Love Happens

By sunrays20

152K 6.1K 565

On a lavishly decorated altar that exuded opulence, two people took their wedding vows. One, adorned in a red... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty
Chapter twenty-one
Chapter twenty-two
Chapter twenty-three
Chapter twenty-four
Chapter twenty-five
Chapter twenty-six
Chapter twenty-seven
Chapter twenty-eight
Chapter twenty-nine
Chapter thirty
Chapter thirty one
Chapter thirty two
Chapter thirty-three
Chapter thirty-four
Chapter thirty-five
Chapter thirty six
Chapter thirty-seven
Chapter thirty-eight
Chapter thirty-nine
Chapter fourty
Author's note and Chapter forty-one (end of book one)
Book 2, chapter 1 and Author's note
13 (Last Chapter)
Epilogue 1
Epilogue 2
Second book

Chapter twelve

2.7K 115 10
By sunrays20


It was evening. The time the children return from after-school lessons. Shraddha prepared a yogurt for them to share their happy news with, as they mentioned today was results day. She wanted to do something special for them that would improve their relationship.

She heard the car's horn as it arrived from the living room. She got up from the sofa and happily took the bowl of yogurt along to receive them at the door.

Both of them walked in and were amused to see her by the door.

"Welcome, Poonam. Welcome Riddhima." Her ethical smile flashed all her thirty-two teeth at them.

"You're a disgrace." Poonam pointed viciously and stormed away with Riddhima by her side. Shraddha was so shocked about what she was called that she was left utterly speechless to ask for an explanation of why she was called that.

"Disgrace!" her mind repeated.

"Poonam!" she called out because she knew she hadn't left the hall yet. Poonam heard her, but she chose not to stay and hear what she wanted to say. She went upstairs.

Shraddha turned around and saw none of them. She followed them upstairs to their room. Poonam was shuffling through her clothes in the closet until Shraddha called her name, and she turned.

She crossed her arms over her chest and stared at Shraddha, her so-called stepmother, whom she hated with all her heart, with a ferocious look.

"Why..." Shraddha smiled warmly through her tears. "Why did you call me a disgrace? Do you not know it is a wrong and heavy word to use in talking with someone?"

"Get used to it. From now on, you're a disgrace in my eyes. Not just to me. You're a disgrace in everyone's eyes. Do you know why? Because you don't have a father." she spit unapologetically.

Shraddha's smile vanished. She wished she could disregard what Poonam just told her, but it was a healed wound she scratched. She took her gaze away from her, feeling disgusted by her presence.

"Finally. Finally, I've hurt you. This was how I felt when they said you were our new mother. But at least I know it's not possible. I'll never accept you as my mother because you're a disgrace. A disgrace that was born for society."

Shraddha sobbed loudly at the hurtful remark.

"Have you read what was written about you in the newspaper? My teacher asked me how a family like ours could accept a filthy woman like you to be part of us. Do you know what I told her? I told her my father has a big heart. He cares for people, beggars that don't...."

"Be quiet, Poonam!" Shraddha warned her while closing her eyes and covering all the barriers that could make her voice reach her ears.

"He cares for the beggars. Even my grandfather told me the same thing. When I asked him why he got our father remarried to you, he said, You definitely don't deserve to be in the presence of any of us, but because we're charitable enough, we brought you from rags to riches despite the fact you're a disgrace."

She paddled and kept talking and talking. What Shraddha's mind highlighted was the word disgrace that kept repeating in her mind. She opened her eyes and met Poonam's gaze, which was as calm as ever.

"I understand. You don't want me. You've made it clear. I know where I stand now." Shraddha whispered with the little energy she was left with because Poonam's words harmed her to the extent that her strength drained out. She left their room and ran into Anand's room. She cried miserably. Disgrace was a word she would never wish for even her enemy to be tagged with. She had a father. Just because he passed away before her birth doesn't make her filthy or a disgrace. What was hurting her the most was that it was Poonam who told her, and to her face. Poonam, who was meant to be her daughter. At least, she considered herself so.

Anand returned home. He went into his room and saw Shraddha crying her eyes out as if calamity had just struck her.

"What happened?" he asked, although he wasn't interested in knowing what made her cry because he guessed it must be because she was missing her mother since girls cry for the smallest things.

"You gave me a newspaper yesterday to check the reason you hate me. I don't understand English because, unlike you, who aren't from rags, my mother couldn't afford to pay for my complete education. Tell me what was written inside." She proclaimed in a heavy voice, getting hurt more as Poonam's words were still fresh and repeating in her head.

Anand was confused about her cold behavior. And was shocked to find out she hadn't completed school yet.

"Who said you're from the rags?" He asked her.

"Poonam told me. She said you married me only because you cared for the beggars. And Father thinks I don't deserve to be in any of you people's presence. She thinks I'm a disgrace because I don't have a father. Is it my fault my father passed away before I was born? Isn't it God's wish?" She chipped softly. Despite the fact that she was hurt to an incredibly extreme extent, she still maintained her calmness. She wept, but gently. She spoke to him with all the respect she had for him, and although Poonam told her some intolerable things, she made sure it didn't affect their relationship.

Anand yelped in disbelief. "Did Poonam say all this?" he asked.

"Earlier, I asked Riya and Mother to read the newspaper. They told me different things. I don't know which one of them said the correct thing. Please tell me what was written there." she said as she didn't want to talk about Poonam again.

"Did Poonam tell you that, Shraddha? He exclaimed with gritted teeth. If she did, he didn't know what he would do to her. She in all ways crossed the line because that wasn't the upbringing he gave her.

