Yuu no!

By vmdwriter

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So, Yuu can only watch in horror as Deuce and Ace are hit by the monster. They are going to die if Yuu does n... More

Disney Yuu: Hurt Incantation
Disney Yuu: Whistle while you work.
Disney Yuu: Painting the rose red.
The fight part 1: The Un-birthday Song
The fight part 2: the healing song
Fixing the garden: Love builds a Garden.
Fly to Your Heart: start of book 2
Biggering: Yuu is done with everyone.
The fight for the throne part 1: Free as the breeze.
The King fight part 2; Zero to Hero
The night meeting: If You Believe.
Hoist the Colours: Book 3 starts.
The contact: under the sea.
The dorm of Savanaclaw: Be prepared.
The break - 1,000 Years
A Minor Oversight and Rendezvous at Midnight: I Want the Good Times Back
Contract Dissolution and Dastardly Negotiation: The fight part 1
Octopus Pot and the Erasing of the Past - The Healing of a Heart
The epilogue of Octavinelle. - I Remember
Winter Break Is Here - Almost There; book 4 start
Cooking with Spice- Speechless
Sailing in the Skies - A Whole New World
Inconvenient Vacation- To Be Free
The clear oasis and yet another mood swing. - Arabian Nights
Forever along - Friend Like Me.
Prison Breakout and On the Seafloor- Trust in Me (The Python's Song)

Smile my child and a Lion careful plan: To the Fairies They Draw Near

619 17 0
By vmdwriter

"The world moves on; the one that used to be remembered as a hero falls into vileness while the one that was cast out becomes the hero," their mother said. "Whatever the case, whether it is good or not is up for debate. This world has forgotten you, my coconut, so make them remember and fear your name again as they have for years before you went to sleep. They got used to magic being at their fingertips, when we both know that without you, they would never get to use it."


'Cub, that was foolish,' their dad chides, making his move with a rook to F6.

"I found it amusing," Yuu retorts, shifting their rook to F3. Regardless of their actions, the outcome is inevitable: another loss in the game. As the match unfolds, moves are made from rook to E.5, and a castle is sacrificed. Once again, Yuu is on the losing end, and their father's victory is assured. He always emerges triumphant, without fail.

'Amusement aside, your actions have consequences. People are now aware of your capabilities. Also, checkmate,' their dad declares, picking up a pawn. 'Remember, view everyone as a pawn, but don't forget that even a pawn can eventually bring down a queen,' he adds, crushing the pawn between his fingers.

"I comprehend, father," Yuu concedes, their gaze fixed on the chessboard. "I'll see you later, dad. Perhaps next time, I'll manage to best you."

'You always offer that same excuse every time you lose, cub,' their dad's voice echoes as the chess pieces are put away. Yuu shakes their head in response, watching as their dad and the room dissolve into the background. They wake up in their bed, casting a glance at the mirror above the fireplace. There's an unsettling sensation about the mirror, though Yuu can't quite pinpoint what it is. But, as with everything else in their life, they decide to deal with it later.

" Mmm. Didja see that... Totally wrecked 'em with my power shot..." Grim mumbles in his sleep. Yuu chuckles softly, carefully adjusting Grim's head onto the pillow.

Instead of just covering Grim with a blanket, Yuu arranges it more thoughtfully; they can't afford to have their only neighbor fall ill. Grim's sleep-talk antics have been disrupting Yuu's rest, and the throbbing at the back of their head hasn't helped either. They're not entirely sure how they managed to get out of that predicament, but not without cost—the back of their head still aches.

Checking the clock, Yuu notices it's 4:00 AM, just half an hour before their usual waking time. Well, it seems like the perfect opportunity to inspect the garden. Yuu slips out of bed and quickly changes into nighttime attire suitable for a brief garden visit.

'Not bad, hmmm, wear the blue-black jacket,' their mother suggests as she helps Yuu put on the jacket. Their parents have started to manifest as spectral forms, a reassuring sign that they might eventually regain corporeal bodies. With the blue-black jacket now on, Yuu makes their way out of the room, navigating through the corridors until they step out into the garden. Ramshackle is peacefully asleep, while the garden stands watch in the quiet night.

