Genius Doctor: Black Belly Mi...

By Diavola1235

114K 3.4K 28

(NOTE:- THIS WORK IS NOT MINE. Credits to the author, editor and translator. For offline purposes only!) She... More

Chapter 01 - 25
Chapter 26 - 50
Chapter 51 - 75
Chapter 76 - 100
Chapter 101 - 125
Chapter 126 - 150
Chapter 151 - 175
Chapter 176 - 200
Chapter 201 - 220
Chapter 221 - 240
Chapter 241 - 260
Chapter 261 - 280
Chapter 281 - 300
Chapter 301 - 320
Chapter 321 - 340
Chapter 341 - 360
Chapter 361 - 380
Chapter 381 - 400
Chapter 401 - 420
Chapter 421 - 440
Chapter 441 - 460
Chapter 461 - 480
Chapter 481 - 500
Chapter 501 - 520
Chapter 521 - 540
Chapter 541 - 560
Chapter 561 - 580
Chapter 581 - 600
Chapter 601 - 620
Chapter 621 - 640
Chapter 641 - 660
Chapter 661 - 680
Chapter 681 - 700
Chapter 701 - 720
Chapter 721 - 740
Chapter 741 - 760
Chapter 761 - 780
Chapter 781 - 800
Chapter 801 - 820
Chapter 821 - 840
Chapter 841 - 860
Chapter 861 - 880
Chapter 881 - 900
Chapter 901 - 920
Chapter 921 - 940
Chapter 941 - 960
Chapter 961 - 980
Chapter 981 - 1000
Chapter 1001 - 1020
Chapter 1021 - 1040
Chapter 1041 - 1060
Chapter 1061 - 1080
Chapter 1081 - 1100
Chapter 1101 - 1120
Chapter 1121 - 1140
Chapter 1141 - 1160
Chapter 1161 - 1180
Chapter 1181 - 1200
Chapter 1201 - 1220
Chapter 1221 - 1240
Chapter 1241 - 1260
Chapter 1261 - 1280
Chapter 1281 - 1300
Chapter 1301 - 1320
Chapter 1321 - 1340
Chapter 1341 - 1360
Chapter 1361 - 1380
Chapter 1381 - 1400
Chapter 1401 - 1420
Chapter 1421 - 1440
Chapter 1441 - 1460
Chapter 1461 - 1480
Chapter 1481 - 1500
Chapter 1501 - 1520
Chapter 1521 - 1540
Chapter 1541 - 1560
Chapter 1561 - 1580
Chapter 1581 - 1600
Chapter 1601 - 1620
Chapter 1621 - 1640
Chapter 1641 - 1660
Chapter 1661 - 1680
Chapter 1681 - 1700
Chapter 1701 - 1720
Chapter 1721 - 1740
Chapter 1741 - 1760
Chapter 1761 - 1780
Chapter 1781 - 1800
Chapter 1801 - 1820
Chapter 1821 - 1840
Chapter 1841 - 1860
Chapter 1861 - 1880
Chapter 1881 - 1900
Chapter 1901 - 1920
Chapter 1921 - 1940
Chapter 1941 - 1960
Chapter 1961 - 1980
Chapter 1981 - 2000
Chapter 2001 - 2020
Chapter 2041 - 2060
Chapter 2061 - 2080
Chapter 2081 - 2100
Chapter 2101 - 2120
Chapter 2121 - 2140
Chapter 2141 - 2160
Chapter 2161 - 2180
Chapter 2181 - 2200
Chapter 2201 - 2220
Chapter 2221 - 2240
Chapter 2241 - 2260
Chapter 2261 - 2280
Chapter 2281 - 2300
Chapter 2301 - 2320
Chapter 2321 - 2340
Chapter 2341 - 2360
Chapter 2361 - 2380
Chapter 2381 - 2400
Chapter 2401 - 2420
Chapter 2421 - 2440
Chapter 2441 - 2460
Chapter 2461 - 2480
Chapter 2481 - 2500
Chapter 2501 - 2520
Chapter 2521 - 2540
Chapter 2541 - 2560
Chapter 2561 - 2580
Chapter 2581 - 2600
Chapter 2601 - 2620
Chapter 2621 - 2640
Chapter 2641 - 2660
Chapter 2661 - 2680
Chapter 2681 - 2700
Chapter 2701 - 2720
Chapter 2721 - 2740
Chapter 2741 - 2760
Chapter 2761 - 2780
Chapter 2781 - 2800
Chapter 2801 - 2820
Chapter 2821 - 2840
Chapter 2841 - 2860
Chapter 2861 - 2880
Chapter 2881 - 2900
Chapter 2901 - 2920
Chapter 2921 - 2940
Chapter 2941 - 2960
Chapter 2961 - 2980
Chapter 2981 - 3000
Chapter 3001 - 3020
Chapter 3021 - 3040
Chapter 3041 - 3060
Chapter 3061 - 3080
Chapter 3081 - 3100
Chapter 3101 - 3120
Chapter 3121:- Xiao Xie (5)
Chapter 3122:- Xiao Xie (6)
Chapter 3123:- The End - Matchmaking

Chapter 2021 - 2040

694 22 0
By Diavola1235


Chapter 2021:- I Trust You've Been Well (4)

After the Spirit Master discovered the peculiarity of the Serene Spirit Tower, he had gone to see Wu Jiu. But Wu Jiu no longer showed him any respect and the Spirit Master had noticed a hidden side of darkness in Wu Jiu. This was something that the Spirit Master had not noticed before and it was clear by then that the Master disciple relationship between them had truly died at that moment.

"Truth to be told, when I discovered your arrival here in the Spirit World earlier, I had wanted to report it to the Spirit Lord in the first instance. Unfortunately, the Spirit Lord is now not even willing to see me at all. I do not know how Wu Jiu managed to achieve it but I can be certain of one thing. The trust the Spirit Lord has in him has long surpassed me." The Spirit Master lamented with a bitter smile hovering at the edges of his lips. Having brought up such a white eyes wolf who had turned around to bite the hand that fed him, a bite that tore his flesh right off, so painful there were no tears as he cried.

Jun Wu Yao listened quietly till the Spirit Master finished, and he was silent for quite a long while before he slowly got up, and was about to leave.

Looking at the man who had once brought him endless nightmares, the Spirit Master could no longer hold himself back but ask: "Dark Emperor! You know of a way don't you? Are you able to stop all of this?"

Jun Wu Yao did not turn around. With his back to the Spirit Master, he said.


After saying that, Jun Wu Yao then left.

The Spirit Master was left kneeling on the floor, his heart not relieved in the slightest by Jun Wu Yao's departure, but felt great despair swirling strongly in his heart.

[Is there really no way to turn things back around?]


Jiang Yun Long sent his men to keep watch in the Tranquil Dream Forest for many days, but still did not see any sign of Nalan Shan, which frustrated him greatly.

Losing the Spiritual Bear had thrown his Master, Wu Jiu into a rage where even his fellow disciples were also under great pressure. For the past few days, the shade of Jiang Yun Long's face had not been pretty and Meng Yi Liang who followed at his side had to tread very carefully.

"Eldest Senior, was Master really very angry this time?" Meng Yi Liang asked Jiang Yun Long fearfully, his head shrunk into his shoulders.

Jiang Yun Long furrowed his brows and said coldly: "If the Spiritual Bear is not found, then the construction of the fourth Serene Spirit Tower cannot continue, so Master is naturally angry."

"But, haven't we already sent out so many of our people to look for the Spiritual Bear and Nalan Shan? And we still have not received any news....." Meng Yi Liang said.

"No news means they've failed. If we are still unable to find Nalan Shan quickly, then we will not be able to locate the Spiritual Bear. When the time comes, both you and I will have have to face consequences more than we can swallow!" The expression on Jiang Yun Long's face was looking rather ugly.

Meng Yi Liang became more nervous. Afterall, he had also been present when they lost the Spiritual Bear.

"Has there been any news from the men watching the Tranquil Dream Forest?"

Meng Yi Liang nodded.

"Nalan Shan is just too sly. I think that he was most probably already in cahoots with those Beast Spirits and the three Beast Spirits with the Double Headed Bone Snake must have been brought in by him!"

Jiang Yun Long then said: "There is no use in talking about that now. We must mobilize all our might and no matter how we do it, we must find Nalan Shan as quickly as possible!"

"Yes!" Meng Yi Liang quickly said. He then suddenly thought of something and his eyes lit up.

"Eldest Senior! I might know a particular human spirit who could possibly know where Nalan Shan had gone!"


"Jun Wu Xie! She is a new spirit soul. When I first saw her, she was with Nalan Shan. And on the day just before the Spiritual Bear appeared, she had been sitting at the same table as Nalan Shan as well! I am guessing that she should be learning the cultivation method from Nalan Shan and through her, we might just be able to find Nalan Shan!"

Chapter 2022:- Surrounded (1)

"Jun Wu Xie....." Jiang Yun Long narrowed his eyes and tried to recall the situation in the Spiritual Spirit Loft back on that day, immediately remembering the young lady with her astounding looks.

"You are sure that she is a new spirit soul?" Jiang Yun Long asked with her brows creased.

"Sur..... Sure... The first time when I first saw her, she was still in a half translucent state, what could she be if not a new spirit soul?" Meng Yi Liang did not know why Jiang Yun Long would ask these questions.

"When was it that you saw here for the first time?" Jiang Yun Long then continued to ask.

Meng Yi Liang thought about it a moment and then replied: "About half a month ago. It was also at the Spiritual Spirit Loft and she was with Nalan Shan. But after I told her about the Serene Spirit Tower, she then went there after just a while where I then brought her into the tower. Oh right. When I brought her up into the twelfth level, Eldest Senior and Second Senior were also there cultivating. And as I was afraid we'll disturb you, I did not dare make any noise. But she did not come back anymore after that time and it seemed that she had gone to follow Nalan Shan to practice cultivation. I do not know what that lass is thinking, to actually leave the Serene Spirit Tower unused, choosing instead to take such a winding path."

"Half a month ago?" Jiang Yun Long's eyes suddenly narrowed.

"Meng Yi Liang, are you a moron? Have you ever seen any new spirit soul that could solidify his body completely so quickly just after arriving into the Spirit World! ?"

Meng Yi Liang was properly shaken by that roar and it was a moment before he suddenly recalled that when he saw Jun Wu Xie next, Jun Wu Xie had already completely solidified her body, looking completely unlike a new spirit soul who had just come here into the Spirit World for just half a month.