She saw the anger flame in his eyes. She didn't want to be the reason their relationship fell apart. She sighed and blandly replied. "She apologized afterwards." she sighed again. Her heart was still burning from the pain of her words. "Now tell me what the newspaper said about me."

Anand knew she was lying. He blamed himself for the words Poonam uttered to her. He condemned himself for not bringing her up well. He gave her too much freedom to do what she wanted. He hardly scolded her because he loved her very much. Maybe his mother was right. They need a mother in their lives because only she can discipline them well.

"Since you're insisting on knowing about the newspaper,..." he began.

Shraddha inhaled a deep breath and gave him all her listening ears while preparing for whatever was going to follow. He took the newspaper off the table.

"Anand Kapoor, who isn't only a renowned gynecologist in the city but also the son of the prime minister aspirant, got married to a prostitute's daughter, a girl from the village of Ladnun, Shraddha."

Shraddha's eyes were widely struck, with tears streaming out.

"Everyone in the village knows her mother's past. She used to work in a brothel and has slept around with countless men. Her daughter's actual father isn't determined up to today." He took a pause and peeked at Shraddha. She was blank. What was said about her was a lie. How did they get information about them?

"Please continue." She sniffed a breath.

"Shraddha, despite being a prostitute's daughter, defied the fate of living a life like her mother's due to Mr. Kapoor's generosity. He got his only son married to her in a lavish wedding with all the luxury the world could offer, even though she didn't deserve any of it. Vote for him to be the prime minister of the country and see a new India. If he could get his precious son married to an ordinary villager from a random family, imagine how many people he could uplift from poverty. He thinks about everyone's interests. Vote for him and see the change." he said, putting down the newspaper.

"How much did you accept for this humiliation?" Anand asked her.

"Your father and mother will answer this question."

Shraddha reached the end. The end of her tolerance She stormed out of the room in rage after being clouded by anger. She walked toward their room. Anand followed behind her while she badgered open the door without knocking. His father wasn't there, but she found his mother on the sofa reading a book.

"Mother!" She raised her tone.

She looked at her. "Do you not know it is forbidden for anyone to be inside this room?" Just as she finished talking, Anand's father came out of the bathroom.

"Shraddha, let's go. You can't be here." Anand whispered to her calmly.

"Why can't I be? Father, mother, what do you think I am? First, you came to my house with a wedding proposal lying to me. You said that Anandji saw me and fell in love with me. Then, Father, in order to win an election, you published something about me that uttering it makes me feel ashamed to look at you. You involved me in your political sham when I used to live a peaceful life. You made Anand, Poonam, and maybe even Riddhima hate me because they all think I'm a disgrace. Who told you I don't have a father? Did you ask my mother or me about him? Why did you lie, saying you paid us before publishing that? When did you pay us? Do you think we're cheap people who will let our reputation be tarnished for the sake of money? Or to allow my late father's image to be disrespected along with his living daughter's?" She disseminated while still crying.

Anand became ashamed of himself for believing what his parents wanted him to believe about her. He was even more ashamed of them for publishing something so vile about someone without their permission.

"Get out of here, Shraddha. We don't owe you an explanation." Anand's mother replied.

"It's a shame you lost Riya first, and now you're losing me. I don't want to live with such a selfish family. Riya might have forgiven you for everything, but I won't forgive you. You made me hate an innocent. You published disgusting things about her and her family, and the world now sees her as filth just for you to be in the good light."

Shraddha didn't want any sympathy, not from him or his parents. She was only saddened by how people back home were looking at her mother. It made her heart sink into misery. They must all have believed the news in the newspaper.

She turned and left the room. She wiped her tears on the way to Anand's room, and she promised herself not to shed anymore.

Anand's mother wept with tears when she saw her son leaving the room. She wanted to follow him, to sit him down and explain that she only followed his father's commands, but his father exclaimedz

"Do not dare try to clear your image before mine, or you know the consequences." he warned her.

Shraddha returned to the room.

"I'm sorry on behalf of my parents. If you wish, you can leave right now. I'm freeing...."

"No Anandji!" She intervened before he finished. Her heart exploded in pieces of fear at what he was about to say. "I'm not going. I don't want to go either."

"But how can you live here? You're innocent. They married us by treacherous means."

"At the end, we're married, aren't we?

"Shraddha!" His voice was like a balm that softened her anger. He moved closer to her and held her hands in his. She felt at peace with serenity she never acquired in all her life. She dedicated her attention to what he was about to say.

"I understand you. Like every girl, you have dreams, but understand that they are just not possible with me. Don't waste your life when you can find someone better, younger..."

"I've found that person. He's standing in front of me. That person is you, Anand." she whispered.

"Don't be stubborn. Return home."

"This is my home. You are my home. Allow me to be a part of your heaven. Even if we won't be husband and wife, let me remain our children's mother."

Anand was about to release her hands because he gave up trying to make her understand that life with him would be nothing but hell for her; however, she gripped them tightly.

"For forever. I don't mind if you never touch me. As long as you and I live under the same roof and see each other, it's enough. Please. I'm not asking for more. Please."

He was now scared by what she said. He feared she had a love disorder. He was hesitant to ask her a question that ran through his mind upon hearing her words because he didn't want to receive an answer that would confirm his suspicions. According to him, Shraddha and he can never be in a relationship. He was already committed, and overall, there was such an age gap between them. He has two children, while for her, this was her first marriage.

He cleared his throat and asked. "Do you love me, Shraddha?" he inquired.

Shraddha looked on and smiled with happiness. The glow swept the sadness off her face. Her lips parted to talk in the awkward silence that grew in the room.

What do you think Shraddha's reply will be?
Do you think Anand will accept her request and let her remain in the house as his children's mother?
What do you think of Poonam's behaviour towards Shraddha?
Do vote and comment.

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