The Caseys, 2023: Family Life...

By OneChicagobyA

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Sequel to the Short-Story "The Caseys: Parenthood Begins" Matt and Gabby are now home with their sons. This i... More

Welcome Home
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Pregnancy + Butter + Sun = A Disaster in the Making
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Preparing for a Weekend of Romance
One Last Half-Hour of Girl Time
Romantic Getaway: Day One, Part One
Romantic Getaway: Day One, Part Two
Romantic Getaway - Day One, Part Three
A Halstead Family Get Together, Part One
FLASHBACK: Jay & Alex's Romantic Night, Part One
FLASHBACK: Jay & Alex's Romantic Night, Part Two
Are You Okay Alex?
The Casey-Halstead Clinic for Mental Health
Romantic Getaway: Day One, Part Four
Romantic Getaway - Day One, Part Five: A Sunset Meal and Cuddle
Romantic Getaway: Day One, Part Six: Romantic Bath
Romantic Getaway: Day One, Part Seven
Chapter Twenty-Three
Romantic Getaway: Day Two, Part One
Romantic Getaway: Day Two, Part Two
A Deep Dive into Matt's PTSD - Part One: Pre-Medication
A Deep Dive into Matt's PTSD - Part One: Post-Medication
A Deep Dive into Matt's PTSD, Part Two
Romantic Getaway: Day Two, Part Five Interrupted - Part One
Romantic Getaway: Day Two, Part Five Interrupted - Part Two
Romantic Getaway: Day Two, Part Five: Interrupted
Romantic Getaway - Day Two, Part Six: The Cuddling Continues
GABBY DREAM: Father's Day 2019
Romantic Getaway - Day 2, Pt. 7: Lunch Date
Romantic Getaway: Day 2, Pt. 7: Post-Lunch Cuddles
Romantic Getaway, Day 2 - Part 8: Revisiting RV Conversations
Romantic Getaway - Day 2, Pt. 9: Ocean Fun Time
Romantic Getaway - Day Two, Part Ten
Romantic Getaway - Day 2, Pt. 11: Pillow Talk and a Shower
Chapter Thirty-Six: Noah, Part One
Noah, Part Two
Welcome Home Noah
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
All's Good
Chapter Forty-Two, Part One
Chapter Forty-Two, Part Two
You, and The Boys are My Dream
Chapter Forty-Four, Part One
Chapter Forty-Four, Part Two
Strategy Sessions: Our Legal Strategy
Chapter Forty-Six
Post-Press Conference
MATT DREAM: Matt's Birthday 2020 with Emilia
Chapter Forty-Nine: Emilia and Andy
I Don't Want to Be Apart...I Want to Be in Your Arms
Do You Blame Me?
Relaxing and Conversing in the Living Room
A Secured Washroom Break-turned-Impromptu Press Conference
Welcome to California
Chapter Fifty-Five
Chapter Fifty-Six, Part One
Chapter Fifty-Six, Part Two
Chapter Fifty-Seven
How Long are We Staying in California?
Leaving for the Beach
Beach Day, Part One
Beach Day, Part Two
Beach Day, Part Three
Celebrating the Deal, Part One
Celebrating the Deal, Part Two
Happy Birthday Gabby, Part One
Sharing the News, Part One
Sharing the News, Part Two
How to Balance
Our Living Situation: Jay & Alex
Our Living Situation: Will, Natalie, and PJ (1)
Our Living Situation: Will, Natalie, and PJ (2)
No E-mails Today, Part One
No E-mails Today, Part Two
All Together Now, Part One
All Together Now, Part Two
The Caseys Get Ready for a Swim
Jay & Alex Get Ready for a Swim
Birthday R&R: Cleaning Up
Birthday R&R: A Conversation with Ramon
The Name Game - Round Two: Brainstorming
The Name Game - Round Two: Grace Elizabeth Casey
Nap Time, Business Time
Birthday Family Cuddle Time, Part One
Birthday Family Cuddle Time, Part Two
Casey Police Work: Designing a Car
Post-Morning Sickness Shower
Post-Morning Sickness Snack
Fast Asleep
Taking it Easy for the Night
A Morning Walk on Playa San Juan Leighton
Getting Comfortable, Part One
Getting Comfortable, Part Two
How We'll Make It Work, Part One
How We'll Make It Work, Part Two
Taking it Easy, Part One: In the Shower
Taking it Easy, Part One: Getting Cozy in Bed
Pregnancy Diary #2: Grace Elizabeth Casey
Painting a Nursery?
Taking it Easy - Part Two: Lunch
Taking it Easy - Part Two: You Did What Now?
Taking it Easy: Not Rushing It
ELLA Apparel
One Baby Girl, Two Lovers, Three Nights, Four Seasons
Grace and Done?
Worrying News
Get Out of Here
Cedars-Sinai, Part One
Cedars-Sinai, Part Two
Change of Plans, after a Drama-Filled Day
No Sex, Please
A Night of Rest and Relaxation
Long Night
Congratulations Future Mom, Part One
Congratulations Future Mom, Part Two
Chapter One Hundred: Making Breakfast, Part One
Chapter One Hundred: Making Breakfast, Part Two
Breakfast in Bed, as Requested
Let the Cuddling Begin: Stripping Down
Let's Cuddle (and be Honest with Each Other)
Checking in with the New Parents (All of Them), Part One
Checking in with the New Parents (All of Them), Part Two
Daddy's Back, and Ready to Relax - Part One
Daddy's Back, and Ready to Relax - Part Two
You Okay?
FLASHBACK: Last Morning in Chicago
Lingerie Lunch in Bed with Matteo, Part One
Cuddling (and Eating) in Bed with Matteo, Part Two
Expertise and Regrets: The Expertise
Expertise and Regrets: The Regrets
Heart Stopping, Plan Changing News
Is This Really a Good Idea?
Comforting and Talking: Not Going
Comforting and Talking: Remind me Who I'm Married To?
Grace Casey
Kyle and Stephen Severide
A Toast to Fatherhood
Family Time, Bedtime - Part One
Family Time, Bed Time - Part Two
Pre-Business Meeting Shower
Pre-Business Meetings Cuddles
Reversal: Talking Business in Bed
Hi Beautiful, Hi Handsome
Postpartum Time
Office Conversations
Post-Breakfast Cuddles and Conversations
The Conversations Continue
A Walk on the Beach with the Boys
Home Sweet Home
Lunch Time Cuddles and Podcasts, Part One
Lunch Time Cuddles and Podcasts, Part Two
Time to Strip Down, and Relax in Bed - Part One
Time to Strip Down, and Relax in Bed - Part Two
Day Five
Hey, You're Okay - Part One
Hey, You're Okay - Part Two
Aloha Sexy Thing
Welcome Back to Hawaii: 21st Floor, CEO's Office
Welcome Back to Hawaii: 25th Floor Penthouse
We Have Time
A Weekend Alone is Exactly What we Need - Part One
A Weekend Alone is Exactly What we Need - Part Two
Where is Our Forever Home
Matt Daydream - Part One
Matt Daydream - Part Two
Hawaii is Our Forever Home, Part One
Hawaii is Our Forever Home, Part Two
How are Jay, Alex, and the Twins? - Part One
How are Jay, Alex, and the Twins? - Part Two
A Night of Rest and Relaxation Only, Part One
A Night of Rest and Relaxation Only, Part Two
Time, Part One
Time, Part Two
Tripler Army Medical Center, Part One
Tripler Army Medical Center, Part Two
You Fell Asleep in My Arms
They Had to Restart your Heart
The Start of Part Two

