Besties - Alex Nolan (PEN15)

De K3ndr4q

20.3K 176 152

Alex and Juliet have been best friends since birth due to her mom and his mom being best friends Alex has re... Mais

Season 1
Season 2


2.1K 21 20
De K3ndr4q

At lunch

It was the next day and I was now in lunch

Me and Connie were whispering to each other about if we were going to Miranda's since she invited us until yelling burst out at the other end of the cafeteria.

"Shut up! Shut up! Hey, Everybody!Oh, my God, what's in that box' Maya and Anna? Are you guys playing with dolls? Maya and anna have a box full of dolls that they're playing with tonight."

Me and connie looked over and this only made us laugh , like come on dolls? The two girls busted out of the cafeteria with their lunches, and soon after it was time to leave to go to our next class.

At home

Now me and Connie were in my room getting ready for Miranda since we decided to go

"Ok I think she said Alex and Brandt are going"Connie sighed

"Aww you wish Dustin was there"I tease her

"No Dustin was literally flirting with Jess today.I wanted to punch that bitch in the face"

"No way that cunt,You could always link up with Brandt tonight"I say playfully rolling my eyes

"Ok but the thing is I'm positive that Brandt is going to go with you and that means most likely Alex is gonna pick me but Alex might pick you since he knows you won't hook up with him or he might pick you to actually hook up you know"

"Ok let's just promise something like you promise if Alex picks you you won't do anything with him"I say

"Promise Ok and you promise that if I do hook up with Brandt you won't get mad"Connie says

"Promise"I smile at her

"Good we should get going"Connie says looking at herself one more time

"Ok let's go downstairs and tell my mom to drop us off"I say about to open the door to leave

"Wait!"Connie stops me


"Do I look good!"She asks

"Yea you always do!Do I?

"Yes just more lip gloss"she says

"Ok let's go"

"Mom can you drop us off at Miranda's please?"I ask

"Of course let's go"My mom says as she walks to the door

As I buckle my seat belt my mom says "call me when you want me to pick you up or call me if your going to sleep over ok?"

"Yeah"I nod my head

"Don't do anything to stupid"she says as we arrived at Miranda's house

"Mom! I'm like not"I roll my eyes as I open the door to get out

"Thanks Ms.Alva!"connie says as she closes the door(the window was open)

"Of course have fun girls"she says as me and Connie nod

We wait for her to leave before walking up to the door and knocking

"Hey girls!The other girls are in the garage and I'm leaving and won't be back till later"Miranda's mom smiles at us

"Thanks and bye "I say as me and Connie walk to the garage door

"Hey!"connie says as she closes the door

"Hey!"all the girls greet us

"I need a beer in my system right now"I say as I sit on her couch

"Speaking of that who brought the beer?"Miranda asks

"I did!"Stevie said pulling beers out of her backpack until we hear talking out side and Miranda opens the garage to see Maya?

Me and Connie immediately give each other a look

"What are you doing?"Miranda says

"Nothing just about to smoke Anna?"Maya says as Anna comes from behind the trash cans?

"Oh shit we are too come in?"Miranda says

"Ok yeah sure"Maya and Anna walk in as Miranda closes the garage

"Do you want a smoke"Charney asks them

Maya and Anna look at each other

"Can I use the bathroom?"Anna asks

"Sure down on the left"Miranda says giving them a weird look

By the time Anna came back Maya was sipping on a beer and Anna looked pissed

"Why don't you take a sip"I say passing her the beer Maya just had

She hesitates before we all start to chant "sip" even she chants it before she chugs the whole can and smashes it throwing it to the floor

