Through Sightless Eyes and Un...

By ashes_of_vesuvius

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A new student is starting at Hogwarts this year. The strange bit is she's a 7th year. No one has ever heard o... More

Chapter 1: A Sorting Ceremony
Chapter 2: A Duel To Be Talked About
Chapter 3: The Restricted Section
Chapter 4: A Rose Indeed
Chapter 5: The First Owl
Chapter 6: The Undercroft
Chapter 7: A Newfound Interest
Chapter 8: Take To The Fields
Chapter 9: A Friendly New Face
Chapter 10: An Invitation
Chapter 12: The Boggart
Chapter 13: Journey To Feldcroft
Chapter 14: Nightmares
Chapter 15: Anne Sallow
Chapter 16: Glass Passageways
Chapter 17: The Scriptorium
Chapter 18: Finding Distractions
Chapter 19: Quidditch Practice
Chapter 20: Meet The Ravenclaws
Chapter 21: Potion Ingredients
Chapter 22: The Visitor From Durmstrang
Chapter 23: Ravenclaw Vs. Hufflepuff
Chapter 24: The Catacomb
Chapter 25: The Face in The Mirror
Chapter 26: Secret Room
Chapter 27: A Mini Yule Ball
Chapter 28: Blue Swirls
Chapter 29: Defending Poppys Honor
Chapter 30: Slytherin Vs. Gryffindor
Chapter 31: The Afterparty
Chapter 32: Relaxation And Redheads
Chapter 33: Drowning In Thoughts
Chapter 34: Her Wrong Choice
Chapter 35: The Way He Sees Her
Chapter 36: Slytherin Vs. Hufflepuff
Chapter 37: A Win Is A Win
Chapter 38: The Start Of Winter
Chapter 39: Talk Of The Future
Chater 40: Her First Detention
Chapter 41: Nathans Response
Chapter 42: Jealousy
Chapter 43: Family Traditions
Chapter 44: Christmas Day
Chapter 45: Lets Take A Walk
Chapter 46: I Imagine We Could Learn
Chapter 47: The Trade
Chapter 48: A Snakes Rage
Chapter 49: The Gaunt Vial
Chapter 50: Transfiguration
Chapter 51: Dreams Of A First Year
Chapter 52: The First Christmas Vial
Chapter 53: The Badger Converses With The Snakes
Chapter 54: Twisted Memories
Chapter 55: The Girl In Front Of You
Chapter 56: The Contract Remains Unchanged
Chapter 57: Nimue's Skills
Chapter 58: Spill It Benji
Chapter 59: Rehearsal
Chapter 60: Dreams Are But A Prison
Chapter 61: Getting Through The Door
Chapter 62: Sebastian At The Ball
Chapter 63: Victoria At The Ball
Chapter 64: Their Redo
Chapter 65: A Robbery
Chapter 66: What We Want
Chapter 67: In The Shadow Of Loyalty
Chapter 68: Reunited To Be Pulled Apart
Chapter 69: The Union Of Herondale And Gaunt
Chapter 70: The Countdown
Chapter 71: The Wedding
Chapter 72: The Gaunt Brothers
Chapter 73: The Fine Print
Chapter 74: Herondale Magic Being Put To Use
Chapter 75: Shouting Vs. Silence
Chapter 76: The Honeymoon Phase
Chapter 77: Family Troubles
Chapter 78: A Surprise Party
Chapter 79: Pull Your Mind Out Of The Gutter
Chapter 80: Calm Down. You're Okay. I Love You.
Chapter 81: Edwin's Gift
Chapter 82: Some Much Needed Rest
Chapter 83: Chips In The Illusion
Chapter 84: Marvolos First Test
Chapter 85: How We Know What Is Real
Chapter 86: Father Figures
Chapter 87: Ominis Gives A Second Order
Chapter 88: One By One, They Return
Chapter 89: Stop Trying
Chapter 90: Finding Our Way Through The Maze
Chapter 91: Ominis' Last Gift
Chapter 92: True Love And Wedding Rings
Chapter 93: Through Sightless Eyes
Chapter 94: And Unforgivable Ties

Chapter 11: Enchanted Candles

129 6 2
By ashes_of_vesuvius


This chapter contains a bit of mature content. You've been warned.


She took my hand and I placed a kiss on the back of it gently, before placing another one on her wrist, creating a small trail up to her elbow. Gazing up at her to see her reaction.

She shuddered a bit but I knew her well enough to know the action was caused by butterflies and not discomfort.

