Your job is not over yet!

By VeggiePicker

15.2K 336 188

Disclaimer: This is a humanxpony/others story. It is not "Equestria Girls", but "Friendship is Magic". No Pon... More

Izuku's Harem/Shiggy's pairing
Prologue- New horizons
Chapter 1- Welcome to Ponyville!
Friendship is Magic, Part 1
Friendship is Magic, Part 2
Chapter 3- It's a date

Chapter 2- Getting settled in

1.5K 38 7
By VeggiePicker

One thing I forgot to do it the previous chapter. To get a mental image of how tall ponies are, just look at the picture above. It's the one that says "EqG canon proportion".

[A/N: Despite this story being in third person, it will follow Izuku's perspective until mentioned otherwise]

After the events of the previous day, we cut to the library, were the humans are busy cleaning and organizing everything. After last night's party, they have decided that Tenko, Izuku and Inko would get a separate room each, while Eri and Kota could stay in the same bedroom. That way, there would still be a spare bedroom if they had a guest, which was unlikely, but you never know. Speaking on party, last the one from last night was quite wild. For starters, Lyra and Bon Bon appeared. You can guess how that went.


Lyra: "Heeeeeey, hoomaaaaaaan!"

Turning around, he saw the one and only human fanatic rushing at him. As soon as she got close enough, she jumped right into him. But this time, he was prepared. He spread his arms out, leaned back a bit, and managed to successfully catch the flying unicorn. As he did, Lyra stared wide eyed at him, before nuzzling his chest, making him blush.

Lyra: "It's so good to see you again. Last time Bon Bon didn't want me to bother you, but now that we're in a party, we can continue where we left off!"

Izuku: "Uhhh..."

Bon Bon: "Lyra! You can't just jump somepony like that! You're lucky he managed to catch you, or you both could have gotten hurt."

Lyra: "Of course he caught me! Hoomans have hands to grab stuff, after all."

Bon Bon: "*sigh* You're hopeless."

Throughout their argument, Izuku was still holding Lyra in his arms, too embarrassed to do anything. It didn't help the fact that his mom was watching with a knowing smirk while giggling softly. But that wasn't the worst. The worst were the other ponies that saw the beginning of the interaction, and were now talking to each other about the male human, as they learned the name of their species, was holding a pony, and that it seemed quite comfortable. Fortunately for him, Bon Bon decided to stop this nonsense. She turned to him and spoke, while Lyra went back to nuzzling feeling up his chest.

Bon Bon: "I'm sorry about her. Ever since she had that dream about your kind years back, it has been her life goal to befriend one of you. Though, you can hardly call this a good impression, Lyra!"

Lyra: "Mhm... Hey, are all hoomans so strong? You feel like you have a lot of muscle under there."

Bon Bon: "*groan* Lyra, he-"

Izuku: "N-no, it's fine, she's just curious. Yes, I have some muscle, since I've been training for a good part of my life. Also, it's pronounced human, not hooman, as I said when we first met."

Lyra: "Cool."

Flashback end

Lyra certainly was one of a kind. Really shameless from the only two interactions they had together, while Bon Bon seems more down to earth. Or maybe it was because, as Bon Bon said, she had a thing for humans. That wasn't the only noteworthy interaction he had during the party, because shortly after both him and Bon Bon managed to convince Lyra to go talk with other ponies, a pegasus pony mare approached him.


Pegasus: "So you're the guy Pinkie talked about."

Taking in her looks, the first thing he noticed was her rainbow colored mane. She was a cyan pegasus with a rainbow thunder coming form a cloud as her, from what he gathered by asking some ponies about, cutie mark.

Rainbow Dash: "Green eyes, green hair, and a green suit. Definitely the guy Pinkie was talking about. I'm Rainbow Dash, fastest flyer in Equestria."

Izuku: "Izuku Midoriya, it's nice to meet you. Wait, you said Pinkie mentioned me? She didn't say anything weird, did she?"

Rainbow Dash: "Just that you're a great cushion, whatever that means."