What Does This Mean for Us?

37 2 0
By OneChicagobyA

Hi Readers: What do you guys think of the new contract that I just gave to Casey? I hope that you guys like it and are ready for a wild ride that comes with it. Yes, you heard that right; a wild ride that comes with them getting this contract. But, what exactly do I mean by that? Well, you'll just have to read to find out, now won't you? Here's Chapter Sixty-Three.

After getting the news of their new contract, all of the friends decided to go back home so that they can celebrate; celebrate the news that they all received recently that was, in fact, great news. They are still just starting their company, yet they just got a really big contract with a major fire department; and that was something that Matt really liked. However, there was something that Matt didn't like about getting this new contract; and it was the reaction that his wife had to it. While yes, Gabby was more than thrilled for her husband that he got the contract. But that didn't mean that Gabby was all that okay with the fact that they now had this contract, as it also gave her pause; it made her worry about something, which also made her want to sit down in bed as she thought about the news that Matt just shared with them at the beach. But more specifically, about what it would mean for her and Matt; yes, you heard that right. What it would mean for her and Matt. And that was exactly what she was in the midst of thinking about right now, how this contract would affect her marriage. Why she's thinking this way? Gabby had no clue. But it was how she was thinking right now, and she had no way to stop it; other than by talking about it, of course. But she had to talk about it with her husband, and only him.

