Miraculous Mistakes

etherealfolklore tarafından

251 2 0

Maddison's life as a 22 year old, conquering New York, is the most ideal life you could see in a magazine. Po... Daha Fazla

I'm A Homewrecker & I'm A Slut
Chlamydia Vs Pregnancy
Forgetfulness Is A Bitter Pill
Stubborness & Fathers Leave
Not You Again
These Last Four Years...
"I'm Not Stalking You"
The Father Of My Child
Never Forgive & Never Forget
My Broken Other Half
My Everything
Jealous Of The Truth
The Shift Within A Broken Heart
A Miracle Is Born

Catcalls & Catwalks

12 0 0
etherealfolklore tarafından

Maddison's POV:

The moment I stepped into the bar, a group of young men were drinking and chatting in the corner of the entrance. As all eyes fell on me, once I walked by.

 "Damn girl, did you get back from a cat walk? because MEOW!" one of the men yelled my way, as I tried to hold back a laugh. Within seconds, the men around the black haired, muscular man, holding a red bull, started audibly barking at me. As a blonde haired man, who had his back towards me, told them to stop. I forced a smile, and shook my head, to try to comprehend the idiocy that I was witnessing. 

 I removed my stockings, and tossed them in the garbage on the way in here. So at least I didn't  come into the bar looking like a compete mess. Luckily, I had some spare shoes in my car, my sneakers, I pack with me when I take hot girl walks around my apartment complex. 

I pushed open the doors to the entrance of the bar, as I headed towards the restrooms to freshen up. The thought of that guy's cheesy pick up line was still keeping me on the brink of laughter. But I reminded myself that I get cat called and thrown compliments all the time, so this isn't new. This one just happened to be the cheesiest and most hilarious one yet. 

I hadn't gotten the chance to freshen up before I entered the bar, I was too busy having a mid life crisis in the driver's seat of my car. And the last thing on my mind was looking presentable, when all I wanted to do was drown myself into a tsunami of alcohol. 

Perhaps I could drink my way out of it. 

But since, someone just felt the need to throw me a pick up line, and bark at me like a dog. maybe I didn't look so bad. Regardless, I checked my mascara in the mirror of the women's restroom, and fluffed the visible waves in my hair. My blue eyes, were still a little bit red from crying so much, but I took a few more deep breaths. Contemplating giving my self a pep talk to pull myself together, but no.. I was Maddison Manson, I didn't need a pep talk. It's called suck it up girl, you got yourself in this situation. 

It is your responsibility to get yourself out. 

I applied some more red lipstick to my lips, puckering them a little bit in the mirror. Assuming that if I looked a little better, I would get my confidence back. Once I took a seat at the bar, grabbing a stool towards the front. The bartender makes his way over to me, giving me a second look, after I order two shots and a vodka. 

"Don't even think about it" I said, so not having the appetite to digest another pick up line right now. As he gave me a sly smile, nodding. 

I never wanted to sleep with Tim, mostly because doing so results in to emotions. And I didn't want to feel like him and I were falling into the stepping stones of a relationship. After all, the man is married. Me on the other hand, I'm not ready for a commitment yet. Not until I know the person I am with, is someone I want to spend the rest of my life with. 

Dating, In my opinion, never really meant you were in a relationship, it just meant you were seeing someone. I never understood, how people nowadays didn't understand that. Once my vodka and shots were placed in front of me, I was trying to come off as celebrating instead of hosting a pity party for myself. 

"Those guys over there sent some drinks, on the house" the bartender says, as I was too lazy to ask for the man's name.

 I frowned though, looking behind me, as he points them out. It was the same group of dogs that were howling for me earlier, I laughed, rolling my eyes, as I turned to face the counter. I found myself wondering why I never came here more often, since I'm already getting free drinks, and I've barely even walked in the door. Maybe because any other day, I would politely say "no thank you" and never step foot into a place like this again. 

But now, I'm in such a vulnerable state and I feel like crap handing myself over to my boss for these last several months. As well as losing my dream job, I'll probably never achieve again. Maybe I needed all these drinks. Cause let's be honest, I've never felt crappier, so for some drinks to numb the blow and make me forget all that. It's literally what I'm craving. 

Before I could dive deeper into my thoughts, someone takes a seat next to me. His scent is the first thing I notice, it's not like I intended to inhale the man. But at least now, I know it's a man because of how manly and fresh his cologne smells like. I can't describe it, but I never wanted him to leave now because he smells so good. 