That made him blush. Hopefully Pinkie wouldn't ask for seconds. They spent some more time talking, with Rainbow promising to show him some of her moves sometime, until she went to be with her friends.

Flashback end

That really was a good welcome party. Thinking about it, the ponies here are very nice creatures. Not only have they happily welcomed them in their town, but they also hosted a party to celebrate. Their actions could warm the coldest heart. But now it's time for action, not parties. Time to make some bits, and according to Pinkie, he should head over to the community board and see what's available. Quickly finishing organizing everything in his new room, he made his way downstairs to be met with his family and Tenko having breakfast, which happened to be the rest of the food that wasn't eaten at the party.

Eri: "Papa! Good morning!"

Izuku: "Good morning, everyone."

He went to their table and picked a green cupcake with sprinkles, then made his way to the front door while munching on the cupcake. Before he could open the door, Inko called out to him.

Inko: "Aren't you going to eat with us? One cupcake is too little."

Izuku: "Sorry, but I need to start making us some money. We have one month before we need to start paying rent, after all."

Tenko: "It better pay well. I don't feel like eating candy for every meal."

Inko: "Alright sweetie, have a nice day."

Eri/Kota: "Bye papa/dad."

Izuku: "See you all later."

Now it was time to find a job, or jobs. He took a step outside his new home, the first step towards his new life along with his family and... he wasn't sure what to consider Tenko at this point. It was too soon for them to be friends. They also weren't enemies, nor rivals. Well he can figure that out later, there's more important things to worry about now. Like where to find the community board. Following some logic, it's probably somewhere in the town square.

???: "Hey, good morning! How was the party last night?"

On his way to the town square, he was approached by Rainbow Dash.

Izuku: "Good morning, and it was great. Are all ponies so welcoming?"

Rainbow: "Oh, totally! So what are you doing today?"

Izuku: "I'm going to check the community board. I need to start making money to afford the library."

Rainbow: "Eh, why the library? You an egghead?"

Rainbow chuckled, while Izuku rolled his eyes. She made the exact same joke at the party.

Rainbow: "So anyways, I was thinking that you could help me with some training. Rarity said you looked pretty strong under your clothes."

Right, the time Rarity took their measurements. He didn't pay any mind at the time since it was a standard procedure. Normally, one can take measurements while wearing thin clothes, but since they were new and Rarity probably has never seen creatures like them, it was understandable them being in underwear the whole process. With Rarity, however, was a bit different.

Flashback- Rarity's POV

Rarity: 'My, these creatures are surely fascinating. I can already imagine all the future outfits I'll design for their unique physique. Oh, and the small one with the horn, is she some sort of unicorn hybrid? It doesn't matter, she's so cute!'

Izuku: "I'm ready."

Rarity: "Alright darling, now just stay sti-"

Looking at her costumer's body now, she realized that it didn't match his innocent and cute face at all. So full of muscle and scars. Maybe he is some sort of knight where he is from. A big blush formed on her face.

Rarity: 'Did I just think his face is cute?! No, calm down Rarity. Even with an attractive and strong gentlecolt standing in front of you, you have to remain professional.'

Izuku: "Rarity? Is everything alright?"

Rarity: "O-oh, of course, darling. Just, uhm, thinking about what would suit you better, is all." 'Deep breaths, Rarity.' "If you don't mind me asking, what's with all the scars?"

Izuku: "Oh, they're just remnants of previous struggles. Nothing to worry about."

Rarity: "I see."

Flashback End

Rainbow: "So what do you say?"

Izuku: "Sure. I might as well see what you can do."

Rainbow: "Awesome! I'll tell you when I'm free, for now, I gotta fly. See ya later!"

And with that, the biggest tomboy in town left, leaving the young adult to get back to his objective. Shortly after, he arrived at the town square, and just like he thought, there was the community board right beside the Town Hall. He looked through some of the jobs listed on the board. They were mostly simple tasks, like watering the plants when the owner was away, or fix a broken chair, but then he noticed one that made his eyes widen.