"Shit your boss"I laugh

Maya just gives her a weird look

"When are the boys coming"Charney asks

"9:00 chill biatch"Miranda gives her a rude look

"It's 9?Can I use your phone?"Maya asks

"Sure it's in my brothers room staring ahead"Miranda says

Maya walks away and shortly after comes back sitting back on the floor

"Have you guys ever done computer cleaner?"Miranda asks

"I have or like my dad has he like uses it to like clean his computer"She laughs

"We're not going to clean we're going to inhale it"Stevie laughs

"Yea I like knew that"Anna says trying to cover up

"Did you?"Maya says giving her a rude look

"I did"Anna says giving her one right back

"Anyways I'll do it if you do it"I say talking to Miranda

"Ok I'll do it if Connie does it"Miranda reply's

"Same"Connie says

"I'll do it if you do it na?"Maya asks Anna

"Umm yeah same"Anna says a bit unsure

"Here" Miranda passes Maya the composter cleaner

"Ok guys give me some space"Maya laughs as we all back up seeing if she'll actually do it

She inhaled it and immediately falls down on the couch passing out

Anna immediately trying to wake her up

She wakes up "oh my gosh how long we're we out for"she laughs

"Like ten seconds"Miranda says rolling her eyes at Anna

"We didn't do it just you"Connie says

"What na?"Maya says all sad

"Sorry I just wasn't sure if I wanted to"Anna shrugs her shoulders

"The boys our here"Miranda says causing charney to squeak and me to laugh

As the boys came in causing the boys to line up and the girls

"My mom isn't home so"Miranda says

"Cool"Says a boy that leaves with her

Slowly the three older girls as older boys were gone leaving two very young boys and brand and Alex

Maya and Anna were squealing due to the fact that Anna's crush might pick her with was impossible

The whole line thing was embarrassing in my opinion but whatever

"Jules"Brandt says

We went to the laundry room and I jumped on the washing machine looking at Brandt but I wondered would Alex pick me if he would've chosen first

"So wanna like kiss?"Brandt asks

"Sure"I say as he goes in between my legs and kisses me slowly turning into making out

We were kissing until we hear Miranda say "My mom's home"causing us to pull away and walk out of the room

When we walked out Alex and Connie were just staring at us I immediately pulled down my shirt since it rose up gaining a smile from Connie and and up and down look from Alex all the boys left and we quickly put away anything that would get us in trouble as Miranda pulled out cards

"Hey girls!How was your night so far"Her mom asks gaining hey and good for us girls

"What's this"She says holding up the smashed can earlier from Anna

Nobody answers and she looks at Maya "was this you?"She says

"No"Maya mutters

"Is that my coat?"She asks

"Yeah"Maya says clearly scared

"Let me smell your breath"She says at Maya blows air

"Ok I'm calling your mom!"She says as she takes maya

"Na?"She says to Anna but Anna just ignores her

Once Anna and Maya leave Miranda asks if we want to sleepover since it was now like 12:00 but me and Connie decided to walk to my house

"What happened with Brandt?"She says excited

"We kissed"I say as I kick a pebble

"No way!but you don't seem happy"She says

"I am! It's just like I kinda regret it but I also liked it but Brandts a player"I sigh

"Honestly don't worry about it cause Alex looked jealous and I'm pretty sure Brandt likes you"She says reassuring

"Yeah but what happened with you and Alex"I ask

"Nothing he was just talking about heather but he did say do you think there going to do something"

"No way"I laugh

"We're here finally"I say digging in my pocket for the house keys

When I opened the door all the lights were off

"Mom!!"I scream

"Omg we're home alone!"Connie squeals

"We don't know that yet"I turn the lights on

"There's a note"Connie says

"Well read it"I roll my eyes

"Going out won't be back till tomorrow afternoon"Connie reads the note

"She must've thought we were sleeping over or something"I say

"We need to invite people over!"Connie runs to the phone

"Definitely but not a lot of people"I look at her knowing she'll call everyone from school

"Ok.."She smirks

"Connie I mean it!"