"But..... But..... When I saw her for the first time, she really looked just like a new spirit....." Meng Yi Liang stuttered fearfully.

"New spirit? Which new spirit have you seen that was able to walk up to the twelfth level the first time they entered the Serene Spirit Tower? Not to mention new spirit souls. Even for you who had cultivated in the Serene Spirit Tower for so long, carelessly going up to the twelfth level would make you feel uncomfortable, much less for her!" The more Jiang Yun Long thought about it, the more he felt something was not right. Based on what Meng Yi Liang had said, Jun Wu Xie did not fit into the state of a new spirit soul.

Meng Yi Liang's mind was struck awake by Jiang Yun Long's words. He had only been concerned with looking at Jun Wu Xie's stunning looks and did not think about much else other than that. Being reminded by Jiang Yun Long now, he suddenly came to realize the strange state she was in after going into the Serene Spirit Tower. She had been completely at ease, more at ease than he was when they went straight up to the twelfth level, and at the moment she was leaving, her body did not seem to be all that translucent anymore!

"I..... I..... I don't know....." Meng Yi Liang said mournfully, as he was badly admonished by Jiang Yun Long.

"Do you know where that lass is now?" Jiang Yun Long asked.

Meng Yi Liang continued to stutter: "I..... I think since she was following..... Nalan Shan to cultivate..... Logically, she should be in..... the Tranquil Dream Forest, I think....."

"That lass is definitely not as simple as you think, and I fear she might be a trump card Nalan Shan holds hidden in his hand. You go bring some men to the Tranquil Dream Forest immediately and bring her here to me." Jiang Yun Long said, his face dark.

"Yes." Meng Yi Liang quickly nodded, not daring to hesitate in the slightest before running outside like he was almost going to wet his pants, on his way to capture Jun Wu Xie.

Jun Wu Xie who was still cultivating in the Tranquil Dream Forest was still not aware that she had become Jiang Yun Long's next target.

Among the youthful companions, only Jun Wu Xie who had gone into the Serene Spirit Tower progressed the fastest in their cultivation and had a completely solid body, while Qiao Chu and the others were slightly slower in advancement.

Chapter 2023:- Surrounded (2)

But even though that was the case, none of them among Qiao Chu and the others dared to go into the Serene Spirit Tower even once.

There was something that was harmful to spirits who were non human and none of them dared to risk their Ring Spirits by going there.

"Whoa! These old arms and legs of mine are about to break off....." Qiao Chu had cultivated for one whole day and he had fallen back onto the grass completely exhausted. Although cultivating one's power of the spirit was not tiring, but it was so utterly dull where they would sit there for an entire day, not moving even an inch. Though it could be said that just sitting there for such a long period was not tiring on the body, but it was still dry and exhausting on the mind.

Qiao Chu's mournful wail shocked his other companions awake from their cultivation.

Jun Wu Xie opened her eyes and looked at Qiao Chu who was rolling around on the grass. She could not help but smile as she shook her head.

"Don't cry so piteously. It's not all that tiring but you're being too noisy. I'll say Dumb Qiao, how old are you only? And you're complaining about your old arms and legs. Could you be already falling frail before getting old?" Fei Yan asked as he glanced meaningfully all over Qiao Chu's body with an eyebrow arched up.

Qiao Chu sat up with an indignant howl, his hands held protectively over his chest, looking like a aggrieved little lady who had been bullied.

"Who said I'm getting old before I turn frail. This little lord here is just brimming with vitality!"

"I really can't see it." Fei Yan continued to poke at Qiao Chu with a smile.

"It's better than being a pervert who is always dressing himself up as a girl!" Qiao Chu retorted.

Fei Yan's eyes narrowed and his fists crackled loudly.

"I am thinking that you have not gotten a thrashing for too long and your skin it itching."

Qiao Chu was not bothered as he retorted in challenge: "Do you think I'm scared of you? Don't blame me for not reminding you that you are now in spirit form and you don't have your monstrous strength any longer. If it comes to a fight, nobody knows who will end up being the one thrashed!"

A corner of Fei Yan's mouth was twitching from Qiao Chu's taunts and he jumped to his feet to pounce on Qiao Chu. The two youths then immediately rolled into a ball of scuffling upon the grass.

Hua Yao, Fan Zhuo and Rong Ruo were not able to calm their hearts enough to continue to cultivate with the racket and they just sat there upon the grass to watch Qiao Chu and Fei Yan going at each other.

Suddenly, Jun Wu Xie sensed something strange.

"Stop fighting."

Jun Wu Xie's voice made Qiao Chu and Fei Yan stop immediately.

"What's wrong?" Rong Ruo asked, looking at Jun Wu Xie.

Jun Wu Xie's power of the spirit was stronger than any of them and hence she was able to sense any movements in the Tranquil Dream Forest better than anyone.

"Someone's coming." Jun Wu Xie narrowed her eyes, carefully listening for the tiny sound.

The Tranquil Dream Forest had long become a place that few people stepped into. In the two weeks that they cultivated in here, the companions had not seen any other spirit appear here besides themselves.

"The source of the sound is coming from the direction of Nalan Shan's house and it's approaching right towards us." Jun Wu Xie said.

In that instant, the youths were all on their guard.

Jun Wu Xie raised her hand and gestured for them to climb up into the trees. Without another word, Qiao Chu and the other companions scuttled right up the nearest large tree and quietly concealed themselves among the dense cover of the leaves.

In moments, a group of human spirits came to the grass patch that Jun Wu Xie and the others had been just before, and the leader of the group of spirits was someone familiar, Meng Yi Liang.

"Senior Meng, would you say that that Jun Wu Xie is really here in this forest?" A man looked at Meng Yi Liang to ask.

Meng Yi Liang looked around where he was standing. They had been in the Tranquil Dream Forest for a period but they had not discovered anything. "She should be here. Search carefully. If we can't find Nalan Shan, then we need to dig Jun Wu Xie out. Otherwise, it will not be easy for us to answer when we go back."

"Why will Eldest Senior want us to find a little lass?" Another man asked in puzzlement, as they had not even known that such a person existed before.

Chapter 2024:- Surrounded (3)

Meng Yi Liang's lips stiffened, and it might be because they were tired from searching that his footsteps came to a stop as he turned his head to glare at the group of men with so many questions.

"Why are all of you chattering so much? Eldest Senior asked all of you to search, then search! There's no need to ask so many questions! That lass is linked to Nalan Shan in some way and we don't know where Nalan Shan is hiding, so we need to find Jun Wu Xie before we can possibly find out where Nalan Shan is hiding. Do you all understand now? If all of you are going to continue to be so long winded, I will go tell Eldest Senior to sew up all your mouths one by one." Meng Yi Liang said maliciously as he stared at the group of men.

Being threatened by Meng Yi Liang, those people no longer dared to question any more.

"But with the Tranquil Dreams Forest being so vast, with so few of us, how long will it take us before we finish searching?"

"It's not just us. Eldest Senior has sent people to search from other directions as well and we will be closing in with circle that surrounds the entire place. That lass does not know anything so it won't be difficult for us to capture her." Meng Yi Liang said gloatingly all by himself, his heart even feeling a twinge of regret. Jun Wu Xie was one of the topmost beauties he had seen and he had initially wanted to win that lass over into his hands. Never had he thought that Jun Wu Xie would turn out to have links with Nalan Shan which caused Jiang Yun Long to have his eyes now set on capturing her, dashing any chance of Meng Yi Liang's dreams from fulfilment.

Without any chance of becoming intimate with the beauty, Meng Yi Liang thought it rather unfortunate.

They were all unaware that every single one of Meng Yi Liang's words were all overheard by Jun Wu Xie and her companions hiding up in the trees. Jun Wu Xie and her companions then waited till Meng Yi Liang and his men left before they jumped down from high up in the trees,

"Darn it! Is that fella so tired of living already? First it was trying to capture Brownie, then it was searching for Nalan Shan, now he has his eyes set on Little Xie?" The moment Qiao Chu landed on the ground, he started howling indignantly. All of them had not thought that Meng Yi Liang target would turn out to be Jun Wu Xie!

How long had it only been since Jun Wu Xie came to the Spirit World and she was already caught up in such a great disaster!

Jun Wu Xie's brows creased up slightly. She was not a person to be afraid of trouble, but as she still did not have sufficient powers, it was rather frustrating.

"What do we do? From the tone of that kid, they seemed to have laid out an extensive web over the Tranquil Dream Forest to capture Little Xie. How are we going to go out?" Fei Yan rubbed at his chin. If this was in the Middle Realm, no need to even talk about the entire Tranquil Dream Forest having been surrounded. Even if an army stood at the borders, they had nothing to fear. Unfortunately, the powers they possessed was rather sad to look at in this place.

"We'll go have a look first." Jun Wu Xie said composedly.

Jun Wu Xie and her companions moved quickly towards the edge of the Tranquil Dreams Forest. But before they could get out from the Tranquil Dream Forest, they saw a large number of human spirits gathered outside. They were stationed one at every ten paces, completely surrounding the Tranquil Dreams Forest. All of them were holding a portrait in their hands, and Rong Ruo sent a Hell Butterfly to go peek at them, where she then discovered that the person depicted in the portrait was Jun Wu Xie!

It was then feared that the moment they charged out of the Tranquil Dream Forest, those spirits would surely come surging up against them.

"Damn it! Such a big group. They are coming for Jun Wu Xie for real" Qiao Chu said through gritted teeth.

Jun Wu Xie looked calmly at the heavy encirclement. She was not surprised that she was being targeted, as afterall, she had come into contact with Meng Yi Liang and the two times she was seen by Meng Yi Liang, she was with Nalan Shan. Hence, now that Meng Yi Liang cannot find Nalan Shan, he would naturally come seek her.

"What do we do now? Why not we use Rolly and the others to charge our way out?" Qiao Chu suggested.

Chapter 2025:- Overlapping Slaps (1)

Jun Wu Xie shook her head. "Go back inside the forest."

"Back into the forest?" Qiao Chu was slightly taken aback.

The corners of Jun Wu Xie's mouth then curled up into a sinister arc.

