After Hours, ๐‹๐€๐๐ƒ๐Ž ๐๐Ž๏ฟฝ...

By qryana

429K 8.8K 6.3K

in which, they take on a fun game of fooling the media, including everyone and everything in between. but wha... More

- ๐€๐…๐“๐„๐‘ ๐‡๐Ž๐”๐‘๐’.
000. | MIX-TAPE
011. | I PROMISE
014. | OH, IT'S ON!
017. | MISERY
018. | OH, YOU LOVE IT
024. | TETHER ME

016 | I LOVE YOU?

14.4K 325 322
By qryana

016. | I LOVE YOU?

Lando was devastated, to say the least. After his phenomenal podium finish in Italy, the Miami Grand Prix had ended in complete disappointment—another DNF. The weight of the race lingered heavily on his mind, and it was evident in his behaviour as he walked alongside Emery through the paddock, heading back to the hotel.

Emery noticed the somber expression on Lando's face and decided to approach the subject with caution. "What's on your mind, pretty boy?" she teasingly asked him, her voice also filled with concern. As the words left her lips, she quickly realized the potential sensitivity of the topic.

"Apart from this race, obviously," she nervously added, hoping not to upset him further.

They walked in silence, and Emery refrained from initiating a conversation. She knew better than to engage with Lando when he was in this moody state, allowing him the space he needed.

Lando let out a sigh and adjusted the bridge of his sunglasses, a gesture that spoke volumes of his avoidance of a conversation. "I don't think it's my place to burden you with that right now," he finally spoke, his voice tinged with a mix of frustration and self-doubt.

Emery's response was swift and sincere, her words coming out almost too quickly. "You're not a burden," she reassured him. "Seriously, Lando, you can always talk to me. You do realize that, right?" Her words were filled with unwavering support, a reminder that she was there for him no matter what.

In a silent act of confirmation, Lando gently grabbed her hand, interlocking their fingers as they continued walking through the paddock. It was a silent affirmation, an unspoken agreement that he trusted her and valued her presence in his life.

For the next few hundred meters, they walked hand in hand, enveloped in a sweet, non-awkward silence. Lando eventually mustered the courage to speak up once again.

"Emery?" he called out, his voice carrying a mix of vulnerability and hope. He turned his head to look at her, his gaze filled with a mixture of emotions.

Emery turned to face him, her eyes brimming with curiosity. "Can you do me a favor?" he asked, his voice laced with a hint of anticipation.

"Anything. What do you want?" she replied, her voice filled with genuine enthusiasm. She beamed at him, a sweet and pure smile lighting up her face.

Lando couldn't help but feel a wave of warmth wash over him as he returned her smile, the first genuine smile he had mustered since the race had ended. "Can we do something tonight?" he asked, the request laced with a sense of longing.

"Like a drive?" Emery suggested happily, her excitement palpable in her voice. Lando could feel her grip on his hand tighten slightly, her eagerness evident.

"Sure, anything with you sounds good," he replied, a note of relief seeping into his voice. He took a moment to admire Emery's beautiful appearance—the way her smile broke into a grin, the way her eyes squinted tighter out of pure joy, and the freckles that adorned her wrinkled nose. Her face was a work of art, and it brought him solace in that moment.

Emery's eyes sparkled with delight as she responded, "I can most certainly accomplish that." Her words were filled with sincerity, promising an evening of companionship and support for Lando.

This is why Emery and Lando now found themselves in Lando's car, a sleek and powerful machine, driving through the dense woods. Emery was behind the wheel, taking control of the vehicle that Lando's team had provided for him over the weekend.

Initially, Lando had hesitated to let Emery drive his car. It wasn't his own personal car, and they were both unfamiliar with the surroundings. However, he ultimately decided to trust her, just as he always had. With Emery by his side, he felt a sense of assurance that nothing could go wrong.

A wide grin spread across Emery's face as she pressed down on the gas pedal, feeling the surge of power coursing through the car. The exhilaration of driving such a fantastic machine was palpable, and Lando couldn't deny that he was thoroughly enjoying these "Hot Laps" through the woods with his best friend at the helm.

The engine roared, creating a thunderous sound that echoed through the trees. The noise was enough to send shivers down their spines, and they couldn't help but wonder if any nature lovers in the vicinity were perturbed by their disruption of the serene environment.

"You definitely should've listened to me back when we were younger," Lando joked, his eyes fixed on Emery as she focused on the road ahead.

Emery arched an eyebrow in response, maintaining her unwavering attention on the road. "Care to elaborate?" she quipped.