The garden holds a tranquil beauty, much like the image it replicates from Yuu's memories of their former home. It's a serene haven, and Yuu takes a deep breath of the crisp night air, feeling a sense of calm wash over them. But then, the faint chimes and tinkling of the fairies' presence reach their ears. The fairies are seeking a late-night treat, and Yuu can hardly deny them. It's best to keep the fairies content, after all.

With a simple gesture, Yuu conjures up an array of sweets, a teapot filled with various teas, and a set of delicate teacups for both themselves and the fairies. Seated amidst the blooming flora, Yuu observes as the garden comes alive with soft light, illuminating the surroundings while the stars twinkle even more brightly in response. It's a magical scene that mirrors the enchanting world Yuu has come to embrace.

Yuu gazes at the fairies, their presence like ethereal stars dancing in the night. "Would you guys like a song?" Yuu's question elicits a nod from one of the fairies, a signal of approval that warms Yuu's heart. Without further ado, they decide on a song, one that holds a special place in their own heart and, hopefully, in the hearts of these fairies as well.

With a gentle smile, Yuu starts to hum a familiar melody. As the notes escape their lips, they gradually intertwine with the night breeze, filling the air with a magical resonance. The song they've chosen is "To the Fairies They Draw Near," a melody that carries nostalgia, whimsy, and a sense of reverence for the enchanting world of fairies.

'The world moves on; the one that used to be remembered as a hero falls into vileness while the one that was cast out becomes the hero,' their mother's words echo in Yuu's mind. 'Whatever the case, whether it is good or not is up for debate. This world has forgotten you, my coconut, so make them remember and fear your name again as they have for years before you went to sleep.'

'Sing but be careful; there will be those that want your voice to keep,' their mother's caution reminds Yuu of the weight their abilities carry.

And so, Yuu lets their voice carry the song, pouring emotion and energy into each note. The fairies gather around, their presence enhancing the magic of the moment. As the last strains of the melody fade, Yuu takes a moment to savor the serenity of the garden, the soft glow of the fairies, and the memories of a world that still holds wonder and enchantment, waiting to be rediscovered.

~ When the moon comes up to the shine of a face
The birds are fast asleep.
And the lanterns hang from every post.
The fairies leave the keep
They join their hands and sing their songs.
That nary a soul can hear
In the springtime when the earth is new
To the fairies they draw near
To the fairies they draw near ~

The fairies around Yuu gather with an air of excitement and happiness, their movements mirroring the joy that Yuu's song brings them. It's a heartwarming sight, a reminder that the connection they share with these magical beings is still alive and strong. As Yuu continues to sing, their voice seems to intertwine with the very essence of the garden, creating an atmosphere of enchantment and wonder.

In the midst of this magical moment, Yuu's attention is drawn to Grim, who approaches with a tired expression. Yuu chuckles softly, their voice never faltering in its melody. "Ah, Grim, join us. There's a can of tuna for you on the table," Yuu says, inviting their feline friend to partake in the serene scene.

Grim, too tired to fully comprehend what's happening, simply nods in response. The garden continues to bask in the warm glow of Yuu's song, with the fairies dancing and fluttering around in delighted harmony. As the night unfolds, Yuu's connection to the magical world deepens, and they find solace and companionship in the presence of their friends, both human and otherworldly.

~ Come away with me now to the sky
Up all the hills and the sea
Far beyond where memories lie
To a place where I'm free to be me ~

Yuu's voice weaves through the night air, carrying the melody of the song to every corner of the garden. With each note, the fairies respond in kind, their ethereal dance taking on a new life as they twirl and flutter around Yuu. It's a scene of pure enchantment, a connection between the human and magical realms that transcends time and space.

As Yuu dances among the fairies, they feel a sense of nostalgia wash over them. Memories from long ago resurface, of a time when they were deeply connected to the magical world and its inhabitants. The garden comes alive with a radiant glow, its beauty enhanced by the presence of these whimsical beings.

