pout." She says giving me puppy dog eyes.

"What if I told you I could make up for not kissing those luscious lips of yours?" I ask smiling.

"I would say you can try, but I do love your kisses." She says dramatically. I crawl on top of her and hold myself up on my elbows. "Not working." She says dramatically.

"You." I kiss her cheek. "Are such." I kiss her other cheek. "A drama." I kiss her nose. "Queen." I say kissing her all over her face really fast. She starts giggling and tries to move away, but she is trapped. I ended with a kiss to her cheek, but lingered. I pulled away with an obnoxious *mwah* that had her still giggling. When she calmed down, I smiled at her. "Did I make it up to you?"

She puts her finger on her chin pretending likes she's thinking and then smiles. "Yeah." She says happily pulling me down for a hug.

"I love you my sweet." I say in her ear.

"I love you too." She says sweetly.

"Time for bed for like the fourth time tonight." I say rolling off of her.

She chuckles and turns on her side. "Lay on your side." I go to face her and she puts her hand up. "No. No the other way." I sigh and turn away from her and get comfortable. I didn't know what she was doing. She finally scooted herself up against me. She was spooning me and buried her face in my neck and wrapping her arm around my chest. "My turn to be the big spoon." She says sleepily.

"Goodnight." I say grabbing her hand.

"Goodnight." She says placing her lips against my neck with a sweet kiss.


We learned that Regina had some type of virus that lasted about 48 hours. She missed two days of work but was feeling well enough to return to work. It was Friday now and Regina was at work today, so I had to go to my doctor's appointment by myself. I received great news though. They told me that my leg is not as bad as they thought and told me that I could take my boot off. They said the scan came back clear and my fracture had healed faster than they thought it would. I'm beyond thrilled and I couldn't wait to tell Regina. That's when I got an idea. Instead of waiting for her to get home, I'm going visit her at work. She is in her last class of the day and I just happen to know it's her poetry class and they love me. So, that is where I am now. I just spoke to her father and I'm approaching her door. I stand by the door looking through the window. She is writing something on the board and then she turns around but didn't spot me.

"Okay, so our next poem. Can someone tell me the title and the author?" She asks starting to walk back and forth in front of her students. All of their hands went up. She smiled and pointed to Ruby.

"I actually really loved this poem Miss Mills. It's Annabel Lee by Edgar Allan Poe." Ruby says smiling.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it and read it in advance this time." Regina says smiling. The whole class laughs and she walks back to the board. She writes down the name of the poem and the author and begins to speak again. "Okay before I go through the actual poem. We are going to discuss a little bit about the author first."

Henry then notices me and immediately smiles and interrupts Regina. "Miss Mills?" Henry says raising his hand.

"Yes Henry?" She asks still writing something on the board.

"There's a man at the door." He says.

"Do you know this man?" She asks.

"Yes ma'am." He says.

"Well, tell them to please come in." She says finishing up something on the board. I walk in and all of her nine students smile so wide. "What can I do for you?" She asks turning around. "What are you doing here?" She asks smiling. "Wait where is your boot?"

"Gone." I say shrugging. "Finish up. I'll wait back here." I say nodding towards the board.

"No, Mr. Locksley, you should come sit up here." Henry says pointing to the desk next to him.

"Do you mind?" I ask pointing to the desk.

"No, but I hope Henry will lend you a pen and paper so you can take notes." She says smirking.

"You're such a flirt Miss Mills." Ruby says chuckling.

"How do you think she won me over?" I say grinning at Regina. Regina smirks and walks towards me.

"Actually, Mr. Locksley, I'm pretty sure it was my pen tapping." She says tapping her black marker against her lip. "Take a seat."

"Can we hear the story?!?" Ruby asks.

"Yeah, Miss Mills, tell us the story." Grace says happily. "You even said that we were ahead of schedule."

"Woah, wait, what story?" Regina asks holding her hands up to quiet them down.

"The story of how you and Mr. Locksley met." Another student, Lilly says like it's the most obvious thing in the world.

"I don't know guys. You all know I like to be ahead." She says sighing.

"Please Miss Mills, you're our favorite teacher." Grace says sweetly. Then that started into a whole classroom of teenagers saying please over and over again. I couldn't help, but laugh.

"Fine." She says sighing. "Mr. Locksley, you have the floor."

"Storytime!" They all shout. They move their desks into a circle and Henry points to where I need to move my desk. Regina walks to the back of the room grabbing her desk chair and rolls it up next to my desk.

"Okay, start from the beginning and don't leave anything out." Ruby says winking.

