The Choice - A Klaus Mikaelso...

By shipofdreams

361K 8.3K 838

No one should have to choose between family and love but unfortunately for Lucinda Salvatore she has to choos... More

Do you need a hearing aid?
I need a drink
Attacked by a blonde bombshell
My brothers Stupid and Moron
Meeting the strange pirate man
The truth hurts
Rude awakening
Anyone fancy a dance with the devil?
She came back Nik
The best cure for depression
I'll question your sanity tomorrow
I'm not a morning person
Slutty Sage
The world's most difficult desicion
Baking cakes with the big bad hybrid
Where the hell are we?
What happened in '32 stays in '32
Saved by a British guy with dimples
How to get rid of unwanted siblings
I'm going to regret this

The eyes are the windows to the soul

17.2K 418 12
By shipofdreams

As we drove away from the Mikaelson mansion I could feel my breathing return to normal. Bekah looked at me with a look of sympathy

“I’m okay, It’s just I guess I was wrong Beks there’s only so much facing up the past you can do in one day” I said sighing a little, she just sort of half smiled and pulled me in for a hug which I gladly returned, I always thought that hugs are much more effective than words because they make you feel safe and believe that one day everything will be alright even if it’s not today. I pulled away from Bekah’s arms and smiled “C’mon Beks we’ve got dresses to find” Bekah grinned and got out of the car linking arms with me as we headed towards the nearest dress shop.

“Okay we’ve got to look great because if we don’t well, then there is no point in turning up” Bekah said heading towards a rack of dresses.

“Bekah please have you seen us we look great in anything.” I joked

“True that but still, I’ll take this side of the shop, you take that side and let me know if you see anything” I nodded and walked over to the side of the shop and started rummaging through the racks of dresses, none of them particularly stood out to me but after half an hour of searching I found the perfect green dress, it was beautiful and perfect just not perfect for me. I grabbed it and went over to Bekah who was going through piles of dresses.

“Hey Bekah I found the perfect dress for you” I said showing her the beautiful green dress. Bekah squealed and pulled me in to what I like to call Rebekah’s famous death hug.

“Oh my god thank you Luce it’s perfect!” She squealed and ran to the dressing room. I laughed at how excited my friend got over a dress. I followed her to the dressing room and waited while she got changed soon I was pulled out of my thoughts by a nervous cough, I looked up and my breath caught in my throat

“Oh my gosh.” I was speechless Bekah looked like Greek goddess

“Is it alright” She said nervously pulling at the dress. One thing that not many people knew about Bekah was that she was extremely insecure, she didn’t like people knowing she saw it as a weakness so she covered it up acting like a stuck up bitch which for most people worked but I remember seeing straight through her disguise the very first time I met her not long after my change.

Flashback 1865

I was strolling through a town on the west coast of America, the moon shone down onto the streets below, a creature of the night that’s what I was, bound by the sun, and cursed to spend the rest of eternity alone. Caught up in my thoughts I accidently walked into someone, I sensed they were a vampire and an old one at that. “Watch where you’re going” the voice snarled at me. I looked up and saw a beautiful woman who looked physically around my age but her eyes they looked like they had seen so much tragedy and heart break but also so much wisdom. They say the eyes are the windows of the soul and I always had a talent for reading people and this woman had seen so much and she radiated power yet she was also scared like she and constantly seemed to be looking over her shoulder afraid someone was following her.

“I’m sorry” I said no one should have to go through centuries of time running, constantly having to look over your shoulder.

“Yes well you should have been looking where you were going” She said mistaking my apology for being one for knocking her over not one for what she has been through.

“That is not what I was apologising for.” I said back, watching as she scrunched her eyebrows together in confusion

“What were you apologising for then?” She asked.

“I’m sorry for what you have been through no one should have to spend centuries on the run losing so many loved ones yet it is something you have been cursed with, I too have been cursed for eternity watching ones I love die but I have not lived anywhere near as long as you” I answered. She narrowed her eyes at me suspiciously.

“How do you know what I’ve seen, you’re only a year old whereas I am a 900 how do you know what it’s like?” She asked sceptically

“Your eyes” I answered and again confusion spread all across her face

“What do you mean my eyes?”

“Eyes are the windows to the soul, yours hold power and wisdom not achieved in a normal human’s lifetime yet they also hold fear and insecurity.” I said “You are running from something or someone and you constantly feel that you are not good enough for someone or pretty enough so you throw yourself at men craving their attention but at the same time not believing it.” I decided “No one should live forever running, scared and insecure while all the others die around you, you have no friends because you are scared they will use your trust in them against you and for that I am sorry.”

She just looked at me and I could see the tears in her eyes being fought back she’s obviously not used to someone not fooling for her act. “Cry” I said simply.

“What?” She asked but I could hear her voice breaking

“Cry, there’s no one around but me. I won’t tell anyone.” I said, it upset me to see someone who has been so strong for so long being afraid to just let go.

She sniffed “I don’t cry” she said but it sounded like she was more trying to convince herself rather than me.

“It’s okay to cry you know, it isn’t a sign of weakness it’s a sign that you have been strong for too long and now you need to let go.” I said “Cry” and she did first a few tears escaped down her eyes and she went to wipe them away but I caught her wrists, soon she broke down sobbing uncontrollably in my arms we sank down in the middle of the road together her crying in my arms and me just holding her because sometimes, that’s all you need a hug it reassures someone that you are there for them and makes them feel safe.

I don’t know how long we were sat in the road for but when she ran out of tears she sat up and looked at me “I’m sorry” she said I just let out a laugh as that is how it all started but this time it is her saying sorry.

“It’s quite alright I’m Lucinda by the way but everyone calls me Luce”


And since then we had been best friends always having each other’s backs.
I suddenly remembered what she had asked me “You look absolutely beautiful Bekah” I said softly
“Well that’s good because whilst you were daydreaming over there I found the perfect dress for you. She handed me a gorgeous purple dress and I immediately knew it was the one. “What are you waiting for? Go try it on” she shooed me into the dressing room and I tried the dress on, I looked at my reflection in the mirror it fit perfectly. “Do I get to see it or what?” Bekah called from outside the changing room.

“Nope” I laughed “You’re going to have to wait till later to see it” I called back. I got changed out the dress and went over to Bekah who had already compelled the lady at the till to give us the dressed for free. “Ready to go then Beks?” I asked

“Yup let’s go” and we walked arm in arm out the shop towards the car “By the way what were you so deep in thought about earlier?” Bekah asked

“I was just remembering the time we met” I said

“God” Bekah groaned “I was such a mess that day” I laughed as we got into the car.

“Come on Beks how about we head to the grill and get drunk?”  I asked.

“I thought you’d never ask.” And with that we drove off to the grill so yet again I could get a little alcohol confidence before going to face my brothers.

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