Lando smiled and replied, "Well, when I see you driving like this—with complete control and a smile that could light up New York City—I can't help but wonder why you never pursued racing as a career."

Emery shrugged, her gaze unwavering. "Well, not everyone was born into a rich and supportive family," she stated matter-of-factly.

Lando understood the context behind her comment, knowing that Emery's family background was far from ideal. He chuckled and said, "Still a shame. You were this close to beating me on many occasions."

Emery mockingly huffed in fake annoyance and turned up the volume knob on the car's sound system.

As Taylor Swift's "We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together" began blasting through the speakers, Emery pretended not to hear Lando's comment. She jokingly yelled over the music, "Sorry, what did you say? I can't hear ya!"

Her words were followed by a burst of laughter as she pressed down on the gas pedal once again, sending the car flying through the woods. Her infectious grin couldn't be contained—being in Lando's company always brought her immense joy.

Boy, how she loved these moments spent with Lando.

Eventually, Emery pulled Lando's McLaren over to the side of the road. They found themselves in a small, secluded parking lot nestled in the midst of the dense woods. Without uttering a single word, Emery stepped out of the car and locked it, securing the keys in her pocket. She then began striding purposefully towards one of the trails that snaked its way into the enchanting forest, casting a brief glance back to ensure Lando was following her lead.

Lando hesitated for a moment, his gaze filled with curiosity as he watched Emery's determined stride. Intrigued by her intentions, he quickly jogged to catch up, deciding to trust her instincts.

Together, they ventured deeper into the woods, enveloped by a serene atmosphere. The sunlight filtered through the canopy of trees, creating a breathtaking interplay of light and shadow on the forest floor.

While Emery remained acutely aware of her surroundings, admiring the verdant foliage and the symphony of nature, Lando couldn't help but steal glances at the girl by his side. It felt as if he had caught himself gazing at her a thousand times that day alone.

He observed how the sun's rays kissed her face, casting a warm glow upon her usually chestnut tresses. Even with Lando's sunglasses concealing her eyes, he could still perceive the sparkle of wonder that danced within her gaze as she took in the captivating scenery.

Unable to contain his amusement, Lando let out a soft chuckle, assuming that his amusement had gone unnoticed by Emery. Yet, she turned to him, her lips parting slightly as she remained transfixed by the breathtaking setting surrounding them.

"What's funny?" she inquired, her voice carrying a hint of curiosity as she continued to revel in the natural beauty surrounding them.

Lando's smile widened, his expression gentle as he replied, "Nothing. I just love how something simple thing, like a forest walk always manages to bring such a huge smile on your face."

It was hard for Emery to hide the blush that creeped on her cheeks from Lando's words. So instead of replying to him, and possibly embarrassing herself she let out a light chuckle followed by another of her signature smiles.

As they were walking further into the forest, they took in the beauty of their surroundings. The pine trees were tall and majestic, probably about five times her and Lando's height combined. The tree's branches stretched up to the sky, all filled up with thick green needles. Sunlight filtered through the leaves, casting a warm glow on the pair and everything around them.

Lando, his curiosity piqued, sported a quizzical expression as he posed his question, "What are we doing here, Ems?"

Quick to dispel any misunderstanding, he added, "Not that I mind being out here! But I thought you mentioned you had never been to America before. Is there something you wanted to show me here?"

Emery turned towards him, a mischievous smile dancing on her lips. "No, Lando, there's nothing I want or need to show you," she responded with a playful chuckle, loving the confused yet excited look on his face.

"I just thought it'd do you and I some good to spend some time in the nature," Emery explained, her voice filled with a mix of serenity and excitement as she took off jogging, gently tugging Lando's hand to encourage him to follow.

Together, they traversed a narrow path flanked by luxuriant green foliage. The ground beneath their feet felt soft and yielding, carpeted with a velvety blanket of grass.

Emery continued her dialogue, sharing the deeper significance of their woodland adventure, her words punctuated by the rhythm of her breath. "You see, I always used to go on forest walks when I had trouble at home. On occasion, obviously with Flo's permission, I take one of the horses and go on a trail ride," She explained to him. She spoke in between breaths, due to them running.

"But why?" Lando asked her, sounding less out of breath than the girl in front of him. That being because is the athlete out of the two.

"Well it was some sort of getaway for me. I can't explain it, but I'll try it for you." A tinge of nostalgia tinged Emery's voice as she paused for a moment, her eyes filled with distant recollections. "After you left, I was practically alone all the time. I don't think I have to tell you that was devastating for me...going solo I mean then. It was a time when I was living half a life," she confessed, her voice laced with vulnerability.

