Not His Enya (Geniuses and Ge...

By xxJulyLoveAllen

161K 9.2K 2.6K

After the death of her boyfriend, Enya Mostafa has been trying to get back to normal. Working along side with... More

Bonus chapter-Takeo's Truth


1.9K 130 32
By xxJulyLoveAllen


"Fuck" I groaned cumming for the third time. My dick was still hard and Enya had left over 20 minutes ago. It pissed me off she made me feel like a fucking teenager. Just looking at her angry bitchy face made me hard, and her fucking lips. I huffed looking down at my dick and it was somehow harder. "You have got to be kidding me"

I need to stop at my hotel before going to Enya's house.

I pulled up to Enya's family's house and my phone started ringing. I looked down at it seeing my cousin was calling me.

"I'm about to walk in-"

"What did you do to Enya?"

"I didn't do anything to her," I said confused "I don't think I did, I pulled a gun out on this girl but she didn't look like she cared"

"You're stressing my girlfriend out," he said angrily and I rolled my eyes "Stop it! And stop pissing Enya off" he yelled then hung up on me.

I got out of my car and knocked on the door, Mrs.Aurora looked up at me and smiled "Eziō," she opened the door and I went in.

"Hi Mrs.Aurora, how are you?" I leaned down giving her a hug. She was tall for a woman, and so was Enya. I liked that about her, Mrs.Aurora was 5'9 maybe 5'10 and Enya was about the same height.

"I'm good" she pulled away "Ryu is upstairs with Brandi"

"I'm actually looking for Enya"

Her eyes widened in shook before she shook her head "Uh-"

I heard growling and looked over seeing Shiro slowly walking over to me "Shit, I mean shoot"

"Shiro?" Mrs.Aurora looked at him, he came over standing in front of her and I stepped back. She chuckled looking at me "He doesn't like you huh?"

"Not at all"

"Well he hasn't attacked you so that's a good thing," she said petting him.

I heard loud thumping and looked over seeing Khan running up to me, I knelt down and started petting him "What's up big guy?" I looked up at Mrs.Aurora "I heard congratulations are in order"

She put her hand on her stomach smiling "Thank you Ezio, um as far as Enya-"

"Her rooms that way," Saif said coming down the stairs "Don't worry about knocking just go on it"

"Uncle Saif-"

"It's fine Aurora, it's her fiancée," He said smiling, was he...making fun of me?

I looked up seeing Matteo coming down the stairs behind him on his phone "Baba have you seen-" He looked up and huffed when he saw me "Are you fucking serious"

"Son, be nice to your son in law"


Matteo pinched the bridge of his bed and then looked at Mrs.Aurora "Go get back in bed"

"I was getting food" She smiled walking into the kitchen.

"I'll get it Aurora" He walked after her. I heard her yelp and then start laughing, Matteo came out a second later carrying Mrs.Aurora "Baba, please tell Asia to make herself useful and bring my wife some food"

"You got it" He chuckled

"Bye Ezio" Aurora waved while Matteo carried her up the stairs.

"Bye Mrs.Aurora," I said lowly and surely knew she didn't hear me since she was already being whisked away by her husband.

"Enya's room is that way, please knock. I was joking about you not." He started walking into the kitchen but stopped in the doorway "You'll get used to Matteo and Aurora's antics, if you ever spend the night don't stay upstairs." I widened my eyes looking at him and he laughed "Welcome to the family" He waved and then walked into the kitchen. "Oh! Matteo cooked" He said to himself.

I chuckled shaking my head and then walked to Enya's room. I didn't knock on the door and just walked in, she was reading a book and a movie was playing in the background. I looked around her room and she had a big poster over her bed saying Quantum Theory, only when I looked closer it wasn't a poster. She had written all of the out, I looked at the book she was reading and it was The Resurrectionist: The Lost Work of Dr. Spencer Black. I had read that book but considering it was mostly illustrations I didn't really consider it a book. The other side of her room was just a whiteboard with math problems on them, everything from geometry to string theory, then it led to a door with a screen on it. I looked over seeing a wall of books and another door next to it. On her nightstand it was a picture of her and a guy, I'm assuming Gabriel but I couldn't tell because the guy's face was scratched out.

"Why the hell are you in my room, let alone my house," She said laying the book on her stomach, I had never seen her show so much skin. She was always wearing big baggy clothes. She had on these tiny white shorts showing off her long legs, her toes were painted a neon pink that matched her nails, and they were short and square. I never thought she would wear pink but it looked good on her. Her top was white and had Mensa in blue letters on it but looked like it had been cut into a crop top and ripped up a bit.

"I missed my fiancée"

She rolled her eyes "Get out, I don't feel like fighting"

"I'm not here because I want to fight" I looked over seeing a book laying on the floor "The new Adam and Eve? God did me watching you fuck Carlo bother you that much?" I laughed.

She stood up walking over and picked up the book, I couldn't help but look at her she was built so perfectly. I wanted to kill Carlo for fucking her.

