Shadow Of The Prey

By JiHoneyLee

30 9 0

Carlisle Lennox, case 498. CEO of a luxury resort chain, upper class casinos, and real-estate tycoon, the bil... More

CH1. Recon.
CH2. The Games Begin.
CH3. Preparation.
CH4. Prelude Of Tricks.
CH5. Beginning Of The Games.
CH6. The Wildcard's Wager.
CH7. Hindrance.

CH8. Pet Or Beast?

3 1 0
By JiHoneyLee


The elevator doors open just as his lips are close enough to touch mine.
The warmth of them radiating onto mine, his calloused hands against my skin, I turn my head. His eyes focused on me as I display a harrowed look, permeating with evident ferocity and nervousness.

"Mr. Lennox... I did not agree to ownership of a night for this." I speak, pushing him back slightly.
"And I thought we were getting along." He smiles, taking my hand.
"You were wrong to assume that." I rip my hand away, widening the distance between us.
"Don't be like that." He holds his hand out, "As I said, I'm not an imbecile that'll carelessly fondle you."
I stare at his hand and back at his eyes.

I don't have leverage in this moment. I never assumed he'd take the chance for tonight. A man who throws a party, only to abandon it after two hours, doesn't correlate with his character.
The eyes that try to dissect my persona, attentive to every miniscule movement I make.
If I take his hand, it would only make me seem too eager and if I don't, he could lose interest.

Losing his patience, I jump as he takes my hand, dragging me behind him.

"Mr. Lennox, what do you plan on doing?" I question, trying to pull my hand away from his grip.
He ignores me, continuing to walk.

On the other side of the elevator, stands a large minimalistic suite.
The hallway lit by warm strips of light hidden in the edges of the wall panels, and the scent of a subtle warm fragrance of firewood. Smoked-oak wall panels cover the halls that lead to an open living room in monotoned colours.
Leaving the hall to the outstretched space, I notice a stone garden to the right of the room. The only colours amongst the shades in the apartment being the various books on his shelves, and a lone coral camellia bush in the middle of the stone garden.

"Sit." He speaks, guiding me to the sofa.
I give him a glare, wary of him like any lady would be.

Without speaking another word, he throws his jacket onto the armrest of the black leather sectional, walking to the bar behind the living room.
I look around the pristine suite. The large tv framed with bookshelves, curved wood stairs with glass railings that lead to the loft. Closed room doors in view of the living room, I discreetly scan my eyes for any hidden cameras and details to keep in mind. With no main overhead lighting, all lighting remains as only the ambient lights; hidden in the edges of the wall panels.
The minimalistic suite easily narrows places where a camera could be hidden.

My eyes turn back to the target as glass clatters.

His back turned to me, I can't help but stare at the width of his back. His shirt does nothing to hide the toned muscles of his shoulders and arms. The dark navy vest accentuating his waist, emphasizing the size of his back muscles. He's a man with charm and a masculine figure, making it evident why so many ladies throw themselves at his feet—if not his bank account.

Yet to me, he's a man speculated with narcotic imports and the sale of young girls.

My eyes shift to my reflection in the window—lit up from the outside glow of lights from the city—a strange feeling rising in my core.
I would probably be a candidate if it weren't for how well the agency trained me. I could be the same as those girls who have no idea on how to survive on their own, who have no idea how to even protect themselves.
Girls who could've been the age I was when I joined UNS. Girls who had a family and had an array of futures before them. Miss. Barrington would be a phenomenal candidate for his dealings, but the only difference is that Agent Viper is never going to be an easy target.

"Still refusing to sit?"

A gasp almost escapes my throat as I shift my eyes to the man who stands ahead of me, only the sofa in the way. In his hands he holds two glasses.
I stare at him, a look of surprise on my expression until I realize where I'm standing.
My mind had dawdled and I forgot myself.

Lightly shaking my head, I blink a few times to immerse myself again. A chuckle rolls off my lips, before sucking a deep breath through my teeth, until meeting his eyes again.

"I'm fine as is." I speak, giving him a coy look.
"Try it." Making his way around the couch, he holds out a glass to me.

Elise Barrington overtakes my body from any thoughts that distracted me. Taking the crystal glass from his hand, I bring it to my nose and take a sniff.

"And will you tell me what you're offering me?" I question, swirling the liquor and ice.
"Good whiskey."
I cock an eyebrow before taking a sip.

The whiskey is strong without a doubt, but sensually smooth. A mellow freshness seeps through the sharpness of the alcohol, until a gentle sourness appears hidden from the initial rich-earthy taste.
Smacking my lips together slightly, I roll my tongue to try to savor the flavours.

