By Kells_bells_

246K 2.1K 1.9K

•HEAVY EDITING • MESSED UP STORYLINE• The summer after their last year of school, When Lane Miller moves back... More

Bonus Chapter


3.6K 28 41
By Kells_bells_

•Chapter Twenty-Eight•


It was around 10pm and I was watching Star Wars on my phone. Occasionally, a nurse would come in and check on me before giving me more medicine to help heal my injuries. I was able to get up to use the bathroom by myself but it still hurt to do so.

I ordered food from a nearby restaurant and was eating while watching my phone. Once I was done, I threw my plate away and turned my phone off.

Out of the blue, I heard a knock on my door. I was confused as to who it was because they wouldn't get back until around 11 and nobody knocked unless it was Topper.

I sat in silence and didn't say anything so that I would know if it was actually a knock or if it was a noise from down the hall. When I didn't say anything, the person opened the door and came in.

I was shocked to see Charlie, why would he be here?

"I'm sorry but I didn't say come in" I said, pointing at the door. He shrugged and looked around, "I see you're doing better" He stated, smirking at me.

I furrowed my eyebrows and stared at him, "Can you get out, I'm not feeling very well" I said. If what JJ said was true, I didn't want him in here with me taking advantage at me being vulnerable.

"I'm sorry, I'm just checking up on you. I haven't seen you since the crash" He said. "Excuse me?" I asked. Since the crash?

"Yeah, don't worry about it. I just wanted you to know that you deserved to get hurt, I was hoping you would die but I'll just have to try harder next time" He smirked, walking out of door before I could say anything.

Tears formed into my eyes, my heart rate picked up as I started gasping for air. I was hyperventilating at this point, it got worse and a nurse came rushing in to see what had happened.

5'9 and blonde hair, a man. It was Charlie, Charlie was the one who crashed into me. But what I couldn't understand, was why?

"I'm fine. Make sure nobody except Topper Thornton or Rafe Cameron come in this room, please check their names and ask me if they can come in. Call a police officer for me, please" I told the nurse who nodded and walked out.

I leaned my head back against my pillow, ready for Rafe to get back so I can tell him what just happened.

Not even 10 minutes later, a police officer showed up in my room. He stood at the foot of the bed with his walkie-talkie in his hand as he responded to something the other person said.

"What can I help you with?" He asked nicely. "I know who crashed into me" I said, watching his face go from a clam expression to a determined one.

"Okay, the lady who came to give a report told us that it was a man about 5'9 and he had blonde hair. Is this correct?" He asked as he got out his pen and notebook.

"Yes, his name is Charlie Jones and he's 18" I said, trying to hold back tears as I was about to explain what happened.

"How do you know this is him?" He asked as he wrote down what I just told him.

I explained to him what all happened and he nodded, calling in his walkie-talkie and thanking me before leaving. I checked my phone and it was about to be 11 so Rafe should be getting back soon.

I was going to try and sleep but after that, I knew I wouldn't unless Rafe was here to keep me safe.


"I'm back, something weird just happened" I heard Rafe's voice say as he walked in, still wearing his suit as he looked back at the door and then to me who had tears in my eyes.

"Hey, hey, what happened, you okay?" He asked, rushing over to sit down beside my legs. I nodded, taking a deep breath when I felt his thumb caress my hand.

"It was Charlie, Charlie was the one who crashed into me" I said and watched his face turn to anger. "How? What happened, I saw him at the event" He asked.

"He came here, Rafe. He admitted to it and told me that I deserved to be in pain and next time he'll actually kill me" I cried. He brought my head into his chest and placed gentle kisses on my hair, "That's why there's a police officer next to your door and asked me what my name was, huh?" He asked and I nodded.

"It's going to be okay, I'm right here and he's not going to hurt you" He reassured, bringing my face in his hands and wiping my tears with his thumbs.

I nodded and laid my head back on my pillow, hoping Charlie would get caught and go to jail for what he's done. I heard Rafe on the phone with someone and then telling them that it was Charlie who did it. I assumed it was Topper since Rafe talks a certain way when he's talking to him.

"Topper's going to tell my parents and your parents so you don't have to, okay" He said while getting up and digging through his bag to get something. "Okay" I breathed out.

"You look handsome by the way" I smiled and scanned over his body. He was wearing a tight fitted black suit with an emerald pocket square and matching tie.

"Thanks, I wore your favorite color" He turned his head to me and winked. "I noticed, I wish I could've gone and matched with you" I chuckled.

"Next time, love" He said. "Do you mind if I take a shower? Or do you want me to stay in here?" He asked.