"With such a "grand reception", if we do not present them with a "reciprocal gift", then we'll be embarrassing ourselves." Meng Yi Liang and the human spirits' ways had truly enraged Jun Wu Xie and it did not matter what kind of secret was hidden within the Serene Spirit Tower anymore. With Wu Jiu being so aggressively on their heels, it was no longer something Jun Wu Xie wanted to put up with.

It was not that she could not tolerate it, but just that she did not want to!

Being the "furnatic" that she was, when saw Meng Yi Liang and Jiang Yun Long bring a whole bunch of spirits to harm Brownie and the other Beast Spirits, she had wanted to exact revenge against them. Since they had delivered themselves right up to her door today, Jun Wu Xie would naturally not show them any mercy!

Qiao Chu was still a little confused but Jun Wu Xie beckoned at her little companions and six heads huddled together while Jun Wu Xie whispered several sentences softly to them.

"I think that will work!" After listening, Qiao Chu's face immediately revealed an ecstatic grin.

He had been repressed being a new spirit soul here where his hands and legs were tied down and restrained. He would finally be able to even the score this time!

Hua Yao and the others had naturally agreed to Jun Wu Xie's suggestion without a word. It must be known that ever since they came to the Spirit World, their hearts had been highly repressed as they had just lost their Purple Spirit so suddenly and had to restart it all from the very beginning. The days of having their hands and feet bound in such constraints were not what something they liked going through.

"Go!" With that order given by Jun Wu Xie, the group of several youths immediately shot themselves deeper into the Tranquil Dreams Forest right behind her.

Inside the Tranquil Dream Forest, Meng Yi Liang led his men aimlessly in search for any sign of Jun Wu Xie. The Tranquil Dreams Forest was vast, a place that was able to hold the biggest number of human spirits at one time in the spirit world with a large part of the Spirit World's Spirit Fires gotten from here.

Searching in the Tranquil Dreams Forest, with the skies dark and the trees densely packed, only the tiny bits of light form the Spirit Fires lit the way. Meng Yi Liang and his men held fire torches in their hands to light the path forward. But ever since the Serene Spirit Towers appeared, basically none of the human spirits were willing to come cultivate in the Tranquil Dreams Forest anymore. Hence, towards the complicated and seemingly monotonously similar paths in the Tranquil Dreams Forest, Meng Yi Liang and his men found the place to be so dreary they wanted to die.

"Damn it! This lousy place should have been torched and have it burnt cleanly away." Meng Yi Liang could no longer count the number of times he had been scratched by branches and his clothes were becoming tattered from the numerous tears, which just drove his mood to escalate from dreariness into frustration.

"Senior Meng, do we have to continue to search?" Having searched for the better half of the day, they had not gotten anything at all. The deeper they went into the Tranquil Dream Forest, the poorer visibility became, while the density of the surrounding trees grew thicker which made the way forward all the more arduous for all of them.

"What do you think! ? Of course we have to continue! Eldest Senior gave us three days and if we are not able to find Jun Wu Xie, the consequences will be more than we can take!" Meng Yi Liang's voice was highly agitated and impatient. If not for the quaking rage his Master had flown into, he would not have wanted to come to this damned place.

"I really do not understand it. Before the Serene Spirit Towers came about, how could human spirits possibly want to come cultivate in such a godforsaken place." Meng Yi Liang complained incessantly, till he could not endure it any longer where he pulled out the short blade at his hip, to hack away the endless tree branches blocking his way one by one.

The swishing sounds of the forest accompanied the sounds of footsteps, disappearing into the seemingly endless Tranquil Dreams Forest.

Suddenly, at the edge of the light from the torches, Meng Yi Liang seemed to see a blurry figure under the trees not too far off. Meng Yi Liang immediately perked up as he drew a deep breath and gestured at his companions behind him, asking them to keep their voices down.

Chapter 2026:- Overlapping Slaps (2)

The edges of Meng Yi Liang's mouth then turned up with sinister mirth.

He had finally found her!

He looked around at the surroundings and after making sure that there was nothing else that was strange, he then went walking straight towards the place. He purposely lightened his step, afraid that he would make a sound.

But no matter how light his steps were, the rustling of leaves still sounded under his feet. Meng Yi Liang paused, and raised his eyes to look up at the figure.

The shadowy figure moved slightly and came walking out from under the trees. The surrounding balls of Spirit Fires then lit up that figure.

Like a goddess that had descended down to the mortal realm, the faint orange light from the Spirit Fires bathed that peerlessly stunning face under the dim darkness. She stood alone within the dense forest, so beautiful looking that it felt so surreal.

For a moment, Meng Yi Liang was actually mesmerized as he stood there dazed, his mouth agape as he gazed upon that figure that was too beautiful for words. Even the men following behind him was bedazzled. When they had first received the portraits, they had already thought that the person in the painting was too beautiful to exist.

But when the saw it for real, they then came to realize that the beauty in the painting was not even one single percent of the real thing.

Under these Heavens, how could there possibly be a girl that was so beautiful?

Jun Wu Xie treaded upon the dry leaves, as she looked at Meng Yi Liang and his men calmly, the eyes chill as autumn waters under the orange glow of the Spirit Fires tinged with a peculiar colour, adding to them a devilish charm.

"Wu..... Wu Xie." Meng Yi Liang was finally able to locate his voice as he stared at the figure of Jun Wu Xie, feeling his heart stir. The feelings that had disappeared rose up once again in his heart.

"Hmm?" Jun Wu Xie answered softly.

"Cough. It turned out that you are really in here. The Tranquil Dreams Forest is such a dangerous place, for a little young lady like you to be in here alone isn't really safe for you." Meng Yi Liang said with a smile, trying to appear suave.

"You need something?" Jun Wu Xie completely ignored Meng Yi Liang's "good intentions".

Meng Yi Liang cleared his throat and his mind started to whirr quickly as he pretended to unconsciously get closer to Jun Wu Xie a step at a time, his eyes filling up with malicious treachery.

"It's not all that big a matter but just a little bit of trouble. Nalan Shan had just rescued some criminal Beast Spirits not long ago which caused the Spirit Lord to fly into a rage. He then ordered my Master to locate Nalan Shan. You became rather close to Nalan Shan before and that was discovered by me Eldest Senior. Now that Nalan Shan has hidden himself with no sign of him everywhere, my Eldest Senior wants me to come bring you back to carefully interrogate you about Nalan Shan's whereabouts." When his voice fell, Meng Yi Liang had already reached the side of Jun Wu Xie and looking at Jun Wu Xie's face up close, it was even more blindingly beautiful.

For such a ravishing beauty, if she was to fall into Jiang Yun Long's hands, she would definitely have to suffer quite a bit of torment. Meng Yi Liang had already harboured ill designs towards Jun Wu Xie and he was not about to miss any chance he had. An idea popped into his mind and he tried to appear helpless as he said: "You know that this is what the Spirit Lord himself wants and even I will not be able to defy his orders. But you can be assured that I have very close to my Eldest Senior and you will just have to tell him everything you know about Nalan Shan's whereabouts and I can guarantee that you will not be harmed in the slightest. Alright?"

As he spoke, Meng Yi Liang had slidled himself closer to Jun Wu Xie's side, putting on his most winsome smile on his face with one hand holding the burning torch, and the other moving lecherously towards Jun Wu Xie's shoulder.

Jun Wu Xie's eyes flashed with a chill and she suddenly took a step back, to dodge away from Meng Yi Liang's philandering hand.

"I do not know where Nalan Shan is."

Chapter 2027:- Overlapping Slaps (3)

Meng Yi Liang was not able to get his way and his heart could not help but feel a little displeased. But looking at Jun Wu Xie's face, he could not get angry with her, but just stepped himself forward with a wide smile, as he tried his best to pull the distance between him and Jun Wu Xie closer.

"It doesn't matter even if you do not know. My Eldest Senior is merely looking to have us bring you to him just to ask you a few questions. Don't worry, with me around, you will just have to tell him what you know and nothing will happen. I will protect you."

"But I do not intend to go at all." Jun Wu Xie said coldly, her gaze sweeping over to look at the hand Meng Yi Liang had raised up once again, and her eyes flashed with a glint of murder.

Meng Yi Liang gave a lw chortle and then said "Wu Xie, I am not trying to scare you here. This is being carried out under the Spirit Lord's orders and my Master has similarly issued an ultimatum. If you do not go, you will be made to suffer quite a lot of torture. If you listen to me, I can make sure you remain unharmed. Afterall, being as beautiful as you are, how could I possibly bear to let you be hurt in the slightest?"

"Wu Xie, just listen t me." Meng Yi Liang's eyes flashed with malice, and his hand suddenly shot out towards Jun Wu Xie's slender waist!

In a flash, Jun Wu Xie's body mved and avoided Meng Yi Liang's philandering touch.

Having his advances rejected once again, Meng Yi Liang's patience ran out. His eyes narrowed and the smile on his face gradually faded, and his gaze turned vicious as he stared at Jun Wu Xie's petite frame.

"Jun Wu Xie, I will advise that you do not refuse the proffered wine and given wine as punishment instead, I will definitely bring you back to see my Eldest Senior today and if you listen obediently, I will make it easy for you. But if you refuse to cooperate, I will not mind letting you learn a little bit of a lesson!"

Jun Wu Xie gazed coldly at Meng Yi Liang who had shown his true colours. She absolutely abhorred rogues who took advantage of women like this.

"Damn it! You like t dodge so much do you? I would really like to see where else you can hide! Men! Capture that lass! I do not believe that I will not be able to get you today!" Meng Yi Liang was overcome with lecherous lust as he tore off his pretentious mask, to reveal his real face of vicious malice.

Those few disciples immediately pounced right at Jun Wu Xie. Jun Wu Xie's looks had already caused all of their hearts to itch and they could not wait till after Meng Yi Liang had satisfied himself to see if they would be able to enjoy some intimacy as well!

Like a pack of hungry wolves, the human spirits jumped Jun Wu Xie.

And in that instant just before they were about to touch Jun Wu Xie, a streak of white light swept past their eyes. After the streak of white light disappeared, Jun Wu Xie who had been standing right before their eyes had actually disappeared!

For a moment, Meng Yi Liang and his men were stunned. They all gazed all around themselves, seeking for any sign of Jun Wu Xie. But even after looking around for a long time, the only thing they saw around them were only unmoving trees, and not a single sign of any spirit body all around at all.

"Damn it! Go find her for me this instant!" Meng Yi Liang roared in rage.

The men quickly spread out to search carrying torches in their hands.

