Red Is For Love (Io Shirai X...

By Freedom_Fighter24

18.2K 271 1.8K

Kai Hosako, the twin brother of Kaori Hosako, is Japan's first autistic pro wrestler who made waves in New Ja... More

In-Ring Debut
Training Together
Masami's Debut
Adam vs Ren
Six Man Tag
Head Over Heels?
Strong vs Hosako
Ready To Fight
Happy Birthday Minoru!
Making History
Moving In And Birthdays
On The Trail
One More Day
WarGames Pt. 1
WarGames Pt. 2
After WarGames
The Old Returns
Two Segments
Time Together
Phoenix Pt. 1
Phoenix Pt. 2
First Squash Match (As A Champion)
Johnny vs Ren II
Writing A Book
New York Pt. 1
New York Pt. 2
Attack of The Fan
New Look, New Attitude
Be Mine
Johnny vs Ren III
Masami's Birthday
New Entrance
Mixed Tag Match
Ren vs Io
Something's Wrong
Back To Full Sail
Happy Day
Strong vs Hosako II
Fish vs Hosako II
8 Man Tag
A Big Mistake
Final Straw
Split Interview
War Pt 1
War Pt 2
Wrestlemania 36
Special Day
Epilogue Pt 1
Epilogue Pt 2
The Process of Creating Kai "Ren" Hosako

No More BS

189 4 51
By Freedom_Fighter24

~With Kai~

After my nose getting healed up after a month, I was ready to come back, but it wasn't long before the news came out: NXT was moving to the USA Network, and there was something else.

They don't want someone like me on the show.

I'll call BS because I'm just as normal as everyone else and I proved in the past that I can hang with the best of the best of the best, so here's what I plan on doing: Masami and I are going to ambush Matt Riddle and Candice LeRae on the outside while I'm gonna call for one final match with Matt, and then, I'm gonna cut a promo on the USA Network for calling me unsuitable for their network.

Also, how do I know all this? Let's say Hunter's been keeping in touch and notifying me about stuff like this. I have no problem expressing myself about situations like this because I've been there before, and I'm not afraid to do it again.

~1 Hour 45 Minutes Later~

Once the main event between Matt Riddle and Candice LeRae against Adam Cole and Shayna Baszler was done, my theme played...

...and the crowd immediately booed and cheered at the same damn time.

Renallo: Oh, Hosako's returned!

Phoenix: He's a cult hero in the world of Japanese wrestling, much like the others who came before him!

Renallo: All of this came about just because his music didn't play. He felt disrespected!

Phoenix: It's so much more than that, Renallo. This is a young man, trained by the legendary Minoru Suzuki, a young man who commands respect in every room he walks into, and he felt completely disrespected last month at Takeover: XXV!

McGuiness: He felt the officials, the referees, everyone was against him, which resulted in him getting a nasal fracture!

As I entered, my hands were in my pockets as I gave the two a slightly deformed evil smile, telling them that they were now going to die by my hands, but they're under the impression that I'm alone, and I'm not.

Renallo: And there he is, The Prodigy, Ren Hosako! He had to get ice afterwards on the right side of his nose.

McGuiness: Yeah, look at how bruised it is.

Phoenix: And Hosako, casually walking down as his song, "The Rumbling", echoes through the walls of Full Sail University!

As I was near the ramp, I took my hands out of my jacket as I looked to fight Matt and have Masami come from behind, taking down Candice and showing that we're gonna finish this war once and for all.

I slowly unzipped my jacket and looked to get on the apron, but Renallo had to say this next...

Renallo: One of the most evil, brutal, uncaring, dangerous men I've ever encountered in my life. I don't know what I'd do if I met this guy anywhere, nor if I stand across the ring from him!

McGuiness: Hosako, looking for the adulation from the NXT Universe!

Phoenix: He's got the respect, I'll tell you that!

I got on the apron and waited for the line to be screamed out of the fans' mouths. I smiled and stared at Matt with evil intent as I was waiting for Masami to come out from behind and get this brawl started!

