Genius Doctor: Black Belly Mi...

By Diavola1235

114K 3.4K 28

(NOTE:- THIS WORK IS NOT MINE. Credits to the author, editor and translator. For offline purposes only!) She... More

Chapter 01 - 25
Chapter 26 - 50
Chapter 51 - 75
Chapter 76 - 100
Chapter 101 - 125
Chapter 126 - 150
Chapter 151 - 175
Chapter 176 - 200
Chapter 201 - 220
Chapter 221 - 240
Chapter 241 - 260
Chapter 261 - 280
Chapter 281 - 300
Chapter 301 - 320
Chapter 321 - 340
Chapter 341 - 360
Chapter 361 - 380
Chapter 381 - 400
Chapter 401 - 420
Chapter 421 - 440
Chapter 441 - 460
Chapter 461 - 480
Chapter 481 - 500
Chapter 501 - 520
Chapter 521 - 540
Chapter 541 - 560
Chapter 561 - 580
Chapter 581 - 600
Chapter 601 - 620
Chapter 621 - 640
Chapter 641 - 660
Chapter 661 - 680
Chapter 681 - 700
Chapter 701 - 720
Chapter 721 - 740
Chapter 741 - 760
Chapter 761 - 780
Chapter 781 - 800
Chapter 801 - 820
Chapter 821 - 840
Chapter 841 - 860
Chapter 861 - 880
Chapter 881 - 900
Chapter 901 - 920
Chapter 921 - 940
Chapter 941 - 960
Chapter 961 - 980
Chapter 981 - 1000
Chapter 1001 - 1020
Chapter 1021 - 1040
Chapter 1041 - 1060
Chapter 1061 - 1080
Chapter 1081 - 1100
Chapter 1101 - 1120
Chapter 1121 - 1140
Chapter 1141 - 1160
Chapter 1161 - 1180
Chapter 1181 - 1200
Chapter 1201 - 1220
Chapter 1221 - 1240
Chapter 1241 - 1260
Chapter 1261 - 1280
Chapter 1281 - 1300
Chapter 1301 - 1320
Chapter 1321 - 1340
Chapter 1341 - 1360
Chapter 1361 - 1380
Chapter 1381 - 1400
Chapter 1401 - 1420
Chapter 1421 - 1440
Chapter 1441 - 1460
Chapter 1461 - 1480
Chapter 1481 - 1500
Chapter 1501 - 1520
Chapter 1521 - 1540
Chapter 1541 - 1560
Chapter 1561 - 1580
Chapter 1581 - 1600
Chapter 1601 - 1620
Chapter 1621 - 1640
Chapter 1641 - 1660
Chapter 1661 - 1680
Chapter 1681 - 1700
Chapter 1701 - 1720
Chapter 1721 - 1740
Chapter 1741 - 1760
Chapter 1761 - 1780
Chapter 1781 - 1800
Chapter 1801 - 1820
Chapter 1821 - 1840
Chapter 1841 - 1860
Chapter 1861 - 1880
Chapter 1881 - 1900
Chapter 1901 - 1920
Chapter 1921 - 1940
Chapter 1941 - 1960
Chapter 1961 - 1980
Chapter 1981 - 2000
Chapter 2001 - 2020
Chapter 2021 - 2040
Chapter 2041 - 2060
Chapter 2061 - 2080
Chapter 2081 - 2100
Chapter 2101 - 2120
Chapter 2121 - 2140
Chapter 2141 - 2160
Chapter 2161 - 2180
Chapter 2181 - 2200
Chapter 2201 - 2220
Chapter 2221 - 2240
Chapter 2241 - 2260
Chapter 2261 - 2280
Chapter 2281 - 2300
Chapter 2301 - 2320
Chapter 2321 - 2340
Chapter 2341 - 2360
Chapter 2361 - 2380
Chapter 2381 - 2400
Chapter 2401 - 2420
Chapter 2421 - 2440
Chapter 2441 - 2460
Chapter 2461 - 2480
Chapter 2481 - 2500
Chapter 2501 - 2520
Chapter 2521 - 2540
Chapter 2541 - 2560
Chapter 2581 - 2600
Chapter 2601 - 2620
Chapter 2621 - 2640
Chapter 2641 - 2660
Chapter 2661 - 2680
Chapter 2681 - 2700
Chapter 2701 - 2720
Chapter 2721 - 2740
Chapter 2741 - 2760
Chapter 2761 - 2780
Chapter 2781 - 2800
Chapter 2801 - 2820
Chapter 2821 - 2840
Chapter 2841 - 2860
Chapter 2861 - 2880
Chapter 2881 - 2900
Chapter 2901 - 2920
Chapter 2921 - 2940
Chapter 2941 - 2960
Chapter 2961 - 2980
Chapter 2981 - 3000
Chapter 3001 - 3020
Chapter 3021 - 3040
Chapter 3041 - 3060
Chapter 3061 - 3080
Chapter 3081 - 3100
Chapter 3101 - 3120
Chapter 3121:- Xiao Xie (5)
Chapter 3122:- Xiao Xie (6)
Chapter 3123:- The End - Matchmaking

Chapter 2561 - 2580

529 14 0
By Diavola1235


Chapter 2561:- Soul Prison (1)

If this request was asked by someone else, Long Jiu would definitely toss a big flat slap onto the person's face, but if the said person was Jun Wu Yao...

Even if Long Jiu didn't want to, he must still admit that the strength of Jun Wu Yao was astonishingly strong, or else there was no way he could leave the Soul World with the seed of the Spirit Tree.

"Then, tell us now, the current situation of the Soul World," Jun Wu Yao said.

Long Jiu told them everything he knew about the Soul World, but actually, it hadn't been a long time since he returned to the Soul World so he didn't really know much about the current situation. He only knew that the matter escalated and became really big since quite a number of spirit envoys with high status had chosen the side of betrayal. Those spirit envoys who were together with him were all soul entities without outstanding strength, and hence, the info they got in their hands too, wasn't that much.

The only thing they knew was that whoever refused to obey them would be imprisoned, and Long Jiu had also heard it from the other spirit envoys, that Qin Song had been caught. He was now being locked up in the prison.

"During that time, I had split up with Old Five. Since Old Five is stronger than me, he said that he'll go and have a look around the Spirit Tree and I'll be staying in the Soul World to keep an eye on the other things. In my opinion, if you guys are really going to help us, the first thing we should do is to find Old Five. He definitely knows more than me," said Long Jiu. The things they knew about the situation of the Soul World now were just some trivial things.

Long Jiu didn't even know which spirit envoys had participated in the betrayal.

"Where's Qin Song being held at now?" asked Jun Wu Xie.

Long Jiu scratched his head, "He seems to be locked up in the Soul Prison. The place is used to lock up those soul entities who have done something wrong. There are Soul Reaping Stones inside the prison which are used to suppress one's soul power. I heard it from the watchmen before this, that they are also going to send us there. I guess Old Five should be there too."

Long Jiu's explanation was a little bury, but it really wasn't his fault that he only knew that much, after all, he wasn't the type of person who was good at thinking.

The other spirit envoys too, were in a state of muddle as the information that they were able to give was pathetically less.

Without further ado, Jun Wu Xie woke those watchmen who had gone into coma after suffering from the whipping up and asked them one by one. Those watchmen were originally the spirit envoys of the Soul World, but since their strength was weak, there was no way they could get a good position in the Soul World. Even though the ambience in the Soul World was simple and unsophisticated, plus there wasn't any malicious and treacherous fight happening in the place, but once there was the existence of a soul, moreover a human's soul, it was certain that the soul would consist of emotions and feelings. With these emotions existing, there would also be the soil to grow and nurture those dark and negative thoughts, leading them in abandoning their faith while choosing the path of a traitor.

And now that they had fallen into Jun Wu Xie's hand, these guys had absolutely nowhere to turn for help. Jun Wu Xie straight off swung the Whip of Runes in her hand and those watchmen immediately got so frightened that their faces turned pale. Before Jun Wu Xie was going to carry out some interrogations, they had already spat all the things they knew out from their mouths.


Even if they had betrayed the Soul World, they were just some insignificant minions who were in charge of escorting those spirit envoys who were still being persistent in not surrendering. They had totally no rights to touch the important matters.

They didn't obtain any useful information even after asking for a very long time. Without thinking much, Jun Wu Xie gave up the plan of asking them and straight up prepared herself together with Long Jiu and the others, getting ready to head to the Soul Prison in order to find Qin Song.

With the condition now, they would be able to get more information only if they found Qin Song.

But actually, if it wasn't for the Spirit Tree to be controlled by the traitors, there was no need for Jun Wu Xie and Jun Wu Yao to waste so much effort. Jun Wu Yao suggested to go to their headquarters right away and attack them, but he was then stopped by Long Jiu who had grabbed onto his legs, crying...

Chapter 2562:- Soul Prison (2)

To Long Jiu and the rest, their lives and deaths were not a big deal. The safety of the Spirit Tree was their priority.

As they could not ascertain the condition of the Spirit Tree, they did not dare to act rashly.

For a lack of a better option, they could only go to the Soul Prison.

The soul entities who were with Jiu Long wanted to follow, but was persuaded to stay back by Long Jiu. The strength of these soul entities were average, and during this time, don't talk about helping, but if they didn't hinder anything, it would be a great help. He could only coax them to find a safe place to hide as he didn't dare to let them follow.

The Soul Prison sat in the corner of Soul World, it had a large area. Everything in Soul World was transformed by the Spirit Tree. Although the Soul Prison was a place to hold the criminals, but the Spirit Tree made the place elegant and quiet.