A young lady that had been standing right there in front of them, how was it possible for her to disappear right before their eyes just like that?

"Senior Meng! Over there!" One of the men spotted a shadow flash past on the side, and he immediately called out.

Meng Yi Liang narrowed his eyes and looked in the direction that man had pointed out, his mouth plastered with a crass smirk.

"Har! And I had thought where she could possibly have run to. Go capture her now!" Meng Yi Liang said with a wave of his hand and the men immediately went charging right towards where the shadow.

The shadow did not seem to have noticed them approaching as it stood behind a huge tree, revealing only part of its shadow. Meng Yi Liang then jumped straight at that shadow with a mighty pounce!

Chapter 2028:- Overlapping Slaps (4)

Meng Yi Liang had pounced thinking to wrap his arms around a beauty. Never had he thought that before he could get within half an inch of that shadow, the shadow had suddenly shifted. Meng Yi Liang had not even seen clearly what had happened when he saw an enormous shadow smashing down onto his face.


A pitiful wail exploded out from Meng Yi Liang mouth, accompanied by a piercing screech. Meng Yi Liang's entire body looked like he had been sent flying from being struck by a heavy force before he crashed heavily onto the ground, to tumble a few rounds wretchedly.

"Wh..... What....." The human spirits following right behind Meng Yi Liang were dumbstruck with terror, never having ever thought that Meng Yi Liang would be sent flying by a single strike.

Their eyes followed the arc of Meng Yi Liang's flight. The torch he had been carrying in his hand had fallen beside the shadow, illuminating the towering figure that was the shadow.

An enormous bear type Beast Spirit with contrasting black and white fur stood under two tall trees, its towering frame seemingly like a high wall of flesh!

With just one look, the human spirits very nearly fell onto their behinds in fright.

That shadow wasn't Jun Wu Xie at all, but that very same Yin Yang Bear who had beaten them all up black and blue in the vicinity of the Spiritual Spirit Loft the last time! !

The Tranquil Dreams Forest was a place that human spirits cultivated and no Beast Spirits would rightfully come here. But this Yin Yang Bear had suddenly appeared in a place that it should not be in exactly like the last time!

The initially highly aggressive bunch of human spirits immediately turned into eggplants stuck with frost, falling limp.

Just how powerful this Yin Yang Bear was, many among them had experienced it before. A single slap from that huge paw, even if it did not scatter their souls, it would at least render them unable to get out of bed for many days!

"Yin..... Yin Yang Bear..... How could the Yin Yang Bear possibly appear in this place....." Meng Yi Liang endured the excruciating pain and raised his head up, to stare wide eyed and with his mouth agape at the Yin Yang Bear who had suddenly come to the Tranquil Dreams Forest for some unknown reason, his eyes almost popping out of his head.

"Roar!" The Yin Yang Bear's massive body squeezed past the trees beside it, the half mature trees before its mighty strength snapping and falling like weak little saplings to the ground with just a bump from the bear.

The Yin Yang Bear continued to come closer to Meng Yi Liang and his men. Meng Yi Liang was so frightened his legs were shaking, as he scrambled to his feet in panic, thinking to escape. But he had just barely stood up when he was picked up off the ground by a powerful force.

Meng Yi Liang let out a scream and turned his head to look, and he almost wet his pants.

The thing that had lifted him off the ground had not been anything else but the same Great Ape that had pummeled his face into the ground that day back outside the Spiritual Spirit Loft!

The Great Ape's highly human face split into a broad grin. That grin looked to be filled with ridicule, with a pair of sharp ivory white fangs, that made Meng Yi Liang shiver like a frightened little bird.

"Quick! Come save me quick!" Meng Yi Liang screamed in an abnormally high pitch.

The human spirits were greatly struck by terror, all of them wanting to run away, but did not dare to escape on their own due to Meng Yi Liang's identity. They had no choice but to steel themselves and charge at the Great Ape.

Before they could even get close to the Great Ape, a flash of white shot past their eyes, and several human spirits were struck as they sailed through the air!

'Bam, bam.' Several dull crashes sounded as the human spirits crashed into the tree trunks around, their backs almost snapping from the impact, before they fell to the ground looking highly sorry and wretched.

A slithering swishing sounded beside Meng Yi Liang's ear, and Meng Yi Liang was finally able to clearly see what those two white flashes that he had seen earlier really was.

A gigantic Double Headed Bone Snake knocked down row after row of trees, and poked its heads out from the forest. And standing upon one of its heads, was Jun Wu Xie who had just disappeared moments before!

Chapter 2029:- Overlapping Slaps (5)

Meng Yi Liang stared in shock at Jun Wu Xie standing upon the head of the Double Headed Bone Snake, his eyes completely incredulous.

"You want to catch me?" Jun Wu Xie asked with a brow raised, as she looked down at Meng Yi Liang held in the Great Ape's grip from her high vantage point.

Meng Yi Liang's body was shaking uncontrollably. Not even in his dreams would he have thought that the three Beast Spirits that had appeared near the Spiritual Spirit Loft that day would be linked to Jun Wu Xie!

"It's you! You were the one who made these Beast Spirits rescue that brown bear! Jun Wu Xie! Do you really know what you are doing at all! ?" Meng Yi Liang's hearts was hopelessly terrified, but he still tried his best to pretend to be calm.

"Oh? What did I do?" Jun Wu Xie questioned as she looked at Meng Yi Liang.

"That brown bear, was one that the Spirit Lord was in need of, and you had actually taken it away without approval. Do you know if the matter is found out by the Spirit Lord, you will surely be beaten till your soul scatters and disperses! You have better release me now, or the consequences will not be something you can afford to shoulder!" Meng Yi Liang shouted.

Jun Wu Xie suddenly let out a tinkle of laughter. She then turned her eyes that were tinged with an almost imperceivable smile upon Meng Yi Liang, like she was seeing what a joke he was.

"Oh, the consequences are actually all that severe? Then you tell me. Since you know of my secret now, in order to save myself, should I first smash your soul into smithereens till it disperses and scatters, so that the Spirit Lord will not know who the person that rescued the brown bear really was?"

Jun Wu Xie's words were like a bucket of cold water, that was splashed right into Meng Yi Liang's face. Meng Yi Liang's entire body was shaking as he stared at Jun Wu Xie, and in Jun Wu Xie's eyes, he saw pure uninihibited murder.

"You..... You cannot kill me! Inside and outside the Tranquil Dreams Forest, the entire place is currently filled with my men. If you kill me, you will not be able to get away! My Master will definitely not let you off as well, and my Master is Wu Jiu! The Spirit Master that the Spirit Lord trusts the most! If you kill me, my Master will definitely avenge me!

Even with these beasts protecting you, you will still not be able to escape!" Meng Yi Liang was terrified. He did not want to die, as if his soul was scattered and dispersed, he would totally cease to exist!

Jun Wu Xie calmly watched Meng Yi Liang put up his final struggles as she listened to his old and cliche threats, thinking it dull and uninteresting.

"According to what you are saying, I will still die no matter what I do, then why shouldn't I first drag the few of you down with me first as accompaniment?" Jun Wu Xie's eyes narrowed slightly, and she then gestured with her chin at Rolly.

Rolly immediately pounced upon a human spirit closest to it, its huge bear paws squashed between its massive paws.

The man was almost overcome with fright, where he begged and pleaded to be spared. However Rolly suddenly lowered down its head and held that man's neck in a bite, its sharp teeth slowly crushing the man soul into mush bit by bit!

Spirit bodies were not entirely immortal, and if one's soul was torn to shreds, no one would be able to save it.

Through the biting, a pitiful scream reverberated in the dense forest incessantly, the frightful wails seemingly like many sharp blades slowly shaving off Meng Yi Liang false bravado bit by bit.

Meng Yi Liang was so frightened his face turned white, the other human spirits around so scared they could not even stand. Seeing their own companion being torn to shreds at such a close distance, the kind of terror that struck them almost obliterated any longing for them to even run away.

"Now, whose turn is it now?" Jun Wu Xie's eyes that were overflowing with murder then swept over the several human spirits lying limp upon the ground.

Their faces had all turned pale from fright and all strength had left their legs making it impossible for them to even escape. All of them had fallen back to sit on the ground, their mouths sounding out constant pleas for mercy. They would never ever have thought that the beautiful young lady before their eyes would turn out to be so much like a god of death!

Chapter 2030:- Overlapping Slaps (6)

Meng Yi Liang was so frightened he could not even utter a single word. Right before his eyes, his fellow disciples who had come with him had their souls shredded apart by the Yin Yang Bear one by one, to disappear into nothing. With death so close at hand, Meng Yi Liang was about to completely lose it.

"Don't kill me..... Don't kill me..... I am not the one who wants to capture you. It's my Eldest Senior! He was the one who wanted me to come catch you! !" Meng Yi Liang clutched at his head, wishing he could hide from all of this but was firmly held in the enormous Great Ape's grip.

Jun Wu Xie tapped the Double Headed Bone Snake's head with the tip of her foot and the Double Headed Bone Snake lowered ts head to allow Jun Wu Xie to step off onto the ground.

At the same time, five other figures jumped down from the trees. They came over to stand beside Jun Wu Xie, their eyes fixed upon Meng Yi Liang who was held by the Great Ape.

"Heh heh, you're wetting your pants just from this? Aren't you being a little too lame?" Qiao Chu raised his head up to look at Meng Yi Liang and discovered that Meng Yi Liang's pants had become wet and a suspicious puddle had appeared under his feet.

"So that's all disciples of the Spirit Master Wu Jiu amounts to afterall, more timid than a little mouse." Fei Yan and Qiao Chu sang in harmony.

Meng Yi Liang stared at the youths who had appeared so suddenly and immediately recalled that they were the same youths who had been dining with Nalan Shan and Jun Wu Xie that day. He had not paid these youths any notice before and had never really remembered them. But with the set up today, it was clear that they had been well prepared and were waiting here for him to bite the hook.

"Don't..... Don't kill me.... I am not responsible..... I was merely just following orders and none of this was my idea at all!" Meng Yi Liang begged futilely, the earlier lecherous arrogance when he was thinking of taking advantage of Jun Wu Xie completely nonexistent.