Luckily, Matt just came out of the closet after getting dressed, and that meant that she had the opportunity to talk to him; an opportunity that Matt was going to give to her, as he was concerned. After all the talking that they did prior to going to the beach, about her having thought that she was pregnant (and how thrilled she was about it); he couldn't help but wonder if it was related to that thought that she had, the thought that she was pregnant. And while they both knew that Gabby wasn't pregnant, Matt could tell based on her reaction that she wasn't really that relieved; rather, she seemed to have been a bit more disappointed over the fact that she wasn't pregnant. Thinking that was what Gabby was thinking about, Matt decided to speak to her about it while grabbing his watch from his dresser and putting it on. But how do you start a conversation like the one Matt wants to have with Gabby as they sit in bed together this afternoon, a conversation he (thinks) she wants to have with him right now? Well, maybe we can start it off with a bit of humor. "You know, not being pregnant right now isn't all that bad; it just means that we get to try again, and again..." Looking up at Matt when he said that, Gabby was confused; and that gave Matt pause, as he really feels like he screwed up now with the topic.

"Oh, I guess I misread the situation." Gabby sighed as she heard Matt say that, before nodding; that's when Gabby decided to turn the conversation to a topic that would make things, a bit more comfortable (maybe). "Uhm, I just checked on the boys; and my mom said that they would be asleep for a bit longer." Matt agreed with his wife as she told him that, glad that was the case; especially when he can clearly see that she needs to talk to him right now, and that is exactly what they're going to do right now. They're going to talk to each other as they relax in bed, and just breathe; it's what Gabby does for him when he's having PTSD, or just having other problems. So, it's what he plans on doing for his wife; after all, it's what husband and wives do for each other. They support each other, and they help them get through whatever problems are currently on their minds; no matter the problem, they always help each other out, and support each other to the best of their abilities. And ever since Matt and Gabby got back together last September, that's exactly what Matt has done (with ease); after all, Gabby is the love of his life, and the mother of his children. And he wants her to be his wife for the rest of his life, which is exactly what she's going to be if he has it his way; and that's why he decided to go close the door to their room.

Walking over to the door, Matt grabbed the handle and made sure to close it quietly so that they can be alone right now; he just knows (based on how Gabby is acting right now), that it's what she needs from him. Yes, are they going to celebrate the contract with their friends this afternoon? Of course, they are, because it's a big deal; but that's not what Matt is going to prioritize, because that's never going to be his priority. What they need to celebrate, it's just a business deal; this is his marriage, and his family. When they were still "poor" and on their road trip, Matt promised Gabby that their marriage would always be his priority; and that wasn't going to change, just because they have a business deal to celebrate with their friends right now. "I can clearly see that you have something on your mind right now Gabby." Gabby took a breath when she heard Matt say that, as she most definitely did have something on her mind right now. "Yeah." Matt agreed with his wife when she said that, continuing to make his way over to their King-Size Bed. A bed that comes in quite handy when they want to cuddle up to each other. "You want me to hold you as we talk about what's on your mind?" Gabby nodded as Matt asked her whether she wanted him to hold her as they talk about what's on her mind, as she does.

Agreeing with her, Matt smiled as he acknowledged her request; after which, he walked around their bed so that he can join his wife in bed. That way, he can hold her close and make her feel comfortable, and extremely loved (which is something that Gabby always feels anyways). But right now, she just needs a bit of love; and that's due to the fact that she has a lot on her mind, things that only Matt can really help her with (as it relates to their marriage). And when it comes to things that relate to their marriage, Matt is more than happy to talk to her about them day or night; because nothing is more important to him than their marriage.


Sitting in bed with Gabby shortly after joining her in bed, Matt smiled as he held her close while leaning back against her pillow; and to say that Matt was comfortable truly was an understatement, because he was extra comfortable for the simple fact that he had his beautiful wife all cuddled up to him as he sat in bed with her right now. Turning his head to show her that, Matt smiled as he proceeded to kiss her forehead and just held the woman he loves more than anything close to him. He then whispered to her and just smiled. "So, what's on your mind?" Taking a breath, Gabby sighed. "It's stupid, and probably nothing..." Matt shook his head as he heard Gabby say that, as that most definitely was not the truth. Nothing is stupid when she's worrying about it, because she always has a reason to worry about something. "Hey, I don't want to hear you say that whatsoever. Gabby, you aren't stupid. You're brilliant, as are your designs that you create for ELLA Apparel." Gabby sighed when Matt asked her that. "Yeah, might have to give up on that dream." Matt looked down at his wife when she said that, shocked that she would even say that; especially when ELLA is her project.