"Okay." I say chuckling. "Well, I own The Lion's Den, which is a poetry slam club downtown. I had seen Miss Mills before, but this particular week she had come in three nights in a row. Always came in dressed to a tee. The first night she was in black pants with a red shirt and a black blazer. The second night it was royal blue skirt with a white shirt and a sweater. The third night was a red dress. She looked beautiful. Just like she does today." I say smiling at her. She smiles and chuckles. "Well, one of my employees and friends, caught me at the end of the bar staring at her. He told me that I just needed to go talk to her. We got busy that night and it slipped my mind. At the end of the night, it turns out she was still at the bar, but she was the last person there."

"It was fate!" Ruby yelled.

"Finding you was definitely fate, babe." I say leaning over and kissing her cheek.

"Awwwwwww." The girls say in unison.

"Oh hush." Regina says chuckling. "Keep going." She says tapping my hand.

"Okay, umm, where was I? Oh right. So, as my employee was leaving, he told me to go talk to her so that's exactly what I did. I noticed she was reading something and that's when I noticed her pen tapping too. She taps that red pen against her bottom lip all the time. It's so cute." I say looking at Regina. She is leaning on her right hand covering her right cheek. "So, I walked over there extremely nervous, and she did not even look up at me. I cleared my throat and she held her finger up and said 'just a second'." I say mocking her. Her students start to laugh and so does she.

"In my defense, I felt really bad after." Regina says laughing.

"I thought it was so funny and adorable. I even waited." I say smiling.

"Yes, you did." She says matter of factly.

"Well, then she started to say 'can I help you,' but when she looked up she noticed she was the last person in the room. She started to apologize and pack her stuff, but I stopped her and said she could finish whatever she was doing and I asked if she minded me asking what she was reading. Well then, she smiled and I think I died on the inside. Her smile was, well is, the most beautiful thing I have ever seen; which I proceeded to tell her. Then I thought she was going to think I was a stalker and I apologized for being so forward. She just smiled and thanked me and said 'it's nice to get compliments sometimes.'"

"I feel terrible that I don't remember all the details about this night." Regina says chuckling.

"It's okay. You were grading papers." I say smiling. She chuckles and grabs my hand. "So, I introduced myself and asked her if she needed anything. She told me her name and asked for a glass of water. I got her a glass of water and a glass of ice. I pulled up a chair and I started a conversation. We talked while she finished her grading and she packed her stuff and I told her goodbye. Then I prayed that I would see her again."

"How did y'all start dating?" Grace asks.

"I like this story." Regina says smiling.

"Tell it!" All the girls beg.

"Well, I went back to the bar the next night. My friends convinced me that I needed to talk to him again. So, that was the plan going in. I walked in at around 8 that night I think. I walked to the table in the corner that I always sat in and there was a surprise waiting for me." She says smiling. "He put a single red rose in a glass of water and there was a folded piece of paper with my name on it leaning against the glass."

"He wrote you note?!" Ruby asks excitedly.

"I did one better." I say smiling. "I wrote her poem."

"Oh my gosh that's so perfect." Grace says smiling. "What did it say?"

"That..." Regina says smiling at me. "Is none of your business, but it was very romantic and sweet. I was going to go thank him, but he was busy so I waited. I finished grading then began to read. I got so caught up in the book, it was almost midnight. I saw him cleaning the bar so I grabbed my bags and walked up to the end of the bar. He didn't notice me at first but when he saw me he immediately walked over. I thanked him for the rose and he told that he just wanted to see me smile. Then, I told him I really liked his poem."

"Can I tell the rest?" I ask interrupting her.

"Go ahead." She says chuckling.

"I asked her if she thought it was cheesy and she said that it was really good. She gave me a B-." I say laughing. The whole class laughs.

"Typical Miss Mills." Henry says laughing.

"I don't remember at which point this happened, but she reached for my hand and told me that she thought I had plenty of time to improve and that this might help. What she meant by "this." I say holding up air quotes. "Was a slip of paper. Who knew that a single rose, a poem, and a tiny piece of paper with her number on it would have changed both of our lives."

"Awwwwww." Slipped from every girl's mouth.

"Did you show them what I gave you?" I ask smiling.

"I did not." She says holding her hand out. "It's not an engagement ring." She says quickly. "It's a promise ring."

"People still do that?" Asked the kid who barely speaks that I don't even know his name.

"Yes." I say matter of factly. "It means that I intend to propose to her and marry one day."

"So, cute and romantic." Grace says happily.

