Water-Lightning Dragon Slayer...

By hikari46

8.8K 228 32

Aria Dreyar the grand daughter of Makarov Dreyar and the younger sister of Laxus Dreyar. she's also the close... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

Chapter 2

1K 29 1
By hikari46

*Aria P.O.V*

I opened my eyes after I use my psychometry on Natsu

"they will go to Oshibana Station and Erigor will be there" I lean on Gray

"you okay?" Lucy ask me in a worried tone "you look so pale" looking at me

Alice said "this is what will happened if Aria use psychometry because it's one of the powerful magic that would drain her strength" in a worried tone "here" she give me the bottle of water

I drink a lot of water and sigh in relief

"arigatou, Alice" I thank her

"anything else, Aria?" Erza ask

"for some reason, I can't read Erigor it's blocking me from something" I answer then frown

Erza started to drive faster. Alice held me tightly

"Erza, your going too fast!" Gray shout "look, the S.E plug is inflating"

"if we let that flute be played, a great number of people will be victims!" Erza stated "just by hearing the sound, a person's life is stolen from them" in a serious tone

"what are we supposed to do when we get there, and you don't have any magical power left?" I ask

"if that happens then I'll fight with a stick if I have too!" she answer "and you three are here, as well" I sigh

I replied "Alice go on ahead of the station and tell me the update" in a serious tone

"hai!" Alice answer

she left as me, Gray and Erza see smoke

"what is that?" Erza ask

"they have been ambushed Erza, hayaku!" I answer

Erza drive faster as Gray held me tightly

"you okay, Ria?" he ask me in a worried tone

"I'm fine" I answer

we already arrive at the station. all of us get out of the car. me and Erza approach the man

"you! what's the situation inside?" I ask

"who the heck are you-" Erza knock him out

"what's the situation inside?" she ask

she knock them off. I placed my hand on her shoulder and shook my head slightly

"what's the situation inside? we are Fairy Tail wizards" I ask in a serious tone

"Eisenwald is here" the man answer

"arigatou for your cooperation" I thank him

I look at them as Alice is flying beside me

"Eisenwald's inside" I explain

"let's go" Erza stated

"yeah" Gray answer

"is this one of my responsibility?" Lucy ask as she carry Natsu

"hai" he answer

the 7 of us get inside of the station and look at the knights it seems like they knock them out while running

Erza said "an army platoon stormed in, but it seems they haven't returned yet"

"it's likely that they engaged Eisenwald in battle" I stated

I gasped and look at the knights

"they've been wiped out!" Happy shout

"they were up against an entire guild" Alice stated "they are too many and I haven't seen Erigor, Aria. warui" she apologize

"you did your best" I reassured her "every single one of them are wizards. an army hardly stood a chance" in a serious tone

we stop and look at Erigor

"I knew you'd come" he stated "you Fairy Tail flies"

we really are outnumbered in here I thought of myself. few of them are chuckled looking at us

"look at how many there are!" Lucy shout

"you fiend! so your Erigor, I take it?" Erza ask

Erigor chuckled and smirked at us

"you damn flies!" Kage stated "it's your fault master Erigor got angry at me" glaring at us

"what are you scoundrels after?" I ask "what do you plan to do with the lullaby?" in a serious tone

"you don't know?" Erigor ask. he fly and stay put "what's here at the train station?" he ask

"he flew!" Lucy stated

"it's wind magic" I told her

"you plan on broadcasting the lullaby?" Erza ask

Erigor laugh at us as I clench my hand into fist

"I wonder how many thousands of onlookers are gathered around here?" he ask

he's hiding something and I can tell it

"and if you increase the column, it'll be reverberate throughout the city. the melody of death, that is!" he stated

"you plan on making innocent people listen to the flute's lullaby?" Erza and I ask in angry tone

"it's purge" Erigor answer "I'm purging the fools who guard their own rights and safety without even knowing there are those whose same rights have been stolen away. their sin is living without knowing that this world isn't just.. and so" he look at us murderously "the shinigami has come to punish them" I click my tongue

Lucy said "your not going to get your rights back by doing something like this" I nod in agreement "and weren't you thrown out of the league because you did a ton of bad stuff?" she ask

"now that we've come this far, we don't want rights anymore. its power" raising his hands "those with power can wipe the past clean, and can rule the future" clenching his hand into fist

"you really are completely idiot" I stated

"too bad for you, flies" Kage stated "you won't get to see the new dark age because you're heading to the afterlife!" he use magic

when the shadow is about to attack me and Lucy. Natsu saved us

"so that voice was you" Natsu stated

"he's back in the nick of time" Lucy look at him surprise

"oh? there's a bunch of 'em" he grin widely

"enemies, ever last one of them!" she shout

I smile and look at them

"I wonder if they think that we're outnumbered. they could easily defeat us" I stated

Alice said "they should surrender before the battle start" she smirked

"this is Fairy Tail's strongest team" Lucy stated "you better prepare yourself!"

