you're the only one I need

By widowswife00

13.2K 636 272

"you are more than enough, Lu-Lu" ~~~ Lucy Hayward could never remember her parents being nice to her. At suc... More

left and found
finding some answers
first night
finally ours
family of three
new experiences
summer loving had me a blast
out we go


1.6K 68 32
By widowswife00

Heya!! Hope you all enjoy this chapter and sorry it took so long but I have been very busy with life and GCSE's so haven't had much time or motivation to write

Tw: mentions of abuse, descriptions of needles and breastfeeding (as some of ya'll are weird about that even though it's very normal)


(Lizzie's POV)

Lucy has been with us for a few days now, and adopting her was defiantly one of the best decisions of my life. It feels like a part of me that has always been missing has slotted into place and I couldn't be happier to have such an adorable little girl to call my own.

Today me and Robbie have decided to take Luce to the doctor, as she was clearly very malnourished and when she came she was covered in bruises from her biological parents, who the police were yet to find as they had apparently fled the country into Mexico.

It's also highly doubtful that she has had all the vaccinations she needs in order to not catch any nasty virus's, so they would need to get done over a period of time too.

"Wizzie we go park?" Lucy asks me, toddling into the kitchen wearing just her diaper for some reason.

"Maybe not today sweetheart, and where are your jimmy jams?!" I question, looking around for any sign of her pyjamas that she was defiantly wearing 10 minutes ago.

"Dey go bye-bye." Lu shrugs, shyly walking over to me with a baby doll in her hands and stuffing it under my shirt. "Wizzie have baba now!"

"But I already have a baba!" I exclaim, picking up the small blonde and kissing her bare belly, causing Lucy to squeal with laughter. "This is my baba!"

"I Wizzie's baba!" She giggles, grabbing at the fabric of my t shirt which lay over my breast.

"Yes you are my darling." I smile, kissing her little forehead. "We are taking you to the doctors today so they can make sure you're nice and healthy! Does that sound okay?"

Lucy thinks for a moment before hesitantly nodding. "Wizzie and Obbie come?"

"Me and Robbie are gonna stay with you the wholeeee time, Lu-Lu." I confirm, finally spying her discard pyjamas in the corner of the living room.

"Robbie!" I call to my husband who had just walked in from his run. "Could you pick up Lucy's pyjamas and throw them into the wash while I get her ready?"

"Sure, darling." He immediately nods, walking over and picking up the Disney princess pyjamas to throw them into the washing machine.

As Robbie is doing that, I take Lucy up to her room and lay her on the changing table, handing her Lee-Lee to play with, so I could easily change her diaper and put some clothes on her, ready to go to the doctors.

"There we goooo!" I smile, lifting Lucy down and placing her on the floor, now dressed in some little jeans and a pink t shirt.

She turns and reaches a hand up to me, making an opening and closing action with her fingers, meaning she wanted her pacifier, so I hand it to her.

"Doctor owies?" Luce asks, looking up at me slightly nervously while hugging her elephant close to her chest.

"No baby, they're gonna help us make sure you're all better!" I assure her, wanting this to be a positive first experience rather than a negative one.

"Otay, I be good." She nods, making me smile.

"I know you will, Lucy Lu."


We are currently on our way to the doctors and it's safe to say I'm a little nervous for Lucy's sake as she was going to be checked over, weighed, health checked and have two vaccines, which I don't think she will appreciate very much, but it's for the best that she has them.

She was currently playing on her iPad that me and Robbie got her to play some learning games on to help improve her speech and things like that, as I was reading a parenting blog about the benefits of some apps.

Although me and Robbie do limit her screen time to 1 hour a day, as we both agree that it's unhealthy for such young children to constantly have their heads stuck in an iPad or television, when they should be playing and just enjoying being a kid.

Me and Robbie talk quietly in the front of the car while Lucy is occupied with her learning games, not even noticing when we park up outside of the doctors surgery.

"We're here, princess." Robbie speaks up, making our daughter look up from her iPad at him and then outside the window to gauge her surroundings.

That must be partly a trauma response as I've noticed any time that Lucy is in a room or especially a new place, she is constantly on high alert which is probably due to the unsafe environment she was born into.

"Ma-Wizzie carry?" She quickly corrects the slip up, which I had been noticing was happening more and more often, but me and Robbie never commented as we wanted her to do things in her own time and call us 'mama' and 'dada' when she felt comfortable to.

