Genius Doctor: Black Belly Mi...

By Diavola1235

114K 3.4K 28

(NOTE:- THIS WORK IS NOT MINE. Credits to the author, editor and translator. For offline purposes only!) She... More

Chapter 01 - 25
Chapter 26 - 50
Chapter 51 - 75
Chapter 76 - 100
Chapter 101 - 125
Chapter 126 - 150
Chapter 151 - 175
Chapter 176 - 200
Chapter 201 - 220
Chapter 221 - 240
Chapter 241 - 260
Chapter 261 - 280
Chapter 281 - 300
Chapter 301 - 320
Chapter 321 - 340
Chapter 341 - 360
Chapter 361 - 380
Chapter 381 - 400
Chapter 401 - 420
Chapter 421 - 440
Chapter 441 - 460
Chapter 461 - 480
Chapter 481 - 500
Chapter 501 - 520
Chapter 521 - 540
Chapter 541 - 560
Chapter 561 - 580
Chapter 581 - 600
Chapter 601 - 620
Chapter 621 - 640
Chapter 641 - 660
Chapter 661 - 680
Chapter 681 - 700
Chapter 701 - 720
Chapter 721 - 740
Chapter 741 - 760
Chapter 761 - 780
Chapter 781 - 800
Chapter 801 - 820
Chapter 821 - 840
Chapter 841 - 860
Chapter 861 - 880
Chapter 881 - 900
Chapter 901 - 920
Chapter 921 - 940
Chapter 941 - 960
Chapter 961 - 980
Chapter 981 - 1000
Chapter 1001 - 1020
Chapter 1021 - 1040
Chapter 1041 - 1060
Chapter 1061 - 1080
Chapter 1081 - 1100
Chapter 1101 - 1120
Chapter 1121 - 1140
Chapter 1141 - 1160
Chapter 1161 - 1180
Chapter 1181 - 1200
Chapter 1201 - 1220
Chapter 1221 - 1240
Chapter 1241 - 1260
Chapter 1261 - 1280
Chapter 1281 - 1300
Chapter 1301 - 1320
Chapter 1321 - 1340
Chapter 1341 - 1360
Chapter 1361 - 1380
Chapter 1381 - 1400
Chapter 1401 - 1420
Chapter 1421 - 1440
Chapter 1441 - 1460
Chapter 1461 - 1480
Chapter 1481 - 1500
Chapter 1501 - 1520
Chapter 1521 - 1540
Chapter 1541 - 1560
Chapter 1561 - 1580
Chapter 1581 - 1600
Chapter 1601 - 1620
Chapter 1621 - 1640
Chapter 1641 - 1660
Chapter 1661 - 1680
Chapter 1681 - 1700
Chapter 1701 - 1720
Chapter 1721 - 1740
Chapter 1741 - 1760
Chapter 1761 - 1780
Chapter 1781 - 1800
Chapter 1801 - 1820
Chapter 1821 - 1840
Chapter 1841 - 1860
Chapter 1861 - 1880
Chapter 1881 - 1900
Chapter 1901 - 1920
Chapter 1921 - 1940
Chapter 1961 - 1980
Chapter 1981 - 2000
Chapter 2001 - 2020
Chapter 2021 - 2040
Chapter 2041 - 2060
Chapter 2061 - 2080
Chapter 2081 - 2100
Chapter 2101 - 2120
Chapter 2121 - 2140
Chapter 2141 - 2160
Chapter 2161 - 2180
Chapter 2181 - 2200
Chapter 2201 - 2220
Chapter 2221 - 2240
Chapter 2241 - 2260
Chapter 2261 - 2280
Chapter 2281 - 2300
Chapter 2301 - 2320
Chapter 2321 - 2340
Chapter 2341 - 2360
Chapter 2361 - 2380
Chapter 2381 - 2400
Chapter 2401 - 2420
Chapter 2421 - 2440
Chapter 2441 - 2460
Chapter 2461 - 2480
Chapter 2481 - 2500
Chapter 2501 - 2520
Chapter 2521 - 2540
Chapter 2541 - 2560
Chapter 2561 - 2580
Chapter 2581 - 2600
Chapter 2601 - 2620
Chapter 2621 - 2640
Chapter 2641 - 2660
Chapter 2661 - 2680
Chapter 2681 - 2700
Chapter 2701 - 2720
Chapter 2721 - 2740
Chapter 2741 - 2760
Chapter 2761 - 2780
Chapter 2781 - 2800
Chapter 2801 - 2820
Chapter 2821 - 2840
Chapter 2841 - 2860
Chapter 2861 - 2880
Chapter 2881 - 2900
Chapter 2901 - 2920
Chapter 2921 - 2940
Chapter 2941 - 2960
Chapter 2961 - 2980
Chapter 2981 - 3000
Chapter 3001 - 3020
Chapter 3021 - 3040
Chapter 3041 - 3060
Chapter 3061 - 3080
Chapter 3081 - 3100
Chapter 3101 - 3120
Chapter 3121:- Xiao Xie (5)
Chapter 3122:- Xiao Xie (6)
Chapter 3123:- The End - Matchmaking

Chapter 1941 - 1960

718 16 1
By Diavola1235


Chapter 1941:- Secretly Hidden (1)

To have been able to escape out from Jun Wu Yao's Blood Burial alive, that Gu Ying was rather capable.

Gu Ying's escape was a small matter but what worried Ye Mei more was that news that Jun Wu Yao was still alive would spread.

"Since I'm back here in the Middle Realm, those people will discover it sooner or later anyway." The corners of Jun Wu Yao's lips curled up, his eyes flashing with a chill.

"Lord Jue, then should we return to the Lower Realm immediately?" Ye Mei's tone was filled with worry. The many powers in the Middle Realm were highly complicated and the extent of the places their people reached were many and far reaching. It would not be easy for them to deal with immediately.

Jun Wu Yao's gaze then turned around slightly to look upon the tightly shut door a moment before he shook his head.

"Let them continue with things in the Lower Realm. After some time, make a trip back to the Dark Regions." Jun Wu Yao then said.

"Go back to the Dark Regions?" The faces of Ye Sha and Ye Mei immediately flashed with a tinge of surprise.

If Lord Jue was asking Ye Mei to go back to the Dark Regions, wasn't that a hint that he was bring the news that he was still alive back to the Dark Regions?

"Lord Jue please reconsider! You still have not fully recovered from your injuries and it isn't advisable for you to make any moves against those people for the time being. I beg for Lord Jue to give us a little bit more time and we will definitely have everything properly dealt with. At that time....." Ye Mei immediately knelt before Jun Wu Yao, to plead with sincere and earnest words.

Jun Wu Yao held up a hand to interrupt Ye Mei's words.

"Even if I am willing to wait, it is feared that those people are unable to sit back anymore." Jun Wu Yao's mouth twisted up into a cold sneer. "Now that the Soul Transfer Technique has appeared here in the Middle Realm, with such an interesting thing happening, I am thinking they have already made their moves. The Nine Temples have always been highly discreet with their ways and this does not seem to be their style of doing things."

Although he had not come back to the Middle Realm for so long, but information about the Middle Realm had not stopped reaching Jun Wu Yao's ears.

One Region, Four Sides, Nine Temples, Twelve Palaces.

The different factions of power in the Middle Realm. Before Jun Wu Yao had the idea of unifying the Middle Realm, the Four Sides stayed aloof from worldly affairs, and only the Nine Temples and Twelve Palaces were most aggressive. The Nine Temples were established before the Twelve Palaces and they accumulated much more robust powers. And as the relations between the Nine Temples were far more cohesive than the Twelve Palaces, without having any conflicts between them, they had always suppressed the Twelve Palaces in terms of power, indisputably stronger.

But according to the information Ye Mei and the others had managed to gather in recent years, after the Dark Emperor fell and the Dark Regions went into seclusion, the Nine Temples had suddenly became rather restrained, keeping a low profile with their ways, which gave the Twelve Palaces the opportunity to stand taller.

It might not seem like much to any others who saw this, but to Jun Wu Yao, there was something highly interesting about it.

It must be known that the Nine Temples' Temple Lords and the Twelve Palaces' Palaces Lords were completely different as ever since the the Nine Temples had been established, the Temple Lords of the respective temples had never once changed!

Long before Jun Wu Yao had appeared in the Middle Realm, the Temple Lords of the Nine Temples had already reigned over their respective Temples and that had not changed when Jun Wu Yao unified the Middle Realm. Even till now, after a thousand years had passed, the Temple Lords of the Nine Temples were still the same nine people.

Having lived a few thousand years, why have they suddenly turned apathetic and unambitious?

"If I remember it correctly, that Gu Ying who escaped, wasn't his maternal family from the Spirit Void Temple?" Jun Wu Yao asked with a slightly raised eyebrow.

"Lord Jue, you mean..... the Middle Realm has begun on their plans?" Ye Mei asked slightly startled.

Jun Wu Yao gave a light laugh.

"I am not certain whether they have started, but over the past one thousand years, they would naturally not stay idle and would have done quite a lot of things."

"Then all the more Lord Jue must not meet with them now. Otherwise....." Ye Mei gritted his teeth and did not finish his words, but the hatred in his eyes was however clear to see.

Chapter 1942:- Secretly Hidden (2)

"So what even if we meet? Would they then possibly kill me?" Jun Wu Yao asked with an eyebrow raised, the arrogance in his eyes clearly apparent.

Ye Mei lowered his head. He knew, that even if they were to once again encounter those people and they were to fall in defeat, those people would definitely not take Lord Jue's life, but.....

Jun Wu Yao stared in the direction of the tightly shut door and the icy smile on his face became a little warmer, a little more gentle.

"Maybe it's time that I should bring the little one to go have a look around the Four Sides."

Ye Mei was slightly taken aback as he raised his head up in surprise.

"Lord Jue, you are going to tell Young Miss about that matter?"

Jun Wu Yao rubbed at his chin.

"Little Xie's mind is not something any normal person could compare to. When she comes to know about it, she might have some other way to deal with them. In that way, even if something were to happen to me, I am to belief that she would be able to deal with it with her capabilities."

"Lord Jue! How could my Lord even mention something so ominous and unlucky!" Even Ye Sha had become anxious as he fell to the ground with a thud.

Jun Wu Yao arched up an eyebrow to look at his two stern faced subordinates, and he suddenly broke out into laughter.

"Having followed me for so many years, when would you guys be able to change that personality of yours? What I have said to both of you today, you two better remember it well. What is mine, is Little Xie's as well. The Dark Regions is mine, and is also hers, as is everything that I possess. You guys know what to do." Jun Wu Yao said it highly casually, but in the ears of Ye Sha and Ye Mei, it was like their hearts were being sliced by a knife.

