After Hours, ๐‹๐€๐๐ƒ๐Ž ๐๐Ž๏ฟฝ...

By qryana

429K 8.8K 6.3K

in which, they take on a fun game of fooling the media, including everyone and everything in between. but wha... More

- ๐€๐…๐“๐„๐‘ ๐‡๐Ž๐”๐‘๐’.
000. | MIX-TAPE
011. | I PROMISE
014. | OH, IT'S ON!
016 | I LOVE YOU?
018. | OH, YOU LOVE IT
024. | TETHER ME

017. | MISERY

12.8K 301 100
By qryana

017. | MISERY

The sound of a soft pounding on the door reverberated through the Norris family home, jolting the exhausted residents from their slumber. It was well past midnight, and the weight of another rainy day at the karting track had left the family in a state of complete exhaustion.

As twelve-year-old Lando wearily made his way to the fridge, to grab a (not given permission for by his trainer) midnight-snack, it was safe to say he was left dumbfounded when he heard a knock coming from his front door.

With each step, the soft pounding grew louder, teasing Lando's senses. It felt like the opening scene of a horror movie, where a young teenager's curiosity led them down a path of terror.

But for some reason Lando had a gut feeling, and even though the people at home in front of the TV would probably be screaming at him not to open the door, he decided to follow through with his gut.

"Emery! What the hell are you doing out here?" Lando exclaimed, flinging open the door to reveal his well-known brunette friend.

Emery stood before him, tears welling in her eyes, yet determined not to let them fall. She averted his gaze, looking up at the sky, blinking rapidly to keep the tears at bay.

In that moment, Lando understood that something was gravely wrong. Emery's presence at his doorstep in the dead of night spoke volumes about the problems she must be facing at home.

Though their conversations had hinted at her less-than-ideal living situation, the urgency of her visit at this hour signaled a depth of despair he hadn't fully grasped.

"Could I uh, possibly stay here for a while?" Emery's voice trembled, her vulnerability visible. She shuddered slightly, attempting to collect herself but struggling against the weight of her emotions.

Avoiding eye contact, she feared the exposure that might come from meeting Lando's gaze.

Without hesitation, Lando responded, his voice filled with unwavering support, "Of course, always." Stepping aside, he gestured for Emery to enter the house.

As she crossed the threshold, Lando reached out to relieve her of the backpack that had become her steadfast companion during this uncertain journey.

Turning the key, Lando closed the door behind them, shutting out the outside world and creating a sanctuary within the confines of his home. He followed Emery through the familiar corridors, shadows dancing in the dimly lit house.

She settled on the couch, choosing her seat with caution, and Lando settled beside her, their bodies exuding a comforting warmth.

Minutes turned into an eternity as they sat in the hushed living room, enveloped in a blanket of silence. Lando's mind buzzed with questions, aching to understand the cause of Emery's late-night arrival.

Yet he recognized the delicate nature of her pain and the importance of granting her the space to share when she was ready.

The weight of the unspoken words hung heavily in the air, their emotions mingling in the stillness. Lando's heart overflowed with concern and compassion, yearning to offer solace to his friend.

Together, they sat side by side, an unspoken bond of support strengthening between them, unaffected by the absence of words.

As they sat there, time seemed to stand still. Lando held her tightly, as if afraid to let go, as if afraid that she would shatter if he did. He wanted to convey to her that he was there, a steadfast pillar of support.

Breaking the silence, Lando spoke softly, his words hesitant yet filled with genuine concern. "Do you... um, maybe want to take a shower or a bath? Or perhaps change into fresh clothes?" He rambled nervously, aware that practical gestures might offer a small semblance of comfort.

Emery nodded slowly, withdrawing from Lando's embrace but still keeping her guard up, reluctant to open up further. The thought of speaking seemed overwhelming, as if it would unleash a flood of emotions.

She had already exposed her vulnerability to Lando, and the fear of embarrassing herself further loomed over her.

"Yeah, I'd like that," Emery sniffled, wiping away her tears with the back of her hand. She hesitated, her gaze fixed on her hands, fingers fidgeting.

"But won't it wake anyone up?" Her voice was barely audible, laced with worry.

Lando shrugged nonchalantly, trying to ease her concerns. "Nah, I don't think so. They're heavy sleepers. Besides, it's more important that you feel better."

A sense of guilt washed over Emery, her voice barely above a whisper. "I don't want to be a burden, Lando. I really don't." The weight of her troubles seemed to amplify her self-doubt.

"I doubt any of them would even mind." Lando's reassuring tone cut through her fears. "Don't worry, Ems. You're not a burden. You're family, and family help each other."

With those words, Lando rose from his seat and made his way to the open kitchen next to the living room. He grabbed a glass and filled it with water, offering it to Emery, who was gradually calming down.

"I'll go upstairs and start running the bath for you, okay?" Lando broke the silence, a small smile tugging at his lips. "Feel free to pick out anything you want from my closet, Ems."

Emery nodded in gratitude, her gaze meeting his before she took a sip from the glass he had given her. The gesture, simple as it was, conveyed a profound sense of care and support.