She sighed, confronting emotions she had never before voiced to anyone. "But eventually I would go and walk around the forest, being active and losing my negative thoughts in the simple act of walking in nature," she continued, her voice gaining strength.

Emery paused, reaching into her backpack to retrieve her water bottle. She took a refreshing sip, quenching her thirst, before recapping it and returning it to its rightful place. She then handed the bottle to Lando, who accepted it with a nod of gratitude, eager to hear her story without interruption.

"And from then on I learned that sometimes we all need a little time to ourselves, away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life." Emery said as she put the cap back on the bottle again.

She handed the bottle to Lando, who stayed silent. Fully wanting to listen to his best-friend's rant without interrupting her. He gratefully grabbed the bottle from her when she spoke up again. "But you know, I got myself out of there. All on my own." The brunette said, emphasizing the 'I'.

Lando handed back the water bottle, his eyes fixated on Emery's face as he tried to comprehend the depth of her emotions. Her voice quivered slightly as she spoke, her attempts to hold back tears evident.

"You know I'm so proud of you, right?" Emery's voice trembled with a mixture of pride and vulnerability. She struggled to contain her emotions, fearing that her tears would betray her.

Lando, taken aback by her sudden declaration, furrowed his brow and asked, "How come? What's brought this on?"

A bittersweet smile graced Emery's lips as she mustered the strength to articulate her feelings. "I mean, just look at you," she began, her voice filled with admiration. "You're a fucking Formula One racer, Lando. It's like our childhood dreams have become a reality. You made it," she exclaimed with undeniable pride.

Lando allowed her words to sink in, his mind grappling with the weight of her compliment. Yet, he couldn't resist injecting a bit of levity into the moment.

"Wow, Ems, you sound like my grandma right now," he quipped, a playful glint in his eyes.

Emery, refusing to let his teasing slide, playfully retaliated with a small punch to his arm, a mix of affection and amusement shining in her eyes.

"But I love you!" Lando's words slipped out before he even realized he had said them, shocking both himself and the girl standing beside him.

Emery's breath hitched, her eyes widening in surprise as his confession hung in the air between them. The forest seemed to hold its breath, as if anticipating Emery's response.

Lando nodded, his gaze softening as he looked at Emery. "You're right, Ems. This is really nice," he admitted, a genuine smile playing at his lips. "I haven't been out in nature like this in a while."

After Lando's slip-up, both of them tried their best to dismiss it, brushing it off as a simple expression of affection between friends. They didn't want to complicate things or risk damaging their deep bond.

They returned to the car, this time with Lando taking the driver's seat and Emery settling in the passenger seat. As they drove, a comfortable silence enveloped them, allowing them to process their shared moments in the woods.

However, it was Lando who eventually broke the silence, his voice filled with gratitude. "I really appreciate you opening up to me earlier, Ems," he confessed, his eyes briefly flickering towards her. "It means the world to me to know that you trust me enough to share those parts of yourself."

Emery nodded, a small smile gracing her face. "Well, you should feel honoured," she teased, a playful twinkle in her eyes. "It's not something I like to share with just anyone."

Lando turned his gaze to her, their faces mere inches apart. The air crackled with an undeniable tension, their connection growing stronger with each passing moment. They could feel the weight of unspoken emotions hanging between them, their hearts beating in synchrony

Lando reached over, his hand trembling slightly, and gently brushed a single strand of hair that had fallen before Emery's eyes behind her ear. His touch was feather-light, but the intensity behind it sent a shiver down her spine. Their eyes locked, a silent understanding passing between them.

"I'm so proud of you, pretty girl," he whispered, his voice filled with sincerity. "Even though you never seem to believe me, I really am proud of you too."

Emery's breath hitched at the tenderness in his voice, her heart fluttering like a trapped bird in her chest. She looked down at their intertwined fingers, a jumble of emotions swirling within her. When she dared to glance back up, her gaze collided with Lando's captivating green eyes, filled with a mixture of admiration and longing.

Time seemed to slow down as they sat there, caught in a suspended moment of anticipation. Emery couldn't help but notice the way the sunlight filtered through the car window, casting a warm glow on Lando's face, accentuating every contour and curve. His strong jawline and the slight stubble that adorned it were mesmerizing, drawing her gaze like a magnet.

Lando, equally captivated, found himself lost in the depths of Emery's eyes. They held a spark, an unspoken connection that pulsed between them. He marveled at the delicate curve of her lips, their natural shade of pink, and wondered how they would feel against his own.

The silence hung heavy in the air, charged with unspoken desire and the tantalizing possibility of crossing a forbidden boundary. It was as if the entire world had faded away, leaving only the two of them, locked in an intimate bubble of tension.