"What a useless piece of trash. To think scum like you even dares to harbour filthy designs on our Little Xie, you really should just kill yourself." Qiao Chu shook his head as he stared at Meng Yi Liang. The companions had all clearly seen the kind of things that Meng Yi Liang had attempted to do to Jun Wu Xie earlier and if not for the fact that they knew it was impossible Jun Wu Xie would allow herself to be tainted by the kid, they would all have jumped him to give him a good bashing.

"I didn't! I really did not!" Meng Yi Liang's face turned green, and he quickly shook his head in vehement denial.

If he had known Jun Wu Xie had these three Beast Spirits beside her, even if he was filled with guts inside, he would not have dared to even think of touching her.

"I don't want to hear any more of your nonsense. If you do not want to suffer, then answer whatever I ask you." Jun Wu Xie was getting a little impatient, as the noise Meng Yi Liang was making was getting her riled and irritated.

"Sure! You can ask me anything! As long as you do not hurt me, I can tell you everything that I know." Meng Yi Liang said between sobs and sniffles, the earlier debonair and suave air he was seeking to project nonexistent.

"Why does your Master want to capture that brown bear?" Jun Wu Xie asked the question she had in her heart.

Meng Yi Liang was taken aback, never having thought that Jun Wu Xie would ask about that, and his face showed a moment of hesitation.

"Floral, let him have a taste of your strength." The moment Fei Yan saw Meng Yi Liang show hesitation, he immediately gave the Great Ape an order.

"No! Don't..... don't." Meng Yi Liang begged with a wail.

The Great Ape stretched his other hand out and its palm lashed straight towards Meng Yi Liang's head.

The Great Ape's strength was much stronger than most other Beast Spirits and its size was several times greater than Meng Yi Liang. That single slap immediately made Meng Yi Liang see stars and the side of his face swelled up alarmingly, the corner of his mouth split.

"Rolly, go service him a little as well." Qiao Chu said with his arms crossed over his chest, gesturing to the Yin Yang Bear with his chin.

The Yin Yang Bear immediately pounced, its two paws stretched out wide to its sides as it joined forces with the Great Ape to execute a short set of combo strikes!

Chapter 2031:- Overlapping Slaps (7)

"Arrrgh!" Meng Yi Liang's mournful cry reverberated in the Tranquil Dream Forest. The combo bashing of the two massive Beast Ring Spirits made Meng Yi Liang experience what it meant to suffer a fate worse than death.

In just a few short moments, Meng Yi Liang's face was so badly bashed up it swelled up till it looked like a pig's head, with snot and tears flowing down, looking highly wretched.

"Don't..... Don't hit me anymore..... I'll talk..... I'll talk....." Meng Yi Liang had never been beaten up so badly before and the excruciating pain on his body with the fear that filled him made him wail incessantly.

Jun Wu Xie raised up her hand slightly and Rolly and the Great Ape immediately stopped.

Meng Yi Liang looked so pitiful and was such a wretched sight, in no way showing the slightest hint of handsomeness.

"My Master wants to use the Spiritual Bear as the foundation stone for the fourth Serene Spirit Tower and only said that construction of the fourth Serene Spirit Tower could only be completed with the Spiritual Bear. Anything more than that..... I really do not know. I was accepted as a disciple by my Master only a few years ago and do not know the exact details. Everything that I have done was carried out under my Eldest Senior's orders. I am really not lying." Meng Yi Liang said sobbingly. If he had known that Jun Wu Xie had so a bunch of power behind her, even if you beat him to death, he would not have dared to even long for a single hair on Jun Wu Xie.

Jun Wu Xie then went on to ask Meng Yi Liang a few more questions and just as Meng Yi Liang had said, the things he knew about was very limited. Wu Jiu had not valued him all that much and hence the questions he was able to answer was very limited in number as well.

But through Meng Yi Liang's mouth, Jun Wu Xie had come to know the reason Wu Jiu was so anxious to capture the Spiritual Bear was in order for him to build the fourth Serene Spirit Tower. According to Meng Yi Liang's words, if he was unable to capture the Spiritual Bear, then the fourth Serene Spirit Tower would never be able to be completed, which was a point that made Jun Wu Xie take notice.

"I've told you everything that I know..... Now..... Can you let me go?" Meng Yi Liang asked as he looked pleadingly with his face covered in snot and tears, asking very carefully, deeply afraid that his words would lead him to suffer another round of beating.

Jun Wu Xie arched up an eyebrow slightly as she looked at Meng Yi Liang, before she nodded to the Yin Yang Bear and the Great Ape.

Just as Meng Yi Liang thought that he had saved his own little life, the hands of the Great Ape clasped right around his neck, as the Yin Yang Bear's sharp claws shot right through his chest.

Before he was even able to cry out, Meng Yi Liang was torn apart into two halves by the Yin Yang Bear!

The shattered soul then turned into specks of stars, to scatter and disperse within the dim and dark Tranquil Dreams Forest.

"Tsk tsk, why do I feel that that old fella called Wu Jiu seems to be planning a grand conspiracy?" Even the densest Qiao Chu among them had noticed the peculiarity of the matter.

Building the Serene Spirit Tower actually requires the Spiritual Bear! And the cheetah had said before that the Spiritual Bear was never that weak, but after it was brought away by Wu Jiu and it came to escape from the Serene Spirit Tower's dungeon, it had turned into such a state. It was clear that there must be something in the Serene Spirit tower that was depleting the Spiritual Bear's power of the spirit.

"Now, Wu Jiu has his sights set on Brownie, which also includes Nalan Shan as well. Since Jiang Yun Long knew that Little Xie was acquainted with Nalan Shan, it is feared that they will not spare Little Xie that easily." Fan Zhuo said with a brow slightly lifted. Although Meng Yi Liang was dead, Jiang Yun Long was still around.

"Who spares who in the end is not yet decided." Jun Wu Xie said with her eyes narrowed, as she turned herself around to look deep into the Tranquil Dream Forest.

"Since they want to capture me, then I should give him a greeting gift up front. Dumb Qiao, you guys get Rolly and the other two beast Ring Spirits ready. Today, we shall prepare a great big present for Jiang Yun Long and Wu Jiu.

[Want to capture me?]

[We'll see if you possess that kind of capability first!]

Chapter 2032:- You're a Little More Pleasing to the Eye (1)

A bout of slaughter was quietly carried out within the Tranquil Dream Forest.

The Tranquil Dreams Forest was expansively vast and in order to surround and capture Jun Wu Xie as quickly as he could, Jiang Yun Long had not only despatched spirits to stand guard around the perimeter of the Tranquil Dreams Forest, he had also sent out more than ten teams of human spirits to go right into the Tranquil Dreams Forest to search for any signs of Jun Wu Xie.

The ten over teams sounded like a lot, but going into the Tranquil Dreams Forest, they were scattered apart.

Jun Wu Xie and her companions had already cultivated in the Tranquil Dreams Forest for more than half a month and under Nalan Shan's lead, they had become highly familiar with the Tranquil Dreams Forest. The place had now become their homeground in the Spirit World and using the densely packed trees, Jun Wu Xie and her companions executed a efficient counter attack together with the Yin Yang Bear and the other Ring Spirits.

A team of human spirits that came in seeking to capture Jun Wu Xie had not even seen her shadow before they were crushed to bits by the Double Headed Bone Snake that fell down from the skies.

The forest was a battleground that Beast Spirits were most familiar with and pitted against a group of human spirits who were unfamiliar with the place, how could they even hope to be a match for the Yin Yang Bear and the other Ring Spirits.

The Hell's Butterfly searched through the Tranquil Dreams Forest for signs of the enemy and at the first moment that Rong Ruo received the news, she would relay the information to Jun Wu Xie where Jun Wu Xie would then dispatch the Yin Yang Bear and the other two Ring Spirits to go annihilate them.

The human spirits who came in as the hunters, suddenly became targeted as prey, as pitiful cries resounded within the Tranquil Dreams Forest, but were swallowed up by the thick sea of leaves.

It had merely been a day's time, and the over ten teams that Jiang Yun Long sent out were completely obliterated, leaving the human spirits standing at the perimeter of the forest still completely oblivious to the things going on inside.

Rong Ruo sent out the Hell Butterfly to check of the team of human spirits outside the Tranquil Dreams Forest and sent out another Hell Butterfly to fly back to Jun Wu Xie's house, to deliver the news to Jun Wu Yao, telling him there was no need to worry, and that Jun Wu Xie needed to spend another few days' time in the Tranquil Dreams Forest.

There wasn't a single human spirit sent into the Tranquil Dreams Forest left. The human spirits outside were not aware that they had all been slaughtered and were still foolishly standing guard outside to await news.

And over this period, Jun Wu Xie and her companions were neither anxious nor flustered, but just remained inside the Tranquil Dreams Forest to continue to cultivate steadily, leaving the Hell Butterfly to be the perfect scout, where no one would be able to escape its notice when anyone came near.

The companions stayed there for a ten day stretch. In those ten days, Jun Wu Xie and the companions constantly practiced their cultivation, giving up on rest, and focusing all their time to temper their powers of the spirit.

It was till the tenth day, that Jun Wu Xie snapped out of her trance.

Her progress was a little faster than Qiao Chu and the others and she dispersed the Spirit Fire as she stood up. She carried the little black cat up into her arms, and then lean herself against a huge tree.

The little black cat's condition was still not all that stable, still very much in a coma, which caused Jun Wu Xie to still be worried about it. Seeing the little black cat unconscious in her arms, Jun Wu Xie closed her eyes, as she stroked at the little black cat's smooth and luxurious fur.

Suddenly, Jun Wu Xie heard the faint trace of a soft sound. She immediately shielded the little black cat in her arms, her eyes narrowed as she looked towards the source of that sound.

A black shadow slowly glided down from the trees above.

Jun Wu Xie focused her gaze and then suddenly blew out a breath in relief.

Poison Ivy landed onto the ground as he looked at the guarded and wary Jun Wu Xie, and his eyes then showed a sliver of understanding.

"I had asked, why had so many human spirits suddenly come stand around outside. Now I can see it's because of the bunch of you. What? Offended Wu Jiu?" Poison Ivy asked Jun Wu Xie with an eyebrow raised up. It could have been due to Little Lotus and Poppy, that Jun Wu Xie still had an impression of Jun Wu Xie.

"We must have disturbed you." Jun Wu Xie knew Poison Ivy did not mean her any harm, and she was able to then relax her guard. Although Poison Ivy's heart showed people no mercy, but he was highly principled, a spirit that had a harsh mouth, but a rather soft heart.

