The Officer and the Princess:...

By Americangun17

13K 579 52

It has been five Years since the Hundred Years war has ended, the Avatar bringing balance to a once broken wo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 61
Epilogue ๏ฟผ
Authors Notes

Chapter 60

164 8 3
By Americangun17

Azula's body was on fire and she was in the worst pain she had ever felt in her life, what happed? The last thing she remembered was she was fighting Kowareta. She had been using every trick she had to use, calling on her years of hard training to give her the edge she thought she had needed to win. But then Kowareta had done something she hadn't expected. He had summoned lightning. Azula tried to redirect it but she hadn't been quick enough, it was her own fault really, Lightningbending was a rare skill, it took hard work and dedication to learn it but it wasn't impossible. She had underestimated her opponent and she had paid the price for it.

She had this awful ringing in her ears, her vision somewhat blurred as she looked around, she could see Sung rolling to the side as a blast of lightning hit where he had been standing moments ago. He stood up and threw fire fists at something off to her left. She turned her head and saw Kowareta form a wall of fire in front of himself to protect from the fire. Azula knew she had to help Sung, she wanted to help Sung. But when she moved even an inch her body flared up in pain again that caused her to scream.

Sung looked at her now, he was so afraid she could see it on his face as clear as day. He said something to her but that ringing in her ears made it impossible to hear. Another burst of lightning shot off now and it hit the ground in front of Sung and he to was thrown. "S-stop." Azula said weakly, reaching out to him.

Sung hit the ground and slid a few feet, but unlike her he got back up and he got up fighting, sending a long stream of red fire at Kowareta. Azula wanted to help, she wanted to do something besides just lay there, she tried to get up. But the pain just knocked her down again and again. She had an awful thought, when she had been what she used to the Agni Kai all those years ago,  this must have been how Zuko felt when she had struck him with lightning and all he could do is watch as she had chased Katara around the coronation ground. Karma had a funny way of catching up.

"He'll be okay." She heard a familiar voice close by. Reluctantly she turned her head to look at the sky, shadowed by the Sun she saw a man kneeling down in front of her. It was Tadashi.

"H-help Sung." Azula said. Her only interaction with Tadashi had been in a vision but the fact that he was here, in the living world now had to mean something right? A spirit had come to save the day! "Please..."

Tadashi Sighed as he looked at the fight happening not even feet away. "I'm afraid I can't Azula...I'm not here for him, his times not up yet." He looked down at her. "I'm here for you, Amaterasu is calling you home."

His times not up yet, what did he mean by that? And what did he mean Amaterasu was calling her home, Azulas home was Sun Dao. The realization hit her like a building had fallen on her. She was dying. "I-I help Sung, he needs me." Azula said pleading.

Tadashi sighed again. "If it were up to me Azula...I'd heal you in a heartbeat. But it's not up to me. He will be alright, he will live a long life after today." That at least brought her some small comfort, she had no reason to believe Tadashi was telling her the truth but...the way he looked at her now, it just told her to trust him.

She looked back to Sung now, Kowareta had shot more lighting, but this time Sung had caught it going through the movements just like Azula had taught him, finger tips, down the arm, into the stomach, strike. Now Kowareta was diving out of the way, apparently Kurn hadn't bothered to teach him lightning redirection. She was so proud of Sung, and all he had accomplished. She had many regrets in her life...but loving him had never been one of them. She knew when he found her lifeless body, he would be distraught. But somehow she knew that with time Sung would come back from this, perhaps he would love another someday...she was okay with that, all she wanted was for Sung to be happy. "I'm...ready." She said as she looked to Tadashi.

Tadashi smiled sadly at her, he didn't want to be the one to do this, she could tell. But he was a Yang, and Yangs don't ignore the Goddess. "Take my hand." He said, holding out his hand to her. It took great effort but she was able to lift her arm and gripped his hand. In that moment Sunlight seemed to shine down on her and she had a warm feeling wash over her as all the pain and all the emotions vanished in an instant.


Azula was blinded momentarily by a bright flash of light and she instinctively brought her arm up to shield her eyes. Blinking rapidly she hesitantly lowered her arm and she saw the most amazing sight she had ever seen in her life. The sky was the bluest blue she had ever seen in her life, the Sun was behind her so close that she was almost sure she could touch it if she wanted to. But what surprised her, was that even though the Sung was so close it wasn't all that hot, it was warm yes...but it was a comfortable warm.