"Thank you." I say smiling. Not five seconds later the bell rang and they were dismissed for the day. Regina tells them to put the desks back and she puts her chair back. The students were out extremely fast, it is a Friday though. She packs her stuff and places it on top her desk. I walk back to her desk and she walks around.

"You should give me a proper hug." She says smiling. I smile and pick her up off the ground spinning her in a circle. "It's only been 2 weeks, but I have missed you holding me."

"I've missed holding you." I say chuckling. "I can't wait to carry you all over the house tonight."

"After date night." She says smiling.

"Right, after date night." I say kissing her sweetly. "Ready to go home?"

"Yeah, I'll meet you there." She says happily.

"Okay." I say grabbing her bags for her. She grabs her purse and my hand and we head to the car. She beats me home, but when I get home I see her waiting outside of the door for me. I grab her bags and we head inside.

"Bring those upstairs for me please." She says pulling me with her.

"Wait." I say when we reach the top. "Wait right here." She looks at me weird and waits by the banister. I put her bags on the chair and walk back to her.

"Is there is surprise in there for me?" She asks smiling.

"No." I say chuckling and picking her up bridal style. She smiles and wraps her arms around my neck. I carry her into our room and toss her on her bed. She bounces and starts laughing. She lays flat on the bed with her arms spread out. Her knees are bent at the edge of the bed with her feet dangling off. I kneel on the ground and unhook her wedges. I place them both on the floor and stand up in front of her. Her eyes are closed so she must be tired. I start rubbing my hands up and down her thighs causing her to smile.

"That feels good." She says softly.

"Am I putting you to sleep?" I ask smiling.

"Yeah, I could really use a nap before tonight."

"Well, how about you get comfortable and I'll give you a massage while you rest?" I ask.

"Seriously?" She asks lifting her head.

"Sure." I say smiling. "Go change and I'll get us some water."

She smiles and heads into the bathroom. I head downstairs to get some water and by the time I get back she was laying on the bed. She was on her belly and had the sheet pulled up to right over her butt. Plus, she was naked. Her beautiful olive complexion on display. I put our waters on the nightstand and pull my shirt over my head.

"Water is on the nightstand of you want it." I say softly. She nods and continues to relax. "Do you want a regular full body massage or do you want the Robin special?"

"What's the Robin special?" She asks chuckling.

"Guess you will have to find out." I say smirking.

"Okay." She says chuckling.

"Is it okay if I straddle you?"

"That's fine." She says softly.
I nod, not that she could see, and began on her back. I swing my leg over and begin with her upper back. I start digging my thumbs into her back and she sighs heavily. I continue to do it and she loves it. There is a very relaxed smile on her face. I stay on her back for about 15 minutes and then of course I have to put in the Robin special. I start placing open mouthed kisses on her back. I spent about five minutes doing that and her breathing was sleepy and relaxed.

"Are you asleep?" I ask softly.

"No." She says. "It feels really good though."

"Good." I say smiling. "Can you turn over onto your back for me?" She doesn't say anything and turns over. She adjusts the sheet over her hips and relaxed again. I straddled her again and started rubbing up and down her sides. Firm and tight up and down. After doing that for a few minutes her back arched slightly and she relaxed. I continued to rub her sides but went further rubbing down her arms then back down. She was so relaxed it wasn't even funny. As I was rubbing her sides, her back was still arching slightly then relaxing. I continued to do that and started going slower placing open mouthed kisses anywhere I could reach. I got distracted at one point and intertwined our fingers. I was sucking the side of her breast and she gripped my hands so tight that I just continued to do it. When she finally loosened her grip, I pulled away and discovered I left a hickey. I smiled to myself and pulled away completely. She lets out the softest whine when I moved. I smirk and pull the covers away from her legs. I sit at the edge of the bed and start massaging her feet. I stay there for a few minutes and then move to her calf then her thigh. I placed her foot against my chest when I began massaging her thigh. I know she was enjoying it because her toes were curling against my chest. I switch to her other leg and repeat the same thing. When I placed her foot against my chest, her toes were curling. I place her feet flat on the bed with her knees apart. This was such a turn on for her and she was wet. I place my lips on her stomach and start placing kisses there. I move lower and lower until I place my lips against her folds. I start with kisses. Just gentle kisses against her clit and her opening. Then I felt her hands in my hair and she began to scratch my scalp. The more I kissed the more ragged her breath became. After a few torturous minutes, I began to suck, lick, and nip anywhere I could. I know she was tired because she was holding back. Her moans were soft, but were frequent. Her hips were circling against my mouth as I continued to lick and suck. One of her hands slipped out of my hair and pulled my hand into hers. She intertwined our fingers and was squeezing it then relaxing. I took it upon myself to reach for her other hand and intertwined our fingers. On one particular suck, her back arched and her orgasm ripped through her. She gripped my hands and moaned not holding anything back. I continued to lick at her center until she went limp against the bed breathing deep. I look up at her and her beautiful brown eyes are staring right at me. She has this relaxed smile on her face and she pulls at my hands. I scoot up the bed and lay on top of her.

