Wayward Hearts Book 3- Summer

By amaryllisartisan

710 42 6

Book 3 of the Wayward Hearts series Rarely does Emma Peters need saving, but when the King of Hell takes over... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 12
Thank you!

Part 11

38 3 0
By amaryllisartisan

One thing Damon Salvatore hated was waiting around for someone else to figure things out; he was a man of action and little words. So when he was told to sit and wait, as if he were a child, his anger began to simmer slightly. Elijah sat next to him, equally humbled to be stuck waiting on meager humans to do his bidding. They waited impatiently in the plantation's parlor.

Elijah let out a frustrated sigh, "Thank God Emma is so strong willed, she is going to need it to outlast whatever my mother has done."

"At least she didn't inherit the crazy bitch gene that seems to run rampant in that family," Damon joked.

"Not yet anyway, but I fear that after dealing with your antics too long, she may yet develop it."

Damon couldn't help but laugh, "Yeah, maybe."

Sam entered the parlor where Damon and Elijah were waiting, "I think we are ready."

Both men stood up and followed Sam into the living room where Alice was bound by a boundary spell. Alice locked eyes with Elijah as soon as he entered.

"I cannot believe you are letting them do this to me Elijah," Alice looked pitiful and hurt.

Elijah shook his head, "You did this to yourself when you aligned with Esther."

Alice turned away from Elijah and crossed her arms.

"I hate to break up happy reunions, but how do we get Emma back?" Damon asked Sam.

Elijah pressed his lips together in frustration and joined the other men in the next room.

Dean turned a knife over in his hands, examining the sharpness, "A little murder and a whole lot of hope."

"That simple? Seriously?" Damon asked in disbelief.

"Once Alice is back over on the other side, it's up to Emma to make sure she gets back to her body before Alice can," Sam explained.

Everyone was silent for a moment.

"So..." Damon put his hands on his hips, "who gets to get to have blood on their hands? I, for one, am very good at murder."

"I'll do it," Elijah told them, "if Alice hates me, then maybe she will leave Emma alone."

"How very, Romeo and Juliet of you," Damon smirked.

Dean handed the blade over to Elijah with some hesitation, he would never be able to fully trust a vampire, or any other monster, with a weapon.

Elijah stepped back over to where Alice was bound.

"Come back to gloat? Beg me to let Emma live?" Alice mocked him.

"No," Elijah said as he stepped over the salt that marked the boundary line, "I'm not asking any more Alice."

Before Alice could react and fight Elijah off, he pulled her close to him while driving the dagger into her heart. Alice let out a shocked gasp just before she collapsed into Elijah's arms. Elijah moved carefully to lay Emma's body on the ground as everyone gathered around to see who would emerge victorious.

"Anyone have a good question ready for Emma to make sure it's...ya know...Emma?" Dean asked.


When Sam had reached out to Emma with the Ouija Board in the hotel room, Emma had shown Esther that she was capable of overpowering her; Esther refused to let that happen again.

Emma looked around at her surroundings, she was in a crypt. She pushed at the barrier that now surrounded her as Esther watched. There was a long pause as Emma concentrated all of her power to her hands to try and break through the spell. Emma fell back with a gasp as the spell rebounded her.

"Had enough yet?" Esther asked.

Emma groaned as she sat up, "You're a real bitch."

"So I've been told," Esther smirked, "you could work with me, it would make your life a lot easier."

Emma rolled her eyes, "I hate Klaus as much as the next guy, but someone very important to me is kinda sire linked to him, so he can't die. Also, I like Elijah and killing your friends is bad juju where I'm from."

"Silly little bird, I have found a way to remake my family anew. Give them the mortal life they should have had a millennia ago," Esther crossed her hands on her lap while looking quite proud of herself.

"Cool...so if you could just let me out of here, I'll go tell them, and then you can all go fu-" Emma was interrupted by the sudden appearance of Alice.

"He killed me!" She exclaimed, "Elijah killed me!"

Esther let out an exasperated sigh and turned to address Alice.

Emma made quick use of the momentary distraction as she knelt down, she had been testing the barrier spell for weak spots, and found one. She put her hands on the ground and sent waves of magic barreling against the boarder of the barrier until finally one small section snapped open. Without a second thought Emma took off running away from her captor. She didn't know where to go, but she knew she had to get away from where she was.

She ducked behind a tomb as she heard Alice pass her, ignorant to her position. As soon as the footsteps had faded away, Emma emerged from her hiding place and began running back towards the hotel where she had last seen everyone. All hoped dropped from Emma's mind when she reached the building only to find no one around.

"Damnit," Emma muttered to herself as she looked around helpless.

"Come on kid," a familiar voice said.

Emma turned around with wide eyes as she spotted Alaric.

"Ric," Emma gasped before stepping into Alaric's arms and wrapping herself around him for comfort, a soft sob escaping her.

Alaric held onto Emma for a moment, "I know where they are."

Emma nodded as Alaric let go of her and began leading her down the street and away from the city. He brought her to a plantation house just outside of the main city of New Orleans. Inside the house Emma found Damon speaking to Sam and Dean while Elijah looked on. Her body was on the bed in the guest bedroom where they were all having a debate.

"She has been gone for too long," Damon crossed his arms, "something is wrong."

"Maybe, but there really isn't anything we can do about it other than hope," Sam explained.

Damon's arms dropped to his side and his hands balled into fist, "That's not good enough! There has to be a way to send me in there to get her."

Alaric chuckled to himself, "You better get back before Damon starts pulling out people's hearts."

"Yeah," Emma said quietly before pulling Alaric in for a hug.

"I'll be okay Em, I promise," Alaric assured her as he gently wrapped her in a hug before pushing her towards her body.

Emma nodded and reached her hand out to touch the hand of her body.

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