★ Male Character(s) x Male!Re...

By J3llybean01

6.3K 84 39

I do not own anything from any fandom/series I write about or the characters. I only own the stories in this... More

★Requests! [Open]★
💙Picnic Date | Leo x M!Reader💙
❤️Comfort | Raph x M!Reader❤️
💜Relax | Donnie x M!Reader💜
💙Fur | Leo x Werewolf!M!Reader💙
🧡Cooking Lesson | Mikey x M!Reader🧡
💜Another | Donnie x Bat Mutant!M!Reader💜
🤍Different | All Turtles x M!Reader🤍
🤍Bunny!! | All | HC x Bunny!M!Reader 🤍
💜Glasses | Donnie x M!Reader💜
❤️Oversized | Raph x M!Reader❤️
💜💙Forest | Leo x M!Reader x Donnie💙💜
💚Flowers | Casey x M!Reader💚
💜Different | Donnie x M!Reader💜

💚Hanuted House | Casey x M!Reader💚

295 4 0
By J3llybean01

{Requester - Me!}

💚|Casey x M!Reader|💚

It had been a while since you and Casey started dating, you loved his childlike wonder of the world. It was a few days before Halloween the past year or two he mostly walked around with you on the day, but this time he wanted to do something more traditional. The next day was the day of monsters, ghosts, and ghouls, Casey was on your phone mostly scrolling through photos of the two of you. His head lying on his boyfriend's lap Y/N, he raises his head to look at Y/N. Y/N took his hand out of the male's hair as he was previously stroking it.

"Hey Y/N."


"I want to do a haunted house with you."

'A haunted house? Can he even take the scares or the level of surprise in the activity?' Y/N rubbed the male's cheek smiling at him.

"Of course Casey, we can do one tomorrow! I hope you don't get scared."

He folded his hands together in front of his boyfriend.

"I don't do scared!"

"Sure, and I love you less than F/F."

As you kissed his forehead, looking at the male who rested his head back down on yours. 'This little confused teen that loved doing everything.' Casey soon fell asleep on his legs Y/N closed his eyes soon after falling into a deep sleep.

Y/N woke up to Casey in front of him a few inches from his face, he back him up a bit a light tint of pink on his face.

"Casey, what are you doing?!"

Y/N sounded flushed and confused at the same time, he just woke up he needed time to be able to fully focus. Casey grabbed the male wrist resting his head on his chest, humming to see his reaction. Y/N sat there for a second rubbing his eyes as he looked down at Casey, he got up Casey sitting up on the couch they rested on together.

"You ready for your day of scares and screams!"

You shook your hands a bit to emphasize the statement, he places the back of his hand on his forehead pretending to faint. laughter erupting in a few seconds. He stood back up and headed to the bathroom, Y/N checked his phone seeing they had a few hours before they could go to a nearby Haunted house. He was happy there was one nearby and nothing too crazy, hearing the door open again he saw Casey come back out and sit next to him. He rested his head on Y/N's shoulder starting to talk to him.

"Do we have to wear costumes to the house? Is it just a random house? Will we get h-"

Y/N cut him off placing his finger over his lips

"You talk too much, don't worry I'll be here for you through the whole thing."

He smiled at Casey placing a kiss on his temple, the male covering his face in Y/N's chest. The two sat there mostly talking to each other Y/N was happy to answer a few random questions Casey had, it was sweet when he asked and wanted to know more about everything. It had been a few hours of lying there and talking, it seemed every second he would ask about when the two of you were going to leave. The two of you put on a jacket both leaving the manhole and the sewer behind you.

Casey looked left and right looking for the spooky-looking house, as the two of you turned the corner he jumped up and down in joy. He grabbed your jacket tugging and dragging you to the house, a small line was in front of it a few screams could've heard from outside. He has a look of stress on his face, looking at Y/N.

"Uhh, Y-Y/N?"


Looking at him with a confused look

"Uhhh I don't think I want to do this anymore-"

"No, no, no, we're not turning back now!"

Casey grabbed onto your arm wrapping his hands around it, Y/N and Casey walked into the house. To be completely honest the house was better than expected, you only got scared a few times but not enough to make a point. Once the two of you left the exit Casey had a bit of a dead face on, like his soul had left his body.

The walk back was a bit quiet, you shook him a little and it seemed to bring him back to life. He was a bit shocked and took in a deep breath, he did know he was still clinging to the other male. He looked away with a blush but didn't separate, looking back to Y/N.

"T-That wasn't scary at all!"

"Yeah sure, you looked more dead than the zombies back there."

A chuckle escaped from your mouth, he lightly pushed you a bit as the two of you made it back to the manhole. The night ended with the two of you back on the same couch, resting the night away.


Words - 938

A/N - Ahhh I'm sorry this took so long something crazy happened and I had to stop writing for a bit, but I'm back now. I'm planning to make a 2012TMNT, TOH (The Owl House), & LMK (Lego Monike Kid) Oneshot M!Reader Oneshot Book today! So watch out for those! Anyways bai!

"☕️Till Next Time!🍡"

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