As I steppe through the middle rope...

Crowd: BEWARE!!!

...Masami jumped over the barrier, pulled Candice off her feet, through the bottom rope, and started beating her ass as I did the same to Matt!

Renallo: And Shirai, coming from behind and laying waste to Candice LeRae as Matt and Ren go at it once again!

Phoenix: And don't forget, Ren Hosako and Io Shirai have a very close bond, dating back to 2015, when they met up at an autism charity event, which was around the time where Ren joined the Suzuki-Gun, the Suzuki-Army, to reinvent himself and that would be the last time we'd see him be one of the most beloved babyfaces in wrestling history, but to see him and Io Shirai get together and lay waste to anyone who crosses them is a sight to see!

Beth Phoenix, always on point.

We kept going at it, at one point, Matt tried to slam me into the ring post, face first, but I countered by doing that to him instead as he went down.

I then went to the announce table, where Renallo, McGuiness, and Phoenix were sitting at. I tore off the plastic thing that covers their equipment, and swiped everything off as I turned back to Matt, who was dazed by how hard I threw him into the ring post.

I pulled him over onto the table as I picked him up, put the Sleeper on him until he passed out.

I climbed onto the table, put his head under my pit, threw his other arm over my head and performed my Brainbuster as the table broke.

I slowly got off the table as I asked for a microphone as soon as Masami was done with Candice.


Renallo: He wants the microphone! Someone give him one!

Alicia Taylor, the announcer gave me hers as I spoke into it...

Me: Oi, I... want... ONE... MORE... MATCH!

The crowd cheered and booed at the same time as I was about to finish it.

Me: I... want one... more match and I look to kill... Matt Riddle... at Takeover... Toronto...

I pointed at Matt as I yelled, with a huge sadistic smile on my face...

Me: ...inside... a... STEEL CAGE!!!

I threw the mic down as I went off on Matt, just not giving a shit about security trying to stop me.

Once they got me off of him, I joined up Masami, who managed to split Candice open as well and lay her former best friend out by performing my Brainbuster on the floor.

Me? I wasn't even near as done as I wanted to be!

I lifted the apron to pull out a table, set it up as I grabbed Matt's foot, and dragged him over to where the table was.

I then put Matt's head through my legs and performed a powerbomb on Riddle, through the table!

Then, after some time looking at him with no emotion, I kneeled down and yelled at Matt, holding onto his head...

Me: カナダでお会いしましょう、あなたの臆病者! (See you in Canada, you coward!)

After laughing with evil, I threw Riddle's head away and we walked up the ramp where I was going to cut another promo.

Although I already cut a promo on the outside, I want to cut another one but for this one, it's personal because ever since I turned heel, the commentary team and  the USA Network had been going after me just because of my disability.

Seriously, instead of judging me by my disability, they should judge me based on how I wrestle. If they don't like it, how about they just fuck off and grab the dirtiest part of my asshole?

After walking to the back, I was ready to cut that promo.

Masami was trying to comfort me, but I gestured her to move away from a bit, which she understood since she's seen me lose it every time as the camera was on me and it was recording.

I kicked a chair out of the way before I turned to the camera and yelled...

Me(subtitles): It's been enough already! William Regal, NXT, let me face this coward Matt Riddle one more time! Set the date for my match. Don't make me wait for a week, a month, not even a year, I'm asking for it now!

I then smiled with such evil that I looked into the camera lens and said...

Me(subtitles): In fact, I can have the match now. I can be ready in a minute. Regal, give me an answer because if I don't have one from you, I'll quit NXT and go back to Japan! Ren Hosako versus the sewerage traveling rat. A Cage Match, and if you agree, you're asking for a death sentence. Do you understand? If you do, tell him what I said.

Now it was time for me to bring it up because I've been wanting to call out the comments from the Announce Team, especially the USA Network now that NXT has moved to TV.