Whiskey, gin, and rum all belong to my personal favourites, and given how the target enjoys hard liquor—Elise Barrington enjoys whiskey the most.

"It's wonderful. What is it?" I ask, looking at the amber liquid.
"55 year Yamazaki."
I look back at him, somewhat surprised. A look of judgement and endearment in my eyes, showing a stubborn gratitude towards him.
"I'm not surprised you own a bottle, but did you really want to open it?" I chuckle, placing the glass on a platinum coaster.
"It's not the only bottle I own." Mr. Lennox scoffs until moving closer.

He stops a foot away from me, taking another sip.
"Why not sit and enjoy it?" He gestures to the sofa, his eyes meeting mine.
I smile, shaking my head.
"I've had too much to drink already. Otherwise I would love to."
"And sitting? Have you sat too much then?"
"I don't believe you understand my hesitation." I scoff lightly at his snarky joke.
"Oh? Well, use that pretty little mouth of yours and share your thoughts." His head tilts, his eyes lingering with a sultry dominant look.
"I'm in an unfamiliar place, given liquor from a man who claims me as a pet. Shouldn't I be wary due to such circumstances?" I match his eyes with a doe-eyed look of innocence and veiled seduction.
The target chuckles, taking another sip before setting the glass on the armrest.
"I suppose. But if you're my pet, why not follow your commands?"

My feet planted in the ground, I simply stare at him—ignoring his words. Rolling his eyes, evidently far from being frustrated or angry, he handsomely grins.

"My, what a stubborn pet I have."
Abruptly wrapping his hand around my waist, he sweeps me off my feet. Held over his shoulder, soon I realize he sat, placed onto his lap.

"Mr. Lennox, this is uncalled for." I speak, trying to wiggle out of his grasp.
His arm firmly keeps me on his lap as he picks his glass up again.
"I've always wanted a lap dog." He smiles, his eyes sharply chilling.
"It seems you're testing your luck for the night." Miss. Barrington's tone heeds a warning behind her soft pouting lips, that hold a resigned smile.
"If there's one thing I'm confident in, it's that luck won't leave my side."
"And if your presumption causes luck to betray you?"

He simply gives a grin, holding his glass to my lips. Watching him carefully, I take a sip of the whiskey.
The taste is mesmerizing and makes me crave for the rest of the glass after a simple sip.

"That's a good girl. If you obeyed this easily, you'd be undeniably more adored."
"With the bone you seem to be hiding, it seems you cherish me enough." Squirming slightly, my hips sway against his lap.
The skirt of my gown made up of thin delicate material, I can clearly feel the bulge against his leg, underneath the underside of my leg.
My eye lids gloss over, languidly staring at his eyes that softly—evidently impassively—study me.
"Not at all. I haven't fully desired to bury it."
"It seems you're prepared. Postponed till I succumb to your authority?"
"You will. Yet, wouldn't it be easier if you accepted yourself to getting swept away?"

Wearing a smile resonating with desire and dominance, I cross my legs, settling comfortably in his lap. A corner of his lip turning upwards—a faint dimple showing.
"Now then." He sets his arm against the armrest, lounging as he looks at my face, "Tell me, why were you making a face?"
Dubiously staring at him, I tilt my head.
"You'll have to use that 'pretty little mouth of yours' to tell me what you mean." I smile, drawing a line with my finger from his bottom lip down to his collarbone.

Sucking a sharp breath through his teeth, he smirks as he enjoys my touch. His eyes unfaltering as they lock onto mine.

"When you were staring out the window." He speaks lowly, the back of his fingers lightly tracing my jaw.
Giving him a subtle look that shows I'm searching him for something, an airy breath escapes my lips.
"Are you that curious of a man?" I whisper.
"And if I was, you'll quench it. Won't you, Pet?"

Pausing, I stare at his chest. My fingers outlining the seam of his vest as I think.
Elise Barrington would think for a moment. A man she barely knows, whispering seductive words to her, and touching her as if she's precious.
I depict how Elise would act like in such a moment, while in truth I'm merely focused on the plan that lies ahead of me.

"And what makes you think I will, when you won't even return the favour?" I meet his eyes again with an alluring gaze.
"Because didn't I win ownership?"
"And you can't even give your pet some answers? I don't even know where I am." My lips pout as I mumble my words, leaning my chest against him as the distance closes.
He scoffs before taking a sip of his drink.

