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8.6K 627 961

Dear Mr.Right

I hate working out, but I like movies, so a boys gotta do what a boys gotta do!

"two tickets for Smile two please." Yamir spoke, holding up two fingers. The cashier nodded and typed away on the computer as she prepared the order.

After he payed for the tickets we made our way inside the theatre slowly, "you want snacks or something?" He questioned, looking down at me.

"well since you're offering." I shrugged, smiling.

He rolled his eyes playfully and responded, "what do you want?"

"Just a slurpy." I nodded.

"that's it?" He raised an eyebrow.

"—and skittles!" I cheesed.

"got you." He nodded as we began waiting in line.

It thankfully wasn't that packed, there were only a few other people in line with us. I'm guessing everyone just wanted to wait until Friday—or they came yesterday when the movie released.

"Hello, what can I get for you?" The cashier questioned politely, smiling.

"Two large slurpees please, one blue and the other—"

A large—oh he got money.

Yamir then paused and turned around to look at me. As of now I was standing behind him, but he was so much taller than me that I couldn't see anything so I would just peak around his shoulder occasionally.

"—What flavor you want Hayden?" He then asked.

"um, cherry!" I spoke up.

"—and the other cherry." He nodded as he ordered.

"anything else sir?" The cashier questioned.

"One large popcorn and then some skittles, that'll be all." He nodded, pulling out his phone, "—you guys do Apple Pay?"

"yessir we do, your totals gonna be $25.46." The cashier responded.

This is why I told him we should sneak some snacks in, but nooo—gotta do things the right way.

He then held up his phone to the machine and after it alerted loudly in approval he stuffed it back into his pocket.

Moments later a different worker approached and handed us all of our snacks for tonight.

"okay now where are we going?" He questioned, turning around as he held up the popcorn and his drink.

"Ummm, the ticket says we're in theatre 5, so this way!" I pointed.

"we gotta hurry because my body feels like a wet noodle from working out earlier—and I don't wanna drop the snacks." I told him seriously which made him chuckle.

"I'll hold it," he told me, reaching out.

"your hands are already full!" I shook my head.

"if you don't wanna hold it then you don't have to, that's what im here for." He smirked.

"cute, but still it's fine—I don't want you to drop anything."

He nodded and began to follow me as we made our way inside the screening room.

This was my first time actually coming to this theatre and I was impressed with it honestly, it had a very comfortable design.

"can I sit on the inside?" I whispered over at Yamir.

He nodded and stepped aside so I could take a seat in the seat closest to the wall, he then came up and took his seat to my left.

"you good?" He questioned, looking over at how I was sitting and if I had enough room.

"Yeah I'm fine." I nodded.

"alright good." He nodded, pulling out his phone, "silence your phone."

"wow you just follow all the rules huh?" I laughed.

"yeah yeah, just silence it—I don't wanna be the person sitting next to the person whose phone rings in the middle of the movie." He laughed.

I shook my head at him as I pulled out my phone and silenced it.

"Booby I have a confession." I started as I opened up my skittles.

"wassup?" He questioned.

"While I do enjoy scary movies, I get scared kinda easily." I revealed.

He gave me a weird look as he laughed before speaking, "how does that even work?"

"I like them, I just hide my face half the time." I laughed.

"okay Hayden." He responded, shaking his head.

"—well you can use me to hide if you want." He added, looking over at me.

"you don't get scared?" I asked.

"Not really," he shrugged, "it's like an action movie."

I squinted my eyes at him as I thought, "that's something a serial killer would say."

"I love cereal."  He shot back with a smile.

"corny." I teased, causing him to laugh.

"So just so we're clear, if I grab your arm out of fear you're not gonna be uncomfortable?" I asked again.

"No, I don't care." He chuckled.

"you won't get mad?" I asked again.

"no leafy, I'm not gonna get mad." He repeated.

"Good because I—AH!" I screamed before grabbing his right bicep with a death grip after a loud sound from the screen startled me.

"Hayden that was literally a preview." He laughed, watching me look around to see if anyone was staring at me due to my outburst.

"It caught me off guard!" I defended, releasing his arm and shifting over to the wall.

"—a preview for minions.." he deadpanned.

"Alright what's your point!" I pouted.

"nothing, you got it buddy." He surrendered, shaking his head.