My eyes then traveled to his hands, as he held the drink in front of him. Resting his arms on top of the counter, he's not wearing a wedding ring. But like that's ever stopped me before, I take it slowly with my eyes as they work themself up his hands to his face. And that's when I notice he's not looking at me. He's staring at the drink in his grasp, which makes me think three things. 

One, he had the courage to walk over and sit next to me, and now he's thinking of what to say to me. 

Two, he didn't realize he was sitting next to me, and this has nothing to do with me. 

Three, he did intentionally sit next to me, but he doesn't want to speak to me yet. 

Perhaps he's allowing me to take him in, cause let's be honest, there is a lot to take in. From the color of his eyes, to the broadness of his shoulders, and his arms, to the color of his skin, and the clean cut of his jaw bone. 

I can't stop myself from staring, but I pry my eyes away from his perfect face and stellar body, staring at my drinks as well.

 "Party of one?" he asked, as my heart leaps hearing the bass of his voice. I chuckled, sliding him a shot across the counter. 

"I'm free to compromise" I said, softly. 

His eyes peer into mine, before they fall to the small on my face, as he reciprocated that smile. He takes the shot in his hand, as we clank shot glasses and down the substance together. As I gasp from the burn it creates down my throat. 

"So.. what are you doing here all alone? why haven't I seen you in here before?" he asked, as I swallowed hard, trying to get the burn out of my throat. 

"I actually come here quite often, it's not my fault you don't look hard enough" I said, as he laughed, sending shivers down everywhere. 

His eyes travel down my body, "did you just come back from work or something?" he asked, as I questioningly smiled at him. 

"Where did you think I came back from?" I asked, as he grins. 

"I was gonna say something dumb, like you dressed early for Halloween as one of those sexy lawyers" he said, which made us burst into laughter. 

At least he admitted that the thought was dumb. I started to think my drinks were hitting the spot, cause everything he was saying was making my head spin and my stomach hurt from laughing so much. Was this guy funny? I couldn't even tell. And did he just call me sexy? 

"I got fired today.." I said, eyeing the substance in my glass, as I can see him nod out the corner of my eye. 

"Now it all makes sense" he adds, and I frowned, looking over at him and giving him a sly smile. 

"What? I can't celebrate the fact that I got fired?" I asked, knowing that sounded stupid, but I hated that he could see right through me. 

He shakes his head, then shrugged, "you can, but in this case, it doesn't seem like getting fired from your job was a goal of yours." he said. 

And I was curious as to why he thought this, I watched as he slid his glass back and forth.

 "When you first came in, you didn't sit at the bar, you went straight to the restroom. Probably to freshen up, cause you were crying so much in your car before you entered. I noticed when you did, your mascara was running a little bit. And your lipstick was definitely touched up, before you came over here to the bar. You seemed to be a lot more confident when you knew that you looked good. Instead of unsure." he said. 

As my heart raced, he was watching me? observing me before he came over to speak to me? I know I should feel flattered, but It's stating to creep me out how easily he can read me. Like I'm some open book, he just checked out of the library. 

"isn't everyone more confident when they know they look good? So, what were you doing? watching me?" I asked, as I eyed him suspiciously. 

"Observing you" he said, as I inhaled slowly, I knew it. I rolled my eyes, 

"okay.. why were you observing me?" I asked, as he just smiled again. 

And I knew, that if I was standing right now, that smile would make my knees buckle. 

He dodges my question, placing a glass of water in front of me.

 "I also noticed you drove here, and it's currently pouring rain outside. Not a very smart idea, if you planned on getting drunk." he said, as I rolled my eyes again. 

"I'm sorry about my friends by the way, they can get a little too excited when a beautiful girl comes around." he said, making my cheeks flush red, as I laugh. 

"I can't believe they were literally barking at me.. are they sane?" I asked, as he laughed harder. 

"Yeah.. they're animals" he added. 

"Okay, enough about me! why are you here? and what do you even want?" I asked, as he sat up in his chair. He sighs, 

"I got caught sleeping with one of my students" he says, which makes me gasp, covering my mouth, as a smile makes it way across my face. My laugh muffled by the covering of my hand. 

"So you got caught sleeping with your student, and I got caught sleeping with my boss. Why are our situations so alike? this is trippy man!" I said, realizing I've never said man like that before in my life, so why was I starting now? I wanted to blame the alcohol, but I'm now starting to hate how easily I'm letting my guard down around this handsome stranger. 

Why do I feel so comfortable with him, yet nervous at the same time?

He laughs again, "yes, our stories are quite similar. It's not like my student was a minor or anything. She was a freshly turned eighteen year old. Plus I had sort of known this girl was attracted to me ever since I started coaching at this school. But of course, I didn't think she and I were going to act on it. Soon it was inevitable, and her and I were going at it like every chance we got. You name the place." he said. 