After passing through the mountain path and stepping through the meandering stream, in a bamboo forest, Jun Wu Xie and the others saw the legendary Soul Prison.

The cells were made up of bamboo houses, and based on their appearance, they weren't any different from regular bamboo houses, there was no sense of darkness or depression. Outside the bamboo houses some uniformed guards were patrolling back and forth.

"This is the prison of Soul World?" Jun Wu Xie looked at the comfortable and elegant bamboo houses, her expression was strange as she looked toward Long Jiu.

To be honest, even with Jun Wu Xie's two lifetimes added up, she had never seen such an 'exquisite and refined' prison.

Long Jiu flushed, as he naturally understood the meaning behind Jun Wu Xie's words, and he could only answer in a low voice, "The Spirit Tree is merciful, even if it were soul entities who committed crimes, it is very tolerant. To the Spirit Tree, we are like its children. It has never maltreated any soul entities, even if the soul entity has disrespected it."

The creation of the Soul Prison was completely different from the Dungeon. It is more like giving the errant soul entities a decent residence to examine one's conscience. Even if they were locked up here, they would not suffer any torture.

The Spirit Tree never punished any soul entities, just like a mother, caring for a naughty child, giving the greatest tolerance.

Jun Wu Xie did not speak. Although she hadn't seen the Spirit Tree before,but from the looks of this Soul Prison, it wasn't difficult to see that the Spirit Tree was extremely benevolent. It believed that all soul entities were good and honest. Perhaps it was the Spirit Tree's perfect ideal that made Soul World take on its present look.


All of this, Jun Wu Xie just thought to herself, she won't say a word to Long Jiu.

To know, Long Jiu's admiration for the Spirit Tree had already surpassed any belief.

"Do you have a way to make the guards lose consciousness for a while?" Jun Wu Xie tugged at Jun Wu Yao's clothes. Before the situation was made clear, she did not want to startle the enemy.

Jun Wu Yao smile slightly and said, "Of course I have."

The moment he spoke, a few ink snakes escaped from his sleeve. Those ink snakes were tiny, and once they entered the grass, no one could tell they were there. The hidden ink snakes noiselessly slid towards those guards.

The guards were unaware of the impending danger, as they continued to walk around without concern.

Suddenly, there was a slight tingling in their heels, like a mosquito bite, and the tiny one that could hardly attract their attention.

But in just a few seconds after the pain appeared, the guards who were outside the Soul Prison fell to the ground, sleepy and unconscious!

Chapter 2563:- Soul Prison (3)

Qin Song sat in one corner of the bamboo house, using the light that streamed through the window as he looked at his companions locked in the same house.

This particular cell housed more than twenty Spirit Envoys, and their hands and feet were shackled with chains inlaid with Soul Reaping Stones.

Soul Reaping Stone was a type of stone in the Soul World. It looked like regular stone but as long as it touched a part of the spirit life, its entire soul power would be suppressed, unable to be used.

"Brother Five, you think.... We can still get out?" within the bamboo house, a youth who looked like he was eighteen or nineteen, with a pale face and curled legs, clung tightly to Qin Song in the corner, he had a pair of confused eyes fill with unconcealed fear and anxiety.

He was a recently born spirit life, and truthfully speaking, with slightly more than a decade of light and dark, he was considered really young in the Soul World. He was born at the wrong time, he was at this chaotic time, with a heart that had not matured, had long been scared witless with the chaos of Soul World.

He was captured on the same day as Qin Song and sent to Soul Prison, before that, he had not seen Qin Song before. Until he was jailed with these people, Qin Song and Old Five, the youth then realised that Qin Song was from Soul World, and that he was mentioned many times as an extremely strong Spirit Envoy.

He just did not understand how did Qin Song get caught.

Qin Song leaned against the bamboo wall and lifted his gaze towards the sunlight streaming in from the window, after a long while, finally answered, "Don't know."

He really didn't know...

After witnessing what he had, Qin Song no longer knew if Soul World could even be saved.

The whole room descended into silence, all the Spirit Envoys sat on the icy cold floor, looking lost.

Qin Song's words caused the youth to tremble, as he unconsciously moved closer to Qin Song.

"Brother Five, isn't there anyone who will come to rescue us? There are so many amazing Spirit Envoys... They won't come and save us?"

Qin Song reached out and stopped the trembling shoulders of the boy, but words of comfort, he just couldn't say it.

Strong Spirit Envoys?

Qin Song wanted to laugh.

Soul World had a lot of strong Spirit Envoys, but... there were more traitors among them!

The few Spirit Envoys who were strong, and still retained loyalty to the Spirit Tree, were in the same situation as him, they were imprisoned. How to fight back? How to rescue?

For the first time, Qin Song was experiencing the taste of despair.

"Brother Five, I'm afraid... Will they take us away?" the youth trembled even more. After they were locked up in this bamboo house, many Spirit Envoys were taken away periodically. After that, however, they never saw those Spirit Envoys again, they didn't know what happened to those Spirit Envoys and where they were taken to.

A youth's intuition, vaguely let him feel that it was definitely not the answer he could accept.

Qin Song still didn't speak, he didn't know how to console this 'new-born' spirit life. Even to him, he could not see any hope for the future of Soul World

Who else can save the Soul World?

Qin Song let out a bitter smile.

Light footsteps came from outside the bamboo house. The teenager leaning against Qin Song subconsciously shrank his neck back. He was afraid of such footsteps. Every time it sounded, it meant someone would be taken out.

Chapter 2564:- Soul Prison (4)

The footsteps stopped abruptly outside the door, and the atmosphere inside the room began to tense up. Those spirit envoys who were at first looking down quietly raised their heads up cautiously and looked in the direction of the door.

Suddenly, a sonorous voice came from outside the door!

"Old Five!! Old Five! Are you here! I'm Long Jiu! Say something if you're here!!"

The deafening shout shredded apart the dead silence in the room, causing Qin Song who was sitting at the corner to be staggered at the moment.

The voice...

It was such a familiar voice!

"Brother Five, is he calling you?" asked a teen boy timidly.

After recovering from the stun, Qin Song immediately stood up and rushed towards the door in the most possible shortest time. He then looked outside the door through the air outlet which was just the size of two palms.

Outside the door, the big and tall figure of Long Jiu was standing steadily in front of his eyes!

"Long Jiu?! Why are you here? You dumbass, why are you still standing there? Do you want to die? Quickly, run!" The moment Qin Song saw Long Jiu, he was so shocked that his entire body broke out in a cold sweat. He was afraid that both of them would be caught at the same time and that was why he decided to split up with Long Jiu at that time.

Furthermore, Long Jiu was such a short fuse. Once he was caught by those traitors, he might probably suffer a lot, but... Qin Song never expected Long Jiu to still come in the end...

The moment Long Jiu who was standing outside the door saw Qin Song, a smile immediately hung onto his face, but before he could even speak, Qin Song had already bawled him out, causing him to be dumbfounded at the moment.

Through the air outlet on the door, Long Jiu saw the pair of agitating eyes of Qin Song. Unknowingly why, he suddenly felt a strong sense of poignancy arising within himself.

He was a carefree person who always act without using his brain, and it was Qin Song who had been leading him all the time. But now, even Qin Song himself had gotten himself into trouble, he was still busy thinking of asking him to run away. Such ties of friendship had made the eye rims of Long Jiu to instantly turn red.

"Old Five, what are you talking about! I won't run! I'm here to save you!" Sniffing, Long Jiu said in a pretentiously firm manner.

"Save me? Long Jiu, stop kidding, this isn't the time for you to joke. Leave before those people find you and run as far as you could. It'll be the best if you can leave the Soul World. Go wherever you want, just don't come back!" said Qin Song earnestly.

Startled, Long Jiu didn't really know how should he reply at the moment. Suddenly, a hand grasped onto Long Jiu's shoulder and tugged him over!

A sense of horror went across the heart of Qin Song who had witnessed everything, but after he saw the person who was walking towards the door, his entire person was struck dumb.

There was a petite figure reflecting on his eyes. Although the face wasn't the same one as the face he saw during the past five years, it was the exact same face when she was in the Spirit World. Even if the face had changed, the aura that belonged to the soul wouldn't have any bits of change. The thing that they, the spirit envoys, sensed was never the appearance, but the aura of the soul...

"Miss Jun..." Eyes widening, Qin Song looked astonishingly at Jun Wu Xie who had just appeared outside the door. He simply couldn't believe what he had just seen.

Why was she here?

"It's me." Jun Wu Xie slightly nodded her head.

"What are you doing in the Soul World? It's too dangerous here, you should leave now." Not having the time to bother the throb that suddenly emerged from his heart, Qin Song said quickly.

"Dangerous? You do know something, don't you?" Jun Wu Xie had no intention to leave at all, whereas it was the anxiety in Qin Song's speaking tone that had made her to vaguely notice something.

Qin Song had asked Long Jiu to escape from the Soul World just now. This didn't seem to be something that Qin Song would say, but still, he said it. He must have found something big that had led him in making such a decision.

Chapter 2565:- Meng Qiu (1)

"It doesn't matter what have I found, there's nothing to do with you. You don't belong to the Soul World, don't get yourself involved in the matters here. Things are way more worse than what we've thought, you and Long Jiu need to get out of here as soon as possible." With an unhideable despair in his tone, Qin Song frowned.

What had actually happened, to the point that it had gotten Qin Song to lose all his confidence?

Though Jun Wu Xie was confused, she did not follow what Qin Song had asked her to do.