Erigor fly away

"the rest is up to you. let them see how fearsome a dark guild really is" he stated. he left

"Natsu, Gray" I called them "you two head after him" in a serious tone

Erza said "as long as you two work together, there's no way you'd lose, even to the shinigami Erigor" in a serious tone

Erza and I look at them then give a death glare

"were you listening!?" Erza ask angrily

"aye, sir!" both of them answer then left

one of the Eisenwald left. me, Alice, Erza, Lucy and Happy are the only one's left

Erza said "after we clean up these guys, we're heading after them, too" I nod in agreement

"three girls against this many?" Lucy ask

"yeah" I answer without hesitation

"three girls? what do you think you can do?" one of the Eisenwald guild member ask

"we're gonna pluck off your wings, fly-babies" I twitch my right eyes

"just like old times, Erza?" I ask with a smile on my face

"yeah" she agree

Erza and I summon our sword and hold it while glaring at them

both of us said "one more insult to Fairy Tail, and we can't guarantee you'll live to see tomorrow" in unison

the dark guild started to attack us

"Erza I'll talk half of it" I stated

"be careful" I nod

I narrowed my eyes and charge at them

"GO! ARIA!" Alice shout at me

"water-lightning strike!" I strike them in one blow

half of the members is being knock out. the sword disappear

"water-lightning tsunami!" they we're washed away by my power

"ja ne" I wave at them in monotone

"Erza, I'll look for them" looking at her "are you and Lucy going to be okay?" I ask

"yeah" she answer "Alice help me out" Alice help her

"Erza, I'll go on ahead" I run quickly

"be careful!" she shout

I quickly go another direction and stop. there is two left and right

"who should I choose? Natsu is on the right while Gray is on the left" I whispered

I just realized something. Erigor is not after the people. it's the master! why did I realize this just now?

"Aria!" someone screamed my name

when I turned around it's Alice!

"Alice!" I called her "Erigor, he's trapping us!" in a serious tone

"what do you mean?" she ask

"he wanted us to trap here inside of the station and kill the master. that happened to be at Clover where all the masters gather" I answer

"is that the reason why you couldn't read Erigor's mind? when you use psychometry on Natsu?" she ask

"yeah, you go on the right and tell Natsu about this while I go left" in a serious tone

"be careful" I pat her head

"I will" I reassured her

I quickly go to left and see that Gray is holding one of the Eisenwald member on the collar

"Gray I know what's Erigor plan all along!" I shout

I grab the guy and slam him on the wall

"you better start answering my questions before I'll make your life torture" in a stern tone

"Erigor is planning us to cage us up?" I ask

"hai and to trap you flies is all" he answer

"he will kill all of the master at Clover is it not?" I ask

"I don't know what your thinking about" he lied

I summoned my sword and point at his neck while I glared at him

"if you lied one more time, I won't hesitate to slice your head off" I narrowed my eyes at him

"hai he will kill all the master at the Clover and there is no way that you flies will get there in time" he answer in scared tone

I knock him out powerfully as I sigh then look at Gray

"nani?" I ask

he snapped out and smile nervously at me

"who knew that you'll be scarier than Erza" he stated

"warui" I apologize "I can only be like that when it comes to mission like this" looking at him

"don't apologize" he pat my head which makes me blush "did you know their plan?" he ask

"hai" I answer "Erigor will use the lullaby to kill us the guild master at the Clover where they have regular meeting" I explain "that's the reason why I couldn't read Erigor memories" I frowned

"where did you get this information?" he ask

"I calculated the information since I'm good at it" I answer while smiling

"you never change" he smile

"anyway" I frowned "Erigor put an air wall on us and no one would escape yet, it's powerful" I sigh

"let's go meet Erza" he hold my hands

"hai" I answer

I hope that we could make it in time

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