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๐๐”๐๐†๐Ž ๐’๐“๐‘๐€๐˜ ๐ƒ๐Ž๐†๐’ ๐•๐€๐‘๐ˆ๐Ž๐”๐’ : โ–ฌโ–ฌโ–ฌ โ–ฌโ–ฌ โ๐—›๐—˜๐—”๐—ฅ๐—ง๐—•๐—˜๐—”๐—ง โ€งโ‚Šหš โžค Where a detective from the A... More

โœฆ - ๐ˆ๐๐“๐‘๐Ž๐ƒ๐”๐‚๐“๐ˆ๐Ž๐
โœฆ - ๐‚๐€๐’๐“ ๐Ÿ
โœฆ - ๐‚๐€๐’๐“ ๐Ÿ
โ™ก - CHAPTER 1
โ™ก - CHAPTER 2
โ™ก - CHAPTER 4
โ™ก - CHAPTER 5
โ™ก - CHAPTER 6
โ™ก - CHAPTER 7
โ™ก - CHAPTER 8

โ™ก - CHAPTER 3

5.1K 204 292

Question of the day; who's your favorite BSD character that's part of the Port Mafia? Mine is Yumeno!

Just curious— do you guys want me to write Bad Apple as well? Or should I just skip over it? I know it's canon, but I may just gloss over it... Still undecided though

Also just to put it out there— Y/N doesn't really have a set partner. Like Kunikida and Dazai are partners, Y/N doesn't have one, she just tags along with whoever she wants to whenever (She often goes with Dazai, though)


"The Pretty Blonde Lady"


Y/N rest's her head on her forearm, the other outstretched across the cafe table.

She deadpans as Dazai flirts with the waitress, her face staying in a smile despite him mentioning committing double suicide with her.

"I'm so sorry!"


"Though it was for your exam, I was so rude to you."

Well, Atsushi and Junichiro were getting along, that's good.

Y/M blinks as Kunikida pushes his foot against Dazai side, pushing the bandaged man closer towards Y/N and away from the poor waitress.

"Mm.. I thought I was your 'dream suicide partner', Osamu?" Y/N tilts her head, looking up at the man with a frown.

He really needed to leave the poor waitress alone— if this is what it took to get him to? Fine.

She feels a hand holding hers as a finger runs down her palm. Raising an eyebrow, she looks up at Dazai suspiciously.

"Aw~ Are you jealous, Y/N-chan?" Dazai grinned at the girl.

Y/N mentally frowned in confusion, What did she have to be jealous over? She did this to stop him from tormenting the waitress... Huh? Is he on shrooms again?

Y/N wasn't oblivious when it came to romance in general, but when said romance involved her? Yikes.

"Uh, sure!" Y/N smiled brightly, trying to act as though she agrees with the man despite the fact that she had no idea what he's even talking about.

Dazai huffed, a smile still on his face though it was now clear he had realized that the girl didn't know what he was talking about.

Before he could say anything (most likely requesting her to commit suicide with him again), a hand hit the back of his head into the table.

Kunikida. Y/N blinked, eyes moving down to the man who was face-first on the smooth wooden table.

"Are you going to smear mud on the Agency's name right as I'm saying we never would?! You bastard! Don't bother asking for her help all the time! I'll crush your neck!"

Kunikida was.. enthusiastic.. as ever as he started to suffocate Dazai.

Y/N deadpanned, watching the scene infront of her unimpressed.

"By the way, what were you three doing before you joined the Agency?" Atsushi asked, unnerved immediately as the three older detectives turned towards him.

Atsushi gave a sheepish smile, "Uh, no real meaning behind that question, by the way."

"Take a guess." Dazai said, sitting backwards in his chair with his arms draped over the back.

"Huh?" Atsushi blinked, confused.

"It's a game we play! The rookie tries to guess their senior colleagues' former jobs!" Y/N clapped her hands together, still confident that nobody would ever be able to guess hers without her telling them.

"It's a part of their training, as well." Kunikida added, trying to make the game seem more professional than it actually was.

Atsushi turned to the siblings, observing them before slowly saying, "Tanizaki-san and Naomi-san.. were students?"

"Oh, bingo. I'm impressed!" Junichiro smiled lightly.