The fairies seem to mirror Yuu's emotions, with their joyful movements and twinkling lights expressing a shared sense of camaraderie and delight. The song reaches its crescendo, and for a moment, it's as if time stands still. Yuu and the fairies are caught in a harmonious embrace, the magic of the moment binding them together in a symphony of sound and light.

As the final notes of this part of the song slowly drift into the night, the fairies gradually begin to disperse, their dance winding down. The garden returns to a tranquil stillness, but the echoes of the enchanting melody linger in the air, a reminder of the magical connection that exists between Yuu and the world around them.

~ Oh, gather it now, one and all.
No matter what folly may do
Let the stars fill your soul, when the moon cradles all
So, to yourself, be true.

The blanket of snow is all gone.
Each flower waits for the sun.
And the breeze bring tears of the rain.
Oh, It's promise for everyone. ~

'This is fun, cub. No worries about what will come or what might befall you.' Their father's voice is gentle as he dances with their mother amidst the fairies. 'I miss your laughter, the sound that used to light up our days. Find joy in the present, and let it bring a smile to your face.'

'Hades speaks the truth, dear. It's been quite some time since you embraced happiness just for the sheer pleasure of it.' Their mother's words are filled with warmth as she gently brushes a few loose strands of fur from Grim's resting form. Yuu gazes at their parents, their smiles a comforting presence.

~ Then come away with me, friends.
No matter where you call your home
With the light in your hearts
We will never part.
No matter how far we roam

Deep in the forest we go
Creatures are all fast asleep.
With a kiss and a wink we will waken our souls.
And long is the safety we'll keep ~

'Ah, would you look at that smile on Yuu's face. Our little one is all grown up yet still adorable,' their mother's voice is filled with affection as a flurry of fairies gently place a crown of roses upon her head.

'It's been quite a while. When was the last time the Shrimp cracked a genuine smile? Oh yes, I remember; it was at Scar's nephew's wedding,' their mother reminisces. Their father remains quiet, but the fairies are busy adorning his fur with an array of colorful blooms.

'Who could forget that wedding? I swear Cat shed more tears than the groom. It's etched into our memories,' their father chimes in, evoking a pointed glare from the said cat. Yuu chuckles before returning to their song, their heart feeling lighter in the presence of their parents' memories.

~ And then, then well dance with the night
Till the sun peeking sparkle at dawn
And away we will go.
Like last winters snow
Soon our work will be done.

Oh, gather it now, one and all.
No matter what folly may do
Let the stars fill your soul, when the moon cradles all
So, to yourself, be true.

So, to yourself, be true. ~

Yuu's smile brightens even more as the fairies carefully arrange a crown made of seven distinct flowers: a white rose tinged with red, a crimson red rose with its thorns intact, a golden American lotus, the warm and vibrant Fritillaria, the enchanting pomegranate flower, the delicate African violets, and the petite yet unforgettable Forget-Me-Not. Each flower in the crown carries a special significance, forming a symbol of their parents' enduring presence and boundless love. As the fairies weave their magic around the flowers, the crown seems to radiate a gentle, ethereal glow, illuminating the night around Yuu.

While fairies can be mischievous and unpredictable, their true nature shines through when you build a connection with them. Beyond their playful pranks, there lies a depth of empathy and understanding that Yuu has come to cherish. It's a connection that spans generations, passed down from their parents, who had once danced and sung among these very same fairies. And now, Yuu finds themselves at the heart of this enchanting garden, surrounded by the whimsical spirits who once shared their laughter and joy.

"Thank you," Yuu expresses their gratitude, a soft whisper that seems to harmonize with the rustling leaves and twinkling stars. In a final touch, they cast a forever spell on the flower crown, sealing its magic and significance. With a tender smile, they raise it to their head, feeling the weight of their parents' love intertwined with every petal and stem. This crown, woven with nature's magic and fairies' care, becomes a tangible connection to their past and a beacon of hope for the future.

