Once Upon a Dream | Peter Pev...

By bejeweledgirl

81.6K 1.9K 576

The story of the sleeping beauty has been told time after a time. A beautiful princess cursed to sleep forev... More

Once Upon a Dream
An excited little girl
I know you
Life's a willow
Midnight Conversations
"I'm dying dead"
The fate of the magical world
Running should be a mandatory class
Midnight Conversations (Reprise)
Presents! Hooray!
One step farther away from death
It's sir Peter to you
Our Maleficent meets our princess
I won't say goodbye
Eternal Slumber
The aftermath
Fairytale come true
Once upon a dream
Fifteen years later...sort of
Fun Facts

Interlude: The dream

2.7K 87 25
By bejeweledgirl

Rory opened her eyes. It was the very same stone table the witch had prepared for her death but the surroundings were different. Instead of the rocky boulders and the concrete floor, she was surrounded by beautiful woods. Slowly, she stood up and decided to explore the forest.

The evergreen grass is decorated with beautiful colored flowers. Flowers of every type imaginable  from purple to red, yellow, white orange, blue, and her favorite pink daisy flowers.  The trees were tall and sturdy. There were birch trees, linden trees, and pines. As she walked further and further into the forest she heard a beautiful and all too familiar melody.

Rory quickened her pace and followed the music. She arrived at the very edge of the forest where a beautiful willow tree guarded a crystalline blue river.  Narnians were enjoying the haunting song played by a band under the willow.  Boisterous laughter was heard and elegant dances could be seen. Those who didn't dance or play the music were feeding themselves off a spectacular feast  or were playing by the water.

Rory approached the scene timidly but none of the creatures paid her any mind. She was just another one in the crowd. She hid in the crowd until she was standing close to the willow tree where the band was playing. Most of them were satyrs, centaurs, or nymphs but there was a human: A man with brown hair and turquoise eyes. A gold crown on his head. Holding a hand-carved flute she was oh so familiar with.  Her father!

The woman next to him was watching him adoringly as he played the music. Long flowing blonde hair and kind green eyes. A delicate gold crown entwined in her curls.  That was her mother.

"Mom, dad," Rory gasped in disbelief.

The song came to a halt as both her mother and father faced her. The Narnians stopped their dancing and observed the scene with interest. Her parents were staring at her with longing and incredulousness. They couldn't quite believe their daughter, who was just a baby when they said goodbye, was now a beautiful young woman.

"Hi," Rory said timidly.

That's all it took to let the dam crack.

"My darling daughter," Queen Dorea  said wistfully, "We are sorry to meet you in these circumstances." 

The Queen kissed her daughter's head still clutching her in her arms. The king hugged his daughter next before turning to the crowd.

"People of Narnia," King Stephan announced, " May I present to you, Princess Aurora. She has finally joined us, if only temporarily. But we shall enjoy her stay for as long as we have."

The crowd cheered in excitement. Music started playing again. The dancing was resumed.  The Narnians were celebrating the arrival of their beloved princess. The Queen and King lead their daughter to the feast urging her to eat before continuing the celebrations.  It wasn't until she was eating her fourth pastry that she realized her father's words.

"Temporary?" Rory asked as she bit the sweet bread, "I thought this whole thing was forever. Eternal slumber loses its meaning if it's not, you know eternal."

Her parents shared a look. It was that kind of seamless, telepathic conversation couples that were so in love and so in sync shared. Rory had always imagined her parents' love story but she never in her wildest dreams she had thought she'd ever witness it. She watched their interaction hungrily.

Her mother seemed to nudge her head at her and her father rolled his eyes. He shook his head and crossed his arms. Her mother placed a hand on his shoulder and pouted. Rory watched as her father slowly melted at his mother's pleading gaze. Her father sighed, he clearly didn't want to be the one to break the news but his mother had won their inner argument.

"I'm afraid this is only temporary, dear," King Stephan said kindly, grabbing his daughter's hands, " If everything goes according to the plan you won't stay here forever."