Long Jiu who was standing aside got more distressed as he listened to Qin Song's words. Anxiously, he squeezed himself beside the door and said, "Old Five! What the hell are you talking about? Why should we leave the Soul World? The Soul World is our home, and now it's in danger, how could we leave? Old Five, what have you found? I won't believe that you would say such words." Long Jiu stared at Qin Song. He often had the impression in his mind that Qin Song was always loyal to the Soul World. Even though he knew that the Soul World was fraught with peril, he had still chosen to come back no matter what, and even sneaked into the surroundings of the Spirit Tree to spy on the land, but the Qin Song in front of Long Jiu now was so strange to him. He shouldn't be speaking such things.

A trace of bitter smile appeared on Qin Song's face. If he was able to, how was he willing to give up on the Soul World?


"Meng Qiu has betrayed the Soul World," said Qin Song all of a sudden.

The sentence had caused Long Jiu to be thunderstruck at the moment. With his eyes widened implausibly, he looked astoundingly at Qin Song.

"Master... Master he-... had betrayed the Soul World? That's impossible!! How would Master betrayed the Spirit Tree!!" Long Jiu couldn't accept everything that Qin Song had just said at all.

"Who is Meng Qiu?" Jun Wu Xie gathered her brows into a frown. Considering Long Jiu's reaction, Meng Qiu should be a spirit envoy who had a very high standing position, and he was also the Master of Long Jiu. But why was it that the betrayal of a spirit envoy would let Qin Song experience such despair?

With the shock and puzzlement interlacing in his eyes, the colour on Long Jiu's face turned pale in a split second. It was such an appalling news that he had lost the ability to regain his consciousness.

Qin Song let out a soft sigh, he then looked at Jun Wu Xie and explained, "Meng Qiu is the First Spirit Envoy in the Soul World. He is also one of the oldest souls created by the Spirit Tree. He could be commensurate with the Spirit Lord of the Spirit World, but in terms of strength, Meng Qiu is stronger than the Spirit Lord. Though the Spirit Lord has left the Soul World in the early years, Meng Qiu has always been staying here. He is deeply trusted by the Spirit Tree, and throughout all these years, Meng Qiu is the one to manage all the things in the Soul World, no matter if it's the trivial one or the important one. Even when we, the spirit envoys, are created, he's the one who teaches us... He is also the Master of mine and Long Jiu..."

The moment those words came out from Qin Song's mouth, a trace of agony flashed across his eyes.

He believed that all the spirit envoys would betray the Spirit Tree, but he would never want to believe that Meng Qiu would actually do something like this.

Meng Qiu had already obtained the highest status in the Soul World, and he was such an upright and honourable person in front of the public. Although he did not speak much, he was a man of the highest integrity. Meng Qiu was once the role model that most of the spirit envoys looked up to in the Soul World. All the spirit envoys trusted him and admired him very much.

It had never occurred to Qin Song that Meng Qiu would betray the Spirit Tree. Compared to the betrayal of any spirit envoys, this was even more unacceptable to him.

"Is he strong?" Jun Wu Xie raised her brows.

Qin Song forced a smile and said, "Of course. Even Long Jiu and I team up against him, we would probably still be defeated by him within three attacks. He is the strongest soul entity. Among the entire Soul World, no any other soul entity is able to fight against him except for the Spirit Tree... If it isn't for his betrayal, how is it that there are so many spirit envoys who have chosen the path of rebellion?"

Chapter 2566:- Meng Qiu (2)

Before returning to Soul World, Qin Song and Long Jiu didn't think that things would become this state. They suspected that people in the Upper Realm might have bribed some Spirit Envoys, but as long as Meng Qiu was in charge of Soul World, there would absolutely no trouble, because there was no Soul Envoy that could defeat Meng Qiu.


When Qin Song understood everything, it was only then he realised that it was actually a disaster and it was actually Meng Qiu who masterminded it.

"Why did Master betray the Spirit Tree? I.... I cannot accept it..." Long Jiu was fuming with rage between gritted teeth, as he clenched his fist tightly. When Qin Song and him were born, they were mentored by Meng Qiu. They stayed with Meng Qiu to cultivate their soul power. It can be said that they have long considered Meng Qiu to be family, strong and upright.

But Qin Song's words made the figure in Long Jiu's heart, that was placed upon a pedestal, to completely collapse.

"I can't accept it too, but this is the truth. After we separated, I snuck to the location of the Spirit Tree because I want to see what actually happened..." Although Qin Song spoke lightly, but it revealed the images that he least wanted to recall.

When Qin Song went to the Spirit Tree, the Spirit Tree was already surrounded by the Soul Envoy traitors, and Qin Song spent considerable effort to sneak in.

When he saw the Spirit Tree once again, when he once again saw that familiar, tall and upright figure, his whole body was numb with shock. He saw his own Master standing under the Spirit Tree, his once plain clothes, were replaced by a black, light armour, exactly the same as those donned by the traitors.

Before Qin Song could figure out what happened, he was discovered by Meng Qiu, and he immediately captured Qin Song without saying a word. Until Qin Song was sent to the Soul Prison, he still could not accept Meng Qiu's betrayal.

"Meng Qiu has not only betrayed the Spirit Tree, but because the Spirit Tree and him had lived together for the longest, so he had plenty of opportunity to scheme against the Spirit Tree. They now have complete control of the Spirit Tree. Meng Qiu used an ancient method of burying many Soul Reaping Stones around the Spirit Tree. And he had a seal stamped into the body of the Spirit Tree. Now, the safety of the Spirit Tree is in the hands of Meng Qiu, we cannot do anything..."

Qin Song casted his gaze downwards, Meng Qiu's betrayal shocked him and made him truly despair. Meng Qiu used his understanding of the Spirit Tree, accumulated over days and months, planted a seal on the Spirit Tree. All these went undiscovered by them, and until everything happened, did they realise the malicious intent behind Meng Qiu's hypocrisy.

Long Jiu stupefied with what he had heard, the Spirit Tree was sealed?

Meng Qiu had been planning for this for a long time!

"Now, we have no other solutions. If we rise up and fight, Meng Qiu can destroy the Spirit Tree at any time. We can't risk...." Qin Song had a trace of bitterness in his forced smile. The most desperate was not how strong the enemy was, but that their most precious thing was in the hands of the enemy. It made them unable to fight back.

Meng Qiu could conquer the entire Soul World effortlessly, by virtue of this, the seal of the Spirit Tree was held by Meng Qiu. If and when they decide to fight back, Meng Qiu would use this point as a form of coercion, keeping their hands tied and capturing them easily.

"What exactly does Meng Qiu have?" Jun Wu Xie, who was standing to one side, suddenly asked. The Soul World had a traitor, and was one with great influence who wanted nothing more than to enslave the whole Soul World.

Chapter 2567:- Meng Qiu (3)

"He himself," said Qin Song suddenly.

"He himself?" Jun Wu Xie was confused.

Qin Song narrowed his eyes, "He has turned himself into the root of the seal that was being cast on the Spirit Tree. Whoever that tries to hurt him is the same as destroying the Spirit Tree."

Qin Song's words had gotten Jun Wu Xie stunned at the moment.

She finally understood why would Qin Song feel so hopeless. The life of their enemy was connected to the Spirit Tree, and if they wanted to defeat their opponent and save the Spirit Tree, they must cause damages to Meng Qiu, but the injuries on Meng Qiu's body would then be converted onto the Spirit Tree.

It might well be asked...

Which loyal and devoted spirit envoy would dare to do such a thing?

Though Jun Wu Xie had never met Meng Qiu, just by the scheme which he prepared beforehand, it was already enough to prove that he was an extremely cunning and resourceful foe.

"Do you guys understand about the situation in the Soul World now? We could only choose to surrender if we want the Spirit Tree to be safe. There's no way for us to fight against Meng Qiu, or else the one to be hurt isn't him but the Spirit Tree." Qin Song's eyes were filled with despair. Not a single spirit envoy who was being locked up in the prison was willing to do things that were able to hurt the Spirit Tree, and when facing Meng Qiu, there was only endless despair and helplessness left awaiting them.

While looking at Qin Song who had sunk into despair, Jun Wu Xie slightly narrowed her eyes.

The trick that conducted by Meng Qiu had completely cut off Qin Song's and the others' thoughts of rebelling. What a savage man of him.

"This is interesting. I didn't know that there's actually spirit life in the Soul World who knows about the Contemporaneous Knot." A smiling voice came out of nowhere all of a sudden.

Abruptly, Qin Song who was in a state of despair tilted his head up. Looking through the air outlet, he saw a familiar figure stepping forward from behind Jun Wu Xie. The figure got bigger and bigger in size in Qin Song's eyes, instantly driving away all his consciousness from his mind.

"Ye Jue?" With his eyes widening, Qin Song gazed at Jun Wu Yao who had walked into his sight without him knowing when.

Since when Jun Wu Yao left the Upper Realm, they had never once met face to face with him again. The purpose of he, Long Jiu and Situ Heng leaving the Soul World to travel around the Three Realms for thousands years was to search for him, but... even before they returned to the Soul World, they hadn't been able to meet Jun Wu Yao.

Who knew that...

They would be going to meet again with each other in such a circumstance.

"Lord Ye Jue, what do you mean by those words just now? The Contemporaneous Knot?" Qin Song was so surprised at the instant. Subconsciously, he called Jun Wu Yao with the honorific title that was given to him in the past.

Before Jun Wu Yao left the Upper Realm, he was said to be the constant visitor of the Soul World. Although the Spirit Tree was unable to speak, they could still feel that the Spirit Tree welcomed the visit of Jun Wu Yao very much. Furthermore, due to the powerfulness owned by Jun Wu Yao, the spirit envoys in the Soul World during that period of time often showed their great reverence for him.

