The Canterfiction Tales

Por CanterFiction

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This is a twist on the original Canterbury Tales. I did a collection of 24 mini fanfiction stories. Más

Young Frollo
The Marvelous Misadventures of ZephyJack
The Tale of Two Scourges
New Friends and Unusual Parents
Take Them- Part 1
Take Them- Part 2
I Forgive You
A French Apology
Diagnosed- Part 1
Diagnosed- Part 2
Touche and Unguard
The Scavenger Hunt
The Joys Of Camping
Frollos In Paris- Part 1
Frollos In Paris-Part 2
Frollos In Paris- Part 3
Fall For You
The Wondrous Beauty of Italy
The Will You, The I Will, The Sunrise
The Episode
Here I Am, Send Me!
Emory Maise Deslauriers
Until We're Old & Gray
Revelation 21:4

This Burning Memory

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Por CanterFiction

It's about 9:00pm and the last of the guest say their goodbyes and head home. The Frollo's had decided to have some friends over for a barbecue to enjoy a beautiful summer day that turned into a pleasant summer night. Some of the friends have helped them clean up most of what was left of the party, all that was left was straightening up the yard. Zephyr, being the over zealous eleven year old, decided to cary an armful of lawn chair cushions.

"Zeph, be careful near the fire pit. It's still hot." Warned Ica

"I know mum, I'm being carefu-woah!"  Zephyr tripped over on of Roary's dog toys dropping several of the cushions. "I'm okay!" He said as he scrambled to his feet laughing.

Claude shook his head at his son, amused. "Well she did tell you to be careful son."

"Zephyr gave a wry smile. "I was careful. Roary left his toy and it got in my way. You really need to talk to him about leaving his toys in the yard." As if Roary had heard him, he came bursting out of the dog door and barreled right into Zephyr knocking him back down on the ground. "Roary! Chin fou!" (crazy dog)  He yelped trying to push off the 70lb dog. He covered Zephyr's whole face in slobbery licks.

"Well, guess you can tell him yourself now." Said Ica laughing out loud, her husband joining in.

"Very funny!" Roary finally got off Zephyr, grabbed his toy and began to run around the yard giving three joyous barks egging Zephyr on. Unable to stay cross with his furry friend, he began to chase him around the yard in a game of keep away.

Claude watches his son and huffs a laugh. "That boy never ceases to amaze me."

"You used to say that about me all the time." Ica walked up beside her husband and he kissed her tenderly on the cheek.

"Well of course, he gets that from you, mon amour." He kissed her again, before turning to bring the last of the things in the house.

"Zephyr, come on in, it's getting late."

"Okay mum. Come on boy!" He called out to Roary.

When everyone's inside, Ica turned off the porch light and locked up the house, then heads upstairs. "Hey Zeph, why don't you go wash up, and then I'll be right up to say goodnight, okay?"

"K mum." Zephyr bounds upstairs, grabs his pajamas, and hopped in the shower.

After about 20 minutes, Ica finally heads upstairs, but when she went to head into Zephyr's room, she heard the soothing low voice of her husband. When she popped her head in, she saw Zephyr snuggled up to Claude's side, eyes glued to a book he was reading to him. Roary was snoring at the foot of the bed, and the two cats cuddle together in the dog bed Roary hardly ever uses. They didn't notice her at first, so she watched them with a quiet smile on her face. When Claude finished the last chapter of the night. he closed the book and looked up, noticing his wife smiling at them from the doorway."

"So, I guess I was a little late to the party." She said.

"Well dad was already up here so, you know." Ica strode over to Zephyr's bed and sat down.

"I see. Well I still get to kiss you goodnight."