Below her on a cloud of all things, was a stone walk way. That walkway led up to a large stone wall and two wooden gates, by those gates stood two men in Golden Armor. "Welcome to Amaterasu's realm." Tadashi said beside her.

"I don't know what to say." Azula said in awe as she looked around. "It's...beautiful here." She smiled at Tadashi now.

Tadashi smiled back. "I've been here for centuries and I still am amazed by this place." He said with a laugh as he began walking towards the gates. The two guards bowed as they approached and somehow Azula knew that they were bowing for her. Bowing to a fallen warrior.

The gates creaked open and exposed the biggest castle Azula had ever seen, it was larger than the Royal Palace in the Earth Kingdom. The entire building was painted a pure white, the ground covered in the greenest grass she had ever seen. On either side of the stone walk way leading up to the Castle were men and women, hundreds of them all bowing as she and Tadashi walked towards the castle. As she walked she audibly gasped as in the crowd she had seen more than one familiar face from the day. Daughters who had fallen in battle.

As the two of them got close to the Castle Azula could see a woman standing alone. She was by far the most beautiful woman she had ever seen, her figure was slim, a sharp rounded jaw, defied cheek bones. Her pale skin was absolutely flawless, not so much as a freckle. Her eyes a bright yellow and her long hair a deep black. She was dressed in a white kimono that was almost the exact same shade as the castle, though it may be a few shades lighter. "Welcome Azula." The woman said in a silky smooth voice, a smile on her face as she called her by name. "I am Amaterasu, Goddess of the Sun."

Azula's eyes went wide. She didn't know how one was supposed to greet a Goddess so she had attempted to bow but Amaterasu reached out and put her hands on Azula's shoulders. When she touched Azula she had this warm feeling wash over her again. "Please child, don't bow to me. You have paid your due and this is your reward." Amaterasu stepped back, tucking her hands into her sleeves. "Or this could be your reward..,if you're ready for it."

"I'm...sorry." Azula said. Suddenly finding it hard to speak. "I don't understand."

Amaterasu smiled warmly. "I have watched you since you were born Azula." She explained. "As I watch all my children, I must say you were quite a trouble maker when you were a child." Amaterasu said. She didn't sound disappointed, if anything she sounded amused. "I always knew someday you would pick a..." Amaterasu pondered for a brief moment before speaking again. "A calmer path." She then giggled. "You certainly caught Lord Tadashi's attention. He doesn't often disobey me so openly as he did when you traveled to Sun Dao and went to my temple. The Cleansing Rituals are supposed to be a deep personal experience. They are certainly not supposed to have outside influences." She then frowned at Tadashi.

"With respect Amaterasu." Tadashi said calling her by name. "Your book tells us that we help those who are in need, I was simply following your teachings." He said less like the Warrior he was and more like a student who had been caught by the teacher passing notes.

"You interpreted my words to fit your needs Tadashi." Amaterasu said with a humorous grin. "You are not the first to do this and you certainly won't be the last, count yourself most fortunate that I also have passages about forgiveness." Amaterasu then looked back to Azula. "You have come a long way from the girl you were to the women you are now, you called my name as you rode into battle, you fell honorably. My home is your home now."

"This is what you meant by my reward." Azula said. Amaterasu only smiled wider confirming her answer. "But what did you mean if I wanted it."

"When humans are born their short time on Earth begins the moment they take their first breath." Amaterasu explained. "It was always written that you passed on to this world where you did...but as I said Tadashi has taken a great interest in you and he did some things that were most uncharacteristic for him...he begged me to give you more time. I don't normally do this...but I decided to let this decision to be your choice. You can stay here, or you can go back."

"I want to go back!" Azula said without thinking. She had accepted the fact that she had to leave Sung, she had thought it was unavoidable. But now that she had been given a choice between staying and going, she wanted to go back to him. She wanted to spend her life with him. "Amaterasu your grace...I am honored and...humbled to be in your presence. But back there..." she didn't know where "there" was compared to here but she couldn't figure out a better choice of wording in the moment. "Are people who still need me." She wasn't just referring to Sung in that moment, she thought of Nikkō as well. She had promised the girl she would come back. "I do want to be here someday...but I'm not least not yet."