I smiled in victory and grabbed a piece of popcorn from the bucket he was holding.

"you didn't even ask" He teased.

"sorry," I said immediately, feeling bad, "can I have some?"

"I'm playin', you can have whatever you want." He nodded, chuckling.

"Yamir," a voice spoke before I could respond, which caused us both to look up.

It was some guy, a very attractive guy might I add, who stood hand in hand with a girl.

I'd never seen either of them but based on Yamirs expression I'm guessing he had.

"Oh wassup bro!" He smiled, standing up to dap the guy up.

"It's been like what—two years?" The guy responded, smiling genuinely.

"man it feels like longer, I swear—"

Eventually I just tuned them out and looked over at the girl who waved politely.

"Hi," I replied with a wave of my own, smiling.

"you are so handsome." She complimented.

I immediately felt the blush wash over my cheeks as I thanked her.

"Bae come on the movie is about to start." The girl sighed, shaking her boyfriend who was still talking to Yamir.

"Okay, yo mir you still got the same number?" He questioned

"yea, imma text you." Yamir nodded in response.

"Yamir oh my god sit down, the movies coming on!" I whisper yelled.

"yeah my bad leafy—here I come," he responded.

Him and his friend said one last goodbye before they continued to their seats and Yamir sat back down in his.

"who was that?" I whispered.

"he was an old friend I met at this football camp I did 2 years ago. We were the two best there so we got pretty close—I haven't seen him in a while though." He explained, spreading his legs comfortably as he looked over at me.

"Aw that's cute, his girlfriend was pretty." I nodded.

"You got a crush?" He questioned, raising his eyebrow.

I gave him a flat look and rolled my eyes causing him to laugh.

"okay we gotta be quiet, this is the movie." He whispered as the movie began.

Honestly in the beginning nothing scary happened, it was just kind of ominous and it had some callbacks to the first movie.

But after about thirty minutes I swear they just decided to give everyone watching a heart attack.

I literally had a permanent death grip around Yamirs right bicep at this point, and all he did was stare at the scene with a calm expression.  I'm starting to think he's a psycho because how was he not jumping from the jump scares.

"I'll be back," he said abruptly, shifting a little.

"Wait what—where are you going?" I questioned, slightly pulling on his arm

"I have to pee." He laughed lowly.

"you can't leave me here by myself!" I whined, shaking my head.

"Oh my god, Hayden you're not the only one in the theater." He whispered, motioning around.


"it's just a movie, relax." He muttered.

I'll cry right here and right now, this nigga had to be joking.

"fine, just hurry up!" I whisper yelled, returning to peaking through my fingers once again.

"I gotchu." He nodded before going on his way.

Five minutes later he returned and I once again went back to having death grip around his arm. Thankfully he didn't complain about it, if anything he actually placed his arm back in the same spot so I could grab it again.

"what I miss?" He questioned lowly,

"not much, I think she's realizing that she's losing her mind though." I told him, slouching in my seat and leaning a bit more into his arm.

"you okay?" He then questioned lowly.

"I'm fine." I nodded honestly.

And I was up until the next 10 seconds when there was a loud scream from the character on screen when a smiling lunatic popped out from nowhere.

I squealed and smothered myself in the arm of my best friend as I avoided the scream. I'm absolutely positive that I could not look anymore gay than I did right now.

"okay that one almost got me." Yamir mumbled lowly, smiling.

That's about how we spent the rest of the movie, me holding onto him out of complete fear, and him watching like it was some regular superhero movie.

At the end when it was time for us all to exit Yamir spoke, "did you like it?"

"Actually even though I spent most of it terrified out of my mind, yes!" I replied, watching as he opened the door and stepped aside for me.

"yeah I still don't get that—why would you want to come to a scary movie if they make you tweak out like that? He laughed as he walked up beside me.

"Because," I paused to yawn, "it's the adrenaline or something—I'm not really sure myself," I explained.

He nodded with an amused demeanor then spoke, "alright let me get you home, I've tired you out enough."

"who said I was tired?" I shrugged as we approached the car.

"you're yawning," he responded simply.

The both of us entered his car and strapped up safely before I again spoke.

"because I saw someone else yawn, you know people say they're contagious." I lied.

"Is that right?" He questioned, playing into my game.

"mhm." I nodded, smiling.