Lando ascended the stairs, his tired footsteps echoing through the quiet house. He reached the bathroom, where he instinctively reached for the dimmer switch to soften the glow of the lights. With a gentle twist, he turned the knob of the bath, coaxing the water to flow freely from the faucet. Carefully, he poured bath salts into the tub, their aromatic scent mingling with the warmth of the room.

In the midst of his preparations, Lando became aware of a figure standing in the doorway. It was Flo, his sister, rubbing the sleep from her eyes as she tried to make sense of the late-night scene unfolding before her.

"What on earth are you doing, Lando?" Flo grumbled groggily, her voice laced with irritation.

"I'm running a bath," Lando replied, his tone matter-of-fact, as he dipped his hand into the shallow pool of water that had gathered in the tub. Adjusting the temperature slightly, he ensured the water was comfortably warm.

"No need for the obvious, Sherlock," Flo retorted, her annoyance evident in her voice. "I can see that. I'm just curious as to why you're doing this at..." She glanced at her watch, her finger pointing to the late hour. "...half past two in the morning."

Lando shrugged nonchalantly, turning to face his sister. "Emery showed up at our front door about half an hour ago. Something's wrong, I can feel it," he explained, his voice tinged with concern. "She was in a state of panic and asked if she could stay here. I couldn't turn her away."

Flo's annoyance melted away, replaced by a soft smile that played on her lips. "Of course you couldn't," she remarked, her voice laced with weariness. "You've always had a heart for taking care of others, haven't you?" She yawned.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Lando responded quickly, a hint of defensiveness coloring his voice.

"Nothing," Flo shrugged, a hint of mischief in her eyes. "Goodnight, loverboy." With a teasing tone, she turned on her heels, making her way out of the bathroom.

A blush crept up Lando's cheeks, his embarrassment evident. "Just shut up, Flo," he muttered under his breath, feeling a mixture of bashfulness and affection.

Flo grinned mischievously, looking back at her brother before closing the door behind her. "I'm just saying," she whispered, leaving Lando alone with his thoughts and the anticipation of tending to his troubled friend.

Emery had taken a short, soothing bath, letting the warm water wash away the weight of the day. She emerged from the bathroom, clad in one of Lando's oversized t-shirts and a pair of his soft sweatpants. The borrowed clothes engulfed her petite frame compared to his', offering a sense of comfort and security.

Back on the couch, they sat side by side, the air heavy with unspoken emotions. Emery fidgeted with the hem of Lando's shirt, her gaze fixed on a point in the distance. The silence between them grew, filled with a mix of vulnerability and the unspoken understanding of their bond.

Lando inched closer, his arm finding its way to the back of the couch. His voice, usually filled with energy and lightheartedness, softened as he broke the silence. "Do you want to talk about it? About what happened?" His concern echoed in his words, a genuine desire to ease her pain.

Emery shook her head slightly, her eyes welling up with tears. "Not really," she admitted, her voice laced with a mix of self-criticism and remorse. "I'm sorry, I'm acting like such a brat. Showing up here in the middle of the night, disrupting your sleep, and not even being able to explain to you what happened." Her voice trembled with a sense of self-judgment.

Lando's eyes softened as he leaned closer, his genuine care shining through. "Ems, you are not a burden to me or anyone else," he assured her. "You could call me even if I were in Spain, and I would drop anything to help you. The same goes for my family, you know." His earnest words held a sense of unwavering support.

A sniffle escaped Emery's lips as she fought back tears. "Thank you, Lan," she whispered, her voice filled with gratitude. "You have no idea how glad I am to have you." Her words carried the weight of unspoken emotions, a profound appreciation for his unwavering presence.

Lando's hand found its way to her shoulder, offering a comforting touch. He pulled her gently toward him, enveloping her in a warm embrace. "Hey, it's okay," he murmured, his voice a soothing balm.

"We'll talk about it when you're ready. But for now, how about we go watch some of those silly, heartwarming romantic films that you love?"

Emery's gaze met his, a glimmer of amusement shining through her watery eyes. She nodded with a smile, her dimples adding a touch of lightness to her face. "Is that even a question? Obviously yes!" she exclaimed, a playful spark rekindling within her.

They settled on watching "Notting Hill," a film that had become their shared comfort zone over the years. As the movie began, Lando struggled to focus on the romantic plot unfolding on the screen.

His attention kept drifting toward Emery, captivated by her genuine reactions and infectious laughter. He marveled at the way her face lit up with joy, momentarily forgetting the weight of her troubles.

"Emery?" he whispered softly, breaking the silence that had settled over them. The rhythm of her breath had slowed, indicating that sleep had claimed her. He smiled tenderly, her head growing heavier against his shoulder.

The sight of her peaceful slumber filled his heart with a mixture of tenderness and protectiveness. He resisted the urge to wake her, allowing her to find solace in the tranquility of sleep.

Just as the end credits of the film started rolling, Lando found himself engrossed in the story, ready to turn off the television. However, his attention was abruptly drawn to a shadowy figure standing in the doorway, sending a jolt of surprise through him.

He then quickly glanced down at Emery to ensure that his sudden outburst hadn't disturbed her peaceful slumber, relieved to see that she remained sound asleep.