"Of course I'll carry you sweetheart, just give me a second." I grab my purse before getting out of the car and walking around to Lucy's side, picking her up into my arms and making sure I left the elephant in the car so we didn't accidentally loose her, while Robbie locks up the car.

As soon as Lucy is in my arms she hides her little face in between my breasts, making me chuckle lightly and smile as I rub her back softly, and then hold Robbie's hand as we walk into the doctors surgery.

As soon as we enter the building, we make our way over to the receptionist who was a middle aged looking woman with glasses. "Appointment for Lucy Olsen?" I ask, making the women look up from her computer and then start typing again.

"Doctor Mackintyre will see you shortly." She gives us a tight lipped smile which me and Robbie return, before making our way into the waiting room and sitting on two chairs in the corner, Lucy snuggled up into my lap.

As we are waiting, Robbie is playing peekaboo with Lucy much to her delight, which was very sweet to see.

"Lucy Olsen?" I suddenly hear a voice call, and look up to see a young women who seemed to be in her late twenties with a genuine smile on her face, standing just outside of the waiting room.

"Dat my name..." Lucy whispers to me as I stand up with her, smiling over to the doctor.

"Yeah baby, it is!" I kiss her head softly, following Robbie and Doctor Mackintyre into her little doctors room.

"Mom and dad if you just want to sit down on those two chairs there with Lucy, that would be great." Doctor Mackintyre instructs, pointing to two blue chairs next to a hospital bed.

Me and Robbie both sit down and don't comment on the names, as Lucy goes back to hiding in my chest due to a new person being here.

"Hello, I am Doctor Mackintyre and I will be Lucy's GP, which means that any time Lucy needs to go to the doctors or needs a vaccination I will be the one to see you, unless for whatever reason I am unable and then my duties will fall into the hands of Doctor Weiner." She explains, and out of the corner of my eye I see Robbie bite his lip as he tries not to laugh at the secondary doctors name.

"That's perfect, thank you." I answer for both of us, subtly slapping Robbie's thigh to get him to shut up, which he does, covering his laughing with a cough. "Can you say hi to Doctor Mackintyre, Lu-Lu?"

Lucy shyly looks up from her place hidden in my chest and sucks on her thumb. "Hi..." She mumbles, just loud enough for me to hear.

The doctor smiles. "Hi Lucy! So today we are just gonna give you a little checkup if that's okay with you, and then you have two shots in each leg. One for Hepatitis B and one for Diphtheria, Tetanus, and Whooping Cough."

Lucy obviously didn't know what any of those things were, and quite frankly neither did I, but she nods anyways, eyeing the doctor cautiously.

"So your mommy told me over the phone that you have some owies on your body, can I take a quick look at them to make sure they aren't gonna make you poorly?" Doctor Mackintyre asks, putting on some rubber gloves as Lucy watches her nervously, so Robbie repeats the question to her.

"Can Robbie take your shirt off, so the nice lady can look at your owies, baby?" I ask her, not wanting to do anything without Lucy's consent.

After a few seconds, she slowly nods her head and lets Robbie gently take off her little shirt to reveal the bruises and scars all across for torso at various stages of healing.

Looking at them just makes me want to scream and break the people who dared to lay hands on an innocent baby, but for Lucy's sake I keep my cool.

I see Doctor Mackintyre give Lu a sympathetic look, before getting to work on examining the gashes and bruises, while Lucy sits in my lap, clearly uncomfortable with all the attention being on her.

"Well the good news is that by some miracle none of them seem to infected and should heal with time and a bit of TLC. Have you been putting any ointment on them?" The doctor looks between me and Robbie, to which we both nod our heads. "Perfect, keep doing that morning and night until they scar over to prevent any bacteria from getting in them, and to help make sure they heal as best as they can." She finishes, nodding towards Robbie to tell him that he could put Lucy's shirt back on.

The doctor then does a few other general check ups, such as checking Lucy's weight on the scales and measuring how tall she was etc. She also let Lucy listen to her own heartbeat, much to the toddlers amusement at the strange sound it made.

"As I'm sure you have noticed, Lucy is considerably malnourished from her previous home, and is underweight and under the normal height for a child her age, so I would recommend making sure she is put on a healthy balanced diet to help gain some fat. You could also consider breastfeeding as that is very nutritious and would provide Lucy with lots of calcium and good vitamins." She directs the last part at me, taking me a back slightly.