I have to because when I told Masami about it, she understood that I can call them out and tell them to stop this bullshit.

They apparently don't know what pro wrestling is and I'm ready to take them to school.

Me(subtitles): There's something else that's on my mind and I want to talk about it, besides Io and I's match against those two.

Before I could take a deep breath, I said...

Me(subtitles): USA Network, you all keep mentioning that I'm autistic and it sounds like you're treating me like I'm an idiot. How about you talk that way about Matt for bringing his indie friend into the mix?

I went off, and I didn't hold back.

Me(subtitles): Who the hell do you think I am? I'm not like any other autistic person you know, not like those butt sniffers who think two plus two equals twenty-two. Don't treat me like a retard. Stop talking about my disability. You have no idea how I was able to make it in this industry. Stop trying to be funny! I'm serious as my relationship with Io!

Then, I started to mock the USA Network, thinking they can get away with insulting me like this.

Me(subtitles): "He's that good as an autistic wrestler!" "He's made it to where he is, even if he's autistic!" "He's pretty good, for being autistic!" Don't freaking push me. All I know is when I'm in that ring, the result is what matters! It's not about the background, it's about his or her ability to wrestle an actual match!

So far, the message is being clear, but I had to keep going.

Me(subtitles): Don't screw with me. Don't judge me by other things. Don't include me in your notions of what a person with a disability is all about.

I then saw a lot of people coming near the place where I was cutting the promo as they were starting to get scared by what I'm saying, but I don't care. This has to be said.

Me(subtitles): Do you understand? I said, do you understand? You have no idea how I manage to live. I'm not like any of those autistic people who barely know how to use the toilet, bitching and moaning about how they have to get up in the morning to eat their pathetic breakfast. THAT'S BULLSHIT!

When I said "bullshit", everyone jumped back a bit in fear and they knew that I wasn't fucking around.

Me(subtitles): You don't know who the hell I am! Don't push me because I only fight to live another day. It's the only reason why I'm in this sport!

I kept at it.

Me(subtitles): It's also why I sleep and get up every morning. Don't take me for a retard.

I finished it with...

Me(subtitles): That's all I wanted to bring up. Don't expect me to show up for work if this keeps happening. Don't push me.

When the camera turned off, I felt good about it and I made sure that I sent a message, not just to officials, but to the networks as well.

As I turned around, I saw so many of the talent from the locker room, including William Regal, Hunter, and Masami, all of them were in shock on how I acted in that promo because they had a screen that translated everything I said in that promo.

I had to bring that up because all my life, I've been seen as a freak and because of that, I've been bullied, abused, tormented, and I almost committed suicide at one point, but I'm still here because of wrestling.

These corporate assholes, who know nothing about wrestling, wanting to put their two extra cents in, they think just because I'm autistic it gives them the right to make fun of me and see me differently when, spoiler alert, that didn't age very well.

Before I could say a word, I looked down, and I teared up before I ran out of the building.

When I ran out, I couldn't hold it in anymore, but I didn't want to look weak in everyone's eyes so I went somewhere where no one can see me.

~With Masami~

Hearing all of that from Kai just touched me in a way that loved him even more and I had to go after him. I looked at Hunter for confirmation, he gave me a nod, and I ran after Kai and I had to find him.

After looking around outside, I saw him in the car, head down, and his tears were coming down his face. I had to check on him.

Me: カイ。 大丈夫です。 (Kai. It's okay.)

He looked at me and seeing him in tears broke me in half. I felt so horrible for Kai and I gave him a tight hug, rubbing his back and having him let it all out.

When I learned about his disability the first time Kaori introduced me, I felt sorry for him. He is such a sweetheart and I never saw him any differently because he was just so adorable.

I even learned how he was bullied in school because of this and I knew what a special case he was. When he spends time with Minoru, it just warms my heart because to see that father and son type of bond just makes me wanna cry.

Even after comforting Kai, I had him sit in the passenger seat and he put his seatbelt on, but before I could start the car, Hunter stopped us.