Lord Jue's words were just too shocking to them, as it sounded like he was giving instructions for his own funeral arrangements.....

Jun Wu Yao immediately turned around to go back into the room after saying that, and sat down by the bed to look at Jun Wu Xie's exquisite sleeping countenance, his eyes rising with a rarely seen gentleness.

[Little one, you've got to grow up quickly.]

Ye Sha and Ye Mei completely lost their mood for anything, their faces turning an extremely ugly shade. Even Mu Chen had been startled to see two such grim faces when he came, bringing in the medicine.

Jun Wu Xie's vision took a turn for the better on the second day. Only just feeling a little better and she already could not remain idle but went running outside immediately.

The aftereffects of the Spirit Transformation Elixir that Qiao Chu and the others took struck them very quickly. The bunch of youths were acting like they had fallen gravely ill, unable to rise after a single stumble. Their reactions startled Mu Chen greatly, as he had not discovered any heavy injuries on their bodies. So how did these bunch of perfectly fine and healthy youths suddenly turn to become so frail and weak in barely an instant?

Just as Mu Chen was feeling completely befuddled, Jun Wu Xie came rushing in right at that moment.

Within the room, Qiao Chu and the several others were flopped lazily over soft couches. The handsome and beautiful faces that had been filled with so much vigor were now showing an extraordinary paleness. Jun Wu Xie was standing right before them, but she could not feel the slightest bit of spirit power from their bodies.

The side effects of the Spirit Transformation Elixir had struck them fully, and Qiao Chu and the gang had lost all their spirit powers.

"Heh, Little Xie..... You're looking fine aren't you? You really scared us so badly that day you know?" Qiao Chu raised up a hand to wave tiredly, like he had no strength left. He really wanted to be as bouncy and jump around like always, but his weak and frail body really couldn't summon up the slightest bit of strength.

Whatever intense benefits the Spirit Transformation Elixir had given to him, it also brought the very same level of adverse effects.

Jun Wu Xie narrowed her eyes as she looked at her pale faced companions and she went walking forward, taking their pulses one by one.

The results from her diagnosis was just like she had imagined.

The several of them who had possessed strong and healthy bodies, had now all become sickly and frail, a lack of Qi in their blood. If she did not know them before, she might have thought that this was a group of Young Masters who grouped themselves together to come seek medical treatment from her.

"I've reminded all of you before, unless you are left with no other choice, to not take the Spirit Transformation Elixir." After seeing the state of their pulse, even Jun Wu Xie was finding it rather hard to bear.

Chapter 1943:- Medicinal Brew (1)

Qiao Chu scratched his head with a rather sheepish smile.

"Little Xie, the Spirit Transformation Elixir was just fantastic! With such an amazing thing in our hands, how can we resist ourselves from using it?"

Jun Wu Xie shot Qiao Chu a cold gaze, and Qiao Chu suddenly found it hard to maintain his smile.

"Without it, we'll not have been able to exact revenge with our own two hands." Fei Yan suddenly piped in. The effects of the Spirit Transformation Elixir could be said to have been powerful and intense, but its side effects were astronomical as well. For a whole year after that, the entire group of them would be as good as the most useless of trash. But having exacted their deepest blood vengeance, not to mention asking them to just be trash for a year, even if its adverse effects were to affect them for life, they would have been willing to suffer the consequences.

Jun Wu Xie looked at her companions' determined gazes and although she was feeling rather helpless at that moment, she could understand what they were thinking.

If their positions had been reversed, where the Twelve Palaces had massacred everyone in the Lin Palace, she would go exact revenge even at the risk of her life as well.

"So that means all of you have prepared yourselves well?" Jun Wu Xie said.

Immediately, Qiao Chu nodded his head thoughtlessly, but halfway through, he suddenly froze for a while.

"Prepared for what?"

Jun Wu Xie arched up an eyebrow and clapped her hands together.

The doors were immediately pushed open in that instant, and outside, Yue Ye, Yue Yi, and Long Qi were carrying several bowls of medicinal brew as they came in. Upon the tray in Yue Ye's hands, there was even a whole bunch of bottles in different shapes and sizes.

Yue Yi and Long Qi then placed the steaming hot bowls of medicinal brew right before Qiao Chu and the rest of the gang.

Qiao Chu and the gang stared at the brew and then looked at Jun Wu Xie.

Jun Wu Xie's face was cold.

Qiao Chu gulped discreetly and then picked up the bowl of medicinal brew to sniff his nose over it.

"Blargh..... What kind of medicine is this! ? Why does it smell just like faeces! ? I really feel like puking!" Qiao Chu almost tossed the bowl of medicinal brew. There was no other way to describe that smell.

"I prescribed it. You have an opinion about it?" Jun Wu Xie asked, an eyebrow raising up threateningly.

Qiao Chu's face twisted up in a grimace and quickly shook his head to say: "No opinions! No opinions at all!"

The other few of the companions were shocked by the smell of the brew as well. Before they could open their mouths to say a word about it, they already saw Qiao Chu completely stumped by Jun Wu Xie, and they immediately swallowed back their words that had been right at the tip of their tongues.

The fact that they had taken the Spirit Transformation Elixir straightaway had already irked Jun Wu Xie quite a bit. If they were to make all sorts of excuses now with these medicinal brews.....

Without a word, Fan Zhuo picked up the bowl and poured the brew straight into his mouth, downing it all cleanly at one go.

"It's alright, it isn't really all that bad to take." Fan Zhuo said with a smile.

He had been quick downing the brew, but if his hand had not shook when he was putting the bowl down, he might have been a little more convincing.

It must be known that Fan Zhuo had grown up immersed in all kinds of medicinal brews and elixirs. From a young age till now, things like medicinal brews to him, he must have drunk like about ten thousand bowls or several thousand at the very least. But when even Fan Zhuo was showing such a reaction after drinking the medicinal brew.....

Qiao Chu almost burst out in tears as he stared at the medicinal brew.

Rong Ruo and Hua Yao steeled themselves as they poured the medicine down their throats and they two of them just fell back and laid limply in their couches with their hands covering their mouths, causing Qiao Chu and Fei Yan to tremble more violently as they looked at the two of them.

[This your mother's thing here can really be drunk?]

"You're not going to drink?" Jun Wu Xie asked, staring at the two guys who still had not drunk a sip of the brew, her eyes seemingly saying: [You'd better drink it all up or I'll make you do it myself.]

That scared Qiao Chu and Fei Yan so badly that they immediately cleaned out the bowl in an instant.

After finishing it, their two faces were so mournful like life held no meaning for them, their hands clasped over their mouth to prevent themselves from vomiting the medicinal brew back out.

Never in their entire lives had they drunk something so absolutely vile and nasty!

"Finished drinking?" Jun Wu Xie swept her eyes over the lot of them.

The several youths nodded their heads listlessly.

"Good. Now drink up the next bowl as well." Jun Wu Xie's voice had just dropped when Long Qi immediately brought in the enormous pot of medicinal brew in.

Chapter 1944:- Medicinal Brew (2)

Qiao Chu and the gang immediately collapsed in tears.

There's more! !

"Little Xie..... We still have to drink it?" Qiao Chu's face went from white to black, crying tearlessly as he stared at the pot of medicinal brew that was the same width as a grown man's waist.

What kind of a brewing pot was that! ? It's a water urn you know! ?

"Good medicine tastes bitter. What? You don't want to drink it?" Jun Wu Xie raised up an eyebrow alarmingly, the threat clear to see.

With that, who dared to resist? All of them could only look mournfully at Jun Wu Xie with pure and utter despair in their eyes.

Long Qi struggled to suppress the smile from showing on his face and under Jun Wu Xie's instructions, he filled up the bowls with medicinal brew for Qiao Chu and the others. Looking at the murky black brew swirling in their bowls, the companions' faces were looking uglier than when they had finished the first bowl.

Even if this was some miracle medicine, but its taste.....

Can they just choose to continue being sick and frail instead?

It was very clear that the answer would be negative.

The bunch of youths summoned up steely determination comparable to the most valiant of warriors, to lift up their bowls to just pour the brew down their throats.

With that second bowl swirling in their bellies, they truly experienced what it was like to live feeling they're better off dead.

Fei Yan was not able to endure it well as he lay sprawled over the side of his bed to retch but nothing came out, filling his entire mouth with the taste of the medicinal brew, almost killing himself with the smell.

Tears flowed from his eyes from his retching and Fei Yan felt as if he was going to die.

Qiao Chu was not doing any much better as he struggled so hard to hold it in, his face turning a deep red from suppression.

Hua Yao, Rong Ruo and Fan Zhuo handled it a little better, but they laid there with their lips stiff, and it was not difficult to see that they were trying very hard to tolerate the ordeal.

Unfortunately, the cruel torment had not ended yet. After the second bowl, Long Qi came around with the pot and poured out medicine for all of them again.

Qiao Chu was almost glaring at Long Qi with indignant rage. "Big Brother Long Qi, are you sure that there's more of it in that pot?" [Can't he see that they're dying here? Can he be a little humane about it and spare a thought for them! ?]

Long Qi looked at Qiao Chu with a highly serious expression and said in stoic righteousness: "Young Miss has already measured out seven portions for the five of you here." So, with them having merely finished just one or two bowls each, even if he wanted to pretend the pot is already empty, Jun Wu Xie would not believe it.

"Se..... Seven portions....." Qiao Chu's eyes flared wide like a goldfish, staring incredulously at Long Qi. He just could not believe what kind of a number he had just heard.

The faces of all the others turned so pale they looked green.

"All of you will have to take this medicine everyday from now onwards." Jun Wu Xie opened her mouth once again, dumping upon them a piece of news that threw the minds of Qiao Chu and the gang into absolute chaos.

In that instant, the five youths turned to stone.

[They have to drink that everyday.....]

"I..... I feel faint..... I need to sleep for awhile." Fei Yan quickly crawled under his blanket and curled himself into a ball, determined that he was going to play dead.

"Sure you can. Long Qi, keep Fei Yan's portion aside. Heat it up for him to finish later at night." How could Jun Wu Xie possibly allow him to escape.

Bundled up under his blanket, Fei Yan shivered.

Fan Zhuo was the one who accepted his fate most readily. It might be because he was most used to drinking medicinal brews and although the taste of the medicine made it really hard to swallow, but he had long learned to numb his sense of taste while taking medicine. He downed the bowl of medicine cleanly and beckoned Long Qi to quickly fill his bowl up again, finishing up the remaining bowls at one go.

With seven bowls of the medicinal brew in his stomach, Fan Zhuo immediately regretted it. Those seven bowls had filled his stomach completely, with the brew stuck at the back of his throat, the smell and taste of it assaulting him constantly. Fan Zhuo sunk into pure despair.