"Were you watching me eat you out?" I ask kissing below her ear. Her arms wrap around me and she kisses my shoulder.

"Yeah." She says breathlessly.

"I thought your eyes were closed." I say softly. "I definitely would have been looking at you."
"It's okay." She says pulling my head up. "Way sexier watching you concentrate." She says smiling.

"It was good?" I ask.

She pulls me to her lips. "It was amazing." She says kissing me. After a few minutes, her kisses started to slow.

"Take a nap." I say kissing her cheek. "I'll be right here when you wake up." She smiles and nods. I roll off of her and she lays on her side. I pull her against my chest and she was out within 5 minutes.


I woke her up by kisses on her shoulder.

"To this day you are still annoying." She says smiling.

"I can't help it." I say smirking. "I love waking you up with kisses."

"I'm kidding." She says turning on her back. "I love when you wake me up with kisses."

"Oh, I know." I say smiling. "You wouldn't smile if you didn't like it."

"You are right." She says smiling. "Do I have time to shower?"

"Yeah we have about an hour and half." I say burying my face in her neck.

"You want to join me in the shower?" She asks smirking.

"Are you kidding? That's the dumbest question you could ever ask me." I say as we both laugh. "We just can't be too active because I haven't stood on my foot without my boot so I may be a little unbalanced. Still getting used to walking without it."

"I'll hold you up." She says smiling.

After we showered, she started her makeup and I got dressed. I actually had a surprise for her. I called her friends and changed our destination. We were going to this club called "The Block." It plays all country music, all the time. I took out her cowboy boots and placed them on the floor and I sat on the bed waiting for her. She walks out of the bathroom in her towel and goes to her dresser grabbing a bra and underwear. She turns around and sees me watching her.

"Wait, I thought we were going out?" She asked confused.

"We are." I say reassuringly.

"I'm wearing cowboy boots?" She asks. "I was going to wear a dress."

"Change of plans. I'm taking you somewhere different." I say smiling.

"What about my friends?"

"They're coming too." I say smiling.

"So, what do I wear?" She asks sighing.

"Jeans and a nice shirt." I say shrugging.

"Okay." She says sighing.

"You can wear a dress if you want, but I figured it would be chilly tonight." I say as she walks away.

"No, you're right. I'll wear jeans." She says heading into her closet. She comes back out in dark wash jeans and a white lace looking shirt that was off her shoulders.

"Why do you torture me?" I ask.

She chuckles and sits next to me. "I kinda like the attention and when you stare at me." She says shrugging. "Oh crap. I need socks." She says running to her dresser. She digs through her drawer and pulls out some socks then runs back to the bed. She sits down pulls her socks on and puts her boots on.

"Hottest cowgirl ever." I say standing up. She smiles and stands up. "Did you see my new boots?" I ask lifting my pants leg.

"I love those!" She says excitedly. "When did you buy them?"

"Today." I say smiling. She laughs and says she thinks they look great. Now we are heading out the door. It was a pretty long drive, so we were in the car for about 40 minutes. She was excited to have a night out and hangout with her friends. She also said that we were meeting her friend Emma's new boyfriend. She couldn't remember his name, but him and Emma seem pretty serious. When we got there her friends were waiting outside their car. We parked and she got out. She waved at them and held out her hand for me. As we walk up I hear a voice.

"Well, I'll be damned! Is that the thief?" I hear the voice of a long-lost friend.

"So, the pirate lives?" I say walking up to him. "How have you been Killian?"

"I've been good mate." He says as we embrace in a quick hug. "How about you?"

"I've been great." I say pulling away and grabbing Regina's hand.

"So obviously they know each other." Emma says chuckling. "Regina, this is my boyfriend Killian. Killian this is my best friend Regina."

"Nice to meet you Killian." Regina says happily.

"You as well, lass." Killian says happily. "Is it just us four?"

"No, we are waiting for my friend Mary-Margaret and her husband David." Regina says looking back to the entrance of the parking lot. "Oh, that's David's truck right there."