"How did you know?" Naomi tilted her head, curious on how the boy came to that answer.

"I heard you're a part-time worker, and I thought you might still be a student given your uniform. Tanizaki-san seems close to me in age, so.. just a hunch." Atsushi smiled at the two.

"Honesty is a virtue." Dazai hummed before turning towards the blond next to him, "What about Kunikida-kun?"

Kunikida coughed, moving the cup of tea away from his mouth and slamming it on the table, "Who cares about what I used to be?!"

Atsushi's eye twitches before answering, "Public worker? An official?"

"Ooh! Close! He was a teacher, a math teacher!" Y/N corrected, Atsushi pondering on it for a moment before nodding shortly in agreement.

"I can totally see that."

"Me next! Me next! Atsu-chan! Guess me next!" Y/N leaned forward in her chair, nearly falling over if not for Dazai catching the back of the chair to keep her held upright.

"Y/N-san?" Atsushi blinked in surprise.

"Yep!" Y/N nodded with a wide grin, curious as to what the boy would come up with.

People tended to guess something to do with candy or sweets? An odd guess, honestly.

Perhaps it was knowing what she was technically before, that made any other guesses weird..

"Uh.." Atsushi thought for a moment, "A candy store worker?"

Y/N snickered into her hand, Honestly, people needed to guess something other than a candy store worker.

"Nope! Sorry!~" She tilted her head to the left.

"Eh? What were you then?" Atsushi asked, now curious on what the girl could've worked as.

"I ran a cult." Y/N's smile was still bright, and she didn't seem upset by mentioning her past.

"What?" Atsushi blinked, a mix of confusion and shock clear on his face.

"Aha! Maybe 'running it' isn't the right word. I was their leader, they looked up to me as a goddess of sorts," She explained with a hand held up in a carefree manor. "Someone they could worship. And take blood from."

Her grin twitched at the last part, as if it struggled to stay there.

"But, oh well! I was rescued by the Agency and life has been fun and so amazing!" Y/N smiled, eyes moving to stare up at the ceiling. "The Agency was like a blessing, really.."

Her eyes were soft and vulnerable for only a moment before she sent a playfully taunting grin at Dazai, "Or maybe the gun you pointed against my head was, Dazai-chan."

Dazai shrugged, a grin resting on his face, "You asked me to shoot you."

"And you still didn't! How rude you were back then, hmph."

Atsushi sweatdropped at the childish banter, still confused on her story but trying to slowly process it.

"What about me, then?" Dazai asked suddenly, looking back at Atsushi.

"You, Dazai-san?" Atsushi blinked, making the man smile at him in confirmation.

"Yes, me."

"Well.. Dazai-san was..." Atsushi stared intently at the man who was smiling at him brightly. "He was..."

"Don't bother, brat. His former profession is one of the seven mysteries of the Armed Detective Agency." Kunikida huffed.

"The fist person to get it right receives a reward, right?" Junichiro asked, looking over at the man.

"A reward?" Cash symbols appeared in Atsushi's eyes as he stared at Dazai.

"That's right. No one's been able to guess right, so the reward's just ballooned." Dazai shrugged casually.

Except for one person.

Y/N had long since figured out Dazai's past with the Port Mafia, yet never decided to speak up about it.

She trusted Dazai. He was the one who originally decided to bring her to the Agency, and given her past, she can't judge his.

She wouldn't sell him out just for money, actually, she doubts she would sell anyone out for anything.

Dazai knew Y/N knew, they had a short conversation about it before agreeing never to mention that she knew again.

"B-By the way, how much has this reward ballooned to, exactly?" Atsushi asked, leaning forward in the booth he was seated at.

"700,000 yen total." Dazai answered shortly.

Seven hundred yen?! Atsushi's jaw dropped at the number, "S-So if I get it right, I can claim it? For real for reals?!"

Dazai's eyes sparkled with mischief, "A suicide proponent is true to his word."

Y/N deadpanned before looking down at the drink infront of her, it was a vanilla milkshake, "Well, at least Atsu-chan is happy."

"Atsushi-kun looks excited.." Junichiro noted.

"His determination is admirable." Naomi added in agreement.

"Seven hundred grand will be mine!" Atsushi declared with determination firing around him.





"Office worker?"