Chapter 2033:- You're a Little More Pleasing to the Eye (2)

Poison Ivy shrugged his shoulders. "All of this has not really disturbed me all that much. Although I do not really want to bother with the human spirits' affairs, but there is one thing that I feel you might be able to enlighten me on."

"What would that be?" Poison Ivy had once helped the little black cat and Jun Wu Xie was still grateful to Poison Ivy for that. Hence, when the two of them spoke, there wasn't any tension between them.

"How are human spirits who have yet to die able to come into the Spirit World?" Poison Ivy said suddenly.

Jun Wu Xie raised her head, her clear eyes turning to gaze upon Poison Ivy.

Poison Ivy then said: "I had initially felt it to be a little strange, that the timing that Little Lotus and Poppy returned here was a little too much of a coincidence, and their demeanor towards you seems to be highly respectful. I had not noticed it in the beginning, but then I discovered that there was a strange sliver of resonance between the two of them. I have not seen resonance like this, like there was something on their bodies that was the same. That was a point that puzzled me very much. I had discovered something uniquely special on Ring Spirits who returned back here from before, and it felt like one's spirit had been severed, that indicated they had severed their links from their previous owners. But there wasn't anything like that on Little Lotus and Poppy."

"Little Lotus said before that you are his Mistress. Although you've come to the Spirit World, but ..... once you die, your links with your Ring Spirit should have been severed. The link between Little Lotus and your spirit soul is however still intact so would that mean..... your flesh body is still living?" Poison Ivy said, his eyes half narrowed as he looked at Jun Wu Xie.

Jun Wu Xie's face was calm, and she did not seemed to be flustered in the least.

Poison Ivy stared at Jun Wu Xie for a while, and then suddenly laughed softly.

"It does not matter if you are not willing to answer me, as I am merely just asking for the sake of asking."

Jun Wu Xie still did not say anything Poison Ivy's keen senses had surprised her, but at the same time, she had detected that when Poison Ivy said all those words, he had not displayed any animosity.

"No matter whether you admit it or not, I will take it as my deduction is correct for now. Wu Jiu will not be easy to deal with and if you continue to remain here in the Tranquil Dreams Forest, you will get in trouble sooner or later. I'll bring all of you out." Poison Ivy suddenly said.

Jun Wu Xie's eyes revealed a glint of surprise. Poison Ivy did not seem to be someone who liked to poke his nose into people's affairs.

"Don't misunderstand me. I am not doing this because of you. All spirit bodies who become Ring Spirits would upon the death of their respective owners, have their spirit chain severed, where the spirit would suffer a devastating hit, that struck straight at their hearts. I have known Little Lotus for a long time and what I am doing today is merely to give him a helping hand." Poison Ivy seemed to have noticed Jun Wu Xie's surprise and puzzlement, and opened his mouth to say.

"Thank you." Jun Wu Xie said with a slight nod of her head. Poison Ivy was the classic example of someone with the mouth of a viper but the heart of a Buddha, a rather good person.

Poison Ivy then said: "I find you rather pleasing to the eye as well. I will create some trouble later, and you can just leave here with your companions at that time."

"Alright." Jun Wu Xie nodded.

Poison Ivy immediately turned around. Jun Wu Xie went to wake Qiao Chu and their others from their trance in cultivation and told them what Poison Ivy had said. When the companions heard that, they immediately became excited and they went running towards the place that Poison Ivy lived at. If Poison Ivy was going to kick up a ruckus, it would definitely be close to where he lived.

Poison Ivy walked over the soft grass, and looked at the densely packed trees before his eyes. Sounds rose up from behind him which told him that Jun Wu Xie and her companions had already started to move. His eyes slightly lowered and a thin vine on his wrist slithered out. That particular vine had a cut edge, like it had been sliced off by some sharp object, looking rather conspicuous compared with all the other vines.

Chapter 2034:- You're a Little More Pleasing to the Eye (3)

The expression on Poison Ivy's face was tinted with a sliver of unspeakable sadness and it was a moment before he recovered to his senses as he went walking towards his own house.

On both sides of the enormous tree that Poison Ivy lived, were several human spirits standing around. They looked around the place, and did not manage to find their target. After searching for a while, they began to feel bored and they gathered under the tree to whisper secretly to each other, where it was not known what they were talking about.

Poison Ivy appeared right before them without a sound just like that and the human spirits were startled by Poison Ivy's sudden appearance, where they immediately held up their weapons.

Several vines shot out quick as lightning, instantly hitting the weapons out of the hands of the human spirits one by one.

"Poison..... Poison Ivy." Seeing those swirling vines, the human spirits were able to identify Poison Ivy immediately.

"Who are you? Why are you here to disturb my rest?" Poison Ivy narrowed his eyes, as he glared balefully at the group of human spirits.

"We are the Spirit Master Wu Jiu's subordinates and we have come here to the Tranquil Dreams Forest under the Spirit Master's orders to arrest a criminal human spirit." One of the human spirits said fearfully. The human spirits were growing stronger by the day, and there were few spirit bodies in the Spirit World that they needed to fear, but Poison Ivy was considered to be one of them.

Among the three strongest Plant Spirits in the Spirit World, Poison Ivy was one of them, and he was well known for his eccentric temperament, his venomous tongue able to scrape of the skin off others. Even though they were here using the name of Wu Jiu, they still did not dare to be too brash before Poison Ivy.

"You are disturbing me here. Scram." Poison Ivy snapped impatiently, seemingly not exercising the slightest restraint even after hearing Wu Jiu's name.

Those human spirits were startled by Poison Ivy and were going to say something else when the vines behind Poison Ivy started to wave and dance in the air.

And the human spirits immediately turned docile.....

In terms of power, they were completely not a match for Poison Ivy. Thinking that they had seen no sign of Jun Wu Xie though they had been watching the place for half a day already, and with how vast the Tranquil Dreams Forest was, who knew where Jun Wu Xie would appear from? There were quite a number of other human spirits watching other places anyway and Jun Wu Xie might not appear here at this place anyway. With such a large number of human spirits Meng Yi Liang had brought into the Tranquil Dreams Forest, it was possible that Jun Wu Xie might have already been found.

With that thought in mind, and with the threat coming from Poison Ivy, none of them dared to remain there any longer.

Seeing the human spirits retreating away from under the tree, Poison Ivy's gaze slowly swept over the swathe of the trees in the Tranquil Dreams Forest behind him. A petite little figure was standing among the dense forest, looking at him quietly.

Poison Ivy nodded his head slightly at that tiny figure, and then went up into the treetop without a sound.

Jun Wu Xie watched Poison Ivy dispersing the human spirits in the vicinity and taking advantage of the area that had been cleared out, she then scuttled out from hiding with Qiao Chu and the others.

Fortunately the skies of the Spirit World was dim and dark, where when they were just a little further away, no one was able to notice these several shadows that passed fleetingly in a flash.

Sprinting as fast as they could the entire way, Jun Wu Xie opened her door and she had not even entered when she was wrapped up in a warm embrace.

"You're back." Jun Wu Yao's voice sounded from above Jun Wu Xie's head, and Jun Wu Xie answered with a slight "Mm" in affirmation.

After going into the house, Jun Wu Xie put the little black cat down upon the soft couch before she turned herself around to face Jun Wu Yao and said: "There is something very wrong about the Serene Spirit Towers and I must go to the fourth Serene Spirit Tower to have a look around."

"Sure." Jun Wu Yao nodded his head, but after a moment's thought, he then said instead: "The Hell Butterfly sent the news to me. Since Wu Jiu is seeking to capture all of you at this moment, it will be better to go after some time has passed. Just in case."

Jun Wu Xie understood what Jun Wu Yao was worried about, and she did not say anything before she agreed to it.

Although Jun Wu Xie and her companions had managed to come back, but the human spirits standing guard outside the Tranquil Dreams Forest still had not dispersed. It was till five days later that Jiang Yun Long who still had not received any news after so long that he could not longer make himself sit back.

Chapter 2035:- Implicate (1)

Five days without any news and Jiang Yun Long sent people out to bring back the team leader Meng Yi Liang. But sending human spirits out to search for him, Jiang Yun Long suddenly came to discover that Meng Yi Liang had disappeared!

To put it more accurately, besides the human spirits stationed just outside the perimeter of the Tranquil Dreams Forest in watch, all the spirits that had been sent inside the Tranquil Dreams Forest did not have a single one return. That situation immediately threw Jiang Yun Long into shock.

The death of a spirit body would not leave a single trace and close to a hundred human spirits had gone missing, where it could almost be certain that they had already died.

What made it more terrifying was that within the Tranquil Dream Forest, there were no signs of any other spirits, and all the human spirits guarding the outside of the Tranquil Dreams Forest had not seen Jun Wu Xie and her companions come out.

Jiang Yun Long was no idiot. If Jun Wu Xie was really not in the Tranquil Dream Forest, Meng Yi Liang and the others would at most come back empty handed, and would definitely not disappear altogether just like that. It was impossible for such a strange phenomenon to occur as how could close to a hundred human spirits vanish into thin air?

The only conclusion could only mean that they were all dead!

With the thought that Meng Yi Liang and the other men could have been killed by Jun Wu Xie, Jiang Yun Long could not help but feel a chill run through him. Meng Yi Liang had mentioned more than once that the first time he had seen Jun Wu Xie, Jun Wu Xie was just a new spirit soul. How could she possibly come to possess sufficient power to destroy close to a hundred human spirits within one short month?

But the facts were laid there right before his eyes. Meng Yi Liang and the others have indeed been killed.

And all the other spirits guarding the outside perimeter of the Tranquil Dreams Forest had completely not seen even the shadow of Jun Wu Xie.

Towards that, Jiang Yun Long was furious as he summoned the leader in charge of those standing guard outside, to ask him carefully about the situation at the outside perimeter of the Tranquil Dreams Forest over the past few days.

"We were all following Eldest Senior's orders to stand guard outside the Tranquil Dreams Forest. We had not seen any spirit enter nor exit, and had not seen that Jun Wu Xie." The leader reported with his brow bathed in cold sweat. If news of this incident spreads, they would all be deeply embarrassed. With so many of them stationed outside the perimeter of the Tranquil Dreams Forest, they had still allowed Jun Wu Xie to escape unnoticed after she killed their people. If Wu Jiu was to hear about it, they would all be finished!