It was just that the words "Lord Ye Jue" had long disappeared in the Soul World for years.

"The Contemporaneous Knot is a type of seal that could be only used among the soul entities. Meng Qiu is quite talented, and he might be the only one in the entire Three Realms who is able to build the knot with the Spirit Tree, whereas you guys... It had been so many years but no one of you has actually noticed even a bit of unusualness. You guys are really... dumb." Jun Wu Yao stood in front of the door, looking at the astounded face of Qin Song and casually let out a chuckle.

"Lord Ye Jue, you know about the seal? If so, do you have any solutions..." Vehemently, Qin Song leaned against the door with his pair of eyes seemingly to be lit on fire.

Chapter 2568:- Meng Qiu (4)

Since Jun Wu Yao had come, maybe he would have the solutions to save the current Soul World!

At this moment, Qin Song had already forgotten the conflict that existed between Jun Wu Yao and the Soul World. Compared to the fate of the Spirit Tree, everything didn't seem to be that important anymore.

"It's simple," said Jun Wu Yao.

Qin Song's eyes immediately lit up, even Long Jiu was looking at Jun Wu Yao with a blazing gaze.

They were waiting.

They were all waiting for the very last hope to descend.

"The Contemporaneous Knot, as the name suggests, it's the sharing of fate between two individuals. The one who casts the knot is able to totally seal off the energy of the one who is being knotted, and they will share the same wounds and injuries. It's not hard to remove the seal. One just needs to bury the soul entity who has cast the knot, into the soul that has been cast with the knot." In a flat tone, Jun Wu Yao stated. This was a rare seal, and its sealing progression was long and complicated. Not a single mistake was allowed to make while carrying out the sealing.

And once the knot was cast, there would be certain risks that both the individuals would need to take on. Even Meng Qiu would need to bear the huge danger after he cast the knot on the Spirit Tree, which if there was someone else who had injured the Spirit Tree beforehand, then Meng Qiu would also have to suffer the same damage.

Moreover, once the seal was activated, Meng Qiu too, had no way to stop it.

He truly went all in on this matter.

"Lord Ye Jue! Please! Save the Spirit Tree!!" How Qin Song wished that he was able to get out of the Soul Prison immediately, not for the others but just for Jun Wu Yao to agree to lend them his hand to save the Spirit Tree.

"If I don't want to save it, why would I come here?" Jun Wu Yao arched his eyebrows. He actually wasn't much interested with the things in the Soul World, but the Spirit Tree was the only one that was able to resolve the chaotic energy of Jun Wu Xie, and so... no matter how apathetic he was about it, he would still have to interfere in this matter.

Just thought about it as a way to pay back for his behaviour of taking away the seed from the Spirit Tree.

While being overjoyed at the news, Qin Song was so surprised that he couldn't even speak a word. He was just looking at Jun Wu Yao with his mouth open.

Meanwhile, their conversations had already been delivered into the bamboo shed, causing those spirit envoys who earlier had the despair expression holding onto their faces to finally gleam with a trace of brightness in their eyes after listening to everything they said. All of them stood up and squeezed themselves to the door, looking at Jun Wu Yao through the narrow air outlet with their eyes glowing.

They could feel it vaguely, that maybe... there was still hope for the Soul World!

If it was Jun Wu Yao... maybe there was still a chance for them to turn the tables!

"Lord Ye Jue! We'll leave the Soul World to you!"

"Lord Ye Jue, representing the entire Soul World, we're really grateful for your great kindness!"

Since when the spirit envoys in the room were captured, this was their first time to show their vitality. Even though they weren't able to leave the Soul Prison, it still couldn't hinder the imperative desire inside them.

The teen boy who was originally sitting huddled in the corner had also stood up due to the excitement shown by his comrades. Because of his short stature, he couldn't get to the door, and also, he couldn't see what kind of person the "Lord Ye Jue" who his comrades kept on calling was. The only thing he knew was that, this name had brought them hope.

While facing the exhilaration of those spirit envoys, there weren't much emotions on Jun Wu Yao's face. With the demonic smile still hanging on his face, his eyes fell onto Jun Wu Xie.

"Little Xie, what are you thinking about?" Jun Wu Yao noticed that a moment ago, Jun Wu Xie looked a bit out of sorts in her eyes, seemingly to be thinking of something.

Recovering from the daze, Jun Wu Xie looked at Jun Wu Yao's pair of eyes and slightly stunned. After a while, she then asked, "What's their purpose?"

"Huh?" Jun Wu Yao looked at her, puzzled.

Chapter 2569:- The Hidden Conspiracy (1)

"People from the Upper Realm have spent so much effort, what exactly do they want from Soul World?" Jun Wu Xie squinted her eyes, it wasn't an easy thing to bribe Meng Qiu and the rest of the Spirit Envoys. Even though they were not as loyal as Qin Song and Long Jiu, but they were souls of the Soul World, they were born with a high degree of loyalty to the Spirit Tree. To have made them completely abandon the Spirit Tree and choosing to rebel, was absolutely not a simple thing.

Jun Wu Xie didn't know exactly what scheme the Upper Realm used to poison such a large number of Spirit Envoys, but even Spirit Envoys the likes of Meng Qiu could be persuaded by the Upper Realm showed that the Upper Realm spent considerable effort to do so.

They paid a great price that even Meng Qiu was willing to use The Contemporaneous Knot, what was their purpose?

This point, Jun Wu Xie still could not comprehend.

She did not think that the Upper Realm was simply trying to attack the Soul World. After all, the Soul World had existed for so many years. Before Jun Wu Yao left the Upper Realm, he often went into the Soul World, with his acute intuition, if at that time, there were Spirit Envoys who had rebellious intent, he couldn't not realise it.

Very clearly, everything started after Jun Wu Yao left the Upper Realm. Within this thousand years, what was it that the Upper Realm have discovered in the Soul World that made them pay such a great price to control the Soul World?

The more Qin Song spoke, the more Jun Wu Xie could not comprehend the secret. The more energy the Upper Realm spent, the more it proved that the Soul World was of great significance to them.


Exactly what is it?

Jun Wu Xie's suspicion caused Jun Wu Yao to be a little shocked. The little guy's thinking was always a step ahead of others. She was thinking not only about the conspiracy she sees right now, but also the purpose behind the conspiracy.

"Qin Song, did you discover anything abnormal here?" Jun Wu Xie looked towards Qin Song.

Qin Song looked at Jun Wu Xie in a daze, Jun Wu Xie doubt he heard her question. This point... they have not thought of before.

"Strange? I...." Qin Song tried hard to recall more details, but all that he could think of was just too little.

"Those seniors who were taken away..." A shy voice suddenly sounded from inside the house.

Qin Song turned around and looked at the boy who spoke. It was the scared teenager from before.

When the boy and Qin Song looked at each other, the boy was a bit timid. He was not sure if what he said was considered abnormal. But it was what he felt in his gut, so he said it.

"I.... I am not sure too.... I just..... Just feel.... There is something wrong... Apart from the detention place in Soul World, they only took the seniors away from Soul Prison.... And they never came back.... Isn't this.... strange?" The youth stuttered as he spoke, the fear and helplessness in his heart made his voice tremble.

But what he didn't know was, his stuttering speech made a new idea pop into Qin Song's head.

An idea that had always been ignored!

"Kid! You are right!" A touch of joy flashed in Qin Song's eyes as he turned and looked at Jun Wu Xie.

"If there's anything abnormal, then the Spirit Envoys locked up here and the way they are treated in itself is a very abnormal occurrence."

"Hmm? What do you mean?" Jun Wu Xie quirked her eyebrows.

"I haven't been locked in here long, so I don't know the details. But since I've been here, there were many Spirit Envoys who got taken away."

Chapter 2570:- The Hidden Conspiracy (2)

Those spirit envoys who were taken away had no commonality at all, but everyday, there would be a batch of spirit envoys being brought out of the Soul Prison, and they would never appear again after that.

At first, Qin Song did not notice anything suspicious about this matter but the words from the boy had reminded him something.

If they wanted to destroy their souls, they could just burn them down with the spirit fire, why would they need to bring those people out everyday?

In the Soul World, the Soul Prison was the only place which was suitable to lock the soul entity up. Where had those spirit envoys been taken too? Were they dead? Or were they still alive? If it wasn't for the purpose of slaughtering them, why were they brought out?

A huge mystery was brought up due to the fact stated by the boy, causing Qin Song to be at a lost, enshrouded with a dense fog, not being able to view or touch anything, and there was only the cold breeze blowing bleak across his neck.

Listening to Qin Song's every single word, Jun Wu Xie could vaguely notice the fact that those spirit envoys were being taken away was unlikely to be a simple matter.

"We can slowly think about these later, or we can just find a way to beat Meng Qiu and asked him." Standing aside, Long Jiu said. Even Qin Song and Jun Wu Xie weren't able to figure it out in the meantime, it would be even more confusing for him to understand it.

Since Jun Wu Yao had the solution to remove the Contemporaneous Knot, then... let's just save the Spirit Tree first!

Though Long Jiu was really anxious, he did not dare to show any signs of him restlessly prodding them to quickly take action in his words, worrying that the moody Satan might be annoyed and decided to leave right away without giving any help. By then, they could do nothing except to bawl their eyes out.

"There are a lot of spirit envoys around Meng Qiu. I'm afraid that it won't be easy for us to deal with him if we go face to face against him." Qin Ge frowned. Of course it would be good if Jun Wu Yao was willing to intervene in this matter, but the problem now was that... if they were going to have a fight with Meng Qiu, then the Spirit Tree would be the one to be hurt.