We walk to the entrance and wait there as David parks his truck. When they walk up, everyone exchanges pleasantries and we head inside.

"Shut up." Regina says as we walk in.

"What?" I ask pulling her towards the bar.

"This bar plays country music?" She asks smiling.

"Yep, all day, every day." I say sitting on a stool sideways and pulling her between my legs. "Whatcha want to drink?"

"Corona with a lime." She says wrapping her arm around my shoulder.

"What can I get for you?" The bartender asks.

"Corona with a lime for her and I'll take a bud light."

"Bottle or tap?"

"Bottle is fine."

"Wanna start a tab?"

"Yes, please." I say smiling. He nods and gets both our bottles.

"Thank you." Regina says grabbing her bottle. "We are going get a table guys." Regina says grabbing my hand. They all nod and we go get a table by the dance floor. "This looks so much fun."

"I hope you have fun tonight." I say kissing her cheek.

"I'm sure I will." She says smiling. Her friends join us and we start chatting.

"So, is it just me or do you wanna know where their nicknames came from?" Emma says looking at Regina.

"Yeah, why does he call you thief?" Regina asks smirking.

"Killian and I were friends in grade school. Our parents were friends, so we hung out a lot." I say running my hand through my hair. "Killian and I were both going after this girl. He gave her a necklace to try and win her over and I just kissed her and he claims I 'stole' her from him." I say holding up air quotes.

"Well, turns out that she had already had a boyfriend and was playing both of us." Killian said.

"Hence why Robin is the thief. He stole her from me." He says chuckling.

"He is totally leaving out the part where he stole the necklace back from her. Hence why he is called the pirate. He stole jewels." I say laughing.

The whole table busts out laughing and Killian and I clinked our bottles together. "Good times." I say smiling. There was a slight lull in conversation and Regina must have heard the song too. Thomas Rhett's 'Die a Happy Man' started playing. She looks at me with the biggest smile.

"Care to dance with me?" I ask holding my hand out.

"Yeah." She says taking my hand. I help her stand and walk her out to the dance floor. I spin her in a circle and pull her close. I wrap my hand around her back and pull her hand against my chest. She smiles and wraps her other arm around my neck and plays with the hair on the nape of my neck.

"And I know that I can't ever tell you enough that all I need in this life is your crazy love. If I never get to see the northern lights. If I never get to see the Eiffel tower at night. Oh if all I got is your hand in my hand baby I could die a happy man."

"This is my favorite part of the song." I say smiling. I let go of her hand and wrap my arms around her back pulling her against my chest. I lean my head against hers and sing along with the music.

"Baby that red dress brings me to my knees. Oh but that black dress makes it hard to breathe. You're a saint you're a goddess the cutest the hottest. A masterpiece. It's too good to be true nothing better than you in my wildest dreams."

She smiles against my cheek and kisses it. I pull away grabbing her hand and start spinning her in circles and spinning her in against my chest and back out. I had her smiling and laughing the whole song. At the end of the song, I pull her in and dip her.

"That was fun." She says with a bright smiling.

"After a couple drinks, we're going to dance the night away." I say smiling.

"Sounds like a plan." She says happily. We sit back down and Emma and Mary are gone. "Where did they go?"

"Bathroom." Killian says sighing. "Are you going to join them?" He asks laughing.

"Nope." She says taking a gulp of her drink. "I wanna dance and I'm kinda in the mood to get drunk."

"That'll be first for me." I say chuckling. "I've never seen you drunk."

"Oh, are we telling drunk Regina stories?" Emma asks walking up to the table. "I have a few of those."

"No." She says laughing. "I just said I was in the mood to get drunk."

"She's so much fun." Emma says laughing. "And she is overly affectionate."

"I may just get you drunk." I say shrugging.

"You'll be responsible for me." She says gulping the last of her drink. "Let's go get another one." She says standing and walking to the bar.

"I guess we are getting another one." I say leaving the table. I walk up behind Regina and grab her butt. She jumps and turns around.

"You scared the hell out of me." She says laughing.

"I'm sorry." I say wrapping my arms around her waist. She smiles and starts rubbing her butt against my groin. "You better stop." I say in her ear. She smirks and thanks the bartender for our drinks. We head back to the table and sit down. Mary finishes telling a story and Emma chimes in.

"So, Robin, I really wish you could have known Regina in college." Emma says.

"Me too." I say laughing.

"She was so much fun." Emma says.

"I was fun like maybe 4 times." Regina interrupts. "I was always focused on school."