Hunter: Hold on a second.

I stopped the car and we got out, but Kai was drinking a bottle of water.

Hunter: Are you okay, Kai?

Kai: I will be fine.

Hunter: I have to say, you gave the USA Network hell.

Kai: I had to say what need to be said. I fucking sick of being taken as stereotype.

Hunter: Take it from me, I was ready to send them a complaint. Anyway, what you just said was needed and I just heard from them that they won't be saying stuff like that about you anymore.

Kai: Arigato.

Hunter: However, that word will be censored, even though it's understandably used for something like this.

Kai: Okay. I would ask if I could take day off, but I think it would be seen as excuse.

Hunter: Don't worry about it. Take the time you need. That matters more than anything.

Kai: Thank you Hunter. I appreciate it.

Hunter: You're welcome, Kai. If you and Masami need anything, be sure to text or call me, okay?

Kai: Yes sir.

Me: Thank you.

Hunter smiled, gave both of us a hug and we drove home.

~With Kai~

Hearing that the USA Network won't be seeing me as a stereotype anymore was awesome.

I did say "bullshit" in Japanese, and even though it's in the subtitles, it'll have to be censored, and that's understandable.

Before I could go to sleep, I received tweets from some of my friends in New Japan, who showed so much support and actually praised me for bringing that up, but I saw these tweets...



Translation: Here are my thoughts on Kai's promo...

Translation: In all my years of wrestling, I've never met someone special like Kai. He's a very sweet kid who watched wrestling to escape the horrors of his life. Although this is uncharacteristic of me, hearing his story about this actually broke my heart. I wanted him to be the best version of himself in and out of the ring. Truthfully, I don't know what autism is, I don't know anything about it, but I do know that he's very hardworking and I always admired him because of that. When I heard this promo just tonight, I had to put this out there because he's someone who wants to be taken seriously, not just as a wrestler, but a person as well. Some might call me a mentor to Kai, but I'm his father. I helped him overcome all odds and I trained him to be one of the best wrestlers in the world. He's a special case and that's why I love him like a son. Stay strong, Kai. I got your back whenever you need me.



Translation: When I first met Kai, I thought he was so cute! From his hair, to his eyes, to those dimples he would occasionally have, I just fell in love with him. He's someone that's a teddy bear outside of the ring. Every time I talk with him and he talks with me, he and I always talk about life and sometimes there were times he needed someone to talk to. Kai is that special and he has shown that he has what it takes to succeed in not just wrestling, but in life as well. I can't even imagine how he's feeling right now, but Kai is a fighter, and he will fight to be the greatest wrestler in the world, regardless of his disability. I love this boy and to hear him say that he's not taken seriously as a wrestler just because he's autistic broke my heart. Kai is easy to put over and I don't know why the Networks won't acknowledge that. Other than that, I hope they rethink what they thought of Kai soon because until that happens, I won't watch the show.


"彼らに失望させないでください、カイ。 あなたは彼らにあなたが誰であるかを示します! あなたは今も昔も鈴木軍の心であり魂です! 彼らにあなたのその火を見せてください! #ICHIBAN"

Translation: Don't let them bring you down, Kai. You show them who the hell you are! You were and still are the heart and soul of Suzuki-Gun! Let them see that fire in you! #ICHIBAN


"Give 'em hell, buddy. You earned every right to be called a prodigy!"


"私が見ているもののように。 行くぞ、カイ! その戦いを彼らにもたらしてください!"

Translation: Like what I'm seeing. You go, Kai! Bring that fight to them!

All of those tweets from my former Suzuki-Gun stablemates made me tear up, letting me know that they support me and what I said tonight and I personally thanked them in the DMs.

I had to because when I showed Masami every message that was sent to me, she teared up and cried. She didn't think that my former stablemates would be this supportive, and neither did I.

It's all just about to make me cry as I talk about it, but for now, I just went to sleep.

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