Amaterasu gave an understanding nod. "Very well Azula, live your life...and live it well." She said with a smile. "And when your time comes again...I will welcome you with open arms."

Azula had a thought pop in her head suddenly, she figured that hopefully it would be a long time after today before she had a chance to ask it again. "Wait!" She said with more excitement than she had intended. "B-before I leave I have a question...five years the Boiling Rock Prison...did you save...Sung's life?" She felt that she didn't need to specify exactly who Sung was, as Mother Honoka had told her. Amaterasu seemed to favor the Yangs more than others.

Amaterasu laughed sweetly. "A lady doesn't kiss and tell Azula." She said with a wink.

Azula supposed she had her answer. "I didn't know what to expect of you Amaterasu...but it certainly wasn't this."

Amaterasu laughed again. "Yes many say that to me when they first meet me, I find it humorous when they find I am just as "human" as they are." She then looked to Tadashi. "Take her back Lord Tadashi."

Tadashi looked at Azula now. "I suppose it will be awhile before we see each other again Princess." Tashashi said with a smile. "I'm glad I met you."

Azula felt like she was saying goodbye to a friend, in a way she was. But this was a goodbye that wouldn't last forever and she knew it. "Thank you for all you've done to Help, Tadashi. The Fire Nation owes you a debt it could never repay."

Tadashi smiled. "I'm a Yang, Azula. When the Fire Nation is in darkness we help guide it back towards the light. This is the way it has always been." Azula understood his words well, his way of saying that the Fire Nation would never have to repay him for it, because he like the Yangs who had come before and after him would continue to keep the watch, for if a day came where the Fire Nation was in need of warriors again they would answer the call as they had always done.

"Azula" she heard a new voice call out, it couldn't be. She turned swiftly and saw a man that she hadn't seen in so so long. Pai Yang. He looked no different than the last time she had seen him, just before he had left for the Earth Kingdom, and didn't come back alive. "Can you give my children a message from me?"

"Of course." Azula said with a smile.

"Tell my children, I'm proud of them." Pai said. "All of them."

"I promise I will General." Azula said, bowing to him. She then looked back to Tadashi who already had his hand out to her. She took it.


"Sung, Sung look!" Azula heard Naomi say from close by.

Azula opened her eyes. She felt sore, but that fire she felt earlier was gone. She was laid out on the ground, her head was resting on something soft as she looked around she realized her head was resting in Sung lap, she looked up at him and he looked absolutely shocked, but relived at the same time. His eyes were red, some tears running down his cheeks, cutting clean lines through the dirt that was on his face. "What's wrong darling?" Azula asked weakly as she brought a hand up and wiped his tears away.

"I thought...I thought I was too late." Sung said, letting out a breath. "I thought I was...I thought you were." Sung was having trouble putting word's together as he looked down at her. "I was so scared Azula, I thought I lost you."

Azula sat up, wincing as she did so. "You're not going to lose me for a long time Sung Yang, we're going to grow old and ugly together." Azula said with a tired smile. "You're not going to believe this...but I met Amaterasu, I actually met her."

"I believe you." Sung said. "You were...gone when I reached you. I tried to revive you but...nothing I did worked. The fact that you are here now...only the Goddess could have brought you back to me...I'll never be able to thank her enough for it."

Azula turned her head left, to see Naomi kneeling her face just as dirty as Sung's...her eyes just as red. But her face was contorted in a smile. "I saw Pai too...he had a message he wanted me to give his children...he's proud of you." Naomi sat back at that and looked to the sky, letting out a mixture of a cry and a laugh. She then looked around the field...the first thing she noticed was how silent it was now, there were no sounds of battle any more, she could see people in the valley some wearing red, others wearing blue, some dressed in green and tan , they were moving among the dead now. "Is it over?" She asked.

"It's over." Sung replied. "Kurn and Kowareta are dead. Kurn's Army is destroyed. It's not written down on paper yet...but the war is over..we did it." Azula exhaled as she processed this information. It was over, the long nightmare was finally over.

She felt joy in that moment, but she also felt a tinge of sadness...sadness that Genji wasn't here to see it. It had been Genji who had made this possible, his outburst in Kurn's bunker had caused the dominoes to begin falling, his sacrifice had shortened the war. "I just wish I had been the one to kill Kowareta..." Azula said with a mumble.