[ʜᴇʟᴘ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴍᴀᴛᴇʀɪᴀʟ ᴛʀᴀɴꜱᴘᴏʀᴛᴀᴛɪᴏɴ ᴀᴛ ᴄᴏᴍᴘᴀɴʏ ᴡᴀʀᴇʜᴏᴜꜱᴇ - 4000 ʙɪᴛꜱ]

Izuku: "Either the library is cheaper than I thought, or this is a very big payout."

He took the paper down and looked at the address. It just said "Filthy Rich's Home". He asked the nearest pony the way and they pointed him in the direction he should go. It took about 8 minutes to arrive, and when he did, he was standing in front of a decently sized house. It looked like it belonged to someone very fancy. He knocked on the door and waited, soon being answered by a stallion with light brown coat and dark grey mane and tail. The pony looked up at Izuku and went a bit wide eyed, before recomposing himself.

Stallion: "Ahem, good morning. May I help you with something?"

Izuku: "Actually, I came here for the transportation request. Are you Mr Filthy Rich?"

Filthy Rich: "Oh, yes, my name is Filthy Rich, but you may call me Rich. It's nice to meet you..."

Izuku: "Izuku Midoriya, but just Izuku is fine."

Rich: "Mr Izuku. Shall we set off now? The remaining work force must be waiting already, and I was about to depart."

Izuku: "Lead the way."

They walked together until arriving at the warehouse. They made small talk on the way, mostly Rich talking about his business, which reminded Izuku of Yaoyorozu's dad. Rich also asked a few questions, some of which about how strong he was, to make sure he could get the job done, which Izuku assured him that strength wasn't a problem. Once they were at the warehouse, they saw a group of five (miscellaneous) stallions.

Rich: "Alright, now that we have enough hooves on deck, we can start."

Stallion(1): "Uhhh, sir? Are we sure he will be able to help?"

He pointed to Izuku with a hoof, but was assured that even if he couldn't transport the heaviest stuff, he could still take care of the smaller boxes and leave the rest to them. Once they actually started working, they were left speechless when their temporary colleague was carrying two boxes, each his size, at once. Now, you might be wondering what's in these boxes that made the ponies so surprised, and the answer to that is a variety of different products. Some contain foods and spices, while others contain jewelry and sculptures, and at this moment, he was carrying two boxes of marble statues that would require four of them to carry only one.

Stallion(1): "I wasn't too sure about this guy, but he sure blow my expectations out of the water."

Stallion(2): "You're telling me. His strength doesn't match his innocent face at all."

Stallion(3): "Alright, I know it's impressive, but we can't be left behind. Let's at least try to keep up with him."

Stallion(4): "Are you kidding! No way we can keep up."

Stallion(5): "Hey, uh, green dude! You mind if we leave the heaviest stuff to you?"

Izuku: "Not at all. You can count on me!"

All the while, Filthy Rich was watching the progress his new help was making. He had to admit, he sure made it look easy, and the stuff was getting organized at record time. Maybe he could hire him again in the future. It would make his life a lot easier. Soon, everything was sorted and the warehouse was ready to be closed until Rich needed to restock his business. Everypony was celebrating a job well done, and even complimenting Izuku on his strength and work ethic, making said greenette blush slightly and rub the back of his head.

Rich: "Good job, everypony. We got everything done before noon. A new record!"

Stallion(2): "Gee, I wonder who we have to thank for that?"

He said sarcastically, looking over at the still embarrassed green head. All the other ponies chuckled, but they still had to agree that they found a new respect towards the young human.

Rich: "Alright, everypony. Line up to receive your pay."

They did so, with everypony leaving after receiving theirs while being thanked and congratulated my Filthy Rich. Izuku was last in line, and when it was his turn, Rich placed a small bag on his hand. Once he opened, he counted 50 gold coins, or bits. Since he didn't know much about the currency in Equestria, he decided that this was the best time to ask.

Izuku: "Excuse me, sir?"

Rich: "Yes?"