"Go take your shower, I'll be okay" I said and watched him nod before cracking the door behind him in the bathroom so that I could yell if something happened.

I busied my mind as I watched another Star Wars movie and made myself comfortable in the semi-comfortable bed. A nurse came in not long after and gave me some medicine that would help me sleep as well as help heal my injuries.

"You okay?" Rafe yelled from the bathroom. "Yeah, it was just the nurse" I called back and didn't hear a reply.

Soon, the medicine kicked in and my eyelids grew heavy. I heard the bathroom door open and I peaked through my eyelids to see him in his sweatpants and a black muscle-tee.

I wanted to say something but I didn't have the strength to open my mouth and make a comment.

The light dimmed in the room and I felt his presence beside me as he scooted me over. "I'm right here, I'm not gonna let anything happen" He reassured, placing a kiss to my temple and laying his head on top of mine.


Two weeks had passed and my foot was completely healed. My arm would take at least two or three more weeks to heal and my ribs would take about the same time to be at a decent state. My doctor said that it could be four weeks to completely heal since they were severely broken but they are healing quicker than expected.

Charlie hasn't been found yet, he could be out of the state for all we know. Rafe and Topper have told me multiple times that when I get out, they're going to go look for him.

Today I would be able to get out of the hospital but I would have to come back at nights so nothing would happen.

My ribs were hurting me but it wasn't as bad as it was when I first woke up. I couldn't feel a lot in my arm as the cast that was on it was secured tightly to keep pressure on it.

"I'm gonna go change in the bathroom" I said to Rafe, grabbing my clothes and walking slowly to the bathroom.

I could now fully do things by myself but occasionally I would ask for his help if I couldn't bend down and pick something up. He didn't mind, he even told me that he loved helping me.

I changed out of my pajamas and put on some Nike black leggings and a matching sports bra, it was cool out today and didn't want my legs to get cold if I wore my biker shorts.

I brushed through my hair, wishing I could put it in french braids but just let it flow down to my middle-back. I brushed my teeth and washed my face to rid of the oil that collected up through the night.

Once I was done, I exited the bathroom and made my way to my shoes that I hadn't worn since the crash. My black Chaco's.

"Can I match with you?" He asked once he saw me come out of the bathroom. I looked over at him and he was holding up his own pair of black Chaco's.

I chuckled and nodded my head, "Can you grab mine first?" I asked as they were on the ground. "You don't have to ask me twice" He hummed, sitting on his knees and patting his thigh for me to put my foot on.

I smiled and allowed him to grab my foot and place my Chaco on and then my other one. Once he was done, he placed his own on and went over to his bag where he pulled out a flannel.

"I can't let you catch a cold" He said while putting  my arms through the sleeves, making sure to be careful with my casted arm.

I smiled at him and placed a kiss on his cheek before he turned and grabbed my stuff for me and then grabbed my hand, opening the brown door and walking us to the front desk to check out for the day.

I hadn't seen outside in over a month and I was really excited, I couldn't do much but it was still exciting to breath in fresh air and see people outside of the boring hospital room.

"Checking out, Lane Miller" Rafe said to the lady receptionist. She smiled and clicked on her computer, nodding to us after she was done to let us know that we were free to leave for the day.

"I'm so ready to leave this place" I mumbled as doctors and nurses walked passed us as we started toward the sliding hospital doors.

"Well, what do you wanna do today?" He asked, his hand still in mine and rubbing his thumb against my skin.

"I want to drink alcohol on the beach tonight and have a little campfire but other than that, I don't know" I shrugged, breathing in the fresh air as we stepped outside. "The air smells so good" I commented, earning a chuckle in response from him.

"Then we'll do that, wanna go eat somewhere?" He asked, walking us toward his truck. "Sure" I smiled.

"Do you want Topper and Sarah to come?" He asked, opening up the passenger door and helping me get in. Once I was seated, I put my seatbelt on and turned to look at him.

"No, just the two of us" I winked at him. "Like a date?" He asked. "Yeah" I breathed out and watched him smirk before closing the door and walking over to the drivers side.

"Where would you like to go?" He asked as he reached over to place his hand on my thigh. "You pick" I smiled and turned my head to watch out the window, relishing the moment of being free from the hospital.

"Always so stubborn" He breathed out which made me giggle.


"How are you feeling, free and all?" He asked with a shrug, stealing a french fry from my plate and placing it in his mouth.

I glared at him and did the same, then taking a sip of my water and clearing my throat. "Good, I guess. I feel normal, except for my ribs but it's alright" I shrugged.

"D'you think things will go back to normal once you're discharged from the hospital?" He asked, genuine concern written on his face.