"If he carries out the threat using the Spirit Tree..." Looking at Jun Wu Yao, Qin Song spoke hesitantly.

Jun Wu Yao cocked his brows.

"What does it have to do with me?"

"..." Qin Song looked unbelievably at Jun Wu Yao with his eyes widened.

What... What did he say?

What did it have to do with him?

"Hold on! Lord Ye Jue... What do you mean?" Long Jiu couldn't hold it back anymore. Didn't Jun Wu Yao have just agreed to help them? Why... did he change his mind in just a blink of an eye?

"Wu Yao is right," said Jun Wu Xie suddenly.

Long Jiu almost broke into tears.

What was wrong with them?

"Jun's girl, you guys... Don't you guys... This is such a critical moment, you guys can't just leave it alone!!" Long Jiu was so close to kneel down for both the two of them. What were they going to do if the couple just threw everything up and left after getting all the information? How about the Soul World?

Qin Song staggered. It was as if the whole room of spirit envoys who had just gotten their hopes up were being splashed with a pale of frosty water from the top at the very moment, causing them to shiver in cold.

While looking at their reactions, Jun Wu Xie gave out a small sigh and said, "Are you guys going to let Meng Qiu know that you guys have teamed up with Wu Yao? Isn't this a way to give the others the opportunity to trip you up? Don't forget that he's the top "wanted" man in the Soul World." Speaking, Jun Wu Xie lifted her hand up and gently knocked on Jun Wu Yao's chest.

At that time, everyone regained their wits and had finally gotten the exact meaning in Jun Wu Yao's words!

Yes, Meng Qiu was able to threaten all the spirit envoys in the Soul World using the Spirit Tree, but he couldn't apply the threat on the people outside the Soul World.

And Jun Wu Yao...

He belonged to the latter!

Meng Qiu had been staying in the Soul World for years, there was no way he wouldn't know about the things that were done by Jun Wu Yao during that year. He would have never thought that the return of Jun Wu Yao was to help the Soul World.

Chapter 2571:- The Hidden Conspiracy (3)

The identity of Jun Wu Yao was originally very sensitive to the Soul World, but for the Soul World now... there was no any identity that could be more well-suited than his when dealing with Meng Qiu.

Qin Song and the others were immediately enlightened. With the despair on their faces turning into surprise, every single one of them stared at Jun Wu Yao. Gazes flaming, as if they were going to pounce onto Jun Wu Xie and gave a kiss on his handsome face.

"So, shall we let Old Five and the others out and find a place to hide them, and after that we would just need to wait for Lord Ye Jue you to take action?" Long Jiu clenched his fists and set his jaws, making the posture as if he was ready to smash open the door of the Soul Prison.

But Jun Wu Xie suddenly raised her hand and stopped Long Jiu's behaviour.

"Qin Song and the others can't leave now."

"Why?" Long Jiu stunned.

They had already found the people but they couldn't save them?

Qin Song agreed, "Miss Jun is right. If we leave, Meng Qiu will surely be aware of it and start to take precautions. There are so many guards in the Soul Prison, if it isn't someone with a very powerful strength, there's absolutely no way that the spirit envoys who are being locked up in here can be saved. Once we leave, with the acuity Meng Qiu has, he will soon notice that something had happened, and by the time when Lord Ye Jue turns up, the first thing Meng Qiu will question will be whether if everything that has happened is related to Lord Ye Jue. Thus, to prevent Meng Qiu from getting suspicious, I can't leave."

"But... But... If you guys don't leave... what if those guards come and take you away?" Long Jiu was slightly distressed. There were spirit envoys who would be taken away from the Soul Prison everyday, and Qin Song and the others had also mentioned it themselves, that they were uncertain about the place where those spirit envoys were taken to. If they continued to stay here... wouldn't it be too dangerous for them?!

Qin Song shook his head.

"We can still bear the risk. As long as Meng Qiu can be defeated and the seal on the Spirit Tree can be removed, no matter how much we sacrifice, it's all worthy."

Qin Song and the rest of them must stay, and this was also why Jun Wu Yao didn't straight off kill those guards but just drugged them with the Black Snake when they came to the Soul Prison. Before learning thoroughly about the situation in the Soul World, they must do their best to not beat the bush and startle the snake since nobody knew what was going to happen next.

The spirit envoys in the Soul World could do nothing about the seal on the Spirit Tree. They could only entrust their hopes onto Jun Wu Yao.

Long Jiu had nothing to say anymore. If he still insisted on getting Qin Song and the others out of the prison, then he would be really dumb, but the moment he thought about the risk that his comrades might probably suffer from, he felt extremely depressed. Now, all he wanted to do was just to get rid off those traitors and revive the serenity of the Soul World!

"Lord Ye Jue, we'll leave everything to you." Once again, Qin Song looked at Jun Wu Yao and said genuinely.

Jun Wu Yao responded, "Even if it's not for you, I'll still save the Spirit Tree." He wasn't going to accept the indebtedness.

Jun Wu Yao slowly raised his hand and wrapped his arm around Jun Wu Xie.

"All the things I do are for the sake of my wife. There's nothing to do with the others." He had no intention in making himself the saviour of the Soul World when he came to this place.

Dumbfounded, Qin Song looked at Jun Wu Xie and Jun Wu Yao who were hugging each other. The things that he missed to catch just now due to nervousness were now fully displaying in front of his eyes. He felt an unreasonable catch of suffocation radiating from his heart, it was so painful that the colour on his face went pale.

After making the effort in finding his voice back, slightly trembling, he spoke, "I see. Anyhow... I still want to thank you."

Jun Wu Yao did not say anything. Since they had already known about the condition of the Spirit Tree, then it would be up to him and Jun Wu Xie in taking the next step.

Chapter 2572:- The Hidden Conspiracy (4)

Long Jiu spoke with Qin Song for quite a while before leaving with Jun Wu Yao and the others.

Before Jun Wu Xie left, she instructed Qin Song on some things; she wanted him to pay attention to what the Spirit Envoys, who were taken away, had in common with each other, and also to listen to the dialogue between the guards to find out more clues.

Qin Song listened quietly, his heart filled with bitterness, that inexplicable bitterness made him cold. He also knew that at this moment, he should not be so depressed. There were still many things that he needed to do. He could only cheer up and fight hard.

After leaving the Soul Prison, Long Jiu's eyes were slightly red after witnessing his brothers-in-arms were forced to stay in that narrow bamboo house, watching so many of his companions subjected to the control of the traitors, he felt extremely terrible.

"Are you crying?" Jun Wu Xie turned to look at the red eyed Long Jiu as she walked through the forest.

Long Jiu blew his nose, pretending to be strong, and said in a muffled voice, "No, some dust flew into my eyes."

"Everything will get better." Jun Wu Xie rarely consoled people, and although her words were simple, it made Long Jiu feel much better.

Looking at Jun Wu Xie and Jun Wu Yao, he tried his best to be strong. It was not the end yet, they still had a chance!

"Lord Ye Jue, what do you need me to do?" Long Jiu asked seriously.

Jun Wu Yao said, "Don't fret." Finished, he turned to Jun Wu Xie his eye reflected in an indulgent light, "What good ideas does Little Xie have?"

This little girl's brain is quick, she must have thought of some schemes.

Jun Wu Xie wasn't in a hurry to speak as she stared at the grass in deep thought.

Jun Wu Yao was not in a hurry as well, he just stood quietly beside her.

"We need to first find Meng Qiu." Jun Wu Xie suddenly spoke.

"Head to the Spirit Tree?" Jun Wu Yao asked.

"No." Jun Wu Xie shook her head, "Let him come find us on his own volition."

"Hmm? How do we get him to do that?" Jun Wu Yao's interest was perked.

Jun Wu Xie's gaze fell upon Long Jiu.

Long Jiu grew nervous under her stare as he started to check himself from head to toe, but didn't discover anything wrong with his person. But for reasons unknown, Jun Wu Xie's gaze made him feel a little creeped out.

"Don't... Don't look at me like this..." He felt a little weak.

Jun Wu Xie crooked her finger and beckoned to Long Jiu, Long Jiu shivered because he felt a bad premonition coming. But, under Jun Wu Yao's scrutiny, he could only brace himself and strode forward.

"Meng Qiu is your Master?" Jun Wu Xie asked.

"He used to be! Now, he cannot be considered my master! I don't have such a malevolent master." Long Jiu spat disdainfully.

Jun Wu Xie did not bother with his outburst.

"You being captured, does Meng Qiu know?"

Long Jiu shook his head, "I was caught halfway. After they caught me, they brought me along their journey. They most likely did not report it to Meng Qiu."

"Does Meng Qiu know that you came back together with Qin Song?" Jun Wu Xie asked again.

"I guess.... He knows... Old Five and I always travel together. When we initially were dispatched, Meng Qiu knew." Long Jiu was more and more confused about what exactly Jun Wu Xie was planning.

"You go." Jun Wu Xie said.

"Go? Where do I go?" Long Jiu was a little stumped.

Jun Wu Yao's eyes narrowed slightly.

"To see Meng Qiu."

Chapter 2573:- Walk Right Into The Trap (1)

In the Soul World, there was a big broad man, dressed in a black light armor, sitting up straight on the ground under the Spirit Tree. The lofty tree behind him soared high up into the clouds, whereas its thick and sturdy trunk was as broad as a skyscraper. Its packed leaves were glowing with faint light, overlapping with each other, as if it was a huge umbrella.

The man had a calm expression on his face with a pair of dashing eyebrows projecting an aura of dignity. He looked tough and handsome, seemingly to be in his early thirties.