Lando's mother, still in a sleepy daze, took in the sight of the two teenagers cuddled together on the couch. A gentle smile formed on her lips as she approached, settling comfortably into a nearby chair.

"Well, this isn't what I expected to stumble upon when I came downstairs after hearing voices," she said with a soft chuckle, rubbing the remnants of sleep from her eyes.

"Thought I was going insane there for a second." She joked, to ease up Lando's nerves.

"Nevertheless, it's undeniably adorable, the two of you." She continued, her smile widening as she admired the sight of her son and his best friend who are so obviously in love together before her.

Returning his mother's smile, Lando made an effort to sit up a bit straighter without disturbing Emery's peaceful slumber. "She just showed up unexpectedly, and I wanted to make sure she was okay," he explained, his voice filled with genuine concern. "I hope you're not mad that I didn't run this by you first."

"Oh, come on Lando. As if I would ever get mad if she's here, she practically lives here!" His mother's expression turned sympathetic.

"That poor girl. I wish there was more we could do to help her, to get her away from that poor excuse of a human being." She expressed, her empathy and disgust evident in her eyes.

Confusion flickered across Lando's face as he looked at his mother. He hadn't known the full details of Emery's situation, so he wondered how his mother seemed to know and not him.

Noticing her son's puzzled expression, his mother raised an eyebrow. "Forget what I said, love. Emery will share her story when she's ready," she said with an apologetic smile.

Lando's gaze shifted from his mother to the girl peacefully sleeping at his side. A swirl of worry and anxiety welled up within him as he realized the extent of his friend's pain. He despised not knowing the full extent of what she was going through, feeling helpless in his attempts to provide support.

His mother interjected, redirecting his focus. "Remember, she's facing challenges we may not fully understand. Give her the time she needs, and don't rush her to reveal anything before she's ready. She'll open up to you when the moment is right," she advised gently.

Taking a moment to glance at Emery, his mother's gaze returned to Lando with a soft smile playing on her lips. "You've always had a compassionate heart, Lando. Taking care of Emery like this is a testament to your kindness."

Yawning, his mother suggested, "You should get some rest soon, sweetie. It's already four in the morning, and you've had a long and challenging day. I can only imagine how exhausted you must be."

She retrieved a cozy blanket and a few extra pillows that she had brought down earlier. "Considering the circumstances, I'll allow you two to share the couch for tonight," she said, offering a warm smile.

"Here's a blanket to ensure Emery and you stay comfortable and warm while you sleep. I feel like you both deserve a good rest after this hectic day."

"Thank you, mum." Lando nodded appreciatively, feeling the heaviness of exhaustion starting to settle in. However, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he processed his mother's earlier words.

"Wait a second," he interjected. "You mentioned bringing down a blanket and pillows when you came downstairs. How did you know Emery was here?"

His mother let out a small chuckle, playfully teasing, "Mothers have a way of knowing, dear. It's a special intuition we possess."

Chuckling softly in response, Lando quipped, "Well, you may not be a mind-reader, but you certainly have your ways."

Stretching her back before preparing to depart, his mother explained, "I happened to bump into your sister in the hallway. She was also investigating the source of the noise. When I came downstairs and saw the two of you, I thought it best to give you some privacy to talk."

"Considering it's already three in the morning, I must insist that you get some sleep, Lando," she said firmly, her eyes reflecting both care and concern.

"I'm proud of you for taking such good care of Emery, but don't forget to take care of yourself too," his mother expressed, giving his hand a gentle squeeze.

"For tonight, I'll allow you both to sleep on the couch. Just don't blame me if your sisters find you two sound asleep together tomorrow!" She playfully warned before making her way out of the room.

Before his mother could fully retreat, Lando spoke up, causing her to pause. "Mom?" he called out, his voice filled with sincerity.

She turned to look at him, her gaze softened. "Yes, dear?" She responded, waiting for his words.

"I love you," Lando declared, his voice filled with genuine affection.

A tender smile graced his mother's lips as she replied, "I love you too, sweetie. Now, go get some sleep. It's late for you as well." With that, she ascended the stairs, leaving Lando and Emery wrapped in the comforting embrace of the blanket.

Lando watched his mother's departure and then shifted his attention back to Emery. Settling back against the couch, he gently encircled her in his arms once more, keeping a watchful eye over her as he also sought much-needed rest.

In the quiet of the room, their intertwined presence brought a sense of solace, and Lando found reassurance in the knowledge that, for now, they were together and safe.

if you couldn't tell, this was a flashback chapter
to when emery and lando were about twelve years old :)

we're almost done with the rewriting ☹️
i lowkey love doing it so it'll be a shame when i'm finally done with that, but oh wel!! at least it's summer and life is starting to feel good again!!!

countdown for the zandvoort grand-prix: 37 days 🫶🏻

Q: what song are we feeling today?
A: (for me) burning - lewis capaldi (if you were wondering where i got the inspiration for emery's last name—here you go!)
oh and also please let me know what you thought of this chapter!! it was kind of scary writing a flashback,
but i hope i did well enough :)

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