I intertwined my right hand with hers and used it to place her hand on my left arm never letting our fingers release.

We crossed the rickety bridge into the forest following the candles as they led us on our path.

"Ah yes, the possibility of certain death, very romantic" she said teasing.

"Last I heard you have a kind of... what was it? 'Ancient Magic'? Don't lie me dear I know this wouldn't be your first fight." I said squinting at her.

It may have been the candlelight but I could have sworn I noticed her cheeks growing red. "I'm not too keen on breaking all these rules Sebastian." She said gripping my arm a bit tighter as a Jobbernoll flew overhead.

"Don't pretend you don't enjoy breaking rules with me Ms. Amante." I said stopping us momentarily to tilt her head up to me.

Her brown eyes shined in the candlelight. I wanted to burn this image of her in my head. She looked absolutely stunning.

"Would you prefer someone who stays on track? Someone who doesn't bring you to forbidden places in the middle of the night?" She smiled.

"That's not you, Sebastian. I knew that from the first time I saw you near the Hufflepuff common room. You even walk like a troublemaker." She tucked a piece of hair behind her ear and looked away.

"And I will admit... breaking the rules with you is quite fun..." she said softly.

"Cmon not much further now." I whispered pulling her forward again.

Ahead of us the candles sped up and flew ahead joining its other enchanted flames. A small table sat in the center with two chairs perched beside it. A folded blanket rested on top of the basket that sat next to the ensamble filled with several different foods I'd stolen from the Hogwarts kitchens. Much to the dismay of several house elves.

"Sebastian..." she whispered looking at the setting. I couldn't help but smile at her reaction.

I could be romantic when I wanted to.

I stood behind one of the chairs pulling it out so that she could sit down. Pushing it back in as she did.

"I don't know what I was expecting... this is dazzling" she said and I smirked sitting in my chair across from her.

"I had hoped you'd like it." I said pointing my wand at the basket. "Wingardium leviosa" I mumbled allowing it to float up and place itself on our table. I placed the blanket to the side immediately.

She opened it in front of me and began placing plates and goblets in front of us not even giving me a chance to stop her. She dug through the items and pulled out the packages of food I'd pre wrapped for us. Along with the large bottle of pumpkin juice.

Three pieces of wrapped cloth were placed on the table before she began giggling looking at the bottom of the basket. "I thought I'd lost these" she said holding up the box of hard candies that she'd left in the undercroft.

"You lost the rest of it. Ominis and I stole that stuff as soon as I saw it." I chuckled remembering Ominis' mental debate as we had found it. He had wanted the chocolate so bad but didn't feel right taking from her. Eventually he decided he would buy her twice as much the second he got chance.

"You jerks!" She giggled clearly very heartbroken about the loss of her sweets.

"Well don't skip to dessert just yet. Let's have our meal first." I said snatching the box from her and placing it back in the basket which I moved to be at my side.

I unwrapped the pieces of cloth one at a time revealing separate pieces of bread, cheese, meat, and a few small jars of spread.

Her face lit up at the sight of the spreads practically ignoring every other part of the meal. "Is that blackberry jam?" She asked picking up the jar of dark jelly id packed.

"Yes it is." I said smiling at her reaction to something so simple. She reached for one of the small loaves bread I'd packed and ripped off a piece from each end making sure she got both of the end pieces before placing the loaf back.

"What if I like the end of the bread?" I asked as I watched her grab the second and rip off the end of that one as well. "You don't, you like the soft bit in the middle. You don't eat the crust"

As much as I hated to admit it. She was absolutely right. Every time we got some kind of bread in the great hall I ate as much of the middle as I could pull out and left the crusts to the side. They just didn't taste as good as the center.

"Are you stalking me Ms. Amante?" I laughed as she began dipping her bread into the blackberry jam jar. "Nope you just  sit right in my view of Garreth so I happen to see a few of your bad habits." She teased.

She knew that redhead made my blood boil. The way he gazed at her from across a room. The way she flirted with him in the middle of the great hall. The fact that she'd been late for our meetup to go on a date with him that he didn't stop talking about for days. Her little comments about the two of them never failed to get under my skin.

"Perhaps you should be here with him then. I'm sure if a spider or poacher were to come through he'd defend you" I mocked and she rolled her eyes.

"Gryffindors and their bravery" she laughed before eating her bread and jam.

I reached for the jar and she instantly pulled it away from me. "Nope. This one's mine. You can have that one." She said pointing to the other jar. "That one's strawberry I don't want strawberry" I said and she frowned at me.