"You're a difficult beast to tame."
"Can't I say the same about my owner?" Raising my brow, I grasp his tie.
Slightly tugging on it to bring his body to face me. His fingers—ever so lightly—caress my cheek until tucking a few hairs behind my ears.
"This is my home." He smiles, his fingers gliding down my neck until drawing soft lines along my collarbone.
"Your home? And why did you bring me here?"
"Is there a reason not to bring my pet home?"

Rolling my eyes, I tilt my head, gazing at him the way a feline would.
Elise Barrington's tone transforms, becoming the intoxicating vixen that always sat beneath the surface and has now come out to play.

"Is it simply to bring your pet home? The way you're looking at me, implies you're eager to introduce your pet to your living quarters." I speak quietly, my voice smooth like a purring of a kitten.
"Of course that's all." He smiles, the back of his fingers caressing my collarbone until moving to tickle my shoulder, "Shouldn't I introduce my pet to where its owner sleeps?"
"So you wish to show me your bed?"
"Far from it. I'd show you the kitchen, the balcony, and the study too, but none of them are fit to sleep at."

My brows raise as I look at his coy, flirtatious expression filled with a calmness I wish to break. My fingers trace his jaw, sliding to rest my hand on his chest. My lips lightly brushing against his neck and ear.

"That doesn't suggest you're introducing your pet to your home." I whisper, my eyes meeting his.
The cologne he wear potent as I linger inches away from his neck.
"What do you suggest I do? I've never had a pet before." He smiles, his gaze evident that he's enjoying the act.
"Never? That seems hard to believe."
"It's true. So why not tell your owner how to tame an unhinged beast?" Taking my hand, his lips lightly drop kisses on my fingers until moving to my palm and wrist.
"You should feed them." I smile, watching him seductively kiss my arm and hand.
"Shall I buy you dinner before I claim you?"
"Darling, that doesn't guarantee ownership. I'm a hungry beast after all. I can get a meal from plenty of other places, and maybe I'll find a more suited owner."

Lightly biting the flesh where my thumb meets my palm, a small jolt goes through my body from the sting. The shiver remains to linger longer from his smile, paired with a look in his eyes that's far too intoxicating.

"Little Lamb." He chuckles, his hand caressing my hip and waist, "I'll fill you up till you can't even crawl for another meal."
"Is that your ego?" I tilt my head, dazed by his addictive gaze of dangerous lust.
"Why not have a taste and tell me if it is?" His hand moves to grip my throat.

Taken aback by the sudden constraint of his large hand, an airy whimper escapes my lips as he forces me to meet his eyes. It's not painful, but the pressure sitting at the base of my neck, building up to my ears and cheeks—giving me a warning.

"What a cute little sound. It seems my pet is beginning to get more docile."
"Just because you have me by the throat, doesn't mean I'll be docile." I smile, my fingers resting on his wrist.
"If I give you a meal, will you become a domesticated pet?"

Pushing me onto my back, I look up at the target. His hand tightening around my neck, causing my head to grow light and dizzy. His face inches from mine.

"Oh, Mr. Lennox." I tilt my head, "It seems you misunderstood me."
"How so?"
"If you truly wish to introduce me to your home, I sincerely meant that you should buy me a meal."
"A meal?" His brow raises.
Giving a feigned smile, the enchanting innocent look of Miss. Barrington returns. Moving his hand away from my throat, I push at his chest as I sit up.

"As intriguing as your way of 'caring for a pet' seems, I believe I made myself clear." I stand, fixing the skirt of my gown, "You're merely a stranger to me. Not an owner, not a friend or a lover."
He leans back in his sofa, his eyes scanning me from head to toe.
"And if I buy you a meal, you'll become my pet?" His eyes mock me, amused.
"Heavens no."
A curious expression rises in his face.
"It wouldn't be fun if it only lasted one meal. The chase is the best part after all." I flash a coy, victorious smile.
"So, you want me to chase you then?"
"Allow me to make myself clear. You're not even one of the candidates." Flashing a charming smile, I tuck my hair behind my ears as my words come out sharp like daggers, "What you decide, isn't in my control."

Bending over to his jacket, I grab my mask and his elevator card from the pockets.
Securing the mask to my eyes and nose, I rest my hand on the arm rest and another on his chest. Our faces close—his eyes taking in every swift movement of mine.

"Don't mistake the explanation of the game as an invitation." My hand slides up from his chest to his neck, until my fingers rest underneath his sharp chin, "As I said before, we're only strangers, Mr. Lennox. Don't confuse our dynamic for something precious."