"Hey, why in the world would you even think that way Gabby? Gabby, please; I want you to talk to me, and tell me what's going on. What's gotten into you? I mean, that was such a weird comment." Gabby sighed as she turned her head and looked at Matt. "Matt, you're going to be hard at work for this deal. I don't want to work hard on ELLA, and risk what we have when we..." Matt just looked at Gabby when she said that. "Woah, slow down. What in the world are you talking about Gabby? Slow down and tell me what's on your mind there Ms. Casey." Gabby sighed as she looked up at Matt. "Matt, we're going to be so busy...what if we get too busy for our marriage? And what if something happens? That's why I think it's best for me to...." Matt then proceeded to lean in, and kissed Gabby so that he could stop her from talking before she says anything else that she may regret; especially when it comes to not working, as that was not happening. Nor was what she was worried about, when it came to him getting too busy for her (or the boys). That was the last thing that was going to happen, and that's just a fact that he plans on telling Gabby right now; to calm her down.

"Okay, slow the heck down and just take a breath Gabby." Gabby took a breath for Matt when he said that, doing as she was told to do. She knew that this was going to be complicated, and that she was going to have to explain more things to Matt. "Matt, I'm just worried what this deal means for us? For our marriage? For our family?" Matt just stared into Gabby's eyes when she asked him that, clearly able to see that she truly was worried about that right now; and that scared him, that she didn't know ahead of time that he would always prioritize their marriage. Well, he at least hopes that she knows that deep down; or else, he will remind her (which he will regardless). Gabby should never have to worry about this, because she's the love of his life; and there's nobody else that he wants to be with. No deal will ever be more important to him, than his family, and their boys. "Gabby, please, breathe for me baby; just take a breath and listen to me okay?" Gabby agreed with Matt as he told her to listen to him, which she did afterwards. "Gabby, you're my wife, and the love of my life; that is always going to be the place that you have in my life." Gabby agreed with Matt, smiling.

"Gabby, I already told you this before. The business, it's something that I am doing on the side; it is not my priority, you are my priority. You, Matteo, and Noah are my world; and you will always come before the business, because that is just the truth of the matter. Gabby, I could've worked today because it's a business day; but I instead decided to spend time with you, and our friends, because that was what mattered more to me today. We have been under so much stress recently, that I knew that you needed me today; but you didn't need me as Chairman and CEO Matt Casey. Rather, you needed me as Matt: the man you love, your husband. I know when you need me to just be your husband, and when you need me to be a businessman." Gabby agreed with Matt as he told her that, looking up into his eyes at the same time. "Gabby, this deal; it means nothing for our marriage, because nothing is going to change. Sure, am I going to be a bit busier? Of course, I may be a bit busier, that's just what happens when you get a big deal like this." Gabby agreed with Matt when he told her that, smiling. "But does that mean that I'm going to neglect you, or the boys? Absolutely not."

Gabby smiled as she heard Matt say that, before leaning in and proceeding to kiss the man she loves more than anything in the entire world; just taking things nice and slow with him, Gabby couldn't help but smile. After all, he is the love of her life; and there is nobody else that she'd rather be doing this with right now. Matt is the only man for her, and they both know that's the case. Putting her hand on Matt's face, Gabby smiled due to the fact that she was incredibly happy right now. Leaning his forehead against Gabby's, Matt smiled as he stared into her eyes. "Gabby, I mean everything that I just said to you okay? You're always going to be my priority, along with the boys. I know what it's like to almost loose you, and I am not going to do anything that can risk our marriage again." Gabby agreed with Matt when he said that, well aware that was the case. "Oh, I am well aware that's the case; especially considering my brother is here, and he would beat your ass if you did anything to screw us up." Matt laughed as he heard Gabby say that, before bending down to kiss her softly; just taking things slow with her afterwards, Matt smiled at his beautiful wife.

"By the way, can we talk about something else before we head downstairs?" Gabby nodded. "What is it baby?" Matt sighed as he looked down into Gabby's eyes. "It's about that pregnancy test that you took." Gabby took a breath when she heard Matt say that, before nodding. "Gabby, I thought you were on birth control, or had an IUD." Gabby sighed. "I took it out, remember? It was hurting me. I know, it was during that time where things were crazy; but it was hurting so much, that I just took it out." Matt agreed with Gabby when she said that, starting to think back to that time; he then remembered a conversation that they had, and just agreed. "Okay, I get that." Gabby took a breath as she looked at the man she loves. "If you want me to put another one in...." Matt shook his head when he heard Gabby ask him whether he wants her to put another one in, because that was the last thing that he wanted her to do. "Hey, of course not Gabby." Looking up into Matt's eyes, Gabby could tell that this was a time for her to listen; rather than speak right now, and just let him talk to her instead. Maybe then, she will understand without having to ask questions.

