
By Prasar

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Peep in to know more IPKKND story Starts after suicide attempt of khushi This is my first work so kindly ove... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Epilogue -1
Epilogue -2(a)
Epilogue -2(b)
Final Epilogue
New Update

Part 29

7K 393 46
By Prasar

Meanwhile in AR office:

Raizada's and Anjali, whatever faced that happened in front of the family only but that wasn't the case of Akash, he was in the office with loads and loads of works which Mr. Joshi gave him and the time limit is also less and Mr. Joshi didn't give him enough time to change his cubicle also, in all these office tension one thing that is running in his mind is about his business partners, Mr. Gaiwade and Mr. Bedi, who took almost all his money for investment purpose, but turns them out to be con-men from Mumbai, the fear whenever he thinks about it is unbearable for him and prayed let the news be false.

ACP Dev Verma entered AR and asked receptionist to call Akash Singh Raizada. She said that she can't do that without CEO's permission and ACP Dev Verma said her to direct him to CEO's cabin and went to meet Aman. Aman who was busy heard the knock and asked the person to enter and seeing a police officer in his cabin, he was astonished but composed himself quickly and asked reason for their arrival.

ACP Dev Verma said "My name is ACP Dev Verma, I'm from Mumbai crime branch. We, came here to for Akash Singh Raizada and take him to the police station for enquiry purpose."

"On what basis, Sir" asked Aman.

"He is partner of both Ashok Gaiwade and Manoj Bedi for the past 3 years and he is constantly in touch with them, and we are searching for both of them for the past 3 and half years, they are famous con-man in Mumbai and their names are recorded in each and every branch of Mumbai, yesterday we caught them both near Delhi Airport. During the interrogation we came to know they are in constant touch with Mr. Raizada and came to take him to the station for enquiry." Said ACP Dev.

"Ok, sir my assistant will take you to him." Said Aman and called his assistant and send them to Akash's cubicle. First Aman thought to call Akash to his cabin, but on a second thought the best way to humiliate a person like Akash is in front of all and Sent ACP to his cubicle where everyone in the office can see and hear what is going on.

Aman from his cabin saw that ACP approached Akash and ACP said "Mr. Raizada, we are here to take you to police station for enquire purpose so co-operate with us without any fuss."

Akash saw that once the ACP approached him all his colleagues are whispering among themselves and he can clearly see that they are talking about him only. What humiliating more is that some are clearly speaking so that he can listen to their mocking words. Akash thought that when he was the brother of ASR(CEO), no one disrespected him and today he not only got bad news about his partners, demoted, humiliated in front of his colleagues by his superior (Mr. Joshi) and now this, what can go worse than this, he thought. But what he doesn't know is it's just start of his humiliation and this a very long day for him. (Akash don't know that Arnav is the Chairman).

He was taken to the police station by ACP and was kept him in the enquiry room for more than two hours waiting. ACP came to him and asked "How do you know Ashok Gaiwade and Manoj Bedi and for how long?"

"I know them for last 3 years, they came to AR one day with a proposal and bhai, I mean ASR, said to me to take the proposal and enquire about their company and learn about pros and cons of the proposal and I didn't find any wrong with them and I told same to bhai but Aman came behind me and said not to take the proposal forward and without a second thought bhai rejected their proposal, I felt insulted because I'm his brother and Aman his employee, still bhai rejected me. So, out of spite, I co-ordinated with them and started my company, which is still on the papers, that's how I know them." Said Akash.

ACP Dev thought what can he expect more from a foolish, stupid, idiotic, jealously man, who thinks high of himself when he is nothing. "What I don't understand Mr. Raizada is, how from last 3 years they are fooling you and you are getting fooled by them, I mean didn't you even get a doubt on them, not even for once." Asked ACP.

"No Sir, they were so convincing that I never got any doubt on them," said Akash.

"Are you Jealous of ASR and Mr. Mathur, because they have rejected the proposal for a reason and you considered that and not only that but maintained business with them for 3 years." Said ACP.

"No, I was not jealous, why I would be, it's them who are jealous of me not the other way." Said Akash looking here and there.

"ASR, the great business tycoon is jealous of you, he is the epitome of fashion world, he worked from scratch to gain No. 1 Position in the business world and you say he is jealous of you, and Aman Mathur, Right hand man of ASR, he is just as equal to ASR, is jealous of you. You are not even experienced than them instead you lost your money not them and you say that they are jealous of you. What do you think of me as huh?" asked ACP, Akash who was going through so much from last few days and from morning he was facing humiliation one after the other, started losing his calm mask slowly completely lost his patience when ACP stated praising ASR and Aman, and insulting him.

Akash caught ACP's collar and said in rage "Yes, it's me who is jealous of them, so what are you going to arrest me for that and put me in prison, you can't even touch me, understood. I'm brother of ASR I know my way out and my brother-in-law is a famous lawyer, they will bring me out in snap of my fingers and you can't do anything about it, instead you will be transferred to a place where there will be no water, understood."

ACP Dev Pushed him back with such a force that Akash stumbled back a fell down. ACP Vijay Jogi, who enter the station when Akash said all that came near Akash a said "Mr. Raizada, your brother, ASR know that you are in the police station and he, himself gave the address of your whereabouts and about your "bother-in-law" Shyam, he is no lawyer, he is a con-man from Kanpur, who married you "sister" for money and behind Mrs. ASR to marry her, understood." Akash shocked to listening to this.

"You asked me what I can do right? You are absolutely correct I can't arrest you for your jealous or for your loss in the business but I can arrest you for misbehaving with an On-duty police officer, but I will not do that, you will see what I will do to you by yourself" said ACP Dev and turned to ACP Vijay and asked "Do you have any question for him?"