Under Jun Wu Xie's watchful gaze, Qiao Chu and the others resigned themselves to their fate and finished all the medicine. After finishing it, all of them lay barely half alive on their beds like they were all afflicted with a grave illness.

Jun Wu Xie glanced at Yue Ye and Yue Ye immediately carried a whole pile of elixirs bottles as she smilingly walked over to stand right before Qiao Chu and the companions.

Chapter 1945:- Medicinal Brew (3)

Jun Wu Xie glanced at Yue Ye and Yue Ye immediately carried a whole pile of elixirs bottles as she smilingly walked over to stand right before Qiao Chu and the companions.

"Time for my Uncle Masters to take their medicine." Yue Ye said as she looked smilingly at Qiao Chu and the others, seemingly oblivious to their looks of utter despair while she brought the tray in and placed it onto the table. She used five little boxes to separate five portions of medicine, pouring out elixirs from every single bottle into them before she went on to place them on the edge of the mattresses Qiao Chu and the others were lying on.

Hua Yao swept a glance over the elixirs in the box, that one fleeting look seeing that it was filled to the brim, with several layers of pills in there.....

This was as good as asking them to swallow elixirs as people would for rice!

However, after having suffered the torment from the medicinal brew, the hearts of the gang had already as good as died inside them. Knowing that it was useless for them to resist, they could only resign themselves to their fate as they poured the elixirs into their mouths like they would beans. The most terrifying thing about it was that the elixirs melted immediately once inside their mouths, the vilely bitter taste in no way inferior to the medicinal brew earlier. That mouthful of elixirs caused the youths to sink so deeply into sorrowful rage they just wanted to die, but could do nothing but to swallow it all, their faces turned red from holding it in.

Their bellies had already been filled up completely with medicinal brew earlier and now they had to stuff in another box full of elixirs.

They all very nearly vomited everything out.

Having never despised themselves before, the bunch of youths absolutely abhorred the kind of taste their mouths were making them feel at that moment.

"Little bright moon..... Can you get your Master Uncles here a bit of water?" Qiao Chu asked with a trembling hand stretched out, the corners of his eyes glinting with suspicious wetness.

(Translator's note: Little Yue, 月 means moon in Chinese)

Yue Ye looked at Qiao Chu's mournful expression and asked: "Will the Master Uncles still be able to swallow it?"

"Just to rinse our mouths....." [Don't make me speak anymore. I am already beginning to despise this mouth of mine already!]

Yue Ye looked at her Master Uncles before her and then turned her head to look at her Master. Seeing Jun Wu Xie nodded her head in agreement, she then tottered herself outside in a run to bring a flask of cold tea, where she then poured out a cup for Qiao Chu and the others. The whole group of youths then frantically rinsed out their mouths, wishing toe wash out the sticky layer of goo that covered the inside of their mouths entirely.

And the taste of that was just unmatchable!

"The Spirit Transformation Elixir is not something that's so easy to take. If you want to do that again in future, you'd better think it through." Jun Wu Xie sat upon a chair, calmly holding a clear cup of tea in her hand, as she looked at the expressions on her companions' faces who were suffering a fate far worse than death.

"Think it through! Definitely will think it through and through." Qiao Chu's voice sounded like he was about to cry.

The youths were tormented by Jun Wu Xie to the extent they wished they would just die, but no matter how nasty and vile the medicinal brew tasted, it did not wipe away the concern under Jun Wu Xie's icy demeanor. The few of them knew very well that Jun Wu Xie was very much against them using the Spirit Transformation Elixir and she had given it to them only as a precautionary measure to save themselves in the event that they were pushed to an extent that they had no other choice. But they had all just taken it out and swallowed it right from the beginning instead.

What she was doing now was merely seeking to make them deliberate on things more carefully before they decide to do something so harmful to themselves the next time.

Of course, it could not be denied that there was reason to suspect that she was deliberately tormenting them here.

But when the youths saw the bandage wrapped around Jun Wu Xie's forehead, none of them could bear to even give any thought to arguing at all.

If one was talking about injuries, Jun Wu Xie was more severely wounded than any one of them there. But she had instead come rushing over so anxiously to check on their conditions. How could they ever bear to let her down with the kind and heartwarming intentions she was showing them?

"Rest early after you have taken the medicine." Jun Wu Xie stood up, having had enough fun.

Qiao Chu and the rest of the gang immediately wailed, their voice filled with relief.

Jun Wu Xie walked out through the door, and saw Jun Wu Yao languidly leaning against the wall just beside the door, where upon that handsome looking face, hung a highly devilish smile.

Chapter 1946:- Temper One's Spirit (1)

"Little Xie's heart is feeling a little pained?" Jun Wu Yao leaned his body slightly forward, his handsome face coming right before Jun Wu Xie's, to say with an imperceptible smile as he looked at Jun Wu Xie's pale countenance.

Jun Wu Xie's lips stiffened, as she averted her eyes.

Seeing the condition Qiao Chu and the others had been reduced to, did not make her feel good at all. She was the one who cultivated the Spirit Transformation Elixirs and she knew very well what kind of after effects it gave. When she saw how frail Qiao Chu and the others had become, with their spirit powers all depleted, she could not help but have a thought start to rise up within her mind.

Maybe if she had not given them the Spirit Transformation Elixirs in the first place, they would then not have done that, and they would not be so badly weakened now.

Based on the plans she had made, even without using the Spirit Transformation Elixirs, they would only need to drag things out for a period of time till Ye Gu and the others freed up their hands, they would then join hands with Qiao Chu and the others to take out the various Palace Lords together with the Flame Demons Palace Lord. But Qiao Chu and the rest of her companions had chosen to discard that idea which was the safest avenue for them and took things to the extreme in order for them to exact revenge with their own two hands.

Jun Wu Xie understood their desire for vengeance, but she was unable to dispel the wretched state they were in now.

Jun Wu Yao stretched out his hand to lift up Jun Wu Xie's chin gently, not allowing her to avoid the question.

"Do you know, under the Heavens, real power and might does not come from our bodies, but from one's soul. Deficiencies in one's body is not the most critical as one only needs to temper one's spirit and that would make up for it, to the extent it can achieve even better effects." The little one's emotional range was becoming more and more abundant and Jun Wu Yao loved to be able to see more of her joy, rage, sorrow and delight on her face, but just did not want to see her show the slightest tinge of depression and worry.

"Temper one's spirit?" Jun Wu Xie asked, slightly bewildered as she looked at Jun Wu Yao. Those words sounded highly foreign to her but they intrigued her very much.

Jun Wu Yao nodded his head slightly, the underside of his thumb running over Jun Wu Xie's red luscious lips as he went on to say slowly: "The body can be exterminated but the soul remains unextinguished. Those with strong and powerful souls, when even their bodies are crushed, or even completely obliterated, are still able to depend on the strength of their souls to live on. Although Qiao Chu and the gang's bodies have suffered great damage, but their souls are still whole and intact. If they do not want to waste this upcoming one year's time, they can continue to raise their powers by tempering their spirits, and the effects would not be inferior to the cultivation all of you usually do."

"Really?" Jun Wu Xie's eyes shone. The accident this time made her realize she still was not strong enough herself, and she was willing to wholeheartedly attempt anything that would enable her to grow her powers.

"Have I ever lied to you?" Jun Wu Yao said with a highly devilish laugh, as he pinched Jun Wu Xie lightly on her chin.

"Then how do we temper our spirits?" Jun Wu Xie just could not wait to begin.

Jun Wu Yao's eyes swung over the bandage wrapped around Jun Wu Xie's forehead, and a glint of menace flashed in his eyes. Tempering one's spirit, It was time for him to teach Jun Wu Xie that.

"Does Little Xie still remember the Spirit World?" Jun Wu Yao asked.

"I remember. The place where Ring Spirits exist in. It is one of the Four Sides." Jun Wu Xie immediately related everything she knew about the place.

The words Spirit World was first heard from Little Lotus' mouth. It was only after she came to the Middle Realm that she came to know that the Spirit World was one of the Four Sides in the Middle Realm.

But having been in the Middle Realm for so long already, she had never encountered anyone from the Four Sides.

The Four Sides of the Middle Realm were made up of the Spirit World, Living Spirit World, All Spirit World, and the Dark Spirit World.

Although they were ranked above the Nine Temples, they kept a very low profile, and would only move within their own perimeter of influence, never coming into contact with outsiders. Whatever the people of the Middle Realm knew about the Four Sides, was a whole lot lesser than what they knew of the Dark Regions.

Chapter 1947:- Temper One's Spirit (2)

"Only spirit souls can enter the Spirit World, but it is the best place for one to temper his spirit. If Little Xie wants to, I can bring all of you there." Jun Wu Yao said as he looked at Jun Wu Xie's absolutely shining eyes and his heart twitched, making him unable to resist leaning himself further forward to plant a light kiss on a corner of her eye.

Jun Wu Xie shrank her head into her shoulders from the teasing.

"The Spirit World. My father's soul should be there. I want to go!" Jun Wu Xie had not forgotten about bringing Jun Gu back to life. The Soul Calming Jade had protected Jun Gu's soul and must have transferred him into the Spirit World. Hence, she would naturally not give up on that chance.

"But, it's a place that only spirit souls can go into. How are we going to get in?" Jun Wu Xie asked in puzzlement.

"I have my ways. You only need to nurse yourself and recuperate, and you can just leave it to me to make arrangements for the rest of the things." Jun Wu Xie said with a smile, his thumb that was stroking her chin below her lips unwilling to give up the soft touch.

Jun Wu Xie blinked her eyes innocently and suddenly lowered her head to bite onto Jun Wu Yao's thumb. She did not bite too hard, but just enough to leave a mark of her teeth on the flesh.

Jun Wu Yao's face suddenly flushed red.....

Squatting within the shadows, Ye Sha and Ye Mei put their palms to their faces silently. [The Young Miss was becoming more and more adept at teasing Lord Jue, and Lord Jue, why are you still unable to get rid of the habit of blushing?]

The corners of Jun Wu Xie's mouth curled up faintly with a smile as she looked at Jun Wu Yao's slightly reddened face, and an idea suddenly came into her head to tease him back. She reached her hand out and copying Jun Wu Yao, she lifted Jun Wu Yao's chin and stroked it a little as she said softly.

"Then I'll just leave everything in Wu Yao's hands to arrange it for me. I'll be waiting."

Jun Wu Yao's face turned a deeper scarlet.....

Jun Wu Xie's mood was greatly improved and the pain from the wounds on her body seemed to evaporate completely. She gave a light laugh, her heart filled with delight as Jun Wu Xie waltzed herself past Jun Wu Yao's side.