Her father's hands on hers felt big and warm. Her mother not wanting to miss any more interactions with her family wrapped her arms around her husband and daughter. They were smashed together and she could feel their breath on her head both of them being taller than her. She felt protected in their arms. She felt safe. The family hugged and clung to each other furiously, afraid that at any given moment they would disappear. 

This was much more profound and detailed than any of her previous dreams. She could actually interact with her parents, not just listen to cryptic messages or watch them dance as she pined away. If eternal slumber was like this then she didn't want to wake up.

"I don't want to," Rory said shaking her head in denial, " Not when I just got you. Why can't I stay? I thought that was how it was prophesied. Aslan said this was to be forever. "

Her parents shared a sad smile. Her mother squeezed her tighter, not that Rory minded. She wanted the reassurance that they were here with her. That they were real.

"My darling, you don't belong here," The Queen sentenced, " Not yet at least."

Rory's eyes started watering and she blinked rapidly. She didn't want her parent's first impression of her to be of a crying girl.  She separated from them abruptly to gather her thoughts ignoring the confused and concerned looks from her parents.  Just when she got used to the idea of eternal slumber she discovered that it was temporary. Aslan had lied again. (Or well omitted the truth if you wanted to be technical.)

How many times will she have to adapt to circumstances? How many times was she supposed to bounce back as if nothing life-changing happened to her? Rory scowled. This time it will be different. She will stay with her parents forever.

"Then I won't wake up," Rory said, crossing her arms on her chest looking very reminiscent of her father, "You can't make me."

Her parents gaze softened. The Queen wrapped her arms around her daughter once more and began stroking her curly looks. Her father watched his girls adoringly but sadly.

"You have people waiting for you on the other side," Queen Dorea said lovingly. 

Rory's protests died on her lips. She did have her aunts and the professor back in England. There was also Mr. and Mrs. Beaver, Siofra back at Narnia. And  the Pevensies: Lucy, Edmund, Susan, and  Peter. Well, she didn't have Peter anymore. She had ruined  that possibility with him in an attempt to protect him. But waking up meant that she had a chance to mend her relationship with Peter.

But would she really leave behind her parents? The parents she dreamed about for years for other people that were not related to her. For a boy?  Whatever choice Rory took, it felt selfish. And she had spent her entire life living for everyone else.

Her mother must have sensed her inner turmoil for she kissed the crown of her head softly. She let her daughter go with a watery smile.

"Aurora," It was the first time her parents had called her by her full name. She liked how it sounded from her mother's mouth. " It doesn't matter how long or how short our time together is. Your father and I never thought we'd get to meet you so soon. Every second we spent together is precious for us."

Her father hugged her next.

"It might be temporary now but someday we'll all the time in the world," Her father assured her.

"You promise?" Rory asked, her voice choking with emotion.

Rory hugged him back and buried her head in her father's chest. She felt like a little girl.

"I promise," He said softly.

And Rory believed him. It was funny that no matter how many times she had been lied to before, Rory still gave her trust freely. But this time, it felt different. There was something so reassuring about her parents' words. Maybe it was their eyes, nobody could fake that much emotion in trying to reassure her.

The father- daughter duo separated and smiled brightly. Every member of the  Royal Family is finally at peace, knowing that one day they will be together again. But for now, they had to enjoy their time together. The Narnians around them were still celebrating: dancing and playing music, feasting, and drinking. 

"Would you like to dance?" Her father asked his daughter, bowing his head as per royal protocol.

Rory beamed and took his arm. Queen Dorea smiled fondly at the sight, touched by watching her husband and daughter dance. After a few pieces, Dorea stole her daughter away. It was not traditional for mothers-daughters to share dances but they were running for a short time. The Royal family danced together, all three of them after a couple of dances.

Rory had never danced this much in her life. And the curious thing was, she wasn't even tired. She guessed this was some of the perks of dancing in her dreams.