"Gabby, the last thing I want is for you to be hurting if you are using a medical device. If it was hurting you, and you told me about it; then I would've told you to take it out, and that we would figure it out. I would not have yet you keep it in even if you begged me to keep it in. What matters is that you're comfortable, not the fact that it stops us from getting pregnant. We have other ways to do that." Gabby agreed with Matt when he said that, before taking a breath. "Matt, that's the thing. You remember what I told you about how I was taking that test?" Matt agreed with Gabby when she said that. "I forgot whether I told you that I was relieved when it came back negative but...." Matt then realized what Gabby was trying to tell him right now. "You were actually sad that you weren't pregnant?" Gabby took a breath when Matt said that. "Listen, I know that we said that we wanted to wait; and I know that it's not healthy to do it so fast, but I actually really liked the idea of it. And I just...I want to keep the possibility open." Matt agreed with his wife when she said that, understanding. "So, you don't want to use contraception anymore?" Gabby took a breath as she looked at Matt.

"I think it's related to how hard it was for us to have the boys." Matt nodded as he heard Gabby say that, before moving to press his lips to her forehead as a way to tell her that he understands where she's coming from. "And with us having all of those difficulties getting pregnant with them, then I am not sure if I am really okay with us trying to avoid a pregnancy; especially after all we went through last year, trying to get pregnant after we gave Bria back to her dad. And then, how that affected out marriage; and in fact, almost caused us to go our separate ways. I just.... having thought about it, and having had to take a test. It made me rethink all of the decisions we made, and what we went through over the past year just to have the boys. After having had to go through all of that, I just..." Matt just started to understand where she was coming from. "You don't want to experience that stress again, of having to feel like we're struggling to get pregnant?" Gabby agreed with Matt, sighing. "I mean, we have the boys now; and I love that, and I would be happy if we were done after them..." Matt just looked at his wife as she said that, knowing that wasn't the truth.

Snickering, Gabby agreed with Matt. "Okay, I would definitely still want to keep trying. But, I just..." Matt understood where Gabby was coming from. "You don't want to prevent something that we've always wanted anymore?" Gabby agreed with Matt, as that was exactly what she was thinking. "Yeah, that's exactly what I'm thinking." Matt agreed with Gabby when she told him that, completely understanding where she was coming from; but that didn't mean that he wasn't nervous. "Listen, I get the IUD thing, and I get the whole wanting to just let it happen naturally. But uhm..." Gabby just looked at Matt. "Do you not feel the same way baby? Because I want us to be on the same page." Matt just looked at Gabby when she said that. "Hey, of course I feel the same way Gabby; just not right now. Right now, I think it's the wrong time to get pregnant. I mean, with everything that's going on. Between us already having the boys, the media storm, the company, it's a lot." Gabby agreed with Matt when he said that, understanding where her husband was coming from. "And the truth is, I'm not sure if I'm ready." Gabby just looked at Matt as he said that, before hearing him out.

"The boys are already 7 weeks old, but that doesn't mean I'm ready. I want to have time with my wife." Matt then went to explain what he meant. "Gabby, since you came back to Chicago in late September; you were pregnant already. The past seven weeks have been the first few weeks where I haven't had to worry about you being pregnant or having to worry about my wife dying." Gabby took a breath when she heard Matt say that, as she knew that was something that was always on her mind. "And yes, I knew that you didn't have the aneurysm; but that doesn't mean that it wasn't still in my mind, or that I really understood all of it. Yes, I knew you weren't going to die, and I knew that we were going to have this life together; but that doesn't mean that I'm not there yet. To tell you the truth, I'm still in a headspace where I'm scared; scared that this is all a dream, and that I'm going to wake up...and I'll be a single dad to Matteo and Noah." Gabby just looked at Matt when he said that, shocked that he said that. "Really baby?" Matt agreed with her. "Yeah, and I'm sorry that I haven't said anything; it's just something that's hard to talk about. You know...." Gabby agreed.