Izuku: "About the money?"

Rich: "Is something wrong? Did I miscount the amount?"

Izuku: "N-no, it's not that. You see, where I'm from, we don't use bits as currency, so I was wondering how much is here."

Rich: "Ah, I understand. Let me explain. Here in Equestria, and other places, we have three types of bits. The bronze bit is the cheapest, it has a horseshoe engraved in it. It's normally used in the purchase of small products like apples or candles, just to name a few. Then you have the silver bit, with a crescent moon, and is worth exactly 100 bronze bits. Lastly there is the gold bit, with the symbol of Princess Celestia herself. It is worth 100 silver bits, or 10.000 bronze bits."

Izuku: "S-so what you gave me-"

Rich: "Exactly 500.000 bronze bits, or 5000 silver bits."

Izuku: "Then when Mayor Mare said that the Library would cost 3000 bits to purchase, was she talking about gold bits?"

Rich: "Oh, lord no. Gold bits are for wealthy ponies, like myself, who can't carry massive amounts of bits around. She was most likely talking about silver bits, as they are most used to buy cheap property or rent hotel rooms."

Izuku: "If so, then why did you give me an extra 1000 bits? The note said 4000."

Rich: "For two reasons. One is that you did an excellent work. Actually, it would be more accurate to say you did most of the work. Two is that I was hopping to count on you if I have another job like this. I will pay you depending on the amount of work, of course."

He was speechless again. Does pony kindness know no bounds? They are all just so... friendly and honest. If only more people were like this back in Japan, or the world in general. He bowed to the pony in front of him, confusing said pony.

Rich: "What are you-"

Izuku: "Thank you so much for your generosity. I'd be glad to work for you again in the future."

Filthy Rich was sunned for a moment, before smiling and saying it was no problem, and that he would contact him if he ever needed help in the future. This was good. Thanks to Filthy Rich, not only could he pay for the library, but he also had 2000 extra bits to spare. This was a productive day, and he still had a couple hours before having to get back home. He decided to explore the town a bit, get familiar with the place. He passed by many houses, shops, and even a spa. Maybe he could convince Tenko to pay it a visit. God knows he needs some skin care. While walking around, a certain tomboy approached him from behind without him noticing.

Rainbow: "Boo!"

Izuku: "GAH!"

He fell flat on his butt, making Rainbow Dash laugh even more. He looked at her and laugh a bit himself. He did miss friendly interactions like these, so he didn't mind getting spooked. While the mare was calming down from laughing, Izuku was thinking about something

Rainbow: "Wow, didn't know you were such a scaredy-cat. What's the matter, is the ground that comfortable? Haha!"

Izuku: 'Weird. I know it wasn't an attack, but Danger Sense should've activated then. So why didn't it?'

Rainbow: "Eh, you ok there? I didn't scare you too bad, did I?"

Izuku: "Uh, oh, no, don't worry. I was just thinking of something."

Rainbow: "Oh good. For a moment I thought you were like Fluttershy. Not like there's anything wrong with that."

Izuku: "Who?"

Rainbow: "Oh, right, you're new here. Fluttershy lives in a cottage right outside of town. She's very shy and easily scared, but she's great with animals."

Izuku: "She sounds like a nice pony."

Rainbow: "Yep! But anyway, since I'm free now, you up for some training?

Izuku: "Sure. I was just getting familiar with the town, so I'm free."

Rainbow: "Sweet! Come on, let me take you to the place I usually train."

Izuku: 'Mmh, maybe this is a chance to see how much One for All was affected after arriving.' "Hey, you're training involves speed, right? Since you said you're the fastest flyer, how about we test that out?"

Rainbow: "Are you challenging me to a race? Cuz it sure sounds like it."

Izuku: "I am."

Rainbow: "You're on! The first to make it by the big three at the lake wins."

Izuku: "Ready."

Rainbow: "Set."

Izuku/Rainbow: "GO!"