As Zephyr settled himself under his blankets, his parents tucked him in and kissed him goodnight then head off to their own bedroom. Claude hopped in the shower as Ica slid into her pajamas. She heard her phone vibrate. When she looked down, it was a text from mum #2. When she opened it she saw a picture of Buddy snuggled up to Benji. "Awwww Bud Buds." She said smiling affectionately down at the phone screen. She shot her a text back to say goodnight and plugged in her phone into charge. Suddenly she felt Claude lift her up from behind causing her to give a surprised yelp. He plopped her down on the bed on her back and  hovered over her on his hands and knees. He looked down at her with a mischievous smile on his slender face. His towel hung loosely around his thin waist threatening to come undone. He leaned in and kisses her tenderly on the lips.

Claude," she giggled, "Zephyr might hear us. I don't even know if he's fallen asleep yet. And," She lowered her voice and reached up to stroke her fingers through his gray bangs. "You know we tend to get quite loud, especially you." She said throwing him a cheeky smirk.

"Well now, I guess we'll just have to be extra quiet." He said softly.

She looked up at him, taking in the sent of his Old Spice body wash. She can't resist the burning desire in his dark gray gaze or his damp disheveled hair falling in all the right places. She tilted her head up and kissed him deeply on his thin soft lips, her hand drifting to the loose towel around his hips.


At about two in the morning, and Ica heard a shuffling noise coming from downstairs. She reached over to Claude's side of the bed but it's empty. "Claude?" She said aloud. There is no answer. She heard the back door open then slam shut as Roary give a soft whine. Feeling uneasy she threw some clothes on and went to check on Zephyr, who's bed is empty.

"Zephyr? Zephyr!!" She shouted. Panic rising in her chest, she shot down stairs but there was no sign of her son or husband. She noticed that the back door was open, when she ran outside, she saw Claude in front of the fire pit, down on his knees with his arms wrapped around him. He was muttering something in French that Ica couldn't understand. Zephyr stood there staring at his father, scared and helpless.

"Je n'ai pas pu les sauver. Le feu c'est tellement chaud. Ne les tuez pas ! Mère, père, Clément n'y va pas! Ne me laissez pas tout seul!"

(I couldn't save them. The fire is so hot. Don't kill them! Mother, father, Clement. Don't leave me alone!")

Ica bent down to examine him. She touched his face and looked in his dark gray eyes. They were frozen over in terror. He was looking at her but it's as if he didn't see her. "Claude, Claude are you alright? What's wrong?" He didn't respond, he just continued to stare into space. "Zephie bears what happened?" Said Ica turning her attention to her son. Her brow creased with worry and her brown skin paled, turning her face a couple shades lighter.

"I...I don't know. I heard Roary whining and pawing me so I thought he had to go out to the loo. So I followed him downstairs. The back door was already open and I saw daddy kneeling on the ground shaking and crying. So I came outside to see if he was okay. I tried talking to him but it was like he couldn't hear me. He kept saying that he couldn't save them and don't leave me alone.

What? Can he be talking about... Ica's mind was in a whirlwind if worry.

Mummy what's wrong with him?" Ica saw faint tears welling up in her son's bright green eyes.

"Zephyr." She said quickly. "Did he mention someone named Cement?" Just then Claude turned his haunted gaze toward his son, with a spark of recognition.

"Clément tu es là. Mon cher frère. Je pensais que je t'avais perdu pour toujours." Claude pulled Zephyr into a hug.

(Clement you're here. My dear brother. I thought I had lost you forever."

"Zephyr what did he say?" Asked Ica hurriedly.

"He...he called me Clement and he said I was his brother and he thought he lost me forever." Mummy who is Clement and why does daddy think I'm him?"

"Zephyr...Clement was daddy's brother." Said Ica in a hushed tone.

"Daddy has a brother? Where is he?" Ica didn't answer.

Zephyr gently pushed back out of Claude's embrace and looked at him. "Daddy, it's me Zephyr. I'm not Clement. I'm your son." Tears start rolling down Zephyr's freckled cheeks. "Don't you recognize me?" Claude looked into his son's worried green eyes. Zephyr leaned on Claude's shoulder and whispers something to him in French. "Je t'aime papa, Je suis ici et je n'irai nulle part."