"Have all of you really surrounded the Tranquil Dreams Forest fully? Without anyone of you gone missing?" Jiang Yun Long's brows were tightly knitted together. Things had gone beyond his expectations. He had thought that he would be able to capture Jun Wu Xie easily, and had never once thought that he would not only lose so many men, but they had not even found the shadow of Jun Wu Xie.

"I have already taken stock of the spirits standing guard outside the Tranquil Dreams Forest and there had not been any losses. But while standing guard at the perimeter, some of them told me that they encountered Poison Ivy. Poison Ivy had said that they were all disturbing his rest and he chased them away." The human spirit then paused a moment, before he said trepidly: "Poison Ivy holds extremely great power, and has an eccentric temperament. So those people did not dare to remain there for long before they quickly dispersed away a little."

"Poison Ivy?" Jiang Yun Long's eyes narrowed slightly. "When did that happen?"

"Five days ago."

"What a bunch of morons! I had clearly told all of you that not an inch is to be missed. With just a few words from Poison Ivy and all of you had my orders go in one ear and come out of the other! ?" Jiang Yun Long drew in a deep breath. Based on the current situation, there was a high possibility that Jun Wu Xie's escape had something to do with Poison Ivy. He just did not believe that Jun Wu Xie would have such exceptional ability to be able to escape under the eyes of so many human spirits who surrounded the entire place, unless someone secretly lent her a hand!

The man was highly taken aback as he then said carefully: "They did not think so much into it as afterall..... It is widely known that Poison Ivy does not like to have any dealings with human spirits."

Chapter 2036:- Implicate (2)

Poison Ivy's eccentric temperament was well known throughout the Spirit World, and it was not known why he loathed human spirits, where he never liked to have any kind of contact with human spirits. Hence, those few human spirits standing guards had not thought too much about it.

Jiang Yun Long was silent, not speaking a single word, the shade on his face extremely ugly.

He knew more or less a little of Poison Ivy's temperament. Logically, things were as what this man was saying to him, that Poison Ivy deeply abhorred coming into contact with any human spirit. And based on what Meng Yi Liang had said before, Jun Wu Xie did not seem to know the Spirit World well, where it could be ascertained that she had not been in the Spirit World for long. Then it would also be reasonable to deduce that Poison Ivy would not know her as well....

Jiang Yun Long thought left and right about it when suddenly, the scene where Nalan Shan was rescued suddenly appeared in his mind.

Nalan Shan had only been able to escape on that day because of the strange vines that had suddenly appeared. And who in the Spirit World did not know that Poison Ivy's original form was a vine!

Could it be that Poison Ivy was involved in all of this?

"Go send men to go into the forest where new spirit souls stay and see if you can find any sign of Jun Wu Xie. Since she is already aware that we are seeking to capture her, she would definitely be prepared. If any of you discover her, don't be too anxious to act but just tail her secretly and send someone to come inform me about it. I'll then go deal with the matter myself." Jiang Yun Long said as he discovered in surprise that Poison Ivy might be involved in this matter. If that turned out to be true, then the matter would no longer be something that he would be able to deal with himself.

The man acknowledged his orders and retreated. Jiang Yun Long then immediately stood up and left as well.

Inside a elegant little courtyard, Jiang Yun Long strode with long strides towards its study.

The door into the study was tightly shut, and Jiang Yun Long walked up to the door. He composed himself before he raised a hand up and knocked upon the door.

"Who is it?" A soft and effeminate voice sounded from inside the room.

"Master, It's me. Jiang Yun Long."

"Come on in."

Jiang Yun Long pushed the door opened. In the study, a handsome man dressed in white clothes was seated behind the desk. The man did not look to be old, about twenty five or six at the very most, his features exquisite with a pair of long and narrow almond shaped eyes that were highly alluring. But his good looks were slightly effeminate, with a lack of a certain manliness that a man usually possessed.

"Yun Long? Why have you come to seek me today?" The effeminate man seated behind the desk asked with his brows slightly raised. He was the Spirit Master, Wu Jiu, that was currently most trusted by the Spirit Lord!

For anyone who had not seen Wu Jiu himself in person, it was feared that they would find it very hard to link this effeminate man together with the powerful, swift and decisive Wu Jiu.

But before Wu Jiu, Jiang Yun Long did not dare to show the slightest disrespect. He knelt down respectfully on the floor, and then related the series of events that had unfolded in the Tranquil Dreams Forest to Wu Jiu.

Wu Jiu's brows creased up slightly, his eyes tinted with malice.

"Master, if Poison Ivy is really involved in this matter, I am afraid that our intention to capture the Spiritual Bear will be known by the Beast Spirits very soon. If the Plant Spirits and the Beast Spirits join forces, it will surely be disadvantageous to us." Jiang Yun Long said solemnly.

Wu Jiu suddenly laughed out loud, that sounded filled with indescribable ridicule.

"That motley bunch? Even if they joined forces, what kind of tricks can they come up with?"

"With all that they are capable of, they would naturally not be a match for my Master you. But now that the time needed for the construction of the fourth Serene Spirit Tower has been delayed, if we let them kick up another ruckus, it will just make it more difficult for us to capture the Spiritual Bear, which will also prolong the delay in the construction of the fourth Serene Spirit Tower." Jiang Yun Long reasoned.

Wu Jiu narrowed his eyes, and the icy glint in those eyes sent chills up people's spines.

Chapter 2037:- Implicate (3)

Wu Jiu's gaze slowly fell onto the tabletop to look at the white parchment spread out upon the desk. He picked up a brush and then scribbled on the paper casually.

"If the Plant Spirits and the Beast Spirits are to join forces..... I would then like to see when are presented with the same kind of temptation, would they remain united." Wu Jiu the drew his last stroke on the parchment, and suddenly raised his head, a cold smile curling up the ends of his mouth.

"What Master means is..... incite animosity between the Plant Spirits and Beast Spirits?" Jiang Yun Long's eyes lit up slightly.

Wu Jiu then shook the brush he held in his hand.

"Incite? No need for that. They will get into a fight all by themselves."

Jiang Yun Long did not fully understand it.

Wu Jiu then said: "Get the builders to build up the fourth Serene Spirit Tower as quickly as possible.

"But, the Spiritual Bear still has not yet been found....." Jiang Yun Long replied.

"Only to build it up, and not to immediately put it to use." Wu Jiu said with a smile that curled up his lips.

Jiang Yun Long immediately understood what Wu Jiu meant.

"Your disciple will act on it immediately!"

After Jiang Yun Long left, Wu Jiu leaned back in his chair, and casually picked up a book that had no cover from the table to flip through indifferently. If Jun Wu Xie was present, she would have been shocked to see the characters written within that book. Because all those characters were exactly the same as the Spirit Reinforcement Runes that Jun Wu Xie were familiar with!

Because her looks was known by Jiang Yun Long and all those other human spirits, over the period of the few days she had been back, Jun Wu Xie had never left the place, but had remained there in his room to continue to cultivate. At the same time, Qiao Chu and the other companions had gone out to check on things happening around. It was on a matter of a few days before they came back with news.

"I heard that the construction of the fourth Serene Spirit Tower had been sped up. Tell me that they couldn't have possibly caught Brownie right?" Qiao Chu said as he sat on a chair, his face twisted up with worry. Besides practicing their cultivation for the past few days, they had also followed Poppy's lead to go to the place that the fourth Serene Spirit Tower was at. They discovered that the construction that was initially slowed down had suddenly resumed its pace for some unknown reason. This caused Qiao Chu and the others to feel a little nervous about it and Meng Yi Liang had said it before. To build the fourth Serene Spirit Tower, they needed the Spiritual Bear as the foundation. Hence, after Brownie escaped, the construction of the fourth Serene Spirit Tower had suddenly slowed down. Now that its speed had resumed, did that mean that they had already found Brownie?

Jun Wu Xie looked at Qiao Chu and said: "Is there any more news regarding my arrest?"

Because Jun Wu Xie had escaped from the Tranquil Dream Forest, and had killed Meng Yi Liang and his men, she had played Jiang Yun Long well and completely. Jiang Yun Long had been highly frustrated and he had spread the information in the Spirit World that Jun Wu Xie was to be arrested.

Afterall, compared to Nalan Shan whom every human spirit was familiar with, it would be easier to capture a new spirit soul that no one knew, and no one would discover their real intentions.

Qiao Chu was taken aback and he scratched his head as he said: "They are still trying to catch you. Now, in any place where people gather, there will be a portrait of you. It seems that that fella Jiang Yun Long is dead set on capturing you."

"They have not yet captured Brownie." Jun Wu Xie said suddenly.

Qiao Chu was even more confused. "How do you know they have not caught Brownie?"

[Could the questions that Jun Wu Xie asked earlier be linked to Brownie in anyway?] Qiao Chu's face was one of shock.

Rong Ruo standing on one side laughed as she went on to patiently explain: "What Little Xie meant was that the reason that Jiang Yun Long wanted to capture her was merely because he wanted to locate Nalan Shan, and to then find out Brownie's location from Nalan Shan. If they had already caught Brownie, why would they still expend so much of their strength to capture Little Xie?"

Chapter 2038:- Past and Present Life (1)

"Could it possibly be because they discovered Little Xie had slaughtered that dumb bunch together with Meng Yi Liang and that is why they are doing this?" Qiao Chu could roughly understand the gist of it, but there were still some parts he did not comprehend.

Jun Wu Xie shook her head.

"They had tried to be extremely secretive with their attempts to capture the Spiritual Bear all this while. If they have already caught Brownie, they would have immediately tried to avoid everyone's attention towards the entire matter and not continue to allow it to become bigger. Hence, if Brownie was in their hands now, they would not have sent so many spirits out on such a large scale to capture me, but would instead concentrate all their resources onto building the Serene Spirit Tower and only come settle scores with me after the construction of the fourth Serene Spirit Tower is completed."

"So that's how it is." Qiao Chu said as he rubbed his chin, finally understanding the situation entirely.

It must be said, that Jun Wu Xie's mind really thought things through completely.

"Tell me, what did you guys see at the fourth Serene Spirit Tower?" Jun Wu Xie was filled with curiosity about the Serene Spirit Tower and she was eager to resolve her own doubts in her heart through the Serene Spirit Tower.

Fan Zhuo then told Jun Wu Xie about everything that they had all seen near to the Serene Spirit Tower.