Sung smiled as he put his left arm under her legs and his other resting on her back as he stood up, carrying her. She rested her head on his chest as he walked off.


That walk to the camp was a chilling one as Azula looked down at the bodies being loaded into wagons, friend and foe alike. The ground had been changed...perhaps forever. There were dips in the ground from Earthbending, the grass was scorched from Firebending. For whatever reason for Azula the most chilling sight had been a rebel flag dug into the ground at an angle, it's fabric torn, close to it being a Fire Nation Banner in almost the same shape.

Sung carried her across that field with Naomi following close behind, none of them seeming to have the strength or the courage to say anything, they all just took it in.

Reaching Zukos camp it just added to the somberness, men and women sat about the ground in a daze, many of them covered in bandages, Water Tribe Healers moving among them, holding water over their wounds that glowed with a white hue.

Among these wounded Azula saw Jing and Daichi sitting together. Jings left arm was covered in bandages, held up by a sling, her right shoulder guard missing to expose another bandage on her shoulder. Daichi however looked no worse for wear, other than being tired. "Is she okay?" Daichi asked upon seeing them approaching.

"I'm fine." Azula reassured him. Sung stopping so she could talk. "Are you two okay?"

"Gonna be honest Azula." Daichi said with a grunt. "That was one of the hairiest fights I have ever been in, and I've been in more than a few. I'm glad it's over."

Azula looked at Jing now who just stared at the ground by her feet. " to me." Azula said softly.

Jing looked up at her now and nodded. "I'm fine Azula...nothing that time won't heal. I just...don't know what I'm gonna do now." She sighed. "I don't think I can go home."

"You could settle on Sun Dao." Azula suddenly said, biting her tongue. She had said it without thinking, she looked up at Sung who nodded back to her as if to give permission. "It's not the highlight of Fire Nation." She said with a laugh realizing that Sung had used similar wording when he had first took her to Sun Dao all those years ago. "But it has its charm, it's a lovely place to set up roots...she smiled wide now. "Besides...I'm going to want you at my wedding."

"You'd both be most welcome on Sun Dao." Sung added. "I can have you both set up with jobs anywhere you'd want to work."

"That's a fine offer General..." Daichi said with a laugh. "But I think after this I'm going to travel for awhile, see if I can find my son." Azula could understand his choice, if the roles were reversed she'd do the same thing. "I'll send letters though." He said that to Azula. "I expect an invitation in the mail so I'll let you know where I am." He finished with a smile.

"It wouldn't be a proper wedding without all of my friends there." Azula smiled back at him. "What about you Jing?" She asked. "If you could maybe open up a game shop, teach us simple fire people how to play Caves and Spirits. I think such an establishment would be popular on Sun Dao."

Jing considered this for a moment. "I think...I'd like that." She said with a smile.

"THE WAR'S OVER!" A Fire Nation Soldier suddenly shouted as they ran through the camp like they were on fire, running past them to a destination unknown. "THE REBELS SURRENDERED UNCONDITIONALLY, THE WAR'S OVER!" They continued running echoing that message.

Hearing it a great many cheered, some slumped down like a weight had been lifted off of them and others just looked relieved that it was over, it seemed that those in that fit in that category were around Azula. It was was finally over. "Azula only wanted to do one thing now. "Sung..." Azula said. "Take me home...please."


Sung hadn't answered her request immediately, there was something he had to do first, he said it was to collect the dead from that awful battle, find the brave Sun Dao Warriors who had given their lives for the Fire Nation and give them the honorable burial they deserved. Azula could understand why he felt he needed to do that and she had of course wanted to help but even though she had come back from the dead her body was weak from the experience, Sung had told her to rest and she didn't argue.

Azula laid on the cot in his tent now, where the two of them had spent a rather...passionate night together on the eve of battle, her armor sat not to far away, a large hole in it from where she had been struck by lightning. Her tattered shirt laying beside it  leaving nothing but the wraps on her chest as Katara leaned over her and applied healing water to the red splotch that covered her stomach. It was a strange feeling to say the least, hearing that water ring a high pitched tone and light up.  "I would say you were very lucky." Katara said as she moved the water across the wound. "It looks worse than it is. I think I will leave a scar though."