"Lord Meng Qiu." A spirit envoy, dressed in a black armor, walked towards the Spirit Tree and bowed to the man with his waist slightly bending forward.

Meng Qiu turned his head over slowly and looked indifferently at the spirit envoy. A low and deep voice came under the Spirit Tree.

"What is it?"

Meng Qiu, the strongest spirit envoy in the Soul World of all time, was created by the Spirit Tree in the early years when the Soul World was established. It could be said that he was one of the oldest spirit envoys created by the Spirit Tree. He had no predecessor to guide him, and could only nesciently figure the connotation of his existence all by himself. Since he had been serving beside the Spirit Tree for many years, everyone would often think of him as the very first guardian of the Spirit Tree.

But now, he had become the first spirit envoy to betray the Spirit Tree.

"Lord Meng Qiu, we seem to have discovered the trace of Long Jiu," said the spirit envoy.

"Long Jiu?" The expression on Meng Qiu's face remained calm and steady, and there wasn't any specific tone heard in his speaking voice. With his mouth mumbling the familiar name, he raised his eyes and looked at the Spirit Tree behind him.

It had been countless years and the Spirit Tree had always been silently rooting itself in this place. Neither would it get angry or speak. There were vines dangling from the branches with a faint halo radiating from them, as if they were the galaxies that had been falling from the sky. Once, those gentle vines were just like the pair of hands of the Spirit Tree, sending the newborn souls into the Soul World with a soft pat, but now, those vines were just hanging on the branches of the tree without even moving a bit, let alone expressing the feelings of the Spirit Tree.

While being in a daze, it was as if the tremendous glowing tree in his eyes was just a normal tree with no spirituality inside it.

"Of course he'll be back. He has a close relationship with Qin Song since young. Since Qin Song has returned to the Soul World, it's certain that Long Jiu will also come back." There wasn't any emotion in Meng Qiu's flat voice. He just lifted his hand up and touched the vine that dangled from the tree.

The sense of coldness under his fingers was just like the cold skin of the plant that he stroked over, which had long lost its warmth that it usually had in the past.

"Then, do we need to capture him?" The black armored spirit envoy narrowed his eyes, "Since Qin Song has the ability to sneak into the surroundings of the Spirit Tree, the strength of Long Jiu too, isn't weak, if he breaks in here..."

"What's the matter if he comes?" Abruptly, Meng Qiu interrupted the black armored spirit envoy who hadn't finished his words and said.

The spirit envoy stunned. By the time he raised his eyes and looked in the direction of Meng Qiu, Meng Qiu had already stood up with both his hands clenched on his back, giving out an invisible pressure from his big and tall stature.

Even the black armored spirit envoy who belonged to the same party as him couldn't help himself from getting frightened when he saw how imposing Meng Qiu was with his manner.

Meng Qiu had yet to show his power, but that was already enough for him to bring them such a strong pressure, what if he began to attack...

Suddenly realizing that the worry he mentioned just now was such a ridiculous joke, the black armored spirit envoy quickly responded, "It's your subordinate that has made an indiscreet remark! There's Lord Meng Qiu guarding the Spirit Tree, even if there are ten Long Jius, they still aren't the opponent of Lord Meng Qiu, not to mention that there's only one Long Jiu. Of course... Of course there's nothing to worry about."

Meng Qiu slightly lowered his eyes, "Speak about it, it's been a long time since I, the Master, and Long Jiu meet each other. Just settle it yourselves, lock him up in the Soul Prison. It will be nice for him to meet his bestie Qin Song.

Chapter 2574:- Walk Right Into The Trap (2)

A weird phenomenon suddenly appeared in the Soul World that had already been taken over by Meng Qiu.

Whenever there were a large number of traitors on the march, an eye-catching figure would always hop into their sights.

"You these bastards! If you guys got the nerves to betray, then shall you guys got the nerves to catch me! You're all a bunch of rubbish!" Standing dauntlessly on the crest of the mountain with his legs stepping on the hard huge rock, Long Jiu pointed at the group of black armored spirit envoys who were moving halfway up the mountain. He looked a little miserable in his clothes, but there was the word "disdain" clearly written all over his face!

Every single one of those black armored spirit envoys below him was foamed with rage that even smoke began to come out from their orifices, wishing that they could drag Long Jiu down and beat his ass up!

But the strange thing was, that although Long Jiu was quite strong, his strength still couldn't be considered as the top in the Soul World, and before this, those black armored spirit envoys had already caught numerous spirit envoys who were stronger than Long Jiu, but it was the time to face Long Jiu, all they felt was just huge helplessness.

Two days ago, Long Jiu suddenly became really "active" all around the Soul World. Wherever he appeared, not a single place was able to escape from falling into chaos because of him.

In the past during the peacetime of the Soul World, the bad-tempered and clumsy personalities of Long Jiu had often gotten himself into quite a lot of trouble, and at that time, all the spirit envoys would mostly just let out a helpless laugh, but now... after facing Long Jiu the scourge, all they wanted to do was just to toss a rock onto this idiot and crush him down!

They had no idea where did Long Jiu learn those wretched tricks from, shooting randomly at them from a very far distance with his soul power, causing them to suffer a lot from the dispersed flying attacks. But till the moment when they began to take the counter and attack Long Jiu, this fella would actually run away, faster than anyone else, as if he had applied oil under his foot!!

"Damn it! This fella has been staying in the Three Realms for such a long time, what the hell has he learned! Is he going to fight or not!!" The black armored spirit envoys had been running and chasing after Long Jiu for quite a distance to the point that they almost coughed their blood out. Standing on the mountainside while glaring at Long Jiu who was acting wildly on the top of the mountain, flame almost spurted out from their eyes.

Qin Song too, had gone to the Three Realms but there wasn't much effort needed for them to capture him. In the entire Soul World, for all the spirit envoys who were unwilling to give in, which one of them that didn't they use only little effort to capture? But when it was Long Jiu who they were going to face, they suddenly had the urge to gnash their teeth.

The thinking of the soul entity in the Soul World was relatively simple. Most of them would fight face to face with each other, and they seldom escaped from the battle, which was also the very last dignity of theirs.

However, when it came to Long Jiu, once he noticed that they started to show their stances in chasing after him, he would then run away, even faster than the rabbit, and don't even bother to mention the fight!

After Long Jiu had pulled his distance slightly away from those spirit envoys, he would halt his steps and once again poured scorn on them. Listening to the way he spat out the filthy words, it almost shredded their cognition of lives.

"You idiots! Are you tired? Just come after me if you have the guts to! You bastards! Do you think that I'm afraid of you! You're just a bunch of idiots, don't think that you are going to catch me!!" Standing in the wind, Long Jiu pointed at those black armored spirit envoys who were chasing after him and shouted scornfully at them while withstanding the strong wind that was blowing onto his face. When he was staying in the Three Realms, he and Qiao Chu had become "buddies", and it was all thanks to that, as both the two people had done nothing except for learning the essence of the methods to disdain people in the Three Realms. In the daily life, Long Jiu wouldn't have the guts to speak those nasty words, but now, since Jun Wu Xie had given him the permission to do so, he could curse whatever he wanted to and it would be all fine!

The more filthier he cursed, the better it was!

How could those black armored spirit envoys who were born and raised in the Soul World were able to fight against Long Jiu in such things? Everyone was so angry that their faces went green.

Chapter 2575:- Walk Right Into The Trap (3)

If there was an axe in hand, those black clad Spirit Envoys would hack him to death!

Not fighting back?

Not escaping!

He's here to create trouble!

As he looked at the black armoured Spirit Envoys nearing the mountain, Long Jiu didn't hesitate as he turned tail and ran. Looking at the way he broke into a wild run, he no longer had that abusive attitude from just now.

The black armoured Spirit Envoys were spitting mad as they flew into a rage because of Long Jiu's humiliation, as they shouted their murderous intents. They couldn't manage more than a few lines because they lacked more curse words.

"Long Jiu! If you got guts, don't run!"

"You better stop!"

"Dammit! Still running!"

Long Jiu ran on madly, even if the screams sounded one after another, he turned a deaf ear towards them as he ran at the fastest speed possible.

Although Long Jiu's strength was not at the top of the Soul World, but he was also considered an exponent. Amongst those black armoured Spirit Envoys, there were some who are on par with Long Jiu. If they were to seriously engage in a fight, it would be difficult to win.

But the problem was...

Long Jiu had no intention of fighting them. He kept dodging them in order to not give them a chance to close in on him. Once he was a little distance from them, he would stop, turn his head and shouted curses at them. Those black armoured Spirit Envoys following close behind would get so mad that their blood vessels were on the verge of bursting!

In the dark, Jun Wu Xie and Jun Wu Yao were observing that scene of chaos. With regard to Long Jiu's action, Jun Wu Xie was rather speechless.

"I didn't think that..." Jun Wu Xie looked at Long Jiu who had stopped to curse at those Spirit Envoys once more, her expression was slightly confused.

She really didn't think that the vocabulary of Long Jiu's curses would be so rich. She still remembered that when she was in the evil domain, Long Jiu was not like this...who had he learnt this from?

Jun Wu Yao originally wanted Long Jiu to distract the black armoured Spirit Envoys but he didn't expect that not only did Long Jiu fulfilled his task so well, he even.... Exceeded beyond Jun Wu Yao's expectations.

"Don't listen anymore." Jun Wu Yao covered Jun Wu Xie's ears with his hands.

The more Long Jiu cursed at them, the worse the words became. Although it was part of Jun Wu Xie's plan, but Jun Wu Yao didn't want those nasty words to taint Jun Wu Xie's ears.

Jun Wu Xie lifted her head to Jun Wu Yao, helplessness in her eyes.