The fourth Serene Spirit Tower was built in a place where spirit bodies resided and that was not an isolated case. Based on Nalan Shan's previous investigations, the third Serene Spirit Tower had been the same, where they had not picked places that were empty. No one knew what Wu Jiu was thinking but he had just tyrannically taken the land that other spirit bodies were residing on.

Because of the Serene Spirit Tower's construction, the spirits that originally lived there had no choice but to move away. It was a large scale construction and it had not been that long ago that the fourth Serene Spirit Tower's construction had started. So there were still many spirits who still had not completely moved which made that place to be still rather chaotic.

At the site of the fourth Serene Spirit Tower, an area around it was closed off that did not allow anyone to get close, forcing Qiao Chu and the companions to only be able to observe from a distance, and not get close.

With the speed of construction suddenly resumed, the construction team began to recruit workers from outside. Qiao Chu and the others looked over the criteria for recruitment and found that they only needed to be human spirits with no other special requirements which then brought them back here to come discuss it with Jun Wu Xie about it.

"I was thinking why don't we grab this chance to sneak ourselves in there?" Qiao Chu was a little excited and restless as the mystery behind the Serene Spirit Tower filled him up with the desire to investigate deeper into it.

Jun Wu Xie nodded her head, thinking the exact same thing.

"But there is a problem now. What do we do with Little Xie's looks?" Fan Zhuo asked as he looked at Jun Wu Xie. Jun Wu Xie was now a spirit and not in her flesh form, hence those things she used to alter her looks in the past could not really be used now.

And there was nothing like that among the things that Ye Jie had prepared for Jun Wu Xie. In the Spirit World where Jun Wu Xie's portrait was stuck all over, if Jun Wu Xie were to make an appearance with a face like hers, she would definitely be caught immediately before she could sneak herself in.

That was a point that Jun Wu Xie had thought of. In the Cosmos Sack that Ye Jie had prepared for her, it was filled with things that spirits were able to use, but there were no medicinal products in there. Moreover, she did not feel that medicinal compounds based on flesh and skin would be able to alter a spirit body's face.

"Little Xie." Suddenly, Jun Wu Yao who had been sitting at the side suddenly opened his mouth.

Jun Wu Xie turned her head to look at Jun Wu Yao. Seeing him beckoning at her, she then walked over to him.

Jun Wu Yao reached his hand out and lifted Jun Wu Xie's chin. Looking at that exquisite little face, he said: "If you want to alter your looks, why would you need anything else? How about letting me help you?"

Jun Wu Xie's eyes then lit up.

Chapter 2039:- Past and Present Life (2)

Seeing Jun Wu Xie's reaction, Jun Wu Yao knew that she liked the idea and the corners of his mouth lifted up in an indulgent smile.

Jun Wu Yao lifted his other hand and he cradled Jun Wu Xie's tiny face in both hands as he slowly leaned in close to finally plant a light kiss upon her forehead in between her brows.

Qiao Chu and the others standing at the side immediately averted their eyes.

[Such a public display of affections..... Have they even considered the feelings of this group of hot blooded youths here at the side! ?]

Jun Wu Xie was calm as she accepted the kiss, like she was already used to it, but she still felt a surge of warmth spreading out from her forehead under Jun Wu Yao's kiss.

That warmth gradually passed over her cheeks, and a soft sound from her face reached her ears. Small tiny beads then fell onto the front of her chest. Jun Wu Xie subconsciously lifted up her hand to feel her face and under the touch of her fingertips, there seemed to be traces of cracks, where tiny beads stick on the tips of her fingers.

Jun Wu Yao then pulled himself away slightly from Jun Wu Xie, his gaze falling upon her face. Shocked daze showed in his eyes, his gaze frozen upon Jun Wu Xie's countenance, seemingly unable to move his eyes away.

"What?" It was the first time Jun Wu Xie was seeing Jun Wu Yao look at her with such eyes, unfathomably deep and tinged with a sliver of sorrow.

Jun Wu Yao snapped back to his senses in a sudden flash, the pain that tugged at his heart continuing to swirl. It had hit him so suddenly for no reason and he did not even know why he would feel like this.

"It's nothing. Now, will Little Xie see if this will do?" Jun Wu Yao's slender finger waved slightly, and a bronze mirror materialized in his hand.

Jun Wu Xie took the bronze mirror and lowered her eyes to look at her reflection.

It was just one look, but it made Jun Wu Xie freeze, utterly shocked.

The young lady in the mirror had an exquisite countenance. Compared to Jun Wu Xie's looks, it was actually in no way inferior in the slightest, but tinged with an additional cheerless iciness, like the proud moon that hung high up in the night sky, gracefully cold.

Jun Wu Xie stared blankly at the face in the mirror. That was a face she was so familiar with, but so strange at the same time.....

That face, belonged to Wu Xie, the one who was from the twenty fourth century, the reclusive and largely isolated young lady who buried her head in her lab.

Jun Wu Xie's past life.

Jun Wu Xie had never thought that the day would come where she would see herself like this once again. Those eyes and brows that were so familiar, but the subtle expression upon that face so foreign and unfamiliar. Such a calm expression at such great ease had never belonged to this face.

Reborn into another world, Jun Wu Xie had come to learn of happiness, anger, sorrow and joy, possessing myriad human emotions, causing that cold and emotionless face to already undergo change unconsciously.

It was her, but also not her as well.

How did Jun Wu Yao change her looks to become the way she was in her past life?

Jun Wu Xie did not know the reason, but she was completely entranced as she looked at her past self.

And Jun Wu Xie failed to notice that Jun Wu Yao, standing right in front her, was staring at her face with eyes filled with what almost bordered on sorrow.

That face, pricked Jun Wu Yao's heart like a thorn, causing him so much pain he was finding it hard to breathe. The agony that had come so suddenly, Jun Wu Yao had never experienced it before, feeling like the most important thing in the world to him had been snatched away.

He could not help but reach his hand out, to wrap Jun Wu Xie in an embrace, his arms tightening bit by bit.

Gripped by a sense of panic and unease, seemingly as if he was afraid she would just disappear in the next second.

Jun Wu Xie found herself suddenly wrapped within Jun Wu Yao's embrace, with an amount of strength he had never used on her before, like he wished for nothing more than to be able to meld her into his bones.

"Wu Yao?" Jun Wu Xie asked in puzzlement. She could feel the trace of an unusual aura emanating from Jun Wu Yao.

Chapter 2040:- Past and Present Life (3)

Jun Wu Yao did not say a word, but just hugged Jun Wu Xie tightly in his arms, like he had just found back the most precious treasure he had lost. He did not know what was wrong with him, the abject emptiness and utter despair feeling like his heart had been dug bare, causing him to be unable to control his own emotions.

His arms slowly tightened bit by bit, like her would never ever let go.

Jun Wu Yao's strength was terrifyingly great, causing Jun Wu Xie to feel an intense pain. Her brows knitted tightly together, but she was a little reluctant to push him away.

"Don't leave me again." A low raspy voice came out from Jun Wu Yao's mouth.

Jun Wu Xie was taken aback.

"I am not going to leave you."

Jun Wu Xie's clear voice reached Jun Wu Yao's ears, that struck like sudden thunder, shocking him awake from his daze. He suddenly raised up his head, his eyes tinged with surprise as he saw Jun Wu Xie's tightly creased brows. He immediately realized that he had lost control of himself and he quickly released his grip.

"What happened to you?" Jun Wu Xie did not care about the pain she was feeling, but was instead looking worriedly at Jun Wu Yao, thinking Jun Wu Yao was acting rather abnormally.

"I'm fine." Jun Wu Yao shook his head, the feeling of panic in his heart unfamiliar to him, which was something he was unaccustomed to.

Hearing Jun Wu Xie and Jun Wu Yao speak, Qiao Chu and the companions then turned their heads, to suddenly see Jun Wu Xie's new looks. All of their faces then looked like they had just discovered a new continent.

"Isn't Big Brother Wu Yao's thoughts too obvious here? Even though he has changed Little Xie's looks completely, he has still changed it to a standard of such flawless beauty, that's just....." Qiao Chu said as he rubbed at his chin. Needless to say, the looks that Jun Wu Yao had conjured up, was really great looking, not inferior to Jun Wu Xie's original looks in the slightest, each with their own strengths, neither one conceding to each other.

"That's called great taste. With Big Brother Wu Yao's great taste, how could he possibly do anything that would diminish Little Xie's beauty?" Fei Yan said, highly earnestly like it was a matter of great seriousness.

It was clear that Jun Wu Xie's little companions great admired Jun Wu Xie's new looks, and every single one of them were not stingy with their compliments.

Jun Wu Xie was helpless against Qiao Chu and the entire bunch of them. If she could, she really wanted to tell them that this set of looks was really originally her but she just couldn't fathom how Jun Wu Yao had changed her to look exactly the same like this. Was it all just a coincidence or what?

Jun Wu Yao silently looked at Jun Wu Xie who was talking with Qiao Chu and the rest of the companions, and his good looking brows creased up without a sound.

He had reassured Jun Wu Xie he was fine, but only he himself knew very clearly that for that very instant earlier, he had completely lost control of his emotions and actions.

[Don't leave me again.]

That had not been said by him at all.

Jun Wu Yao's eyes narrowed slightly as he lowered his head to look down at his chest, his hand rising up to clutch at the front of his clothes over his heart.

No matter what that was, he disliked that feeling extremely.

Jun Wu Xie who was talking with Qiao Chu and the rest of the gang then seemed to notice Jun Wu Yao's gaze. She turned her head around to find Jun Wu Yao's brows deeply furrowed, his eyes seemingly tinged with a trace of agony. Jun Wu Xie then turned herself around and went walking towards Jun Wu Yao.

Jun Wu Yao saw Jun Wu Xie approaching and he immediately pushed down the strange feeling in his heart.

"I like it very much." Jun Wu Xie said as she looked at Jun Wu Yao.

These looks were something she had not seen for a long time. Although she was shocked to see it again, but it made her recall everything about her past life, things she had not paid any notice to, which had remained buried deep in her heart, not forgotten.

Jun Wu Yao knew what Jun Wu Xie was referring to. He smiled slightly, and was just about to open his mouth to speak.

But Jun Wu Xie had suddenly pushed herself up on tiptoes, her arms curled around Jun Wu Yao's neck as she pulled his head down. Her little mouth that was faintly tinged with a smile then just covered over Jun Wu Yao's lips without any warning.


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