Coming to know that they'll be able to use the method of tempering their spirits to make up for the period of time Qiao Chu and the rest of the gang would not be able to cultivate their bodies and that she would be able to go seek Jun Gu's soul in the Spirit World greatly lifted Jun Wu Xie's mood.

The deaths of the Twelve Palaces' Palace Lords had kicked up a big wave of commotion. The Twelve Palaces' disciples who escaped had run far away from there and the injured disciples who were left behind were all in utter despair, thinking that they were all doomed to be killed. Never had they thought that that very afternoon, Mu Chen would suddenly lead a batch of his own disciples, to come treat the wounds and injuries for them, prisoners of war.

Their actions, had immediately stunned the injured disciples to turn into wooden statues.

They were not evil at heart, but just chose to remain loyal after having joined the Twelve Palaces. Those who remained and were still alive were all people who had not committed heinous crimes and Jun Wu Xie had no intentions of taking their lives at all. Moreover, with the Twelve Palaces already fallen, even if they were thinking to seek revenge, they had all lost their rulers. And Jun Wu Xie had also sent people to announce to them all the unscrupulous and highly despicable dealings and crimes the Twelve Palaces had carried out in secret.

These simple and pure minded disciples had never been involved in such matters and when they were told of all the heinous crimes committed by the Twelve Palaces, they were all frozen in shock, every one of their faces turning grim.

Those disciples who had wanted to fight to the death to seek revenge for their Palace Lords then suddenly stopped, having realized that the people they had pledged their allegiance to, were actually people who were unscrupulous and merciless demons. There were even of the more talented disciples whom the various palaces seeked to keep their talents strictly for themselves, where they severed all forms of contact with the outside world, and secretly got rid of all their family members, to have them remain loyal to the palace their entire lives, unable to have any second thought about it. All this information, were what Fei Yan brought out from the Dragon Slayers Palace, in fine detail.


Chapter 1948:- Avoiding Battle

With the stacks upon stacks of crimes placed before their eyes, The disciples from the various palaces could no longer find themselves anymore excuses to continue to be loyal. As for those disciples whose families had been persecuted, they just fell to the ground to weep in pain with snot covered faces, and it was under those sorrowful wailing that Mu Chen led a team of healers who began to treat these people's injuries.

Those disciples who were still defiant when struck by such a blow, no longer resisted and just obediently cooperated.

Those who had their families murdered even opened their mouths to thank Mu Chen and his men, thanking them for avenging their family members.

With the prisoners of war from the Twelve Palaces dealt with, Qu Ling Yue sorted out all the information and sent them to Jun Wu Xie's room, for Jun Wu Xie to make the final decision for them.

"Those from the Twelve Palaces in the city have curbed themselves, the twelve Palace Lords all dead, and the various palaces' Elders almost all eradicated. How do you want to deal with the rest of it?" Qu Ling Yue resisted the urge of wanting to ask Jun Wu Xie about her injuries, as she carried out her task of tying up the loose ends in a clear and orderly manner.

"There is no need for us to worry about it. I'll arrange for someone to go inform the Spirit Jade Palace. This is an agreement I made with them before." Jun Wu Xie said as she looked through the scrolls prepared with highly meticulous detail, and she was filled with admiration for Qu Ling Yue's great capability.

Back when she had initially approached the Spirit Jade Palace, she had already discussed all of this with the Spirit Jade Palace Lord. She would destroy the Twelve Palaces and let the Spirit Jade Palace lead. Jun Wu Xie had no other intentions towards the Twelve Palaces and dumping them onto the Spirit Jade Palace would be the least troublesome.

"Then what do we need to do regarding Gu Ying?" Qu Ling Yue asked, an eyebrow slightly raised. Thinking back to the very moment when she had seen Jun Wu Yao carrying the blood covered Jun Wu Xie, her heart had felt like it was stirred with a blade. She had found out from Ye Sha after that that it had been caused by Gu Ying who led a group of men that suddenly came charging out.

Gu Ying had killed Gu Yi, and the people he brought possessed powers far beyond that of people in the Twelve Palaces, so it was highly possible that he had mobilized the strength of the Spirit Void Temple.

Jun Wu Xie narrowed her eyes. The matter concerning Gu Ying was a rather thorny problem and she had asked Jun Wu Yao about Gu Ying earlier and that was how she came to know that Gu Ying had escaped by using the Soul Shift Technique. But the Soul Shift Technique caused great harm to the user and even though his soul might have escaped, it would be an extremely hard task for him to reconstruct his flesh body, so Gu Ying would not be able to stir up any trouble for a period.

"We can leave that aside for the time being. We've just come out from a huge battle and even if we want to seek an explanation from the Spirit Void Temple, we will just be oppressed by the Nine Temples." It wasn't that Jun Wu Xie did not want to eradicate the root of the problem, but it was just that the strength they possessed was not sufficient to go against the Nine Temples. Crushing the Twelve Temples had already taken out quite a lot out of her. Scheming and plotting for two whole years, stirring up chaos within the Twelve Palaces' harmony before succeeding with the opportunity given by the Twelve Palaces' Summit. If they were to pit themselves against the Nine Temples at this point of time, there would be no need to even speak of revenge as everyone from the Lower Realm here might all fall under the hands of the Nine Temples.

"After everything is handed over to the Spirit Jade Palace, all of you should immediately return to the Lower Realm and not remain here in the Middle Realm any longer." Jun Wu Xie did not know if the incident with Gu Ying would force the Nine Temples to act immediately and in order to prevent any unexpected accidents, she must send everyone back into the Lower Realm. So if the Nine Temples wanted to seek trouble with them, when they're in the Lower Realm, it would at least be where Jun Wu Xie called the shots and Jun Wu Xie was confident that even if the Nine Temples were to mobilize their entire strength, she would make them unable to return.

But if the Nine Temples did not make any moves, that would naturally be best.

This battle with the Twelve Palaces, though triumphant, had cost them significant losses. Qiao Chu together with the other companions, everyone of them a primary pillar of their might unable to summon up any spirit power, where even Ye Gu had been injured. Hence, it was definitely not a good time for them to get into another battle.

"Alright. I'll go make the arrangements right now." Qu Ling Yue nodded, understanding Jun Wu Xie's concerns.

"Then, with the Spirit Jade Palace, who do you want to go inform them?"

Chapter 1949:- The Swallow Returns (1)

Jun Wu Xie gave it a thought and said: "Get my Master to go."

"Yan Bu Gui?" Qu Ling Yue was slightly startled.

(Translator Note: The name Yan Bu Gui, 燕不归, reads as the Swallow doesn't return.)

Jun Wu Xie nodded. "Get him to make a trip over here first."

Qu Ling Yue nodded, and just after awhile, Yan Bu Gui was called to come into the room.

Freed from living the life of a penniless and destitute man, having a nouveau rich like Jun Wu Xie as a disciple, it had truly saved Yan Bu Gui quite a bit of an headache.

"Wu Xie, what do you need from me now that I'm here?" Yan Bu Gui asked as he languished himself into a seat before Jun Wu Xie. It seems his candid and unpretentious personality had not changed in the slightest.

Jun Wu Xie watched Yan Bu Gui gaugingly without a word. Truth to told, she had never carefully studied Yan Bu Gui's looks before and what left the biggest impression on her besides his towering frame and unrestrained laughter was only that great big bushy beard that filled up Yan Bu Gui's face.

Looking at it carefully now, Jun Wu Xie noticed that Yan Bu Gui was actually not as crude and coarse as he seemed at first glance. His brows were handsome and not coarse, his nose tall and outstanding. If one covered that beard and only looked at his eyes and brows, he would actually cut a rather strong and dashing figure, but it was that full bush of a beard over his face that made people subconsciously feel this person was a little boorish.

Being stared at so intensely by this little disciple of his, even Yan Bu Gui was beginning to feel rather uncomfortable. He cleared his throat and he was a little awkward as he looked at Jun Wu Xie to say: "Why are you staring at me for? It makes me feel rather embarrassed."

"....." Jun Wu Xie was speechless. She really could not link this Yan Bu Gui before her eyes together with Su Ya, as she could not help but feel when these two people stood together, it makes her think of a certain cartoon film in her past life, Beauty and the Beast.

Although that was what she thought in her heart, but Jun Wu Xie had not forgotten Su Ya's deep obsession.

"Master, were you from the Middle Realm in the past?"

"That's a matter of many long years past. I am now a person from our Lower Realm already." Yan Bu Gui said jovially.

"I remember that Master was from the Palace of All Life?" Jun Wu Xie continued to ask.

"Mm." Yan Bu Gui nodded, not knowing why his little disciple was suddenly so interested in all that.

"Then why did Master leave back then? Could it be you were in the same situation as the parents of Qiao Chu and the others?" Jun Wu Xie was looking straight at Yan Bu Gui.

Yan Bu Gui was slightly startled and his eyes lowered as he tried to hide a tinge of loss within.

"Why I left is now no longer important. I have left the Middle Realm for a long time and let things that have past remain as the past. There is no meaning in bringing it up again."

"Isn't there nobody that you miss or care about in the Middle Realm?" Jun Wu Xie was staring fixedly at Yan Bu Gui. For a woman like Su Ya, which man under the Heavens would not love and admire her?

Yan Bu Gui sunk into a deep silence, seemingly unwilling to think of anything regarding that at all. He remained quiet for a rather long while but under Jun Wu Xie's resolute gaze, he knew he would not be able to brush the topic away and that was when he started to say slowly: "Your Master me is human as well, and I naturally have feelings. Although I have left the Middle Realm, I did stay here for many years. When people interact with each other, feelings and emotional attachments are unavoidable. But there are not many people I can still remember here and even if I do, I wouldn't know if that person is still around. Rather than saying that they are people that I miss, I should rather say it's people I've let down."

It was the first time Yan Bu Gui's jovial voice sounded with a tinge of sadness and dejection.

Jun Wu Xie saw every single reaction that Yan Bu Gui was showing. Meeting Jun Wu Yao let Jun Wu Xie learnt what feelings were, what love was. She might not have known in the past, but today, she saw longing in Yan Bu Gui's eyes, just like she had seen in Su Ya's eyes as well.

Chapter 1950:- The Swallow Returns (2)

Jun Wu Xie took a deep breath and then opened her mouth to say slowly: "Ever since I set foot into the Middle Realm, my heart has only been focused on bringing down the Twelve Palaces. For that I had gone to the Battle of Deities with Qiao Chu and the others and as expected we were all chosen where we all went to the Cloudy Brook Academy in the end."

