To Be Loved

By aswebbs

5.5K 160 9

The Dark Lord calls for Draco, but when Draco enters his office, what follows was not what he expected. He is... More

Chapter Une
Chapter Deux
Chapter Trois
Chapter Quatre
Chapter Six
Chapter Sept
Chapter Huit

Chapter Cinq

569 15 0
By aswebbs

It was September first, 10:17am. Draco and his parents would be leaving in ten minutes, to get to the train on time, and beat the last minute rush.
Draco was currently packing his last minute things, and things he forgot, when a knock sounded on his door.
He smiled. It had been just under two months since he was called to His office. He was going to miss Him.
He opened the door. "Yes?"
Marvolo stood there for a second, unmoving, before He gestured for Himself to come in.
Draco stepped out of the way, and He came in.
"You are leaving for Hogwarts today," He stated.
Draco nodded. "Yes, in ten minutes time."
Marvolo nodded, gazing at Draco's open chest. "Hm."
He turned around, abrupt as ever, and stalked to Draco, stopping with barely a foot of space between them.
"You will owl me. I will be informed about you at all times; Merlin knows Lucius would fail at such simple a task."
Draco bows his head, pleased, knowing that Marvolo meant He wanted to keep in touch while Draco was away.
He lifted his chin, and stared into his eyes. "What have I said, Dray?"
Draco flushed slightly. "Not to duck my head."
He hummed. "Yes. So don't."
He ran His thumb over Draco's chin, loving the way he reacted to Him.
Draco's lips parted slightly, staring into Marvolo's sinful crimson eyes.
Voldemort smirked, and pulled away, going back to the door.
Draco kept his sigh in, not wanting to seem so pathetic.
"Oh, and Draco? Wear this."
He placed a small, ornate box on the table by the door, glancing back once before leaving to His office.
Draco waited a good few (milli)seconds before walking quickly to the table, grabbing the box. He opened it, and gasped.
It was a necklace; a silver chained, emerald covered locket. It was beautiful.
He opened it, just to see what the inside looked like, and saw a slip of paper.
'I'll see you for Yule.'
He grinned, biting his lip to contain himself.
He could hardly wait.
«~»                              «~»                             «~»
Draco wore the locket every day, and sent a letter off every Saturday. Every Sunday, a letter would come back, leaving Draco practically skipping.
Theo and Blaise would ask after the locket, but Draco would just smile and walk away humming.
All of Slytherin noticed the change; their Ice Prince had started to melt.
Ravenclaw noticed, as did Gryffindor. Draco wasn't as much of a bully, in fact most of the time he seemed off in his own world. It was quite the shocker.
Draco had come off his happy high, and was starting to go back to normal; no humming, less smiling, some bullying here or there. He still wore the locket every day, and sent a letter to Marvolo every Saturday.
Potter talked to him, a few times. He... seemed to want to be friends? Draco was being cautious, and relaying every odd thing Potter did to Voldemort, in a seperate letter from his usual Saturday 'talk' letter.
A Sunday letter still came every week; if they couldn't see each other daily, they would make up for it with weekly letters.
Draco was back to normal; bullying left and right, rarely smiling outside of his dorm room, scowling at all the Gryffindors - except Potter, when they were alone. Potter was turning out to not be as Light as everyone thought, and was actually a great friend.
Draco still sent his Saturday letters, and got his Sunday letters back. His Potter reports started going from 'Potter stood up to Severus today, for a Hufflepuff' to 'Potter isn't actually 'Light'. As far as I've seen, he's Grey, leaning towards Dark. He actually seems to get Darker the more I see him, it's crazy.'
He still wore the locket at all times; he even brought it to the bathroom with him when he went to shower, not willing to chance it in any way. He kept the slip from Marvolo in it, wanting to be able to see the reminder of Yule and Him at all times.
He was getting anxious to see Him again, knowing it would be soon, but at the same time so far away. He started snapping quickly, getting most people to leave him alone.
Draco was starting to show his impatience everywhere; his knee bouncing at meals, his quill tapping in classes, his hair was run through at all times. He just could not wait any longer.
Theo and Blaise asked multiple times what was wrong, but everytime they tried they got a glare for their efforts.
Even Severus, Draco's godfather, couldn't help. He couldn't get a word out of Draco, and he had sadly taught him occlumency from a young age, so he couldn't read Draco's mind, either.
There were still Saturday and Sunday letters; the locket was worn and played with twenty-four seven.
Draco never smiled, always scowled, glaring at anyone who dared to even look at him.
Potter had tried to hang out with him a couple times, but gave up after Draco looked ready to murder him.
He just could not wait.
December 18th
Today. He was going back. He would see Him. Today.
Draco had so much trouble sleeping, he actually woke up at five am.
He laid there for a minute, listening to the other boys' breathing, before he couldn't stand it. He needed to move; to pack, to get ready, to eat, and then board the train and drink a dreamless sleep potion so he didn't combust on the way back.
The other boys were pretty heavy sleepers, so Draco was able to pack his trunk without any trouble. His shower, however, at six-thirty am, woke everybody up. They were not happy campers.
But they got up, relieved to see Draco wasn't scowling at every thing he passed, and packed their own chests.
Draco styled his hair perfectly, set the locket to be centered on his chest, and filed his nails anxiously as he waited for the other boys to finish.
Once Theo, Blaise, Crabbe and Goyle were done, Draco quickly stood up and went to the Great Hall, the other four stumbling behind him to catch up.
"Calm down, Draco! The train doesn't leave for another three hours! Yeesh," Blaise mutters.
Draco sneers at him. "I don't care. I'm eating breakfast, finishing the last of my packing, then walking to the station."
Theo glances up from where he just sat. "What? Walking? You know there's carriages, yeah?"
Draco glares at him. "Obviously, I do. We're in sixth year, Theodore. I'm not an idiot."
Blaise snickered. "Mate, you were just full named."
Theo sneers. "Shut up, Blaise. 'Full named' isn't even a thing."
"Well, clearly it is, seeing as-"
"Shut up!" Draco snarled.
Wisely, they did.
Two and a half hours later, Draco was on the train, chest stored, potion in hand.
He pulled a note out of his pocket, and placed it on the seat beside him.
'Theo, Blaise,
I'm sorry for the poor attitude. I'm just feeling anxious to get home. I've taken a dreamless sleep potion, I don't think I'd be able to last the ride, otherwise. Hopefully you two have a good ride back without my snapping at you.
- D.M.'
He poured the potion down his throat, leaning back into a comfortable position. He quickly slipped the vial back into his pocket, already starting to feel drowsy.
'I'll see you soon, Marvolo.'

1,252 words

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