"True, but that one time at AJ's over the summer." Emma says smirking.

"Oh god that's like the worst story ever." Regina says covering her eyes.

"Regina had met this guy Daniel in school and they went out twice. Well, I invited him out without her knowing and by the time he arrived she was so wasted." Emma says laughing.

"This is so embarrassing." Regina says burying her face in my shoulder.

"He asked her to dance and she was so drunk that she was jumping up and down and grinding on him. He loved it." Emma continues. "They did this for the next hour until Regina pulled him outside."

"Please stop talking." Regina chuckles. "In my defense, I didn't drink often in college and that night I mixed so much liquor it wasn't even funny."

"They were making out for maybe 30 seconds before Regina threw up on his shirt." Everyone busts out laughing and Regina is shaking her head against my shoulder. "He was totally sweet though and they dated for what about a year?"

"No, I think it was more like 6 months." Regina says annoyed. "Bastard cheated on me with some ugly bitch."

That made me laugh and I kissed her cheek. "Lucky for me." I say against her cheek. "Let's go dance." She smiles and stands up. We both take swigs of our drinks before heading back out to the floor. We start to dance, but her smile isn't reaching her eyes. I pull her close and kiss her forehead. "Let's go outside for a second." I say softly. She nods and I pull her towards the door. Before we could walk outside, we had to give the bouncer at the door both of our IDs to prove that we were coming back in. So, we each gave him our ID and we headed out the door. I walk to my truck and open the back. "Hop up." I say grabbing her hips. She jumps and I place her on the edge. I grab her cheeks and force her to look at me. "Hi." I say smiling.

"Hi." She says chuckling.

"She made you mad."

"A little." She says sighing. "I'll get over it."

"Doesn't change the way I see you." I say rubbing her cheeks with my thumb.

"I know." She says sighing. "It's just not one of my best moments. It's embarrassing."

"Well, it doesn't make me love you any less." I say kissing her nose. "If you want to go get drunk, I'll hold your hair while you throw up." I say making her laugh.

"Shut up." She says pulling me into a hug. I chuckle and lift her off the gate of the truck. She wraps her legs around my waist and I squeeze her until she giggles. She pulls back a little bit and places her hands on my cheek. I lean and capture her lips in a passionate kiss.

"I love you." I say against her lips.

She smiles and kisses me again. "I love you, too."

"Ready to go inside?"

"Yeah." She says smiling. "Thank you."

"Anytime, sweetheart." I kiss her cheek and place her on the ground. I close the gate to the truck and we head back inside. We each grab our IDs back from the bouncer and we head back towards the bar. "Go sit down, I'll get us another drink." I say kissing her forehead. She smiles and goes sits back at the table. I come back and she is on her phone. She stands up so I can get to my chair. Before she can sit down I grab her by her back pocket and pull her to sit in my lap. She let out a squeal and chuckled.

"You could have warned me." She says chuckling.

"Sorry." I say smiling. "I just wanted you closer."

"That's sweet." She says wrapping her arm around my shoulder. I grab her phone from her and she whines. "Hey."

"What?" I say pulling up the camera. She chuckles and places her lips against my cheek. I took a picture and she grabbed her phone to look at it.

"It's cute." She says smiling. "Let's take a normal one, too."

"Want me to take it for you?" Mary asks smiling.

"Sure. Thank you." Regina says handing Mary her phone. I turn us to face Mary and she keeps her hand around my neck and places her other hand on my chest. She smiles and I couldn't help but to look at her. I looked forward again and she took one more for us. "Can you take one more?" Regina asks.

"Yeah." Mary says happily.

Regina gently pulls my cheek towards her and kisses my lips sweetly.

"Got it." Mary say smiling.

"Thank you." I say smiling.

"No problem." She says sitting down. David comes back with a glass of water for her and another beer for him.

"Hey guys." He says smiling. "Everything okay?"

"Yeah." Regina says smiling. "Just needed some air."

"Sorry about what Emma said earlier." Mary said grabbing Regina's hand. "I know how much you don't like that story."

"No big deal." Regina says shrugging. "I'll get over it."

"She doesn't know when to shut up." Mary says angrily.

"Mary, I'm fine." Regina says taking her hand. "I promise."

"We can have a date night soon? Just the four of us?" Mary asks.

"Sounds fun." Regina says nodding happily.
"Let's go dance." I say smiling.

"Okay." She says standing up. She walks me out and a faster song is on.

"Soon as I sat down I was fallin' in love
Tryin' to pour a little sugar in her Dixie cup
Talkin' over the speakers in the back of that truck
She jumped up and cut me off."