Long Jiu kept dodging the black armoured Spirit Envoys for a few days. They didn't even touched the corner of his clothes, they no longer had the energy to chase after Long Jiu. At the beginning, they were cursing back loudly at Long Jiu, but now, they didn't even have an interest in chasing after him. But, if they didn't chase, Long Jiu would start cursing at them, he cursed at them until they were fuming mad and rushed at him.

The end was tragic....

On the seventh day, Long Jiu led more than a hundred black armoured Spirit Envoys on a wild goose chase, and those people finally couldn't take it anymore.

"Lord Meng Qiu!!! That damn Long Jiu, our comrades are about to be tormented to death by him!" A black armoured Spirit Envoy, with tears and snot covering his face, kneeled before Meng Qiu as he accused Long Jiu of 'many evil deeds'.

They were the actual traitors, but after meeting Long Jiu, they lived in agony as if they have met their fathers' killer. In their hearts, they have considered Long Jiu to be the root of evil that needed to be vanquished.

Meng Qiu knitted his brows slightly as he looked at the Spirit Envoy who knelt at his feet. His calm face finally showed a little unhappiness.

"You can't even capture him?" Meng Qiu's face held mild anger. Long Jiu was his disciple, and Meng Qiu knew exactly what he was capable of.

Chapter 2576:- Soul Ascending Alter (1)

Based on strength, Long Jiu cannot be compared to Qin Song. In terms of intelligence, he had an inflexible, one-track mind, he only acted rashly and didn't know how to adapt to circumstances. So upon knowing that Long Jiu was back, Meng Qiu didn't spend much effort as he thought that he would be able to capture Long Jiu in a couple of days. Who knew...

As he looked at the bunch of snivelling black armoured Spirit Envoys, Meng Qiu could not help but wonder if Long Jiu had been "bought" by someone.

With Long Jiu's character, if he knew the current situation of Soul World, they wouldn't have to find him, he would have angrily barged up to them. Even though he knew he could not win, he would have just acted recklessly rather than employing such circuitous tactics.

"Lord Meng Qiu, we really don't know what to do with that Long Jiu. He would fight then retreat. If we don't chase after him, he would just stand there and curse at us. If he meets the prison warden team, he would create a disturbance, tormenting people till they fall off their horses.... Please, we request Lord Meng Qiu help us subdue this devil!" A black armoured Spirit Envoy kowtowed to Meng Qiu. The destructive force of Long Jiu might not be big, but that was too nauseating! Now when they saw Long Jiu, they got a tingling sensation, they were slowly developing trauma.

"Where is he now?" Meng Qiu asked coldly.

"Near Yun Ling Mountain." The black armoured Spirit Envoy replied hurriedly.

Meng Qiu breathed a sigh of relief, and stood from under the Spirit Tree, "That's fine. I'll go meet with him myself."

Upon hearing Meng Qiu's words, the black armoured Spirit Envoys beamed. Meng Qiu was extremely strong, if he met with Long Jiu, even if Long Jiu tried his best, it would be hard to escape from Meng Qiu.

"Thank you for your trouble, Lord Meng Qiu!" the group of Spirit Envoys kowtowed in gratitude.

Meng Qiu waved his hand, "Go watch over him, I need to visit the Soul Ascending Altar first."

When it came to the Soul Ascending Altar, the black armoured Spirit Envoys' smiles froze on their faces in an instant, and their eyes became a little cautious and fearful.

In the Soul World, there were two areas the Spirit Envoys did not dare to visit, one was the Reincarnation Path and the other was the Soul Ascending Altar.

Reincarnation Path was for those spirit lives who wanted to be born human. Any spirit life who wanted to reincarnate to a human would walk into the Reincarnation Path and be reborn as a human in the Upper Realm. However, whoever who entered the Reincarnation Path would have their memories wiped; everything of the Soul World would no longer be a part of their memories. They would be each born into a household, and become the people of the Upper Realm.

It can be said that in a certain sense, the reincarnation would bring new life to the spirit life.

And the Soul Ascending Altar was the scariest place in Soul World.

Different from Reincarnation Path, once the spirit life stepped onto the Soul Ascending Altar, the spirit life would be scattered and disappear from Upper Realm forever.

The Reincarnation Path and the Soul Ascending Altar were respectively guarded by the strongest Spirit Envoys, Meng Qiu was in charge of the Soul Ascending Altar.

All Spirit Envoys, who upon hearing about the Soul Ascending Altar, could not control the fear from within their hearts.

In fact, in the Soul World, the Soul Ascending Altar was rarely used. Few souls will be punished by the rising soul station. Even if they make mistakes, most of them are also locked into the soul wall. From ancient times to the present, in the soul world. In the middle of it, there is no sin that has made it necessary to succumb to the ascendant, but the horror of the sorrowful platform was still lingering in the heart of every soul.

When Meng Qiu left the Spirit Tree, none of the Spirit Envoys followed him to the Soul Ascending Altar. He walked through Soul World alone, headed to the most forbidden place within Soul World.

Chapter 2577:- Soul Ascending Alter (2)

The Soul Ascending Altar was located at the corner of Soul World, and it sat atop the Soul Mountain, with the Soul Devourer behind it.

The surrounding was silent, even those bird-type spirit lives did not dare near this area. Ashen green water ran through the Soul Devourer River at the foot of the mountain. The river was seemingly clear but it looked like a deep abyss as the bottom of the river could not be seen. The water in the Soul Devourer River was rumoured to drank by those who have committed grave mistakes or by those who had impure thoughts. Drinking water from the river would bring severe pain to the soul, but at the same time, it could wash away the seven emotions and desires in the soul.

The seemingly clear river, but it seems to have no bottom, the end of the year cannot see the bottom of the river, the water in the soul-seeking river, the rumour is to give those who made mistakes, and the mind is not pure, let the people drink, the river will drink The soul brings the pain of heart-breaking, but at the same time, it would wash away the seven emotions and six sensory pleasures within the soul.

To erase the growing darkness from within the soul and to restore the original purity.

At the beginning of the establishment of the Soul World, every five years, all the souls who were born and stayed in the Soul World would go to the Soul Devourer River and drank the water from the river in order to wash away the darkness that might have been retained in the past years.

But the pain brought by the water was indescribable, that heart-rending, soul-splitting torment, was the Soul World's greatest torture.

Every five years, those spirit lives who come to drink the river water, came with a very heavy sense of tension, as they waited for the inevitable pain.

This habit was sustained for many years, one generation after another, they long considered it to be one of the rules of Soul World.

It was unknown which year it started, but a Spirit Envoy, who after drinking the water, went to the Spirit Tree to lament about the torment after ingesting the Soul Devourer River water. The benevolent Spirit Tree could not stand it, and erased this tradition from Soul World.

Right at the start, there were still some stubborn and old fashioned Spirit Envoys who persisted with the tradition. However, as time passed, the Spirit Envoys who made the journey grew lesser.

Within the last thousand years, there was no longer any Spirit Envoys who came to the Soul Devourer River to drink its water.

Meng Qiu walked to the Soul Devourer River alone. He looked down at his reflection floating on the surface of the river; tall, straight, cold, calm, he could not remember how he looked when he first saw himself reflected by the water. He also could no longer remember the pain which permeated the soul when he drank the water.

After a moment's pause, Meng Qiu continued on to Soul Mountain.

On top of Soul Mountain sat the Soul Ascending Altar. It was supposed to be guarded by Meng Qiu and several other powerful Spirit Envoys. But now, those who had guarded the place were long gone. The mountain was filled instead with many black armoured, resolute and murderous soldiers.

The strange thing was, the eyes of the soldiers were not gray as they should be if they were from Soul World, but their eyes were brown... just like the humans from the Upper Realm.

The spirit lives who had not experienced reincarnation, their eyes were gray. The spirit lives who had entered reincarnation, and even if they returned to Soul World after death, their eyes would still hold traces of black or brown, a reflection of their time in the Upper Realm.

Very evidently, the men guarding the Soul Mountain these days were not Spirit Envoys from the Soul World, but in fact a group of human souls from the Upper Realm.

Those soldiers, who saw that Meng Qiu had arrived at the peak, took a uniformed and orderly step back to make way for Meng Qiu. The weapons they held were cursed and could bring great harm to a spirit life.

From the foot of the mountain to the peak, the sacred altar that stood on the top of the mountain could be seen. It was built by with a whole piece of Soul Reaping Stone. Beside the altar, the number of souls from the Upper Realm was somewhat overwhelming.

Chapter 2578:- Soul Ascending Alter (3)

Those soldiers did not make their way immediately for Meng Qiu when they saw his figure. Instead, they blocked in front of Meng Qiu with a cold face, standing stone still.

However, Meng Qiu, the one who had taken the entire Soul World under his control, had not aroused any bits of discontent within him due to their blockage. Contrarily, he kept away the imperiousness in his eyes and spoke in a deep voice, "This is Meng Qiu, who has some important things to meet Lord Jun Gu."

Still, those soldiers did not give out the way but just let someone enter the Soul Ascending Altar to inform the said person. After receiving the order a few moments later, only then they let Meng Qiu in.

Entering the region of the Soul Ascending Altar, even though he hadn't stepped into the exact place yet, the energy produced by the large amount of Soul Reaping Stones had already given Meng Qiu the feeling of his soul power being suppressed. Instead of looking around, he kept his eyes straight and followed behind the soldier who was leading him moving forward.