"Fortune teller!"





"Non, non!"

"Japanese Chef."



"No way."

"Shinto priest!"



"No! But.." Dazai trailed off as he held his face, a blush across his face, "That's flattering."

"I bet you were just wandering around doing nothing." Kunikida sighed, a cup of coffee in his hands.

"Nope." Dazai grinned calmly, "I would never lie about this."

Atsushi and Kunikida both look at him surprised by his words.

"Do you yield, Atsushi-kun?" Dazai asked innocently before holding up a piece of paper, "Then you can take the check."


"If you don't have enough on you right now, you can start a tab. After all, it's the Agency's go-to restaurant." Dazai gave off a flowery aura as he smiled at the boy.

Junichiro suddenly pulls out his phone, answering it as he held it to his ear.

"Yes, this is Tanizaki.. Yes, okay. Got it."

Kunikida turned towards the orange-haired man, "We have a job?"

"Yes. The client's already at the Agency." Junichiro elaborates.

"Well, it's time to work." Dazai stood up, the rest soon following.

"Yay!~" Y/N stretched her arms over her head, a satisfying 'crack' noise entering her ears as the pressure is released in her joints.

"Let's save the guessing game for another time."


"So.. You've mentioned that you'd like to request an investigation, but what manner of investigation are we speaking of here?" Junichiro asked the client infront of the group of six.

The client was a woman seemingly in her early twenties, short blonde hair that ended above her shoulders and deep brown eyes.

"Beautiful..." Dazai kneeled infront of the woman, holding her hand, "You're a lady as ephemeral and elegant as a lotus blossom. Would you be willing to join me in a double suicide—"

Kunikida punched Dazai away from the woman, Y/N standing closely behind him as she sweatdrops.

"Apologies for the disturbance." Kunikida apologizes before walking towards Dazai.

"Aah, sorry! You won't have to deal with him anymore now that Kunikida has.." Y/N trailed off, eyes moving over to look at Kunikida who had dragged Dazai into an ominous room.

"Please disregard what just happened. Please continue." Kunikida orders before shutting slamming the door shut.

Y/N sweatdrops at the sight before turning towards the blonde woman who had watched with curiosity, "I'm so sorry for them.."

Y/N sulked, backing up as she sinks into the couch inbetween Atsushi and Junichiro, not noticing how Naomi's eye twitched at the action.

Nor did she register when Junichiro was dragged off the couch as Naomi took his place, sitting closely next to Y/N.

The woman stared at Y/N a moment longer, an unrecognizable emotion in her eyes before she cleared her throat, "Regarding my request.."

"Y-Yes?" Junichiro asked weakly, surprised by the woman's disregard for everything that just happened

"You can stay calm even under these situations.. So cool!" Y/N awed, stars in her eyes as she stared at the blonde.

The woman was taken aback (and a bit flustered) for a split second but recovered in the blink of an eye.

"Well, it seems there's recently been a group of distasteful people loitering in my company building's back alley." The blonde explained.

"And by distasteful, you mean.."

"They appear to be dressed in rags. Some of them have been heard speaking a foreign tongue." The woman expands, nodding to herself.

"They must be smugglers or some such." A voice from the left suddenly notes, making the group of five turn towards them.

Kunikida walks forward, hands casually in his pockets as he assesses the situation.

"The military police may police all they want, but they keep multiplying like rats on a ship. They're unavoidable in a port town."

"Right." The woman looked down at her lap, "If we had some evidence that they're running afoul of the law, we could reach out to the military police. So..."

"You want us to stake out the place and get that evidence." Kunikida notices, finishing what the woman was about to say.

She nods as Kunikida sighs, turning to look at Atsushi, "Brat."

Atsushi blinks in surprise, looking at Kunikida confused, "Huh?"

"You go." Kunikida's words make Atsushi let out a shocked gasp.


"It's a simple stakeout job. Besides, smugglers are mostly harmless. They're usually only good at making a break for it. It's the perfect first job for you." Kunikida orders, not paying any attention to the H/C-haired detective who was nervously shifting in her seat.

She has a bad feeling about this..

"Tanizaki," Kunikida adds, now looking at the ginger, "go with him."

"Well if brother gets to go, I wanna go to!" Naomi huffs, not liking being excluded.