Before I could stop myself I grabbed her ass, she turned around pushing me with the book in her hand "Damn it Ezio!" She yelled.

"You read the book" I took it from her "Are all of your books first editions?"

She huffed walking away from me and sitting over on her bed "Most of them, my grandpa and dad prefer them."

I opened the book "So you listened"

"I didn't listen to you, you fucking ass. I read it because I was in a slump and I read it years ago" She crossed her arms pouting making me laugh.

"Years ago when I recommended it? You were what? 16 I think it was right before you and Gabriel got together" I looked up at her and then back down at the book "Did you enjoy it?"

"I did, I honestly like anything by Hawthorne. He's different"

"His writing was a bit controversial" I chuckled and put the book down then went over sitting next to her.

"That's putting it very lightly" She laughed and I looked over at her, she looked really good like that. I wish she did it more, she was always so uptight and angry most of the time or showing fake happiness.

"So controversial runs in the family?" She looked at me confused "You're parents, auntie, brother, and uncle." She covered her face laughing.

"A bit"

"That's putting it very lightly," I said mocking her, she looked over at me and then pushed me.

"You're a dick"

"So you're dad is your mom's uncle? Or are they cousins?"


"I'm not judging or anything, I just heard your dad call Saif baba"

"Oh" She shook her head "My dads adopted, like me"

"Really? I didn't know that, I knew he wiped out the Moretti last name and took on Mostafa. I thought he did that because he was obsessed with your mom"

She started laughing "He probably would have, they're crazy about each other"

"I know, I saw. Your family is amazing"

She looked at me hesitantly "Don't open your mouth about this because my family will kill you-"

"Why do you think I'm such a bad guy? I've only tried being nice to you since we first met"

She looked at me and then ignored my question "My uncle Saif raised my dad, they still don't want to go public about him being adopted because no one knows where Geneva is. All the leads we've followed are dead ends"

"Geneva? Is that his mom?"

She nodded her head "Total bitch, I think she might be in her 80s now."

"Well she might not have long to live then"

"I don't know, my grandpa and uncle Saif are in their 80's and haven't missed a step. I hope the bitch has a slow painful death though" She said and I started laughing.

"You are fucking crazy"

"I'm not" she stood up "Now get out of my room, I don't like having a nice conversation with you"

I stood up "You should read the wives of the dead it's also by Nathaniel Hawthorne"

"I already have"

"Did you like it?" I smiled at her knowing she did.

"I don't remember"

I chuckled "You're so annoying"

"I've heard that a lot, mostly from people who are dumb"

"And the other?"

"My annoying brother" She smiled.

I stood there watching her, trying to decide if I liked her angry or happy. It was starting to irritate me, so much irritated me about her, I could never figure her out. Right, when I thought she was just some angry sad bitch she threw this other personality at me, and her room told me a lot about her too. Her clothes, what was she hiding? Was she scared? Did something happen to her?

I balled my fist up but relaxed, it was too many men in her family for something like that to happen to her, too many protective men. Their family seemed open so I knew if something like that did happen they would have handled it unless she thought she could handle it herself. Or maybe it was Gabriel? Did his death really scar her that bad? Was she in love with him?

"Are we about to fight?" She said looking me up and down.

I walked over to her and pulled her to me kissing her, it pissed me off that she was even with him. I tried for years to get her to like me and she settled with some fucking good guy. I grabbed her throat kissing her harder, she didn't push me away but instead pulled me onto the bed. She wrapped her legs around me and then pushed her tongue in my mouth, I sucked on it and pressed my dick against her. She moaned and I reached under the shirt feeling she didn't have a bra on and groaned feeling her bare breast. I pulled away biting her lip and she pushed my jacket off "Do you have-"

The door opened "Aurora your brother-"

Enya pushed me off of her and looked up at her dad looking between us. He looked like he wanted to blow my head off, his jaw was clenched and Enya cleared her throat "What did Alonzo want?" She said sounding innocent, almost like a child. It made me wonder if this was another part of her personality I had yet to see.

He tore his eyes from me "He's here" He said sounding tense. He looked like he was about to say something else but just walked out of the room.

My phone started ringing and I looked down seeing it was my uncle Marco calling me "Shit" I ignored the call and put my phone back in my pocket but he just called again.

"Maybe you should answer it"

"It's not important-" My phone started ringing and I went to silence it again but she grabbed it "Enya-"

She pushed me off of her and then slapped me "Get out of my fucking room!" She yelled "Get out of my fucking house! And stay away from me and my fucking family" She pushed me.

I pushed her back "Fuck you"

"Fuck you!" She tried hitting me but I grabbed her arm and just pushed her back. She must have been crazy if she thought I was going to fight her in a house full of men like the ones she was related to.

My phone started ringing and I answered it "Yeah?"

"Why were you ignoring my calls?" My uncle Marco asked me "What the hell is going on?"

I looked at Enya and if looks could kill I would be a dead man.

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