"Heh, Qiao Chu told me about that already." Yan Bu Gui said with a laugh.

But Jun Wu Xie did not miss the strange glint that flashed in Yan Bu Gui's eyes when she mentioned "Cloudy Brook Academy".

"I acknowledged another person as my Master in the Cloudy Brook Academy. That person has a queer personality and did not think much of me in the beginning. It was only when the Headmaster personally asked her to teach me that she accepted me reluctantly. It was only after a long while had passed that she slowly came to accept me. She then told me that she had actually not wanted to accept any more disciples." There was no joy or sorrow in Jun Wu Xie's voice, like she was talking about something that had nothing to do with her.

Yan Bu Gui was highly entranced as he listened, and no one knew what he was thinking.

"She was beautiful and gorgeous looking but drinks like her life depended on it. She was irritable and violent but highly protective. Whoever bullies me in the slightest and she will personally seek justice for me. She once said to me that her disciple must definitely not be bullied by anyone and if he get bullied, he must fight back. And if he is not a match for the opponent, then she will help him fight back. Master, do you think she is a good Master?" When Jun Wu Xie finished, her gaze locked onto the silent Yan Bu Gui.

Yan Bu Gui's hand that was holding the urn of wine trembled slightly, seemingly like he was struggling very hard to hold himself back.

"That's right, a person who is so protective would naturally be a good Master." It was not known why Yan Bu Gui's voice was sounding a little raspy.

"Master Su Ya is a great person and she treats me very well, but I know that she holds an obsession in her heart. She said she remains at the Cloudy Brook Academy because she is waiting for someone, a person who let her down." Jun Wu Xie said expressionlessly.

Yan Bu Gui had a hand holding his forehead, casting a shadow over his face.

"She should not wait. In the end, some people are unable to go back anymore and are too ashamed to face her again."

"Why? If it's because of the All Life Palace, the All Life Palace has been destroyed. Why can't you meet?" Jun Wu Xie did not understand. She had gotten Fei Yan to look into everything about the All Life Palace back when he was in the Dragon Slayers Palace but he had not been able to find any information linked to Yan Bu Gui.

According to reason, if there was any enmity between Yan Bu Gui and the All Life Palace, with the information network the Dragon Slayers Palace had, they would not have missed it. Now that the All Life Palace was gone, even if Yan Bu Gui still had any misgivings, there was no longer a need for him to be concerned with it.

Yan Bu Gui shook his head.

"Wu Xie, I understand your kind intentions, but this matter is far from being as simple as you think it is. The reason is not because of anything between the All Life Palace and me. Even though the All Life Palace has been destroyed, I still do not dare to go seek her out. You don't understand, if I go to her side, I will only draw calamity onto her, or even..... I cannot stay here in the Middle Realm much longer and I will be leaving soon after."

Yan Bu Gui's tone of voice was filled with a kind of helplessness. He hesitated a moment before he looked and Jun Wu Xie and said: "Wu Xie, I can see that Jun Wu Yao is very important to you. If you trust me as your Master, leave as soon as you can from the Middle Realm. Go to the Lower Realm, anyplace will do. Do not continue to remain here. The Middle Realm to Jun Wu Yao, is just too dangerous!"

Yan Bu Gui's words caused Jun Wu Xie to be rather startled, that this matter would concern Jun Wu Yao was something that she had never thought about before.

"Master, these words you're saying..... what does it mean?"

Yan Bu Gui clenched his teeth together, seemingly wanting to saying something, but he just could not, like he was very concerned about something.

"I will never seek you any harm. All of you have exacted your revenge. Do not stay here any longer. The Middle Realm is not a good place at all."

Chapter 1951:- The Swallow Returns (3)

Jun Wu Xie furrowed up her brows as she looked at Yan Bu Gui. Yan Bu Gui's words were making her detect a sense of danger.

There must be some reason that was making Yan Bu Gui not dare to meet Su Ya, and to not dare to remain here in the Middle Realm. That very same reason was also linked to Jun Wu Yao in some way.

"Master, you know Wu Yao's identity." That was not a query from Jun Wu Xie, but a statement affirming her conjecture.

Yan Bu Gui smiled bitterly and said: "Among the people of the Middle Realm, who would not recognize that pair of violet eyes? Even if they had never seen it before, just seeing that pair of eyes would tell them that is the Dark Emperor."

"How did the Dark Emperor fall back then? Does Master know?" Jun Wu Xie was certain that Yan Bu Gui must know something about it. Although judging by his age, he would not know anything about it but his words kept giving Jun Wu Xie the feeling that he did.

Things about Jun Wu Yao, Jun Wu Xie had never probed much into them but Yan Bu Gui's words had made her sense danger and she could not help herself but to ask.

Yan Bu Gui knew very well that he should not say anything more but when he saw Jun Wu Xie's slightly anxious gaze, he could not harden his heart any longer.

"The Dark Emperor did not fall. He merely had his powers sealed and imprisoned somewhere in the Lower Realm. Wu Xie, do you know just how powerful the true powers of the Dark Emperor really is?"

"True power?" Jun Wu Xie was slightly taken aback. Could it be that Jun Wu Yao currently did not possess his full strength?

Yan Bu Gui then said: "I know that you must feel that Jun Wu Yao is very strong now, stronger than anything we know of. But I must tell you. When Jun Wu Yao was the Dark Emperor, when his powers were at its peak, with such one single stroke, he would be able to annihilate more than every single person in the Nine Temples and Twelve Palaces. That is his true strength."

Jun Wu Xie's eyes widened slightly. Jun Wu Yao who had been so powerful back then, just who could have possibly been able to capture him, and sealed up all his powers to imprison him in that dark cave that never saw the light of day?

"The Dark Emperor was set up and taken in by sly schemes to fall into a trap. The Jun Wu Yao I saw before had although regained some of his powers, but compared to when he was at his peak, it's still worlds apart. In his current state, if he was discovered by those same people from back then, they will surely not hesitate to capture him and take him away at all cost. So, bring Jun Wu Yao and leave the Middle Realm now." Yan Bu Gui persuaded sincerely with all his heart.

Jun Wu Xie's head was buzzing from what she had heard, seemingly having caught the crux of the matter.

"Master, the reason for your departure back then had also been because of those same people?"

Yan Bu Gui nodded his head solemnly.

"Wu Xie, that is not something you can go touch at all. Even the Dark Emperor was taken down back then. You definitely must not come into any form of contact with them."

Jun Wu Xie was slightly stunned.

A slender figure suddenly came to appear right behind her, to wrap Jun Wu Xie whose body had turned slightly chill into an embrace, his violet eyes looked displeased as he stared at the frozen Yan Bu Gui.

"Dark Emperor." Yan Bu Gui's heart quaked.

Jun Wu Yao narrowed his eyes as he stared at Yan Bu Gui to say: "If you are not Little Xie's Master, you would already be dead."

Yan Bu Gui's entire body turned chill involuntarily, the oppressive aura emanating from Jun Wu Yao making it hard for him to breathe. He knew very clearly that Jun Wu Yao's words were in no way a joke.

"When one is powerless to protect the person he loves, then he's useless." Jun Wu Yao said as he eyed Yan Bu Gui coldly. The words that Yan Bu Gui had told Jun Wu Xie just now, had caused murder to rise within him.

Those matters, were not things the current Jun Wu Xie should know about.

Yan Bu Gui's eyes quivered, knowing that he had said too much.

"Who wants to capture you?" Jun Wu Xie raised her head up to look at Jun Wu Yao, her eyes reflecting Jun Wu Yao's countenance.

Chapter 1952:- The Swallow Returns (4)

"It's nothing. You don't need to think too much about these things." Jun Wu Yao said as he ruffled Jun Wu Xie's little head.

Jun Wu Xie's brows creased up slightly, sensing that Jun Wu Yao had no intentions of talking about it anymore.

To be able to cause Jun Wu Yao to be concerned, it would not be any ordinary person. That he did not want to say anything, Jun Wu Xie could understand why. He was afraid that she would be dragged into it.

Seeing Jun Wu Xie's brows creased up in a frown, Jun Wu Yao's heart couldn't bear to see it and he said in a soft voice: "It is not yet the right time. When the time is ripe, I will definitely tell you everything."

Jun Wu Xie pulled Jun Wu Yao's hand off and stared unblinkingly at him.

"It's because I'm too weak."

Jun Wu Xie's words stuffed up Jun Wu Yao's heart heavily and he wrapped her up tightly in a hug as he said in a serious tone: "You're not weak. Your heart is stronger than anyone else. But you're still growing and you should not let these matters perplex your heart. One fine day, you will become powerful enough."

Jun Wu Xie vowed silently to herself that the day would come where she would grow so strong that Jun Wu Yao could reveal anything and everything to her without any misgivings.


Seeing the two of them locked in tight embrace, Yan Bu Gui heart was feeling rather complicated. He could not help but think, that if he had the same kind of resolute determination like Jun Wu Yao back then, would he then not have had to let her down.

Jun Wu Xie composed her emotion. She was not a person who liked to indulge in self pity and since she knows the problem laid with her being weak, she would then not continue to dwell on it. Only by becoming stronger, would she completely resolve the problem.

"Master, I had initially thought to ask you to go bring the news of the Twelve Palaces' eradication to the Spirit Jade Palace and go see that other Master of mine along the way. But since the knot in your heart still has not unraveled, then....."

"I'll go!" Yan Bu Gui suddenly changed his mind.

Jun Wu Xie was rather surprised.

Yan Bu Gui smiled bitterly and said: "The Dark Emperor is right. I had been useless, and I have been too narrow sighted. I have always thought that staying far away from her was a form of protection for her but have never considered that it will also bring her pain. Seeing the highly determined resolve from the both of you, I seem to have understood something. I made a wrong choice back then, and I would like to salvage it now."

He could no longer remember how many years it had been since he left, but he still remembered vividly the last time he saw Su Ya. Her smiling countenance beautiful as flowers in bloom, filled his dreams on so many nights, her svelte figure always hovering before his eyes, never going away. That reflected the longing in his heart, a longing he could not let go of, indelible, destined to follow him his entire life.

A smile rose up within Jun Wu Xie's eyes, as she knew the long wait someone had been enduring up in Mount Fu Yao, was finally yielding fruit.

"The Spirit Jade Palace is just in the mid levels of Mount Fu Yao. I will get Fei Yan to draw you a map. This key here is the key to open the entrance door into the Spirit Jade Palace. You only need to tell them the news about the Twelve Palaces and you can then go on ahead to the Cloudy Brook Academy to see Master Su Ya."

Yan Bu Gui accepted the key and nodded his head at Jun Wu Xie.

"I leave tomorrow."