She didn't care if it did, there was something more pressing that she had on her mind as she looked at where she had been hit. "Will I..." Azula paused holding her breath as she spoke next. "Be able to carry a child to term?"

Katara smiled at her as she returned the water to a water skin she carried on her belt. "I believe so. Your chi is strong, strong chi makes strong babies. I imagine your children will come into the world healthy... I just hope they don't have your mean streak." She said in a joking manner.

"They won't..." Azula said admittedly. "I won't make the same choices my father did when he "raised" me and Zuko. From the moment they come into this world they will know I love them." Azula felt herself getting teary eyed now, these proverbial children weren't even here yet and she was wanting to cry tears of joy at seeing them.

Katara however seemed to find Azula's sudden outpouring of emotion humorous. "Never thought I'd see the day where the great Princess Azula was so..." she smiled warmly. "Maternal."

"Crazy war ain't it?" Azula said with a laugh, giving her best impression of Sung's tone of speak. He had said those exact words after she and him, along with Jing and Daichi had escaped Kurn's complex at the black cliffs. "I'm glad it's finally over." She finished with a sigh and a swallow. "Katara...I'm sorry for everything I did to yo-"

Katara raised a hand suddenly cutting her off. "Don't apologize, I think you've done enough of that to last ten life times. I think you well made up for all the bad choices you've made in the past. It's a new era now, a time for new beginnings." Azula could only smile weakly, her fatigue beginning to mount.  "Try and get some rest, I have many others who need attending but I will be back to check on you as soon as I can."

"Thank you Katara." Azula said. Katara smiling as she turned and walked towards the tent flap, pulling it back to reveal that a man was standing just outside.

It wasn't just any man, Azula could recognize that white hair and kind face from miles away, it was Uncle Iroh, dressed in blue and white robes.  "Zuko told me I could find you here." Iroh said in that soft wise tone that was his default. "Can I come in."

"Yes please." Azula said as she sat up on the edge of the cot, wincing as her wound reminded her that it was best not to take fast movements for awhile. "It's so good to see you uncle."

Iroh kept a neutral expression as he stepped into the tent. His eyes falling on Azula's destroyed armor. "The Phoenix is an important symbol to House Yang." He said as he looked at the insignia. "It is a physical representation of their way of life, that with death they are reborn." Iroh stepped in front of her now, looking down on her wound with a hint of sadness. "When my son died I traveled the world for a long time before I returned to the capital. One of my stops was to Sun the Temple of Amaterasu. I myself took part in a cleansing is a chilling experience. I didn't find what I was looking for during that ritual...but I'm glad you did." Azula was about to ask him how he had known about that when she realized that he had probably learned about it from Zuko. "You have come so far Azula...I know it wasn't easy. I walked a path not to dissimilar to yours once upon a time."

"As I have told others...I'm glad I walked it." She put a hand on her wound, the flesh warm to the touch. "Even if there were bumps in the road. I'm happier now than I have ever been. I thought that I was happy being a Princess but...just being me brought me more joy than my title ever did. I have friends, I have my family back...our little dysfunctional family may not be perfect but I'm glad I have it back."

Iroh laughed. "No family is perfect Azula, but so long as the good days outweigh the bad then I think that's all anyone can truly ask for."

Azula reached up. Rubbing the Sun amulet with her thumb and forefinger. "Well...our not so perfect family is going to be getting some new editions..." Azula smiled. "I'm engaged."

Iroh smiled. "I heard, General Yang is a lucky man." He finished with a laugh.

"I think I'm the lucky one." Azula said adding her own laugh. She stared at Iroh now, she had no right to ask what she was about to now but...but she wanted to. "I was...I was thinking Uncle... well not really thinking this is purely a spur of the moment affair, but now that you're here...I know you have never been as close to me as you have been with Zuko but..." she exhaled, that nervous feeling coming back now. "Would the part of my father at the wedding?" She asked. "I know I have no right to ask this of you but...could you walk me down the Aisle...I understand if you don't want to, I wouldn't blame you if you said no...I could ask Zuko."

"I would be honored Azula." Iroh said not even a moment later, like he hadn't even needed to think before speaking. She should have known that for Uncle Iroh earning his forgiveness was simple...all she had to do was be sincere.

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