Turning their attention from the fairies to their parents, Yuu's heart swells with emotion. Their mother's spectral form stands before them, her arms outstretched in a gesture of embrace. The longing in her voice is palpable as she softly speaks, 'My child, would you grant your poor mother a hug?' How could Yuu possibly resist the yearning of a mother's heart? Stepping into the outstretched arms, they allow themselves to be enveloped in a comforting hug, a bridge between the worlds of the living and the spirits.

In this moment, as fairies dance and glow around them and their parents' presence wraps them in a ghostly embrace, Yuu experiences a sense of unity that transcends time and space. It's a reminder that love and connection persist, even in the most extraordinary circumstances, and that the bonds forged between the realms of the living and the ethereal are unbreakable, eternal, and deeply cherished.


In a completely different part of the school, the atmosphere couldn't be more different. Leona Kingscholar's room is cloaked in shadows, a reflection of his mysterious and aloof personality. The dim light casts eerie shapes on the walls, lending an air of intrigue to the space. The room is adorned with dark and regal furnishings, an extension of Leona's lion-like aura.


"You must be tired, Leona. I've brought you dinner. And on the way, I got a little 'work' done."

"Always there when I need ya, Ruggie."

"Oh, it's a pleasure to be of service to you, Housewarden."

"You always say that, don't you? Even though you're really doing this for yourself."

"Perish the thought, Leona! It's a pleasure to be of service to OUR cause. All of us want to turn the world upside down. That's precisely why the hyenas joined hands with the King of Beasts in the first place—to improve their lot in life forevermore. I'm pretty much doing the same thing."

"Also, I got the information you need on Yuu."

"Good, but save that for later because we got a lonely wolf who likes to eavesdrop to deal with."


"I know you're there, wolf. No use hiding."


"And what are YOU doin' up so late? Need someone to sing you a lullaby?"

"Maybe I'll give it a shot! Shyeheehee!"

"I want to know why. Why are you two doing this?"

"Huh. So, it's a bedtime story you're after. All right, I got one for you.
We went up against Malleus's Diasomnia team in round one of the tournament two years running. We were eliminated both times. We got a wall fulla championship trophies, but they ran circles around us like we were still in diapers. And that disgrace was broadcast to the entire world. I looked like an incompetent moron. And now the pro league recruiters, well, they pass right by Savanaclaw."

"But that's because we weren't good enough!"

"You're right about that. Last year, you could certainly say that we didn't give the tournament our all. Only a total moron would have thought we could win. But that's how naïve we were. We never even came up with a plan or nothin'. And we've got the nerve to claim Savanaclaw honors the tenacity of the King of Beasts! What a joke."

"But that's exactly why acting like cowards and cutting down our opponents is so wrong!"

"Wrong," you say? Jack, who do you think I'm doing this for? I'm thinkin' about you and your dormmates here! This is about crushing Malleus and restoring Savanaclaw's reputation! The headmage said if we don't win this year, Malleus will be inducted into the hall of fame. That means this is our last chance to beat him. And you're gonna throw it away over...what? Some moral superiority complexes?"

"But... I..."

"Using your wits to corner your prey is part of the hunt. There's nothing cowardly about it."

"Shyeheehee! Night Raven operates on the survival of the fittest. Nice guys don't last long here."

"But Housewarden, if you got serious about playing, we could actually be a threat to Diasomnia! I saw the way you played three years ago! I'll never forget it!"

"What do YOU know about ANYTHING, flosh?! You want me to 'get serious about playing'? Hah! Now you're the one who's naïve. It wouldn't change a thing. Get outta my sight."


"That boy could be a problem. You want me to take care of him?"

"No. Don't. Even if he goes and blabs it all to Crowley, he ain't got a shred of proof. And besides, that'd be a terrible waste of talent. Just make sure you keep an eye on him, but report to me if that boy went to the herbivore."


"Tch. Stupid frosh... Talking like he's better than me. Not to mention that herbivore, acting as if they run the world from their fingertip. Hmm."


QOH: Oh, my baby. My sweet little star.

H: Should we stop her before Yuu breaks a rib from being hugged like that?

EQ: Well, it has been a while since we last hugged Yuu, and I cannot deal with the Queen of Hearts moping that Yuu doesn't love her anymore.

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