Upon saying that, Yan Bu Gui then walked himself out.

Jun Wu Yao's chin was resting upon Jun Wu Xie's head, and as he looked at Yan Bu Gui's departing back, a smile curled up the ends of his lips.

"This Master of yours, isn't all that dense afterall."

"That is my Master." Jun Wu Xie retorted with an eyebrow lifting up slightly. She raised a hand to hold up Jun Wu Yao's chin, as she released herself from the torment upon the top of her head.

"I should be able to stabilize Qiao Chu's condition and all the others in about a month's time. Shall we move out after one month?"

Jun Wu Yao smiled indulgently, seeing Jun Wu Xie's eyes lit with anticipation, knowing that it was his own predicament that was causing the little one to become so anxious to gain power.

"Sure! But if your own injuries are not healed by then, I will not bring you there."

Chapter 1953:- The Swallow Returns (5)

With Yan Bu Gui's heart set on seeing Su Ya, he hurriedly went back to his room, and stared into the mirror for a long while.

The man in the mirror was tall and imposing, his face covered by a wild bushy beard. Although he had already had a change of clothes, the thuggish look of a bandit about him was still clear to see. Yan Bu Gui stroked at his beard for a long while as he stared at the razor blade at the side. He suddenly took a deep breath and reached his hand out to pick it up.

After Qiao Chu and the others had sufficiently suffered through Jun Wu Xie's "revenge", they were living a life worse than death.

Jun Wu Xie was also carrying injuries herself and she was naturally unable to take care of them. It had been the little Yue Ye who had instead taken over her own Master's task, popping in and out of the room Qiao Chu and the others were in everyday, casually bringing in a humongous cauldron of medicine that made Qiao Chu and the others to cringe in horror just by looking at it, with Yue Yi, her own brother, roped in as a helper.

"I'll say, Little Moon, your master is a patient as well. Aren't you going to help her?" Qiao Chu said with a twitch tugging at the corner of his mouth as he stared at Yue Ye busying herself all over the place. If the little doll had not come in here forcing them to drink that nauseating brew, they would have welcomed her visits very much.

Yue Ye raised her head up to look at Qiao Chu, but her action of grinding the medicine into powder did not stop as she answered with a serious face: "Master's skills in healing so way much better than mine. I will only add on to her troubles if I go there."

[So you're using us for practice then?] Qiao Chu thought to himself as he cried, but no tears came out.

Though that was what his heart thought, Qiao Chu did not have the guts to say it. He had not forgotten that standing behind this little lass, was the devil herself, Jun Wu Xie.

The group of youths who were feeling bitter and sorry for himself to be tormented like this by Jun Wu Xie and her little disciple, suddenly saw a figure appear at their door.

A tall and towering man, with a handsome countenance and a dominating air was walking into their room.

Qiao Chu's brows creased up as he stared at this man he did not know at all, but at the same time felt rather familiar, two highly contradicting views.

"You are?" Yue Ye blinked her eyes at him, looking at the man that she had never seen before.

"Cough." The handsome man with the dominating air cleared his throat, as he stared back a little awkwardly at the several youths who were looking at him with a querying look in their eyes.

"I am your Grandmaster." The man replied.

Yue Ye's face became highly flustered, obviously unable to remember which Grandmaster it was.

"My Master told me before, that she has three different Masters, but....." Yue Ye was feeling rather confused. Among Jun Wu Xie's three Masters, one had already passed on into the afterlife and the other two were Yan Bu Gui and one she had never met, but she knew was a lady.

"I am Yan Bu Gui." The man said rather awkwardly.

"PUU! ! !" Qiao Chu spurted out the entire mouthful of medicinal brew he had just poured into his mouth completely.

"Ma.....Master?" Qiao Chu's eyes widened bigger than a goldfish's, as he stared incredulously at Yan Bu Gui.

Not just Qiao Chu, even Hua Yao and the rest of the gang were showing faces of stunned incredulity.

Who in the world would be able to draw any kind of link between this handsome man with such a dominating air about him with that slovenly and unkempt Master of theirs they had always known?

"Master, how..... How did you turn out like this?" If not for the fact that the voice was still the same, Qiao Chu would really have thought that this person before his eyes was impersonating their Master!

The expression on Yan Bu Gui's face became more and more awkward. He cleared his throat uncomfortably and said: "I have merely shaved off my beard and the bunch of you already can't recognise me. You all deserve a thrashing I think!" As he said that, he rubbed at his chin, the smooth feeling under his fingers was something he still hadn't gotten used to.

"....." Qiao Chu was speeechless.

With such a big change, who would be able to tell?

When they had acknowledged Yan Bu Gui as their Master, Yan Bu Gui's was already covered in that great bushy beard. It had been so many years and none of them had ever seen him shave his beard before. Moreover.....

Chapter 1954:- The Swallow Returns (6)

Wasn't the disparity a little tad bit too big! ?

Even if you beat Qiao Chu to death, he would never have thought that his crude and boorish Master would look like such a ladies man just by shaving off his beard.

Shocking, doncha think! ?

It could be he was feeling even more uncomfortable being under his disciples' stunned gazes that Yan Bu Gui's face turned dark as he said sternly: "I came here to find all of you today to bid all of you goodbye temporarily. I will be leaving right this afternoon and will not be returning anytime soon. All of you do not have any spirit powers now and you must remember to exercise some restraint on your temper, and not stir up anymore trouble for Wu Xie."

"Huh? Master, where are you going?" Fei Yan immediately asked when he heard that Yan Bu Gui was leaving.

But looking at that face on Yan Bu Gui, he could not help but feel that he had mistaken him for somebody.

Yan Bu Gui lifted up an eyebrow slightly and said: "Your Master I, am going in pursuit of my lifelong happiness. All of you better watch yourself well."

Yan Bu Gui's words immediately caused the youths' faces to become surprised. But as their surprise dissipated, the gazes they were looking at Yan Bu Gui with then turned highly amused.

"What kind of a look are all of you giving me! ?" Yan Bu Gui noticed that the eyes of the bunch of rascals did not look right.

"I had thought why Master would suddenly decide to shave off his beard for no reason. So it is because he wants to change his image to go pursue a wife." Fei Yan said teasingly as he rubbed at his chin.

"No need to say. Master, with the way you look now, you will definitely mesmerize a whole bunch of young ladies without any problem. See how handsome you look!" Qiao Chu nodded his head vehemently in agreement, not forgetting to add in some boot licking.

Yan Bu Gui's face turned red from their merciless teasing, as he suppressed the strong urge to teach them a good lesson on the spot, worrying about their ailing body and had no choice but to give up on that thought.

"The whole lot of you had better shut your gaps!"

"You guys better stop. Don't you see that your Master's face had turned all red?" Fan Zhuo had not taken Yan Bu Gui as his Master, but still chirped in with a smile.

"Why do I seem to feel that after Master shaved off his beard, the skin on his face has thinned out as well? Why is his face turning red so easily now?" Qiao Chu continued to say, seemingly unafraid of death.

Yan Bu Gui was almost driven to vomit out blood by this bunch of rascals. He had initially come with well intentions to bid them goodbye, and instead of seeing them reluctant to part, he was very nearly driven to his grave from rage!

"Qiao Chu! Fei Yan! The two of you just wait. When your bodies have recovered, see how your Master is going to deal with you two." Yan Bu Gui cracked his knuckles threateningly. "Hurry up and nurse yourselves back to health, to wait for your Master to come back and peel your skin off!"

Upon saying that, Yan Bu Gui turned and walked out in a huff.

As Qiao Chu and the others looked at Yan Bu Gui's departing back, they discreetly rubbed at their noses.

It was not that they wanted to see Yan Bu Gui leave, but the image Yan Bu Gui had suddenly assumed before he left really made it hard for them to accept.

Yan Bu Gui had left, bringing with him the news that the Twelve Palaces had been destroyed to the Spirit Jade Palace, before he would go resolve the longing that had been hidden in his heart for so many years.

Qiao Chu and the rest of the gang consistently drank medicinal brews and ate medicine everyday, their bodies so frail they were not even able to get out from their beds, the days that passed feeling like they were being reared as pigs.

Till half a month later, Granny Yue came to see Jun Wu Xie, to tell Jun Wu Xie that the Cloudy Brook Academy had been emptied out. After their batch of disciples left, the Cloudy Brook Academy's teachers had all dispersed and separated, leaving the academy empty and completely devoid of people.

Yan Bu Gui had naturally not been able to find Su Ya, but he had not returned here, not giving up but went on to find out some clues about Su Ya's departure from the Spirit Jade Palace and went in pursuit towards where the clues indicated.

The Spirit Jade Palace took in all the remaining strength of the Twelve Palaces, and Granny Yue came to relay the Spirit Jade Palace Lord's thanks in gratitude.

Nobody had ever thought that the agreement to cooperate made almost in jest would actually come to fruition after just a year's time.

Chapter 1955:- Making Their Way Towards the Spirits (1)

A month's time passed in a blink, and all the Twelve Palaces' affairs handed over to the Spirit Jade Palace to pick up the pieces. According to Jun Wu Xie's instructions, Qu Ling Yue arranged for the army to prepare themselves for their return back to the Lower Realm.

The level of spirit powers contained within the Middle Realm's lands was far more robust that the Lower Realm's and the fifty thousand strong army that had stayed here for merely slightly more than one month's time saw every one's powers increase dramatically. That discovery had made Jun Qing highly excited.

When they had been in the Lower Realm before, they had never had this kind of feeling but after having come to the Middle Realm, they realized that the spirit powers the Lower Realm possessed was lacking far below the Middle Realm had and in just slightly over a month's time, Long Qi and Jun Qing who had been stuck at the peak of the indigo level had actually both broken through to the Purple Spirit, with many others within the army attaining a breakthrough as well.

If not for the hidden danger posed by the Nine Temples, Jun Wu Xie would really have wanted the fifty thousand soldiers to continue to remain here in the Middle Realm to cultivate.

And towards the circumstances they were facing, Jun Wu Xie had also discussed it with Jun Qing and Qu Ling Yue for a time.

The Twelve Palaces were taken over by the Spirit Jade Palace and for the Spirit Jade Palace to completely eradicate the remnants of the old Twelve Palaces, it would require at least two to three months' time. And within these two to three months, the Spirit Jade Palace themselves would not be considered stable yet and they would have to wait till the Spirit Jade Palace had unified the Twelve Palaces which would also mean that they would have stabilized everything, allowing them to deter the Nine Temples' actions somewhat. At that time, Granny Yue would then send the Spirit Jade Palace's disciples to the Lower Realm, and invite the people from the Lower Realm to come continue their cultivation within the Spirit Jade Palace's perimeters.