"Ladies and gentlemen," The lead satyr announced, "It's that time of night where I ask I'd like to ask each of you to invite your partner, the love of your life to dance the Dreaming Waltz."

Rory urged her parents to dance together, it would be amazing to see them dance together in person and not through a dream.  The princess watched fascinated as her parents and the Narnians paired up. After a couple of seconds, the band started playing a very familiar tune. One that had haunted her dreams for years.

I know you, I walked with you once upon a dream

I know you, that look in your eyes is so familiar a gleam

Rory smiled at her parents as she watched them dance. Her parents were so synchronized, their bodies so in tune with each other, dancing gracefully and smoothly. Rory watched enthralled. The princess quietly sang to herself and twirled around. This was just like a fairytale. Every little girl dreams of having a love so strong as her parents but actually witnessing it was humbling for Rory. She wished she could share that connection, that devotion with someone else.

Yet I know it's true that visions are seldom all they seem

She felt someone tap her on the shoulder. She turned around, surprised. It was that blonde boy from her dreams. His features were still blurry but his golden hair gave him away.

"May I have this dance, my lady?" He asked.

Rory hesitated, she didn't want to betray Peter. But it was one simple dance, nothing romantic had to come out of it. Even though she had totally been attracted to the blonde boy at her last dream ball.

"Sure," The princess smiled.

The boy grabbed her waist delicately and she placed her hands on his shoulders. They glided around letting the song control their movements. All the scenery and people around them dissolved. It was her and the boy. And for some reason, his hands on her felt familiar, they felt like they fitted together in her tiny waist. 

Once upon a time

I dreamed we'd be together

In love forever

"I know this song," He exclaimed.

"Really?" Rory asked quirking her eyebrows. She didn't know why  she found it surprising but somehow felt it in the pit of her stomach.

"Yeah," The blonde said. Though his features were blurry, the princess could tell there was a distant faraway look in his eyes, just from the distracted tone in his voice. "She sang it once. To me and my siblings.  I was forever enthralled."

He dipped forward and looked into her eyes, his fingers tightened on her waist. They stopped toe to toe.  Rory pulled away staring at the blonde boy in disbelief. That sounded just like....

She had sung that song to the Pevensies and the Beavers once. It was too coincidental to ignore it. The blonde tried to dance again, but the Princess was too stiff and too pensive to actually dance. She stared at the boy intently until his features began to clear.

But if I know you, I know what you do

She felt stupid when she finally realized just who had she been dancing with.

"Peter?" She asked hesitantly.

The blonde boy's head snapped in surprise, he was blatantly gaping at her.

You love me at once

"Rory?" He asked, shocked.

The way you did once upon a dream

Before anyone of them could actually say anything relevant to each other, Peter winced. As if someone was waking him up at this precise moment. Peter tried to tighten his hold on Rory but whatever force he was grappling won. one. She let out a small scream as she watched the Pevensie boy vanish. As if he had never been here. Her breaths began to quicken and she started seeing blurry. She tripped and fell to the floor.

Her parents immediately rushed to her side in concern. They help her stand up and kept asking questions, but Rory was unable to answer. She felt like her, out was made of lead, unable to share the craziness of what had just happened.  Her parents led her out of the dance floor to the refreshment table. Her father offered her a glass of water which Rory took gratefully. Her mother hugged her by her shoulders and offered comforting words. Finally, Rory calmed down enough to answer a single question.

"Honey,  what happened?" Her mother asked concerned.

"It's him," Rory said in disbelief, "Peter is the  boy from my dreams."

Hi! Sorry for the late update. It's been a crazy month. I got a new job, my depression hit me again and I traveled to see Taylor Swift. All in the span of weeks. But here it is! So Rory and Peter finally realized they were in each other dreams. We all been known since the first chapter but my babies are oblivious and slow. Anyways, have a great night, and thank you for your votes and comments! They mean the world to me. See you next chapter"

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