Finally, Lando mustered the courage to break the silence, his voice barely above a whisper. "Emery," he uttered, the sound of her name a mixture of vulnerability and longing. His fingers tightened around hers, his touch grounding her in the present moment.

Emery's heart raced in her chest, an intoxicating mixture of fear and desire coursing through her veins. She met his gaze, her own eyes filled with a myriad of emotions. It was a delicate dance, the unspoken question lingering in the air, begging for an answer.

"I really want to kiss you," Lando confessed, his voice raw with unspoken longing and aching vulnerability. Every word hung in the air with anticipation, as if the weight of their entire friendship teetered on the precipice of this single moment.

Emery's breath caught in her throat, her mind swirling with a maelstrom of conflicting emotions. The desire burned within her, a flickering flame threatening to consume every rational thought. She tilted her head down ever so slightly, her lashes casting fleeting shadows on her flushed cheeks.

"So do it then," she replied, her voice teasingly soft, matching the intimate atmosphere that enveloped them.

Their faces drew closer, their lips almost brushing against each other in a tantalizing tease. The air crackled with electricity, the tension between them reaching its peak. They both knew that crossing this line would forever alter their friendship, yet the magnetic pull between them was undeniable.

Time stood still as they hovered on the precipice of a kiss, the world around them fading into insignificance. But before their lips could meet, a loud ringing abruptly shattered the moment, jolting them back to reality. They pulled away from each other, their chests rising and falling rapidly, their eyes wide with a mix of shock and longing.

The interruption left them breathless, the air heavy with unspoken words and unfulfilled desires. As they sat there, the tension between them remained palpable, a reminder of the uncharted territory they had dared to explore. Both their gazes drifted down to Lando's phone, the source of their loud interruption.

"Emery, I am so sorry," Lando apologized, his voice laced with regret and disappointment. The full use of her name only amplified the gravity of the situation. He felt a pang of guilt, questioning whether he had made a mistake by pulling away.

Their eyes lingered on the buzzing phone, its relentless ringing serving as a cruel reminder of the interruption. With a heavy sigh, Lando reached over and reluctantly answered the call, his voice betraying a mix of frustration and resignation.

The phone call automatically connected to the car's Bluetooth system, and his Team Principal's commanding voice boomed through the speakers, jolting them both from their suspended state. The volume had been set high from their earlier music escapades, making Zak's voice even more jarring.

"Lando, where are you?" Zak's voice echoed through the car, filled with a mix of urgency and annoyance. "Your hotel room is empty, and all your stuff's gone, including your car."

Lando's eyes flickered with a mix of guilt and anxiety. He resisted the urge to steal a glance at Emery, his focus solely on the phone call. "Yeah, sorry, Zak. We, uh, needed some time away," he admitted, his voice tinged with embarrassment.

"What do you mean, 'time away'?" Zak's voice rose in frustration. "We have important meetings and preparations for the next race. You can't just disappear like this again!"

Lando's silence hung heavily in the car, as he struggled to find the right words. Emery stifled a cough, failing to suppress her laughter, which erupted at the most inappropriate moment, breaking the tense atmosphere.

Zak's voice turned sharper, sensing Lando's reluctance to answer. "Lando... where are you?" he pressed, a hint of desperation coloring his words.

Lando's gaze flickered to Emery, his face burning with embarrassment. "We're, um, in a forest... about three hours away from the hotel," he finally confessed, his voice filled with shame.

"What the fuck are you doing in a forest three hours away?" Zak's tone shifted from frustration to incredulity. "You know what, I don't want to know. Just get your asses back ASAP, please. And, uh, hi Emery."

Emery's face flushed with embarrassment, "Hey, Zak," she muttered, her voice barely audible. She wanted to disappear, sliding down further her seat hoping to be sucked into it. Away from everyone and most importantly, Lando.

As Zak hung up, Emery hastily connected her phone to the car's Bluetooth, filling the car with the lively sounds of Taylor Swift's "Blank Space." The familiar melody provided a temporary respite from the tension, a shield behind which they could hide, avoiding the uncomfortable conversation that loomed over them.

The forest seemed to close in around them as they embarked on the long drive back to the hotel. The silence between them was punctuated only by the music, each note emphasizing the distance that had suddenly emerged between Lando and Emery. The atmosphere in the car had shifted drastically, from a charged and intimate connection to one of awkwardness and uncertainty.

This was going to be one hell of a drive back to their hotel.

I'M SORRY OKAY!! (but not really tbh)
hope y'all can forgive me for this menace of a mistake ☹️

also i'm addicted to coming up with/making these fake tweets 😭😭

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