By Stasiawrites_

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IVARSEN'S POV: She stops me."I want to ride you." I try to unzip my pants, but disappointment is written all... More



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By Stasiawrites_

I HATE HATE HATE this chapter sm and it's so useless (but kinda not) but I have to write it bc the next one won't make sense otherwise. I'm apologizing in advance for this chapter BUT THE NEXT ONE WILL BE THE BEST CHAPTER I promise and swear and wtv y'all want.😋😋💋 - Stass


1 month later


"He's totally fucking harassing me!" Francesca groans.

"He's your boss..." Isla replies as she puts her ass on the island of my kitchen.

Francesca looks her dead in the eye and simply stares at her.

Isla doesn't even observe how her glaring.

"He's gonna get me in trouble, Indie! Tell him to leave me alone!" Franci says as panic coats her voice but her face doesn't betray her.

"Madden wouldn't do that and you kno-".

She slams her phone on the counter. "Fucks sake! Can't you just do it?"

"Can't you just tell him you're gay?" Isla asks as she kicks her feet and licks her ice cream.

"I'm bisexual" Franci rolls her eyes "meaning I still like both girls and boys."

Isla frowns. "But Noah said that you told him you're gay."

"So I could get rid of him and even that didn't work."

A hand wraps around my waist from behind and soft lips come down on mine as I embrace them in a kiss.

I've gotten used to it.

Like I've gotten used to it all.

He breaks away from my lips when a honk is heard from outside. "I'll be back in two days, call me."

I smile up at Ash and he does the same as he then walks out the door.

Isla smiles.

And Francesca looks like a terrified child who just walked in on her parents.

"You slept with him?" She asks disgusted.

I swallow thickly. "Well, he is my boyfriend and we made up-"

I actually didn't, but no one had to know that.

Someone had to know otherwise and by that I mean me sleeping with Asher, although it's a lie.

She groans.

"Indie, he cheated once, he'll do it again! Stop fooling yourself!"

"He's gotten better! He went down the wrong road, but he'll still forever be the one for-" Isla says.

"You're out of you're fucking mind." Franci simply replies.

"What am I supposed to do then?" I ask.

I was lost.

But the memories weren't.

And neither were the trails of their hands.

"I only know who you're supposed to do." She shakes her shoulders.

Before I say anything else, Octavia comes down the stairs with Finn and Amber -Audrey's younger sister-

They're all wearing pyjamas and each one has a pillow in their hands.

Octavia smiles sweetly at us. "I'm holding a slumber party at my house and even though we don't have enough rooms, I'd still like for you three to join."

"Yes!" Isla kicks her feet with excitement.

Francesca comes closer to me as she whispers. "Does she ever stop behaving like a child?"

I push her slightly as a joke, signaling for her to stop critiquing everything Isla does or says.

"Is my brother there?" Franci asks Octavia

"No, but let's pray Ezra is." Amber groans

Octavia's smile fades.

Finn pulls her phone out. "Dad texted they'll all be out until late with work stuff."

"Perfect." Amber says dryly.

"We'll see you there, then." Octavia forces a smile


11 p.m.

As we walks to the Torrance's I acknowledge that I forgot to bring pyjamas, but I figured I'd borrow something from Octavia.

My phone buzzes and I pull it out.


Asher: Wyd?

Me: Going to the Torrance's with the girls

Asher: Shit. Don't tell Ivarsen or Issac where I am

Me: Why?

Asher: Baby, please just don't. They don't know I'm already in Meridian City looking for Colleges

Me: I wasn't going to talk to them anyway

Asher: Don't drink too much you know what happens.

Me: K.

I answered him dryly at the last text because he always brang it up.

Having the memories engraved in my fucking brain was enough.

And besides that, I didn't want to fight with him, it just started to be like it was in the spring.


Walking through the door of the Torrance's as Francesca keeps picking on Isla, two girls run out the house giggling as they only have a tiny bathing suit on.

Well that was weird.

We barely take a few steps inside the house and someone bumps into Francesca with a force, almost knocking her to the ground.

"Watch where you're going, cunt." Gunnar cocks his head at us.

"How about you watch you're fucking mouth, you pansy ass daddy's boy." She spits back at him.

Gunnar laughs darkly. "You're in my house, rat. And fucking thank me I'm sparing you."

"Spare me from what? You're bent needle dick?" Franci laughs back.

He gets in her face uncomfortably. "Pity, you look like you'd take my dick pretty well."

Octavia walks towards us, oblivious to what those two were fighting about as she then pushes him towards the stairs. "Go put a shirt on." She rolls her eyes.

I move my hand to take Francesca's in mine, but she flinched and forms it into a fist.

She then quickly realises. "I-I'm sorry, I'm just not a big fan of-"

"You don't have to explain it." I simply smile at her.

Some say she's hard to deal with or a waste of time, but she's more than that.

The past month I didn't leave her side.

She was cold and warm, and those time when she'd let you in, it was pure heaven.

She understood me and stood up for me as no one else did.

It wasn't anything forced, she was a genuine friend.

We all go in the living room that's connected to the family kitchen and as the girls all settle down on the couch as a movie plays, I go looking for snacks.

Although there wasn't much of my tastes, I saw some drinks on the counter.

I raise my eyes to look for something...or someone.

And others would say it's luck, but I say it's the opposite as I see Ivarsen on the other side of the kitchen island.

My eyes get stuck on his but from what I can make out without moving my eyes, he's shirtless and his hair is messy.

He's watching me back and without realising I grab a drink and take a sip.

When it hits my tongue I fight not to spit it out as Ivarsen's watching me.

His eyes were scanning my face.

"That's Sazerac, idiot." He says. "It has rye whiskey and cognac amongst others."

I fight the eye twitch as I let it go down my throat.

Ivarsen's brows furrow.

"I knew what it was." I say confidently.

"Then you don't mind drinking it all, do you?" He challenges.

I curse my existence.

"What? Pfft, no! Obviously n-not at all." I crack a smile but I'm sure that I most likely look as I'm about to cry.

I see a few shots already poured and I take a few to 'warm up'.

Then I put my big boy pants on and hold onto the glass as I throw the drink down my throat at once.

It burns so hard that I fight the tears in my eyes.

When I look at Ivarsen proudly he asks. "Where's Asher?"

But his expression.. there's was something he wanted.

Something he wanted to know?

He kept frowning at me and I knew what he was up to.

I shake my head. "I see, you wanted information and you thought this was the best idea to get it."

And he knew what he was doing.

I was a fucking lightweight and my legs already felt like giving out as my eyelids were heavy.

He comes closer, a little too close.

His index finger puts a strand of hair behind my ear. "Is he not in Meridian City?"

"I-i.." I slurp and he catches my chin with his fingers, keeping it from moving.

"Be a smart girl, princess." He smiles wickedly.

"You can't say that to me." I try to state.

"Can't I now?" Ivarsen asks so surprised as he held a laugh back.

I stopped thinking and simply spoke.

"He is indeed there."

"Atta girl." He whispered as he came closer until we were inches apart and my lip started trembling.

When his hand came on my hips, I suddenly felt it all over again.

I never felt it with him before.


I wrenched myself from him as I came to my sense even if it was only for a few seconds.

"I thought I told you to stop fighting it." He cocks his head at me.

I grab a bottle of alcohol and join the girls on the couch to watch the movie.

I keep taking sips but soon the bottle starts emptying.

And I don't have to look back to see Ivarsen leave as I hear his steps.


A/N: I'll make up for this shitty chapter in the next chapter. Hope y'all like the one bed trope 💋

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