"I understand Matt." Matt agreed with Gabby when she told him that, glad that she understands where he's coming from right now. "I just don't feel like I'm in a place where I can do it yet, especially not when I still have so much to figure out with my PTSD. Gabby, I hate to say this but...I think that I need to really concentrate on just getting things in order, or more in order than they are now before we go ahead and try and get pregnant again. I mean, we're billionaires now. It's a lot to deal with, and we have a lot to talk about when it comes to that; and just how we're going to deal with all of it. And right now, I am not sure what's going on. But what I do know is that I am your husband, and Matteo and Noah's father. I have a CEO with a lot of employees, and that's already a lot of stress. I'm a former firefighter, who has PTSD and is still trying to figure things out. Gabby, you remember what I told you." Gabby agreed with Matt when he said that, specifically about the PTSD. "I told you that I hide stuff from you about it, to keep the stress down during your pregnancy." Gabby agreed with Matt when he said that, well aware that was something that he did for her.

"And I don't want to do that again yet. I want to have you as my partner as we figure this out, and we figure out how this will all work. I mean, we're still making decisions; and we're thinking about a service dog, which would be something else. I mean, we need to figure out what that means for us. Would the dog stay at home, or would he travel with us? Can we get a dog that's easy to travel with for business? It also needs to be a dog that gets along with Max, because I am going to be travelling with him. Do we want to get a similar dog to what Jay has?" Gabby thought about that and agreed with her husband. "Gabby, I think that's something that we need to figure out first; before we think about another baby. We need to figure out what we're going to do when it comes to a service dog. Once we have that figured out, we need to go through the process, and we need to do all of that. Gabby, with all of that going on; I think it'd be best if we wait. Let's wait until the boys are maybe 18 months old, and just enjoy this time we have with them; then we go ahead." Gabby smiled when she heard Matt say that because she actually likes that idea. "So, Fall 2020 at the earliest?" Matt smiled at Gabby.

"That was the exact timeline that I was thinking about, because it means that we get over a year to just get things settled. Gabby, we haven't had it easy since we got married; and we've never been able to really just sit down and take things as they come. We've always been on a rush to have a kid, and then everything. But you know what? We don't need to do that now, because we can wait to have another baby. I want to wait to have another baby, and I just want to take our sweet time. Sure, I loved taking care of you while you were pregnant..." Gabby smiled as I said that. "But for now, I don't want to have to worry about you being pregnant, when I have a lot more on my mind. We need to get my PTSD figured out, and we need to do some other things first. In fact, I may even want to take you on a second honeymoon. Maybe we can go to Paris for our anniversary this year?" Gabby smirked as she heard Matt say that. "Oui, oui, mon amour." Matt smiled as he heard Gabby say that, before kissing her softly this (early) afternoon.

"I want to give you all of that, and more before we think about having another baby; how does that sound?" Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, smiling as she most certainly liked the sound of going to Paris, France with her husband. "I have an even better proposal. Maybe we get pregnant in Paris." Matt smirked as he heard Gabby say that, most definitely liking the sound of that. "Oh, I definitely love the sound of that." Gabby agreed with Matt as he told her that, smiling as she was glad that he liked the idea of them getting pregnant in Paris. Putting her hand on his cheek, Gabby smiled as she kissed him softly. "Can we also agree not to be mad if it happens though? If it happens baby, then let's just be happy that it happened in the first place." Matt agreed with Gabby when she said that, because that most certainly was something that was going to be the truth. "Hey, of course baby. I am going to be extremely happy if it happens. I don't want you to think I'm not going to be happy if it happens, because I most certainly will be." Gabby agreed.

Leaning in, she smiled as she went ahead and kissed Matt softly; that was, until they were disturbed by the sound of their sons. "So much for keeping them asleep." Gabby smiled. "They weren't asleep, they were just in their room; remember baby? My mom said that they woke up like 30 minutes ago, and they were about to get them when I said that we would. So, let's bring them with us, they can come celebrate the contract with us. They can drink milk, while we drink champagne." Matt agreed with Gabby when she said that, smiling as he got up off their bed. Watching as Gabby crawled over the bed (to his side), Matt smirked as he stood there and just looked at his girl. After which, he watched as she stood on her knees. Getting close to Gabby, Matt smiled as he wrapped his arms around her; putting her hands on Matt's chest, Gabby smirked as she bent down and proceeded to kiss her dreamy husband softly. Taking things nice and slow with him, Gabby smirked due to the fact that Matt truly is the love of her life. "I love you." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that. "And I love you." Gabby smiled as she heard Matt say that, before getting off of their bed so that she and Matt can go get the boys; after which, they'll go be with their friends.

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