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By xgirIxgirIxx

7.2K 87 55

Will byers swears he doesnt smoke. Hes never even looked at a cigarette. but, when high school rolls around i... More



151 1 0
By xgirIxgirIxx

Mikes pov

Mike walked down the wet sidewalk, stepping in puddles which made his new converse wet.

He finally reached his house, walking up to the porch.

He walked in, his dad was on the lazy boy like always.

"Micheal, where have you been?" He said.

"I've been at wills house, I told you." Mike said, closing the door behind him.

"Why are you always at that faggots house?" Ted said.

"He's not a...he has a girlfriend." Mike said, slightly cringing at the last part.

"He does? Who?" Ted said, lifting his head to look up from his news paper.

"Eh...Maxine mayfield." Mike said, shifting his weight from one foot to the other.

"You should invite them for dinner,
Invite your girlfriend too." He said.

"Uh- i dont think we should invite will-" mike said.

"Whys that?" Ted said, narrowing his eyebrows.

"You know, its nothing. Ill invite him." Mike shot a quickly smile, before shuffling to the phone in the kitchen.

He passed his mom, who looked at him confused.

"Your finally home for once, where have you been?" She asked.

"At wills house." He answered, picking up the phone.

"Again? Why don't you ever hang out with your girlfriend?" She asked.

"My girlfriend lives at wills house." He said, dialing in wills number.

"Oh really? They are siblings?" She asked.

"Yeah, dad said to invite her over for dinner, and will with his girlfriend." He said, putting the phone to his ear.

"Oh, thats a Great idea!" She Said, continuing to cook lunch.

"Hello?" Will said into the speaker.

"Hey will! My parents were wondering if you wanted to come over tonight, with your girlfriend!" Mike said, slighting saying girlfriend louder so his dad could hear.

"What? Mike we are literally-" will started, but stopped. "Oh, uh Sure."

"Bring Jane too." Mike said.

"Okay, bye mike." He said.

"Bye will!" Mike said, putting the phone down.

"Okay, its all done." He said, turning around to face his mom.

"Thats great. Ill call you down when lunch is ready." She said.

"Okay!" Mike Said, while making his way up the stairs.

While he was walking down the hall way, his sister stopped him.

"Hey, what the hell nancy?" Mike asked.

"I know your secret." Nancy said, crossing her arms.

Mikes eyes widened, as his breathing slighty started getting quicker.

"Wh-what secret..?" Mike said, swallowing hard.

"I know you stole my blue denim jacket!" She said.

Mike let out a sigh of relief.

"Yeah, I meant to give that back. Sorry." He said.

"Next time Tell me when you steal my clothes, so I know where to look." She said, shooting mike one last glare before going inside her room.

Shit, that was a close one.


Mike was sitting at the counter, while his mom was making dinner.

"Don't you think this is too much food?" Mike said.

"Non sense! Here, since your here go set the table." She said, handing mike a stack of plates.

Mike sighed as he grabbed them, walking over to the dining room.

He started setting the plates on, when the door bell rang.

He glanced into the living room, as he saw his dad getting up to open the door.

He ignored it and went back to setting up the table.

He felt a tap on his shoulder, when he turned around he was faced with the Byers siblings and max.

His eyes lit up when he saw will, he took a glance around for his parents before bringing will into a warm embrace.

"Hey." Mike breathed.

"Hi, I missed you." Will said.

"You saw me a few hours ago!" Mike laughed, kissing wills cheeks.

"Get a room, Jesus." Max said, her arms crossed.

"Shut up." Mike said, frowning at her.

"Oh hey guys! Your early." His mom said, as she placed large bowls and plates full of food in the middle of the table.

Mike saw wills face grow worried, as he looked at the tables.

"Hey, it's okay." Mike whispered to him.

"Oh, sorry. We just didn't want to be late." Max smiled at Karen.

"Oh that's fine, we can just have dinner early. Ted! Get holly and Nancy!" She yelled, which made Ted get up and go upstairs.

"They should join us soon, for now take a seat." Karen said with a big smile.


Will insisted to sit next to Mike, since he honestly didn't want to sit near max.

Mike watched as Karen took wills plate, filling it with shit Mike knew will wouldn't eat.

When she handed it back to will, he let out a shaky exhale.

Mike slightly frowned, as he noticed will fidgeting with his fork.

"So will, how's it like dating a lady?" Ted said, chewing on his chicken.

Will looked up, confused about the question.

"It's fine...?" Will responded.

"Don't be like that Ted." Karen said, slapping his arm.

Will glanced at Mike, obviously uncomfortable.

"Will, honey, why aren't you eating? Is there something wrong with the food?" Karen asked.

"I'm fine.. I just need to use the bathroom." He announced, getting up from his chair.

"I'm going to check on him." Mike said, getting up and following will.

He saw the bathroom door was closed, so he knocked on it.

"Will, it's me, Mike." Mike said.

Mike heard the door unlock, so he opened it.

He saw will sat near the shower, his knees up to his chest.

"Are you okay..?" Mike asked, crouching next to will.

"It's just so overwhelming, having all those people watching you." Will said, looking up at Mike.

"If you don't wanna go back out there, it's okay. I'll make up an excuse on what happened." Mike said, holding wills head.

Will softly smiled at him, before resting his head in mikes chest.

I know I was gonna make this Mike drama, but I got a lil distracted. I swear next chapter will be more about mikes home life at least. Hope you still enjoyed anyway!
Words: 1003

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