"Well maybe you should have brought more blackberry" she said and I couldn't help but laugh. "Who's to say you wouldn't claim another jar if I'd brought it?"

"I definitely would have." She giggled before digging out a center piece of the bread and dipping it in the jam holding it out to me. "Open" she smiled.

I obliged and leaned forward allowing her to place the food in my mouth. "Thank you my dear" I said between chewing.

"You and that nickname Sallow." She mumbled eating more of her jelly and bread not even touching the rest of the meal.

"Would you prefer I call you something else? Darling?" I asked teasing her hand freezing at the word. "Nope not that" she said quickly.

"Why not?" I smirked. "You know why not" she said squinting at me.

I held my hands up not willing to start anything that could escalate. I'd heard Ominis call her that continuously and seen her reaction to it every time even if he couldn't.

She was clearly smitten with him but I have been around enough women to know she has feelings for me as well. It's just a matter of who she picks.

I planned on being that pick.

"What am I meant to call you? I have no nicknames for you. Or at least no kind ones" she said with a smile as she continued with her food.

"My Snake, Sugar Lips, Forbidden Fruit, Mine,-" I said listing off potential nicknames that made her laugh.

"You would want me to call you 'sugar lips' around other people?" She laughed and I gave a soft shrug laughing along with her. "I don't see why not."

"Don't you think that would hurt your reputation a bit? Doesn't doing thinks like this in general ruin your reputation?" She said gesturing around us to the setting. "What happened to the player I met on day one of being here?" She asked.

I didn't really know how to answer that. After the trip to the restricted section I hadn't had any real interest in anyone else. Adelaide had approached me many times but the only thing I saw when looking at her were the awful things she'd said about Victoria.

I hated to admit the effect this girl had on me but it was definitely there. She was the only girl I ever really thought about lately besides Anne of course. In fact she was the first girl I'd ever written home about.

My letters from Anne had actually been what inspired this entire night. Anne had shown me the spell years ago to enchant candles, and the entire idea had been sent by letter, the only modification I had really made was still yet to come.

"The Slytherin quidditch captain can't go around sleeping with every girl he sees. My actions now effect my house as a whole" I said trying my best to sound serious. "Now flirting with the Hufflepuff captain, that's a power move."

She blushed a bit the red glow of her cheeks hidden a bit by the candlelight.

I made myself a small sandwich using some of the meat and cheese and began chewing away. "You know, you haven't told me much about your past."

"Perhaps that's on purpose, you might stop caring for me if I get rid of the mystery." She said smiling.

Only thing was, that smile wasn't real.

You could tell she was faking it the way her posture shifted and her eyes suddenly darted away looking at anything else but at me.

"What about your past? Hmm? All I know about you is that you have a twin sister who was a Slytherin and doesn't go here anymore"

I gave a soft sigh deciding not to press her on the topic she was clearly uncomfortable with. "Anne and I were so close growing up, we were never really apart. After our parents died we swore we would always stay at each others side. To protect each other."

I looked down at the ground remembering the night filled with smoke, Anne's scream, rushing out to find her on the ground. At the time I would have sworn she was dead, her sickness that she experienced now a punishment for not protecting her.

"She saw smoke one night by our Hamlet. She was worried someone could get hurt so she ran to help them. She wouldn't listen to me or our uncle she just ran. When she got there she called out trying to see if anyone could hear her. She says she heard a voice say 'Children should be seen and not heard' a blinding light followed." I paused and looked up at Victorias expression.

She had put down everything she was holding and held her hands over her mouth, her eyes displayed her sadness and empathy at the situation. "I'm so sorry" she said softly.

"It's my fault Anne got cursed. And I'm willing to do anything to help her get better. If I succeed she will even get to graduate with us this year. My uncle isn't very optimistic though. He insists there's nothing that can be done"

"How will you know if you don't try? Everyone is always discovering new ailments, new spells, new potions, new magic, who's to say there's nothing that can be done." She said her voice shaking a bit as she got angry at Solomon, a man she's never even met before.

"I feel the same. I do research constantly searching for a way I might be able to save her. I feel like I can't give up on her no matter what." She reached across the table and grabbed my hand at these words.

"Let me help you" she said her eyes shining in the light.

She'd never looked more beautiful than in that moment. Finally someone else willing to help bring Anne back. Someone I truly could trust to help me through this venture.

"You're amazing" I muttered leaning closer to her. Wanting so badly to kiss her in that moment.