(I love you dad, I'm here and I'm not going anywhere.")

Ica walked over and kneeled down on the other side of her husband and pressed her cheek against his shoulder trying to comfort him. Tears falling from her hazel eyes and running down her freckled cheeks. Claude leaned into them, closing his eyes. After several minutes Claude groaned and rub his head. Ica and Zephyr released him from their embrace. He looked at both of them, their faces twisted up with worry.

"What...what happened?" Asked Claude groggily.

"Daddy? Do you know who I am?" Zephyr asked hesitantly.

"What? Zephyr...of course I know who you are. You're my son. I love you very much. Why are you asking me that question silly goose?" He looked over at Ica, expecting to see her shaking her head at her son's silly antics but the look on her face told Claude otherwise. "Zephyr, why are you asking if I know who you are?" Said Claude searching his son's freckled tear stained face.

"You called me Clement." He said softly.

"I did?" He looked over at his wife who just nodded her head.

"Yeah. Roary woke me up so I thought he had to go to the loo. But when I came down I saw you outside staring into space shaking. You were saying something about you couldn't save them...and you didn't want to be alone...and you thought I was Clement. Mummy said he was your brother."

Claude felt as if all the air is getting squeezed out of his lungs. Ica walked over and swiped her husbands sweaty bangs away from his forehead and gently kissed him there. "Come on why don't we go inside."

When the Frollos went back inside they head back upstairs to their bedrooms. "Mummy?" Squeaked Zephyr timidly. "Can I sleep in your room? I want to make sure daddy is okay."

Ica smiled fondly at her son and held out her hand. "Come on peanut. When they all piled in bed, Zephyr plopped right in between his parents. He fell asleep almost immediately with his head tucked under Claude chin. He stroked his son's thick wavy hair, then turned his head to look over at his wife.

"Ica, what happened to me?" He whispered with a shaky voice.

"Just like what Zephyr said. I heard noises coming from downstairs. I went to wake you but you weren't in bed. Then I didn't see Zeph in bed and I ran downstairs as I thought something had happened. Then I saw you two outside." She concluded. "You don't remember anything?" She says keeping her voice low.

"No...all I remember is I felt like I had a headache so I got up to take an aspirin I mean...I guess I got dressed because I wasn't naked, but ...then after that nothing. Ica reached over and gently took Claude's slender hands in her own, careful not to wake Zephyr.

"Claude, I think it's time we tell Zephyr about what happened. I think you had a PTSD episode of some sort. I don't know what triggered it, but you really scared us. Especially Zephie Bears. He really looks up to his dad and he loves you with all he has."

Claude rested his cheek tenderly on the top of Zephyr's head, his hair soft against his skin. "I guess you're right." He said sighing. "I wanted to wait until he was older...but I guess there is never a right time to discuss something like this."

"I know. Why don't we say a pray to Jehovah about it." Suggested Ica.

"I think that's a wise idea." Agreed Claude.


The next morning Ica's gets up early to take Roary out rollerblading. Before she went downstairs she smiled over at her husband and son snuggled together in deep slumber. She gave them each a soft kiss on the forehead. "I love you my two sweet boys." Roary, who is geared up for his walk bounded upstairs, leash clutched in his jaws. "Okay Roary I'm coming!" She laughed trying to be as quiet as possible.

When Ica and Roary returned home she found her husband and son making breakfast. Claude had on a maids apron and Zephyr was wearing a baker's hat with flour all over his face. "What are you two doing?" She asked with a bit of humor in her voice.

"Mummy! Me and daddy are making you breakfast. Homemade waffles!"

"I can see that. But I think most of the waffle mix is all over your face." She walked over and brushes his face off with her hand. "Mummmyy stoop!" He said giggling. She then leaned over and kissed Claude on the cheek and tugged gently on the pink ruffled maid apron. "And I think this looks pretty good on you." She whispered in his ear making his face flush.