Our eyes locked on each other, I give him a sharp stare of the dominant vixen that seems to stir his intrigue. His eyes simply watch me, his expression unfazed as he remains in his position.

"This has been fun, but it seems you're winnings expired." I whisper, tilting my head ever-so slightly before winking.
Curtsying once I pull away, I walk towards the elevator.

The elevator approaches, the screen showing the floors it's reaching.

Suddenly, a delectable aroma hits the tip of my nose—my stomach dropping at the sudden appearance.

Only the scent of his cologne announced the presence that abruptly appears behind me.
The rustling of his clothes—even the creaking the sofa should've made when he stood—and the clicks of his shoes against the porcelain floor as he approached me, none of it reached my sharp ears.
Only his fragrance announced his position before I could even realize.
Resting his forearm against the wall, his other arm wrapping around my lower stomach to rest his hand on my hip bone; he leans over my shoulder.

"Tell your other candidates, they lose." He whispers.

His words confident and demanding, drapes an eerie veil over my shoulders as I question how he got this close to me without my knowledge.

"And... What makes you think they lost?" Glancing over my shoulder, I look at his sharp eyes that hold a piercing icy air to them.
Giving a smile, he simply looks back at my eyes.

A shiver rushes down my spine as I stare at his expression.
A look of dominance and power, the look of a man who plays the part of a brutish predator well. His chilling languid eyes that refuse to exhibit any emotions or meaning, makes it impossible to form any words.

The elevator dings as it arrives.

Trying to compose myself, I can only blink before slipping out of his grasp when my mind is unable to provide a remark. Tapping the card against the keypad, my head and fingers cold from the nervousness of being tongue-tied for the first time, my heartbeat growing faster with each second I remain in his line of sight.

Holding out the card to him, I gasp before I can hit the main floor button.

The card drops from my fingers, clanging against the onyx-black porcelain floor as his ferocious lips meet mine.
His hand gripping the back of my neck, his fingers pressing against my arteries causing me to feel light-headed. That warm tongue of his, viciously meeting mine as his other hand tightly seizes both of my wrists.
The uneasy feeling grows in my stomach, the heat building through my body—eclipsing the coldness I felt. My mind rattled by the commotion of his menacing air and the sudden assertive kiss, my mind is left in disarray as my thighs begin to tremble.

This is far from the kiss he forced last time.
This one is rough, uncaring, beastly and expresses all forms of a hungry savage. The tension in my chest grows, my heart beating rapidly as I lose myself to his oppressing lips that scream with a desire that can't be ascertained in the heat of the moment.

He pulls away after a long moment of devouring my lips, and grins.

"Little Lamb, this expression suits you best." His thumb wipes my bottom lip, coated by the mix of our saliva.

Panting, weak in the knees, and dazed, I meet his eyes that reek of victorious amusement. Bending down to pick up the key card, he places it in my hand until holding my wrist.

"Keep it. I know I'll see you again." He whispers, kissing my ear ever-so lightly as his fingers loosely hold my jaw.
"Are you suggesting that I should chase you?" My voice cracks as I try to gain my composure through the heat in my core.

His lips trail with kisses from my ear down my neck, until I feel a sharp pain on the edge of my collarbone. A whimper escapes my throat as I push him away, holding my fingers to the stinging spot.
His hand hastily grip my wrists, pinning me against the elevator wall. His torso bent over, bringing his face down to meet mine, he props his knee between my legs to limit my movements further.
Eyes that reek of a sensual gaze, radiates the whetted glacial stare of a beast.

"Not at all." His voice is deep, entrancing me like a spell.

Entranced by his alluring eyes, I can only part my lips trying to think of a response. A sensuous grin on his lips form, his fingers grasp my jaw to point my face up to his towering domineering eyes. His nose brushing against mine—his focus locked onto the woman in his command.

With a voice so deep—lacking any warmth or kindness—his words ring out like a command that grips my mind and sanity;

"I expect you to crawl back and beg."

My mind in chaos, trying to comprehend the last few minutes, he places a feather light kiss on the temple of my forehead.

"I'll see you soon, Pet."

Releasing his grip, the back of his fingers stroke my cheek as he flashes a smile full of warmth, until hitting the button for the Red Jade lounge. Leaving me behind, I watch his solid wide back disappear into his suite as the doors close.

My knees weak, clutching the keycard to my chest, I fall to the elevator floors—my heart beating quicker than it ever has. A sensation I've never experienced, accompanying my heart that beats uproariously.

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