"I-I am not lactating." I tell her in confusion. I have never been pregnant, so how would I have any milk? And I haven't yet even asked Lucy if she would be comfortable with this, as everything is still very new to her.

"Well, we can provide pills for induced lactation if that is something you two would be interested in trying?" Doctor Mackintyre smiles kindly, typing some things up onto her laptop. "While I go and get the vaccines ready, why don't you talk to Lucy about it and see if that's something you both would be comfortable doing." She tells me, standing up and leaving the doctors room.

Once she's gone I take a deep breath and look over at Robbie who grabs my hand and smiles reassuringly, as I gently grab Lucy's attention as she had been playing with my wedding ring on my finger for the majority of the conversation.

"Lu? Can I ask you about something?" I ask her gently, making her look up and lock her bright green eyes with mine. "Did your previous mommy ever give you milk from here?" I ask, pointing to my breast as I think that would be the best way to describe it.

Lucy takes a moment to put together what I had just said, before nodding with a smile on her face. "Only for a ittle while tho, as she say I am big girl now." She tells me.

I smile back at her slightly sadly and nod. "Well, would you like to try it again but with me?" I ask, nervously waiting for her response.

To my relief, Lu quickly nods her head and grabs the shirt over my breasts in her little fists. "Wizzie milkies!"

I giggle at her innocence and peck her gently on the forehead. "Okay sweetheart, I'll tell the nice doctor when she comes back in."

(Lucy's POV)

While we wait for the doctor to come back in, mama asks me if I wanted to have milkies from her, so I of course said yes!

Mean mommy barely ever gave me milkies, and I missed it as I only had it when I was a small baby and I don't remember it much.

Lizzie is also nice and her chest is very warm and makes me feel safe.

I am now sitting on Robbie's lap, playing on my iPad when the doctor walks back in, holding two pointy looking needles...

"Okay so this will be super fast and just be a very small pinch, Lucy." She tells me as she sets one needle down on the side and starts prepping the one in her hands. "Dad if you could take off Lucy's jeans for me, as these injections need to go in both of her thighs."

Da-Robbie nods and gently takes off my new jeans so I'm just sitting on his lap in my diaper, eyeing the needles nervously... I don't like how they look. They look like they hurt...

"It will be super fast, Lu-Lu." Robbie whispers softly to me, as he holds me more securely on my lap.

I cling onto him as best I could, reaching my hand out towards Lizzie for comfort.

Lizzie quickly takes my hand in her own and leans over so her face is close to mine as she starts telling me how brave I am, and how much she loves me.

As she's talking I don't notice the doctor coming towards me with the needle, until I feel a sharp pain in my thigh, making me scream loudly and kick my legs.

"OWIEE!!" I cry, trying to move away from the doctor. I did not like that at all!!

"It's okay princess, sh sh sh..." Robbie soothes, holding me tighter as I try to get away from the mean doctor.

"MAMA, DADA HELP!!" I sob, reaching out to Lizzie, who seems shocked for a second, before quickly scooping me into her arms and cradling me close.

"It's okay Lu-Lu... it's okay..." She shushes, bouncing me softly and kissing my forehand repeatedly. "You're being such a brave girl!"

Again, I didn't even notice the doctor coming back with the other needle, until I feel another sharp pain in my thigh, which made me scream and cry louder as she then puts two plasters over where she stabbed me.

"All done!" Doctor Mackintyre announces over my cries as mama continues to soothe and bounce me, her and dada telling me over and over how brave I am, and how I did 'such a good job.'

After a few minutes the pain fades slightly, but my legs are really achy and sore, so I hide my face in mama's chest, wanting to feel safe again.

"Now Lucy, would you like a lolly for being so brave?" I hear the doctor ask, making me slowly turn my head around to face her at the mention of candy.

I see Doctor Mackintyre holding out a little jar full of colourful lolly pops.

I look up at mama to make sure that I can have one, and when she nods I slowly reach forward and grab a red lolly pop.

"Good choice!" Mama praises and gently takes the lolly and unwraps it for me, before putting it back into my hands.

As mama and dada talk to the doctor more about boring stuff and the doctor hands mama some pills, I suck on my lolly pop which tasted of strawberries, and curl up into my mama's chest, seeking out her warmth and comfort to distract myself from the pain in both of my legs from the mean needles.

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