"Hey brat." Kunikida approaches the weretiger who was currently packing a small bag for the mission.

Y/N sat on his desk, legs criss crossed as she observed what the boy was doing.

"It's not that I lack sympathy for your unlucky, ill-begotten life. As such," Kunikida holds up his note book, "I'll give you one hint for surging in this city."

Kunikida grabs a photograph out of his notebook, holding it out to the young detective, "Don't run into him."

Atsushi grabs the photo, looking at it carefully, "Who is he?"

Y/N leans over Atsushi shoulder, grinning as her eyes lay on the photo.

"Aku-chan." Y/N answers simply, resting her head on Atsushi's shoulder.

"Aku-chan?" Atsushi repeats, confused.

"L/N." Kunikida's voice was a clear warning as she huffed childishly, pouting at him.

"He's a mafioso." A new voice suddenly answered for the H/C-haired girl.

Oh, Dazai's awake? Y/N briefly wondered, looking at the bandaged man.

"Though we call them that because we don't know anything else." Dazai leans back against the desk casually.

"They're a vicious criminal organization who claims the port as their territory." Kunikida clicks his book shut, "They're called the Port Mafia."

"They're the most dangerous bunch in the underground world of this city. Of them, the one in this photo is a very dangerous man beyond even this Agency's reach." Kunikida elaborated.

"Why is he dangerous?" Atsushi asked with only a bit of hesitance.

"Because he's gifted. His ability happens to be of the ruthless sort specialized for slaughter. Not even the military police stand a chance against him. I wouldn't want to fight him, either." Kunikida sighs as Atsushi looks down at the photo once more.

"What's his name?" Atsushi wondered.

Kunikida's eyes narrows as a few beads of sweat rolled down his face, "It's Akutagawa."


Silence stretched across the Agency's office before Atsushi hesitantly spoke again.

"And Y/N-san calls him Aku-chan..?"

Y/N couldn't help but burst out laughing at that, the cold and serious atmosphere completely destroyed by that comment alone.

"I call all the Mafiosos' that we know of by nicknames! Akutagawa is such a mouthful, isn't it?" Y/N grinned at the boy, patting his head.

"I guess...?"

The small group wasn't even aware that a fair distance away, said 'Aku-chan' just murdered some of the military police and blew up the building.


"You can't do a double-suicide alone..." Dazai hums quietly, headphones over his head as he leans on the couch with his hands behind his head.

Y/N sat curled up on the couch across from him, reading a book with a bright yellow cover, the image of a lone pink flower sitting nicely in the middle.

A silhouette of yellow and grey catches her gaze as she looks up, eyes landing on Kunikida who had taken Dazai's headphones off. "Hey, Dazai. What about the job?"

Dazai smiled brightly at the man, "I'm waiting for a sign from above."


In response to Kunikida's confusion he turned to lay on his stomach while facing in the other direction, headphones back on his head.

"With two, you can..." Dazai continued to quietly sing along with the lyrics.

"Double-suicide.. Double-suicide... That's scary, all right. Double-suicide.. Double-suicide..."


"Okay, that's enough!"

A voice interrupted a battle inbetween the two men, well— one a tiger, the other a man.

A light blue encircled the alleyway where to two had been fighting, revealing to older figures.

Atsushi ability fails, making him fall to the ground as a human once again, as well as unconscious.

The other man, dressed similarly to a victorian vampire, reels back in shock of his ability disappearing.

"You're two of the detectives.. Why are you here?" The blonde woman from earlier, the one who had set this up, questions.

"I'm the type who can't stop thinking about what a beautiful lady might be up to." Dazai puts his hand in his pocket only to stop when he feels nothing.

Y/N snickers at the man's face, holding up a small brown device, "Sooo~ Dazai-chan and I decided to listen in just a bit!"

"You took it?!" The only response Dazai got to his question was a playful grin.

The blonde woman gasps, shifting through her pockets, "Impossible."

Her hand abruptly stops when she pulls out a small black device, eyes wide as she stares down at it, "Back then.."

Her hand tightens around the listening device, eyes narrowed.

"You had already seen through my plans even then." She notices, eyes staring down at the bandaged detective who was now sitting infront of Atsushi, patting his head.