I started swinging her in fast circles and twirling her around. It brought a smile to her face and she started laughing.

"She was like, "Oh, my God, this is my song.
I've been listenin' to the radio all night long.
Sittin' 'round, waitin' for it to come on and here it is."
She was like, "Come here boy, I wanna dance."
'Fore I said a word she was takin' my hand
Spinnin' me around 'til it faded out
And she gave me a kiss
And she said, "Play it again, play it again, play it again."
And I said, "Play it again, play it again, play it again.""

As the chorus rang through, she started lip-syncing and pulling me close and spinning me. We were having a blast. We spent the next 45 minutes dancing. We were both sweating when we finally sat down. Killain and Emma had left while we were dancing because this wasn't their scene. David and Mary were dancing a little and watching. Mary loved the dances and songs. David was nice enough to get us all another round.

"Y'all wanna go get some food and then come back?" Regina asks.

"We will totally go eat with y'all, but we will probably head home after." David says chuckling. "I have work early and I'm extremely tired."

"That's totally fine." Regina says smiling. "I'll go close our tab." She starts to walk away and I grab her by her back pocket and pull her into my lap. "Woah." She says laughing.

"You better sit your sassy little ass down." I say smirking.

"Why?" She asks chuckling.

"Since when have I taken you out and never paid." I say raising an eyebrow.

"Never." She says sighing. "Dinner is on me then."

"Deal. You sit and wait for me." I say kissing her cheek.

We close our tab and we head to a chick fil a. Of all things Regina wanted Chick fil a. So, we sat there and ate. We talked for a little while and then we went back to the club by ourselves. We both got another beer and sat at a table in a corner. We sit down and she scoots her chair right next to mine and drapes her legs over mine. That lead to me rubbing up and down her thighs. Then she started whisper dirty things in my ear. I slipped my free hand around her back and I felt a sliver of her skin that was exposed. I started to rub her back softly. When she took a sip of her beer, I buried my face in her neck. I kiss her neck softly and kiss up to her ear.

"I can't handle myself around you." I whisper softly then kiss below her ear. She smirks and drags her hand up and down my arm. "You have no idea how crazy you make me."  She continues to smile but brings her bottom lip between her teeth. "I thought about you all day. You were so sexy in that skirt, today." I say kissing right below her ear. "I couldn't not touch you when we got home. I needed to feel you under my fingertips. Your skin is so soft and smooth. I love feeling every part of you beneath my lips." She took a deep breath in and gripped my bicep. "You were so wet. You sounded so sexy. I was so turned on when I saw you staring at me. I love the way you taste. It's so sweet." She slowly moves my hand to her hip. "Look at me." I say softly. She turns her head and opens her eyes slowly. "Do you know how beautiful you are?" I take a deep breathe. "I need you." I say gripping her hip.

"Let's go." She says almost immediately. We both stand up and head to my truck. When we get there, I push her against the passenger door crashing my lips to hers. She wraps her arms around my neck as I grip her ass in both hands. "Let's go home." She says pulling away. I smile and kiss her one more time. We get in the truck and she is breathing so heavy.

"You okay?" I ask grabbing her hand.

"Yeah." She says smiling. "Just caught me by surprise with that kiss."

"You just look so good tonight." I say gripping her hand. "It was so hard to keep my hands off of you."

I'm watching the road, but I see her unbuckle her seatbelt. She gets on her knees and leans over the console and whispers. "Wait till we get home."

The waiting was torture. As soon as we walked through the door and I locked it, I gripped her hips pulling her flush against me. I crash my lips against hers and undo her jeans while she unbuttons my shirt. She slides it down my arms and tosses it blindly to the side. She pushes me away and pulls her boots off tossing them to the side. I took this time to take my boots off too.

"You are entirely too dressed." I say kissing her again. She chuckled and pulled away.

"What are you gonna do about it?" She asks grabbing my hands and smirking.

"I plan to strip you down." I say chuckling.

"How about you take off your pants and I'll think about it." She says smirking and raising an eyebrow.

"Are you playing hard to get?" I ask smirking.

"I might be." She says shrugging. She lets go of my hands and undoes my belt. "Take them off." I chuckle and take my jeans off and throw them to the side.

"Okay, how do I take this sexy shirt off?" I ask chuckling. She simply smirks and raises her arms. I take the hem at the bottom and pull it up and over her head. What I wasn't expecting was her breasts to fall out of that shirt and to bounce. I threw the shirt down by the sofa. "Why the fuck do you torture me?" I whine burying my face in her neck. She pushes me away and then pushes me on the sofa. I plop down and she laughs.