I sighed and rubbed my face with my right hand before looking back up to him. "I don't know, I hope so but it all depends on Topper, you and Sarah. I'm fine, I don't remember much of the crash so I'm not traumatized. You and Sarah didn't see the crash but you still saw me in a coma and you stayed all the time. I'm worried about Topper the most, he's traumatized and getting out from the dark hole you call depression. He's seen things, heard things and felt things so it mostly depends on him. I know he'll always be traumatized but I think once we all move on from it and we help him then we might be fine" I said, glancing out the window of the shop and then back to Rafe who nodded.

"He was in a horrible state. When we got home, he was staring into space, not blinking, not talking or reacting to Sarah's hug when she embraced him. I thought it was just you two playing a stupid prank and you were up in my room. When I was in my room looking for you, I heard a scream, Sarah's scream. I thought she was being over dramatic about something but when I looked at Topper, he had a single tear down his cheek. He handed me my ring and told me something and I still thought it was a prank, that's when I looked at the ring closely and it had a spec of red substance and I knew what happened so I ran out to drive to the hospital" He sighed, staring at me the whole time and using his hands to get the point across.

"But, every time he came in the hospital room while you were in a coma, he was torn. He didn't know if you would wake up or not and I know that was scaring him. He told me that he saw you and heard the sirens and screams and the blue and red lights and the car. I'm worried about him, even now when you're awake from the coma. I wish I never went on that damn trip, I could've prevented you from crashing and him from being long-lived traumatized" He sighed, frustration in his tone.

I sympathetically smiled at him and reached my hand over to place in his, wrapping my fingers around his delicately long pair and bringing it to my lips and placing a soft kiss to it.

"Please don't blame yourself, it's not yours or anybody else's fault. Nobody could've prevented this, it was all in my path that God is controlling. Things will look up, maybe later than sooner but I know things will eventually get better" I tilted my head and gave him a smile before letting go of his hand.

He ran his hands up his face and sighed into his hands, "When I ask you that question, you have to say yes, no matter what" He said and stared into my eyes.

"If it's a good enough question that deserves a yes, I might say yes" I winked and placed my chin in my hand.

"Oh, it's a good enough question all right" He smirked and stole another one of my fries. I slapped his hand away to try and make him drop it but failed since he still had it between his fingers. He shot me a toothy grin and chewed before taking a sip of his own drink.

I rolled my eyes and looked out the window again, watching the birds fly above the little corner shop that we stopped at that had chicken and fries. I decided I wasn't all that hungry and got a basket of fries for myself, but you see how that's going. He ordered him a few chicken strips and they soon got delivered, along with his own plate of fries

"Your birthday is coming up" I said out of the blue. I'd reminded myself while I was bored in the hospital bed, using my brain to look for something I could do to pass the boredom until I remembered his birthday was soon approaching. I have already ordered most of his gifts, the last one has to wait until the day after his birthday so I can take him to it.

"What do you want to do?" I asked, stealing a fry off of his plate to give him a taste of his own medicine. He chuckled and chewed his chicken, waiting to swallow before replying to my question.

"I forgot it was coming up, been caught up in more important business to even think about it" He shrugged and I sighed. "Sorry" I mumbled and hung my head.

"No, that's not what I meant. I don't really care for my birthday all that much anyway. I love taking care of you and I just never thought about it" He reassured and placed his hand on the table in front of me.

I grabbed it and intertwined our fingers together only to feel his thumb rub against my skin. "I know but I don't want to feel like a burden that you have to take care of" I started to let go of his hand but he only tightened his grip on it so I wouldn't let go.

"You are and never will be a burden, do you understand. I've told you many times that I love taking care of you even though I know you're stubborn and independent. So stop thinking that" He said. I slowly nodded and took another sip of my water before looking back at him.

"I don't want to do anything for my birthday other than spend it with you" He smiled and squeezed my hand before letting it go. "What do you want to do?" I repeated, trying not to scrunch my face up at his cheesy-ness.

He leaned his head back and let out an overdramatic sigh, "I don't know, you pick" He said. Now he's being the stubborn one.

"I'm starting to think you're the more stubborn one out of the both of us" I mumbled and he scoffed. "It's not my birthday, it's yours so you pick" I said, gaze stern as I stared at him.

"I just want to spend it with you and Topper, maybe Sarah" He shrugged and I chuckled. I nodded and left the conversation alone, I had a plan anyway.


Well, how do you feel about Charlie now?

Small filler chapter but I liked their sweet moment together.

Please vote and comment, love you all!🤍

Word count: 3,183

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