"Come on, wake up, Atsushi-kun." Dazai requested the unconscious boy as the female detective pouts. "I don't want to carry three people back at the same time."

"Hey!" Y/N stomps her foot on the ground like a child, "What am I here for, then?!"

"You think we'll let you go alive?" Higuchi takes out a gun, pointing it at the detectives.

Y/N pouts, crossing her arms as she stares at the woman, not saying a word as E/C and brown eyes stay locked together.

Akutagawa let's out a defeated chuckle before he turns towards the blonde, "Don't, Higuchi. You can't win."

"But, Akutagawa-senpai.." The woman— Higuchi, apparently, gasps quietly.

"Dazai-san, we'll retreat for this round." Akutagawa turns his head to glare at the brunette, "But the weretiger will be the sport Mafia's someday."

"Eh? Why?" Y/N frowns in confusion.

Akutagawa's eyes narrow at the shorter girl before he answers, "Simple enough. That weretiger has a bounty on him from the black market. The bounty sum is seven billion yen."

"Woaaah~" Y/N awes, gasping quietly at the money, counting how much candy she can buy on her fingers.

"Now, that's very generous." Dazai admits, grinning at the mafiosos.

"We'll pay a visit to your Agency at a later time. The Port Mafia will claim that seven billion." Akutagawa warns.

"Is that a declaration of war on the Armed Detective Agency?" Dazai speaks, standing up as he glares at the mafiosos challengingly, grin not faltering in the slightest. "Try it.. if you dare."

Akutagawa grunts, glaring back at the older man.

"You are an insignificant small-scale operation," Higuchi scowls, "whereas we are this city's darkness made incarnate. We have connections in this city's politics and economy at every level. An agency with a dozen or so operatives will become ashes along with your entire office in less than three days' time."

"No one has opposed us and lived." Higuchi finished with a fiery glare.

Dazai sighs, rubbing the back of his head tiredly, "I know all that."

"Indeed." Akutagawa agrees, eyes closed as he tilts his head down. "You know that better than anyone.."

Akutagawa's eyes open to glare sharply at Dazai, "being an ex-Port Mafia member, Dazai-san."

Dazai's grin only widens in response as Y/N huffs.

"In case you forgot, Dazai-san." Y/N glares sharply as the Agency remember who blinks in surprise at not having the honorific '-chan' used by the H/C-haired girl.

Y/N only ever referred to Fukuzawa or Kunikida as '-kun' because they were authoritative like figures. Even then, she shortened their names.

As she would say; 'Everyone was super cute! And they don't mind!'

"Atsu-chan is hurt, and I forgot my box cutter, so I won't be able to heal him." Y/N then suddenly blinked, carefree demeanor coming back quickly.

She was never able to keep up the act of being angry at others for long.

Y/N put her hands on her hips, as if she were scolding naughty child, "Atsu-chan is highly injured. And I get you have some shit going on with the Port Mafia, but really."

Y/N let's out a sigh, exhausted by the fact she had to say all this to the man.

"Oh! Also thanks for not fighting us this time, Aku-chan! Higu-chan!" Y/N beams at the Port Mafia members.

Higuchi blushes lightly but the expression was quickly erased, not wanting to let her (one-sided) enemy see her like that.

Akutagawa merely stares in a mix of shock and annoyance at the girl who had the audacity to refer to the mafiosos so informally.

Akutagawa quickly turned on his heel, the blonde woman quickly following behind him.

"You said you'll pay the Agency a visit, right? I look forward to seeing you guys again!" Ok, maybe Y/N was purposely teasing them with that, but oh well.

The mafiosos only hurried their steps away from the detectives.


Atsushi's eyes snapped open, cold sweat running down his face as he breathed in and out heavily.

"Where... am I?" The words were breathed out as his eyes flickered around the hospital-like room.

"I see you're finally awake, brat." Kunikida's voice drew Atsushi's attention to his right, looking over to see the man sitting next to the hospital bed in a chair, glasses on his head.

"Kunikida... san?" Atsushi asks weakly, eyes still wide in shock as he slowly remembers what happened.

Kunikida sighed, looking over to give the weretiger a glare that held little to no heat in it.

"Damn, I can't believe you pulled this stunt at such a busy time."


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