Good Guy or Villain

By thatgay1d1ot

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This is a short story that I made based on a something my sister had to write for ELA a year or two ago. I ha... More

Part 1

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By thatgay1d1ot

Get up Nova~ Get up!

Nova woke up from someone yelling at them and looked around not remembering where they were or how they got there. Nova pushed themself off the ground, "What am I doing here," they quietly asked themself. When they got up they leaned their head on their hand because of a pounding headache.

After they sat back down on the ground and let their headache pass, since the world stopped spinning they started to understand their surroundings better. They were in the middle of the woods and had blood on their hands? Why do I have blood on my hands? They thought.

Nova looked a bit closer at their hands and realized the blood was fresh, fresh blood on my hands. They laughed thinking about it, but not because they thought it was funny, simply because they didn't know what else to feel. This was before Nova realized they weren't the one bleeding, they weren't harmed at all.

They saw in the distance something that looked like an abandoned farm and started walking towards it.

Nova got to the farm and went inside seeing something they didn't expect, a dead body. The legs were faced the wrong ways, the head was covered in blood, clothes were all scratched up. Blood and bruises littered all over their body, and their eyes were open; staring directly at Nova. Which brought back a memory to them, "I did this..." Nova whispered to themself and covered their mouth; forgetting the blood on it.

All the memories came flooding back of what happened that day, although Nova didn't kill anyone important, he's a bad guy; probably worse than they'll ever be. The guy Nova murdered was literally about to kill someone and they caught him before he was about to get to his next victim.

Nova continued walking through the abandoned farm to see if they could find water to wash the blood off their hands (and now face).

When they walked through it and found another door they went through it and found their truck; they went to the trunk and looked inside, there were materials to help them. I probably put this in here knowing I'd forget. They took out the soap and water and washed off their arms, then washed their face off with only water.

They got into their car after seeing if they left anything that would help the police find them; they didn't exactly care if the cops found them but they'd rather keep killing bad guys. "So, who's next one the list?" Nova asked themselves. They took their notebook out and crossed off the name of the guy they killed and looked at the next one in line. Elodie Harlow, they live North from here. Only 20 minutes, easy enough.

Nova went to where Elodie normally is and parked their car three blocks away, walking the rest to not be suspicious.

Well less suspicious.

They walked through the park looking for 'Dr. Harlow' going to the middle of the woods where she thinks she's hiding but not when someone has followed you there for 2 weeks. Like how do you not notice or hear someone following you through the woods for two whole weeks? That's how Nova knows they are a better 'villain' than others. And the fact that they haven't gotten caught in the 5 years they've been killing. As of right now on their list after Elodie there is only one more person they have to kill before they move places again.

Nova got to the stop Elodie always is and not to their surprise there she was sitting on the forest ground doing absolutely nothing. It annoys Nova how open Elodie is, how easy it was to kill her the last 14 times they followed her.

Nova got behind her, putting a cloth into her mouth and locking their legs around her waist not allowing her to move anywhere. "You know for such a bad guy you are really bad at watching things around you. Like people following you or protecting yourself." Nova laughed while making Elodie pass out.

It wasn't hard for Nova to get Elodie back to their house, well it wasn't hard getting her into the car either. All Nova had to do was put a trash bag over her and then bring her to the car. People looked at Nova but ignored them and continued going on with their nights.

Now the two of them are in Nova's basement or as the 'good guys' would call it their red room; where the murders happen.

Nova chained Elodie to a pipe that was in the basement and read a book while waiting for them to wake up, which didn't take as long as others. Not surprising since she's a 'doctor' "Morning doc," Nova joked, closing and putting down the book. "Nice to see you're still-

"Who are you!" Elodie screamed, cutting Nova off. Not a good way to start off especially to a murderer with anger issues.

"See I was trying to be nice," Nova took out a knife from their pocket and ran it along the tips of their fingers, keeping it from breaking skin and allowing blood to come out, "but I don't do well with yelling or being cut off. Understand." Nova said, rhetorical question. "Good," they said before Elodie even responded.

Nova hopped closer to Elodie, purposely scaring them. "Welp as much fun as it would be to start killing you, I have to finish off someone else first. See ya later doc." They walked up the stairs ignoring Elodie's persistent yelling.

Nova pulled up to Cullen's house, they didn't care much about being secretive about it since they planned on killing him as soon as they could; the only friend he has anyway is the reporter who always follows Nova around who thinks Nova doesn't know they're there.

Nova got the 'hidden' key and opened the door. They walked inside and went up to Cullen's room, wanting to get this over with and get back to Elodie.

They went into his room quietly to make it easier, it surprised Nova he didn't already wake up since they didn't have the quietest entrance. Nova walked up to the bed and put a pillow over Cullen's head. After a few seconds he started flailing around, they put more force on their face to try and lessen his movements when they heard movement at the door.