"I know" she said leaning back in her chair and giggling. She knew exactly how to mess with me sometimes.

We continued our meal, our conversation leading over to classes and her adventures outside of the castle grounds. She described how she'd become a bit more adept and used to the ancient magic now. Something I still barely understood.

When she finished the blackberry jelly she screwed the cap on and placed it back in the basket. She then pulled out the box of hard candies.

"Hey I said desert was last." I said placing a hand on hers. She pulled away taking the sweets with her. "I know that that's why I'm eating it last"

I looked down at the table and couldn't help but laugh. She'd touched nothing other than her bread and jelly. Every other part of the meal had been left to me.

I began wrapping up the leftovers and placing them in the basket. "Note to self, let you pack the meal next time" I chuckled as she stuck her tongue out at me. The childish gesture fitting her adorable personality well.

She placed the sweets on the table and opened them up before pulling out a blue one and popping it in her mouth.

I reached out and snatched a red one and did the same, the taste of cherries filling my mouth at once.

I stood up and grabbed the blanket I'd put to the side as well as the basket. Tucking them under one arm and extending a hand out to her. "Come on the night isn't over yet."

She closed her box and tucked it into the basket I held before taking my hand letting me pull her into a standing position.

I let go of her for a bit and drew my wand muttering the incantation I'd practiced meticulously before our night had even started. The candles shifted from floating around our campsite and Instead made a trail towards the hills that stood tall right between the forest and Hogsmeade.

"I bet you've done this for all of your romantic interests. It seems well rehearsed" she said looking up at me as I put my wand away.

"Unless you include Ominis you're the first girl I've ever taken into the forbidden Forest." I said feeling the light punch she gave me in the side.

"Not nice" she said grabbing my arm and pulling me along the candlelit path.

Each candle that we passed slowly picked itself up and floated its way to the front to keep the trail going.

Eventually when the trees and brush parted the path stopped allowing the darkness to surround the small area I'd picked out. It was the highest point you could get too without climbing or flying.

I let go of her and placed my items down laying out the blanket on the ground and gesturing for her to sit. She obliged happily and I quickly sat next to her before turning and casting at the candles letting their light extinguish.

As we were plunged into darkness the light of the stars above us became much brighter. Their pinpricks of light vibrant against the black sky.

"Okay you've definitely done this before." She smiled laying down on the blanket and pulling me down to lie with her.

I wanted to defend myself. Tell her that she was the only one I wanted to do something like this for. But the words wouldn't leave my mouth.

The starlight sparkled in her eyes as she gazed upwards. It felt like the moon hadn't come out tonight because it was too scared to try and glow as much as she did. She was vibrant, gorgeous, immensely breathtaking.

She turned finally looking at me. "You're staring Sallow" she whispered.

"Because your tongue is bright blue" I whispered back. I hadn't actually known until she'd spoken. The L's in my name making me well aware of the abnormal hue.

"And yours is red" she said back. Her eyes starting to get visibly distracted as she gazed at my lips.

I grabbed her waist and pulled her into me. Her body feeling warm against mine. She wrapped her arms around my shoulders clearly welcoming my touch.

Her curls tickled my cheeks as I leaned into her to place a kiss on her jawline. "You have to ask me for it this time" I said softly in her ear.

She leaned into my touch a soft whimper escaping her lips. "Sebastian." She said softly, my name never having sounded so good.

"Yes my Dear?" I said leaning so I could gaze into her eyes again. She was biting her lip clearly struggling to get the words of what she wanted out.

"Please" she said running her hands through my hair. I couldn't help but smile. I wasn't willing to move an inch until she said it explicitly.

I needed her to say she wanted me. I knew I wanted this but I needed her to say she did to.

She leaned into me putting her lips right against my ear. "Please Sebastian..." She whispered her breath hot against my neck.

"Pass me another piece of candy please" she said before leaning back her smirk one of pure pride.

I heard myself let out a soft groan, the tone coming off more as a growl in my throat. Before sitting up, turning around, and digging the box of candy out of the basket.

I opened it watching her sit up her eyes scanning over the colors in front of her. She finally pulled another blue one and popped it in her mouth. Her smirk never wavering.

I turned around and put the box back before I felt her hand on my cheek. She turned me towards her letting me look into her eyes again.

"Share with me?" She asked placing the candy between her teeth.

"You're such a tease" I said before grasping her again pulling her towards me and taking the candy from her mouth with my own. The taste of blueberries had never been more welcome.