"Actually, take those off." She says smirking and pointing to my boxers. I chuckle, but I listen and pull them off. "So much better." She says biting her lip. She walks behind the sofa and I follow her with my head.

"What are you doing?" I whine.

"I can't take jeans off gracefully." She says chuckling.

"No." I say reaching for her hand. "Leave'em on and come here."

"Robin, my pants have to come off for us to have sex." She says walking around the sofa.

"I know." I say laughing. I grab her hand and pull her into my lap. She straddles my lap and I pull her against my chest. "I'm so glad I live here now so that I wouldn't have to leave you like this."

"Like what?" She asks smirking.

"All gloriously naked." I say rubbing up and down her back. "You look so sexy topless and with your jeans unbuttoned and unzipped. The black lace peeking out taunting me. That ass that is begging to come out of these jeans."

"And at that I'm straddling your naked body and I'm still half dressed." She says chuckling.

"What I can't enjoy my topless girlfriend." I ask sadly.

"No, you can." She says grabbing my cheeks.

"You do like the attention." I say smirking.

She busts out laughing. "Yes, I do. Especially from someone as sexy as you."

"That rhymed." I say smiling.

"I know. I do it all the time." She says winking.

"I can't even deal with you right now." I say burying my face in her neck laughing.

"You know you love me." She says smiling and starting to grind her hips against my already hard shaft.

"Mm yes I do sexy." I say capturing her lips in a passionate kiss. I stood up holding her and I lay her down on the sofa. I pull away and she smiles at me. I wasted no time and I pulled her underwear off with her jeans.

"Okay, I'm mad." She says folding her arms.

"What?" I asked worriedly. "Why?"

"I had on the sexy black thong you bought me and you didn't even get to see it." She says sadly.

"Babe." I say laying on top of her. "I love you and I plan on spending the rest of my life with you. There is a 99 percent chance I will totally see you wearing those again."

"What about the other 1 percent?" She asks.

"I may rip them on another occasion and you may not to get wear them again." I say shrugging.

She starts laughing and wraps her arms around my neck. "Those were actually really comfortable. Please don't rip them."

"I won't." I say kissing her lips again and again and again until we are sloppily making out. The world slips away when we are like this. Nothing else matters except her lips and mine. Her olive skin beneath my hands and our body's connected. Our lips never fell from each other's until she screamed when her orgasm ripped through her and me following right behind her. I continue to pump in and out letting her ride out her orgasm. I slip out of her and rest my head against her chest.

"Now I'm tired." She says giggling.

"Me too." I say smiling. "You wear me out."

"You wear me out." She says grabbing the blanket off the back of the sofa. I roll to the side and she scoots from underneath me. She lays on her side and faces me. I cover her up and she snuggles against my chest. "Don't wake me up in the morning."

"No issue there." I say chuckling. I kiss her forehead and wrap her in a tighter hug. "Goodnight my sweet."

"Goodnight my sweetheart." She says dozing off with a very relaxed smile on her gorgeous face.

When the sun came through the curtains in the living room, I was woken up. It was 9:30, so I decided to make some coffee. I eased my arms from around her carefully. She moaned and then she situated herself and fell back asleep. I head into the kitchen and set up her Keurig. I grab a mug, place it on the coffee machine and press the large button. I needed it today. When it's finished I put some milk in it and walked back to the living room. Regina was still knocked out and was now on her side facing the windows. I decided to sit on the floor in front of the sofa. I grab a blanket and situate myself on the floor. I was looking on my phone when her lips landed on my neck.

"Good morning to you too." I say smirking.

"Too early." She says laying her head on my shoulder.

"Go back to sleep." I say turning to face her.

"Too bright." She says chuckling. 

"Wanna go lay in bed?" I ask.

"Yeah." She says sitting up. I place my coffee on the table and she stands up with the blanket around her.

"Come on." I say picking her up bridal style. She smiles and holds on. "Grab my coffee for me." I say squatting so she can reach it. She grabs it and holds it with both hands. We walk up the stairs and she places my coffee on the nightstand. I place her on the bed and she immediately gets under the covers throwing the other blanket on the ground. Grabbing my coffee, I walk around to my side of the bed and sit down. I set up the pillows against the headboard and sit up placing the comforter over my legs. As soon as I'm comfortable, she scoots up against my side burying her face between the bed and my body. This is literally where we spent the rest of the day.

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