And within these two to three months, they would closely observe the Nine Temples' movements and if there was any situation, Granny Yue would also send people down into the Lower Realm to inform Jun Qing and the others at the very first instance.

"You're all leaving already....." Qiao Chu and Hua Yao were supporting each other. Having undergone all that careful nursing, they were now able to come down from their beds to walk around, but standing on their feet for too long would still make them feel exceedingly tired.

The Spirit Transformation Elixir's side effects was more intense than any one of them had imagined and according to Jun Wu Xie's diagnosis, their condition had stabilized. That would also mean that in the upcoming one year, they would have to live their lives so frail and sickly.

Although the five of them had said that they had gone all out with everything they had because they wanted to seek revenge for their family members, but now that they were faced with the situation that they could not even summon up any strength for the most mundane tasks, they were finding it a little hard to accept.

From the Purple Spirit's third stage to become completely drained of any spirit power, turned into absolute trash where they even needed a crutch just to walk, how could the proud bunch of youths possibly find it easy to accept.

"We're just be away temporarily. Are all of you feeling better? I'll get Long Qi to arrange some horse carriages for you and you can all just climb up into the carriages. We will have to switch to travelling over water midway through the journey and all of you must take good care of yourself." Jun Qing said, looking a little pained as he looked at Qiao Chu and the others. One could not help but be worried when see how weak and frail the bodies of these youths had become.

"I thank Uncle Jun for worrying about us. We will have to trouble all of you this time." Rong Ruo opened her mouth to say apologetically.

"You're thinking too much about it." Jun Qing had already seen these bunch of youths as his own nephews and nieces from long before.

The youths were packing their luggages when they saw Jun Wu Xie and Jun Wu Yao walking towards them together.

"Aren't Little Xie and Big Brother Wu Yao going back together with us?" Fei Yan asked, seeing that Jun Wu Xie had not made any preparations.

Jun Wu Xie looked at the pale faces of Qiao Chu and her other companions, before she slowly said: "Not only I am not going back, you guys cannot go back as well."

Chapter 1956:- Making Their Way Towards the Spirits (2)

"Har?" Qiao Chu and the others stared in surprise at Jun Wu Xie, not understanding for a moment what she was saying.

"We are not going back? If we do not go back, and with the condition our bodies are in now, remaining here in the Middle Realm would be too....." Fei Yan said hesitantly. Although he didn't want to admit it, but with them being no different from being as good as useless trash, remaining behind would only drag Jun Wu Xie down.

"To put it more accurately, it's your souls that are remaining behind." Jun Wu Xie then continued to say.

At that moment, Hua Yao and the others were even more confused.

Only Rong Ruo was looking rather thoughtful as she glanced at Jun Wu Yao standing behind Jun Wu Xie.

Jun Wu Xie looked at her several little companions who were looking rather bewildered and she opened her mouth to explain: "I have discussed it with Jun Wu Yao. In the year that all of you are suffering from the side effects of the Spirit Transformation Elixir, he'll bring your souls to the Spirit World and we'll continue with our cultivation over there."


"Spirit World?"

The faces of the youths were filled with shock and they could not believe what they had just heard.

"But isn't the Spirit World a place that only spirits forms are able to go to? How is it possible for us to go there just like that?" Rong Ruo asked as she looked puzzledly at Jun Wu Xie.

Qiao Chu had turned deathly pale as he clutched at his chest over his heart to say in despair: "Little Xie..... are you thinking that we are all now useless and you want us to take our own lives, to become homeless spirits and go there to cultivate....."

[They were only going to be trash for a year..... They were not prepared to die yet.....]

A twitch involuntarily started to tug at a corner of Jun Wu Xie's mouth and she completely ignored Qiao Chu who was spouting a whole mouthful of nonsense but to turn to Rong Ruo to explain instead: "The exact method used to do that will be carried out by Jun Wu Yao. We will only need to follow him and that's all we need to do."

Jun Wu Yao looked smilingly the confused and bewildered group and his figure suddenly appeared in a flash before Qiao Chu.

Suddenly looking at that handsome countenance close up, Qiao Chu gasped in shock.

[Damn, Big Brother Wu Yao is so good looking!]

Without waiting for him to be able to give voice to his thoughts, Jun Wu Yao's hand suddenly went through Qiao Chu's chest in that instant!

"Big Brother Wu Yao, what are you doing?" Hua Yao was rather taken aback as he stared at Qiao Chu's chest that had Jun Wu Yao's hand plunged right inside. The scene was just too brutal and it caused shock to fill up in everyone's heart!

Even Jun Wu Xie's eyes widened slightly, but Jun Wu Yao then suddenly stretched a hand out to block Jun Wu Xie's eyes.

The corners of Jun Wu Yao's lips curled up slightly, and the hand that was plunged through Qiao Chu's chest was slowly retracted, and with that action, a ghostly figure was actually pulled out from Qiao Chu's body!

In the instant that Jun Wu Yao's hand came out from Qiao Chu's body completely, Qiao Chu immediately fell backwards with his eyes closed.

Fortunately Jun Qing was quick to move as he shot forward to hold Qiao Chu's body.

However, a ghostly figure had appeared right before the eyes of Hua Yao and the rest of the gang, the countenance of that insubstantial figure looking exactly like Qiao Chu.

The spectral Qiao Chu stood in his spot looking greatly surprised. For an instant there just now, he had felt like he had an illusion, like he was in a dream where things were just too surreal. Jun Wu Yao's hand had clearly plunged right through into his body but he had not felt the slightest bit of pain, but just felt an uncomfortable sensation that he was being pulled. When that feeling intensified, his consciousness had become muddled and unclear and when he regained back his senses, he found himself back in the same spot. But when he saw "himself" held in Jun Qing's arms, his mind suddenly turned blank.

"This here, is your soul." Jun Wu Yao's voice then sounded within his ears at that moment.

"My..... soul?" Qiao Chu looked down in shock, to stare at his translucent pair of hands.

Chapter 1957:- Making Their Way Towards the Spirits (3)

Qiao Chu was feeling great. Originally weak and frail, that had disappeared without a trace. He no longer felt any discomfort or lethargy, but just an unexplainable feeling of emptiness. He looked at his own two hands, and through that spectral shade, he could clearly see the cracks in the stone slabs on the ground. The feeling that was going through his body was just too strange for words.

"This is a soul?" Hua Yao's eyes widened. If he was not seeing it with his own eyes, he really would not dare to believe that there could be such a thing in this world, that someone could actually drag a person's soul out from his body.

Hua Yao immediately bent down to check for breathing under the nose of Qiao Chu's body.

"Pulling out one's soul will not have any other effect on a person's body, but just as if he has fallen asleep. The only difference is that they would not wake up." It was as if Jun Wu Yao could see Hua Yao's worry, and he opened his mouth to explain.

"This is really amazing." Qiao Chu's eyes stared, looking at himself in spirit form and then turning his head to look at his own body. He could not help himself but to walk over, thinking to touch his own body.

But when he stretched his hand out, his hand went right through his own flesh body.


"You are just a new spirit, and have not yet grasp the unique qualities of a spirit form. With the current level of power in your spirit, you will not be able to touch anything." Jun Wu Yao said.

"I am now a spirit form?" Qiao Chu was thinking the feeling was just too strange. When he checked through his spiritual body, he discovered within the chest of his translucent soul, a tiny little figure was cuddled up sound asleep.

That figure was solid, and not translucent, its stark contrast of black and white, curled up in a ball, looking extremely adorable.

"Rolly?" Qiao Chu looked at the little furball inside his chest, and immediately recognized its identity.

Wasn't that a miniature version of the Ying Yang Bear?

"Ring Spirits are spirit forms by itself and their existence are directly linked to your souls." Jun Wu Yao said with a shrug.

"Heh. Little fella, so you're still with me." Qiao Chu could not help but want to poke at the Ying Yang Bear, and as he smiled, he discovered something highly shocking.

"Heavens be damned! Where're my clothes! ?"

Caught up in his astoundment from having his soul parted from his body, Qiao Chu suddenly realized that his entire body was stark naked and he wasn't covered at all in the slightest!

"Pfft! Hahaha!" Fei Yan had endured it for so long and his finally burst out laughing, having already noticed that all along.

"Argh! Argh! Argh! Arrrgh!" Qiao Chu let out a wail, and squatted himself down, trying his hardest to cover his stark naked body. However, as a brand new spirit form, he was translucent and there was no way he could cover himself at all.

Qiao Chu almost wanted to cry.

He finally understood, why Jun Wu Yao had covered Jun Wu Xie's eyes earlier! !

Knowing that their souls could be parted from their flesh bodies, Hua Yao and the others were more prepared. Jun Qing got Long Qi to fetch a few men to catch Hua Yao and the others when they fell before Jun Wu Yao went on to pull their souls out, where he kept Jun Wu Xie's eyes tightly covered throughout the entire process.

Although she knew what Jun Wu Yao was concerned about, but.....

Jun Wu Xie really felt like telling him, that back in her previous life, she had already dissected an uncountable number of bodies of the opposite sex!

When it was Rong Ruo's turn, Fei Yan's soul that had just been dragged out from his body shot himself right in between Rong Ruo and Jun Wu Yao, his face bitterly mournful.

"Big Brother Wu Yao, can we go inside a room before doing it?"

[This one is to be his future little wife! !]

Chapter 1958:- Making Their Way Towards the Spirits (4)

Rong Ruo was feeling at quite a loss as she looked at Fei Yan. Jun Wu Yao raised up an eyebrow slightly and a faint smile passed his lips.


His mind set at ease by the reply, Fei Yan heaved a sigh of relief, before hurrying to hide inside one of the houses at the side.

Just like Qiao Chu, when their souls parted from their bodies, there wasn't a sliver of clothing upon them.

Rong Ruo followed Jun Wu Yao into a room, as Qiao Chu and the others hid helplessly as they trembled. They were not able to physically touch anything and they had no choice but to remain unclothed.

Not long after, Jun Wu Yao came walking out from the room, and Rong Ruo stepped out just a step behind him. Jun Wu Xie smelled a faint scent, of something that had just been burnt.

"Little Ruo?" Jun Wu Xie stared at the figure of Rong Ruo. It was strange to say the least, but Rong Ruo's soul looked rather different from her flesh body. She was a little taller, her countenance leaning more towards handsomeness, and what Jun Wu Xie was more curious about was the fact that Rong Ruo was wearing clothes.

"Mm." Rong Ruo smiled slightly.

Leaning out over the window's ledge to look outside, Fei Yan was slightly taken aback when he saw Rong Ruo, where he could not help but feel that something was not right. But before he could think deeper into it, Qiao Chu at the side was already shouting at the top of his voice.