"But it's so much more fun this way." She whispered kissing my nose.

I began to chew on the candy knowing perfectly well if I'd let it dissolve on its own she'd continue her little game until the entire thing was gone.

"You are something my dear." I said as the last remaining bits of the sweet disappeared. At this she grabbed my neck pulling me close to her. "Shut up and kiss me Sallow" she whispered.

That was all I needed.

Our lips collided passionately. Molding together like perfect puzzle pieces. She began to sit up a bit more trying to take control of the entanglement but I simply couldn't allow that.

I pushed back on her shoulder and shoved her against the blanket careful not to hurt her as I hovered over her small frame.

There would be no interruption this time. No threat of someone human or poltergeist stopping my time with her.

She tugged at my neck pulling me closer to her. I moved to place my leg between hers letting our limbs tangle together.

I let my tongue graze against her bottom lip and she opened her mouth a bit allowing me entrance. The taste of berries was prominent as our tongues danced with each other fighting for dominance.

I gave a soft tug of her hair, her adorable gasp filling my ears as I moved my mouth and began kissing at her jaw and neck.

One of her hands rose to cover her mouth and stifle her soft moans.

"Absolutely not" I said lifting myself enough to grab her wrists. Crossing them before pressing them into the bit of blanket over her head.

"I want to hear every single sound you make Amante." I said gazing into her eyes. Her blush making her cheeks bright even in the dim starlight.

"But-" she started but I pressed my lips against hers again to silence her.

"No buts." I whispered placing my lips at her neck again trailing my way down her neck.

I let my tongue and teeth graze her skin at different intervals her soft moans made stopping impossible. Her body shook under mine as I pressed against her wanting to feel every reaction I could draw out.

"Be a good girl and don't you dare try and stay quiet" I whispered in her ear as I let go of her wrists needing a free hand to unbutton the top of her shirt.

Her hands quickly moved to my hair tugging at it softly. As I bit her neck gently. I lowered to right above her collar bone and began nipping and sucking at the area. Giving her a slight bruise to mark this occasion.

"Yes sir" she said after my command. She was clearly trying to tease but the sound of the words was like pure music to my ears.


I felt his reaction to my words as his body rubbed against mine. I wanted so badly to see more of him. I wanted to pull off his clothes right here. I wanted to feel every inch of him against me.

"Say it again" he growled making my entire body shiver at the sound. I couldn't help but want to push him a bit farther.

"No" I said softly. He grabbed my waist tightly letting me feel every curve in his hand as it pressed roughly in my skin.

"Victoria, don't test me. Say. It. Again." He said his voice demanding as he brought his head up to gaze into my eyes.

"And what if I don't?" I teased feeling the bratty smile that forced its way onto my face.

He smiled a devilish grin in reply that wiped mine away instantly. "I know this will happen again eventually." He began softly grazing his hand down my chest his eyes following as his fingers danced across the top of my breasts.

"It will happen again, but it will go much farther. Your moans will fill the air as I touch every inch of you." He continued letting his hands fall to my stomach. He traced the shape of it slowly making me arch a bit into his hands but he pulled away not allowing the touch to be anything more than light grazes.

"You'll be so close to the edge, and you'll beg me to keep going. Just needing a bit longer to..." he trailed off as his hands grazed between my legs getting dangerously close but never touching over my special area. The word never was said but the intent was clear.

"And then I'll stop. You'll lay there begging for my touch again just needing a bit longer, but I won't give it to you." He said gripping the inside of my thigh tightly. A small whimper escaping my lips involuntary.

"Do you understand?" He asked his eyes meeting mine again.

I felt like I couldn't breathe. His touch, his voice, the way his lips moved, everything about him was intoxicating in this moment. I felt like clay in his hands.

"Yes sir" I said. His smile a small reward but the following "Good girl" that escaped his lips made my head spin.

As I tried to register his words in my head his body moved. He sat up and untangled himself from our embrace running a hand through his disheveled curls.

"I believe it's time for us to head back for the night" he said. I felt my jaw drop as I realized he was being serious.

He chuckled at me and placed a kiss on my forehead. The warm feel of his lips leaving far too soon.

"My dear you had better close your mouth before I decide to fill it." He smirked. My mouth closing as instructed.

He stood up and reached his hand down to help me up. I took it gladly and let him pull me up finding my balance quickly as he began to re-button my shirt for me.

"By the way." He said as he got the last button to be refastened. "Your tongue is purple" he said softly kissing my lips again and starting our trek back to the castle.

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