Rainbow Dash flew off at high speeds as soon as the race begun, while Izuku had to take a few seconds to charge One for All. He managed to charge it to 5% before feeling his body strain, so he figured that was his limit for now. He didn't waste any time in blasting after the blue flyer, almost catching up to her. Rainbow felt the wind currents and looked behind her, forming a shocked expression after seeing her opponent surrounded by green electricity and red vein marks around his body. They were neck a neck at this point, at could already see the lake getting closer and closer. With one last burst of speed, Rainbow Dash managed to get first place.

Rainbow: "Aww yeah! I win! As if there was any doubt."

Izuku: "Good race, Rainbow. I had fun."

He said with a smile. Rainbow turned to him and immediately got in his face.

Rainbow: "Dude, your were awesome back there! There was lighting all around you, and you were shining! It looked so cool! How did you do that?"

Izuku: "Oh, well, that's just how it looks when I activate my quirk."

Rainbow: "Quirk?"

Izuku: 'Oh right. Another world.' "It's just a word we use back where I'm from. A quirk is essentially a super power some are born with, kinda."

Rainbow: "Wait, you have super powers?! Not like magic, and stuff?"

Izuku: "Nothing like magic."

Rainbow: "Dude... that's awesome! So you can just jump around like actual lightning?"

Izuku: "It's more complex than that, but that's one of it's uses."

Rainbow: "Cool! But enough chit chat. Time to train!"

They spent some time together, with Izuku lifting up some rings that Rainbow flew through, and even running/flying laps around the lake. They also talked a bit, and Izuku managed to learn why Rainbow wanted to train so bad. Apparently, she was practicing for the Wonderbolts, a team of pegasus that did stunts in events and even served as an aerial force for the kingdom. She was really passionate about it too, going into detail on how amazing they are. They kept training for some hours, before Rainbow started slowing down. She looked at Izuku and her eyes widened like dinner plates when he wasn't even sweating.

Rainbow: "How... how are you not tired?"

Izuku: "I'm used to this. My mentor made me a very strict training regime. This is just starter level for me."

Rainbow: "Dude... you're insane. But still really cool. We need to do this again, and maybe you can give me some tips."

Izuku: "Sure, I wouldn't mind being your personal trainer."

Rainbow: "Personal trainer... you know what, that doesn't sound too bad. It's settled. From now on, you help me with my training."

Izuku: "Sure, I can train you on my free time, no problem."

Rainbow: "Great! I'm gonna go take a nap. See you around, coach."

He waved at the departing pony. He thought about going back to the library, but decided to check out the nearby farm instead. He has been curious about it for a while. When he got to the entrance, he couldn't stop staring at the endless rows of apple trees. There were so many that no orchard on earth could compare. He walked around a bit, hoping the owners didn't mind visitors on their private land, and soon spotted two ponies talking with each other. One was an earth pony with tanned orange coat, light yellow mane styled in a, greed eyes and three red apples for a cutie mark, and was wearing a cowboy hat. The other was a pegasus with a pale gold coat, light pink mane, cyan eyes and three butterflies for a cutie mark. They looked caught up on their conversation, so he decided to not interrupt them as not to be rude, but the hatted pony took notice of him and waved him over. Not sure if the pony was for him, he pointed at himself, and the pony nodded. He made his way over to the two, and the pink maned one covered her face in her mane, while the hatted pony greeted him with a smile.

Hat Pony: "Well howdy there, partner! What brings ya to Sweet Apple Acres?"

Izuku: "I'm just having a look around. I hope there's no problem?"

Applejack: "None at all! Mah name's Applejack, and this here is Fluttershy."

Fluttershy: "ᴴᵉˡˡᵒ."

Izuku: "My name is Izuku Midoriya, but you can just call me Izuku. It's nice to meet you."

Applejack: "Izuku? So you're that fella Pinkie was talkin about. Well then let me be the first to welcome you to Sweet Apple Acres, home of the most delicious and succulent apples in Equestria. In fact, here, try one."