When they've finished eating breakfast, Claude and Ica tidied up the kitchen while Zephyr played video games in the living room.

"Do you think he'll be okay? What we are about to tell him?" Asked Claude. Ica looked at her husband's aged worried face.

"To tell you the truth, I'm not sure how it will go, but we said a prayer on it last night, so it can't be too bad." She said forcing a light hearted smile. "Are you ready?"

"Not really...but I have you by my side so I'll be okay."

Ica cupped her husband's face in her thin hands. "We can do this."

When Claude and Ica walked into the living room Zephyr was still playing video games.

He Zephie Bears, can you turn that off? Me and daddy want to talk to you."

He turned off his game and gave his parents a weary look. "Am I in trouble?"

"No not at all baby. Come sit down." Zephyr walked over and crawled into his mother's lap. Claude wrapped his arms around both is son and wife pulling them in close. "So you know how when daddy was..having a hard time last night and he thought you were Clement?" Ica said, making sure her voice is calm and soft.

"Yeah." Zephyr squeaked.

"Well, that's because...because." Suddenly Ica is at a lost for words her, throat dry as an empty well. Zephyr cocked his head, his green eyes curious.

Claude took over. I was having a night terror. You've had those before right?"

Zephyr nodded. "It's like the one where I thought Roary ran away and he was gone forever and then you and mummy went to chase after him and then you guys were gone too and I was all alone. What was your night terror about?"  Zephyr looked up at his father.

"It was about my family." He said quietly.

"About us?"

"Well no, my family from when I lived in Paris. You know how you have meema and nanny, granda, and uncle Clair and everyone on mummy's side of the family?" Zephyr nodded. Well my side of the family is my mum and dad and-

"Your brother Clement." Zephyr said quietly.

"That's right. You know sometimes you remind me a lot of him. You are adventurous just like he was and your eyes have the same spark his did." Claude said wistfully. "If he were still here he would be your uncle Clement." Claude huffed a laugh. "I bet you two would get into some mischief together."

"What happened? How come I never met them before? Where are they? Do they still live in France? If you miss them...we can go visit! I can meet my uncle Clement!" There was so much excitement in Zephyr's voice that Claude couldn't bear to tell him that that wasn't possible.

"I wish we could son...but we can't." Claude's voice cracked a bit and he puts his head down trying not to cry. Zephyr bent down so he could see his father's face and Ica took his slender hand in hers.

"Why can't we daddy..."

"When I was about your age. Bad criminals came and attacked my village where we lived. They set everything on fire. Mother and father told me and Clement to run and we did. But there were so many people that I lost them. But then when I found them a pirate had a sword in his hand..." Claude swallowed hard.

"Daddy did he hurt them?" He said in a hushed tone.  Zephyr moved closer to his father and held his face in his hands, looking into his dark grey eyes brimming with tears.

  "Yes son." He said almost inaudible.

Zephyr placed his forehead on Claude's. "I'm so sorry daddy. I'm so so sorry." It's as if Zephyr had aged 10 years as he cradled his weeping father in his arms trying to console him. Ica watched, with a heavy heart.

Zephie, stay here with daddy. I'm going to go in he kitchen. I think he needs you right now." He nodded at her understanding that he needs to be alone with his father right now.

Zephyr continued to comfort Claude until he calmed down and stopped crying. When he pulled out of his son's embrace he looked at his son who was gazing at him with bright green eyes. His expression was so much like his brother's it's uncanny.

"Are you okay?" Asked Zephyr softly.

Claude smiles fondly at his child. "I am. What would I do without you to take care of me?"

"Well you won't have to worry about that because I'm not going anywhere. I will always be here for you. Even if you do make my shirt all wet and snotty." Claude laughed and ruffled his brown wavy hair. "You know daddy," he said green eyes shining and hopeful. "I will meet uncle Clement. Just remember Revelation 21:4." Claude pulled his only son into his chest and laid his cheek atop his head.

"That you will, my sweet kind boy. I love you so much." He whispered.

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