Not knowingly when, there were rows of sheds built beside the Soul Ascending Altar. They were all made of the Soul Reaping Stones, and there wasn't any vents in the room, except that the sides of the sheds that were facing the altar were all enclosed with numerous iron poles. Behind the poles, it could be clearly seen that there were a lot of spirit envoys imprisoned inside the sheds. Eyes losing focus, they looked extremely wan and dejected, curling themselves up in the narrow space while trembling in fear.

Compared to those spirit envoys who were locked up in the Soul Prison, the conditions of these spirit envoys were way more scarier. It was as if they had lost their souls. Even when Meng Qiu passed by in front of them, there was still no response coming from them. They were just crouching in a group with their bodies trembling, as if they were a group of sheep that were waiting to be slaughtered.

There was a spacious and huge palace towering splendidly among the rows of crude and somber small dwellings. A few of brown-eyed soldiers were standing in front of the entrance with their hands carrying the cursed artefacts. After seeing Meng Qiu who was brought by their comrade, they slowly opened the entrance door of the palace.

As the door was being pushed open, a creaking sound was heard, echoing beside the ears of Meng Qiu. With his eyes looking deep, Meng Qiu stood still while he waited for the path in front of him to be opened.

"Please," said the soldier who had led him to the palace in a deep voice.

Only then Meng Qiu raised his head and walked into the palace.

There was a strange aroma pervading inside the big and bright palace. It wasn't as sweet as the fragrance of a flower but more of the smell of an incense wood. On the main seat in the big hall, there sat a charming looking and charismatic man, dressed in a black armor. It was the deepest colour of all, but he looked unreasonably stunning in the armor. He was sitting on the highest position, well-postured. The handsome face seemed to be a masterpiece created by God, whereas there was a trace of sharpness and composed quality, which did not match well with his appearance, found in his pair of clear eyes.

The man seemed to be in his early twenties, but the imposing aura radiated from all over his body was so strong that it couldn't be neglected by anyone else. Even when it was Meng Qiu who was facing the man, the aura he possessed submissively got weaker.

"Meng Qiu has come to meet you, Lord Jun Gu." Lifting the hem of his clothes, Meng Qiu kneeled on his single knee in front of the man.

Jun Gu who was sitting on the main seat slightly raised his eyes and looked at Meng Qiu. There was a petite woman with a tender but gloomy face standing beside the man, who too, looked in the direction of Meng Qiu.

"What's the matter?" Casually, Jun Gu spoke. It was such a euphonious voice, gentle without losing its domineering tone.

Gazing down at the shiny marble floor, Meng Qiu was able to look clearly at Jun Gu's face from the reflections on the floor. His eyes were deep and abstruse, and his face was so familiar to him, but at the same time, strange.

Chapter 2579:- The Strange Aroma (1)

Before this, he wasn't like this, but now...

Meng Qiu let in a deep breath and said at one go, "Recently, all the spirit envoys in the Soul World have already been captured, may I ask when is Lord Jun Gu planning to carry out the Soul Sacrificing Event? So that your subordinate has the time to get everything ready."

Not speaking a word, Jun Gu was just looking at Meng Qiu with one of his hands supporting under his chin, seemingly to be thinking of something.

Whereas, the gloomy woman who was standing aside suddenly became the one to speak.

"Meng Qiu, are you hustling Lord Jun Gu now?" There was a trace of reproach in her tone, and not a bit of respect was found.

The expression on Meng Qiu's face changed slightly. He then hurriedly responded, "How dare I! It's your subordinate who has crossed the line. It's just that the amount of spirit envoys that can be accommodated in the Soul Prison is limited, and now, since the Spirit Tree has been sealed by the Contemporaneous Knot, it isn't able to create new souls. Only when the spirit envoys in the Soul Prison are sacrificed, then can we imprison the new souls, and that's why... I'm thinking if..."

Brows furrowed, it seemed like the woman was annoyed by Meng Qiu's words, but just at the moment when she was going to say something again, Jun Gu raised his hand all of a sudden and halted the behaviour of the woman.

With his body slightly straightened, he looked at Meng Qiu and said, "The preparation for the sacrificial event is still going on but we'll be starting it within a few days. You are allowed to remove a little of the knot from the Spirit Tree after three days for it to create new souls."

Meng Qiu replied, "Your subordinate got it."

Jun Gu nodded his head, "Is there anything else?"

Meng Qiu, "No, that's it. Everything in the Soul World is stable now, please do not worry, my Lord."

After giving out a low hum as his response, Jun Gu waved his hand and said, "Alright, you may leave now."

"Yes." Meng Qiu got up and left the palace courteously with his waist bent.

When the door of the palace was once again closed, looking at the tightly shut door, the woman sneered, "What an impatient guy of Meng Qiu, and he thinks that he has the right to push you, Lord."

The speaking tone of the woman was full with her disdain towards Meng Qiu.

There wasn't any expression on Jun Gu's face. Flatly, he said, "Since he has agreed to pay his allegiance to us, and he also does his tasks well, there's no need for us to care for the other things. Our main point is to complete the mission given by His Lord, as for Meng Qiu, just let him be."

"You're too kind, Lord. And that's why Meng Qiu is getting more and more fearless these days. He's such a treacherous spirit envoy, that he could even betray the Soul World in just a whim. Who knows if he's planning to do something else on the sly?" The woman frowned, seemingly to look down on Meng Qiu.

Jun Gu turned his eyes onto the woman. After noticing the discontent on the woman's face, he suddenly smiled. He was originally good looking, and even if it was only a faint smile, it would still cause the people who saw it to lose their thoughts. The woman went stunned the moment she saw his smile, with her heart began to pound uncontrollably.

"Yan Xi, do you dislike Meng Qiu that much?" There was a smile heard in Jun Gu's voice.

Being dazzled by his smile, Yan Xi blushed. She quickly lowered her head down and said, "No. It's just that he is quite disrespectful to you in my opinion, my Lord."

Jun Gu shook his head gently, "What's the matter if he disrespects me? The main point is to complete the mission given by His Lord. That's fine, you don't have to throw him your cold eyes all the time, we don't see him often."

Obediently, Yan Xi nodded her head.

Jun Gu stood up. The strange aroma whirled around his breath and went into his nose, causing his mind to be in a state of daze. He raised his eyes and looked at the furnace that was smouldering the incense burner, frowning.

"I don't like the smell of the incense, stop using it."

The smell often gave him an indescribable feeling.

Chapter 2580:- The Strange Aroma (2)

Yan Xi's expression changed subtly, but she managed to hide it well. She said calmly, "His Lord said that My Lord's soul had gone through a great trauma. This incense can heal My Lord's soul. Even if My Lord doesn't like it, but for your health, please bear with it for a little while more. Once My Lord's soul has been healed, I will throw the incense far away."

"Is that right? I don't remember though." Jun Gu lifted his hand to rub his brows. Regarding the past, he had always drawn a blank. When the dreams came at night, a mes of images flashed in his mind, but it was in fragments so it was hard to connect them.

Yan Xi brought her gaze down, and said gently, "My Lord suffered grave injuries, with almost no chance of recovery. If His Lord had not exhausted his strength, I'm afraid My Lord's soul would have been destroyed. Right now, My Lord you have not recovered, the trauma on your soul is still present, so it's normal if you can't recall things. The battle was horrifying, it's a good thing My Lord can't remember because there is nothing good to remember."

"Still I am regretful. Regardless of good or bad, they were at least what I have experienced." Jun Gu sighed lightly. Even though he held this position now, he didn't know why he still felt empty inside. It seemed like there was something important that he has forgotten. Jun Gu was not comfortable feeling like this.

Yan Xi didn't respond, she paused for a moment and said, "My Lord, have you finally prepared the Soul Sacrificing Event?"

The Soul Sacrificing Event should have started but Jun Gu had delayed giving the order to go ahead, and hence it had dragged on till now.

Jun Gu's brows were slightly wrinkled, and there was a resistance within his heart. But with the fragrance lingering in the air, the strong resistance of his heart was slowly wiped away. He looked like conflicted but returned to normal after a while.


Finished speaking, Jun Gu seemed to not want to continue this topic, he turned around and left.

Yan Xi stood at the dais, and until Jun Gu had left, then she gently lifted her head, as her gaze fell upon the furnace at the side.

She walked towards the furnace, and with a gentle wave of her hand, the incense burning in the furnace was extinguished. She opened the furnace to see that the incense had burned with only a little bit left. But upon closer examination, there was a distinction. It was not incense at all, it was actually a rhinoceros's horn the size of the fingernail.

Yan Xi took out the remaining bit of the rhinoceros's horn and replaced it with a palm sized piece which she took from her waist. She lit it up and covered the furnace.

Looking at the green smoke emanating from the furnace, Yan Xi took a deep breath.

"If not, how would you be willing to harm those spirit lives?" Yu Xi's mouth curved into a bitter smile. After a while, she erased the abnormality of her face and walked out of the hall. The soldiers near the Soul Ascending Altar saw Yan Xi, and they immediately saluted with respect. There was clearly a distinction when compared to the indifference they showed to Meng Qiu.

"Immediately prepare the Soul Sacrificing Event. Do not delay any longer." Yan Xi ordered coldly.

Those soldiers immediately followed the orders.

"Miss Yan Xi, Lord Jun Gu has finally decided to start the Soul Sacrificing Event? We have already prepared the necessary, and are awaiting your permission to go ahead." The commander of the soldiers replied.

Yan Xi cast a glance at him.

"Lord Jun Gu has his own reasons for what he does. It's not up to you to second guess his instructions. You surely got the guts!"

That person was stunned, and realised immediately that he had misspoken, and apologised profusely.

"I will be fully in charge for the Soul Sacrificing Event. Lord Jun Gu does not need to personally handle such trivial matters. Understand?" Yan Xi said coldly.



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