"Little Ruo! Why do you have clothes! ?"

Rong Ruo's spectral body was translucent just like theirs, but she was wearing a suit of clothes. Although they were also translucent, it covered her modesty, not stark naked like Qiao Chu and the others.

"Ye Jie made it for me." Rong Ruo lowered her head to look at her own clothes, and smiled.

A small figure then came walking out from inside the room. After Ye Gu was injured, Ye Jie had then appeared. Ye Jie stood shyly by the door as she looked at the people outside.

"Huh? Ye Jie! ! I want that too! Me too!" Qiao Chu immediately protested. Although he wasn't not able to physically feel anything, he still knew how to feel shame you know! ? Being so completely exposed, not to mention going to the Spirit World, he wouldn't even dare to step out through the door!

Ye Jie looked at Qiao Chu, and then looked over to Jun Wu Yao.

Jun Wu Yao nodded, and Ye Jie then carried the Hell's Rodent in her hand to come walking out.

The Hell's Rodent opened his mouth and spat out a set of the Four Treasures of Literacy and a large stack of papers. Ye Jie pulled out a sheet of paper that was bigger than she was on the ground, and knelt right upon it to dip the brush into the ink, to start drawing upon the pure white paper. Sets of clothes were quickly drawn out on the paper. Ye Jie drew very quickly and they were done in great detail. Outer robes, inner robes, pants, shoes, socks, and even jade head pieces were drawn out looking highly lifelike. After finishing with the drawing, Ye Jie picked up a pair of scissors and meticulously cut out the clothes and accessories she had drawn.

(Translator's Note: Four Treasures of Literacy – 文房四宝 wen2 fang2 shi4 bao3, consists of brush, ink, paper, and ink slab.)

Ye Sha then brought out a little cauldron of fire and after Ye Jie finished cutting out the paper, she looked towards Qiao Chu.

"Birth date and time."

Qiao Chu quickly related the information and Ye Jie wrote the details on those pieces of paper before she unceremoniously dumped them all into the cauldron of flames.

In the instant that those drawings of clothes were completely burnt, a set of clothes suddenly appeared on Qiao Chu's body, and even his hair was bound up with a jade headpiece.

Qiao Chu looked in surprise at his own clothes, unable to believe that he was already wearing the clothes just like that.

With Qiao Chu as an example, Fei Yan, Hua Yao and Fan Zhuo all pleaded with Ye Jie to draw them a set as well.

After they were dressed in the clothes "burnt" for them, the group of youths who had been hiding inside the room and afraid to come out finally stepped out from inside, appraising their own clothes, finding them just amazing and highly interesting.

"Eh? Then does that mean we won't be able to use the magical artifacts anymore?" Qiao Chu was staring at his wrists, and he no longer saw the pair of bracelets that were his Flame Dragon Gauntlets.

"Magical artifacts cannot be brought into the Spirit World, unless they are magical artifacts from the Spirit World." Ye Jie said unblinkingly from the side.

Chapter 1959:- Making Their Way Towards the Spirits (5)

Fei Yan walked over to Rong Ruo's side, and looking at Rong Ruo who was the same height as him felt a little strange.

"Little Ruo, your soul and your flesh body seems to be slightly different....." Fei Yan looked at that face he was so familiar with. He had clearly seen that face from a very young age till now but though he felt it to be familiar, he also thought it to be a little strangely unfamiliar at the same time.

Rong Ruo turned her eyes away slightly, like she hadn't noticed and said: "Is that so....."

"Your height is taller as well." Fei Yan said as he compared their heights. He was originally about half a head taller than Rong Ruo but he found that they were now the same height.

Rong Ruo did not say anything else but just looked to the side, seemingly deep in thought.

"Is it my turn next?" Jun Wu Xie asked as she looked at Jun Wu Yao.

Her soul was different from the others.

Jun Wu Yao laughed, and then pulled Jun Wu Xie into an embrace, carrying her to walk into a room. "Ye Jie, prepare a set of clothes for Little Xie." Upon saying that, he walked inside and closed the door.

"Yes, my Lord." Ye Jie acknowledged, and patted the Hell's Rodent on its belly. The Hell's Belly gurgled and then spat out a pile of little boxes of ink.

"What is this?" Qiao Chu squatted on one side and stared at the things curiously. This was the first time that he knew that things used by spirit souls can really be burnt to give it to them.

Ye Jie ignored him and just focused on drawing the clothes. Compared to the clothes on Qiao Chu and the others, Ye Jie was extra meticulous this time with her drawing, not sparing any effort even on the veins of intricate design and detailed embroidery. After sketching out the cutting of the clothes, Ye Jie then reached her hand out to take the little ink boxes. In those boxes of ink, there were pigment of a variety of colours, and Ye Jie then went on to carefully dip into the colours before adding them onto the paper.

"This..... disparity in treatment is a little too different isn't it?" Qiao Chu could not help but gawk as he stared at Ye Jie carefully and meticulously drawing in the clothes. How could those pieces of art be called mere clothes? They were as detailed as embroidery itself!

Staring at the magnificent and splendid pieces, their colours vibrant and beautiful examples of ladies wear, Qiao Chu then looked at the plain white simple clothes on himself, immediately feeling he wanted to cry.

"Be contented that you even have clothes to wear." Fei Yan was not bothered by it at all. Ye Jie had drawn him a set of men's clothing and he was extremely satisfied with them.

Qiao Chu immediately shut his mouth, realizing that it was only through the benefit of Jun Wu Xie that he even had clothes to wear, and was even given the opportunity to continue to cultivate.

Inside the room, Jun Wu Xie stood before Jun Wu Yao, awaiting for Jun Wu Yao to make his move.

Jun Wu Yao slowly stretched his hand out, and his warm hand gradually went close to Jun Wu Xie's chest.

Jun Wu Xie waited calmly for the moment her soul would leave her body. In actual fact, she was not unfamiliar with this. Back in her past life when she had melded with the little black cat, she had already experienced it before, and knew what it felt like when one's soul was parted from his flesh body.

Seeing Jun Wu Yao's palm less a foot away and closing in, the memory of the kind of discomfort in her head made her subconsciously close her eyes, as she waited for the moment when her soul left her body.


The agony she had expected did not appear, and she did not feel the strange feeling of her soul leaving her body. The gradually rising warmth upon her chest caused Jun Wu Xie to open her eyes.

A large hand was pressed against her slightly rising chest.

"....." Jun Wu Xie stared speechlessly at that palm. The palm had no intentions of passing through her chest at all, but was just greedy for the touch upon the soft part on her. Jun Wu Xie raised her head and looked at Jun Wu Yao.

The corners of Jun Wu Yao's lips had a wicked smile hanging and his body was leaning forward slightly, as he said through half narrowed eyes.

"Little Xie has grown up."

And just as Jun Wu Xie was considering whether to smack that unruly hand away.....

Chapter 1960:- Making Their Way Towards the Spirits (6)

Jun Wu Yao's hand suddenly sank right inside Jun Wu Xie's chest, as if his entire palm had broken up Jun Wu Xie's chest to pass right into it, but there wasn't the slightest wound, and not a single trace of blood dripped out.

The queer feeling of one's soul being touched caused Jun Wu Xie's body to shiver, like something formless within her was being caught in a grip, and slowly being pulled out from her body bit by bit. The feeling couldn't be considered to be agonizing, but it made one feel highly uncomfortable, and Jun Wu Yao had merely pulled Jun Wu Xie's soul out only a little bit.

Jun Wu Xie suddenly felt the world spin around her, as a unsuppressable feeling of nausea surged within her. Her face immediately turned deathly pale, and her body started to retch uncontrollably.

Jun Wu Yao immediately released Jun Wu Xie's soul right in that instant, quickly hugging Jun Wu Xie who was retching so badly her face turned green straight into his arms.

The temperature had drained out from Jun Wu Xie's limbs and they felt as if they had been immersed in icy waters.

"It's alright now..... It's alright now....." Jun Wu Yao held Jun Wu Xie tightly in his arms, his large warm palms clasped around her icy little hands, his brows furrowed up tightly as a glint of puzzlement flashed in his eyes.

Such a situation had not occured with Qiao Chu and the rest of the gang.

When Qiao Chu and the others had their souls pulled out, their consciousness had been muddled, and had not shown any signs of discomfort, but Jun Wu Xie was showing such an intense reaction!

Jun Wu Yao's gaze could not help but fall onto Jun Wu Xie's pale white face. She was so nauseated she felt like vomiting, but nothing would come out, and her lips were turning purple from being so highly tensed up.

It was after quite a long while before Jun Wu Xie's unsupressable nausea began to disappear. Her entire body was drained of all strength and she could do nothing but be held by Jun Wu Yao, not having the strength to even move a finger.

"What happened?" Jun Wu Xie asked, clutching at her abdomen. The nauseating feeling was just indescribable. It was not pain, and not really nausea, but more like an uncontrollable discomfort, that made her unable to control her actions.

"It's nothing." Jun Wu Yao hugged Jun Wu Xie tight, gently massaging her temples, his eyes filled with doting indulgence. But hidden under that doting indulgence, was a strange emotion.

"Wait a while before we'll try it again." Jun Wu Xie opened her mouth to say laboriously, but her eyes were highly determined.

Jun Wu Yao rubbed her little head gently and said with a smile: "Yours is a dual soul constitution and it is not that easy to extract. Rest for a day first and we'll try it again tomorrow."

Jun Wu Xie had wanted to say something more but thinking that she did not understand much about this, and since Jun Wu Yao had said that, she chose to believe him. She did not say anything more and just obediently nodded her head.

That feeling was almost too agonizing to describe, and no matter how hard she tried to disregard it, it was carved right into her bones and inscribed into her heart. It might be because she was feeling a little tired, and Jun Wu Xie fell asleep in Jun Wu Yao's embrace.

Waiting till Jun Wu Xie was sound asleep, Jun Wu Yao laid her upon the bed, and walked out from the room by himself, undispellable lines of worry creasing up his brows.

"Lord Jue, I've finished drawing." Outside the door, Ye Jie was holding a stack of clothes she had drawn. She had drawn them very seriously and she had included everything that was needed from head to toe. Worried that Jun Wu Xie might not have enough to wear, she had even drawn up several sets.

"Young Miss' birth details....."

"Don't need it for now." Jun Wu Yao opened his mouth to say.

Ye Jie did not probe but just nodded her head and kept the things away properly, thinking in her heart that she could draw some more since there was more time.

"Huh? We're not going to burn them right away to give them to Little Xie?" Qiao Chu asked, not daring to turn his head to look inside the room, afraid that Jun Wu Yao would strangle him to death. 


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