Ultimate Zoo DLC finale: End...

By AnimalX23

2.7K 45 2.9K

We bring the Ultimate Zoo DLC cycle to a close with a collection of DLCs to finish out the animal roster with... More

The Game
Desert Pack
Rainforest Pack
Mountain Pack
Small Mammal Pack
Arthropod Pack
Reptile and Amphibian Pack
Safari Pack
Birds of Prey Pack
Pollinators Pack
Roster Review part 1: Ungulates
Roster Review part 2: Cats
Roster Review part 3: Canids
Roster Review part 4: Bears
Roster Review part 5: Primates
Roster Review part 6: Marsupials
Roster Review part 7: Misc. Mammals
Roster Review part 8: Birds
Roster Review part 9: Reptiles
Roster Review part 10: Amphibians
Roster Review part 12: Invertebrates
Game Cover Art

Roster Review part 11: Fish

95 2 721
By AnimalX23

Achilles Tang

African Arowana

African Lungfish

African Pike Characin

Alligator Gar

Almaco Jack

Amazon Angelfish

American Eel

American Paddlefish

Amur Catfish

Amur Goby

Antarctic Silverfish

Antarctic Spiny Plunderfish

Antarctic Toothfish



Arctic Cod

Arctic Skate

Asian Arowana

Atlantic Angel Shark

Atlantic Blue Tang

Atlantic Cod

Atlantic Devil Ray

Atlantic Herring

Atlantic Needlefish

Atlantic Spadefish

Atlantic Spiny Lumpsucker

Atlantic Tarpon

Atlantic Wolffish

Australian Lungfish

Banggai Cardinalfish

Bala Shark

Bald Notothen

Banded Leporinus

Barbel Steed


Barred Bichir


Bat Ray

Bellybar Pipefish

Beluga Sturgeon

Bering Flounder

Bermuda Chub

Betta Hendra

Big Skate

Bigeye Trevally

Bighead Carp

Bird Wrasse

Black Buffalo

Black Carp

Black Crappie

Black Drum

Black Ghost Knifefish

Black Pacu

Black Rockfish

Black Seabass

Black-stripe Minnow

Blacktip Reef Shark

Blackwedged Butterflyfish


Blue-girdled Angelfish

Blue Shark

Bluefin Tuna


Bluespotted Ribbontail Ray

Bluestreak Cleaner Wrasse



Bonnethead Shark

Boseman's Rainbowfish


Bowmouth Guitarfish

Broad-gilled Hagfish

Broadnose Sevengill Shark

Bronze Featherback

Brown Trout


Butterfly Peacock Bass



Cardinal Tetra

California Halibut

California Moray Eel

California Sheepshead


Channel Catfish

China Rockfish

Chinese Algae Eater

Chinese High-finned Banded Shark

Chinese Perch

Chinese Ricefish

Chinese Sleeper

Chinese Sturgeon

Chinook Salmon

Climbing Perch

Clown Knifefish

Clown Loach

Clown Triggerfish

Clown Wrasse

Common Bream

Common Dace

Common Nase

Common Pleco

Common Roach

Common Rudd

Common Snook

Congo Tetra

Convict Tang

Copper Rockfish

Cookiecutter Shark

Copperband Butterflyfish

Coral Grouper

Cownose Ray

Crucian Carp

Cuckoo Catfish


Deccan Mahseer


Dwarf Gourami

Electric Catfidh

Electric Eel

Elephantnose Fish

Elongate Mudskipper

Emerald Rockcod

Emperor Angelfish

Emperor Snapper

Epaulette Shark

European Chub

European Grayling

European Perch


Fathead Minnow

Feather Blenny

Fire Eel

Flame Angel

Fly-speckled Hardyhead


Forktail Blue-eye Rainbowfish

Foureye Butterflyfish

Four-eyed Fish

Foxface Rabbitfish

French Angelfish

French Grunt

Freshwater Butterflyfish

Frilled Shark

Gafftopsail Catfish

Ganges Shark

Gangetic Leaffish

Gangetic Whiting

Garden Eel


Gelatinous Snailfish

Giant Freshwater Whipray

Giant Gourami

Giant Kelpfish

Giant Kokopu

Giant Oarfish

Giant Oceanic Manta Ray

Giant River Perchlet

Giant Seabass

Giant Snakehead

Giant Trevally