"Hayden if you don't wanna leave me you can just say that." He teased, turning on his car.

"well that's not the case at all." I lied again.

Sorry, but I'm going to fight it for as long as humanly possible—we are not letting those feelings in. Platonic, Platonic, Platonic.

"Okay." He responded simply as he began to drive.

"Okay...that's it?" I questioned, I mean he wasn't even gonna tell me I'm lying—or nothing.

"yeah..okay." He shrugged.

That's when my eyebrows creased in confusion, I just know that tone wasn't what I thought it was.

Was that....irritation...from Yamir? Mr.Happy Smiley Peace and Love.

"oop—what's wrong with you?" I questioned, smirking.

"Nothing," he again said dryly.

Now I was really confused because what just happened that fast—he was all smiles outside the car, now he looks like he was the most irritated boy on earth.

"Why are you being lame—you weren't suppose to just say 'ok'," I complained.

"well I don't want to joke like that anymore." He said simply.

"you're actually mad that I said leaving you wasn't a problem?" I asked.

"I'm not mad—I just don't get how many more signals I have to give you before you realize what I'm doing." He spoke as he looked over at me.

My eyes went wide at that because I immediately began to think on a level that far exceeded anything platonic.

"what are you talking about?" I asked lowly.

"I have a crush on you, Hayden." He said blatantly.


To say I was caught off guard would be an understatement. Either I was hallucinating or drunk because I never would even expect him to say something like that.

I never even imagined it, like yeah sure he was nice—but he was nice to everyone. Plus he was just so......straight. Usually my gaydar was pretty good, but I never got any signals from him.

"Yeah and I thought I could just work with starting out as close friends and then working our way up, but it's been like two weeks and I don't think I can hold out like that anymore" he continued.

"why didn't you say anything?" I asked.

"Because you never showed any interest." He replied.

"I thought that the way I was flirting was obvious, but the stuff that usually worked on everyone else just didn't work on you." He explained.

"wow.." I mumbled to myself.

"yeah—and obviously you don't feel the same way so—"

"Oh no, I do." I nodded immediately.

"Wait so why did you always act like that?" He questioned genuinely.

"Well I was trying not to because I just assumed you were straight, you never said anything or even insinuated that you would consider the opposite gender." I explained.

"I never wanted to make you uncomfortable because I liked being your friend." I added.

"so then why didn't we just communicate?" He questioned.

"I don't know, you're the more mature one—you should've said something first!" I shot back with a pout.

"Well I'm saying something now—I have feelings for you, and I want you." He said simply, looking over at me after re-parking the car.

"I-Um, I-I want to be with—er, I want you too." I stuttered.

My usual confidence and sass was nowhere to be found now that he was being so open and honest.

"why do you look scared about it then?" He questioned a little softly, chuckling.

"This is my first experience like this—I don't wanna mess up or sound stupid." I told him honestly.

"we're just talking sweetheart, there's nothing you've got to be nervous about." He spoke.

"We're talking and admitting things that I've never done before." I told him again.

"you can't mess up something like this." He told me simply, "we don't have to do too much. We can take is slow, keep learning each other how we've been doing, and whatever happens, happens.." he explained.

"This is new for me too—but for the first time I actually want it, I'm willing to do the work," he added.

"I thought you didn't want a relationship? " I mumbled

"I didn't, but with you—I do. Maybe that was the problem, I just didn't meet the person yet.." he shrugged.

Nervously I fidgeted with my fingers and bit softly on my bottom lip.

"I'm scared Yamir." I told him truthfully, low with my tone.

"scared of what love?" He questioned genuinely with a soft tone.

"I just—I've never had the chance to be with someone before, and I don't know how I'll act—or if I can handle this possibly not going anywhere. Like, what if one day you wake up and you decide you don't want to try this anymore, I don't think I'm someone that would handle that well." I said truthfully.

He nodded at my words and thought to himself before responding, "I understand that—but I can promise you I'm not gonna hurt you, and I won't have a problem reminding you that everyday if that's what it takes." He spoke.

"we aren't doing anything that plenty of other people haven't done before—"

He then paused and grabbed my chin softly to bring my eyes back up to his,

"—all I need is a chance."

♥  ᴅᴇᴀʀ ᴍʀ.ʀɪɢʜᴛ  ♥

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