"In your car" I said, "yep, three times in the backseat" he said,

 "in your office" I said with a smile, "twice on my desk" he said, as I laughed. 

"Oh my gosh, you guys are so dirty!" I giggled, as he smiled and giggled with me as well.

 "Anyways, rumors started spreading and so did sexually transmitted diseases. Before you know it, an eighteen year old girl is blaming you for chlamydia." he said, as I slap my hand on the table and toss my head back, laughing hysterically. "NO" I said, trying not to believe him. 

"Oh yes! so I was fired today of all days, and now here I am. Same as you, trying to drown my sorrows in alcohol. Hoping soon, I'll forget how stupid it was to even sleep with my student in the first place." he said, taking a sip of his beer.

I lean my chin into the palm of my hand, smiling at him. 

"We had the same idea, turn to alcohol for support." I said, as he chuckled. 

"You didn't actually give her chlamydia.. did you?" I asked, scared of the answer, as he shakes his head and almost chokes on his drink. 

"NO! God no! of course not! she accused me of giving that to her, even though she was the one sleeping with other people. Trying to make me jealous or something. Cause I didn't want to be in a relationship with her!" he said, as I laughed even more, clutching my stomach that was beginning to hurt. 

"Oh my gosh stop! I can't breathe" I said, as he laughed at me. 

Once I found it in me to contain my laughter, I looked back over at him. 

"She wanted a relationship with you?" I asked, 

"yes.. she practically begged me for one. Told me things like I've never looked at anyone the same way I looked at her. And all that romantic type crap. But that's not me. I'm not the commitment or relationship type, especially not with teens. Or even my students" he said. As I nodded. 

I then laughed again, "chlamydia.. it sounds like such a funny word. KL-UH-MI-DIA." I said and spelled out, as he laughs at me. 

"You know, it was the same way with my boss, he was telling me how ever since he interviewed me for the job, I was the one trying to hop on his dick. And that was never even the case." I said, as he listened intently. Giving me butterflies cause I was receiving his undivided attention. 

"It just seems like everyone I come in contact with, they always assume I want more than just a good time in bed. And when I don't, they blame me for making them feel like they were being used. When I didn't even do anything to lead them on in the first place." I said, as he nodded, completely agreeing with me. 

Silence then falls over us, as the clanking of glasses, indistinct chatter from other areas in the bar infiltrate my ears. My heart races, as I wondered what he was thinking. My eyes land into his, as he looks at me. My thoughts start to wander as I begin to read the look on his face, and then a smile creeps onto his face. As I shake my head. 

"No..not happening" I said, sipping my water to stop my head from spinning and making some impulsive mistake with this man. Gosh, this gorgeous man. Maybe he was worth making a mistake with. 

"You literally just asked for it." he said, I shake my head.

 "I didn't ask for it, I insinuated it. There's a difference!" I said, enjoying the fact that nothing I'm saying is making a point. Stupid alcohol. 

"I mean for all I know.. you could have chlamydia!" I joked, as he throws his head back, barking out a laugh. But to be honest, this isn't funny, I don't want to put myself in a position, were I receive such a thing. 

"No but seriously, how do I know you weren't lying? how do I know you don't actually have it?" I ask, gulping my water. 

"I don't" he said, "do you have test results to back up that statement?" I asked, sighing of satisfaction that every glass In front of me is empty. 

"Test results? really?" he asked, like it was so outrageous. 

We then laugh again, as I'm realizing, he's making my day less crappier. 

"I can't even believe you're agreeing with this. You don't even know my name.." I said, as he smiles. 

"Good, I don't want too.. the less I know about you the better." he said, which made my body heat rise. I can't believe he agrees with my take on relationships. Never thought I'd see the day when someone else would. 

"Getting to know you, is like dating you. And we both agree, we don't want that. So let's just go have some fun. In bed.. naked. If you know what I mean." he said, wiggling his eyebrows, as I laugh, and he sips his drink. 

I'm trying to think about this more, the water I just devoured a few seconds ago, was definitely starting to sober me up. Just a little. Even though I knew I would have to deal with a nasty hangover in the morning. But maybe the best way to end this night on a high note, was to at least have some good sex. With a guy who FINALLY isn't my boss. 

I raised my empty glass, as he poured some of his shot into my glass. 

"to having fun with no strings attached." I said, as he repeated after me.

 Our glasses clink together, as we take one last drink for the road. 

"Come on, let's get out of here" he says with eagerness, as I nodded rapidly, taking his extended hand, and stepping onto the floor. 

Okumaya devam et

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