Giraffe Catfish

Glowlight Danio

Goblin Shark

Golden Dorado

Golden Trevally

Goliath Grouper

Golitath Tigerfish

Goonch Catfish


Grass Carp

Gray Triggerfish

Great Barracuda

Great White Shark

Greater Amberjack

Green Chromidae

Green Chromis

Green Moray Eel

Grey Smooth-hound

Grooved Razorfish


Guineafowl Puffer

Gulf Saratoga

Harlequin Rasbora

Harlequin Tuskfish



Honey Gourami

Horn Shark

Humbug Damselfish

Humpback Anglerfish

Humphead Wrasse


Imperial Flower Loach

Indo-pacific Sailfish

Japanese Eel

John Dory

Kaluga Sturgeon

Kelp Bass

Kribensis Cichlid

Lagoon Triggerfish

Largemouth Bass

Largescale Tonguesole

Largetooth Sawfish

Leafy Seadragon

Lemon Shark

Leopard Shark

Leopard Whipray

Lesser Electric Ray

Lined Seahorse

Lined Surgeonfish

Little Skate

Live Sharksucker

Longhorn Cowfish

Longnose Butterflyfish

Longnose Snipefish

Longspine Squirrelfish


Mackerel Icefish

Macquarie Perch


Mandarin Goby

Mbu Pufferfish

Mekong Giant Catfish

Melon Barb

Moorish Idol

Mouth Almighty

Mozambique Tilapia

Murray Cod


Northern Kingfish

Northern Pike

Northern Puffer

Naso Tang

Nassau Grouper

New Guinea Datnoid

New Zealand Longfin Eel

Nile Perch

Northern Snakehead

Nurse Shark

Ocean Sunfish

Oceanic Whitetip Shark

Ocellaris Clownfish


Orangespot Filefish

Orbicular Batfish

Oriental Sweetlips

Pacific Cod

Pacific Mackerel

Pacific Sardine

Pacific Sleeper Shark

Panther Grouper

Papuan Black Bass

Paradise Threadfin


Pelagic Stingray

Pelagic Thresher Shark

Pelican Eel

Pennant Coralfish

Pignose Puffer


Porcupine Ray


Port Jackson Shark

Powder Blue Tang


Pyramid Butterflyfish

Queen Angelfish

Queen Parrotfish

Queen Triggerfish

Rainbow Runner

Rainbow Surfperch

Rainbow Trout

Red-bellied Piranha

Red-finned Bully

Red Lionfish

Redtail Catfish

Regal Blue Tang

Ripsaw Catfish

Robust Redhorse

Rosy Bitterling

Royal Gramma

Sailfin Tang

Salmon Catfish

Sand Tiger Shark

Sandbar Shark


Scaleless Black Dragonfish

Scalloped Hammerhead Shark

Sea Goldie


Sergeant Major

Sharp-snouted Lenok


Shorthorn Sculpin

Shortfin Mako Shark

Shortnose Gar

Shovelnose Guitarfish

Siamese Bat Catfish

Siamese Giant Carp

Siamese Tigerfish

Silver Arowana

Silver Carp

Silver Moonie

Six-barred Distichodus

Skipjack Tuna

Slender Rasbora

Sloane's Viperfish

Smallmouth Bass


Snubnose Pompano

South American Lungfish

Southern Pygmy Perch

Southern Stingray

Spanish Hogfish

Spiny Dogfish

Splitfin Flashlight Fish

Spotfin Porcupinefish

Spotted Drum

Spotted Eagle Ray

Spotted Moray Eel

Spotted Ratfish

Spotted Scorpionfish

Spotted Wobbegong

Steephead Parrotfish

Sterbas Corydoras

Stone Loach

Striped Bass

Striped Bonito

Striped Dwarf Catfish

Striped Searobin

Summer Flounder

Swell Shark

Tanganyikan Spiny Eel

Three-spined Stickleback

Tiger Barb

Tiger Oscar

Tiger Shark

Tiger Shovelnose Catfish

Tinfoil Barb


Vatani Rohtee

Viviparous Eelpout

Wallago Catfish



Wels Catfish

Whale Shark

White Amur Bream

White-blotched River Stingray

White Cloud Mountain Minnow

White Seabass

White Sturgeon

Whitemargin Unicornfish

Whitetip Reef Shark

Wolf Eel

Yellow Perch

Yellow Tang

Yellowfin Tuna

Yellowtail Amberjack

Yellowtail Snapper

Yoyo Loach

Zebra Shark

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