"No, they are bunch of fools, except ASR and his Wife, they are still in the illusion that Shyam is not a criminal and comes out unscathed from the case, but ASR know everything from the start, he tried to alert them but they..." said shaking his head in disappointment and their stupidity.

ACP Vijay Jogi and ACP Dev Verma exited the room, but before that signing constables in the room what to do with Akash.

During snacks time, Payal and Mami came to living room to give tea and snacks to Nani, Anjali and Mama. Payal was looked exhausted, whereas mami looked satisfied with their looks one can understand what mami did to Payal but no one cared.

Nani said to Anjali "Betiya, I know you are pregnant but you have to understand why I took this decision, Ok..."

"What decision Nani, please tell me clearly," said Anjali.

"Tomorrow is the auction of Shantivan, and We, Our family will shift to our old home." She took a pause in between and which Anjali took advantage of and said "I know Nani, but you know now thing got changed, yesterday when you said for me shift to my own house, Shyamji said that we will shift but today he got arrested and I have to contact him and arrange for his bail. I waiting for Akash to come, so I can proceed with the process which might take time. Also, till Shyamji comes out I will be staying with you and..."

Anjali was rudely interrupted by Nani who said "Anjali, its better you come out of your fairy world and come to reality, Shyam is a con-man and Akash bitwa is not going to help you in this. He, himself has to settle and you are not going with us to our old house. Understood, it's better for you to start to being independent, I'm no more taking your responsibility. Is it not enough for you to use Chote for your selfish reason, now you want to use Akash bitwa, enough is enough. If you want to bring Shyam out or do whatever you want, do it with your own money and its final and no more discussion." Said Nani with ultimatums.

Anjali started crying and said "How can you say that Nani, I'm your granddaughter, how can you leave me alone in such crisis and I'm pregnant Nani, how can I work, and my leg..."

Nani said "If you cry, through a tantrum or give me any damn reason, I'm not going to change my decision, but since this is last day, I want my whole family to sit and eat the dinner together, so be present and no drama till the meals complete. And Payal betiya, today's dinner you are going to prepare for everyone, Manorama and Anjali betiya help her, I will be present check everything myself." Payal nodded and Anjali reluctantly nodded.

Anjali saw her mami thought that she would come to her support like every time she comes but Mami sat beside mama and they are talking within themselves, and Payal was sitting as if nothing was her concern.

Payal was little bit happy that Anjali was not coming with them but she couldn't contrate on anything because it's evening time and once Akash comes home, she couldn't assume what she is going to face. But when Nani said about dinner plans, she was relieved from the fact that she has to prepare dinner and it will take time for her so, they may not ask her anything today at least.

Manorama remembered what happened her Sasuma's room after lunch. Devyani said "Bitwa, I thought that Anjali will not come with us, yesterday telling her not to accompany us is different because damadji is present..."

"Amma! How can you still use the term DAMADJI to that leech. Didn't to get that what ever happened few minutes ago, "SHYAM IS A CRIMINAL, SO YOU BETTER START USING HIS NAME". what ever happened is the real understand this first" said Manohar.

"Yes, yes bitwa you are right, it's just out of habit, I called him that. But now I don't want to talk about him but Anjali betiya, she will not come with us is my final decision, you were always right, she is not my Ratna's daughter but that man's daughter only and she can do anything for her selfishness, I don't want her to use Akash bitwa like she used Chote." Said Devyani with regret.

Manorama said "Sasuma, she is selfish but also pregnant, till now we have raised her like a princess and..."

"Mano, there are many women who are pregnant or disabled or both who are working for their betterment, now Anjali betiya has to do it. She was treated like not a princess but like a hour-glass doll, let her work now. She has to take care of herself and her baby. For how many more days or years are you going to feed her, but still she will never be satisfied. I know you consider her as your daughter, but it's better if you let her go. That would be best for your Akash bitwa. OK," said Manohar calmly and Manorama agreed.

"Bitwa, I want all the family member to have their dinner for last time in Shantivan, can you convince Chote and Khushi betiya, Manorama talk to NK bitwa and tell him to come before dinner time." Said Devyani and Manohar and Manorama agreed.

Mama came to Arnav's door step and knocked on the door, before opening the door Arnav and Khushi were seriously discussing about very important topic at least that's what Khushi thought but for Arnav it was stupid.

Before mama's arrival, "Arnavji, with whom will Lakshmiji go, I what to take her with me, can you help me in that please..." asked Khushi with puppy eyes.

"Khushi, Lakshmi is nani 's companion and how can you take care of Lakshmi, you have to take care of yourself and what about your studies and your job, so again think this before you think of Lakshmi." Said Arnav.

"But Arnavji, they will go to their old house and it's very small and they can't take of Lakshmiji, I can take of myself and my studies also you need not worry about that, Prakash brothers and their wives are there with us to help me to take of Lakshmiji. Please Arnavji." Said Khushi and pouted little more.

Arnav who was unable to resist her puppy face, totally melted with her pout and finally with a sign said "I will think about it and do whatever I can but you have to take care of your health and no compromise with your health Ok."

That's when Mamaji (didn't listen to their conversation as the door was locked) knocked on their door. "Arnav bitwa, today is the last day in Shantivan, and your nani asked you and Khushi betiya to join us for dinner for the last time in Shantivan, will you both join us? I can promise you that, there will be no drama at least during the meals."

Arnav saw Khushi once and said "We will come for dinner." And Mamaji left.


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