"The name's Dakota Grayson, I'm a reporter. I've been following your work for a while and would like to ask you a few questions." They said, ignoring Nova suffocating their friend with a pillow.

Nova looked at them, to Cullen, then back to Dakota who was still standing in the doorway, "I am aware you've been following me, I always knew you were there but the cops never came so I didn't care too much." Nova explained and let go of the pillow, Cullen's body now lifeless.

"Thank you for putting your trust in me.." Dakota started.

"Nova, Nova Pierce. Nice to meet you," they shook hands. "So let's go back to my place, you can ask your questions there while I finish my last victim." Dakota nodded and followed them to the car.

When they got in Dakota saw Nova's notes, the ones with all the names on them. "How many people did you kill here?" They asked.

"49 so far, since we're on the subject, cross out Cullen's name for me, and write his house in the column next to the names." Dakota did what they said and on the way to Nova's house did their interview, pulling out a notebook from who knows where.

Dakota didn't ask anything weird; a bit about Nova's background, why they started killing, other stuff like that, the questions didn't surprise Nova only that Dakota still didn't seem to care about how they killed their friend.

They got back to the house and Dakota followed Nova down to their red room. "So this is where the magic happens." Dakota said. That one surprised Nova.

After Nova regained themself they responded, "I wouldn't exactly word it like that but sure why not." Nova walked over to the doctor and poured water on her to wake her up. "How's it been, doc?" Dakota flinched, feeling Nova's bloodlust when they said doc.

"Nova, can I ask you another question?" Dakota asked, standing near the stairs.

"Yeah what is it?" They turned away from Elodie.

"How do you figure out who to kill?"

That question wasn't surprising either. "Well I kill people others think are good when they really aren't." Nova said then pointed at Elodie, "Like the murderer we have here. She uses the patient's who are hurt who have good organs to help the people she thinks are worth saving, and allows the people she takes organs from to die. With zero remorse for the people who die."

Dakota wrote down what Nova said as they looked around the room and walked towards something. "Actually could you do something for me Dakota?" Nova picked up a water bottle and walked back over to Elodie.

"Yeah, of course. What is it?"

"Call the cops for me." They deadpanned.

This confused Dakota, "What are you talking about?"

"Call the cops," Nova repeated to Dakota. "Drink up Dr. Harlow." Nova forced Elodie to drink what was in the water bottle.

Nova turned back to Dakota, "Look I know it's a weird request but I am done with killing after her, I am tired of running. I've been waiting for you to approach me so I could finish the kill list and you could write an article about me that wasn't all wrong." There was silence, "So please, call the cops." And Dakota did exactly that.

Dakota looked next to Nova at Elodie and Nova followed their gaze, "Don't worry about her, the thing I made her drink will kill her in a few minutes. She'll be dead by the time the cops get here.

When the cops came, Dakota was waiting outside the house to make it less suspicious that they found Nova murdering someone and Nova was waiting for one of the cops to spot them at the top of the roof of a nearby building.

Dakota talked to the cops, lying to them mostly and pointed at the spot Nova was causing the cops to follow them.

The cops chased them from rooftop to rooftop, until Nova finally stopped at a tall building. They turned around and faced the cops, standing at the edge of the roof, the backs of their feet over the edge of the roof.

They put their arms up in surrender but that was more so to provoke the cops than to actually surrender, "You guys want to know something about being a good guy and being a 'villain," they asked the cops.

The cops looked at each other, said nothing, then looked back to Nova.

"You all call yourselves good guys, correct?" Nova asked, truthfully it was a rhetorical question but the cops nodded nonetheless. "Well guess what? You. Are. Wrong!" Nova yelled, confusing the cops.

They started to hop on one foot, messing with the cops further but regained their footing and started talking again, "Everyone has done bad things just like everyone has done good things." They creepily laughed, "I don't think you can call yourselves good and me a villain when we've all killed someone before."

Some of the cops were still confused, some bored, one annoyed and spoke up, "Can you get to the point already!?"

Nova sighed, "Shut up I was getting there." They pinched their temple and continued, "You guys fight for the good of the world, yeah?" Another rhetorical question. "Well 'good' people fight for what they think is right but die in the process when trying too hard. They think that their death will be a good sacrifice to help you guys but they didn't choose to die that day, they had to in their head and in the end they don't know if their sacrifice helped the world or if they died for nothing."

Nova stopped for a moment to see how the cops reacted then continued. "But 'villains' we fight for the same reason, for what we think is right. Except two things are different. One we will fight the entire world for the sake of each other, when you guys sacrifice each other trying to save the world. The second, most important thing, we get to pick our own endings." They finished their speech and let themself fall backwards.

Nova died but the memory of them didn't, Dakota wrote the article about Nova and Dakota went to jail for being a bystander to Nova's murder instead of calling the cops when they first know about the murders.

But the article was written about Nova, the perfect murderer.

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