We ended up calling Dustin,Brandt,Alex,Hector,Heather and Becca

"Should we call Anna and Maya?"Connie asks

"I think there fucking grounded"I laugh

"Nah just Maya let's call Anna!"Connie says

"Why would we do that"I say confused

"Drama"She starts to dial the number

"Her Anna!Honestly it was so fun to hang out with you and we were wondering if you wanted to hang out right now we're having a little thing Alex is going to be her and the other boy's"She pauses before saying "Ok I'll see you in a bit"

"So I'm assuming she's coming"I ask

"You know it!"She squeals

A bit later

Everyone was now in a circle about to play spin the bottle

"So who's first?"I ask

"I will"Brandt says as I roll my eyes

He seems eager

He spins the bottle to land on .... Heather

Now this is drama

"Idk man"Brandt says

"Brandt it's a game you can't back down"Connie says trying to add more drama

"It's not like she hasn't given you a handy before"Becca whispers knowing damn well everyone heard her

"No way"Anna laughs

Brandt walks up to her and kisses her but it was a pretty long ass kiss

"It's a kiss guys not a make out sesh"I say

Brandt goes back to his seat

"My turn!"I say spinning the bottle to land on


"I see where Brandt's coming from"I laugh seeing the glare from Anna in the corner of my eye

"Your not actually going to do it Alex are you?"Heathers says with steam practically coming out of her ears

"It's a game"Alex shrugs while Heather scoffs hearing that

"Put you in your place bitch"Connie laughs as heather rolls her eyes

Alex was to the side of me so I didn't have to get up

It wasn't me and Alex's first kiss but that didn't matter I was nervous af

I softly kissed him not wanting to have any more beef with Heather or Anna

"I'll go now"Connie says

As she spins it lands on Dustin

They kissed each other and Connie went back to her seat

"I'll g-"Anna tries to say before getting cut off from heather

"Ok enough of this let's play truth or dare!"Heather says grabbing the bottle from the middle and placing it to the side

"Not everyone has went tho"I give her a weird look

"Who's cares anyways Alex truth or dare"Heather says as I roll my eyes

"Dare I guess"He responds

"I dare you to tell me who was your first kiss"She smiles thinking it was her

He looks around the room stopping at me "Jules"

I tried my best to not laugh at heathers face

"What the fuck"Becca laughs as heather gives her a glare

"Nah when did this happen"Dustin laughs

"We are not a thing it was like in 5th grade"I say a little too quick getting a glare from Alex

"Sure"Brandt laughs

"Shut the fuck up adarvark dick go get another handy from heather you fucking slut ass bitch"I say as connie and becca laugh

"I will"Brandt reply's before putting his hand to his mouth realizing what he said

"What the fuck"Alex says clearly annoyed

"Nah Brandt your weird"Dustin says backing up Alex

"Dustin you have no fucking room to talk bitch you got a handy from Heather too so shut the fuck up"I say

"Ok eat everyone up"Connie laughs

"I'm leaving"Heather says getting up

"Leave bitch no one even fucking invited you go fuck your cousin again you hoe bag"I say as Heather stands there shocked

Everyone was shocked I said that so the room stayed quiet before Heather scoffed and left the room

"Anyways Alex your next"I say as everyone still just looks at me

"Truth or dare Dustin"Alex says

"Dare"Dustin says

"I dare you to tell us your crush"

"Connie"Dustin mutters

"Omg"I giggle

"Jess is going to be so mad"Becca laughs

"Fuck that bitch"I say

"Guys it was kinda obvious"Anna laughs with Becca

"Connie you good?"Brandt asks her

"Shut up"Connie says leaving the room

"Rejected!"brandt screams

"Shut the fuck up she did not reject him"I say also leaving the room

I ended up finding Connie in my mom's room

She looked sad sitting on the bed

"Connie"I say as I sit on the bed next to her

"I just feel like if me Dustin date it won't work out and I was shocked he said that so I ran out and now he thinks I don't like him and I ruined it "She says as she puts her head down

"Honestly Dustin likes you and if it doesn't work who cares and you did not ruin anything"I say patting her back

"Let's kick everyone out"I smile

"Yeah we should"She smiles

Everyone ended up leaving including Connie even though she was going to sleep over

A/N:How are we feeling??These honestly have been pretty long

Word Count:2407

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