Applejack grabbed an apple, somehow, from the basket beside her and threw to Izuku, who caught in in one hand. He took a bit from the apple and his eyes lit up. She wasn't kidding. This is the best apple he has ever eaten.

Izuku: "Oh wow, I thought what you said was just market talk, but this IS the best apple have had in my life."

Applejack: "Darn tootin it is. We apples take pride in our apples."

Izuku: "What?"

Applejack: "It's our family name. We're apple farmers, see."

She pointed to the massive orchard that seemed to be stretching for miles. Izuku nodded while munching on the rest of his apple.

Izuku: "Eri would go crazy for these."

Applejack: "Who?"

Izuku: "My daughter. Candy apples are her favorite food."

At the mention of a daughter, Fluttershy finally decided to speak. Her voice was like it was coated in honey, since it was super soft and quiet like she was telling a bed time story to children.

Fluttershy: "You have a daughter?"

Izuku: "Yeah, she's the sweetest girl I aver had the pleasure of having in my life."

Fluttershy: "Excuse me if I sound rude, but, uhm, you look too young to have kids. N-no offense or anything."

Izuku: "None taken, and it makes sense why that is. She's adopted, after all."

Applejack: "Really now? Well you gotta be the youngest father I've ever seen... how old are you again?"

Izuku: "I'm 17, and Eri is 8. I also have an adopted son name Kota, he's 7, but likes to act like the older brother."

Fluttershy chuckled a little, since she had experience of being a more responsible younger sibling. She suddenly remembered something.

Fluttershy: "Oh, I just remembered. I'm sorry for not attending your welcoming party, b-but I was a bit busy taking care of Bruce the bear. You see, h-he had a fever, and I couldn't leave him all alone. I hope you're not angry."

Applejack: "Ah also couldn't come due to bein a tad bit busy working on mah chores. Sorry for missin out, sugarcube.

Izuku: "Don't worry about it. I understand."

They spoke for about an hour before Izuku decided to leave. He said goodbye to the two mares and went back home. Upon arriving, he was welcomed with Eri and Kota building a book fort, while Tenko watched them. When the kids noticed their father, they rushed to him and gave him a big hug.

Kota: "Welcome back, dad."

Eri: "Papa, look! We made a castle of books!"

Izuku: "Very impressive, snowball. Let me guess, you're the princess and your brother is the prince?"

Kota: "No, I'm the knight in charge of protecting the princess."

They went back to playing, while Izuku went over to Tenko. He was sitting at the table, staring at the kids playing with each other.

Izuku: "How was the day?"

Tenko: "Uneventful. Inko went for a stroll an hour ago and left me in charge of watching your kids. Other than that, nothing really happened. How was the job hunt?"

Izuku: "Went better than expected. Ponies are completely different from humans, and I'm not talking about species."

Tenko: "If so, then this world won't be so bad. So what happened for you to think that?"

Izuku: "Well..."

Before he could answer, the front door opened and Inko walked inside, carrying a paper bag, and closing the door afterwards. Her grandkids came and hugged her, before she joined the two boys at the table.

Inko: "Hello, Izuku. When did you come back?"

Izuku: "Just now, actually. What is that?"

Inko: "Oh, just some gifts the local ponies gave me. They were so kind in giving us some extra food as a welcoming gift. I even made some friends with a couple older ponies. How was your day?"

Izuku: "I was actually about to tell Tenko before you arrived."

Inko: "In that case, let me go prepare dinner, and you can tell us all about it."

Izuku took the time in telling them everything that happened. How Mr Rich was generous enough to give him extra payment for his effort. Training with Rainbow Dash. And spending time with Applejack and Fluttershy at Sweet Apple Acres, which made Eri excited to try candy apples from this world.

Annnnnnd scene. That took way longer than it had any right too.

Sorry for taking so long to update, but I was having trouble with the value of bits, what job to give Izuku, and which ponies he would interact with.

Anyways... I forgot what I was supposed to say... no matter, I'll just see you next time in-

"Friendship is Magic, part 1". Oh yeah, time to jump into the episodes

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